Activist and filmmaker Michael Moore has a three-part plan for Democrats to "crush" Pres. Trump in the 2020 election. Part of that plan? Michelle Obama running for president.
Watch the full segment:— MSNBC (@MSNBC) August 2, 2019
I’ll always have a soft spot for Michael Moore, because he reminds me of the best and the worst of the big, well-meaning, blue-collar doofuses I grew up among. On the one hand, he means well! He has a big heart, and it’s in the right place (mostly)! On the other… Dude, Michelle Obama is not your mother, your girlfriend, or your maid.
We’re in a mess, and dumb “populists” like you who didn’t even realize your own biases played no small part in getting us it. YOU get to start the massive job of cleaning it up. And maybe if you’re working hard enough, earnestly enough, the women in your life — and those ‘black friends’ you’re so proud of knowing — can find a space to help you without (also, again) taking on the thankless task of fixing up what’s gotten broken!
Also, too:
Men consistently love the "idea" of women but never the reality. It's one, long extended edition of THE GREAT GATSBY.
— Stephen Robinson (@SER1897) August 1, 2019
And while we’re on the topic:
When commentators say Obama won by charisma and not a plan, that’s a faulty revisionist history. The country was in a mess & he brought a plan, a vision & moral convictions combined w/ an organizer’s mentality to mobilize & fight In every state, even the South.
— Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II (@RevDrBarber) July 31, 2019
Too much weed, I think.
At least he’s abandoned Bernie.
Mini Cheney is getting ratioed.
Chyron HR
If the USA “strikes back” before we’ve actually been attacked, how does the President know who to nuke? Or should we just annihilate a country at random every few weeks to remind the world that we still mean business?
This is the same Michael Moore who barely ever had a kind word for the work Barack Obama was doing?
Yeah, I can just imagine Michelle is itching to jump in at his behest.
Michelle sold us out by not selling us out.
I didn’t see a single supportive response.
Anne Laurie
@dmsilev: Exactly!
But this may be personal bias on my part… I don’t think Moore is mean, or irretrievably stupid / sunk in his own neurotic privilege, like a lot of the self-labeled “dirtbag leftists”. He’s one of those unicorn ‘populist’ voters we can actually persuade to vote for a real Democratic nominee, not jsut another Nader/Kuchinich/Sanders spoiler. I try to keep him & his fellows ringfenced in my plans from the professional BernieBros and their gormless trustafarian followers.
Gelfling 545
@Jay: She seems to have inherited all her father’s viciousness but only half his intelligence.
Miss Bianca
@dmsilev: I’ve been thinking that Michael Moore is high on his own supply for a number of years now. I grew up in Michigan, and I thought “Roger and Me” was one of the most gut-punching films I had ever seen up to that point, and that a lot of his subsequent work was almost as good if not better. But I feel a strong streak of misogyny in his constant run-downs of the Democrats in general and HRC in particular, which makes his (and other lefty misogynists’) peculiar fixation on *Michelle Obama* – who has loudly and firmly declared her intention *never* to run for office – as our next Green Lantern POTUS/Savior, really maddening and baffling to me. It’s like, “oh, well, fuck Bill Clinton and fuck Barack Obama and FUCK HILLARY CLINTON IN PARTICULAR for being neoliberal sell-outs but Michelle Obama, man – she TOTALLY ought to be President!”
Fuck Michael Moore. I consider him worse than useless to us now.
@Gelfling 545:
In other words, your basic Russian troll.
@dmsilev: Yeah, that’s the guy; same guy who voted for St. Ralph in 2000.
@Anne Laurie: But, as I noted in my previous comment, he did vote for St. Ralph in 2000.
@Anne Laurie:
While I didn’t see it, I think his last film promoted the rigged primary conspiracy theory. If that’s right, the further away he stays, the better.
Neighboring galaxy and Balloon Juice commenter M31.
@Chyron HR:
So you’ve read that Frieidman piece too?
