Yes, a gravestone which says "RIP Amy McGrath" is totally acceptable these days.
— Pé Resists (@4everNeverTrump) August 5, 2019
Another gravestone reads "R.I.P. Merrick Garland".
Seriously, these people are sociopaths.
— Pé Resists (@4everNeverTrump) August 5, 2019
Maybe he fractured that shoulder patting himself on the back. At the same event:
Listen as a crowd of Kentuckians drowns out @senatemajldr with chants of “Moscow Mitch” today at Fancy Farm. Cc @KyDems
— Krystal Ball (@krystalball) August 4, 2019
Newsweek, “#MassacreMitch Trends As People Blame Mitch McConnell Blocking Gun Control Legislation for Mass Shootings”:
… More than 120,000 tweets have been sent using the #MassacreMitch hashtag after at least 20 people were killed at a Walmart in El Paso, Texas, and a further nine people killed in a shooting around 13 hours later in Dayton, Ohio.
Many Twitter users expressed their anger towards McConnell for blocking a Senate vote on a bill passed by the House of Representatives in February which would require full background checks to be run against every person who wishes to purchase a gun.
Others also accused McConnell of costing people’s lives by pandering to the NRA due to the donations he and the Republican party receive from the lobbying group.
It is the second time in a matter of days that a McConnell-related hashtag has trended on Twitter. Tens of thousands of people used the “Moscow Mitch” hashtag after the Kentucky senator blocked a set of election security bills…
Several Democratic lawmakers and politicians are urging McConnell to call the Senate back for an emergency session so that the background check bill can be passed in a vote and move closer to becoming law.
Senator and 2020 presidential candidate, Elizabeth Warren, tweeted: “The House passed a bill more than 5 months ago to require basic background checks on gun sales—the very least we can do to keep our loved ones safe. How many more people need to die before @SenateMajLdr McConnell puts aside @NRA interests and gives that bill a vote?”…
Let us be clear. It is Mitch McConnell who will not allow gun safety bills to move forward in Congress. The House already has passed them. Mitch McConnell is a paid stooge who does the bidding of the NRA.
— George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) August 4, 2019
in other words, Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell is blocking both election security legislation and gun background check legislation
— John Harwood (@JohnJHarwood) August 4, 2019
I’m running to replace Mitch McConnell in the U.S. Senate. Everything that’s wrong with Washington had to start somewhere—it started with him. With your help, we can defeat Mitch and defend democracy. Join us:
— Amy McGrath (@AmyMcGrathKY) July 9, 2019
That is who they are.
I was wondering when/ifPBO and Michelle would issue a statement. After seeing BC and HRC issued statements, I figured it was coming.
Here is is…statement from PBO/Michelle!
O. Felix Culpa
@lamh36: I “heart” that man and miss his decency so much.
Sociopathic assholes.
Somebody tell me again how we’re supposed to negotiate with assholes like this.
zhena gogolia
I’ve got a monthly donation set up to Ditch Mitch and another one to Amy McGrath.
The RIP Democracy tombstone is missing.
FUQ U NYT Editorial Board!
So from now on #MassacreMitch can be accessorized with gravestones. #GraveyardMitch
For the Love of Guns: How Racism Drives Insecure White Men’s Attachment to Deadly Weapons
By Spandan
@lamh36: NYT ed. dept is deplorable, corrupt, despicable.
Can we get an ActBlue thermometer up for Amy?
Edmund dantes
@lamh36: I saw that. Just flabbergasted.
If you wanted to know how Nazis made it in Germany look no further than that editorial.
Strange bedfellows.
Good read at CityLab on the erosion of public space due to mass shootings:
zhena gogolia
She’s very, very bad news.
My low-information lunch companions were speaking favorably of her “takedown” of Kamala Harris. I asked them for one reason why they don’t like Kamala Harris. The answer? “I just don’t like her.”
They had no idea who Tulsi Gabbard was — they just saw her in the debate. I tried to educate them.
