An evergreen take, really.
— Drew Magary (@drewmagary) June 30, 2019
If you are a devout member of the Church of the Bleeding-Heart Liberal, it can sometimes be hard to stay single-minded in your choice of target. Maybe they had a difficult childhood! Maybe they’re just too dumb to understand what they’re saying! But then there are people like NYTimes opinionator Bret Stephens, who are richly compensated to say unforgivable things — and, bless him, people like Drew Magary who are (much less richly) compensated to respond:
… Bret Stephens went ahead and ruined everyone else’s by scribbling out a bunch of racist bumper sticker slogans in the New York Times. And this time, ol’ Bret did so without the veneer of preciousness that he usually grants to everything he touches…
what on earth is happening in this paragraph
— Matt Pearce ? (@mattdpearce) June 29, 2019
Nothing bad is gonna happen to Bret Stephens for this, of course. He lives in the same magical fairy-tale land other conservative dudes live in where they receive the largest bullhorn and grandest sum of money possible to cry out to the world that they’ve been sent to the guillotine for daring to speak their precious truths… The Times isn’t gonna fire Bret Stephens. That joint employs some genuinely excellent take havers, such as Charles Blow. But the people in charge over there know that what REALLY drives engagement is letting smug pricks like Stephens and Bari Weiss and four-eyed penis David Brooks scream DEMOCRATS DON’T UNDERSTAND HOW TO PLEASE ME from inside the battlements of a supposed fortress of impregnable liberalism…
Stephens should apologize for being who he is every fucking day of the week. He’s a repulsive slug of a man. That the Times would let Stephens indulge in the cycle of saying nasty shit and then arrogantly proclaiming that he expects people like Soledad O’Brien—who has had herself quite a week interacting with enormous alt-right shitbags—to apologize to him for daring to question him, is emblematic of the way the paper of record allows itself to get worked over by our least oppressed members of society positing that they are actually history’s greatest victims. Employing Bret Stephens means the Times gets to dodge criticism for being too liberal by going, “Look guys, we even let a shithead like Bret Stephens onto our pages!” Therefore, Stephens gets ample inches of column space to sort out who counts as a real American and who does not, and even makes sure to take an indirect jab at people who seek refuge here and end up dying because of the right wing’s institutional hatred and indifference toward them. And then… THEN… he gets to performatively wallow in the misery he’s sown…
And Stephens, of all people, has the predictable gall to say that everyone ELSE is the reason Trump is gonna win in 2020. It couldn’t possibly be because supposed guardians of democracy have foolishly offered STEPHENS asylum, helping disseminate his garbage into the mainstream and to act as sentry for the entrenched powers that be, and then paying him handsomely for the privilege. Nooooo… couldn’t be. I’d tell this pile of shit to take a look in the mirror. But I already know he’d gladly take me up on the offer, just for all the wrong reasons.
(Bret sighs heavily) “I guess I’m going to have to explain my FUCK OFF WE’RE FULL bumper sticker to you, the little people, one more time…”
— Drew Magary (@drewmagary) June 30, 2019
All these guys try to sound like they’re fucking Dean of Students on here
— Drew Magary (@drewmagary) June 30, 2019
Miss Bianca
He had me at
The bunghole is a climate change denier and is the opposite of loyal opposition. I have written to the nyt about him twice and I hope they get buried in outraged letters. He is neither principled nor conservative.
Maybe someone should point out to Bret Stephens that the first European language spoken in the western hemisphere was Spanish. And yes, that included some of those parts of the western hemisphere that have since been overrun by English speaking invading immigrants and incorporated into what is now the USA.
Casual racism seems to have rotted their minds of the areas where it would normally tell them not to use their outside voice with their casual racism.
And the FNYT pays them for it. I am so thankful the Times gets zero coin from me.
Roger Moore
Being buried in outraged letters is exactly why FTFNYT loves him. They’re in the business of selling papers and clicks, and outrage is a proven way of doing it. His employer would be much angrier if they got only a handful of tepid letters, or no letters at all, in response to his columns; that would be proof that he’s not “driving engagement”.