So you’re saying he’s not going to support Harris in the general election. //
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
Michael Moore Endorsements
2000: Ralph Nader
2004: Wes Clark
2008: John Edwards
2016: Wlmer
Sadly, this means Michelle Obama will never become president.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: OK that’s a nice pic! You can really see the spiral arms/dust lanes!
I’m not sure the tent will stretch far enough for him to piss outside.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
Wait, what? Didn’t his affair come out by then?
No, he was a contender in 2008. The affair came out after he had lost.
You would say that.
@M31: Thanks, I was hoping you’d like the portrait. ? That’s a 30 minute(30 seconds x 60 exposures).
@Baud: Thanks.
@TenguPhule: As my mother said about Edwards even before his fall from grace, the whole was always less than the sum of the parts. A biography only gets you so far.
Moore have a plan to force Michelle Obama into national electoral politics, a career path she has made clear she has zero interest in?
If she has made news that she has changed her mind and has indicated that she is willing to get within five miles of the place again, someone let me know.
I remember in a column about a year ago, Cillizza said Michelle Obama is a ‘top prospect’ because if she wanted to, she could raise a lot of money.
Brought up from downstairs:
Don’t know if it’s on everywhere, but there’s a new American Masters episode on Ursula K. Le Guin
starting in a few minutesjust started on PBS. Check your schedule this week if you’re interested.ETA: I think this is the premiere, because it’s on both of my big PBS stations.
Four fucking years too late.
Wilmer should really abandon himself. Shall we start a pool on whether Pouty Asshole will be pouting at the 2020 DNC?
@Jay: Rethuglicans would say she’s making a name for herself (in being as terrible as her scumbag father.)
Mary G
@Jay: I ‘ve been fighting my nasty side who wants to tell Liz to use a profile picture taken in this century, but it’s not nice so I will leave it here. Her Twitter picture for her @RepLizCheney account looks like this one’s mother.
Anne Laurie
I *think* this is the bio some of us have been waiting for since the Kickstarter was first announced! (I got an email telling me we’d finally be getting our CDs in October/November, barring further theatrical staging changes… )
Off topic:
I’m having a dumb argument on Facebook about whether to wash your chicken or not. Do you or don’t you wash your chicken?
Domestic short hair tabby
@?BillinGlendaleCA: my goodness, that’s gorgeous
@Miss Bianca: Amen, Miss Bianca. He’s one of the 77000 who didn’t have to fuck us over in 2016, but *whiny voice* “Ewww Hillary!”
You really shouldn’t be touching my chicken.
Mary G
@guachi: Wash, my mom said.
Anne Laurie
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: To be fair, during the primaries, I was an Edwards supporter myself. In fact, I think that’s when I started commenting here…
I am not aware of this internet trend.
What is “washing my chicken” a euphemism for?
Major Major Major Major
The first and last Moore movie I saw was Bowling For Columbine. The portrayal of Littleton was so twisted to meet his editorial goals I decided I couldn’t trust anything else he did.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Hot damn! And I mean that. Stars are flaming balls of gas.
Very nice, sir.
@Miss Bianca:
Thanks for saying this. Proposing Michelle Obama for president—against her strong and consistent objections—is taking Green Lantern-ism to a whole new level.
@Jay: Nothing. I mean, before you cook your chicken do you wash it?
@Mary G: But do you do it now? The advice from food scientists is “don’t”.
If I were the Obamas I’d tell the people of this country to Fuck off. Go live on a tropical island and never think of the place again. This country didn’t deserve Obama, not even the democrats. Democrats sat on their ass in 2010, lost the house and made governing impossible for him. After Obama, the white people of this country went to the sewer, picked out a shiny turd and installed it as president out of sheer spite. Spiteful, racist and disgusting. Michelle Obama does not owe this country anything!
I agree.
Complete narcissist.
Now Trump is going to want a galaxy named after him.
