Fuck this kid, fuck his friends, fuck his parents, fuck that school breeding these little monsters, and fuck his lawyers:
The $250 million lawsuit filed by Nick Sandmann against the Washington Post has been dismissed by a federal judge.
William Bertelsman, who heard oral arguments in the case earlier this month, issued the ruling on Friday.
Nick and his attorneys, Todd McMurtry and L. Lin Wood, alleged that the gist of The Washington Post’s first article conveyed that Nick had assaulted or physically intimidated Nathan Phillips, engaged in racist conduct, and engaged in taunts.
But, Bertelsman wrote, “this is not supported by the plain language in the article, which states none of these things.”
When the other cases are thrown out the little prick should be forced to stand in public with a placard that says “I don’t understand the first amendment.”
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
In the immortal words of Nelson Muntz, Ha ha!
What other cases?
so it went like:
judge: sir, this is an arby’s
The punk’s legal team was looking for a payout that would take down The Washington Post, as Hulk Hogan’s suit against Gawker did. Hardly the first time fascist creeps drastically overreached, and it won’t be the last.
Of course, the Gawker case was based on invasion of privacy, and this one was a defamation suit. The plaintiffs had to present facts that would allow them to meet the absolute malice standard from Sullivan v. New York Times, which they did. Except the allegedly defamatory story did not support the “facts” they presented. Wankers.
all i know is, if having a story published about you that’s not 100% true gets you 250 million dollars, obama and hilz could pay off the goddamn national debt.
Part of the private Trumpster GoFundme wall blurps into Mexico! The US-Mexican border is a Deep State conspiracy going all the way back to 1889! Says area Trumpster in charge of the wall.
In Awesome Twist, GoFundMe Border Wall Spills Into Mexico
@jl: The US member of the 2 person border commission is a beta loser, totally controlled by Mexico! Says area Trumpster.
Everytime we google the twerp, we will see that he filed this case with no merit, after being a jerk to a native elder who was peacefully protesting.
Good job rich lawyer parents of entitled rude twerp. Got him in the news again as a twerp.
Mike in NC
The little MAGAt would enjoy being a gofer for Stephen Miller. They hire only the “best”.
@tokyokie: Hasn’t Clarence Thomas indicated he would like the court to reexamine Sullivan?
Yep. Good, or at least decent, parents would have made him read a public apology so he could vanish from view afterwards. Instead, they decided to use him as a stalking horse for their own political beliefs.
Turns out the kid is a jerk because his parents are even worse.
@jl: Migrants and immigrant activists have been arguing for a long time that the border is a political construct, the “crossing” of which can be critiqued on a number of theoretical levels. Good to see these militia guys now joining in this gripping post-structuralist conversation.
Sign of the times, but I am confused by good news. Also: fuck that kid, his friends, his parents, his teachers, that whole fucking school, fuck those fucking lawyers.
I believe that he has, but successfully attacking one of the core 1st Amendment cases is going to be a heavy load for a justice as unpersuasive as Thomas has been.
The twerp may be smart enough to understand the right-wing ecosystem and how to profit from it, though.
i) announce plan to destroy target of GOP hate
ii) raise millions from trumptards on go fund me
iii) get bogus case tossed before spending all the money
Not unlike the scam run in the film The Producers
@jonas: The US-Mexico border was either by law, or de facto, an open border until the Great Depression. And then the real reason for controlling it was about preserving jobs for people in the US, not worry about our culture being invaded or national security.
Fact is, back then, no one say Hispanic immigration as a threat. It was preferred to Jews, Italians, Poles, etc.
The whole Hispanic immigration threat is a political scam, cooked up to divide people.
Edit: can’t have open borders now, because of modern national security issues. But we can’t let that fact be twisted into racist and fascist nonsense
Asshole sued everyone.
It only works if you’re a Republican. //
Or at least file a suit which wasn’t an obvious suit to shut down a newspaper. Say for a million rather than 250 mill. Of course their little shit isn’t worth that either. Or they could have found a good attorney who would have told them that the suit would go nowhere.
In my job in professional sports my boss and I have been directly libeled in a newspaper. The guy that did it knew it was libel. Our attorney told us we could probably win but it would cost more than we’d win and it wouldn’t be worth the time, effort and results. Not being stupid, entitled shits we just let the whole thing fade away. In the end it meant nothing.
