Haven’t heard any booms since yesterday, so Lucy says it’s safe to be outside again. For now. pic.twitter.com/3wnoCvEAVU
— Cherie Priest (@cmpriest) July 8, 2019
Speaking of ugly noises…
Just announced: @DanaBashCNN, @donlemon and @jaketapper will moderate @CNN’s Democratic presidential debates on July 30th & 31st live from Detroit. #DemDebate pic.twitter.com/xZ4H6vgH8s
— CNN Communications (@CNNPR) July 8, 2019
This “Politics is a game! Like sports!” BS is part of the reason we’re living in this hellworld right now. pic.twitter.com/Aximz3ioI4
— Parker Molloy (@ParkerMolloy) July 8, 2019
Then there’s this, FWIW:
New Post/ABC poll:
All the Dems lead Trump among all Americans:
Biden 55-41
Sanders 51-45
Warren 51-44
Harris 51-43
Buttigieg 48-44But it's closer among registered voters:
Biden 53-43
Sanders 49-48
Warren 48-48
Harris 48-46
Buttigieg 47-47https://t.co/1hfEvh9hET— Greg Sargent (@ThePlumLineGS) July 7, 2019
Biden and Bernie both at their RCP (2019) lows. At least we know Bernie fans will take it well if he gets ~10% raw vote and ~1% final vote in Iowa – remember, they're planning to report both this time.
(Yes, long way to go, lots of things could happen) https://t.co/1ut9dWnXWV
— Jonathan Bernstein (@jbview) July 7, 2019
Good Morning, Everyone ? ??
@rikyrah: Have a terrific Tuesday, Riky!!
Good morning.
That Americans vs. registered voters chart is pretty telling.
The great and powerful Woz has spoken: Poor? Tough titties.
Betty Cracker
From Michelle Goldberg’s NYT column, “Jeffrey Epstein Is the Ultimate Symbol of Plutocratic Rot:”
The same Cyrus Vance Jr. who declined to prosecute Harvey Weinstein for sexual assault and Ivanka and Don Jr. for fraud.
Villago Delenda Est
Cillizza, like Todd, is a vector of the most insidious disease that infects American “journalism”…Broderism. The disease needs to be eradicated.
Chyron HR
What is he implying? Our great messiah Bernie divinely decreed that caucus results directly represent the will of the people, much more so than a direct vote.
@Betty Cracker
How went the big brunch?
@Betty Cracker:
No wonder the plan didn’t work.
@Betty Cracker: Geeez It makes me thing that Jeffrey has a CD with his name on it.
@Chyron HR:
They are revolutionaries fighting against the Establishment’s corrupt commitment to the elite privilege of numerical superiority.
@NotMax: “Submit to the blackmail.”
@Betty Cracker: Money and politics go together like greed and corruption.
Betty Cracker
@NotMax: It was fun! Kept the menu simple in the end (fruit, charcuterie and cheese plates, caprese salad, etc.) and farmed out a couple of dishes to attendees, but I collected many recipe suggestions for future events.
My fear is that information about democratic politicians will be leaked, and the republican politicians involved with Epstein will have evidence go up in smoke. In the age of trump why not.
Can you say Stockholm Syndrome?
It was just a coincidence that the tweet came to light the same day they decided to terminate his wife.
@Baud: Good morning ?!
@Baud: Good morning. That Americans vs. registered voters shows why they fight so hard to suppress people from registering and voting. It works.
@OzarkHillbilly: ?
Hey you. ?
@NotMax: I used my Instant Pot on the keep warm setting to sous vide a beef shoulder roast yesterday. 9 1/2 hours, probably could have let it go another hour. But I wanted it tender without being shredable. Worked great, and knew I had to tell you ?
@satby: Welcome fellow cultist.
Just the beef? No veggies in the pot with it?
@rikyrah: Why spoil some good beef with veggies?
(packing traveling bag, including extra horseradish sauce)
Betty Cracker
@Baud: Someone on Twitter said, “If the president can be orange, the Little Mermaid can be black.”
@Baud: “They will not replace us!”
@Betty Cracker:
I’d love to reverse that.
Not soon enough, anyway.
Next thing you know, they’ll depict Jesus as white.
