From commentor La Passionara:
[At top] is a nice little bug hotel that I saw several years ago in the Missouri Botanical Garden. I have been meaning to start collecting the seed pods, etc, to make one.And then I saw the Bee Hotel in the Jardin Des Plantes, in Paris.
This is quite an edifice, which I knew to be outside my skill set, but I was thinking maybe one of the handier jackals might be interested in making one, or a smaller version of one.
This was supposed to be a collection of sunflowers, and I suppose they are, but just not the kind I had envisioned. I do like the color, so I am not complaining.
Next, I noticed this had popped up in a bed behind my house. I have never seen this happen before, in the five years I have lived here.
So I waited a few days, and it now looks like I have a spider lily. That’s a surprise, but I am thinking I should have more of these, as I really like them.
Hope everyone and their gardens are surviving the summer!
What’s going on in your garden(s) this week?
John Revolta
You’ve got Mexican sunflowers there. Monarch butterflies love ’em & I do too.
Paul in Saint Augustine
Another mass shooting tonight in Dayton, Ohio. Nine reported dead, sixteen wounded. As of this posting, these are preliminary reports. There are people on this Dayton Police twitter feed who believe this is a Deep State conspiracy.
Dan B
The Mexican Sunflowers should be blooming like crazy soon.
Spider Lilies or Naked Ladies (Lycoris). They can be spring foliage only for years.
Dan B
The Orchard Mason Bee tubes should be replaced every year because they can harbor mites.
never mind
Another ~10 or so dead in OH tonite due to a mass shooing. Nope, I didnt spell “El Paso” wrong. This is another massacre.
God bless the 2nd Amendment for keeping us safe…
TS (the original)
@Paul in Saint Augustine: In my part of the world – that’s 2 in the one day. I’m not much into thoughts and prayers but I do feel so much for those impacted and fervently hope that the majority who are against the massive ownership of guns use these senseless murders to bring on some needed changes.
@John Revolta: Goody. I am also growing a nice crop of milkweed in my backyard. Maybe I’ll have some stop by.
I was actually hoping Ozark would get inspired by the bug hotel, and go into a side business of making them.
@Paul in Saint Augustine: I wake up every day with a sense of foreboding. This is what the NRA and it’s Congressional lackeys has wrought.
@Lapassionara: I like the little one, it could be a seller. The big one not so much.
@Lapassionara: I had surprise naked lillies at my old house. They’ll spread like daffodils and after a couple of years you can speed that along by digging up the clumps and separating the bulbs to replant. Love the insect hotel pictures.
No words on the back to back slaughters. It’s all been said, and nothing changes.
Lovely garden, lapassionara. Those sunflowers are gorgeous.
Wait another mass shooting?
ghost cat
It happened again, overnight in Dayton OH. I live in southern NM, hardly coping with the shooting in El Paso. I have no words. Dayton Shooting: Suspect and 9 dead, at least 16 wounded in Oregon District
@OzarkHillbilly: I prefer the smaller one too. It appears to be a basic wooden box, divided into sections, and the sections filled with random things like seed pods, stones, etc. It sits on a large upside-down clay pot. Should be relatively simple for someone with basic building skills to make. Hint, hint.
@MomSense: Coming soon to a location near you!
@Lapassionara: The next time I go the Garden, I’m gonna look for it. Do you remember about where it was?
zhena gogolia
Happy Shirley Temple on TCM day!
What is there to say about the shootings. On Sandy Hook day, I called the NRA and said, “Congratulations, we have twenty dead babies down the road here,” and the guy said, “You should be ashamed of yourself!”
I’ve contributed to probably ten of the six million gun control outfits out there. Why can’t we put ours all together the way they do? I’m tired. Is it Brady or Giffords or Josh Horwitz I should be giving to? Or CAGV? Or a mlllion others?
Hello All.
Immp news — he’s home! No tubes but his J-tube (feeding tube). It sounds gross, and I guess it is sorta alien, but we are entirely used to it and it’s rituals already. The best thing about being home is sleep. He is still sleeping now — finally gets to lie on his side. He was supplied with a little back pack to carry his feed bag and pump. He already was walking the neighborhood yesterday. He has strength to build, but he is doing great. He gets one ounce of clear liquid to sip every hour. He was craving pickle juice yesterday. What did they do to him in that operating room?! ?
@Immanentize: Great news! All hail the recovering Immp!
You don’t want to know.
Good news. Glad he’s doing so well. Hopefully you can get some rest, too.
Here’s an interesting hobby: raising butterflies.
My nephew started doing it a few years ago. I had no idea it was a thing.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Immanentize: Progress. Yay!
