Inspiring, accomplished women candidates for president.
And Tulsi Gabbard.
— The Hoarse Whisperer (@HoarseWisperer) July 1, 2019
Fixed it. The women I support!
— Mr. Weeks ?? (@MrWeeks1982) July 1, 2019
Don’t know if this is “correct”, but it’s interesting:
She got it right in 2018, if she’s right this time, my anxiety levels are dropping significantly. | With 16 Months to go, Negative Partisanship Predicts the 2020 Presidential Election – Wason Center for Public Policy – Christopher Newport University
— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) July 1, 2019
Trump’s 2016 path to the White House, which was the political equivalent of getting dealt a Royal Flush in poker, is probably not replicable in 2020 with an agitated Democratic electorate.
Find out why Dems are poised to win the Electoral College
— Rachel "The Doc" Bitecofer ???? (@RachelBitecofer) July 1, 2019
… Barring a shock to the system, Democrats recapture the presidency. The leaking of the Trump campaign’s internal polling has somewhat softened the blow of this forecast, as that polling reaffirms what my model already knew: Trump’s 2016 path to the White House, which was the political equivalent of getting dealt a Royal Flush in poker, is probably not replicable in 2020 with an agitated Democratic electorate. And that is really bad news for Donald Trump because the Blue Wall of the Midwest was then, and is now, the ONLY viable path for Trump to win the White House…
Much more detail (and an interactive version of that chart) at the link. (Of course, “barring a shock to the system” is a pretty big escape clause, especially with the current smash’n’grab crew occupying the Oval Office… )
Good Morning, Everyone ???
Love the “fixed” portrait.??
I love the bush.
To blech or not to blech, that is the question.
@NotMax: Blech is the answer.
My buddies and I booked an offshore fishing trip on the Louisiana coast this September! It’s something I’ve always wanted to do so I figured, what the hell, I need some kind of retirement gig.
Good morning.
Ugh. We have to rely on the Midwest again.
To be fair, the Mountain West states (except Colorado) don’t get enough hate.
Two words: hurricane insurance.
Just sayin’.
@Baud: Caveats for New Mexico with Nevada having some blueness to them. Plus AZ just sent Kyrsten Sinema to Washington.
Montana elects Dems, but is so solidly red when it comes to the president.
Fingers crossed for Arizona.
My anxiety levels are not dropping, because Russia. Active measures this go-round.
@NotMax: My pal from Ft Meyers said the same thing. As far as the fishing part it’s always a crap shoot. I’ve been on the gulf in November and May when it was too rough to go out. You are right though, for what we are paying int may be worth it. If the boat cancels you get your dough back but the rest. . .
It’s nice to see Hillary get some respect.
@Baud: Yep, and when it comes to Nevada it would have been more accurate to say “Las Vegas” (and I suppose Reno). Good thing cows can’t vote.
But bird’s still the word.
I just got back from my trip to Xyzzx*, which is about 2/3’s of the way to Vegas. It was windy AF, but I managed to get a good pic(40 exposures @ 15 sec, f/2.0, ISO 1600 stacked).
*Also a Balloon Juice commenter.
I can see it now, Concrete floors and cages, one toilet per hundred, no soap, no toothpaste, no water… Yeah, trump has a solution for homelessness.
50 years ago my “short timer” calendar was the poster from Bob Dylans Greatest Hits. I found one online and am using it again. 60 days and a wake up and that will be 50 years to the day that I came home!
Joey Maloney
“Barring massive disenfranchisement, gerrymandering, and ballot tampering…”
“A sparrow and a curtain rod in every underpass.”
@NotMax: I forgot the mass graves.
Only got the white homeless. Gotta keep them voting GOP.
On a pleasanter note, found this site while looking around for stuff to do in NYC: Broadway For Broke People.
They can’t? I should rethink my mandatory veganism policy.
Xyzzx looks different than I imagined.
I like it.
Paul in Saint Augustine
If 45 captures the remaining 63 electoral votes and loses 278-260, there’s no effing way he’s voluntarily leaving the WH. His minions will spread through the land claiming the election was fixed. Thursday is a test run for amassing the military, and he’s brazen enough to declare martial law.