@rikyrah: whatever you’re cooking has to be vacuum sealed into a plastic bag and cooked at lower temperatures over hours. Vegetables would be goo. I was going for a tender cut of meat that was able to be sliced. Today I’ll broil it for a few minutes to crisp up the outside, and then make veggies to go with.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: to sous vide (?), because I’ve had the pot for a while. My kid just won’t give back my Anova.
@NotMax: dinner will be at 6 ?
Via Reddit. Handsome lion, funny gif.
@satby: ah, I see, you placed it in the bag in an instant pot full of water
@Baud: Too true.
@JR: yes. The temp at the keep warm setting is between 145-172°, according to the manual. Which is a touch hot for true sous vide, but still lower than slow cooking, which is 180-190°. I balanced out the hotter temps with shorter cooking time.
Betty Cracker
Yep. It’s important to go all-in on fighting suppression so that people who want to vote can do so and also to drag folks off the sidelines. Apathy is as deadly an enemy as voter ID laws, etc., and possibly even harder to overcome.
@NotMax: He also said that everyone should get off Facebook immediately, which I agree with.
The only problem we have is not everyone has an Instant Pot! And this is because of income inequality! *shakes finger in your face vigorously*
@Betty Cracker:
I’m already pissed off, imagining what Barr’s “acceptable reason” regarding the census will be.
Betty Cracker
Amy McGrath is taking on Mitch McConnell!
It’s KY, so, a heavy lift, obviously. But everyone hates the fucking turtle. It would be brilliant if she wins!
@mrmoshpotato: Prime Day is coming up and they usually go on sale for a lot less then.
@NotMax: did you end up getting your mom that watch?
@Betty Cracker: I like her. She’s backed pretty strongly by VoteVets too.
And that is a fantastic ad!
Betty Cracker
@debbie: From everything I’ve read about the census question, I get the impression it’ll come down to how John Roberts calculates the partisan benefits vs. the possible damage to his reputation if he swallows whatever lie Barr concocts. It could go either way.
Betty Cracker
@satby: It was smart to splice in video of McConnell in the Senate in the 80s into her intro ad. I hope she keeps that theme up because it seems to be really effective with low-info voters. The vile cretin Rick Scott used that strategy in his campaign ads against Bill Nelson for the FL US Senate seat, and I’m certain it was a decisive factor in the close election. Scott repeatedly ran an ad showing Nelson in a plaid suit with an awful 70s haircut, and people were like why the fuck is that old bastard still in DC? Even though Scott was a two-term governor, he successfully ran as a fresh face in Washington. It worked.
@Betty Cracker:
I wonder if there would be any value in forming some sort of a boycott to refuse to answer that question.
low-tech cyclist
Two thoughts:
1) If Cillizza disappeared from public life forever, it would be a big improvement.
2) Don’t have the cite handy right now, but general election polls >300 days out have no predictive value. None, zip, nada. So
is crap. Just ignore it.
@low-tech cyclist:
The entertainment value alone makes it worthwhile. I cannot wait for Trump’s tweeted reaction!
@debbie: He probably doesn’t have one yet but he has to say something that sounds authoritative while he reaches ever deeper up his own ass in search of a legal argument.
@low-tech cyclist:
Would you prefer the internet freak out if the polls showed us behind?
Dan Pfeiffer (@danpfeiffer) Tweeted:
If there was a daily White House Briefing, the Trump White House would have to explain why Alex Acosta still has job, but since there isn’t, there will be no accountability and the media will move on to something else by dinner https://twitter.com/danpfeiffer/status/1148280025013088259?s=17
@Betty Cracker: it is effective. As is the glimpses of Kentucky citizens who have written and not gotten responses. I just sent that to my son in Kentucky.I know he and his gf are already in the bag for McGrath or anyone who runs against traitor turtle.
Bakari Sellers (@Bakari_Sellers) Tweeted:
A man has a 7 story home worth $77m in the middle of Manhattan, and no one knows how he makes his money.
