Eric Holthaus is retweeting a bunch of useful information:
Pre-event analysis of #TropicalStormBarry projected rainfall in next 7 days compared to development in 1940 and 2019. Being repetitive here but clearly it's still an issue (e.g., Harvey, Florence). #BatonRouge #NewOrleans Expanding Bull's Eye Effect (1/2)
— Stephen M. Strader (@StephenMStrader) July 11, 2019
If you are in the path of #Barry, finish your storm preparations as soon as possible.
Tips from @Readygov :
— FEMA (@fema) July 11, 2019
Hurricane insights? Follow Patrick, a NPR news director in New Orleans, former investigative reporter for WAMU here in DC. @kojoshow
— Tom Sherwood (@tomsherwood) July 11, 2019
Maybe worth keeping tabs on this weekend…the state rainfall record in Louisiana for TC landfall is from Allison in 2001…29.92"
Not totally out of the question with current forecast calling for local max potential ~25"
— Eric Fisher (@ericfisher) July 11, 2019
Wait…how are you getting tweets? I just tried to send one and it was a massive fail.
Cheryl Rofer
My Twitter seems to be working again. For a little while after it came on, my ability to send tweets was spotty, but everything seems fine now.
Trump effectively gives up on Census citizenship question. Looks like he’s getting ready to use it for a campaign rally BS talking point, for more easy wild cheers.
Parts I heard indicate Trump doesn’t know states redistrict not the feds, doesn’t understand how Census data is used or difference between allocating House seats to states and drawing Congressional districts, he admits he wants to do dirty deeds with the data, the data he needs is already collected, and his order or whatever, doesn’t do anything to make it easier for him to get the data to people who want to do dirty things with it. Still harping on his delusion or lie, that millions and billions and gazillions of non-citizens voted in 2016 election.
Other than that, the statement made perfect sense and was top and terrific, really first class.
Cheryl Rofer
Neal Katyal speculates that the lawyers finally got through to him.
@Cheryl Rofer: “The Census Bureau projected that using previously available records, it could determine citizenship for 90% of our population or more.”
The Census has already been doing that for years. From what I heard, Trump also wants to get non-Census data directed to people who want to misuse it.
Probably took rotating teams of flunkies to persuade and confuse him up enough that this wasn’t surrender, but a clever way forward.
@Cheryl Rofer:
“Let me explain discovery to you, sir.”
Critical Point: GOPs want all residents counted for getting House seats and electoral votes and federal money. But they want districts based on citizenship alone. So get all the goodies that goes with higher population but keep the electoral power outside the cities.
I’m sorry, does anyone else see a process open for complete Republican tomfuckery or am I being paranoid?
David Koch
Megan America Great Again (photo) ?️?
@TenguPhule: No, you’re not being paranoid.
J R in WV
I think that in the reality we all (excluding Trump) live in, the Census bureau has fairly total info on citizenship counts down to congressional districts, if not to counties.
So all this was ignorance and bullying pushing against the Federal standards for changing long-standing methods and procedures, which require evidence based reasons for changing stuff, as opposed to making it different BECAUSE I SAID SO!!! which isn’t a reason, really. Not at all, really.