11 games on my Steam wishlist on special during their Summer Sale.
Must. Resist.
(Although the one now priced at 95 cents I might spring for.)
@Paul in Saint Augustine:
I remember when Bush wasn’t going to leave the White House either.
@OzarkHillbilly: Daniel Dale, has the entire quote. Most of it is is indecipherable. Homelessness and urinating in major cities started two years ago, and he already solved the problem in D.C.
@Baud: I’m afraid to ask how you imagined it. Thanks.
Older, with white hair.
@JPL: His incoherence is a feature, not a bug. No matter what he says they can implement almost any policy and say he promised it.
I’m pretty damned sure they won’t do a damn thing because that would cost money that should be going into corporate pockets.
That narrows down jackaldom nary a whit.
Excellent news! Now let’s make sure we flip the Senate too. Imagine what the opposite of Election Night 2016 feels like…that could be Election Night 2020!
(also loving that relatively darker shade of blue on Virginia…we’re coming for North Carolina next, Repubs!)
@Baud: Montana might be doable. Bozeman and Missoula are expanding fast – same demographic that would have moved to Colorado 15 years ago is moving there.
@Baud: An election that results in a different CiC gives the military a reason to quit following Drumpf’s stupid orders. Which I bet a lot of the Joint Chiefs can’t wait for. Assuming they’d back him instead of an elected replacement is ridiculous, so he probably thinks that.
@rikyrah: Good morning ?
Yup. People have to realize that eastern Montana has like 17 people, and the university/college towns in the rest of the state tend to skew bluish.
Good to keep in mind – we absolutely have to go all-out in order to beat the terrified GOP base
I’ve come to really hate Photoshop (even though I used to use it all the time for work) and how it’s being abused (ProPublica in mind). If Adobe crawls computers making sure licensees are paying and using it properly, they ought to be able to detect when their technology is being abused and then shut it down.
Mr. Kite
@Paul in Saint Augustine:
Oh come on now. Take a couple of deep breaths, close your browser, and go outside.
Outgoing presidents really have no role to play in the inauguration. Their only real responsibility is moving out and helping with the transition. Trump can screw that up. But martial law means nothing. Harren Warris can take the oath of office on inauguration day from anywhere.
@Baud: Being that Zyzzx is the desert research center for the CSU system, I’m sure some of the profs that work there match your imagination.
Oh, please. He’s claiming it started two years ago! Having lived in NYC, I can attest, it’s gone on since the 1980s. Trump must never have descended from his personal firmament.
<a href="
“>Daniel Dale is incredulous.
Oops on the formatting. My eyes are too bleary to fix it.
@Baud: exactly.
This makes no sense.
Makes the whole Boomer v. Millennial fight seem stupid.
I loved that poster!
@Raven: 50 years to the day! That’s cool. My retirement date is set now – 1/31/2020.
Fresh Air’s Terry Gross interviewed journalist Casey Newton about FB moderators. It must be a horrendous job, seeing this crap all day long.
@Baud: the explanation is in her article.
Vote Vets is sending vets wearing T-shirts with the USS John McCain on them to PO
TUS’s parade. For $7.00 you can sponsor one!Baud
Ebony Edwards-Ellis (@Eedwardsellis) Tweeted:
I really wish you Never Trump types would go fuck yourselves. You were totally okay with racism, misogyny, elitism, Islamophobia, and xenophobia when Saint Ronnie, H.W.and W were doing it. You’re just mad because Trump started saying the quiet part out loud.
The language police in Italy are really out of control: Prosecutors charge adverb in trafficking case, but do not look for sentence
Betty Cracker
Our nephew (career military) is being deployed to Afghanistan again. I’ve lost track of how many tours he’s done in Afghanistan and Iraq. On his first Iraq deployment, early in PBO’s first term, he led foot patrols through Baghdad. Now he’s got two small children who don’t understand why he’ll be gone for nearly a year. Lots of bad news coming out of Afghanistan lately. Why are we still there?
Call me Tish??
NY AG James (@NewYorkStateAG) Tweeted:
As the elected AG of NY, I have a sworn duty to protect & uphold state law. My office will follow the facts of any case, wherever they lead.