@OzarkHillbilly: It was in the homeowners garden area. I am not sure if that is the official name, but it has a building, staffed by volunteers to offer advice, and lots of different types of planting areas as examples.
@Immanentize: I’m so happy for you and little imma, or should I say younger imma. What an ordeal for both of you.
@Immanentize: Great news. Pickle juice has lots of good stuff in it. Or so I am told.
@Immanentize: Good deal. . .
Good Morning, Everyone ???
zhena gogolia
I’m so happy.
A Russian friend of mine used to drink the juice from pickled lingonberries every morning as a cure for hangover.
@rikyrah: Good morning.
@Immanentize: Good news.
@rikyrah: Good morning.
As for garden news, the two tomato plants I was able to plant this year may have? Yellow leaf curl virus. I am cutting off offending parts, but it is worrisome.
If you’re putting together a bee hotel and using straws or hollow stems or whatever, please consider putting a mesh in front (a few cm or so). I bought a prefab one and birds took great joy in pulling out the stems to feast.
Goats come this week, then we try to reestablish lawn where the weed patch is. Any suggestions on what kind of cardboard (in lieu of black plastic) that I should put down to smother the weed stubs?
TS (the original)
@Immanentize: A breathe of fresh air to hear your news. So pleased it is going well
Amir Khalid
The horrors just keep on coming, don’t they? On a somewhat less tragic note, today is Barack Obama’s 58th birthday.
@Immanentize: Hooray!!!
Best news!
@rikyrah: Good morning rikyrah!
Amir Khalid
@zhena gogolia:
Are you sure it was a cure for hangover, and not a penance for drunkenness?
Yesterday, while I was scanning West of Eden with my metal detector in search of my lost wheelbarrow, my neighbor, Noah Tall, yelled over the fence (he paid for):
“OG, the problem with your damn garden is a lack of water.”
Me: “No way, it has rained everyday for a month.”
Noah Tall: “Perspiration!”
Noah’s older sister, Neeandra Tall, who likes very old jokes and lowbrow humor, laughed. So-
Me: “Noah, do you know why muskmelons always exchange their nuptial vows in the garden they were planted in?
Amir Khalid
Good to hear. Sending hopes for a swift recovery to the Immp.
@Lapassionara: I don’t think I’ve ever been to that. Something wrong with me. Thx, I’ll look it up.
Mike in NC
They’re upping the ante. Next we’ll be having 3-4 mass shootings with numerous fatalities per day. Trump will take credit: “nothing like this has ever happened before in our great country!”
@Morfydd: Good idea. 1/2″ hardware cloth should do the trick.
@Sab: I just use corrugated boxes from all the deliveries from Amazon..
zhena gogolia
@Amir Khalid:
The stuff is actually kind of delicious. Brusnika!
zhena gogolia
@Mike in NC:
I’m a little worried that this is the beginning of the civil war Tulsi promised us with her sweet smile.
@Mike in NC: I know people get sick of me bragging on my outstanding mayor, but this is him speaking spontaneously at his appearance last night at the AFSCME meeting for candidates about El Paso and what we need to confront in this country.
I’ve always heard those lilies called surprise lilies, because all the foliage dies down and then, in late July, “surprise” they come up and bloom in about 2 days.
I heard about Dayton right before I went to bed. So awful………
@oldgold: oldgold: does the punchline have something to do with cantaloupes?
@satby: BTW, the first 3-4 minutes with the statement is what I was talking about. Not the entire q&a.
I assume it is just a huge coincidence that Twitler holds one of his hate rallies in Ohio on Thursday night and by Saturday there is a mass shooting in Ohio. Nope nothing to see here, just a coinkidinct.
You could probably find a shadow/memento box online or at a crafts store.
Dorothy A. Winsor
The cover for The Wind Reader is in a contest. It looks like one of those things where the winner had the most friends who hang around online all day. (ahem) You can vote every day for a week, so as we say in Chicagoland, vote early, vote often!
PS. Sorry I’ve done a couple of promotions lately. I’m begging, not bragging.
Great news for you both!
I’d bet his taste buds are shrieking for something he can actually taste.
@Litlebritdifrnt: I feel an urge to write a sentence that has the words ‘Trump’ and ‘moral responsibility’ in it. Silly me.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: and after I voted you were in the lead with three votes!!!
@Mike in NC:
I woke up and, first thing, I committed an act of absolute futility. I fired off an email to Rob Portman.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@satby: Thank you! I won’t be in the lead for long, but the exposure is good. And I do like the cover. The artist is Marco Pennacchiette. I’ve never met him. He’s a nice Irish boy, I’m sure.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Steeplejack (phone)
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
I bought The Wind Reader and your 99¢ special yesterday. Did the same for Joyce Harmon. Keep up the good work, both of you!
