Imagine what a bottomless pit of pure, pulsating neediness you’d have to be to compose this tweet:
I’m not a medical professional, but I’ll go out on a limb and suggest that a person who thanks himself in the third person using his formal title is unwell. I guess we’re lucky Trump doesn’t have any pets to appoint to high office.
On the other hand, a horse, cat, dog or hamster would be infinitely more intelligent than this person, who is deputy communications director for the Trump 2020 campaign:
Flounder here is as dumb as his boss, who also admitted on camera that the case his administration’s lawyers have argued before the court is a pack of lies and that the census question is a power grab, which is 100% obvious to everyone.
To recap, we know the Trump administration wants to insert a citizenship question into the census to bolster the electoral fortunes of “Republicans” and “non-Hispanic Whites,” to quote the dead GOP gerrymandering guru who came up with the idea in 2015. Two Trump administration officials have already perjured themselves about the rationale behind the question, which should be a massive scandal, only the POTUS and the pack of grift-mavens surrounding him do so many crimes that the people in charge who aren’t part of the criminal gang just shrug them off now.
The GOP-heisted SCOTUS gave the Trump administration a huge gift by calling the rationale behind the question “contrived” rather than a pack of lies to advance the cause of white supremacy, which is what it undeniably is. The highest court in the land also green-lighted outrageously obvious cheating at the state level, basically telling a dwindling demographic to knock themselves out in their efforts to impose perpetual minority rule.
But Trump and Flounder aren’t bright enough to keep their big fat mouths shut, and I guess that’s good news? There’s a chance the rubble they’ve made of an institutional guardrail may prevent them from driving us all over the cliff after all. Or not. Gahhhh! It’s crazy-making.
A related but separate topic: yesterday, Joe Biden said in an Iowa Starting Line interview that he’d consider nominating Merrick Garland to the SCOTUS again if Biden is elected president. That would be an irretrievably stupid move since Garland is in the bottom half of his 60s and was only nominated as a consensus candidate in a failed attempt to head off McConnell’s theft of the seat. The other side doesn’t give a flying fuck about “fair” — see Garland, Merrick — so a 40-year-old ideological clone of RBG is what we nominate next time.
Anyhoo, Biden caught a lot of flak for that, but I thought this was actually the more interesting tidbit from the conversation:
“I think we should have been a whole heck of a lot harder on [Mitch McConnell],” Biden said when asked if there was anything he and President Obama should have done differently on the Merrick Garland nomination.
“I have pretty good relationships on both sides of the aisle,” Biden explained of his efforts during the Garland fight. “I’d say, what are you doing, you’re setting a horrible precedent here. And the answer was, I know Joe, but if I go, I’m in a red state, if I go ahead and just call for a hearing, the Koch Brothers will drop five, ten million dollars on my race. That’s nothing about political courage, it’s a reality.”
It is about political courage, but does this next bit indicate that maybe Biden finally fucking gets what we’re up against?
Biden suggested reforming campaign finance laws to allow for public financing of campaigns to reduce partisanship in judicial nominating disputes. But until that happens, he argued Democrats just need to fight these battles with a Republican Senate just as hard as the other side does.
“The strategy would be to go out and actually beat them,” Biden said of what he’d do as president if McConnell continued blocking judicial appointments, adding Democrats successfully brought that fight in the 2018 midterms. “We took the fight to them [in 2018]. In that case, it was about health care. We got to take the fight to them. Part of this is persuasion, as well. And that’s why I’m not giving up on the South.”
Persuasion tapped out in 2010. But I hope Biden talks some more about what goes on in the Senate and makes that central to the campaign. They all should — we have a senator-heavy race, and that could be an advantage if they use their sausage-making knowledge to emphasize the fact that the Koch Bros. and similar oligarchs have GOP senators’ balls in their grip.
The only way we can really pull this plane out of its nosedive is to take on the Republicans at every level, not after a Democrat is president but starting now, during the campaign. People need to understand that.
wasabi gasp
Hindsight is Biden 2020
Seems to me that he’s getting worse. Rumor has it that he’s had a mini-stroke.
Biden’s comments are so easy to top, it’s amazing – Kamala or Elizabeth or whomever just needs to use your words, Betty.
“Sorry we tried a ‘Garland’ approach and it failed. Trying to appease folks like Mitch doesn’t work, and it’s not what our voters want. I’ll be nominating a 30-year-old RBG next time around.”
