At least one piece of good news today. Here’s the story. It took a week to decide whether he would be held without bail – I wonder how long his trial will take.
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At least one piece of good news today. Here’s the story. It took a week to decide whether he would be held without bail – I wonder how long his trial will take.
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The Moar You Know
Remember the OJ trial? It will take longer. He has all the money he needs to string this out for years, and probably his pedophile buddy Dershowitz will represent him for free.
Cheryl Rofer
The Cohen files are out now. Reporters are scrambling to download them and check through for what was redacted earlier. Looks like the time after the Hollywood audio was released was pretty lively. Only fragmentary stuff available so far – hard to make sense out of.
Keith P.
@The Moar You Know: Epstein will pay to get someone other than Mike Tyson’s failed rape attorney.
[Individual 1] mistermix
@The Moar You Know: I wonder if sitting in the hoosegow instead of house arrest will speed up the process.
Would love to learn Dersh can’t represent him under ethics rules because he is a possible witness.
Cheryl Rofer
Trump is definitely rattled.
Not surprised. Bail for Epstein would be proof the fix was in. Right up there with El Chapo on demonstrated flight risk.
I hope they can keep him safe in jail.
They’re gonna have to put him in solitary. No choice. He’ll never make it to trial if put in G.P.
the Conster
All the people Epstein was blackmailing, which is apparently how he *earned* his money – what’s their play now? Have him killed in prison?
@rikyrah: How much can Barr interfere in this one? I should know, but this is NYState proceedings?
David Anderson
@Cheryl Rofer: Sure as hell smells like a conspiracy to violate election finance laws with Trump, Hicks, Conway all involved in addition to Cohen
Southern District of New York
@the Conster:
That’s why I say he’s gonna be in solitary confinement.
It’s federal. Federal detention center in Manhattan.
patrick II
SDNY. And yes I worry but would be hard for Barr to stop the public investigation of a pedophile, but he hasn’t let much slow him down so far. Plus, I saw last night New Mexico is jumping in. He has a house there too.
That Epstein simply blew off the check-ins after his previous conviction (and got away with it!) is about the reddest red flag that can be imagined. I don’t see how the judge had much choice.
Omnes Omnibus
@The Moar You Know: The OJ trial took as long as it did because Judge Ito was a fuck up. He let both the prosecution and defense run all over him.
Gin & Tonic
@The Moar You Know: Dershowitz got the guilty-as-sin Claus von Bulow off. Took about two months.
@Gin & Tonic:
Sunny Von Bulow couldn’t testify.
Epstein has scores of victims now willing to testify.
Amir Khalid
The site is acting up something terrible. It’s lost most of its formatting. What the hell is going on?
Gin & Tonic
@Amir Khalid: That’s the new design.
@Amir Khalid: Yup, stackpathcdn crap all over again.
@The Moar You Know: Yeah, but he’ll be rotting in jail while that’s going on.
@The Moar You Know: As long as the pedophile rots inside the jail and does not come out on bail, let the scum waste all his money on scummy lawyers.
Epstein’s next move is likely asking for a change of venue in order to get the best possible jury for himself.
So I’m figuring he’s going to argue for having the trial in Mar-A-Lago
@the Conster:
thing is, this trial is so high-profile that killing him now would make law enforcement people even MORE determined hunting down all the suspects, likely leaking out even more damaging blackmail sh-t. Also, would not be surprised if Epstein had a dead-mans-switch out there, a lawyer on payroll with a bunch of sealed envelopes with specific orders to UNSEAL should he ever die suspiciously.
Omnes Omnibus
@Gin & Tonic: Dershowitz represented von Bulow on his appeal. I don’t think that he has ever done trial work.*
*He has been a part of many legal teams at the initial trial but always to prepare for a potential appeal.
Mai Naem mobile
@the Conster: have him killed but make it look like suicide since hes probably in solitary. What a sick sick fuck and all the assholes who covered for him should pay like him.
Ohio Mom
@Gin & Tonic: That was a gazillion years ago when Dershowitz was young and sharp.