@Steeplejack (phone): how are you today Steep?
Steeplejack (phone)
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
You’re crushing it with 73% of the vote. It’s a landslide!
And now, 12!
@Steeplejack (phone):
@Baud: well at least in one election vote totals will count for something.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Speaking of rigged, let us know if you fall behind. It’s easy enough to vote multiple times.
@debbie: LOL/sigh.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Baud: @Steeplejack (phone): @debbie: @Baud: It is rigged! OTOH, I honestly think it’s the nicest cover in that bunch. Though I have to admit, I’m not good at telling a good cover from a bad one. My writer friends make fun of me.
Dorothy A. Winsor
Dear god, have I come to the point where I think that’s a good thing?
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
I can tell. It is. You’re up to 79%!
Steeplejack (phone)
Pretty good, thanks. Fed the little beast at 5:30 and went back to sleep for a while. (Just got up to serve her second breakfast.) Lying down seems to help—no body weight exerted on the wounds. They’re sore and tight but feeling better.
I ordered a plastic sleeve garter thing from Amazon that will get here today, and that should solve the washing/shaving/showering problem. Thanks to tokyokie for that suggestion. And I appreciate everybody who suggested I go get a shampoo at a salon. I may treat myself, but right now I still have that “I don’t want to do anything” feeling.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
in Romeon Balloon Juice…OzarkHillbilly
@Dorothy A. Winsor: The vote is rigged. I have been purged and am not eligible to vote. Or so I surmise because repeated refreshings don’t give me anyway to vote.
Steeplejack (phone)
I did not receive a paper ballot, true.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@debbie: Thank you. My judgement really is bad on it. But I can’t read the titles very well on some of those. They don’t stand out from the background.
The contest just posted at 8am EDT today, so I’m doing well because I’m up early. When normal people get up and text their friends, things will change. I’ll nudge BJ later in the week maybe.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@OzarkHillbilly: Good lord. What did you do????
Gelfling 545
Your Mexican sunflowers are great. They don’t seem to like my location but I think they’re lovely. A fine garden.
I just added a few more purple coneflower to my garden for the pollinators.
Leave and come back.
I voted for you.
I have to go take a shower but the three small kittens thumping around in the bathroom make me kind of dread the hassle. I have to get kitten safe flea treatments and wormers today too.
I’m feeling more bummed about the burglary yesterday too. I’ll probably have to nail that back garage door shut. I suspect it was someone I know or the previous owner knew. The door was fairly inaccessible and hidden by shrubbery and a 6 foot stockade fence covered with vines. There’s a second door next to the overhead door, so the casual observer wouldn’t have guessed another door was in back. There’s a lot of junk in there since they stole the only two sort of portable valuables. But I don’t want it broken into again.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Many are too busy, and as an Illustration major, photography and type-only are cop outs for book covers. ;)
Steeplejack (phone)
Burglary?! I missed that. Sorry to hear it. Which thread has the tale?
@Dorothy A. Winsor: I showed up. They handed me a sheet of paper with a bunch of Chinese written on it and asked me, “What does it say?” I replied, “It says Hillbillies ain’t allowed to vote.”
Dorothy A. Winsor
@OzarkHillbilly: Well then. I can see that.
Steeplejack (phone)
Point taken, but I loved a lot of those New Directions paperback covers back in the ’60s and ’70s.
@debbie: I’ve been there twice now. Maybe the 3rd time will be a charm.
@Baud: What on earth for? Sociopath of the week?
I voted twice for Dorothy. Once for myself and once for a disenfranchised hillbilly.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: You really should remind us tomorrow (and the next days…)
@debbie: Still no luck.
@Baud: Thanx, you are two kind.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Wapiti: If I have enough nerve, I’ll remind BJ because you all are the best. I don’t want to wear out my welcome though.
Huh. I just voted a third time. Maybe it’s because I’m on a Mac. No one pays attention to them!
It looks like others have alerted their fans now. :(
@Steeplejack (phone): here. Not really a biggie, and after all the horror over the last day really not something to feel bad about. Just added into all the other shit it brings me down a bit. Mostly because of all the work I have to do to secure that door. Edit: and because the bike had only been ridden once I have to surrender my fantasy of getting in shape riding it along the river. In reality, it was a bit too tall and I always had more important things to spend money on than getting the seat post cut down an inch.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@satby: I think I said yesterday that our house in Detroit was broken into twice while we were away. It was a kid from down the street who everyone knew was trouble. He took small, portable stuff, so it wasn’t a big loss, but it was a violation. It depressed me.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: yeah, my suspect is a kid who’s room overlooks that part of the yard from the house across the alley. A rental with a history of trashy tenants. I assume they grabbed stuff they could just sell for a quick buck at a yard sale. Annoying… Mostly because I wasted money buying and not using [the bike] and now I won’t have the chance. Door was locked but didn’t seat correctly in the frame, so easily kicked in. But still…feral kitten safely inside. So on the balance, a good day. Except my bathroom is nearly a no go zone ?