“And while we’re on the subject of campaign finance…not only do we need public financing of campaigns, but we need to get back to highly progressive income taxes and capital gains taxes and corporate taxes. Not just to catch up on our infrastructure, give our teachers a raise, and give middle-class America a tax cut…but to dampen the influence of the powerful on our politics until Citizens United is overturned.”
When I’m President, I’m nominating a unapologetically liberal fetus to the Supreme Court, since the Repblicans love them so much. Win-win.
While I would like justice for Garland, I hope he’s not nominated for the reasons you mentioned. That said, I don’t mind Biden bringing up his name as a reminder of how a Supreme Court seat was stolen from us (and as a reminder of all the people who ignored the Supreme Court when it came time to support Hillary).
wasabi gasp
@MattF: He has the best strokes.
@Jeffro: confiscatory tax rates and estate taxes that wring the idle capital out of the soft hands and start using it for all manner of social and public goods.
@Jeffro: Bonus points for the first Dem to add, after the “30-year-old RBG” remarks, “…and after my first two SCOTUS nominees, I’m more than happy to work with the GOP about establishing (via constitutional amendment) term limits for federal judges, so that we’re not in this increasing intense fight over lifetime judicial nominations”
@laura: Right…let’s just phrase it a little differently ;)
Of course, if the Republicans still hold the Senate, Garland might be the best choice. Depends how the 2022 Senate map looks.
needy amin. joke.
Trump said in his campaign that if I voted for Clinton, I would be stuck with a criminal president under constant federal investigation from day one.
Turns out, he was right.
I voted for Clinton and I’m stuck with a criminal president under federal investigation from day one.
@Baud: Why? Mitch won’t take up a Dem nominee for SCOTUS, or if he did, said nominee would have to be to the right of Clarence Thomas.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I think this is the key, more than what Biden says about the Obama years. All these grand plans and slogans the candidates are offering mostly mean nothing if McConnell is still majority leader, and the long term progressive project will face huge road blocks if e don’t do a lot better at the state level, but even more than in previous cycles all the focus seems to be at the top (and before some of the usual pedants feel the need to pick pointless, bad-faith fights: No, I don’t mean or think that the Presidency isn’t important, just that it’s not the only race that will determine the future).
Besides the question of what Bullock or Hickenlooper should be doing, where we do have a decent (I think?) candidate for a tough seat, like in AZ, I don’t sense a lot attention from the internet left. Can Susan Collins’ opponent/s break through the wall of “I met her at a parade” and good constituent services in Maine? Iowa seems to have some strong Democrats, who’s the best one to take on Ernst, etc.
Well, there are no age limits — maximums or minimums — to serve on the Supreme Court
Fourteen or Fight!
I don’t know what Mitch will do if Garland were to replace Ginsburg or Breyer instead of Scalia.
And having Mitch diss Garland a second time would be more politically powerful than having him diss a young lefty.
Jerzy Russian
Maybe the President has some sort of multiple personality disorder, and all of the personalities are assholes?
Mr. Biden, since you can work across the aisle so well, why isn’t Merrill Garland on the Supreme Court? Could it be, just possibly, that your approach is a bad one and your claim of being able to work with conservative congresspeople is bullshit.
Sure, you were able to throw sand in the bus wheels of progress on integration, and you were able to force people to carry student debt even after bankruptcy, but obviously even moderate agenda items – like Merrick Garland – aren’t happening like you said they will.
Chetan Murthy
He told us what he’d do: block it until a GrOPer is President. The man has neither shame nor cecency. His entire being is animated by only one idea: use every single plausible lever and method, to preserve GrOPer power.
Ugh. This is your President, you 77000 purity morons and Hillary haters.
I am so great!
Jesus, I don’t like Biden but blaming him for Mitch’s actions is bullshit.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Chetan Murthy: St McCain said the quiet part loud late in the 2016 campaign: The McConnell Senate was never going to approve any of President HRC’s nominees.
@Chetan Murthy:
Then see the second part of my comment.
zhena gogolia
Trump or Biden?
Fleeting Expletive
There is no universe in which an executive order from a president outweighs a Federal Judge’s ruling, right? Right? You can’t executive order a citizenship question if courts say the census may not include it?
Most days I wonder if I’ve been taking crazy pills.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
the mysterious event that brought Mike Pence back from AF2 last week?
@Fleeting Expletive:
Technically, the courts haven’t fully closed the door on including it.