How do they avoid disbarment with those kind of cases?
That kid’s face is still utterly slappable. Not that I support that kind of thing.
@jl: That’s good, but honestly I like 3 GOP Representatives Have Dropped Reelection Bids This Week Alone. Feel the confidence!
I would not be surprised to hear that Fox News hired the little shit to be a political commentator.
Betty Cracker
Do it, y’all! My husband, daughter and I all may bank $125 for two minute’s work (and the compromise of our data, of course). The idea is sound, but credit bureaus as they manifest now are evil fucks. Suck every penny you can out of their coffers.
Friday is improving. This is a good thing.
@tokyokie: Thomas wants to overturn the Constitution.
Trump is beating him to it.
@dmsilev: Pete Olson is in TX-22, Tom DeLay’s old district. He won by only 5 points last time, which is very close. The district demographics are changing a lot. A Dem candidate that’s a good fit for the district will have a very good chance of winning.
The Moar You Know
@Ruckus: My company had the same experience. The CEO and President wanted to sue for slander/defamation. Which did happen. Took both me and the lawyer far more time than I’d have liked to talk them out of it. VERY few libel cases have been won in this nation’s history. I’m of mixed mind about that. On the one hand, it keeps the rich, entitled jerks subject to a fairly steady stream of abuse and calumny, which they can’t do anything about and badly need. On the other hand, it enables our press to be absolute lying douchebags, which has recently become a real problem. Libel laws like they have in Britain would put Fox News and most of the conservative media ecosystem in a grave. Of course, those laws could enable Donald Trump, when I call him a “small-dicked fat asshole” – every word of which is true – to sue me into bankruptcy.
@matryoshka: I am adamantly opposed to corporal punishment but in his case I’d be sorely tempted to make an exception.
Chyron HR
Worst Die Hard sequel yet.
@dmsilev: Two of the three are unlikely to change hands, but one of them has become very swingy.
@Brachiator: It’s a tag team.
…you mean he should … ‘Learn To Code‘ ?
I’ll show myself out.
Bill Hicks
Betty Cracker, I believe you have to have a paid subscription to equifax or a competitior to get $150, otherwise you can get a year subscription, but no money.
Fair point
Right beside his lawyers and parents.
pacem appellant
@Betty Cracker: Got my $125 alleged in the mail. Thanks BC and AOC!
On the theme of not understanding the First amendment
@Baud: Look, every state has a black sheep. Ours just happens to be batshit loco and fascist curious. //s
J R in WV
My dad was a newspaper editor, managing a Republican newspaper in then solidly democratic WV. He called a local politician a crook, repeatedly, in his editorials, and was sued in a neighboring county which was known for being more corrupt than his home county.
The jury awarded the crooked politican one dollar — $1. My dad appealed, first to the WV Supreme Court, which upheld the jury verdict. Then dad ( and the newspaper corporation) appealed to the US Supreme Court, which overturned the jury verdict, at a cost of some $20,000 – which was a shit-ton of money for legal fees back then.
But dad said it was well worth it, because if he hadn’t appealed and won, every shitty crooked politician he wrote about would have sued. He was never sued again, although he loved nothing so much as calling a crook a crook in print — it was his favorite part of running a newspaper!!!
My dad was pretty cool, in many ways.
Mary G
@Betty Cracker: Hey, I got the $125! Thanks AOC and BC, also too Elizabeth Warren on general principles.
@Bill Hicks:
From the website of the link Betty posted.
This is the second best thing I’ve read today. Maybe it will begin to sink into these idiots’ heads that they can’t actually play the legal system like a violin.
Just ponder this a moment:
Sweden is carefully explaining norms of a functioning independent justice system to the Trump Administration. I like “not allowed”. They had to dumb it down.
@Baud: My inner pedant is screaming about this sentence:
There were hours between June 27 and June 28? I had no idea! Does this happen between all the days? Imagine the things I could get done if I was no longer limited to the 24 hours each day has and could access the hours between the days!
joel hanes
And Susan Bankston, the proprietor of the Juanita Jean’s blog about Texas politics, is a leading local Democratic organizer in that district.
Also, she’s funny, in a Molly Ivins vein .