Where I’m from you get a new car and you ain’t got a job, law enforcement is sitting outside your house taking pictures. https://twitter.com/Bakari_Sellers/status/1148416098682966016?s=17
Tim Kaine (@timkaine) Tweeted:
Acosta must go. He handed a sweetheart deal to a serial sexual predator. Survivors of Epstein’s abuse have been denied their day in court for too long. I’m thankful other prosecutors stepped in to finally deliver justice. https://twitter.com/timkaine/status/1148336681965277185?s=17
low-tech cyclist
The same Cyrus Vance Jr. who declined to prosecute Harvey Weinstein for sexual assault and Ivanka and Don Jr. for fraud.Thank you for refreshing my recollection of the rest of Cy Vance’s scumbaggery – or what we know of it anyway; I’m willing to bet there’s more.
When I saw his name, I could remember that this was far from the only time he’d let some big shot off the hook, but I couldn’t remember the specifics. But it reminds me of the words of the fictional Auric Goldfinger: once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, but the third time is enemy action. Sounds like how we should view Mr. Vance.
My oldest and his wife move to Denmark Wednesday. She’s Danish and speaks the language but he doesn’t. They sold their Chicago apartment and sold (me) their car. They’re taking their dog and cat. He has a five year contract to work for a Danish company upgrading their computer systems. He went for 2 weeks in May to meet everyone he’ll be working with and find housing. He’ll be under the work rules of the Danish version of a union, which is new to him. One of the union protections is limiting the time he’s “on call”. He said he has been “on call” since he was 22 years old and he is really looking forward to leaving work at work. I had no idea he had to be available almost constantly for his (huge) US employer- he never complained about it- although I did notice one Thanksgiving he was getting work messages constantly.
I’m excited for them but sad about it. I’ll miss seeing them.
Congrats to your son and his wife. I’m going to Denmark for the first time this fall.
@Betty Cracker:
Let’s set up a fundraiser for her ASAP ?
Don’t forget…this is the judge who has also approved discovery. So , we will find out all in the dead man’s hard drives.
Another Scott
@rikyrah: SpeakerPelosi:
I know that you are sad ☹️, but you will have.a place to stay in Europe, and it probably means that you will be getting grandchildren,sooner than later. ??
PS- please remind your son that just cause he is overseas, he can still vote.. Just get that FPCA Application into the Chicago Board of Elections come January 2020.
@low-tech cyclist:
This muthaphucka ? gotta go.
Baud!/Coco! 2020!
Not yet, waiting to see if there’s a price break for Prime Days.
@Betty Cracker: Yes it would. Though at this point, I’d vote for an actual turtle over the turtle-faced fascist fucker if I lived in KY.
joel hanes
This “Politics is a game! Like sports!” BS is part of the reason we’re living in this hellworld right now.
Chris Cillizza is a big part of the reason we’re living in this hellworld right now.
@satby: Haha, NotMax has informed me.
@Kay: It’s tough to watch them go.
@debbie: The reason for the question is political. Roberts already said that is okay in the gerrymandering case.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Kay: A trip or two to Denmark will help with missing them!
Does this mean you will have more time to devote to your other son’s girlfriend’s son? ?
Another Scott
Good, good. More investigations, please.
Drip, drip… Or is it tick, tock?
@Another Scott:
But, but, I mean….
I thought she was in the bag for Trump and concentration camps.
They’ll live in Odense. He rides a bike to work in Chicago so he’ll do the same in Denmark. His Denmark commute is “4 minutes shorter” which is the kind of useless detail he tells me, when I want to know what it’s LIKE there :)
I used to ask him if he “liked” his teacher in say 4th grade and he would literally describe her. “Older lady, grey hair…” Jesus. Just the wrong information. You have told me NOTHING.
I’ll have to go see to get the… aura of the place. I think I will love it- I love those chilly, watery places where everyone wears sweaters. That’s how I picture it. People in fisherman caps.
@Kay: When my youngest was a consultant, he spent months in Denmark. His girlfriend and now wife visited him there. They both love the country and plan on returning.
Chyron HR
…No? They wouldn’t have explained shit either way.
But, the dead man’s hard drives reveal that the intention is RACIAL, which is not acceptable. That’s why the discovery is so important
@Immanentize: lol
Ha! It’s very clear why he is in tech.
Dorothy A. Winsor
Trump is up and tweeting, bragging about the economy and simmering about the UK ambassador. (He’s taken the criticism with his usual grace.)