@Neldob: Christ Bret Stephens is an Ahole. Immigrants make this country function- crackers don’t
How many racist fucks does NYT employ on its op-ed pages?
Dorothy A. Winsor
Overheard at dinner. Four old white guys at the table behind me. One of them starts talking about his great-granddaughter, age 9, who’s been invited to testify before Congress. She has diabetes and that’s the subject she’s asked to talk on, so I assume it’s a health insurance hearing. Anyway, the kid said she was excited to testify but she didn’t want to meet “Mr. Trump.” That left them all reeling for a minute, until one of them joked she should be severely beaten. He then asked where she was from, I assume checking to see if we were talking about “western liberalism” here. For the record, she’s from Maine. Her great-grandfather said he knew the younger generation was liberal. He just didn’t know it went down to age 9.
Anyway, he sounded proud of her and no one got too bent out of shape. But it was an interesting moment.
They want to beat up a 9 year old diabetic child? And you say that no one got too bent of shape?
Gelfling 545
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Who would want to expose a child as young as 9 to Trump?
I {heart} Drew Magary and am glad we still have him among us after his recent scare/deep dive into our healthcare industrial complex.
Take it to these fuckers hammer and tongs, Mr. Magary!
“I have known [obvious Nazi] twenty years and he does not have a [Nazi] bone in his body.” Nazism and racism don’t begin in the skeleton, you fucking knob.
I have refused to read Bret Stephens after he penned his screed mocking the white working class. Source I will not give the NYT the benefit of my clicks for shit as stinky as what Bret Stephens writes.
But try to imagine that the same person who boldly satirized that we should deport aggrieved white people in favor of immigrants also wrote his most recent column, basically an “us versus them” slur on immigrants. So it seems that Bret Stephens thinks that he and people like him are who Nietzsche talked about as ubermensch, destined to rule the rest of us, and that Democrats and basically everyone else should part like the Red Sea so that Bret can have his wonderful life sucking up to billionaires.
“Skeletal Nazis. I hate skeletal Nazis.”
If America is so damn full as they insist it is, then bring on the manatory abortions, right!? We’re full we’re full!
Alright, alright, alright, don’t know if I posted bout it at BJ, but I a little over a week ago, I applied for this position as a Microbiology Lab Education Coordinator. It’s a non-bench position, and from what I got from the listing…it’s low-level mgmt position.
I’ve been thinking for a while now about geting out of the lab as a bench tech and instead getting into mgmt, supervisor or higher. Microbiology is my first love, but it’s hard to find positions above bench tech that will allow me to continue in some capacity in the Micro lab but NOT have to be bothered with the ego and attitudes that you get from doctors and administrators.
It’s also the case that it’s hard to find lead or supervisory positions in Micro because folks don’t just leave the job until death, retirement, or life changing event. My pursuit of the HCM degree is an attempt to circumvent that route to a supervisory/management position. Obviously I just started the degree program, so I’ve got at least another 1 1/2 -2 yrs before graduating…and this position could be a perfect experience to add to my resume along with the HSM Masters!
Long story short…I applied…I heard back today and they want to set up a phone inteerview to discuss my qualifications!! I’m hoping to set it up for this Wednesday or the next Wednesday!
Anyhoo, as the elders say, I’m stepping out on faith and claiming this job as mine until it isn’t!
@lamh36: Good luck!
Heather Timmons (@HeathaT) Tweeted:
Anna, the “Homeland Security reporter” for the right-wing Washington Examiner, is a former spokesperson for FAIR, an anti-immigration group. (She’s a favorite go-to leak for Stephen Miller and his go-betweens)
@lamh36: Sweet! And good luck!
Mary G
The butthurt outrage over the “how dare you call me a racist” on Twitter was amusing over the weekend. Max Boot is an example of a Never-Trumper Republican that’s going to put Twitler in the “disappeared and we don’t ever speak of him,” just like the did GWB. He’ll be praising Tom Cotton or whoever their next nominee, even though he’ll disagreed with all his policies, because he’s a serious person in comparison with President Warren/Harris.
i don’t give a fuck if his bones are bigoted, his thought processes obviously are
Dorothy A. Winsor
@schrodingers_cat: It was a joke. A tasteless one, but clearly a joke.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@lamh36: Yay!