@guachi: I wash my chicken before cooking it in order to remove some of the bacteria it attracts.
At first, M31 was iridescent, then he became transparent, finally — he was absent.
[I can’t recall if M31 is “he” or “she.” Apologies if I got it worng.]
@Domestic short hair tabby:
@mrmoshpotato: Thanks, I got lucky on polar alignment. One of the problems with my star tracker is that you have to optically align to the north star. This is easy here in light polluted Glendale, however in Joshua Tree there are more stars visible around Polaris. When I was sighting the tracker, I could see an airplane flying by Polaris, saw the airplane in the scope and could figure out which star was Polaris and got it aligned.
I shot the Lagoon Nebula first and then had difficulty finding M31. I ended up using my 16-50mm lens to find it and then switched to my 50-200 lens.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Wow that’s amazing.
@tokyokie: I saw this reply (or similar) a lot. But washing just spreads the bacteria around your kitchen. You could save a step and just cook your food until the bacteria is dead (which, presumably, you’d do anyway).
Major Major Major Major
@?BillinGlendaleCA: very nice!
@TenguPhule: lefty twitter has decided that Harris doesn’t like weed enough, I learned today.
@guachi: last I read, there is no compelling reason to splash a bunch of salmonella around the kitchen (getting rid of invisible cooties was not considered a compelling reason).
Depends on the chicken.
The industrial processed ones are basically power washed at the abbatoir,
The Heritage breed ones we prefer, are hand cleaned, dry, so theres always a bit of leftover vicera and pins.
When it’s our own chickens, they get rinsed once, after dry cleaning.
@Major Major Major Major:
I think lefty Twitter has decided it doesn’t like Harris.
@Steeplejack: Thanks.
@SFAW: M31 is on a collision course with our Milky Way.
@FelonyGovt: Thanks, I got some good shots, my Milky Way shot wasn’t one of them.
Major Major Major Major
@Baud: she was a prosecutor, dontcha know.
@guachi: No
@Major Major Major Major:
And then there was the “I guess we’ll never know why they did it.”, and he just drops the Columbine massacre and moves on.
Umm….hey assclown! There were video tapes! (They don’t exist anymore, destroyed by the sheriff’s department 4 years ago or so.) But at the time, the ‘Columbine tapes’ still existed. Wanna know why they felt compelled to attack their school and ultimately murder 13 people? Well…
And as for anyone who wants to say it would be glorifying what they did, ummm….Time Magazine screaming “The Murderers Next Door”, etc.
Gotta cool down with the ProLeft podcast and some dishwashing before I have an aneurysm.
I think the concern with washing chicken is that microbes will get splashed around.
I usually do it (esp for whole birds since they usually have livery bits stuck to the inside) but no splashing, and dry off with paper towels
Maybe a black hole. I could see that.
@Miss Bianca: I’m with you.
Then I guess I better get cracking on building that bunker.
Steve in the ATL
@?BillinGlendaleCA: BTW, didn’t see you on the Thursday On the Road thread, but you were name checked a couple of times
@guachi: I’ll happily entertain preparation discussions.
Major Major Major Major
Kurt Vonnegut
@SFAW: looks like I’ll be colliding with you all in about 3.75 billion years, so get your climate change shit sorted by then ok
but I’m pretty sure that the Sun will be well on its way to ballooning into a red giant and will have swallowed up the Earth by then, so never mind
@Major Major Major Major: Thanks.
@Steeplejack: Every galaxy’s got a super massive black hole at it’s center.
@SFAW: Yup.
Is it about whether two weeks equals 14 or 15 days? If not, then it ain’t “dumb.” Well, by comparison, that is.