Anyone interested in helping flip that seat blue should occasionally check out the Juanita Jean’s homepage.
Mary G
WaPo says the Supremes just ruled that Twitler can spend military money on his wall. So much for the Constitution.
@J R in WV: Great story.
@Betty Cracker:
I’ve already filed a claim. I think the $125 is for people who have actually spent money for monitoring, etc. Most of the money is for people who actually experienced theft of money or ID.
Here’s the FTC site to file a claim:
For me the best thing is the 10 years of free credit monitoring. One of my priorities this weekend will be to put security freezes on my reports which won’t cost anything.
joel hanes
Due to an earlier lapse, I had a free year of Equifax Credit Monitoring.
I would advise you NOT to allow them to enroll you in that program.
1. As nearly as I could tell, it was functionally worthless.
2. At the end of the free period, they automatically roll you into pay per month status, and it’s difficult turn it off.
@Bill Hicks:
This is from the FTC site I linked to above:
@J R in WV:
This guy owned the newspaper and printed that we did something that we did not do, that he felt directly affected him. He was and is an ass, I’ve known him for a few decades. The only thing was that a lot of people in the sport know he’s an ass, know why he’s an ass, and trust him about as far as my 70 yr old self can throw him. Without assistance of a carnival cannon.
Sounds like a cool dad.
BTW I’d pay to see him shot out of a cannon. No net though, and maybe off the rim of the Grand Canyon. Without a helmet. That would be worth, let’s see, $1.
Chris Johnson
@Betty Cracker: Oh FUCK yeah. Now that’s what I call a public servant :D and thank you for bringing it to my attention, Betty!
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Betty Cracker: How do we know in fact that’s a legit website we are giving our identity information to?
@Mary G: Because only trump has the power of the purse.
@Mary G:
Congress just became an afterthought.
Another Scott
@joel hanes: Thanks. That was my impression of how it would work.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
I’ll go with the one on ftc.gov, don’t have to trust a 3rd party domain.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: Leads to the same site.
Fucking weasels. “Its not that Trump is breaking the Constitution which is the problem, the problem is that you have no right to bring him to court for his crimes in the first place”
TaMara (HFG)
@Betty Cracker: Wow that was great – I actually got more because I had to put a credit freeze on my accounts and release them TWICE for my home loan info – they reimbursed me for that and for the time. And all I had to do was pull the credit card statement with the fees on it. THANK YOU!!!
“Or they could have found a good attorney who would have told them that the suit would go nowhere”
and then they would have filed in propria persona.
I work in an appeals court. Not having an attorney has not stopped anyone who really wanted to sue.
Hong Kong protests are continuing, they are going after the Economy now, shutting down the airport in a display of strength.
I feel bad for this kid. His expression has always read as uncomfortable to me, not smug or hostile. Of all the kids there, he was the only one who wasn’t shouting racist taunts.
My sympathy only goes so far. He is wearing a MAGA hat, after all, so, y’know, probably racist. But still I don’t think he deserved to become the national symbol of smug, over-privileged pricks even if that is exactly what he is.
Anyway I think the law suits are almost certainly his parents’ idea, so they should be the ones who have to wear the signs.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: It’s the legit equifax site. They already HAVE your information. :)
@TenguPhule: Are you fucking shitting me?
This kid is looking to ride the wingnut aggrievedness gravy train. If he ended up taking down the WaPo, that’s just extra. Otherwise what sane person would blow this up as if they’ve never heard of the Streisand Effect?
That just tells me that being called a racist isn’t the end of the fucking world because I had forgotten about this kid until now. Feh.
@TenguPhule: Seems to me the ball is in the House’ hands. I’d say the Senate too but we all know Mitch would drop it like a hot potato.
@guachi: Nope. Breaking on Wapo now. SC just gave Trump and McConnell complete financial control of the Federal Government.
Roger Moore
And one of the ironic things about tightening border security has been that it’s made permanent immigration worse. When the border was relatively open, there were a lot of Mexican farm hands who would come for the harvest and then go back home to their families in Mexico. Even after we stopped handing out working papers for that kind of seasonal work, as long as border enforcement was relatively lax, the same pattern held. But the harder we’ve made it to cross the border, the more those farm workers have decided to move to the US full time to avoid the difficulty and danger of crossing the border every year. And when they moved here full time, they decided to bring their families with them so they wouldn’t be permanently separated. So instead of having a seasonal migration of farm workers who would go back to Mexico every year, we now have a permanent migration of whole Mexican families. Oops!