Andrew Carnegie (from the Gospel of Wealth)
Chetan Murthy
@Baud: Yep. I don’t see how it’s any more politically powerful tan Yertle’s explicit statement that he’d do anything, just anything, to ensure that Obama was a one-term president. That he would refuse to seat any of HRC’ s judicial picks.
I take your statement to mean that you believe there is some limit past which the American people will not put up with Yertle’s shenanigans. And I disagree with you on that, believing that those who support GrOPers, have no such limit. None whatsoever.They’re nihilists, and you can’t argue with them, can’t shame them, can’t reach their “better natures”.
@laura: Also:
I love this quote
@Baud: *shaking head*
@Chetan Murthy:
Statements aren’t as politically powerful as actions. I wish people had taken McConnell more seriously in 2016, but here we are.
@Chetan Murthy:
Then there’s nothing that can be done short of taking back the Senate.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
–Jack Donaghy
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Baud: I have a pet theory that a couple of close Senate races in (WI, PA) ’16 went R because tote-bagger types voted R because of the would-be high-minded notion of “a check on Hillary”
I love that he has had to resort to thanking himself and calling himself “Mr. President.” I long for the day he calls himself “Prisoner 6453001.”
Also, “The past ways have led to what we have today. There’s no more urgent reason to go in a different direction, one with you as a supporter, not a candidate.”
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
There was a lot of savviness going around in 2016.
@debbie: Or “your favorite president, me!” That’s a good one. About as clear a sign of IOKIYAR as it gets. The entire right-wing puke funnel would faint so hard if Obama or Hillz did that, even once…
@Jeffro: That’s all right, Trump has established the principle that as long as you call them “Acting” you don’t need Senate approval.
Lot’s of red eyes on the 3d place game playes.
What shall we call them after the charges, trials, sentencings, hangings and throwing their bodies into one of Hawaii’s lava lakes?
@Ken: Warren or Harris might have to have a bunch of Acting cabinet secretaries. (Hope not. Take the Senate too.)
@debbie: Works for me.
Mai Naem mobile
@wasabi gasp: he has the bigliest strokes.
I blame the Trumpov admin on reality TV. Networks need to stop reality tv shows.
Imagine how small one must needs be to look up to that orange tweeter.
@Mai Naem mobile:
Never should’ve started the trash.
Want mindless entertainment? Watch Tom and Jerry or Bigs and Daffy – seriously.
@mrmoshpotato: So how much stock is there in this game? The NCAA B-ball used to play a 3d place game as did the NFL but no more.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@Chetan Murthy:
There are more people who don’t support the GOP than do. Americans aren’t special. There will eventually be a breaking point and then the GOP, like the morons that they are, will look around and wonder what went wrong
@Immanentize: OMG this is when Kellyanne burst onto the political stage!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
it’s as if CNN hired Daniel Dale to make up for having hired Chris Cillizza, but as far as i know CC still works there, and I’d make a wild guess that CC makes a lot more than Dale
Jim, Foolish Literalist
(NYT link, if Haberman tweets out that stat, The Beast will see it, and maybe Pence will be told to stay within fifty miles of DC)
@Aleta: That band has it all! Long haired go-go girl, black drummer, tight-panted singer, obviously gay guitar player?
Chetan Murthy
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
And I hope we -do- retake the Senate. But I’m also sufficiently realist, that I *know* that if we do not, then Yertle. Will. Not. Budge. One. Inch. THAT is my point. Imagining that somehow, Yertle can be convinced to behave like a decent American, is a mug’s game. Either beat him [take the Senate], or prepare for more years of a cold war between the GrOPers and the rest of America. Or a hot one, if the GrOPers actually win.
zhena gogolia
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Thanks, Haberman, and the fact that Obama had to clean up a near-Depression his predecessor left him, while Drumpf inherited a good economy, so Obama had good reason to “blame his predecessor” but DJT doesn’t, doesn’t affect your bothsiderism?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@zhena gogolia: her co-author is Peter Baker, who from what I’ve read and gleaned over the yers is much more an ideological conservative than most straight reporters
his wife, Susan Glasser, once compared Obama’s announcement of Bin Laden’s death to Shrub’s flight suit pantomime, saying both ‘spiked the football too soon’, or something like that
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@Chetan Murthy:
I don’t disagree. We need to take back the Senate
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
How long should Obama had waited? Was there some risk that zombie Bin Ladin would have come back from the dead?