When I lived in Flint and worked for WFBE (NPR affiliate station), Mike was one of my “community producers.” It was a mismatch — I was cultural affairs producer (classical music, dance, theatre, fine arts) but each of us on the announcing staff was responsible for some fixed number of volunteers from the Flint community who had some interest or passion they wanted to share with a public radio audience. For reasons that surpass human understanding, I was assigned a young man named Michael Moore. He did programs on unions and GM “shop rats” and similar. This was in the mid- to late-1970s, a decade or more before Roger and Me. He couldn’t have been more than 22 or 23 when I first met and worked with him. His appearance and general demeanour have hardly changed since then. I don’t claim to have known him at all well, but he put together some pretty impressive and interesting programs.
@Steeplejack: Thank you! Watching it now.
Ohio Mom
@guachi: As I understand it, the new scientific advice is washing raw chicken is not advised because that can result in splattered droplets of germy water spread all over your kitchen, and anyway, it’s unnecessary because cooking will kill any germs.
My question is, my entire childhood, my mother defrosted frozen chicken by leaving it on the counter all day and now we are told that is dangerous. How come those germs aren’t killed by cooking?
@Steve in the ATL: Thanks, I’ll check. I was driving back from Joshua Tree early Thursday morning.
@M31: Yeah, well be toast by then unless we get out first.
So Trump is the center of our galaxy? Hmm.
@Major Major Major Major:
M13! Trying to slip one past me, eh?
It’s a regional/cultural thing. People from warm areas (the South, but also the Caribbean) wash their chicken. People from colder climates don’t.
It’s kind of a Black thing, but mostly a geography thing.
Any of you all participate in “Galaxy Zoo”? You get assigned random pics from Hubble and classify them according to parameters like “spiral arms” “bar” “dust lanes” “merger/disturbance” — it’s pretty cool. Often they are just round blobs, but sometimes you’ll get really wild or cool stuff. One woman in the Netherlands saw this unusual object that was really strange and now it’s named after her, lol.
Galaxy Zoo
Well, HE thinks he is.
@guachi: I do not wash my chicken. No need to sling salmonella microbes around. Kill those suckers when you cook them. Honestly, I am becoming anti chicken. Never order in restaurants. Rarely cook it now, unless I smoke one. I do do turkeys but I brine before I cook them.
@Miss Bianca:
I feel the exact same way about him. Exactly.
@Ohio Mom:
So, one of the lovely byproducts of industrial food, is that there are germs that chickens didn’t used to have, where the germ isn’t really the problem, it’s the toxins they produce as they go about their lives.
Cooking doesn’t destroy the toxins.
Don’t worry, I’ll sidestep out of the way.
@Steve in the ATL: I left a comment on the OTR thread.
@Steve in the ATL: Yeah, @?BillinGlendaleCA, what’s up with that? Hell, our boy Steve even had a pic of a local (to me) yahoo.
@Anne Laurie:
Arwen Curry was the producer. Does that ring a bell?
@Steeplejack: Well, some galaxy; our super massive black hole is named SgrA*(also a Balloon Juice commenter) is not visible(at least in the visible light spectrum) from earth. When you see a picture of the Milky Way, you see a dark area running though the center(The Great Rift) which is a dust cloud between us and the center of the galaxy.
TS (the original)
@Chyron HR:
From anything I’ve read – that’s the trump ideal
Cheryl Rofer
@TS (the original): I often disagree with Tom Nichols, but this is a good thread to help understand the discussion going on of “No First Use,” which is what the mini-Cheney is getting wrong.
@HinTN: I went to Joshua Tree Wednesday afternoon(took about 4 hours with a stop at the University of Redlands for some IR pics) and earlyThursday morning I was driving back to Glendale to collapse in my bed.
Steve in the ATL
@Cheryl Rofer:
Gonna need more than one thread for that!
@Jay: Tom Nichols has a tweet thread up, defending Warren.