Tony Jay
Oh, so there are White Nationalists out there who are fine with a bit of handgun or bolt-action style ethnic cleansing, but who feel that semi-auto massacres are a bit too much, and the FTFNYT think these are the moderates who the cops should be working with?
Sideways. With a frozen mammoth trunk.
We are not…so, don’t ask me to.
O. Felix Culpa
WT-everloving-F? No words. The NYT is the garbagiest garbage. Worse than Fox, in some ways, because it pretends to respectability.
will meet the same fate, gods willing.
Absolutely, positively RIDICULOUS.
Mary G
@debit: I’ve missed you on here. Glad to see you still on after that long thread I just read. Balloon Juicers sometime have trouble keeping their eyes on the prize.
Major Major Major Major
@Major Major Major Major: “Heighten the Contradictions!!!”//s
@zhena gogolia:
Seems like we’ve heard that song before. Maybe in 2016 ….?
Is anyone else worried about how the Republican leadership is gradually mainstreaming the implied assassination of their opponents or is it just me?
Here’s the pics/story about the young mother and father of the 2 month old w/broken bones, likely due to the mom using her body to cover the baby. The mom died on the scene and late last night they also confirmed that the baby’s father dies as well. They had 3 young kids!
Echoing #14—let’s give the bastard a run for his money, in as literal a sense as possible.
Mulvaney: Relocating Offices is a ‘Wonderful Way’ to Shed Federal Employees
I don’t understand the “R.I.P. Merrick Garland” tombstone.
McConnell (and his staff) must be deranged. “Death to the moderate, compromise supreme court candidate!”
It’s a death cult.
@Mary G: Eh, I was actually in that thread being cranky and mean. But I am happy to see you too. :)
@germy: I think it’s meant more to “death to Democrats ever thinking they’ll have the power to make consequential choices again”. Doesn’t quite fit on a bumper sticker, though.
Never just you. The tell tale sign was when they didn’t speak up when the terrorist sent all those pipe bombs.
This is who they are.
We should treat them accordingly.
@germy: No, no, no. You’re forgetting how this works. He was only a moderate, compromise candidate until Obama nominated him. At that point he became a hippie fruitcake.
Don’t you remember the Gabby Gifford in a sniper’s scope?
Once again…not just Dolt45…IT’S WHO THEY ALL ARE.
Am I the only one to notice the media focussing on the Dayton shooting, my cynicism says it’s cause even though it involves minority folks, since El Paso was OBVIOUSLY an attack directly linked to Chump’s rhetoric against Hispanic and his embrace of white supremacist/nationalist support.
Both are tragedies deserves equal time, but I also know some of the media would rather not have to confront Chump on the direct links in El Paso.
Just so I’m clear, I firmly believe Trump triggered the guy in Dayton as well.
But the tale being told about the Dayton case is easier to push disinformation about him being a leftist or just a man who hated women.
The focus is easier for some in the media to actually cover than the fact that the shooter in El Paso’s manifesto, even if not mentioning Chump by name, had a large amount of the Chump rhetoric explicitly said
@Major Major Major Major:
Kind of reminds me of how Trump blames Dems for failing to enact an immigration bill he can sign.
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you… The Associated Press:
Hate ruled out, but motive still a mystery in Dayton attack
@rikyrah: show trials and scaffolding for the lot of them. There can be no peaceful coexistence with fascists.
@Major Major Major Major: “Waaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!! It’s Mom’s fault that I’m misbehaving because she didn’t vote for Saint Bernie! Waaaaaaaahhhhhhh!”
These purity assholes are lucky they can’t get punched through Twitter. That feature would make me sign up!
Hey Jack! An edit button and punching functionality please!
O. Felix Culpa
Because nothing says “not hate” like mowing down a bunch of people with bullets. Especially when the majority of them are POC.
It means exactly what they meant it to.
Muthaphucka was kicked out of high school CAUSE HE HAD A MUTHAPHUCKIN’ KILL LIST.
and, it’s just a coincidence that 2/3 of his victims were BLACK.
@Ksmiami: can they still be called show trials if the actual crimes and guilt are real?
