Jay K in Cleveland, Ohio: I don’t have an official crowd estimate and am terrible at guessing, but Market Square in Cleveland was packed. It was a very well-run event put on by some people new to organizing. They did a great job.
janeform in Ann Arbor, Michigan:
Photo 1: The woman holding the sign is Corky Wattles, who organized the vigil. Speaking is an attorney from Michigan Immigrant Rights Center (MIRC). They provide free legal services to immigrants in Michigan, including all unaccompanied children.
Photo 2: Not a great photo, but these are a few of the hundreds who walked through town with candles.
William Dudley at the San Diego/San Ysidro march sent a dozen photos. Here are four of my choosing, with his comments.

Inspectrix: First one is the crowd gathering on the Boston Common in front of the State House and the second was the vigil. The crowd was over 1000 and appeared quite diverse. The speakers were excellent, presented in both English and Spanish, and asked for action on the MA Safe Communities act, drivers licenses for all, and the call to end detention rather than softer efforts to make detention slightly more humane. There were also inspirational words from Boston Teacher’s Union about upholding the right to educate all children regardless of immigration status. Also the crowd just seemed awfully nice. Seeing people of conviction showing up is heartening.

Next week, call or write your congresscritters and senators. They need to know we care about this.
That photo of the baby shoes in the cage, god that is a punch to the gut.
James E Powell
I could have sworn I commented on this thread, but these things happen. Anyway, big shout out and much love to the people of my beloved hometown Cleveland. You’re lookin’ good.
@James E Powell: Big turnout with a baseball game on and I-90 all messed up with construction.
Mary G
So heartwarming to see so much creativity and passon in these protests.
That one really is. Most of the other photos show the people and the concern and that’s very good.
The cage and shoes shows the horror of the entire shitty thing this president and his party are doing in our names and thinking it is a great thing.
The San Ysidro placards of victims is very chilling to me because I’m used to seeing candles/crosses/flower displays where a latino individual dies here in southern calif. Many stores sell the candles and displays and it brings home a specific message of loss.
@Sab: I have an eighteen month-old grandson who I naturally adore. The thought of children being so poorly treated makes my blood boil. This evil government is an enemy of the people.
Yeah they ain’t heard the last from me. Not even close. I could go on, and I will, in the ear of the unlucky saps that picks up the phone.
Patricia Kayden
I’m too technologically challenged to link my photos from the D.C. migrant protest but one of the best signs I saw was “Jesus was a refugee.” It was a huge, diverse, passionate crowd right across from the White House.
I don’t know if it’s because of the people I follow on Twitter, or because they’re retweeting more than usual, but my feed is seriously on fire with tweets about Trump’s racist post about AOC, Pressley et al. going back where they came from.
Andrew Jackson killed Cherokee kids with infected blankets. We are doing the same with infected hospices.
I don’t even know what to call these places. Hospices ain’t it.
I am so deeply ashamed to be American.
Agreed. Someone should crop that and get it on twitter. (Unfortunately I’m not on it.) It captures something deep.
Done. Posted it to #RacistInChief.
William Dudley
thanks for doing this cheryl…..I will say if it wasn’t for balloon juice I might never have heard of this or gone