Miss Bianca
@SiubhanDuinne: As I recall, from my days as a young Michigan lefty, he had started an alternative paper called – was it the Michigan Voice? Can’t remember now – and had gone out to San Francisco to be an editor for a alt-weekly out there, got shit-canned, or quit or something, and then went on to produce “Roger and Me.” Funny how much I remember about him, considering that I don’t think zits of the man, now.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
when he was good, he was very good. His old TV show from the 90s, before he appointed himself the arbiter of purity left, was great. I still remember Crackers The Corporate-Crime Fighting Chicken, and sending a union negotiator– who if he wasn’t mobbed up was pretending to be for the segment, and it was funny, in context– to take on… UPS?
and Janeane Garofalo storming I forget which public but very restricted beach in one of those rich Connecticut suburbs with a flotilla of regular people, putting several preppie noses out of joint
a couple years later he convinced himself and a small but significant minority that there wasn’t a dime’s worth difference between Gore and Bush.
There’s a crapload of people defending Warren and bagging on Miny Darth Cheney.
Anybody with a clue, or even a hint of a clue, knows that “No First Use”, is the moral policy, has always been the proper moral, strategic and tactical policy, even when it wasn’t policy.
@Chyron HR:
As I recall, during the Cold War, the US refused to pledge no first use because the Soviets had massive ground forces that could invade our European allies before we could get opposing troops there, so the threat of a nuke if they tried it was supposed to be a deterrent.
The Soviets didn’t have a corresponding situation, so they could pledge no first use and try to paint the Americans as monsters for refusing to agree.
None if that seems particularly relevant these days, so committing to no first use shouldn’t be controversial, unless you’re a dim-witted legacy of a warmonger who doesn’t know any of the history, and just remembers that it was BAD!
TS (the original)
@rk: nothing more to be said . I’m waiting for the autobiography that says this – probably in slightly more polite language.
The day Michelle Obama was booed by the car racing morons was the day I lost all respect for white american racists.
TS (the original)
@Cheryl Rofer: thanks – just got to your reply
Jim, Foolish Literalist
On Dick Jr, this is one of those where you have to check and make sure it’s not The Onion
The Cheneys settled a gated enclave in Jackson Hole with nothing but a small fleet of Range Rovers and a hundred million dollars their daddy brought up the rough trail from Halliburton’s corporate HQ. Times was hard, they lost young Mary when they threw under a homophobic bus to establish an electoral stake. But Dick Jr gritted her teeth, cashed in part of her trust fund to buy a six BR/seven bath homestead of her own, with infinity pool and ski-in/ski-out access*, and finally set her weary bones down in time for the maid to bring her a cosmopolitan as the sun set over that rough but irresistible land. Then she had daddy’s friends arrange her election. O! Pioneers!
* just snark-guessing
Speaking of dimwitted progeny parroting things they learned by rote but don’t understand, anyone else remember Jeb Bush and “unleash Chang”?
Ohio Mom
@Mnemosyne: I don’t know about that. My NYC born and bred Jewish mother washed chicken, and she learned how to cook from her Hungarian immigrant mother.
There weren’t any Southerners of any kind, Black or white, in our social circles either.
Blue Peacock.
The USSR had a “first strike” policy, when early on, in the Cold War, their “math” said they could survive a nuclear war, for geographical and organizational reasons.
Later, in the Cold War, when they realized that a post nuclear hellscape would really slow down their whole Deep Strike concept to take all of Europe and render much of Europe useless, they changed their policy.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Mini Darth Cheney vs. Grizzly cage match, I’d pay to see that.
Cheryl Rofer
@TS (the original): I’m working on a post – should be up tomorrow.
Omnes Omnibus
@Major Major Major Major: To be honest, I don’t particularly care for it myself.
@Miss Bianca:
Good memory. It started life as the Flint Voice but went statewide after a year or two.
I had long since left Flint by the time Roger and Me came out, but a lot of my Flint friends had contributed to the production, according to the credits — a kind of pre-internet version of GoFundMe, I guess. In all truth, if I had still lived there in the late 80s, chances are good that I would also have thrown some money his way.
Omnes Omnibus
@Quinerly: Wouldn’t you need a pretty large pipe to smoke a chicken?