@rikyrah: I’d say before. Dump was calling for “second amendment people” to possibly do something to Hillary during the campaign.
Hug her with their bare arms? I think not.
ETA: I see you sent back farther to Giffords.
@dexwood: Some think democracy died 12-12-00, date of SCOTUS 5 to 4 sElection of W
the alternate version is “Those who sympathize with Islam, but who deplore jihadi violence” The difference is that white nationalist ideology does not have a good track record of deploring ANY violence perpetrated against the other.
@TenguPhule: true but for efficiency’s sake set a time limit of 10 minutes- being a member of the GOP is a crime against humanity
CNN Chryon: El Paso Police Official: Shooter Has No Remorse
I mean why would he? He and the rest of the white nationalists have this President’s ear.
@germy – Wait, what??? How is anyone ruling out hate? It’s reported that in highy school the suspect/shooter had a Kill list and a Rape list and was suspended for it:
like someone said…NRA probably liked it because they probably helped write that bullshit
@mrmoshpotato: *went
Damn you autoincorrect
TBH my guess is that “Moscow Mitch” gets up his nose mostly because it makes him have to work harder to show the Chinese he’s *their* guy.
@debit: were we mean? I thought we were just answering the challenge.
Ok, I was mean. No regurts.
@rikyrah: they’re so stupid. If any of those employees bring suit against the government regarding the “necessity” for that office move, Mulvaney just helped show it was designed to make them quit only.
Citizen Alan
Gradually mainstreaming?!? Gabby Giffords would like a word with you.
@Citizen Alan: They walked back after Giffords was shot. Too far beyond the pale then.
Mitch is doubling down. That’s what mainstreaming is, they’re making it respectable in their circles.
I guess the only surprising thing is that the Racist-in-Chief did not try to pull “good people on both sides of the gun barrel” bullshit on the country.
But you’re not allowed to talk about it here because its demoralizing. //
@satby: I don’t think you were mean at all. I could have been kinder, and also not told someone to blow me.
The week isn’t over yet.
Let’s say it again…
THAT is not an area where he would regularly hang out.
every bit as much as those in El Paso were.
@Aleta: To keep the alliteration, Mausoleum Mitch. (Probably too many syllables, though.)
Miss Bianca
@catclub: Oh, so we have “good” white supremacists now – who only embrace racism, but “deplore violence”? Wow, that’s nice to know.
“So, kids, if you just wish that all those yellow, black, and brown people would just MAGICALLY DISAPPEAR from society as opposed to picking up arms to dispatch them yourself? Your local law enforcement wants to HEAR from you!”
I just can’t with this bullshit anymore.
It’s like the Soviet shitpile mobster conman saying “and I assume some are good people” after saying Mexico is sending criminals, drug dealers and rapists to the US. It’s bullshit.
@rikyrah: So as climate change accelerates, let’s destroy Ag Dept research capabilities so we will be less able to adjust our crop decisions and actually feed ourselves.
Americans live in such a bubble.
What kind of clueless knucklehead writes shit like this? I’d love to see a Venn diagram of these two groups.
Probably assumes he’s being considered for a pardon.
@Reboot: Stick with Moscow. That’s what pisses him off. If it works, don’t change it.
Because the shooter didn’t have a room full of Nazi shit, didn’t cosplay as a Nazi on line, is being “breaded” as Antifia by Nazis online and may have flirted with agrigarian socialism, ( a Nazi ideology, but all the MSM sees is “socialism”), and didn’t leave a hate rant,
The MSM is bending over backwards, shoveing their heads up their asses and screaming “no hate!!!!!!!”
@rikyrah: Everyone knows that when you fire at random into any crowd in the USA 77.7% of the people you kill will be POC.
And the compilation of rape and kill lists is no evidence of a targeting mentality.
No POC on those lists? He didn’t know any POC. So just some at the melanin-enhanced and fire.
No hate to see here. Move along to another part of Toledo, err, Akron, err, Dayton.
There is no bottom.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
the Lt Gov of Texas, two years before trump rode down the escalator
Why did the Podesta dump – which was fairly anodyne stuff – overwhelm the pussy tape, which should have been career-ending for Trump*?