This trial will be some younger attorney’s big break into fame/infamy.
@the Conster: I don’t believe the pedophile blackmailed anyone into paying him hush money. He made his money the old fashioned way, pimping.
the Conster
The search warrants already gave them tons of surveillance videos, and he had hundreds of CDs of his victims. There’s conjecture that there’s probably a safe on his private island that has the *best* stuff. Probably Trump. eeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwww
@rikyrah: Honestly I hope they Papillon that motherfucker
Steve in the ATL
@plato: you don’t make a billion dollars pimping (Baud can confirm this). Blackmail was his cash cow.
the Conster
He acted like the Russians to to get kompromat – throw parties, invite the movers and shakers, take pics then follow up with them and tell them to give him money to *manage*. None of the hedge fund managers ever saw his trades or saw him at work. He had Maxwell recruit the girls for his parties.
@the Conster: Why wouldn’t they.
Gin & Tonic
@Omnes Omnibus: While Dershowitz did not represent him (and wasn’t even part of the team) at the original trial when von Bulow was convicted, the conviction was overturned and there was a second trial, resulting in an acquital. Dershowitz led the trial team in the second trial.
Lots of scummy lawyers making sure the trial takes a very long time?
Even when they’re criminals, the very wealthy can hog resources that should belong to all of us. How many ordinary people will wait longer for their trials because this pervert can keep the court system occupied for so long?
Gin & Tonic
@Ohio Mom: Oh, I know that. I just brought it up to mention that it took a bit under two months for the re-trial. It was unavoidable in RI at the time – Dershowitz was on the tube nearly every fucking day. But I know he’s old and slow now.
A Ghost To Most
Some talking head said money-laundering might also be part of Epstein’s business model.
@Steve in the ATL: Why would the rich and powerful would pay hush money when they could have easily had him bumped off? It was all child sex trade and rich sick fucks threw money at him.
Omnes Omnibus
@Gin & Tonic:
That I did not know.
@JanieM: Scummy lawyers?
Finally some truthy headlines.
Gin & Tonic
@A Ghost To Most: Bingo!
@A Ghost To Most: That too.
Gin & Tonic
@Omnes Omnibus: You could buy his book and read all about it.
@A Ghost To Most: Kinda makes you want to ask if they serve tea in solitary.
Omnes Omnibus
@Gin & Tonic: I could, But I won’t.
If things heat up for Ghislaine, she may disappear over the rail of a yacht like her old man, Cap’n Bob.
Roger Moore
@patrick II:
The fix with Epstein would be to prosecute him on the really easy stuff- it sounds as if the child pornography charges are a slam dunk, for instance- and just ignore the bigger issues of sex trafficking and who else was raping these girls.
@plato: Killing Epstein wouldn’t get rid of the evidence he had presumably accumulated. Also presumably, he held multiple copies of everything in multiple locations, which would get released in the event of his untimely demise.
@Omnes Omnibus:
That was a quote from Plato @ comment 27. Forgot the cite, I’m sure I’m in trouble now.
Not meant (on my part anyhow) to imply that all lawyers are scummy. Some of my best friends, and indeed several of my family members, are lawyers of the non-scummy variety.
@Elizabelle: Well, safe-ish
And of course, the racist pig is busy now stoking more vile racism with his racist magats base for more distraction.
West of the Rockies
@Cheryl Rofer:
Sirs? I’m not following. Can someone explain?
Roger Moore
@West of the Rockies:
One of the most reliable tells that Trump is going to tell an especially large lie is when he talks about someone addressing him as “sir”.
Omnes Omnibus
@JanieM: The reason I asked is that a good number of people who should know better tend to make assumptions about criminal defense attorneys.
@Roger Moore: Thanks, because I was wondering about the same thing. Never heard that before.
Mary G
So proud of the victims and Julie Brown who didn’t let the fix stay in and pursued justice for more than a decade.
dr. bloor
@the Conster: Biggest job for his jailers is going to be keeping Epstein from doing the job himself. Given the evidence reportedly uncovered, he’s a poster child for suicide.