O. Felix Culpa
@Immanentize: Yay! Wonderful news. Happy for both of you.
@satby: @Dorothy A. Winsor: Quite a long time ago now, but I had that happen once, and the sense of violation took a long time to go away. In fact, I’m not sure it ever has — in that I lost my innocence about what could happen.
Kid down the street kicked in the back door (most likely; he was never caught/arrested) when no one was home at my house or at the neighbors’ places on either side. He took a backpack and whatever he could fit into it, including stuff like cameras. From me he took my grandfather’s gold pocket watch, which my grandmother had given me not long before that (my grandfather died in 1926…my mother never knew him). I had just spent $300 (a lot of money for me then, I was just out of college) getting the watch repaired by a guy who did that specialty work in downtown Boston. My initials were engraved on it. It was hidden in my dresser — ha ha ha ha.
I’m not sure what/whom to believe any more, but at the time the police said that the watch had probably been melted down for the gold within an hour after it was taken. However — they said that if I wanted to I could go down to Washington Street (Boston) to the jewelry shops and asked around. By law, jewelers were supposed to keep a record of anyone who came in to sell them second-hand watches (maybe second-hand everything?) and hang onto them for 30 days in case they were stolen goods. The police also said that the jewelers all cheated, and that I shouldn’t say I was looking for a stolen watch, just a watch.
I went on down to Washington Street and talked to people in eight or ten shops, pretending I was in the market for an old-fashioned pocket watch. I am too literal-minded to be very good at that sort of thing, but all the jewelers at least pretended to go along with me, showed me a watch or two, etc. It was the strangest feeling to try to come back into my real persona at the end of the day….I was still looking around me trying to figure out whether anyone suspected I was faking it.
Never found the watch. Decades went by before I admitted to my mother that I no longer had it, and why. Still makes me sad to think about it.
Dorothy A. Winsor — I voted. It didn’t work on my browser that has ads and scripts blocked, but it worked fine on the other one. Good luck!
O. Felix Culpa
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Done! Good luck.
O. Felix Culpa
@debbie: Good for you. We have to keep on trying and speaking the truth, even to those who don’t want to hear.
@Sab: Use regular brown corrugated cardboard. Like Amazon boxes, as OzarkHillbilly suggested. Do your best to remove labels and tape. If there are spaces, slots or holes where you can see the ground then double up on the cardboard.
Don’t use the shiny coated cardboard boxes like you get if you purchase a new small kitchen appliance. The shiny cardboard has other chemicals and dyes and things. Just the regular brown cardboard boxes. It’s okay if they have writing on them.
Remember that a large percentage of weeds will be scattered by wind, birds and other critters and come from the top of the soil so despite your best effort you’ll probably still see weeds.
@JanieM: I’m so sorry! What I lost was of value to me but had no sentimental value. A memento of your grandfather is irreplaceable.
Electric lawn mower?! That seems like it would be noticeable, more so than, say, riding a bike down the street. Oh, well, condolences on that.
I’ve had an apartment broken into three times and home-invaded once. Nothing ever taken, but you’re right, the violation is the main crime. Twice all my stuff was tossed, and it took weeks to wash all of my clothes because I didn’t know what had actually been touched. The NYPD scolded me once because I’d started cleaning, making it impossible to fingerprint.
@Steeplejack: it was a bright orange beach cruiser. Pretty noticeable. And the mower was cordless, so not obviously electric. Got it for lots off on a Prime day, so I’ll wait for another of those to get a replacement. I can pay someone to mow the rest of the summer on the difference.
J R in WV
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
But NO LINK to the contest on YOUR home page??? Shame!!
@Soprano2: Around me those are called resurrection lilies for the way they just pop up, sometimes after years of not popping up.
J R in WV
OK, with my standard fully armored browser, I did not get an opportunity to vote. So I tried with un-protected Chromium, and was able to vote. You’re still well ahead with 37 to second place with 11.
So Hurray!
I know this thread is probably dead, but I actually saw a monarch butterfly this morning when I first went outside! Or, at least, it looked like a monarch. So the Mexican sunflowers are working!