Any thoughts?
Not trying to both sides this, but everyone needs to keep a broad eye on this movement. Soph was finally just deplatformed. She’s 14 and posts far right videos. Here’s her twitter response after getting deplatformed. That’s not a video game gun, btw. And I won’t link the original post from /r/conspiracy because it’s what you might expect.
This is part of a broader set of problems where we now have positive feedback loops which draw regular people to extremist content, on pretty much every issue:
We’re accustomed to having this in a larger context – one person out of a thousand talks to me about this extreme position, it must not be a commonly held idea. But what happens when all of that gets distilled into one place – Fox News, or Youtubes algorithms, and is stripped of its context. You get even teenage girls like Soph who are far enough along to think that publicly posting a picture of an assault rifle with a threat against Youtube is a reasonable idea
O. Felix Culpa
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: And wasn’t Texas stolen from Mexico? Who were the invaders, exactly? I know that in GOP-world, facts don’t matter, but still.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Governor of Texas 4 years ago:
@Martin: Jesus Christ!!
Mike in Pasadena
@TenguPhule: I called the FBI office in Los Angeles twice after Trump told gun nuts to prevent HRC from appointing Supreme Court judges by exercising their second amendment rights. I asked what the FBI was doing about his remarks and whether they would do anything to protect HRC. I was told that they had made a note of my call. By the way, I would still like to see text and email messages among the FBI’s agents in the New York field office, the agents who pressured Comey to reopen emails! case and gave July Annie inside info.
@JCNZ: Because there was a lot of it, and people expected it to be filled with terrible stuff about Clinton. So they spent days going through a bunch of boring content, distracting them from what was clear on video.
@hueyplong: Heard a news report on the Dayton shooter. Chilling. Made a list of male class mates he was going to shoot, then skin them (skin them!? did I hear that right??) and then the rape lists. He named people. IIRC this was in HS? And he was suspended. But no intervention, no investigation of what was going on with this guy by the school or local authorities. So, he was suspended, how does that help school safety when suspension is over and he was allowed back.
I don’t believe in the idea that mental health interventions will stop most of the mass shooters. Research indicates most of them won’t fit any diagnosable condition that is precise enough to do any good. But really, that was a huge red flag. Nothing was done. Why? Mental health treatment is a legitimate issue, unlike the video game, rap and shock rock nonsense. even if it can’t be the principal policy tool for this horrific insanity of repeated mass shootings, which is of course sensible gun regulation.
Wonderful thunder shower blowing through now. Some much needed rain. Albeit, not so great for those in rush hour.
@debit: Soph had about a million followers, so you can imagine the mix of content out at that end of things. YouTube put up with her for a long time, and a million followers will get you a fair bit of ad revenue.
Now, any question that the former might have been some kind of perverted comedy is pretty well refuted by the latter. YouTube removed the latter video, but not the former one. Soph is notable not because she’s exceptional of the content there, she’s notable because she’s a she. We find that shocking. Nobody found the Dayton shooters kill and rape lists to be shocking because it’s entirely too common and too readily excused as ‘locker room talk’.
Just to repeat – a million followers.
But who would follow up after he leaves high school? No one tracks mentally ill people. They have to be a danger to themselves or others. There’s no process in place to just sort of keep an eye on him once he reaches adulthood. 99% of the incompetency cases or mental health “holds” we get here are petitioned for by family members.
We had a juvenile here who was expelled for compiling a “kill list” and in some ways expelling him was more dangerous. Then no one is monitoring him. I have no idea where he is now. He’s an adult. People who present themselves as needing help barely get it- no one goes looking for people who might need it.
Roger Moore
There were a few reasons:
1) The Access Hollywood tape was a single incident, while the Podesta dump consisted of thousands of emails. That meant the Trump camp could try to counter the tape with a single line of defense (“locker room talk”) while Podesta’s emails had to be dealt with individually. It also meant the Podesta stuff kept dribbling out with new “revelations” that had to be talked about every day. To me, this is one of the big lessons of the whole business: if you want to reveal stuff about your enemy, you have to do it a bit at a time so it stays in the news.