@Mary G: Seriously, what does the whole “power of the purse” thing even mean any more, if this is the case?
Nothing. Congress can fund various initiatives and the President can just take the money and spend it on anything he deems “national security” with no pushback.
@OzarkHillbilly: I expect an equally weaselly 5-4 decision based on complete bullshit when the House tries to make the complaint.
Omnes Omnibus
@TenguPhule: If this is a serious question, the answer is that the system is set up that way. A lawyer can’t be sanctioned if the lawyer is arguing for an extension of current law or a reversal of current law among other things. Yes, it lets arguments like this be made, but it also allowed people to do things like arguing that people of different races should be able to marry. Also disbarring a lawyer is very deep into the sanctions options and is quite uncommon.*
*This is extraordinarily simplified because I don’t want to type enough to provide a full and detailed explanation, so sue me.
@Mary G: Our next Democratic President better declare the climate a national emergency and dump all that pentagon money into solar panels.
Omnes Omnibus
@TenguPhule: Link?
@Roger Moore:
NAFTA also gutted the traditional Mexican agriculture sector, so that farmers, and those who supported them, ( suppliers), who could not make a living growing crops at home, became reliant on picking crops in Canada and the US for income.
@Martin: I think this ruling has one of those “only applies to Republican” clauses, like Bush v Gore.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Wonkette has a great piece up on Super Wingnut Lawyer Larry Klaymann’s case today, if you want to enjoy just desserts.
@Omnes Omnibus: Supreme Court says Trump can proceed with plan to spend military funds for border wall construction
@Omnes Omnibus:
Bill McClellan, a long time columnist at the STL Post Disgrace, once postulated that lawyers only get disbarred for not paying their dues. He then told the story of one particular STL shyster who broke damn near every rule in the book up to and including stealing money from clients, getting sanctioned on innumerable occasions, ending up in prison iirc, but never lost his law license… Until he couldn’t pay his dues.
There is no spite too petty for the little shit.
@TenguPhule: We need those Easter Island heads to repel illegals! And I’m sure we’ll have a thriving civilization from here on in!
Omnes Omnibus
@TenguPhule: @TenguPhule: This is not a final decision. It is not good news, but it isn’t the end of the world yet.
Miss Bianca
@Mary G: I didn’t – does that mean my data wasn’t breached? Or just that I didn’t “qualify”?
I know this is not an open thread but I just gotta put some happy in here.
One of the many reasons I came back was that I missed my best friends girls. Megan and Devon. I told them both that from now on, rather than me buying them something and throwing them a party in my house was that I want to take them out. Well Devon (at 15, yesterday) wanted to see Toy Story4. Because she and I have seen all of the Toy Stories together.
It was the best. And we LAUGHED and LAUGHED.
So that’s my happy times post.
@Jay: Amen, but Hillary Clinton really should be allowed to cave in both sides of Chuck Todd’s bothsiderist bullshit face.
@Jay: I guess the KovKathKid will end up going to Liberty U. Can’t see some respectable educational institution welcoming into the student body. Unless Mommy and Daddy ante up…..Does he row?
@HeleninEire: Woo hoo! ?
@TenguPhule: Cold Chills, Hot Flashes. Drumpf is going through Mentalpause.
Gin & Tonic
Call it a learning experience.
@TenguPhule: Sean Hannity will probably have this as his second story. The first will be about Obama’s book deal.
I really think she should take him apart with pruning shears to see how he works.
It really helped me understand humans back in the day.
@Omnes Omnibus: Now that I’ve read a bit more about it, I’m a LOT less annoyed. Basically the Supremes decided not to deal with the actual case but decided that border communities didn’t have standing.
If the House refiles the case, it passes that hurdle. It’s still Republican Partisan Judge wankery, but it’s not nearly as bad (constitutionally speaking) as I was expecting.
House case is in appeals court, first judge ruled that the House and Senate must both agree to file the complaint because the House alone “does not have standing”.