@Another Scott: It’s “Lock him up! Lock them all up!”
No, seriously, after Dump is out of office, arrest a bunch of fuckers and jail them awaiting trial. You know damn well they’d try to flee the country.
@rikyrah: Roberts will say that’s unfortunate, but…
Maybe it’s time for my to change my nym to eeyore.
Another Scott
@JPL: It’s kinda strange, though, that he didn’t use that reasoning in this case, isn’t it – I mean if he were going to?
As I understand it, and IANAL, Roberts held in the gerrymandering case that the federal courts couldn’t address them because they’re political questions. This case about the Census is different. It’s about whether the rules and the laws were followed, whether the stated reason is the actual reason, whether the question and the use of the data will so break the Census as to be unconstitutional, etc.
“We can’t rule about Census questions because it’s political” doesn’t seem to fit at all.
We’ll see, but if Roberts accepts Donnie’s and the Teabaggers lies about this then they know that the federal courts will be broken. Anything goes then. The courts have to have the truth presented to them, and not accept lies, or they can’t do their jobs.
Congrats to Kay’s eldest! It’s hard when they leave but Denmark is a wonderful place to visit. He is going to have so many opportunities and advantages living there.
I remember talking to a woman from Sweden at a local coffee shop who was visiting her mother in law and taking a break while her husband ran some errands. When she said she married and was living in the US I sort of commiserated with her about leaving. She said that everyone else she met in the US actually asked her if she was grateful to be able to move to the US. From Sweden?! People here have no idea that there are better places to live for quality of life. They don’t realize we are only number 1 in incarceration rates and amount of garbage generated per person.
Unions, health care, free college, efficient public transportation, parental leave – so many ways in which life is easier for working people.
@Betty Cracker: Postcards To Voters is running a campaign to register Floridians to vote by mail. Anyone can join and write postcards.
It’s already getting results.
@Baud: Poco sez, “Spellcheck, please. The ‘C’ is nowhere near the ‘P’ on Mom’s keyboard.”
I really think this is why Roberts had to punt. If it ended up being a racial based plan, then their rush to judgment (bypassing normal order) would have looked like the ultimate race based cover up. So, he had to switch at the last minute and allow the record to develop. Remember, the district court in this case previously found NO racial animus and is already feeling completely burned by Commerce and DOJ.
Of course, the courts below could find no race based link after discovery. But if any court does — either the district or appellate court — it will be game over for the question.
elizabeth bruenig (@ebruenig) Tweeted:
the epstein thing isn’t about partisanship (i.e., right-wing people did something; no, left-wing people were involved, too! ha!) it’s about class. rich people did things, and their loyalty to their class transcends partisanship https://twitter.com/ebruenig/status/1148326889980944385?s=17
I’m pretty sure that’s how most of the world sees us. I’m back in the job market and my mom is telling me I have to color my hair again. Ugh.
Betty Cracker
@Kay: I’m happy for them but sad for you.
@Another Scott:
Add in the fact that the census is clearly an Article I power (Congress) whereas gerrymandering is (at least currently) a State question which implicates the 10th amendment power of the States.
zhena gogolia
Don’t have time to read whole thread, but AMY MCGRATH IS RUNNING AGAINST MCCONNELL
Schooley (@Rschooley) Tweeted:
This would be a good week for 6 or 8 more Democratic presidential candidates to realize it’s time to quietly slip away. And maybe a few could run for Senate, like is desperately needed. https://twitter.com/Rschooley/status/1148478920573906946?s=17
Morning to Poco and the tribe ??
@rikyrah: Yup. Looking at you Beto!
Light purple is definitely the “In” color this summer.
@Another Scott: You make a compelling case, but we’ll see if logic works with Roberts.
O. Felix Culpa
@Kay: @Baud: I’m on the plane in Copenhagen right now, about to return home. Had a fantastic time in Sweden and Denmark. Both are lovely in different ways. Denmark is much more expensive than Sweden, and I’m told Norway is even costlier. All of these countries have better worker protections than the US though. Taxes are high, but you won’t go bankrupt from medical costs.
Baud 2020! “We solicit help from foreign allies.
@Immanentize: Hehe. Rapinoe’s purple ‘do is quite excellent.