Mary G
@lamh36: You’ll knock it out of the park!
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Not funny.
Odds are pretty good that his family members in fact did break the rules to get into this country.
Da phuq ? ?
Emma Best ?️?? (@NatSecGeek) Tweeted:
FBI claims to have lost the file on the neo-nazi group Stormfront.
Sure, Jan.
@lamh36: Good luck.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) Tweeted:
What’s haunting is that the women I met with today told me in no uncertain terms that they would experience retribution for telling us what they shared.
They all began sobbing – out of fear of being punished, out of sickness, out of desperation, lack of sleep, trauma, despair.
Omnes Omnibus
@rikyrah: This file exists only on paper? Seems odd to me.
Actually it was Old Norse, but that didn’t last long.
Bret may not have a bigoted bone, but he’s got a bunch of bigoted organs and muscles to write that paragraph.
Bret may not have a bigoted bone in his body, but then his sort usually has ectoskeletons.
Omnes Omnibus
@Origuy: It is my understanding that there was a group of indigenous people in the Nova Scotia area who said “skål” before drinking anything.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
Omnes Omnibus
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: An asshole. Do I win the prize?
Lawyers for Ted Cruz’s Campaign Compare Him to Rosa Parks in FEC Lawsuit via @thedailybeast
Yesss…. AG Tish…I love the “…call me Mr. Tibbs” vibe of it!
Hey Max, why don’t you (or Stephens) tell us exactly what ‘principles’ ol’ Bret has that are worth defending here?
I’ll wait. I have a funny feeling they involve bootstraps regardless of whether or not folks have boots
“We” are the second largest Spanish speaking nation on the planet.
@Omnes Omnibus: I’ve never heard that, but I suppose it’s possible. The Norse didn’t last long in Newfoundland, and according to the Vinlandsagas didn’t interact much with the locals, but the Norse Greenlanders probably traded with them for centuries.
This statement from the press secretary has to be seen to be believed:
I really don’t want to hear about “rules” from European Americans, who in bulk migrated here following a different set of rules altogether. And have specifically set up an legal immigration system with rules that are purposefully meant to mute the potential political power of working class Mexican and Central American immigrants. Someone kept on changing the rules, and it wasn’t the guy working as a day laborer or the woman working in a hotel.
Who set the caps so low that it takes a decade to reunite a family. Who threw up barriers like English tests and history exams? Who keeps raising the costs to apply for naturalization? Who is that supposed to help?
Here’s a nice rule change that could have 8.3 million children taken out of CHIP so that their parents won’t lose their legal residency status. And no, these aren’t just the children of “illegals”. They are the children of green card holders, and many of those children are citizens. Who decided that that was an issue. And with this rule almost every refugee who hasn’t become a citizen could now end up without a visa because someone, most likely a nice church resettlement worker, legally signed them up.
Who made it so?
I’m still laughing.
(P.S. When the new site is rolled out, will we be able to say “penis” without getting thrown in the slammer?)
Omnes Omnibus
@Origuy: I am sincerely not sure how to respond to this.
There can be no greater condemnation than “Max Boot likes him.”
Uhhh, wut? Sure Rafael, sure thing.
That’s it, I’m having some lawyer to declare me to be Bill Gates so I can harvest Bill Gates’ Microsoft stock. That should be plenty.
They didn’t elect Trump. That makes them aces in my book.
Omnes Omnibus
@SiubhanDuinne: Free Willy!
Just look at you now!
@Omnes Omnibus:
Just Chuck
“They speak Spanish. We don’t.”
Who’s this “we”, pendejo?
Not a racist bone my ass. This is racism as naked as it gets.
Good luck.