@Mary G:
Clap clap clap clap
Steve in the ATL
@plato: dead man’s switch, threats against their family members, etc. You need to work on your blackmail game!
Bill Arnold
Yeah, those personally concerned that Epstein has something on them have to assume that this is a strong possibility.
Roger Moore
It’s a very reliable tell that a huge whopper is coming. Trump indirectly praises himself by putting the words of praise in somebody else’s mouth, and that person always addresses him as “sir”.
@West of the Rockies: Comes from this by D. Dale:
Roger Moore
@Steve in the ATL:
I’m inclined to believe that any blackmail that was going on was indirect; his primary hold on people was his ability to provide them with what they wanted, not a threat to expose them for what they had done. That threat was always there, but it was held in the background as an implied threat rather than waved in people’s faces. Straight up blackmail is rarely as effective as the combined carrot and stick approach.
Raven Onthill
@the Conster: they scarcely need to. There are many child abuse victims in prison, and some of them will be only too happy to do the job for free.
Bill Arnold
@Steve in the ATL:
For the technically-inclined, it’s not hard to automate such things. With not much more effort, they can be made strong enough to resist large nation-states.
He’s going to pimp underage girls, I can’t imagine he cares about nuance within the law. In for a lot, in for a lot more.
Cheryl Rofer
Or it can be sheer carelessness combined with law enforcement. The FBI found files with various types of media inside, labeled with people’s names, when they searched the New York residence. All evidence against those people, now in the FBI’s hands.
@Steve in the ATL:
May be you can cite anyone who got filthy rich by blackmailing, especially rich and powerful for decades? And no, epstein does not count.
Patricia Kayden
@Cheryl Rofer: I wish the release of the Cohen files had real consequences for Trump but I fear that it’ll just be another blip for him.
Another Scott
@plato: There was some story out there that Epstein had “power of attorney” for at least one of his clients. He could just slowly drain their bank accounts with “fees” and rake in millions. Without seeming to get his hands dirty. (Presumably there are “fiduciary rules” and such that would normally limit such things, but presumably he had ‘client’ signatures to protect himself.) Now, how he got that POA is left as an exercise for the reader.
It all stinks to high heaven. And Epstein’s crimes never, ever should have gone on as long as they did. There’s a lot of rot that needs to be investigated and cleaned out…
Same reason they support drumpf. He gives them what they want.
If they didn’t want what he was selling, they wouldn’t be buying.
@Bill Arnold: How does the dead-man’s switch know that the man isn’t dead, just held in jail without bail?
@Roger Moore: But an implied threat should still have some value for him especially if it were known or suspected that he had the means to carry it out, as for instance if he shared a few fun candid shots from his parties. People might pay a little extra for his licit or illicit services, or go out of their way to throw business his way.
@Roger Moore: The most reliable is when he opens his mouth.
@JPL: Yeah, that and “Believe Me”.
ETA: Happy b-day.
@Roger Moore:
I’m sure he’ll try to plea out so the worst stuff doesn’t come out. But it’s hard to imagine a judge or the prosecutor agreeing given this is likely to be a ‘Trial of the Century’ that will make OJ look routine Law and Order type stuff. Many, many people’s careers are going to be made or broken over this one.
@Steve in the ATL: @Steve in the ATL: He did have the facilities and cover you’d want for providing drugs to the upper class (dealing through one of his manservants, for ex.) After all, someone had to bring the drugs to all those parties, and he owned the transport, so why not keep the profit in-house. And he probably needed drugs on hand anyway to supply his helpers and self. In the late 60s, 70s, 80s girls were preferred as couriers to get through customs.
Also, I could see using some of those parties in the 80s-90s to befriend and woo investors in fraudulent schemes that were never reported.
@Mary G: If anyone ever deserved a Pulitzer it’s her. She was not only dogged she didn’t give up even with the headwinds against her. That’s how you report there Chuckles Toddler!