@Betty Cracker: Why wouldn’t it let me? Sent it to my sons and they can. The state of GA machines were hacked awhile back and because of that I’ve had monitoring and my accounts frozen. That must be why.
@Jay: Are you confessing to a The Burning-inspired murder?
@TenguPhule: House appeals judge’s decision upholding Trump’s border wall emergency
@TenguPhule: All spending bills have to originate in the House. I think that gives the House standing on it’s own and that Judge has his head up his ass. Of course, “the law is an ass” is a saying as old as…
Michael Allen
@Betty Cracker: Apparently my financial information was not compromised, dammit.
I’m suffering through Chris Matthews—don’t ask me why, I don’t know—and I have to say I’m feeling Rob Reiner’s pain. Some Democratic politician—Jefferson Van Drew, NJ-2, I see—was on a while ago blowharding about how we need to get off the subject of impeachment because we’ve got all these other issues to address. Reiner (correctly) pointed out that nothing will get done because “it all goes to die at Mitch McConnell’s feet.” Van Drew said that was wrong, and it looked like he was going to go into the bipartisan, “working across the aisle” zone, but I was more concerned that Reiner was going to have a stroke on camera. Lots of raised voices. Then Matthews wrapped it up in typical inconclusive fashion.
Got on the Google and see that Van Drew is a freshman representative at age 66. Spent the previous 10 years in the New Jersey legislature. NJ-2 is the bottom third of the state and has a Cook PVI of R+1. So I guess he is one of the Dems who is nervous about supporting impeachment because of the reaction back home.
Before the blowup Van Drew sounded like every old-school politician ever. Used Matthews’s questions as launching pads to veer off into boilerplate. At one point he said, “And let me wrap this up, Chris, by saying—” and Matthews said, “No, you’re wrapped up already” and cut him off.
It really makes me appreciate the other freshman reps like the Squad, Katie Porter, etc., who when they talk at least sound like they are thinking and talking about the actual issue at hand and not just blowing smoke. More of that, please.
I’d love to hear from somebody in New Jersey who knows Van Drew’s back-story. He came across as a two-dimensional hack, plus it seems slightly odd to be a freshman rep at age 66.
@jonas: Could you please explain the implications of this re-examination?
J R in WV
Thanks. It was worse than it sounded…
While all that was going on, our house was vandalized, paint was thrown on the building, to make the point that it could have been gasoline.
He was really a very crooked guy. One night a neighbor coming home late saw someone at 2 AM, called, the police found dynamite and a sawed off shotgun in the roadside ditch. Like a real life mafia movie in rural WV. No one was ever arrested or indicted…
I learned all this some years later.
I bet that was a major Happy for you! I miss my nieces and nephew and doing stuff like that.
Ain’t confessing to nuthin, just putting ideas and justifications out there.
The Moai are sort of an obsession for me. Cautionary tale isn’t strong enough to describe what I think they are meant to commemorate. Those big heads saying we are you. We are humans. We fucked up. We squandered our resources. We pursued greed into slavery and destruction. Think about the consequences of your actions!!!
@joel hanes: Cool!! Thanks for the info.
So, Mexico’s not paying for Wall?
Sister Golden Bear
Some appropriate musical accompaniment for the thread:
Heaven 17 – (We Don’t Need This) Fascist Groove Thang
Chyron HR
Okay, but how is Cohen going to cut her paychecks from a jail cell?
@Jay: Well at least the tariffs on China are paying the farmers.
Just deserts.
@Steeplejack: Van Drew won a Republican leaning State Senate seat and held it easily for years. House Democrats had been hoping to get him to run for NJ-2 for years whenever Republican Representative Frank LoBiondo retired, figuring that he’d get voters that might otherwise vote republican. As soon as Van Drew announced that he was running, Republicans basically gave up on the race. The eventual result was closer than expected.
@Betty Cracker: That $125 is more than the average middle class person received as a benefit from the Trump tax cut.
Another Scott
@Omnes Omnibus: Yup. Plus it’s only $2.5B. Donnie won’t be able to do much with it, and I think the House probably tightened up the language in the FY20 budget (that just passed) so it will be more difficult for him to do so in the future.
It’s bad, but it’s not the end of the world. Donnie still won’t get his wall.