Make no mistake: No one is above the law, not even the President.
P.S. My name is Letitia James. (You can call me Tish.)
@Betty Cracker:
Cowardice. Our leaders don’t want to take responsibility for “losing” there.
@frosty: Hell yes!
@Betty Cracker: Because we can’t have all the dead troopers to have died for nothing.
@Betty Cracker: And if anything bad ever comes out of Afghanistan to land upon our shores, even if it’s a highly infectious fatal flu virus 50 years down the road, that will be their fault as well.
Lynn V (@lynnv378) Tweeted:
2016 was about how they worked to suppress the Black & Minority vote.
2020 will be about how they work to divide the Black & Minority vote.
We’re seeing this play out already.
Matt McIrvin
Bitecofer’s analysis suggests that some elite-centrist fool like Howard Schultz could be a bigger problem than I would have thought.
@Matt McIrvin:
John Delaney tried to warn us.
@OzarkHillbilly: It sounds funny until you read the whole article, then it’s not. If the reporting is correct (yes, a big if) the Italian authorities have the wrong person in custody, know it, and are going ahead with the prosecution anyway. Ask Amanda Knox how that works.
(Not that the Italians are unique in that.)
@Betty Cracker: So sorry for your nephew and his family. I read yesterday that there was a huge explosion in Kabul that killed over 50 people. Went to the Washington Post and couldn’t find a word about it. We don’t even care to report on Afghanistan any longer so why oh why are we still sending troops there?
Dorothy A. Winsor
@rikyrah: Go, Tish!
@Matt McIrvin: I find it rather telling that these analyses always show the “centrist independent” taking more votes from DEMs than they do from the GOP. It’s almost like the DEMs are more centrist than the GOP by a 4-1 margin or something.
But “both sides”.
@Ken: I know, I read it. The situation is quite sad, but it’s still funny that the prosecutors can’t even get a name right.
Betty Cracker
@JWR: Looks like the little bush that replaced Gabbard escaped being painted red and joining the Third Lady’s murder bush Christmas extravaganza!
“Barring Hitlary not going to Wisconsin”
“Barring the Attorney General finding something ‘incriminating’ at the last moment ”
“Barring Preznit Shitgibbon issuing an executive order that Demon-Rats must PROVE they’ve lived in America for 100 years before being allowed to vote”
I am so fucking tired of the sooper-jeenyuses telling me/us anything approaching “it’s in the bag!” I don’t really care if Rachel Bitcofer “got it right” in 2018. If I recall, Sam Wang “got it right” — until he didn’t. And the “barring the rivers flowing backwards” disclaimers don’t really mean much — assume that they will.
Hey, my couch is a bit small but I’ve got chairs, too. Come sit by me.
Between Russian measures and the weird way Ivanka is being promoted now, I’m having Ceausescu family flashes. It’s going to be Trump Trump 2020. That’s totally insane I know in all the other timelines save this one.
Just One More Canuck
@OzarkHillbilly: Good to know she made it for Canada Day
Betty Cracker
@tobie: I think Ozark and Raven are correct. Last night, Trump offered this demented explanation:
[“Sir” fetish alert!] If only the general were plain and looked the part less…
@Jeffro: What are you quoting? A link would be nice.
@Betty Cracker: The important thing is, if anything goes wrong it’s totally not his fault. He was misled by that general from central casting.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: People live in Xyzzx again? And there’s a lake? On a road trip in the early 60s we stayed in the fleabag motel one night because Dad was too tired to drive the rest of the way to LA. I remember Mom being disgusted by the owner of this empty motel in the middle of nowhere ripping us off on the price. I think they paid $12 for the night. My mild-mannered mother could usually get us a motel room for $8 or $9 o these trips just by making the offer, and $10 was only paid for nicer digs.
It seems so unbelievable to type those prices while I sit in the Peabody in Memphis, and my “bargain” price after they added everything on will come to $224, and then I was too sick to go to Beale street last night. (bad reaction to lunch)
It’s a very nice room in a beautiful hotel, but the add-ons were brutal. That’s a lot of extra dough to watch some ducks splash around in a fountain. I usually have moral trouble paying $125 for a night in a room. Hampton Inn tonight and tomorrow, at under $100, before we fly home on the 4th.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@MomSense: Trump’s answer to needing a woman on the ticket
@opiejeanne: But the ducks!