@MattF: What’s even worse is that he can argue that Cyrus Vance’s office, along with the NYPD, waived the requirement that he check in. Vance enables the wrongdoing of wealthy people. I hope that acts like an anvil around his neck in the next primary election.
@artem1s: I am not the prosecutor, but I think my message to Epstein’s lawyers would be that we are not playing any kind of game, let alone the game that Acosta did. If Epstein agrees to give us what we ask for we will consider mitigation of charges or details of incarceration, but we don’t want any proffers of limited information. We get what we want, all of it, or forget it. I read that he might have proffered to give them details of who had paid him to have sex with girls, followed by an explanation that it is very unlikely that many if any people had paid him to have sex with girls. They really, really, need to stop negotiating on his terms.
Great news, in that it means he is denied his creature comforts and will be forced to live in sub-par circumstances. May there be many continuances in his future.
They need to stop thinking they can negotiate on his terms.
@Mary G:
I know how many people hate the NYT, but the podcast “The Daily” interviewed her for a half-hour and she was really very awesome.
Roger Moore
Exactly. I think a key factor for somebody like Epstein is that it’s going to be very hard for him to reveal his client’s secrets without serious risk of revealing his own. That makes it hard to use them for straight up blackmail for money, but it does mean they’re still valuable as an insurance policy. He may not be able to demand money to avoid revealing people’s secrets, but he can certainly threaten that if he goes down he’ll take his rich and powerful clients down with him. That kind of “you have to protect my interests to protect your own” threat is totally believable, and it’s very likely what got him off so lightly in Florida.
@Cheryl Rofer:
Who’s he calling “sir”?
Miss Bianca
@Wapiti: That sounds like the political version of “How much wood would a woodchuck chuck…”
@debbie: Himself.
Huh. He’s now walking back that chanting shit. He says he wasn’t happy with that chanting about sending Omar back and he says he tried to cut it off. Once again, the video will show he’s once again lying.
ETA: I have to say hearing those chants is the closest I’ve come to hearing Nuremburg all over again.
@Cheryl Rofer: What does that signify?
@debbie: It’s stories he tells about people who talk to him; if, in the story, they call him ‘sir’, it’s always a lie.
Cheryl Rofer
@debbie: He claims that people call him sir. Daniel Dale, truth-checker, says that when Trump uses that claim in a story, it is invariably false.
ETA: I think it’s also a way for him to boost himself up in his own self-esteem, something he uses when he’s feeling particularly insecure.
Right. Remember Hillary calling him “Donald” over and over in the debates?
Today’s national embarrassment.
Until the next time. And gods help us all, there will be a next time.
@Cheryl Rofer:
He doesn’t want to know what I call him.
@debbie: To explain a little further, DD has found that when trump tells a story and somebody comes to him and says, “Sir, we need to do….” it’s a tell that he is lying. Of course I would say that every time he opens his mouth is a tell; that he’s lying, but Dale is a little more circumspect than I.
Don’t worry, tomorrow he’ll hold another rally and they will say it again and he will smile.
@debbie: The imaginary person who feeds his ego. He’ll meet a man on the street who will say Sir can I talk to you.
or what Ozark said
Snapshot of Current Republican defense of Trump’s rally.
Thordis Brandt is not amused.
Omnes Omnibus
@Steve in the ATL: Don’t ask me to apologize
I won’t ask you to forgive me
If I’m going to go down
You’re gonna come with me
Will someone explain to me why the media wasn’t in an uproar over the fact that a border agent made a three year old choose what parent accompanied her over the border. The same agent then asked why she was crying when her father was led away. After all she was the one to choose.
Will someone explain to me why a boat owned by JP Morgan and seized at a port in philly with 1.3 billion dollars of drugs, was barely a blip on the news?
It’s so hard to notice that because you’re so gobsmacked at other things he’s saying or his gestures or his Mussolini facial expressions or just about anything else.
I worked this morning and some idiot in the office said he supported Trump. It was all I could do not to jump and rip his throat out!
The media is only capable of paying attention to one vile action at a time and Trump sucks most of that oxygen up by existing.