Not really a complete concern here, but…
1) I saw a Lachlan Markay (don’t know him) tweet with a picture of a pro-trumpov “float”, more or less, being pulled down Connecticut Ave blasting “God Bless America” this afternoon, and
2) I personally saw a big ol’ pickup truck with its very large trumpov freak flag flying from the back, asshole bumper stickers and what not all over the truck, etc, just yesterday in Fairfax, VA – not exactly a hotbed of blood-red conservatism
It’ll be interesting to see if this is some sort of under-the-radar intimidation attempt, or at the very least a paid attempt to create the illusion of support for this criminal regime. They’re already putting up fake Facebook ads with younger folks (using stock photos) and they’ve already got the fake Biden site going.
Keep your eyes and ears open, peeps.
@burnspbesq: Max Boot’s previous high dudgeon was over his good friend Eliott Abrams being shamed (if he were capable of shame) by Congress when he testified because of his supposed expertise in dealing with the situation in Venezuela.
Good luck!
Chyron HR
@Gelfling 545:
Better than Trump exposing himself to a 9-year-old.
@lamh36: That is fabulous, wonderful, terrific news!! Best of luck and let us know how it goes!
“We already paid those taxes.” Say What Bret? You and your corporate friends have it all set up to avoid paying taxes. Maybe you’re too fucking stupid to take those advantages, but don’t go whining about taxes. So how are your Republican tax breaks coming along?
@Omnes Omnibus:
LOL! The makers of that movie franchise could have named that Orca anything — Algernon, or Clarence, or Oreo, or Mr. Purr Puff — but NO! they gave him a name and film title ripe for 10,000 prepubescent-boy jokes.
** Innocently ** Do you suppose they did that on purpose?
(Or “on porpoise,” because I know someone will go there if I don’t preëmpt right smartish.)
I wouldn’t be so sure about this. Lots of things can happen when everything goes to hell.
this thread from Joaquin Castro!!
Fabulous! Keep us posted!
The worship of “job creators” that is preached by conservatives is foolish.
Anyone who buys goods and services is a job creator. The idea that there is some blessed class of “job creators” in America to whom we must genuflect because They Say We Have To is a sham.
Roger Moore
If you wish to be pedantic- and I often lean that way- the prime meridian runs through Greenwich, so substantial chunks of Europe are in the Western Hemisphere. That means people have been speaking European languages in the Western Hemisphere since time immemorial.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I’m both repelled and fascinated that they’re still trotting out the idea that Trumpkins create jobs and pay taxes
My heart, it bleeds.
The continental divide between North America and Europe is in Iceland. However, culturally, Iceland is the far western edge of Europe, and not the far eastern edge of the Americas.
@George: We don’t have kings to worship as the avatar of the Gods, so we are creating our own to fill in the gaps in our mind.
Basically I’m saying that conservatives are mental degenerates, but I don’t think that’s a controversial assertion… here at least.
Roger Moore
Good. Falling fundraising totals are the best way of driving grifters out of the campaign.
Way too many.
Patricia Kayden
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Hahahahaha!! Because severely beating a nine year old is such a freaking joke. Hope the kid does well with her testimony and is spared from meeting the Orange Bigot.
@Roger Moore:
Memory, and the quickest of map checks, tells me that European countries in the Western Hemisphere are largely most of the U.K., France, Spain, and Portugal. (I’m not including the tinies like Andorra and Monaco.)
I play a couple of daily online trivia quizzes which sometimes include categories of “Eastern Hemisphere” countries, and the answers, though accurate, are often a surprise.
@Roger Moore: Well, only if 1851 is time immemorial..
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Almost 40 years now of:
– “Government IS the problem!”
– welfare queen moochers
– bucks with t-bones
– ‘dirty’ immigrants (my bad: that one is actually 200 years old)
– trickle-down economics
– demonizing liberals as anti-American
– class warfare, gender warfare, gay rights, all of it
– “the rich are the job creators!”
– “taxation is theft!”
– “WE’RE the ones who pay all the taxes!”
and this is what happens, I guess.
It’s the only smear job that is older than the one they put on Hillz.
Most of them, Katie.
Good luck!
Roger Moore
If you’re going to claim that there was no Western Hemisphere until the prime meridian was established, that’s fine, but in that case it doesn’t make much sense to talk about which European language was first spoken there.
thx guys,
I’m hoping the recruiter responds tomorrow and schedules the phone interview for this Wednesday so I don’t have to go through the long holiday weekend with anticipation.