It’s going to be so much worse for the next Democratic president. They’ll be treated as comparable to Trump.
@Chetan Murthy:
Would you prefer our candidates say there’s no solution to McConnell as long as the Republicans control the Senate?
I think I might prefer that.
@zhena gogolia: Note that Arthur Laffer, Medal of Freedom winner, blamed the financial collapse of 2008 on Obama. Because when Wall Street realized that Obama was going to win the election, everyone panicked. Yes, really.
@Baud: The next D pres. will be accused of winning with Russian help.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
There must be some way we can get through to the media types that that’s a bs comparison, if they try it
For pure political theater, I would like to see the next Democratic President nominate Hillary Rodham Clinton to the Supreme Court. The right would have a collective heart attack and/or stroke out (always a good thing). I’d pay top dollar to see the look on Robert’s, Kavanaugh’s, Gorsuch’s, or Alito’s faces as she and Sotomayor whiplash them in oral arguments. A girl can dream…
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
I was at dailykos during Obama’s first two years. A lot of the left participated in generating the memes that became media mainstays.* That makes it hard to counteract.
*It’s why I left there for BJ.
I always get this wrong with commenters here, but for some reason, I identified your nym as male.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
I think that’s the same Laffer who recently asked an American Indian if they still brushed with primitive toothbrushes or something recently, right?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I’d say now’s the time to try that as a message, see if it sparks more interest in down-ticket races. If I were the DSCC, I’d be sending out targeted facebook ads saying that a vote for Collins/Gardnerer/Ernst/McSally/Thillis is a vote for trump. And I’d remind the good folk at the DSCC that I speak with all the authority of some rando on the internet.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: IIRC, and I like to think I always do (wishful thinking) Obama more often than not went after the GOP policies, not Bush himself. I doubt if he went after Bush directly more than a couple times at most.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
Why not try targeting the producers, the editors, and the owners?
Van Buren
Shorter Joe: Mitch isn’t evil, it’s just politics. I can work with that fella, I’ve been an insider for decades.
@Baud: No worries. I chose my nym because it’s a nickname but I didn’t realize at the time it’s gender indeterminate. But, yes, I go by ‘she.’ I now need to start making my signs: Hillary for Supreme Court Justice. My Trumpian neighbors will blow a gasket.
@Immanentize: The drummer was Richard Pryor, according to the comments.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
How? Our side can’t even quit the NYT.
Amir Khalid
For those following the bronze-medal match, England has had a goal disallowed against Sweden — from Ellen White, who also had a goal disallowed against the USA in the semifinal. Also like in the semifinal, it would have been an equaliser for 2-2.
ETA: Coincidence? Or conspiracy?
@Amir Khalid:
Offsides again?
@Amir Khalid: I ask again, are these 3d place games seen as important?
@Immanentize: if only Andrew Carnegie lived long enough to see the end result – viola:
I assume it derives from the Olympics, where someone has to win the bronze.
@Baud: Like I said, college and high school (in Illinois) and even the NFL have had them but no more. My question is if the players and fans care about this?
This LGM comment about the multipart citizenship question brings up an interesting (in a nightmarish sort of way) point. Is denaturalizing huge numbers of people, based primarily on race, but also the year they became citizens something that’s possible/legal?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I hope he dies
Amir Khalid
This time it wasn’t offside, it was a handball detected in the VAR review.
(Also, too: “offsides” is the term in the gridiron sport, but in the association code we say “offside”.
@Ken: GO with it, how about President Democrat add an Actiing Supreme Justice?
@Amir Khalid:
Only if you do it once.
“denaturalizing huge numbers of people, based primarily on race, but also the year they became citizens”
Cheryl Rofer
British ambassador to Estonia
Amir Khalid
It was my impression that the US can revoke a naturalisation only for fraud.
Cheryl Rofer
Live coverage of Estonia’s Song Festival. Just about to begin!
Chris Johnson
How do you know he means himself? Look up the title of the head of the Russian Federation sometime.
Methinks it’s more about ‘saying the quiet part out loud’. Mr. President, indeed.
Another Scott
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Twitter:
(via LOLGOP)
@tobie: From your mouth to the FSM’s noodly appendages. Or whatever the FSM uses.
@tobie: @tobie: Hillary is too old. For proper effect it should be Chelsea. If Fembot First Daughter Ivanka can attend the G20, then an actually intelligent scion should be appropriate for SCOTUS.
