Look, he's at best Jabba. pic.twitter.com/gnTNGQ8cSO
— Zeddy (@Zeddary) July 31, 2019
Ooo, shiny! Our Modern Media celebrities have the attention span of an ADD three-year-old on a Red Bull binge. If (when) the American Experiment crashes into Armageddon, its epitaph will be But Think of the Ratings!
All of you deserve a Biden presidency. https://t.co/zGEBIIM1CB
— DSA DNC Caucus (@agraybee) July 31, 2019
My Twitter friend named Marianne Williamson Chakra Con.
If he shows up to take credit, you can thank him.
It's the best thing to happen all evening.
— Brave Black Woman (@Wonderbitch81) July 31, 2019
(They actually call themselves the #orbgang. No, srsly.)
Anybody remember Lily Tomlin’s Tasteful Lady character from SNL? Mrs. Earbore was from Grosse Pointe, as Ms. Williamson claimed to be, and the Earbore decendents are Marianne’s natural… voters. The packaging has changed, but the absolute removal from normal human experience remains the same.
Saying stuff other candidates are afraid to say, but that people are dying to hear.
That ability coming from a general ability to be shameless.
Using that shamelessness to also promote toxic ideas that endanger others.
Man, that kind of sounds familiar.
— Elad Nehorai (@PopChassid) July 31, 2019
Marianne Williamson is the Chauncey Gardner of Jill Steins #DemDebate
— Fred. (@freeloosedirt) July 31, 2019
Wasn’t particularly easy to get in, but was free, & candidates got tixWilliamson is only one w recent Detroit ties; she headed a new age mega church in ‘burbs in the ‘00’s
She had a contingent clustered in the balcony
She rented the theater next door for a free afterparty
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) July 31, 2019
again, people who have never been around this sort of self help alternative medicine gurus do not get that the "I get your problems¨ thing is part of their con
— Valdivia (@TheCorollary) July 31, 2019
While she pandered best, out of all the white people on stage, my black twitter peeps gonna fuck around and gas up "Measles Lady" Marianne Williamson (aka Jill Stein 2.0) into sentencing us to another Trump admin pic.twitter.com/ZpeN7xFnyP
— T. Fisher King (@T_FisherKing) July 31, 2019
[Im not not sure Williamson did pull any votes tonight. But she did probably lock down some delegates from Contrarian Hot Takississippi]
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) July 31, 2019
So who will be the first irredeemable cretin to write "Warren brought the plans, but Williamson brought the moral clarity."
— DSA DNC Caucus (@agraybee) July 31, 2019
The Cool Kid Intellectual has a new crush. https://t.co/B4u8K4nKXr
— Charles P. Pierce (@CharlesPPierce) July 31, 2019
A Marianne Williamson staffer told me in Miami that when she visits the networks, reporters and producers sneer at her but the makeup artists always cry when they meet her.
— Ben Smith (@BuzzFeedBen) July 31, 2019
By which I mean: https://t.co/G7FOPZN5Q9
— Irin Carmon (@irin) July 31, 2019
This is not a fucking game.
— Irin Carmon (@irin) July 31, 2019
Young reporter to @marwilliamson: “Do you have a pet?”@marwilliamson to young reporter: “I had a cat and the cat died.” pic.twitter.com/jK8Miaf1TG
— Philip Crowther (@PhilipinDC) July 31, 2019
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
So I came here to you, sweet lady
Answering your mystical call
Crystal ball on the table
Showing the future, the past
Same cat with them evil eyes
And I knew it was a spell she’d cast
She’s just a devil woman
With evil on her mind
Beware the devil woman
She’s gonna get you
A Ghost To Most
Another stupid Wu merchant. Wake me up when the pretenders are gone.
“Chakra Con”? Outstanding.
Probably easier to count up those who don’t.
I get that a lot, but probably not in the way Ben Smith meant it
ETA: And it’s nice (so to speak) to see that The Virgin Ben (i.e., Shapiro) is still a moron. At least the Traitor-in-Chief hasn’t destroyed ALL the norms
@A Ghost To Most:
Does she have a doctorate in it? Does her mansion have 36 chambers? Perhaps there’s a Method to her madness?
I am shocked that Shapiro’s entire take is a lie. He’s just rooting for the Dem candidate he thinks will do the worst. Every other word is bullshit.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: ?
Paul T
The debates are completely worthless, unless you are selling ad time on a network. The candidates would have a better night if they were on a voter registration drive. When entire “instant analysis” is crap about who zinged who and which person did the most stupid thing, that is when the networks know they have won the night. I stopped watching these tv shows years ago, because they were covered the same way over and over and over.
Hermann Fegelein
NO, not SNL
Rowan and Martin’s Laugh-in
A Ghost To Most
@SFAW: Grifters gonna grift. She’s no different than Osteen, Falwell, Graham, Catholic bishops, etc.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: There is no such thing as too much Cliff Richard for some of us.
Mind you, I have more of his albums than most Americans know of his singles.
She’s got this weird Jeannine Pirro vibe to me. I bet Cecily Strong is just dying to play her on SNL.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
So the crack heads of the press think a radical i is someone with specific plan finical policy reform like Warren. These guys are idiots.
I believe Lily Tomlin’s “Tasteful Lady” was not from SNL but Rowan and Martin’s Laugh In.
@Hermann Fegelein:
Hey, asshole, why don’t you change your nym/nom to “Adolf Hitler” or maybe “Reinhard Heydrich” or possibly “Heinrich Himmler”? That would be almost as hilarious.
Did LGM ban you, so you came over here, thinking people wouldn’t get the “joke”?
Fuck off and die.
Just for the record, Grosse Pointe is full of really wealthy (mostly white) people.
Dana Houle via Anne Laurie @ Top:
Houle must have pretty tired when that was written: The obvious state-based pun on Hot Take isn’t Hot Takississippi, it’s Hot Take-ota.
@Paul T:
They need a celebrity panel and someone being voted out after each debate to maximize entertainment value and ratings. This is just ugh.
she aint noithin’ to fuck with, at least.
@Adam: Did you see Kate McKinnon’s impression of her on Seth Meyers after the first debate? It was perfect, of course.
@SFAW: Seconded.
Ceterum censeo factionem Republicanam esse delendam.
Williamson was the first to mention racism in the debate last night, and her reparations answer was great. That being said, healthcare isn’t fixed by ‘just wooing harder!’. I had an aunt who was into the woo that hard, and I wouldn’t vote for her either. Truth, light, and love, everybody.
Kid should have followed up with “Did you feed him or just offer love?”