But I do know that many folks might take the day before the 4th off from work…so we’ll see, I might still have to wait until next week…boo hoo
Miss Bianca
@scav: I shouldn’t be loving this response as much as I am. Right?
Miss Bianca
Yay, yes, lamh! Love your philosophy as expressed in this last sentence! And best of luck to you!
Best wishes.
“How well do you perform under pressure?”
“Not well at all, but I can do a pretty good Bohemian Rapsody.”
I was a job creator for decades. OK my customers customers customers, were the job creators but still, I signed the paychecks. What I did was be the conduit for that money that we earned building tools that the customers used to create the things that their customers bought to sell to everyone – their customers.
IOW Yep. The only job creators are the people who purchase the products from the money they earn selling products and services to each other. And a lot of the rich folks production is based upon all the rest of us using money. They produce nothing, they prosper from moving money, something that does nothing for anyone but themselves.
Everyone who listens to Trump suffers the consequences.
Even if you grant Stevens the benefit of the ironic voice, I still have no idea what the hell he thinks Democrats can do to win over his generic catoon racist voters other than pandering to their racism.
Corporate tax cuts.
Middle Ages Conditions is going to lead to Middle Ages Retribution.
Only if they accept negative cuts.
Baghdad Bob should complain that they’re stealing his act.
Dean Baquet: We need more clicks damnit! I asked you for clicks and retweets!
Bret Stephens: Sir, I have an article ready for the op-ed pages where I type out the n-word 800 times.
Dean Baquet: Run it.
@lamh36: This sounds great! Hope it works out for you.
Regular Republicans lost their own primary with stuff like “job creators”.
Why don’t they work on Republicanism and try to make it more appealing to Republican voters? Seems a stretch to think Republican voters rejected it and Democratic voters will pick it up.
They’re scolding us because they don’t want to talk to or about their own base, who overwhelmingly approve of and admire Donald Trump. Go lecture them.
May it be so! Good for you, lamh36. You’re a champion!
Reason # [Jupiter and beyond the infinite] why the MFNYFT will not get another cent from me. Although I do still enjoy stealing their Xword puzzles online. (Thanks, Seattle Times!)
Another day ending in MADRE DE DIOS WHY?!
Compare and contrast to Trump’s foofing of Kim Jong Un.
We are so fucked.
Keith P.
@TenguPhule: Hopefully, that puts an end to any thoughts of VP Pompeo. But knowing Trump, not if they can find some staffer to pin it on (and fire, and then hire onto the Trump 2020 campaign)
@lamh36: Good luck! ?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
large parts of his brain are frozen in different years. This one fits in with my theory that the happiest day of his childhood was when one of his father secretaries took him to the movies on a Saturday and bought him candy. He saw Sherman tanks on the newsreels. That’s where I think Space Force comes from. Also…
I am sending you my best wishes for your interview!
Gee, maybe he’ll arrange to have Diamond and Silk pop out of them on cue, wearing star spangled bikinis. //
@Just Chuck:
Someone might point out to Mr Stephens that he himself speaks Spanish, which he learned when he was welcomed as an immigrant in Mexico
The fucking ICE raids are back on again.
@NotMax: Thank you for that image, I just threw up in my mouth a little. //s
@TenguPhule: we haven’t made any new Sherman tanks since 1945
@Keith P.: All of Trump’s appointees are doing this. Its a pattern. The fucking rules don’t apply to any of them. There’s no accountability, they just quit and drop off the radar.
I want retribution. They all owe American taxpayers a pound of flesh and we should get to dictate where it comes from.
@Peale: I know, I can’t wait till John Cole posts about it.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Remember when we were told St Mattis was a scholar deeply concerned with the role of the military in our Republic. I’m sure he and other patriotic retired military will speak up soon. His fellow scholar-warrior McMaster was posing for selfies with Princess Grifterella a couple weeks back, maybe he could have a word to behind the throne. Colin Powell may say something. As long as his speaking fee is paid. And nothing he says interferes with future speaking fees.
