As I am generally asocial, I’ve spent my very long weekend reading, writing, playing video games (Hollow Knight for me, FFXIV for the husband), and wandering around. I got some gorgeous shots of Central Park.

It’s been a touch on the hot side, but the park is nice and cool if you stay out of the sun.
So speaking of New York City, let’s try to nail something down for a meetup this month. NotMax will be in town!
Checking on interest in a NYC area meet-up.
Shall be arriving in the area July 23, leaving August 7. Only date I know of at this point which might be iffy is the 28th.
Would be satisfied with the same spot as last year as it is convenient to all mass transit, but certainly not married to the idea.
Possible dates, time and location all subject to jackal recommendations, consensus and convenience; please, please chime in.
My preferred dates are July 26/27, or August 3/4. No preference on venue, although I hear the place from last year was good.
Open thread as well, I suppose. Bonus Samwise below the fold…
Central Park was my refuge on hot summer days. Not one inch of it was ever boring.
Mary G
Samwise looks like he has a hangover and needs black coffee stat.
The park looks delightful. Must keep people sane.
Major Major Major Major
@Mary G:
Always good for my own mental health, even in January!
That fog pelted cat is thinking too hard.
The High Line Park is a lovely place to meet.
@Major Major Major Major: spouse and I first went to Central Park early on a Sunday morning in Valentine’s day weekend 2011 – a brutal winter with 3 snowpocalypse storms. It was one of our most romantic and memorable experiences. Spouse put his hand up and a tiny bird alighted for a few moments -just long enough to steal his heart. Saw the Dakota looming up out of the falling snow. We walked back along 5th Avenue with breakfast street dogs as one does. What a glorious park.
Heh. Had penciled in to e-mail Anne Laurie this coming week requesting a reminder post about this. The 27th would be good for me as could conceivably pop into the city for a Saturday matinee on Broadway and then top off the day with B-J festivities later on. What time works for you?
Another Scott
Pretty park, pretty cat.
That last one in the park is a very nice photo!
@NotMax: As for a matinee, we just returned from NYC where we saw three plays. The spontaneous choice to add Waitress as a matinee extra was a really good choice. Funny, poignant, well staged, and fantastic choreography. Got the the last minute tickets in the 4th row. Highly recommend! If you want something more “serious” we also highly recommend What the Constitution Means to Me.
If family stuff doesn’t take me out of town I’ll be there. Weekend days/evenings are better for me than weeknights, but I’ll make it work. The High Line Park is too crowded now for my taste. But worth seeing once.
Major Major Major Major
@BroD: thanks!
And here I will be in Baltimore from the first through the fifth…
Love the photos!
Another Scott
Samwise has a doppelgänger.
(via Wonkette – Nice Things.)
Major Major Major Major
@Another Scott: heh, he does make that face… but he has greener eyes.
My sched is open for both those weekends. Lookng forward to seeng all you jackals again
I *may* be coming back from london right around that first weekend, but the trip is still up in the air (both the entirety of the trip AND dates), so if others are amenable to that date, don’t worry about me.
(the vagaries of corporate deal life)