From Guest of (dis)Honor NotMax:
Couple of fuzzy pix the waitress was kind enough to snap for us. Fingers crossed that others who also took photos will be submitting
them.Picture 1 [at top], beginning from far right, down that row and returning to the front of other row:
Chacal Charles Calthrop, Sam, JAFD, Chigail, Blanche, Paul W., Tom Q, Susan, Aaron, RedDirtGirl, arrieve, NotMax (dark shirt, snowy beard)
Picture 2 – reverse angle.
Tom Q, Susan, Aaron, RedDirtGirl, arrieve, NotMax, Chacal Charles Calthrop, Sam, JAFD, Chigail, Blanche, Paul W.
I look better in person. and in focus.
Great meeting you all in person.
Good looking group :)
zhena gogolia
Looks like fun. Did you get anything to eat?
always nice when my giant arm (thanks weird camera angle!) appears to be the main focus of a photo!
Had a great time, it was nice to see/meet everyone!
Steve in the ATL
@Aaron: I look better blurry and at a great distance
Didn’t realize Cole showed up to take pictures.
Ohio Mom
Just had another attack of envy that I wasn’t there — I never stop missing my hometown, and what a treat it would have been to meet all of you in real life.
As usual, I guessed almost everyone wrong. So funny to me that I typically guess genders incorrectly: commentators with nontypical nyms who I am sure are women, turn out to be men, and vice versa.
Bots, all of you. :)
Looks like y’all had fun!
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
Seems like it’s about time for another one of these in or near Washington–the district, not the state.
In case anyone is wondering who the lady wearing yellow in JAFD’s photos is, that ‘s 91-year-old Mom. Inveigled her into showing up, although she headed out after maybe 30 minutes (no reflection on the company – I *think*.) Told me she wanted to get home in time to watch her regular Saturday night PBS line-up.
@zhena gogolia
Yup. Eats aplenty.
Looks like fun. Glad you all got together. Cheers!
zhena gogolia
I was wondering about her and her skeptical glance — she looks cool!
@NotMax: Your MOM was there? That’s fantastic.
And I love that a jackal was enjoying sparkling wine. Jackal after my own heart.
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.): We will have to make it happen.
HINT: the Small Press Expo is in North Bethesda (aka White Flint) the weekend of September 15-16. Twenty bucks for a weekend pass!
That’s always a great show, with the guests, cartoonists/graphic artists/publishers, and just plain the attendees. North Bethesda Marriott, at the White Flint station, if memory serves.
Would be great to put something together in connection with that … on a Metro line; not too far.
I hope she doesn’t think any less of you now.
PAM Dirac
Sounds like a good possibility. In a similar vein, Capclave 2019 put on by the Washington Science Fiction Association will be Oct 18-20 at the Rockville Hilton, which is right at the Twinbrook Metro station.
Chetan Murthy
OT, so a little nice time (via MetaFilter): Gay Marriage, 1957 Edition
Just click thru, and feel all the feels.
Not Max is who I thought he was! I told my wife I was growing my hair and beard out and she was none to happy. I didn’t mess with my beard for 3 months after scumbag gor t elected and it flowered out pretty quickly. I’m not sure about my hair, it’s been 20 years since I had enough to tie back so we’ll see.
It was a lovely gathering. Tom Q. and I agree that they should be quarterly events! Do I send my pics (if decent) to Anne Laurie?
@Elizabelle: As you might guess, I’m all for it. I’d also support going back to that excellent restaurant, but earlier this time.
It was a good gathering. I look best in the pic of the back of my head. Makes me look younger.
FYI, I’m a Texas jackal that is going to be in Seattle for a week starting Wednesday. If someone wants to set up a meetup, I’ll be more than happy to attend!
@PAM Dirac: I see that Capclave will have Martha Wells as GOH. I’m not merely in on that, I’d be prepared to personally dig a new Metro tunnel for it.
Looks like a fun group!
PAM Dirac
I admit I have yet to read any Martha Wells, but it sounds like I should get on that post haste. I’ve read a fair amount of Robert J Sawyer and enjoyed it. Last year the guest of honor was Nancy Kress and she gave some quite interesting talks.
Hello again !
Told Ms. Red Dirt that, IMHO, October might be good time for next BJ-NYC convocation.
Apologies to anyone who was hoping I’d say more. Definitely realize I need hearing aid that can ‘screen out background noise’. Any Juicers with experience or advice about this, please let me know.
Saw a couple oF MDs today, said my heart had gone from 20% to 40% (not sure ‘% of what’, but they seemed happy). Food at cafeteria of University Hospital in Newark is actually pretty good (at lunch, anyway – being last customer before breakfast closes not recommended).
Happy August, everyone.
@PAM Dirac: The four Murderbot novellas (novellae?) are terrific.
PAM Dirac
@MattF: Thanks. I’ll put those in the queue.
@NotMax: I was already sad I wasn’t in town to be there, but I missed meeting the saint who offered to send emergency coffee to me on my last trip? ?
@Brachiator: I can vouch for the fact they are a fun group. And after the scare of his heart attack, happy to see @JAFD: out and having fun.
@RedDirtGirl: I still have my button! Any new ones you’re especially jazzed about?
It was such a fun evening — so glad to see everyone again, with the bonus of NotMax’s mom.
And yes, RedDirtGirl gave us all buttons as party favors. Mine is now on my purse.
@Chetan Murthy: Great photos, people look so happy. Plus I love old photos…
Paul W.
Had a great time at my first meetup, now I know what “that” is like!
eddie blake
really bummed i couldn’t get my work done fast enough to make it out.
Tom Q
As all are saying, a terrific evening: lively discussion, and not even a hint of difficulty with the bill.
Only drawback: these full-group pictures. The waitress took so long framing them, you’d think she’d have got at least one in focus.
Patricia Kayden
It’s lovely how many meetups have happened because of this blog.
Gad, we’re ALL old!!!!
Yous are some old-ass white people.
Walks to the bathroom, looks in mirror.
that ‘s 91-year-old Mom. […] although she headed out after maybe 30 minutes
Very thoughtful of your Mom, she wanted the kids to be able to talk freely!
If yours is anything like mine the beard grows fine, any higher up and just nada.
Late to the thread party as usual, but adding that it was a wonderful get together. And I did actually get there before Tom Q and Paul W.
Nick D
Sounds like you all had a great time. I’m so sorry that I couldn’t make it at the last-minute. :( Hope to be around for the next one.