Exactly! We’re supposed to reassure racists about what, how, exactly?
I’m with Kay – they need to talk to their own voters, these REPUBLICANS, and figure out how to get them back on a path to sanity. It’s not the Democrats’ job to change course to accommodate their inability to enforce some/any sort of principles on their side.
Also: Stephens is just like this garbage from Howard Schultz and vice versa. It’s not “independent” or “centrist” to want to pander to GOP voters with Racism Lite, or to pretend that the slightest of tax increases (ie, restoring our national budget) to the 1% (ie, ‘people of means’ – FU very much Schultz) is some huge burden to “job creators”.
On the bright side, north of the border, on Canada Day, we’ve killed dead a Nazis for Veterans scam “concert and mud pull”.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
It must be so soothing, to just abandon one’s principles…nothing outlandish, just lay them down quietly and ‘go with the flow’…for a selfie or a big fat check or both.
I know they don’t have trouble sleeping at night so I don’t wish them nightmares…just perhaps a few fewer nights, period.
@Peale: He’s probably remembering toy soldiers he played with as a kid.
Edit: I was curious so looked it up. Last M4s were built in July of 1945. Last people to use them in anger seems to have been the Israelis in 1967.
Mud pulling? Idjits can’t even Nazi right; see: mud slinging. //
Mary G
@Miss Bianca: Hey, husky expert, Kodiak has started to shed like crazy. Also his coat looks terrible with tuffs sticking out. Do you recommend a particular brush or brushes I can get and give to the young men? Their mom is at Defcon 1.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Mary G: not a vet, don’t know anything about huskies, but that sounds like it might be an allergy
Belated best wishes!
Steve in the ATL
@lamh36: management? Sell out!!!
Mary G
When the representatives from Congress viewed immigrant shelters today, the were required to turn over all electronics including cell phones and cameras. Most did, but Joaquin Castro snuck a phone in.
Amir Khalid
I remember sitting in a movie theatre at the Galleria in Rochester, Minnesota, waiting to see Schindler’s List. The trailer for Free Willy came on and its title drew laughs from a few members of the audience.
Mary G
@Mary G:
Omnes Omnibus
@NotMax: Tanks aren’t toys.
Sorry, but it’s the FTFNYT,
@Mary G: Bohdi is the same. He’s a siberian samoyed mix and this is the worst it has ever been.
@Omnes Omnibus: What about brand new Shermans?
Amir Khalid
@Mary G:
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I don’t have a husky. But one thing I’ve learned from the Gone To The Snow Dogs channel on YouTube is that huskies shed a lot when the weather turns warm i.e. once they’re done with their winter coats. I’ve seen Jessie, who runs the channel, use a snow blower to de-fluff her three girls, as well as some pretty heavy-duty vacuum cleaners around the house.
Omnes Omnibus
@raven: Ben Sherman?
Mary G
They’re all trash:
@Mary G:
If the coat is too matted, starting with a shearing, then following up with regular brushing, is best.
We used rubber nubbie antistatic brushes for years, with semi daily brushing, ( one short hair, one long hair) to keep Casey and Diggers coats and skin healthy. (Zoom Groom).
@lamh36: Good luck!
Smoke ’em if ya got ’em.
@Mary G: The worst offenders were all House reps, which should give you some insight into how Congress operates and how infested it is with corruption. Tom Daschle was not an aberration.
Mary G
@Amir Khalid: Sounds like what’s going in here; it just got warmer and I had to pull the fan out. The shedding was no big deal Saturday, yesterday and today it was like tumbleweeds of hair all over.
Another Scott
@Barbara: Did you mean Tom DeLay??
(My recollection of Daschle was as a Senator.)
Actually, Iran Iraq War was the Sherman’s last combat, ( Iran).
M4A3 (105) and M4A1E4
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
In a shocker, Trump learned that Mexico and Canada also have a 4th of July.
@Mary G: Huskiys “blow” their coats when it gets hot. Under the current mess is a nice sleek summer hairdo (so don’t cut the mess out, it could damage the summer coat). The advantage is that for the rest of the summer they shed much less than other dogs having gotten rid of it all at once. They also do a mini coat blow in the fall in preparation for their new winter finery.