The Stonekettle tweet linked to a FTFNYT cleetus safari to the “heartland”, to interview a farmer who’s farm is still underwater despite 102F temps, who’s figured out all on his own, “that there might be sumthin to this Global Warming thingy”.
@Jay: Wait. What?
@misterpuff: Liberty is charismatic. Possibly most there believe Catholics are not Christian. Isn’t there some relatively new very rightwing Catholic university in FL??
@Jay: He probably still watches Fox though.
Deserts are places with little rain fall,
Desserts are delicious and don’t count on the diet if eaten after 10pm.
Cheryl Rofer
@Betty Cracker: done
I don’t know a thing about him but we can do that, can’t we? Allow the vulnerable ones political cover. They can get out and register their objections and people who can will carry it. We can have a division of duties. Carry them. So he won’t be the leader. Seems like he wasn’t one anyway :)
@Ladyraxterinok: Ave Maria. There is also Christendom College in Front Royal, VA.
Ohio Mom
@lofgren: The only reason to feel sorry for Nick Sandmann is he has horrible parents. The lawsuits were their doing.
If you remember, there was another Covington Catholic student who looks enough like Sandmann to originally have been doxxed as Mr. Smirk.
It turns out he didn’t go on the school field trip to the anti-choice rally, he was at his brother’s wedding that weekend.
But the internet is forever so his parents’ idea was to do something good that would forever be attached to his name.
As a family, they raised a lot of money for a local food bank.
On another note, I had minor eye surgery this afternoon and am on Percocet. That stuff is crap — am I to believe people take it recreationally?
Thanks for the info. I hope he’s better than he came across on Hardball.
@Ohio Mom:
Please rest and let yourself heal. Hope you feel much better.
MoCA Ace
I do. Does that make me a bad person?
I guess the purpose of the suit was to get money. Step 2 is to hire a different attorney to file a malpractice suit against Attorney 1. Step 3 is to have Attorney 3 sue Attorney 2. Keep repeating until one of the attorneys does make a mistake and then collect big doe.
Just One More Canuck
They misspelled dozens
Gin & Tonic
@Jay: “Deserts” are also things you “deserve.”
Pro tip: don’t argue grammar with Steeplejack.
I’m not faulting him for being reluctant on impeachment. I’m faulting him on his bullshit talking points. “Impeachment is distracting us from doing the people’s work,” or whatever. He’s phoning it in with obvious bullshit. It’s disrespectful to his audience, even if it’s only a short segment on a pundit show.
Let him address the actual issue with something reality-based. “Voters in my district are still divided about impeachment, so I think we need to let the process play out,” blah, blah, blah. The bipartisan thing makes me want to scream; it’s such complete bullshit at this point.
Christ, even Chris Matthews couldn’t take it. “You’re wrapped up already.”
@Steeplejack: Do they have an impostor on Hardball? The real Chris Matthews loves bipartisian stories like the ones about Ronnie and Tip.
@OzarkHillbilly: LOL Really DUDE.
@Ohio Mom:
When real life seems worse than the drugs, yes.
Some people like that they don’t have to actually experience the world. Of course then we get to experience them.
Doesn’t seem like a fair trade.
Matthews doesn’t like guests who go on too long and interrupt his yelling.
@tokyokie: The decision dismissing the case didn’t involve Sullivan. It was assumed for purposes of the article that the kid was not a public figure.
I’m happy of course. But … Does the Post get reimbursed for its legal fees? If not, the rw will have at least succeeded in harassing the reporter and making the Post spend $, no?
It seemed at the time as though a rw organization might have been behind the suit by the parents, offering to pay the infamous rw law firm. (Or did the firm itself jump up to offer it pro bono?) ? Lawyers on both sides got paid. Hard to believe did the rw learned a lesson.
Steve in the ATL or Bella Q: Is the precedent, the defeat, worth something?
Amir Khalid
Dear me. Have you really never come across the phrase “just deserts”?
@Baud: Took a long car trip from Asheville, NC down across the entire breadth of South Carolina to Horry County on the coast, and the only political billboard I encountered the entire trip was in a semi-rural part of Horry County – for Tulsi Gabbard 2020 ! Perhaps the least likely candidate in the entire D field to attract votes in South Carolina, especially in one of the redder areas of an already red state.