O. Felix Culpa
@Kay: Odense is nice. It’s on the island of Fyn, which is a beautiful vacation destination.
That is an awesome hair color.
O. Felix Culpa
@O. Felix Culpa: There’s a big IKEA (redundant, I know) in Odensr, so it’ll be just like home. ? Seriously, though, it’s a beautiful place, with lots of good hiking and biking options. You’re never more than 50 km water in Denmark, so lots of water activities and fish available.
Gin & Tonic
Maybe I’m just being unduly optimistic this morning, but somehow this Epstein thing, this time, feels different. Like maybe there will actually be some consequences.
Dorothy A. Winsor
Betty Cracker
@Gin & Tonic: I hope you’re right. It makes me sick that the pervert was freed to ruin more lives after the feds had enough to put him away a dozen years ago.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Apparently Barr is in no rush to release the info so the democrats hopefully will find another way to make it public.
itgurl (@itgurl_29) Tweeted:
Louise Mensch is a weirdo but she was right about a good bit of this stuff with Trump. And yes, she was one of the first to go there with the sex trafficking angle and got called crazy by people like Seth and other msm folks on here. https://twitter.com/itgurl_29/status/1148371708442796033?s=17
dr. bloor
@Gin & Tonic: Probably something you ate. Take a couple of Alka-Seltzer, and you’ll remember that this will go down the rabbit hole in two or three news cycles like every other sociopathic scandal that’s broken over the past four years.
@dr. bloor: I think so also, but only for dems. Videos implicating republicans will be destroyed.
Ok Kay,
You got me curious, so I googled the city.
Average temperature in August is 70 DEGREES???
Lord have mercy.
That’s my kind of place.
@rikyrah: Tail wags, soft meows, waves back at you!
Have a great day.
@Another Scott:
I’m glad someone is following up on the cost of Trump’s vanity show. I’m sick of his ridiculous demands going unchecked and unchallenged. No, it’s not as serious as other crimes he and his administration commit, but it’s my money and I want this egomaniac held accountable.
Dorothy A. Winsor
For the first time in two weeks, I could have coffee this morning. It was amazing.
I fully believe that Roberts was ready to sign off on the Census Question until the dead man’s drives were found. That the DOJ didn’t want them entered into the record is very telling. The drives prove the case against the question. And, I can’t wait for discovery to get ALL that info into the public record.
@Kay: you should go, too. Denmark is great.
Phuck Outta Here ? ?
Rudy Giuliani (@RudyGiuliani) Tweeted:
Michelle Obama’s failure to defend Joe Biden against charges of racism was cruel. The Obamas owe Biden a defense against false charges. Biden’s actions in Ukraine and China and his intellect are real issues. Racism is not. This is like the Obama race attack on Bill Clinton. https://twitter.com/RudyGiuliani/status/1148445255525720064?s=17
Betty Cracker
@rikyrah: You are indisputably correct about Roberts’ intent, which is clear in the ruling. He affirmed the right to include the question but called the rationale “contrived” — had to since everyone who’s paying attention knows the real purpose is to consolidate white Republican political power.
Roberts is probably angry at the Trump idiots for fucking up what should have been a simple job. The theft of electoral power would have gone through the court slicker than goose shit in the hands of more competent white supremacists. Basically, the only thing that is saving the country at this point is that white supremacists — from Trump on down — are bumbling idiots. It’s a thin reed to hang our hopes on!
Rudy Giuliani (@RudyGiuliani) Tweeted:
Michelle Obama’s failure to defend Joe Biden against charges of racism was cruel. The Obamas owe Biden a defense against false charges. Biden’s actions in Ukraine and China and his intellect are real issues. Racism is not. This is like the Obama race attack on Bill Clinton. https://twitter.com/RudyGiuliani/status/1148445255525720064?s=17
Gin & Tonic
@rikyrah: I’d pay real cash money to hear Michelle say “yeah, kiss my ass, Rudy.”
Tom Steyer is a clown. Vanity candidacy.
What’s his schtick?
‘ I’m for impeachment’
And? So?
So are all the other top Democratic Candidates.
Outside of that..what does he have?
Like I said yesterday, the Democratic base IS NOT the GOP base.