We used a wire brush on ours, a lot like a hairbrush with widely-spaced stiff wires blunted at the end. Works much better if you start brushing as soon as you see the beginning. With ours, it lasted about two weeks and then no need for combing/brushing until a briefer period in the fall.
@Mary G
Just for fun, an arctic fox shedding its winter coat.
@Mary G: I used to have a German shepherd (aka as German shedder), and before her a Norwegian elkhound mix.
Every change of season they completely blew their coats. I could fill a trash can with dog fur every time I brushed them.
What worked best for me were rubber curry combs where you can just shake the fur off the comb/brush. Sort of flat things with big, short rubber spikes. The horse ones work well. The wire brushes are terrible. It takes forever to pull the fur out of the brush, and the dog gets dandruff from being scratched by the wire.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Another Scott: No, I mean that when Daschle was forced to withdraw his nomination as Secretary of HHS, there was a lot of feigned outrage over his willingness to let people do favors for him. But Pompeo, Tom Price, and Ryan Zinke have all been forced to resign because they were on the take, that is how a lot of Congress operates, and they brought their expectations with them to the Executive Branch.
Mary G
@Sab: Like this one?
@Barbara: Well, Pompeo is still there so I suppose I am too optimistic on that front.
Ken B
The Israelis used some ‘Super Shermans’ (re-engined, up gunned Sherman variants) during the Yom Kippur War.
Later they gave some to one or more of the Christian militias during the Lebanese civil war on the 70s. Some were captured and then used against their former owners.
Somoza used a few against the Sandinistas in Nicaragua.
I think there were a few in Yugoslavia when it fell apart, I don’t know if they were used or not.
I think Uruguay has few in service, and some old Stuart light tanks, also of WWII vintage. They’re basically for parades and such.
If Trump was a better planner, maybe he could have borrowed some for his parade?
@Mary G: I have one really similar to that that works well.
Y’know, if Anwar Sadat were still around he’d probably have something to say about the wisdom of having a lot of military hardware at a parade…
@lamh36: Get that job and make it yours!11!
Can’t wait to hear the details of interview followed by offer followed by acceptance.
Miss Bianca
@Mary G: Way late responding to this thread, but the Blogfather sings the praises of the Furminator! Which I have also used. I also use a good old-fashioned shedding blade, like the kind they use on horses. Hope you see this!
Paul in Charlotte
They speak Spanish. We don’t (There are 47 million Hispanic-Americans citizens. Twenty two million of them are bilingual. You’re not). They (Who are “they?”) are not U.S. citizens or legal residents. We are. (47 million are). They broke the rules to get into this country. We didn’t. (How did your ancestors get here, Bret?) They pay few or no taxes. (They work, they pay taxes. Do you think scofflaw employers eat their illegal employee’s tax burden? They also pay social security and don’t collect it, thereby helping to fund your retirement). They don’t pay premiums for private health insurance. (They get paid shit, and they’re supposed to buy health insurance?) We’re supposed to give up ours in exchange for some V.A.-type nightmare (You’re not talking about undocumented immigrants any more, are you? As for the VA, ask any VA benefit-eligible veteran what he thinks about the service he gets at the VA. We should all be so lucky.) They didn’t start enterprises that create employment and drive innovation. (Who? You, that’s who). We’re expected to join the candidates demonizing job-creators, breaking up their businesses and taxing them to the hilt.(No, Bret. Just the predators, Republicans or libertarians all, who have used Daddy’s inheritance to buy our federal government lock, stock, and barrel, then proceeded to soak the guts out of it and deposit the take in their bank accounts (Bust out!), then used the levers of political power to destroy half of the small business in this country, ship all the manufacturing jobs overseas, destroy the unions that built the American middle-class from whence you came, thereby shrinking that middle class to runt status, and who then pat themselves on the back for their hard work, while pouring scorn down upon their undocumented 60-hour-a-week-two-job maids and gardeners for not working hard enough to live the American dream).