Amir Khalid
@Ohio Mom:
One man’s meat, etc.
Horry County! That rings a bell. I once wrote a directory-assistance software program for the Horry County telephone coöperative as part of a larger project to upgrade their “switch” (central computer) and related systems. God, that was 25 years ago, and now I can’t even remember the name of the telco I was on contract with.
It was amazing to me that you could run a whole county-wide phone system with one computer about as big as a refrigerator.
. . . Ah! Harris DTS. Whew.
@Gin & Tonic:
@Amir Khalid:
Man nâteshwôn cêpan râd ierrengaûteweard
Another Scott
@Ohio Mom: My MIL lived to be 92. She shrank about 6″ over the course of her life, had lots of pains (as you’d expect) but almost never took anything for it. Her husband had prescriptions for per-coc-et and various other opi-ates. Once she had reason to take a pe-rc-ocet. She said she really enjoyed it. But she was too stoic to take more than one.
It really depends on the person, as you’d expect.
Google Translate throws up its hands. Any hint as to the language? Assuming you were interested in communicating something.
Omnes Omnibus
@Another Scott: A single one of those pills knocks me out. Had it when I had knee surgery, I stopped as soon as the pain was manageable with OTC products – about four days.
@OzarkHillbilly: There’s an annual science fiction convention around here that always takes place on the weekend when Daylight Savings Time starts. They have an evil tradition of putting an item in the program book for anyone who’s staying at the hotel and wants to go to an extra-special event between 2:00 AM and 3:00 AM on Sunday. If you read it closely it’s always something that can’t possibly be real (e.g. a lecture by someone who’s dead), but I’m sure some people still try to show up at this nonexistent time.
@Betty Cracker: I did it but opted for the 4 year 3 bureau monitoring with a 6 year one bureau extension instead of the cash. Note to get the cash you have to attest to having monitoring now and for the next 6 months.
Archaic English.
So how would you suggest that someone find a translation, given that Translate and Google in general both come up with nothing?
Omnes Omnibus
@Steeplejack: He is trying to show that you were wrong in some way for using the word deserts since it is an archaic construction that is only used in the phrase “just deserts.” The logic goes a bit haywire quickly, but I don’t recall Jay ever admitting that he was wrong about something.
joel hanes
It is not, any more than any idiom is.
LingoJam has a bunch of old language translators, English included, some are for “fun”, some are scholarly.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I’m pulling the toes of the 101st Flying Keyboard Pedant Brigaide and amusing myself while doing it.
Poehat, despite being on vacay, is hot today, but it’s nasty stuff, so I’m trying to avoid polluting the Pearl/Penelope thread and the Blogfather’s bumper sticker thread.
Gelfling 545
@Mnemosyne: It was often thus when I was teaching. There’d be a kid who was rude, lazy, obnoxious, whatever. Every teacher would be throwing up her hands asking how does a kid get like that. Then you mert the parents & go, hey, you know that kid isn’t so bad.
I don’t think it was about their political beliefs though. Strictly a money grab.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Thanks, I suspected as much.
Some people sneer at me as a pedant, but it’s always in the service of accuracy and clarity. I’m in a crabby mood tonight, and one of my pet peeves is dropping foreign text into a comment with no explanation or context.
E.g., the Cyrillic cabal here. You have to go through the effort of running it through Google Translate—if you’re even that interested—and it almost never turns out to be worth the trouble. Plus it’s a bit of a passive-aggressive “fuck you” to the uninitiated. Why not explain why you just had to use the original language to capture the nuances? Eh, no, it’s mostly just a form of preening. Not designed to communicate.
Bill Arnold
@pacem appellant:
Dang, “not impacted”. I mean, good. maybe I won’t have to change my current identity.
Gelfling 545
@Ohio Mom: Only times I’ve taken it, it made me almost unbearably anxious and seriously interfered with sleep. Awful stuff. That was my question too. People WANT to feel like this?
Gin & Tonic
@Steeplejack: “Cabal”?
Omnes Omnibus
@Bill Arnold:
I have always suspected that those of you who post under what appears to be an actual name are working on creating an identity that you can use for some nefarious purpose.
Well, the “Old English” translator at LingoJam does nothing with this. It appears to be one way only: English to Old English.