(associated press)
@TenguPhule: Who is supposed to take what and go where?
@Barbara: Ilhan Omar, I assume he thinks she has a ball she needs to take home. But my wingnutese is a little rusty.
No Bail? El Chapo’s tunnel crew are looking for work.
Just sayin’.
@debbie: Next time just say “Thankyou, it’s nice when people announce to all the world that they are absolutely without a single redeeming quality and that there is absolutely no reason to ever listen to anything they have to say.”
Of course, if I was on a jobsite those aren’t the words I’d use but the sentiment would be the same.
@rikyrah: Accidents happen, even in there. People trip.
And then accidentally decapitate themselves by falling into the cell toilet. Or so I’ve heard.
“Dadgummit?” Who is he, Yosemite Sam? Take your own ‘grow up’ advice, idiot.
This story was the first one on NPR’s Here and Now, and it included references to brown shirts and Nuremburg . I think this will be more than a blip.
With this guy, that goes without saying!
Gin & Tonic
@trollhattan: Tunneling into MCC NY would be a major undertaking.
Were she still with us, Leona Helmsley would say, “Jails are for little people.”
the Conster
Wait, is this the same media that will cover *impeachment* hearings 24/7 with good faith and due diligence with a public service mandate to educate the voting public about all Trump’s crimes, who will then storm the Capitol demanding Mitch McConnell do his damn job and give us President Pence already? Isn’t that what the impeachment now people believe will happen?
@debbie: He probably would take it as a compliment, because so many big words, right?
Looks like boorish johnson got kicked in his nads before he even got started.
MPs have backed a bid to stop a new prime minister suspending Parliament to force through a no-deal Brexit.
A majority of 41 approved an amendment that blocks suspension between 9 October and 18 December unless a Northern Ireland executive is formed.
Four cabinet ministers, including Philip Hammond, abstained and 17 Tory MPs rebelled, including minister Margot James, who has resigned.
Leadership contender Boris Johnson has not ruled out suspending Parliament.
His rival Jeremy Hunt has ruled out this move.
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said the vote was “an important victory to prevent the Tories from suspending Parliament to force through a disastrous no deal”.
BBC political editor Laura Kuenssberg said the Commons had now made it harder for a new prime minister to suspend Parliament.
@Gin & Tonic: That’s OK, they’ll still take his money.
Steve in the ATL
But that would ruin the wine!
Omnes Omnibus
@Steve in the ATL: Priorities, right?
I think it’s supposed to be “take it,” the criticism, as in “take it like a man,” “and go,” as in, “go on about your life rather than whining.” Your basic “snowflake” criticism, expressed by the same idiots who carp and moan about the right way to greet people during winter holiday season.
@Gin & Tonic:
Race between the CHUDS, the alligators and the mole people.
@the Conster: We know that the over whelming majority of drugs seized are at ports, but the trumpettes don’t. The story of the little girl broke my heart. Even though the father was reunited, that little girl will always fear anxiety
three year olds are suppose to make a Sophie’s Choice decision.
A bizarre tweet from Marco Rubio, who has been savaged on twitter for hiding under the bed since Trump’s hate tweets…
If he’d quit after the first line he would have been fine, but now he’s set fire to himself.
@the Conster: lol, yes.
@Steve in the ATL: It’s fortified wine. That requires iron.
It was on the teleprompter. It was scripted into his Klan rally speech
Bill Arnold
If it’s something resembling periodic crypto-signed hearbeat messages then the release happens. Same for torture in solitary black-site confinement. If it’s something else (like scanning for obits) then not. (There’s some tech literature on the subject, fwiw.)
The broader problem is that if some amoral entity calculates that it is to their net benefit that the deadman switch is triggered (e.g. release documents/video/etc), then they have an incentive to trigger it. The ones for whom the calculation indicates a significant negative effect on them have an incentive to prevent the deadman switch from being triggered, e.g. to keep the subject alive.
The net is that those involved need to consider the possibility of the existence of such a mechanism, even if the subject never claims to have set up such a thing.
