the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.
He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.
He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of Representation in the Legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only.
He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their Public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.
But George III didn’t go mad until years later…
The Dangerman
As if leaving my coastal home in CA to head East tomorrow isn’t enough, I’ll be much closer to the Epicenter of today’s quake. Woohoo! Didn’t feel a thing, which is good given Diablo (nuke plant) is right around the corner.
Whomever is in charge of the natural disasters on this day, ya missed by a few thousand miles. Try again.
Another Scott
@The Dangerman:
This cheered me up
Follow Follow @capitalweather
Short-range model (certainly subject to and likely to change) shows storms approaching DC at 6p. @realDonaldTrump speech at 630p. We’ll see what happens…
Adam, Thank you for the posts!
I’d love to see someone dressed as Trump sing the George III songs from Hamilton.
We are certainly oppressed by Trump. The Declaration feels especially real now.
Mary G
This is Mitch McConnell to a tee.
@Mary G: Maybe it’s time for one of the Senators to read that section in Congress.
Thomas Paine, Common Sense
This earthquake is going to take the focus off of his bullshit! Not since Reagan’s funeral ruined the dedication of the WW2 Memorial has fate intervened!
Wait, is Balloon Juice declaring its independence? How subversive!
Haha. Good point. That’s awesome. (Except for earthquake victims).
John Brown
@JPL: I am in DC. I really hope that all of the asshole people I see with their 45 stuff have their event ruined, and there’s a lot of them out on the streets
Mai Naem mobile
@JPL: I directed my God to do that. I set up a GoFund me that will go to my temple in honor of this event.
@JoeyJoeJoe: He doesn’t leave the White House until 6:15. It’s was drizzling in France when he canceled a trip to the cemetery where American who died in WWI are buried
@JoeyJoeJoe: 45 stuff like the Colt M1911?
Aftershocks will continue for weeks, wut?
@JPL: Oh yea.
@raven: Look. California has been fighting this asshole hard for the last 3 years. If we need to take one for the team, we’re willing to do that.
And I’d like to point out there are faults closer to DC that would have had a bigger impact. Maybe y’all could get on that shit? I know for a fact there’s a fault running almost right under Trump Tower. That would have been a particularly good one to fire off hard today. Ramapo is capable of 6.x, and isn’t that far from DC. Do we need to do everything out there?
@JPL: Yeah, probably. But nobody will notice – little 2.x and 3.x quakes. They get those practically daily up in Ridgecrest anyway. But geologists care about exactly which fault those are happening on, but nobody else does. So they see them as part of a pattern of activity, but we’re like oh, another little quake, who cares.
@raven: LOL! The earthquake was out in the middle of nowhere called Trona, and the worst damage seemed to be at a liquor store.
@opiejeanne: Just heard from a friend snowboarding at Mammoth – they got knocked around pretty good. His first time feeling a quake on the slopes.