But thanks, just wanted to confirm that you’re jacking it in public. Hope you had a good time!
@Ladyraxterinok: Liberty is not charismatic. You can say many things about them, but not that.
@namekarB: Better trophy if you collect big buck.
@Gin & Tonic: This is not grammar, and the proper phrase is “just desserts”.
@Amir Khalid: Only when it’s misspelled. It’s like “Hard road to hoe.” The correct phraseology is “Hard row to hoe”, but the phonetic similarity leads to the use of the wrong word.
@Gin & Tonic:
You tell me: If you’re writing on a general-interest, almost top 10,000 blog and intending to actually communicate to that audience, what is the point of blatting out something that will be intelligible only to zhena gogolia and some small group of others?
It’s old english, from the day when deserts was common usage, not archaic.
If you are going to pedant about old english, shouldn’t you do it in old english?
Nobody is confused by the use of “just desserts” vs. “deserts”.
But pedants got to pedant, just not in the language they are pedanting about.
Most of the use of cyrillic on the top 10,000 lefty blogs is a snarky push back against RT talking points that have so infected the West.
It’s a single digit raised, ( you know which one), or the other hand sign.
I’m enjoying myself.
Sorry you are not having as good a time.
Your ignorance on this point is stunning in its confidence.
Or, if you’re just “pulling the toes of the 101st Flying Keyboard Pedant Brigaide [sic],” you may join Jay in the masturbatorium. Downstairs and to the left.
So what is the translation of your Old English phrase?
Gin & Tonic
@Steeplejack: There seem often to be inside jokes here, among fans of obscure rock groups, or certain college sports teams. Comments which make sense to only a small percentage of readers. Those understandable only to Russian-readers seem to fall into that category to me.
Re Jeff Van Drew, he’s my congressman and I supported him. I would say that NJ2 is more than R+2. Our previous Republican Congressman won on average 60-40. Jeff sounds like an old school pol because he is an old school pol. He started his career by being the only Democrat elected Freeholder (County Commissioner) in Cape May County in generations, then got elected to the state Assembly and then the Senate. This was no mean feat. He also managed to get a couple of Assembly men elected.
I would say that he represents who his constituents are pretty well. Not me, but I am not the average NJ2 voter. District trends white and old and conservative. I fit 2 of those categories. I guess you all know which.
I complain about Jeff all the time but he has a D after his name and he won. And if he’s not wild about impeachment, it reflects his voters pretty well.
I’m impressed that he got on Hardball.
Omnes Omnibus
“Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain.” I am out of here.
Bill Arnold
@Omnes Omnibus:
Oh, it’s my real name, fairly common, so there is some stochastic search cover. (I acquired @gmail.com when it was still in invite-only-geek-mode. I get mail…). Nefariousness out in the open does mean occasional self-censorship or obfuscation/obtuseness. :-)
It’s a variation on not taking things so seriously on the internet.
When Gordon Downie died, I posted “Scared” as both a tribute to him, and a statement of where we sit today.
Some Israeli guy shit all over him and the song.
At that moment I decided that if Israel dies in blood, that’s fine by me.
@Gin & Tonic:
Okay, then they’re safe to ignore. Got it.
ETA: Except that with obscure songs or rock groups people can actually read the words and get at least some small sense of the thing
Okay, thanks for the background. As I said above, I hope he performs better than he did on Hardball. And, as you said, he’s got a D behind his name. That counts for a lot.
Still no translation! Huh.
Tossed it, loaded up another pithy,
Like I said “It’s a variation on not taking things so seriously on the internet”
@Steeplejack: There’s grave misuse of “pedant” in this self-justifying slaughterhouse of a blog. : ) But honestly, it doesn’t apply to your contributions or most others.
Gin & Tonic
@Steeplejack: I find all comments safe to ignore, but understand that YMMV.
So you’ve got nothing. What a colossal wanker.
Sorry, history only loads the site, not the comment I entered,
fuck you, you deserve Trump, and a second term asshole troll.
Pie fuckwad asshole.
Thank you for that authentic Old English gibberish.
@Zelma: On the Presidential level, it actually usually votes Democratic, at least in recent history. Obama won it twice, Clinton won it for sure in 96 and probably 92, and both Kerry and Gore won it. LoBiondo always way overperfomed there.