2) There was an air of mystery around the Podesta email dump: who had stolen the emails and why, what was in them, etc. The media eats that stuff up.
3) Bias for Trump and against Clinton
Wolf Blitzer just said that CNN had contacted at least sixty “Republican lawmakers” to go on air to discuss the shootings.
“Almost all” declined, though Will Hurd is about to speak.
There’s a “center-right” blog called Ricochet I hate-monitor occasionally and here’s what it had to say about what caused the massacres: feminism and hippies. They really are the John Birch society.
We had one, a young man, who painted the windows of his (rented) house black and wrote crazy things about Obama on the walls. The landlord called it in. So police take him to the emergency room and wait for a transport to a crisis mental health eval, but he’s free to leave at any point in that process. Many of them don’t know that so they don’t leave but if they do no one can stop them. He damaged a rental property. They can’t hold him long. At best they can “pink slip” him but that only lasts 48 hours. I assume he still lives here- I don’t know where else he would be.
99.9% of mass killers are not mentally ill.
Mass shootings = Mentally Ill is NRA koolaide trotted out anytime the shooter is a white, mysoginist male, which is about 89% of all mass shooters.
The mentally ill are much more commonly the victims of gun violence.
@Martin: What I notice are the headlines that ponder
“did the (misogynist who fantasized extreme violence against lots of women) accidentally shoot his sister?” Also how discussion of misogyny in the administration, the CBP and US culture still has to be forced on the media.
A Ghost To Most
@Jay: I would say everyone is mentally ill. The only differences are in style and degree. Who decides the line? Even the standard “a reasonable person” has lost all meaning.
@A Ghost To Most:
There is a big difference between the mentally ill, the angry asshole, and shitlords.
The mentally ill cannot help their condition,
The angry asshole and the shitlords act that way on purpose.
Oh, I know. I’m just wondering how they plan to evaluate every mentally ill person for potential crimes. The “kill list” is a crime- not just a school violation but also a juvenile violation but he wouldn’t be tagged with that forever. It ends. There wouldn’t be any kind of monitoring a decade out. I don’t even know who would do that- like, which person, and under what authority.
The system only works at all because they consent to the eval. Only 1 out of 100 requires a court order. The vast majority of them are persuaded to voluntarily go get the eval. Family members are the people who know because they see a change. I’m not blaming his family- sometimes they’re just exhausted, or have detached, or just don’t know he’s flipping out. But they’re the people who report and petition for court orders. There is no general mental health monitoring system, and I don’t know what one would look like.
@Mandalay: Don’t have cable. I would be interested in what Will Hurd has to say.
@A Ghost To Most: The line is when it impairs your ability to function properly. Am I anxious right now? Yes. Can I still get to work every day? Yes. Do I want to hurt myself or others? No.
So I had a very ‘me’ dream last night, which is rare for me. I dreamt I punched Trump in the face, and then had to deal with all of the interviews and explanations that followed, trial, etc. It was a 15 second ‘this would make me feel good’ act followed by what felt like hours of explaining why it was wrong.
@Roger Moore: 4) Assholes like Chuck Todd and their bothsiderist bullshit exist.
The dude was not “mentally ill”. See Martin’s post above.
The guy was a shitlord, saying and doing outrage out side of his “normie” circles for the lutz and attention. Unlike Soph, or Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Alex Jones, etc, he wasn’t able to monetize it for millions.
@Jay: Thinking that might tip the scales back into the ‘hate crime’ category.
@oatler.: Hippies? Does electric yellow have those idiots by the brain banana?
Not as long as the Police and Media norm the hell out of his mysogeny.
I consider McConnell the most dangerous man in America. I’m tight on money, but I’ll be donating to anyone who runs against him.
@Jay: Can we just blame Marilyn Manson for old times’ sake?
