Please enjoy this magical photo from an Amazon user review of a tank top.
— Molly Hodgdon (@Manglewood) July 5, 2019
I am not a weaponry expert, but: IMO, this cannot be recommended as a concealed carry technique, least one end up ‘pulling a Plaxico‘…
Anybody that takes the time to take a selfie with a firearm likely has the time to write a tanktop review.
— Bubbies Be Good To Me (@Salorwayne) July 6, 2019
Is the cat a hostage?
— How scandinavian of me ???? + ?? (@L0Z4X) July 5, 2019
Cat: you know the safety’s off.
Cat: Yes that makes you look fat.
Cat: Can I go back to the shelter now.
Cat: Hello! Litter box?
Cat: Look if your not gonna take your meds anymore can I have them?
— Stan (@ragesammich) July 5, 2019
Honestly she doesn't need the gun. She could open carry this photo and no one would come near her.
— Kimtain Marvel (@EasyBakedOven) July 6, 2019
As Adam’s not around, can we get a dripping with snarkastic disdain “they seem nice?”
Man banned from Tinder is the highlight of Proud Boys ‘Demand Free Speech’ rally
Cal D
Stan wins the internet. ???
Amir Khalid
What does one even say in a tanktop review?
@Amir Khalid: perhaps…. “it did nothing for my turrets…”?
@Amir Khalid
The thing have never been able to understand is in the Q&A area on a product’s page on Amazon is when someone asks a legitimate question about the item and people go to the extra time and effort to reply “I don’t know.”
Whoops. Extra is in there. Fix.
@Amir Khalid
The thing have never been able to understand is in the Q&A area on a product’s page on Amazon, when someone asks a legitimate question about the item and people go to the extra time and effort to reply “I don’t know.”
@Amir Khalid: “Comfortable fit, soft fabric and doesn’t clash with my piece.”
Amir Khalid
And doesn’t tucking a gun into your waistband mean you risk shooting yourself in the junk?
@Amir Khalid
After the first time that happens, you barely notice it the next.
Damn. I think I’ve done that. I have written a review and the question pops up in my email. I suppose I could just ignore the question or edit the review to say “this is all I know, don’t ask me any dumbass questions.”
@Amir Khalid:
Most women don’t have junk.
You people obviously never had to shoot your way out of a bathroom!
Reminds me of the legendary story about the gun humper female in St. Joe MI who killed herself stuffing her loaded gun into her bra holster. She had been a frequent customer of a store I worked at soon after I lost the corporate gig, and always pulled out her carry permit (which we couldn’t use) to write a check and then get belligerent when we told her we needed her drivers license number to run the check approval instead. Darwin award winner, that one.
@NotMax: Maybe some people use Amazon reviews as a crude substitute for the social interaction most of us get from this nearly-top-10000 blog?
Gunfight at the O.K. Bidet.
Steeplejack (phone)
Cat Masterson is there!
@Brachiator: The powder burn there would be a killer, though.
Ceci n est pas mom nym
@Brachiator: I understand tensions can run a little high when the ladies room line is especially long.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Brachiator: I understand tensions can run a little high when the ladies room line is especially long.
Florida Woman
@Ken: yeah, you really don’t have a lot of room to criticize from a blog about a chubby white guy in West Virginia mopping naked, looking for lost mustard and shaving his cat’s ass.
Another Scott
I assume there’s catnip in the toy next to the sink, hence the rapt attention.
What’s the black contraption in the bathtub??!
The navy camo cover on the phone is a nice touch, also too.
Cat: I’m proud of you for keeping that thing aimed at the less important pussy.
Does anyone on the thread actually KNOW one of these people? I mean, I look at pictures like this and think, well, YOU don’t live where this person lives, maybe people get mugged or carjacked all the time! I browse several gunhumper fora from time to time, and the amount of time, energy, emotional (if not training, and usually not) commitment to a gun-wearing “concealed carry” lifestyle (is that all it is, a “style”?) is huge. Am I missing something? Shotguns to repel a home invasion, well, OK–I don’t know the crime statistics where these people live, maybe it’s a good idea? (I’m asking basically if there’s any particular practical need this sort of display is meant to address, or if it’s all ‘let’s play dress-up cowboys & Indians, and I’ll wear the Glock into iHop tonight, in case I get attacked by a blueberry pancake?”)