@Betty Cracker:
Why are we still there? Pakistan. It’s always been about Pakistan.
@opiejeanne: You laugh, but savvy investors are snapping up Zzyzx real estate in anticipation of the opening of the Sea of Cortez – Death Valley canal.
Another Scott
@tobie: If one wants international news, one pretty much has to read Reuters or aljazeera. Domestic papers have tiny international bureaus these days and usually just reprint wire stories.
Finger’s crossed for all the Crackers and everyone else still being sent to Afghanistan. :-(
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Yup. Remember his big gift to her was to let her sit in Putin’s chair. Trump crime family spokesmodel is going to get a promotion.
@Betty Cracker:
Sounds familiar.
Betty Cracker
@MomSense: It’s terrible, but I’d like to see that bunch get Ceaușescued. Part of me reacts to your Trump-Trump ticket prediction with “that’s crazy talk!” but we’re so far down the rabbit hole…
PS: Did you see “Years and Years” last night?
You’ld run far from Norway if they put a slave collar on you! Sweet little fox on the run.
@Betty Cracker:
Yup. I may need to stop watching but I can’t look away. It’s brilliant. Terrifying, but brilliant.
I’m hoping for either a Mussolini or Ceausescu end for the Dumps. The problem is that their ends were justified by their means and that’s very bad news. All of these freak dictators are so similar. With the Dumps we’ve got the Ceausescu style family power consolidation complete with the missing, abused, and dead children. We are on a very dark path right now.
Dorothy A. Winsor
I’m gearing up to go to the gym this morning. I’ve been struggling with drug side effects for several weeks that have kept me from going much of anywhere. But my meds were changed at the end of last week and I’m hoping that puts me on the right path. Sadly the only thing that’s helped so far is to stop eating. Since I am a little old lady, this is not sustainable.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Pace yourself.
@Ken: Lol! We just saw the Grant Canal from the Civil War yesterday. I predict less success for a canal to Death Valley.
Matt McIrvin
@OzarkHillbilly: If the votes lost to the Schultz type are mostly in deep-blue states (which I suspect they would be), it may not matter much.
A clear sign of a president* and a party that have absolutely nothing to run on…and our candidates at every level should note that, LOUDLY, at every opportunity.
“If they had anything to offer you, America, they’d tell you and tell you honestly. But all they have are lies, voter suppression, Russia-assisted disinformation, fear, and division.” – here you go Dem candidates, take it, use it, it’s yours.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: That’s rotten. I hope the new regimen proves more balanced and stomach friendly.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
I’m really sorry to hear this. Have you tried broth? I know that sounds crazy but if you make a good broth with lots of vegetables (and apple peels) it makes a soothing drink that can help you to eat some solid food. I used to make it for my friend and it worked well. She even had it for breakfast. Miso broth also works well and gives you some nutrition.
@Baud: I think her point is that Republicans’ turnout rate for the midterms was notably higher than in previous midterms. The reason Dems won was that ours was way, way higher than usual.
The GOP base has demonstrated that they can be motivated by these rank appeals to fear and hate mongering, so she’s expecting that for 2020 they will respond at an even higher rate. It sounds sensible to me.
@OldDave: I’m quoting from the same article Annie tweet-cited (the one by Ms. Bitecofer) at the top of this post. You can click on the link in the tweet.
It’s a fascinating article but whether we think it’ll be close or a Dem blowout, the result is the same. We have to go all. out. in 2020.
If the Democratic primary field was a university history department:
@RAVEN: This has been one hell of a trip and I love the story about how the ducks got there.
I like Memphis. I like the people.
It actually makes plenty of ‘sense’ given what we know about trumpov’s utter lack of shame, his need for legal cover, the family’s need for continued grift, and the GOP’s utter surrender of whatever principles it once had.
As I mentioned yesterday, all it’ll take is a high enough payoff to (and/or enough blackmail material on) Pence.