One of Chelsea’s kids.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Another Scott: I didn’t know she hadn’t yet declared for re-election, but I’ll eat my hat if she doesn’t get in, unless her internal polls are really, really bad and the public ones haven’t caught up, as in that one trumpist who doesn’t like her signals trouble.
Seems to me that’s a perfect set up for a tough question in a debate, “that’s how you define rape and sexual assault? A lack of respect?”, but I could see that backfiring as too mean
This is a “fool me twice” situation. Okay, lets say Biden, the President of the Senate, was caught flat-footed and snowed completely by Mitch McConnell (who did this all by himself; no help from his fellow GOP senators*) and so gets no blame whatsoever for failing to do what he claims he can do. But now Biden is saying he will simply doing the same thing again (remember that thing about “the definition of insanity”?). Note that I didn’t actually blame Biden for the lack of Garland not being on the court, but Biden does claim that he can work with the people who prevented it. And that’s just stupid, and that’s what I’m saying about him.
* this is, of course, not the case
Good to see the BJ brain trust is still fighting the real enemy.
Joe Biden.
Could you people be any further up your own asses?
I don’t like Biden’s messaging either. But absolutely no candidate is coming out and saying they won’t try to work with Republicans. So we’re talking about nuances here, not major metaphysical differences in approaches. I just want to keep things in perspective, which is something the Internet doesn’t seem to be very good at.
zhena gogolia
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Peter Baker is Satan.
But there is generations of case law under Section 706 of the Administrative Procedure Act that agency action is arbitrary and capricious if the agency considered factors that are unlawful to consider. Once the district court, on remand, finds as a fact that the question was motivated by racial animus (for which there is plenty of evidence) the Commerce Department will be well and truly fucked.
Or a professional athlete.
Oh, and Happy Revo!utionary War Airports Day to everyone!
Right. All I’m pointing out is that Trump hasn’t violated a court order yet. There simply going to keep litigating it, which they technically have an opening to do.
The Dangerman
Hmmm. I’m thinking riches through Rip Van Winkle machine (Shark Tank, here I come)… 2021, please get here fast …
With all due respect, an RBG clone would be too far right for a Supreme Court appointment in this day and age. Sotomayor clone or bust!
@The Dangerman: Hey, you went to the Brit Floyd show? My brother was asking folks to wear their Which One’s Pink shirts, see any?
This administration is just making crap up at this point, operating on the assumption that the whole country is as easily suckered as the Republican base. Trump only addresses his slavish fans, and the rest of us either have to take his insulting garbage in the chops, or tune out. It’s lose-lose for America.
Tiffany Caban has a law degree and it looks like she’s out of a job for now…
@Baud: It’s not blaming Biden for Mitch. It’s about calling out Biden for not recognizing that his approach simply doesn’t work. Maybe it did 20 years ago, but even the ACA couldn’t get but a single Republican vote after all of the compromising done with Grassley.
The federal government is where the California legislature was up until 2010 – complete hostage taking by the GOP. In case anyone wonders why CA bucked the national trend in 2016 and went way bluer, this is why. We’ve heard this song before and we know what it leads to. I can’t tell if Biden doesn’t realize that politics has changed that dramatically or if he so dependent on that part of his record that he needs to market around it despite how things have changed, but those of us who have seen this at the state level know that electing Biden won’t change GOP behavior. We need to be electing people that will ignore GOP behavior and simply do what they think is right, and not be afraid of Fox News or the NRA or whoever.
So what’s your favorite candidate’s plan for electing more Democrats?
@germy: So he vanished but they found his remains in his house????
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: KS Senate seat is open since Pat Roberts is retiring. It would be tough but we now have a Democratic governor in KS (amazingly enough). Hickenlooper really should be going for the GOP Senate seat in CO not president. And Beto should go after the TX Senate seat (again). Although actually unseating McConnell would be difficult, he’s not terribly popular in KY. Tom Steyer really needs tto put his money into flipping the Senate.
Betty Cracker
Huge gas explosion at a shopping center in South FL.
Saying what won’t work is useless. No one knows what will work. I would love it if the country adopted California’s solution of not electing Republicans, but that has little to do with our presidential candidates.
Mike in NC
It might actually be newsworthy if somebody discovered there was a day when the obtuse Fat Bastard wasn’t patting himself on the back for his lack of accomplishments.