Shiny objects aren’t our thing.
New federal charges against Epstein describe familiar pattern
Julie K. Brown, Miami Herald investigative reporter whose work is credited with influencing federal prosecutors to pursue new sex trafficking charges against Jeffrey Epstein, discusses the similarities between the new case and the previous case that resulted in an extremely lenient deal for Epstein.
July 8, 2019
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Gin & Tonic: I’d pay money for him to just shut up.
The original indictment against Epstein was FIFTY-THREE PAGES LONG.
BEFORE he got his sweetheart deal from Acosta.
Past prosecutor Acosta’s leniency adds twist to new Epstein case
Mimi Rocah, former federal prosecutor, talks with Joy Reid about why the new Jeffrey Epstein case is being handled by the SDNY’s Public Corruption Unit, and the unusual, improper handling of the previous Epstein case by prosecutors in Florida, including current Trump Labor Secretary Alex Acosta.
@Kay: After I moved abroad, Texas allowed me to vote in state and local elections for about 10 years, but I think it’s 5 now. If Illinois allows local and state voting for a few years, please encourage the young’un to do so for as long as they’ll let him.
The bad news is, everyone but Biden is within the “close enough to steal it again” range.
The good news is, all of them but Wilmer still have upside potential.
Betty Cracker
@rikyrah: Steyer’s announcement is even more clownish, if you can believe it. He didn’t mention impeachment at all but says he’s against corporate control of politics. Okay, so am I. But Steyer vows to spend $100M to combat corporate control, thus demonstrating that he’s fine with corporate control — as long as it’s HIS corporation. Fucking poser.
Democratic 2020 field shrinks by one, Warren money haul surprises
Joy Reid reports on the latest developments in the race for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, including Rep. Eric Swalwell being the first to drop out of the race (poof!), and remarkable fundraising totals from Elizabeth Warren. Karine Jean-Pierre, chief public affairs officer for MoveOn.org joins for analysis.
Steve in the ATL
@Gin & Tonic:
I wouldn’t be surprised to see Epstein have a sudden and unexpected fatal heart attack, à la Enron’s Ken Lay, before too much damaging info comes out.
But I may be cynical.
Another Scott
Popehat on Epstein at TheAtlantic – He’s out of luck.
“Laws are for little people.” – LH, probably.
@Kay: @Kay: Kay if you’d like a picture of what it’s like to live there I’d recommend reading this: The Year of Living Danishly. The workplace environment of the Danish really surprised me: they expect you to go home, on time! Very novel concept.
Was listening to Joy Reid in for Maddow…
Acosta met with Epstein’s attorney FOR OFF SITE MEETINGS?
@Betty Cracker:
I wanna know how he gets on the debate stage. Cause, he won’t count, poll-wise.
You tell me that he’ll get 130,000 individual donors?
@Steve in the ATL:
Yeah, but it’s a healthy cynicism.
Jeffrey Epstein Is Out of Luck
Great wealth insulates people from consequences, but not always, absolutely, or forever.
6:30 AM ET
Ken White
@Another Scott:
Thanks for the link :)
@MomSense: I have a number of military friends who chose to retire overseas rather than return for the simple reason that QoL there was far superior to anything here. Yeah, they make a bit less but their QoL is so much better that it was worth it.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I’m so old I remember when Kellyanne Fitzpatrick (as was) would go on the nascent MSNBC and Bill Maher’s show and tell me “Judge Starr”, who sang hymns while jogging, was devoted to the rule of law, etc.
I believe Acosta was a Bush WH lawyer before being named US Atty. I wonder how many pieces of red yard we’d need to connect him to Starr’s “elves”, like say… George Conway? Ann Coulter? Bret Kavanagh?
McGahn aide extends pattern of Trump admin stonewalling Congress
Joy Reid reports on Annie Donaldson, former chief of staff to Donald McGahn in the White House, refusing to answer many of the questions posed by Congress about her testimony to Robert Mueller, claiming a similar privilege excuse others in Donald Trump’s orbit have used in the past.
DOJ scrambles to make Trump citizenship census tweet reality
Jess Bravin, Supreme Court correspondent for The Wall Street Journal, discusses the changing tactics by the Donald Trump administration to put a citizenship question on the 2020 census, and the new legal team brought on by the Department of Justice to try to meet Donald Trump’s demands.