@TenguPhule: Thanks.. that’s what I meant.
Of course it was in the script. He’s too old to remember, let alone memorize.
I pictured Sophie’s Choice when reading your post. Just horrible. As for drug smuggling, wish there were more guys like this guy. In fact he may not know it, but this guy is a metaphor for what this country’s turned into.
the Conster
Do you seriously think that Trumpettes listen to any news that isn’t pro-Trump? How do you know about the drug ship at the Philly port? How do you know most drugs come from ports of entry other than the border? From reporting? Oh. There is nothing preventing anyone from finding out what they think they need to know, and hoping the national media will take their Constitutionally protected duty seriously and do what they have proven incapable of doing is foolish.
There are Rules to the ‘You have to give every possible benefit of the doubt before calling a white person racist’ taboo that Reagan sold to white America. If you do not perform one of a tiny number of triggers, it’s unfair to call you racist. The n-word is one. ‘Go back where you came from’ is another. ‘White supremacist’ and ‘racist’ are assumed to be synonyms, while even ‘white nationalist’ is not. Trump has finally done something that the media, who are the very definition of ‘polite racists’, believe is clearly racist. That is why the actual word ‘racism’ is being used so much more in this discussion, rather than stuff like ‘white grievance’ or ‘racial tensions.’
She might have been the GOP presidential nominee.
@Wapiti: @Bill Arnold:
Instead of releasing the info to the public, you just have it released to a third party to continue the blackmail. A much nastier third party.
Federal Officials Investigating Man Posting Racist Attacks Online Armed With Millions Of Explosives
(Onion headline, accompanied by photo of trump)
@germy: lol
Gin & Tonic
@TenguPhule: My attempt at humor was clearly too obscure. MCC NY is a high-rise building. The segregated and protective units are on the 9th and 10th floor. If you can tunnel into a 10th floor cell then you are clearly more skilled at field engineering than most.
They care about it. Only because it might harm their careers or reputations but they do care about it. They’re not invulnerable.
The racist, hateful campaign the Trump Family and Trump Administration are running puts them at risk. They’ve just decided not standing up to the Family or Administration is less risky for them, but that’s two bad choices they have. It would be easier and better for them if this wasn’t happening. So we can enjoy that because Trump is getting worse, not better, so they have this to look forward to for the next year. Every week. That’s why Little Marco is so put out. This is his life now.
@the Conster:
Given his crimes, there’s a reasonable chance that he will be murdered anyway. I think Jeffrey Dahmer only survived for a couple of years.
@Mandalay: Yes, lil Marco, choosing between right and wrong “allows for only 2 sides & demands you pick.”
So pick.
“It’s a stupid game that I refuse to play.”
Choosing between right and wrong is the most fundamental “game” out there. Seems like lil Marco won’t pick between right and wrong when his side is so obviously wrong. Tough to pick a more apt word than “cowardice.” If he’s choosing that path, it would best be chosen by silence, except that his cowardice is so great that he must be seen on the internet tongue-bathing Trump’s boots.
Your Republican Party.
Captain C
@The Moar You Know: Wouldn’t that be a potential conflict of interest, especially if Dersh is on the tapes?
@Kay: Amazing what seeing Frankenstein’s monster in action can do to focus the minds of the politicians who understand they could be next in his sights (and clutches).
@hueyplong: Yep, Rubio is now in a richly deserved permanent world of hurt. He got disemboweled in the Miami Herald yesterday:
Yep. This is a problem for the GOP. But Trump may drag them down with this. So far, he has not shown that he is willing to listen to anyone. Worse, his base refuses to be restrained. Trump may keep the racist crap up, but shrug his shoulders and claim it’s not his fault if his fans keep using the chant.
If the Republcans weren’t such cowards, they would shut this down. The Democrats should keep calling them out on this.
@rikyrah: Plus he stood there and obviously enabled and relished the feedback from his audience. I think his recent racist statements should result in his removal, by impeachment, from office. Talk about high crimes and misdemeanors. Am I wrong?