@Betty Cracker:
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
I mean – geez. Even Wilmer thought it was a “strong” pick.
The problem is the blogosphere wanted a woman or POC. So when that didn’t happen, they projected their disappointment against a liberal Chicago Jew, never recognizing it was a “strong” pick.
Sad, really.
@Cacti: I think the long term plan for electing more democrats is to fix elections and to simply focus on actually fixing shit. I know that’s a naive and a tangential strategy at best, but that’s what worked here. I think Warren is an amazing example of what that looks like. But I think a lot of the freshmen in Congress reflect that as well – that’s what O’Donnell has been highlighting about Katie Porter on his show.
Just pass legislation that the general public recognizes. Don’t phase it in over 10 years like ACA did. It doesn’t need to be giant overarching stuff, just meaningful improvements to peoples lives. Make it easy to do taxes. Things that you probably can do by executive order, or that are sufficiently non-ideological that you can get them passed without a national fight. I know incrementalism is boring, but the polls are pretty clear – most voters just want their shit fixed, so focus on that for a while.
Biden: “I have pretty good relationships on both sides of the aisle,” Biden explained of his efforts during the Garland fight. “I’d say, what are you doing, you’re setting a horrible precedent here. And the answer was, I know Joe, but if I go, I’m in a red state, if I go ahead and just call for a hearing, the Koch Brothers will drop five, ten million dollars on my race. That’s nothing about political courage, it’s a reality.”
In other words, if I’m hired for the higher position, I *will then do* what I failed to even try in my last job.
You said:
Then you said:
So, do you support doing things incrementally or not?
How does a person “vanish under mysterious circumstances” if they are later found at home?
A sad story, though.
Betty Cracker
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: Obama played the shitty hand he was dealt as best he could. It didn’t work out. Do you really think he’d have nominated Garland if the Dems controlled the Senate in 2016? I don’t.
@Brachiator: Well, for nine months the circumstances were mysterious.
And then they found the body.
No one is blaming Biden for Mitch’s actions. We’re telling you that Biden’s political philosophy is useless against McConnell and the Republicans. Anyone else has a better idea of how to fight McConnell and his fellow cultists.
Because Biden’s idea of how to fight McConnell and the RWNJ cult is to have nice dinners with them and ask, beg them to pretty please stop killing people to maintain their fascist power.
Won’t ever work!!! I want a president who won’t deign to sup with the monsters, ever! A president who calls them what they are, fascist monsters, racist killers, haters.
It sounds a bit more that the original investigation was kinda stupid, but the news reporting is lazy and taking the initial police determination as definitive.
I hope the current investigation is more competent.
Here’s another recent story about a tragic screwup by authorities
Maybe tragicomedy, since the “missing” relative is alive and kicking.
Cool. So what are these ideas?
I keep hearing versions of the above, but then nobody can actually identify what anyone else’s superior ideas are.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
it’s a tricky thing because Dems need the votes of the kind of squishes who like to hear about working across the aisle and compromise, whether the D candidate believes in it or not, and if McConnell controls the Senate, the President as of 2021 will have no choice but to figure out some way to work with him. The Constitution has no provisions for passion, balls, platinum coins or other One Weird Tricks.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Seems there are still a lot of believers in the Green Lantern theory of the presidency.
There are two ways to get legislation moved. Elect enough Dems for a majority in both chambers, or get the other guys to vote yes for your ideas. I hear a lot of people say the second isn’t possible anymore. Fair enough. Then what’s the plan to accomplish the first?
No, they actually aren’t. No winner of this game is going to win the championship game because neither team is playing in the championship game.
Happy now? I just wanted to support our English jackals here who probably would’ve preferred 3rd place to 4th place. Jeez.
The only real solution is for the Democrats to win the Senate as well as the House.
This is good for a blog post, useless in reality. The worse Republicans are still citizens, and you are not going to be able to take away their franchise.
And unless the Democrats can get an iron clad super majority, some bipartisanship will be necessary. Or we just write off democracy.
I don’t have a problem with Biden or any other Democrat talking softly, as long as they also recognize the need for that big stick. Give the GOP an opportunity to stop their bullshit. And then bash them when they misbehave.
Don’t you think he looks tired?
Whenever a Trump supporter starts talking about Trump, we all should be asking them: Don’t you think he looks tired?