Mike in DC
6 women running for the nomination and MM wants the only one not running to run. Ugh. Harris and Warren are the two best candidates in the race, Michael Moore.
Warren was absolutely correct when she argued that the United States should never use nuclear weapons, preemptively. A nuclear exchange is the one conflict in which an aggressor could literally miss every target and still kill billions of people worldwide.
Bill Arnold
For the antifas among us [0]:
The Powerful Messages That Woody Guthrie & Pete Seeger Inscribed on Their Guitar & Banjo: “This Machine Kills Fascists” and “This Machine Surrounds Hate and Forces it to Surrender” (August 29th, 2017) (Those were good men. I never met Woodie Guthrie though I did meet Pete Seeger as a kid; he shared a fig, which I’d never sampled before.)
Killing contemporary fascism will not be easy. We might lose. The tools will need to be more … sophisticated.
[0] Inspired by RL mention of a sloop called the Woody Guthrie on the Hudson River
@Mnemosyne: Mom always said, “God knows where it’s been!”
Bill Arnold
@Bill Arnold:
See also: Woody Guthrie, ‘Old Man Trump’ and a real estate empire’s racist foundations – The American music hero spent two years with Donald Trump’s father Fred as his landlord – and it inspired some of his most bitter writings (22 Jan, 2016)
Anne Laurie
@Jay: Thank you for that!
A whole bedsheet covered with tiny cross-stitched letters… I’m a cross-stitcher, and that was months of work, snatched no doubt in brief interludes between heavy labor or stolen from the sleep of exhaustion. A deliberate meditation for herself, and maybe some future reader. (Trope of novels written as letters, hidden to be found by an unknown reader, had already been established.)
From skimming further in the replies to the tweets, sounds like Ms. Parker moved as a servant to a new household looking for something larger in her teenage years. Then she got into a sexual relationship, probably not consensual, with one of that household’s family members… and either threw herself down a flight stairs, or was thrown, the commonest /cheapest available method of inducing miscarriage. Her subsequent injuries, or the social disgrace, led her to move back to her parents’ home, where their lordly employers “graciously” permitted her to work in the ‘dame school’ with her mother. She never married, but “raised one of her sister’s daughters”… as would be expected in those days for a woman living alone, *but* the biological-daughter, officially-sibling tradition for keeping an unmarried young mom’s illegitimate child in the family is *still* around.
She sounds like a smart, resourceful, bold woman. One who certainly didn’t have an easy life, but who lived a lot more fully on her own terms than most of her contemporary peers!
@Chyron HR:
Isn’t that the Tom Friedman school of foreign engagement?
Anne Laurie
@Steeplejack: That’s the one!
@Jay: Since society didn’t collapse, they decided to destroy it in a ‘we’ll show them—we KNOW what’s right!!’
@Miss Bianca: I 1st heard of him when I read about him in a German article when I was in Germany. They were fascinated by Riger and Me!
@Anne Laurie:
It’s powerfull.
I’m a cis, het man who has always realized that wymmen, are almost always greater than me.
Grandma Renolds taught me that.
@Redshift: WOW! That’s some story about 2nd generation lack of historical knowledge!
I grew up hearing rote cries of ‘Unleash Chaing Kai Scheck’ sp?? Later placed it right up there with the old ‘Remember the Alamo!’
@Bill Arnold: The Woody Guthrie Center in Tulsa OK is dedicated to his life, music, and the causes he believed in.
As I recall, the town where he grew up refused for a long time to acknowledge him. I think they may have by now.
@M31: and dry off with paper towels
You mean to tell me that you don’t seize it firmly by the drumsticks and give it a good vigorous shake?
(Sorry, the thought of that just cracked me up for some reason.)
@Cheryl Rofer: Someone has made a thread reader post of it.
Anne Laurie
To be honest, I mostly remember Unleash Chiang! from the Mad parodies and Tom Lehrer lyrics…