I still think it’s more unlikely than not, but the chance of this happening is certainly not in single-digit percentages.
@opiejeanne: My only trip there was the Illini-Bama Liberty Bowl, Bear’s last game. We froze our asses off and go drunker than grandma’s old yella hawg!
That was outstanding. And seems to be pretty spot-on.
Ms. James, if you’re nasty. ;)
@raven: My grandma had chickens and they didn’t drink. I’m not sure how your grandma’s old yells hawg got drunk but it don’t sound a’tall purty.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@raven: @Immanentize: Thanks for the good wishes.
@MomSense: I haven’t tried broth. Thanks.
I’m all right in the sense that I don’t have a disease or anything. A new drug just knocked me off balance.. I saw the Nurse Practitioner yesterday and she was very encouraging but she said this will take time. Patience is not my strong suit.
Thanks for letting me whine.
Betty Cracker
@MomSense: Terrifying and brilliant, exactly.
Just watched the trailer for the new Scream reboot, done by Queen Latifah, and it has Mary J and Keke Palmer in it. I don’t do horror, but, I have always made an exception for Scream. I’m in. It’ll be Monday, July 8th on VH1.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@germy: That works for English Departments too!
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Gorgeous photo!
SCOTUS makes state races key to next decade of political power
Rachel Maddow explains how the Supreme Court declining to rule against partisan gerrymandering has declared open season on fair elections and made the coming state legislatures critical because they will use the new census data to draw new voting districts that could cement power for the next decade until the next census.
Trump USDA climate science quash squanders US science leadership
Rachel Maddow looks at the history of scientific excellence and global leadership by the USDA and how the agency’s research capacity is being decimated by Donald Trump and Secretary Sonny Perdue’s effort to suppress climate science and other research that doesn’t comport with the Trump agenda.
They cordoned off reserve seating exclusively for Republicans and Republican donors.
It’s good that there will be blanket coverage of this Tribute to Dear Leader rally. We’ll be able to see which fancy people are willing to publicly debase themselves this way.
Rep. Nadler: Border agency heads should be prosecuted for abuse
Rep. Jerry Nadler, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, which has jurisdiction over border matters, calls the treatment of immigrants at detention centers “inhuman” and calls for the prosecution of border agency heads for child abuse and other crimes.
Uh oh. Any other president pledging to tackle homelessness would be good news. More aid, housing assistance, etc. But this guy? Probably firehoses and mass roundups and incarceration.
After the theft of 2016, we should take nothing for granted re: the electoral college. Don’t let it be close enough to steal anywhere.
The generic congressional ballot concerns me. The gap should be bigger than 6. I supported Pelosi in not impeaching because I think House Democrats are not majority liberals, although there are more liberals than before, and she didn’t have enough support for impeachment but I’m afraid they’re seen as ineffective more broadly in holding Trump accountable, which is a bigger problem. They have to enforce their demands. They can lose in court if it comes to that, but they have to fight. Maybe this isn’t applicable in high level politics, but I have found in my work that I can lose- my people will forgive me for that- what they won’t forgive me for is not fighting, if it comes to that. We’re there. They have to enforce demands.
If presidential campaigns didn’t start so early a narrower gap in the generic ballot would be a clear warning sign that Democrats in Congress aren’t reaching voters. Pelosi has to fix that.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@germy: And if the reporter asked what Trump would do, he’d say, “You’ll see.” Translation: he has no idea.
@Betty Cracker:
jesus h christ, if our generals all looked like adlai stevenson we’d have no troops overseas anywhere, would we?
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Whatever idea he has, it will be cruel and grotesque.
I’m sure they’re terrified of him given that he apparently can’t get a tax return or compel anyone to appear. The border agents weren’t accepting the authority of members of Congress who were there yesterday- ordinary front line employees were blowing off House members standing in front of them. They think they’re untouchable.
So much noise was made about the thug’s tax returns and russian collusion. The dems lost their framing with their dithering.
If I ever meet him, I’m buying Mr. Dale dinner.
Only the best donors for the July 4th celebration.
I searched around the internet, and couldn’t find stories of any indictments from the NY AG’s office. So…what happened that sent Dolt45 on a tear about AG James yesterday?