@TenguPhule: Didn’t these two just vote yesterday to take down Nancy Pelosi’s words because they were allegedly insulting to shithead less than 24 hours ago?
the Conster
Impeachment doesn’t remove him from office. Do you know that?
@Kay: putting GOP officials on the spot repeatedly, constantly,for trumpov’s dumb/dangerous comments works. Not for everything/not every time. But still. The Dems and the media might want to take note
Lara Trump initiated the chant. I think the (otherwise unemployable) grown children are playing a much larger role in the campaign/administration (there’s no difference between the two) which might be good news for us because none of them can ever be fired, no matter their actual performance.
From what I read in New York Magazine, in an article in which a bunch of hedge fund managers and high flying financial muckety mucks talk about not ever dealing with Epstein, their theory is that he got them on the hook with the pedophilia and then talked them into investing with him, in a Ponzi scheme a la Bernie Madoff, or just socking the money away in some Caribbean bank. Sounded pretty plausible to me. Otherwise, none of them could fathom where he got his money because no one ever traded with him, no one really knew him and no one had ever heard of his “company” or whatever it is doing any big deals.
@JoeyJoeJoe: They voted to take down her words because she quoted him accurately into the congressional record.
@the Conster: I don’t think many do.
@Brachiator: totally agree. Beat on the GOP, Dems, every time. For every significant thing he says. You can’t lose. There’s no down side.
And beat on the media to beat on the GOP, too.
There are days when he might say “It’s Tuesday.” It’s a one out of seven chance that he gets it right. So there is always a chance that he’s not lying about something. In his life those odds aren’t all that good, but still…….
I’ve decided to talk with the trumper at work, so he won’t notice that brick wall he’s going to run into. It’s the least I can do.
Plus, if there is anyone more stupid than the old man, it’s his spawn.
J R in WV
I know what you mean, but the reality of Hitler’s giant fascist rallies was more like open air religious ceremonies. Very somber worship of the Head of the Party. That’s always been my impression, maybe because of the cinematography of Leni Riefenstahl — perhaps in real life they were different.
Trump’s typical rally is more like a carnival side-show barker working the crowd.
@Roger Moore: Sure, insurance premiums are just how I’d characterize it. And I also doubt that this kind of thing is the major source of his wealth, to the extent that it really exists. He’s probably more of a money launderer and with his connections something of a fixer, both of which might mean that he gets some kind of extra help in keeping up the right appearances.
Let me know how it goes. I don’t know that I could remain calm through an entire conversation.
The three year old’s name is Sophia. This is a bitterly weird timeline we’re in.
@the Conster:
Am willing to bet that safe is long gone. Unless the local officials were tipped off ahead of time to keep surveillance on it.
Roger Moore
@J R in WV:
I suspect this difference has more to do with the difference in religions than with anything else. Hitler was raised Catholic, and most Germans were either Catholic or Lutheran. Those fascist rallies were intended to imitate the kind of somber, formal religious ceremony that Catholics and Lutherans were used to. In contrast, Trump’s most ardent followers are Evangelicals, who tend to have much more vigorous, even rowdy, religious ceremonies. I’m pretty sure you’d find a lot of parallels between a Trump rally and a revival meeting.
J R in WV
Despicable people in positions of power. Gonna be a long time til the 2020 elections.
@J R in WV: I accidentally caught a few minutes of one the other day.
He was talking about how great The Apprentice was.
Really? You’re the fucking President of the fucking United States and you still want to talk about your glory days as a reality TV show host? That’s the fucking highlight, the most significant accomplishment you have to bring up?
It’s been silence since the election, only talking work when I have to. And that’s not often. He’s taken to moving out of my way when we pass. So I started being polite(ish) and occasionally letting him by, and it has helped. So now I am just a bit more than minimum civil and if nothing else it’s helped me. He’s a trumper, his concepts of social aren’t any better than his leader.
Yes. Yes it is.
@Steve in the ATL: Red? Or Yellow?
Robert Harvey
Which is to say, a Federal court, not a New York state court.