Another Scott
@rikyrah: Glad to help! You do us all a great service with your daily news excerpts and links. So, thank you!
joel hanes
@zhena gogolia:
Donate to Amy McGrath’s Senate campaign here :
Thank you for mentioning this!
PostcardsToVoters.org has detailed information.
Border facility staff blame officials for bad conditions: reports
Joy Reid shares details from new reports in which the workers at the infamous migrant detention center in Clint, Texas say the concerns they raised about conditions at the facility were ignored by border patrol officials.
Why Republicans are going after Kansas’ Kobach with a vengeance
07/09/19 09:20 AM
By Steve Benen
I’m kicking myself for not making the move when I had the chance.
On his environmental record, Trump turns to ‘greenhouse gaslighting’
07/09/19 08:43 AM
By Steve Benen
After the White House announced plans for a presidential speech on the environment, Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune said in a statement, “Donald Trump is resorting to greenhouse gaslighting the public to try and cover-up the fact that he is the worst president in history for the environment, climate and public health.”
That’s a good line. It also happens to be true.
Before we talk about what Trump said on the subject, part of what made yesterday interesting was the fact that the Republican delivered remarks on the subject at all. The New York Times had an interesting behind-the-scenes report:
@MomSense: Avalune and I had jobs lined up but then Trumpov happened. We’re keeping our eyes/ears open for return possibilities.
I will. Part of what I will miss is our political discussions. He loved Al Gore so started following politics in high school. It was a little bit of a challenge because this is a very conservative area. He was one of two “liberals” in his high school government class. You remember the Bush years. What they were like. Mean and ugly.
He’s like…Standard Democrat, if there were such a thing, so too far Left for his hometown but Right wing in his Chicago precinct. Right in the middle, nationally though. I think he’ll continue to vote.
@rikyrah: But Epstein could afford the lavish attention of a defense team staffed by legal luminaries such as Alan Dershowitz and Kenneth Starr.
But Epstein could afford the professional panty-sniffers Alan Dershovitz and Kenneth Starr to use their political capital to protect and obfuscate their amoral client.
@Kay: my former Danish exchange student was from Odense and lives there with her own family now. It’s on my bucket list to get back to Denmark and visit with her. Her 10 year old daughter is the image of her.
@Cacti: The bad news, really, is that were the election held today, we’d lose since we are barely treading water with “registered voters” and we know our “likely voters” don’t always show up when they are most needed.
James E Powell
@Steve in the ATL:
I don’t believe one can be too cynical in this place & time. One of my favorite conspiracy theories is that Ken Lay is still alive. I don’t seriously believe it, but if he turned up somewhere would we really be that surprised?
@debbie: Really, barring a SCOTUS ruling ought to take Barr out. Where is the Virginia Bar (or whichever bar he steps right up to), which ought to deBarr him?
(I know. I know.)
I take some heart that if we eventually win, he won’t be the first AG to go to jail.
Another Scott
@Peale: Eh? “If my grandma had wheels…”
The election isn’t being held today.
Before the election, there will be many more debates, many contests with winners and losers, a political convention, and all the rest. We would have had months of general election campaigning, and maybe even some debates between Donnie and the Democratic nominee (though I wouldn’t be at all surprised if Donnie chickens out (unless he knows the questions beforehand)).
It’s summertime. The real world isn’t paying much attention to politics now.
Don’t pay attention to the polls now. They don’t say anything about what the real world will be like come November 2020.
My $0.02.
(“Who also hates this question in polling, for the same reason.”)
“sang hymns while jogging”
I sure hope that was a metaphor, but just in case a reminder is needed:
Quaker in a Basement
I starting to think that this year’s vast and disorderly field of contenders serves Democrats well. In 2016, Bernie was the only place for the not-Hillary vote to go. This year, if you’re not in favor of Biden, there’s Harris, there’s Warren, there’s Castro, there’s Buttigeg, and yes, there’s Sanders too.
When we end up with a nominee, there will be a diminished likelihood that supporters of defeated contenders will feel so much bitterness and resentment to the eventual winner. Maybe it will be easier for our team to unite behind the winner.