Ugh. A whole day spent lauding Donald Trump. I’m sure it’s worth it- tens or hundreds of millions in regulatory capture and political influence and federal contracts- but it’s humiliating. It is good he’s forcing them to appear publicly and vow allegiance to him, though. At least we’ll see which ones made the trade.
@Matt McIrvin:
Schulz would have to put his own money in. Building an organization from scratch in a lot of states takes work. Here’s the thing, Ross Perot, though a nut, had a personality. Schulz has none of that.
I think they had to get the tax returns. That was a specific promise.
Betty Cracker
@Kay: In 12 days, Mueller will appear in a publicly televised hearing. This can be the reset the House Democrats need. This is a good time to make the investigation about the ongoing threat to national security posed by Trump’s refusal to take election interference seriously (he just handed us fresh ammo with the “wink-wink don’t interfere” moment with Putin). Broaden it to encompass the clear and present danger posed by Trump’s unprecedented corruption, with fresh ammo on that score provided by his sleazy, unqualified family running foreign policy. Like you said, show some fight.
and of course all this means is the military brass can get any idea they want past the guy if they just pick General Chad Sexington to deliver the briefing.
john bolton is probably getting facial reconstruction surgery as we speak.
Josh Marshall had an interesting comment re: turning his “May Day Parade” — interesting if he has Vladi and the rest of the Politburo attending, and interesting to see who gets Photoshopped out of the picture — into a political rally might violate a faw or two, since there will be Government property involved. (I assume the Hatch Act was part of that.)
I’m sure Traitor Turtle will get on the horn with the Traitor-in-Chief and tell him that now he’s “gone too far.”
@chopper: What if the GOP nominates General Chad Sexington for president in 2024? Can you see the campaign signs? “Chad 2024: Cut Out The Middleman”
@Betty Cracker: How do you think he’ll react to Gym Jordan and the others, who have sworn to cut him to pieces on the witness stand? I like to think he’ll snap back, but I honestly don’t know.
I think the title is bullshyt, the editorial is milquetoast.
We don’t have an immigration crisis. We have a racism put into policy crisis, by an Administration bound an determined to hurt non-White people. A border patrol that is out of control, and needs to be completely cleaned of personnel. And. I don’t see or hear from one phucking Republican office holder about what’s happening in these camps.
This entire op-ed just did nothing for me.
The Immigration Crisis Is Corrupting the Nation
Border agents who demeaned migrants on Facebook have exacerbated a grim situation.
By The Editorial Board
The editorial board represents the opinions of the board, its editor and the publisher. It is separate from the newsroom and the Op-Ed section.
July 1, 2019
WHO is desensitized. Certainly not me, or anyone here. We’re absolutely phucking furious!
One hopes that the “surgeon” gets his “facial reconstruction” tools from Hillerich & Bradsby.
Jordan and the other morons need to have an IQ higher than room temperature to be able to do that. They don’t. They’ll just preen for the cameras and their base, make up some bullshit “facts” about which to “grill” Mueller, and Mueller will remain as calm as Hillary did.
Betty Cracker
@germy: I have no idea, but Mueller seems like a “just the facts, ma’am” type of dude, and Jordan, Gohmert, et al, will be spouting absurd conspiracy theories that anyone outside their base regards as pinwheel-eyed nonsense. So I’m optimistic about the chances of Mueller coming off as a professional and the GOP lot presenting as Trump-addled fools.
Or even a LAW or two.
What a maroon. I can’t even (credibly) claim I fat-fingered it.
“oh no, he died on the operating table! at least we can harvest the tusks for some decent scrimshaw.”
@Betty Cracker:
Louie certainly increased his street cred by calling Mueller an “anal opening” the other day. Better an asshole than a bald, stupid, ugly piece of shit like Gohmert.
As best I could tell, Apricot Pol Pot suddenly remembered his “Foundation” had been shut down and went on a tear about it, accusing the AG office of… wait for it… witch hunts. In other words, it was a day of the week ending in “y.”