@Raven: Actually, Illinois still offers third-place games in high school championship tournaments like boys and girls basketball, soccer, volleyball, water polo (but not lacrosse). The third place hardware still looks impressive in a school’s trophy case. @Raven:
Heh, “Sleepy Donald Trump”.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@Betty Cracker: If Garland was female, would the blogosphere trashed the nomination? I don’t think so.
As to age, The Notorious RBG was 60 years old when she was appointed. Nobody cared.
glory b
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: I did! I told everyone who cared that we need to nominate YOUNG JUDGES, just like the Rs.
Still not so enamored of her, but whatev.
He is always projecting. ALWAYS.
Betty Cracker
@Brachiator: Since we tend to be fiercely partisan news junkies around here, I think it’s easy to forget how little most people pay attention to all this shit. That’s why I said toward the end of the post I hope Biden and the other senators in the primary will make taking back the Senate central to their own campaigns.
Link this shitty, unpopular GOP majority to actions like the plutocrat giveaway “tax cut,” confirmation of corrupt cabinet members, appointment of unqualified federal judges like Mrs. Diaper Dave Vitter, etc. Emphasize that if you’re unhappy with the direction of the country (which most people are, despite really low unemployment), you can’t just throw the bum Trump out — his enablers need to go too.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
Because the GOP hadn’t made it quite as obvious yet that they were willing to throw out all governing norms to capture and maintain all power for themselves.
And Garland was already 63 when President Obama nominated him. Garland will be 68 by the time 2021 rolls around.
Betty’s right. Garland was a pick intended to placate Republicans, because of both his age and his moderation. If the Senate had been in Democratic control, President Obama would have undoubtedly picked someone younger and more liberal. And probably a woman, like the rest of his SCOTUS nominees.
Betty Cracker
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: I find the “identity politics” argument you’re using unconvincing because I recall a lot of angst about Kagan’s nomination — plenty of folks were worried she was too centrist. As for RBG, that confirmation took place more than 25 years ago, so it might as well have been ancient Rome. IIRC, RBG’s confirmation was near-unanimous. Different world.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Betty Cracker: it was an article of faith at Eschaton, once the PUMAs and the Naderites there joined forces some time in the spring of ’09, that Sotomayor was secretly anti-choice and proof that Obama was, too, because as everyone knows he was really a Republican and a misogynist
David Koch
@JGabriel:he’s not a moderate. A study of decisions by political scientists found him to be as liberal as RBG (graph)
Did Obama, the master campaigner of his generation, determine that it would be harder to demonize a white guy, with an impeccable record, including graduating first in his class at Harvard and clerking for liberal giant William Brennan then someone with a less stellar CV – yes.
We don’t have to be as bad as the wingnuts as trash a person, in this case, falsely as a “moderate”, because it didn’t live up to our expectations as another ground breaking move.
@Chetan Murthy:
And the vast majority of the non-GrOPer public thinks the problem is not Mitch McConnell in particular but “[bi]partisan gridlock.”
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@Betty Cracker: That’s a good point. I will add that particular angst was falsely created by loonies Griftwald and Jane Hamsher, saying Kagan couldn’t be trusted because she had worked for the evil Clintons. We know how much griftwald hates Hillary.
Hamsher actually said Kagen, the first female Solicitor General in history and the first female Dean of Harvard Law School, was “unqualified” because she had no judicial experience. Others, like myself, informed Hamsher that constitutional giants Earl Warren and John Marshall had no prior judicial experience before joining the court.
Thank goodness they no longer have any currency in the Democratic blogosphere.
That said, the main objections to Garland was gender and age. As I note in the above comment, studies show Garland was a near carbon copy of RBG.
J R in WV
Quoted for Truth!!
Betty Cracker
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: Greenwald’s Twitter feed seems to be all in Spanish these days. I enjoy it a lot more than I used to (I don’t speak Spanish).
David Koch
@Betty Cracker: it’s probably Portuguese (brazil’s language)
@Betty Cracker:
Betty Cracker
@David Koch: Even better! I can at least order food and ask where’s the bathroom in Spanish. I don’t speak a word of Portuguese!
@Betty Cracker:
Maybe a dead thread, but…Yep.
And also nail the GOP to their lies and failure over healthcare.
Now, back to my holiday weekend and earthquake watch!
J R in WV
You post here pretty often, so you are describing yourself in this not-well-thought-out comment.
J R in WV
Because lots of cops are NOT detectives, they’re muscle who love to beat up people they see a chance to arrest, often for nothing.