So if anyone is familiar with someone who could look at a picture like this and think “Hmm, I’d maybe shift the gun a bit to the right and I’ve got a great holster idea for ya!”, please tell me what goes on in those brains of theirs. Thanks.
NYT reporter has ties to bain capital, influences her reporting.
@dimmsdale: the practical need to express is I hope I get to shoot people of color and get away with it because they threaten my privilege and sense of self and right wing media’s constant propaganda has convinced me that the threats to my privilege are real and it’s a crime because you have to be carefully taught.
Just One More Canuck
@Cal D: I liked “Kitty Kitty Bang Bang”
@Amir Khalid: Even more pressing, which hand is she supposed to use to draw the gun? It’s tilted the wrong way for a right-hand draw and the grip is backwards for a left-hand maneuver.
@Brachiator: Ummm, I feel that this comment is wrong in some way, but I’m not sure which way to lean. /s
Eight out of ten of my neighbors would not only review a tank top, but would also be fine with her weapon handling. This is why so many of them voted for Trump. The only explanation I have for it is they are idiots and proudly so.
Another Scott
In other news, Reuters:
It’s a good thing everything is fine in Syria since Donnie defeated al Qaeda and Daesh, huh.
Seriously, Obama was correct to refuse to commit the US to large-scale fighting in Syria. But there are, and will continue to be, costs to letting Putin (without consequences) prop up Assad via their no-holds-barred tactics.
(“What the US should do about it now is left as an exercise for the reader.”)
I believe I have heard it said that the junk is in the trunk
You don’t want to know what goes on in those minds.
Although it probably wouldn’t take a lot of time to hear, it wouldn’t make your day better to hear it. Just the opposite.
Everyone’s got to be proud of something, it’s best to go with their strengths.
Eric U.
It certainly seems like there are body parts she probably values that might be severely damaged by a stray bullet from that gun.
I know someone that carries all the time. She lives in So.Cal, so I’m sure there are plenty of crimes on the news or that she hears about. I doubt she is in any danger that would really require a gun though. She won’t let her kids go on BART, for example, which seems overly paranoid. Here in Pennsyltucky, there are plenty of people that carry, even though the other law-abiding gun owners are the biggest danger to them. I’m pretty sure that being unarmed is much better in such altercations though.
@Ruckus:@Eric U.: I know, but…I’d love to pose questions, like “How often do you train for use of force situations, what’s the training like, do you fully understand local laws regarding use of deadly force, what are the crime stats (relative likelihood of provocation) where you live, do you train under adrenalized conditions” yada yada yada. What I’m afraid of is that people carry loaded guns for the same reason a dog licks its nuts: because they CAN.
I’ve lived in NYC for over 40 years, been mugged twice. In both of those situations a gun would have made the situation exponentially worse. So, I dunno.
Richard Guhl
@Amir Khalid: Ask Plaxico Burress.
I live in CA so we don’t have a lot of worried warriors here. But you never actually know so I give everyone as much room as possible. I did once work with one who kept a revolver handy in his car but like all of the packers they scare me more than all the people that want to rob you. Combined. The term loose cannon was coined for a reason. A person with a gun is dangerous. Full. Stop. I don’t care if they have a badge or not. I was walking home the other day and 2 cops had stopped and arrested a guy, they were searching him at the edge of the sidewalk and the one holding the suspect was paying me no attention – he was busy and the other guy had his back to me. As I approached I said “Behind you” as I didn’t want to appear next to him with him having no idea whatsoever and have him get excited. Yeah I don’t trust anyone with a gun. A long time ago I knew, through a friend, the personal driver/guard for the CA attorney general and he showed me the car he drove the AG around in. He could have started a small war with that amount of firepower. He thought it was cool. I knew it was ridiculous.