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I’ve had somewhat low expectations about Mueller, first of all because he’s a reluctant witness (and enamored of his own non-partisan rectitude) and also because the format of alternating questioning will slow any momentum to build the narrative for those who’ve ignore the report, but I think Jordan doing his methed-up Chuckie doll thing, ranting about Strzok and Page against the blank stare of Sam The Eagle may not make for great television, outside of that Audience of One
@chopper: I heard Trump is actively considering repealing the ban on scrimshaw and ivory…
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Sending you positive thoughts, and that you get well soon.
He probably wanted to pay for some outlandish thing at his “Be Worst!” Party on Thursday, went to get some cash from the foundation and learned (again) that particular slush fund is closed.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Immanentize: IANAL but given that he focused on James, is it unreasonable to think some new subpoenas were issued, or they lost a closed hearing on some evidence or other?
Also: He lived in NY state for the better part of a century and seems to think that the NY AG is appointed by the governor.
We went from the President having a picnic for Military families at the White House to THIS.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@germy: Damn, that’s good, giving me flashbacks to graduate school. I would only add that Professor Bernie would also have a persistent preoccupation with upgrading his parking assignment, and would harass dept administrative staff about it at least once a week
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: There is a diary at the GOS that makes the same point. I was just mocking the guy.
It could be anything — Maybe someone got a target letter. Maybe some particularly tasty but of discovery was delivered. Maybe indictments are ready for July 5.
We will know only after the attorneys for the Trump Cartel know.
ETA. Yes, the AG is elected in NY and most states. Maybe we should do that in the US too. Or, the AG could’ve made part of the judicial branch with no change to the Constitution…. Just a big fight.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
That is so true. I can’t remember right now who said it — the father of the U.C. system maybe? Paraphrase:
“To be a successful University president you must guarantee three things: Sports for alumni, sex for students, and parking for faculty.”
Yep, it was Clark Kerr.
@raven: If you’re still in this thread, I thought you might be interested in this area for fishing. Somewhat near your old stomping ground at Fort Lewis. Lots of fishing, beautiful weather in the summer. Peaceful.
@Betty Cracker:
After Trump’s second term we get puppet President Pence to provide Trump’s third term. Yeah, I slept real well after that.
The amazing Emma Thompson, of course, offering his election strategy in real time.
Fair Economist
What worries me about that map is that pretty much all the must win Senate states are grey or mixed. I agree the odds are very much in favor of winning the Presidency but the Presidency without the Senate does not let us fix the country, and if we do not win the Senate in 2020 it will be nearly impossible to win it for a decade.
Programming note: noon, Best Coast time, our women take on their last major impediment to a fourth WWC.
I need to find a downtown joint with a big screen for a two-hour lunch. Provided situations don’t conspire against that.
Go Oosa!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Fair Economist: it seems like Dems, including the candidates, are just accepting the fact of McConnell as Majority Leader. As a pragmatist (often pessimist) I agree it’s a high probability, but the lack of focus/fight when it comes to the Senate is odd.
The wheels are already falling off of John Hickenlooper’s vanity campaign. Maybe he just really, really, really didn’t want to be in the Senate. HRC and BHO didn’t particularly enjoy it, apparently, but what he and the other White Mediocrities were/are thinking…
his finance director is moving over to the O’Rourke campaign, which is a….. an interesting choice
@Betty Cracker:
Maybe they have to decide- follow the Russian thread (which leads to impeachment) or follow the corruption thread. Right now they’re doing neither. The whole justification for not pursuing impeachment was that was supposed to allow them to focus on other things. Now we’re back to the Russia hearings?
They can’t do this:
It was foreseeable that Trump’s low quality hires would refuse to comply with the law. They can’t make a demand and then not have a plan to try to enforce it. They would have been better off not making it. They made a specific promise to get the returns. I didn’t say it was important- they did. This is what we gave up impeachment for? Nothing? They made a political decision to forgo the constitutional remedy for breaking the law while in office and that didn’t even work for them politically?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
He already won one statewide race. Take one for the team and run another….
I can’t agree with you more, Kay.
Send folks to arrest them. I have no problem with that.
James C.
Hello everyone,
I’m a lurker here, and I hate to make this my first post, but I have a pet dilemma. Yesterday I rescued an orange tabby kitten from a highway near my home (I live in central Ohio). A sibling had already been hit and killed. He’s a little shy, but healthy and quite happy. Problem is, I’m really not able to handle the responsibility right now. All of the local cat rescue is saturated with kittens, so they won’t take him. I’m heading out of town for a couple weeks later this month, and I just don’t know what to do. Is there are cat fancier out there who wants to adopt lil’ buddy? Best wishes to all of you.
@Betty Cracker:
I don’t think the D base would care if they pursued impeachment or corruption – I think the impeachment fever is an online thing. But they have to do something with a majority or they can’t campaign against Trump to keep it and the D base very much want them to campaign against Trump. They want them to attack Trump. They don’t care how they do it.
I used to think I had to explain what I was doing to my people. But that’s ego – they don’t care. They want me to figure it out and leave them out of it. That’s why they pay me- so they don’t have to figure it out. They check out completely during explanations, in the same way I check out when the tech person starts explaining. I’m not interested in the details of his job. I want him to be the expert. I have other things to do.
clap clap clap clap
@Kay: @rikyrah:
Hey, Judgers and Nervous Nellies! You were heard even from an almost top 10K blog! The House just sued for Trump Tax returns.
@raven: Elvin Bishop reference. I like it!
@Paul in Saint Augustine: No matter what Trump does or doesn’t do, on January 20, 2021, the Secret Service is going to start treating him like an ex-President. I doubt the people who are guarding him every day are going to be sorry to see him go. Except for the person with the nuclear football, there won’t be a lot of military in the White House that day.
@Betty Cracker:
There is SOOO much corruption. WHY aren’t we seeing the head of whomever is over those Concentration Camps being hauled in front of Congress?
Tenar Arha
@James C.: The blog is currently being redesigned but there should be links on the laptop version of the site on the top right of the page. Email pics of the kitten & your pet bleg to Anne Laurie &/or TaMara &/ Betty Cracker &/ well you get the picture.
They’ll undoubtedly post it ?. We love the pet posts & people will always chip in even for transport. (Including vet checks if the kitten needs one?)
@Betty Cracker: The Soviet Union stayed in Afghanistan until their economy and military were decimated. I suspect Putin wants us there for much the same effect.
@Kay: they’ve sued for his tax returns, as of today. Source: NYT, CNN.
Rand Careaga
Ummm…because he’d ignore the subpoena.
@RAVEN: The problem with that date is, if you get a letter on retirement, it might have been signed by
Trump. If no letter, nevermind.
J R in WV
I’m not understanding why state officials don’t get child abuse search warrants, take a judge with to sign arrest warrants depending upon what is found with the search warrants, show up with armored vehicles and child protective service workers, take all employees working into custody if the kids aren’t clean, healthy, responsive and well fed.
Seize all the documents, separate everyone and interview them, and arrest people for inconsistencies in their testimony. Stop fooling around with these monsters. Child abuse is a state crime, for crying out loud.
ETA: If documentation is not sufficient, warrants for kidnapping on these folks…
Jay Noble
@J R in WV: EXACTLY!!! The Congressional Delegations could do this too, I think. Beyond that it’s time for the protesters to storm the gates livestreaming the wholle time and rescuing those people.
@J R in WV: How about fraud under RICO for taking money from the government and not upholding the contract? How about not only child abuse and kidnapping but trafficking as well. Cruella DeVos has made a few coins selling these kids through her adoption agency.
J R in WV
@James C.:
Hi lurking James C. I just got home from running errands, and haven’t read the comments. I’m in SW WVa and while not in the market for a kitty, we could be a family of last resort.
If someone closer can help, that would be best… we have two cats and a dog, and may have a couple more dogs soon…
Best of luck, and thanks for saving the little kitty… you must be a good person to do that!!
Peter VE
Of course, the blonde in the little black dress goes in the middle, everyone gazes adoringly at her, and the minority women are pushed to the edge. What exactly is the message here?
@catclub: Private consulting engineering company, ni Trump letter.
My Eagle Scout card was “signed” by LBJ (fuck LBJ). One year later and it would have been Nixon (fuck Tricky Dick) which would have been worse.