And to alert you to the venom your Ragebook Uncles will be spewing out tomorrow:
Matt McIrvin
@JCNZ: Timing was a lot of it. Remember, Comey’s letter saying they’d re-opened the “emails” investigation because of the Podesta dump dropped only days before the election, and nobody really knew if there was anything incriminating there. The idea was always that there might be some horrifying scandal Hillary Clinton was hiding, and here was this supposed new break happening in the last week. Enough time had gone by since the Access Hollywood tape dropped that it just receded into the background of Trump’s general awfulness, and in the last couple of weeks of the campaign his behavior was unusually subdued. But the Comey letter was a new bombshell. Or at least it sounded like it could be one.
Miss Bianca
@Martin: Now, why would you think that? Oh, because of the imagery of raping and mutilating women? You think *that’s* going to tip this into a hate crime for the authorities? Pish tosh. That’s just a typical Monday for millions of typical guys here in the USA. Nothing to see there.
It’s just such a dumb thing to say, like Trump did, “it’s the shooter not the gun”. No one does that for bombs. They check for the bomb! “The root cause is really the bomb maker- what’s he thinking”. Well, okay, but can we also get this bomb off the airplane? Catch that “inanimate object” at the gate?
Do they even hear themselves? To a person who is not a gun nut it’s so glaringly obvious they’re deliberately avoiding the gun issue.
Why can’t this person who is of poor character, is unethical, is a liar, is mean spirited and nasty, why oh why can’t he act as a MORAL LEADER?
They think “moral leader” is a title. If you say you are one you become one. He’s not a moral leader because he’s immoral. A speech isn’t gonna make him one.
@Miss Bianca: I’m thinking the mayor of Dayton won’t go so easy on brushing that off. Representation matters.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
MSNBC, just now: Bill Bratton, none-too-liberal former chief cop of Boston, NYC and LA, embraces “Massacre Mitch”
The only way Trump could be come a “moral leader” on racism is to own up to it. Which people have done so it’s not impossible. He’d have to go out and say “I am a racist and I incited other racists, but I’ve had a change of heart and I urge you to follow me and be better”.
Fat fucking chance of that. But that’s the price.
Gelfling 545
@germy: Because nothing bespeaks an equanimous tolerance for all humanity like opening fire on a crowd? Jesus.
joel hanes
I’ll be donating to anyone who runs against him.
That would be Amy McGrath
You can donate here:
or here
Jesus. They might as well say that some are very fine people.
She’s kind of a star in a state without a lot of democratic stars. She ran in the Dem primary for governor in ’18. I like her. I was afraid a woman wouldn’t win and I also like Cordray a lot, so bad bet there! :)
@Kay: Give her another crack at it. Seems like a lot of people are pretty pissed with DeWine right now.
They have been trying to get their race waron since Reconstruction.
They have always failed.
When all the Nazi Gangs tried to organize a “freeze peach” parade in Boston, 14 showed up. The anti-facists turned out over 8,000 strong.
Yes, if Wussolini is removed from office, there will be more terrorism, but there won’t be a war.
99.9% of the Nazis are gutless cowards.
Miss Bianca
@Martin: Yeah, well, I can’t tell from the cited article exactly who these “authorities” are who are like, “Gee, hate doesn’t seem to be a factor in this mass murder, gosh, the motives he may have had for shooting and killing a bunch of POC remain a COMPLETE MYSTERY.”
So if the mayor of Dayton can manage to persuade these “authorities” that misogyny is actually a hate crime, good for her. I’ll try to keep breathing over here.
This. They stockpiled guns to guard against tyranny, then spent 8 years accusing Obama of tyranny and did nothing.
The guns make them feel brave, but their actions reveal who they are.
And Treasury Department has officially designated China as a currency manipulator.
Official Sanctions probable.
This War is gonna be ugly.
It takes no courage to kill the unarmed, the helpless and the weak.
And even the most fearful rat can be nightmare in a mob with numbers on their side.
@TenguPhule: Yeah, I don’t think it’ll end until 2020. Trump has a time horizon of 15 months, the Chinese have a horizon of 100 years.
Mrs. D. Ranged in AZ
@TenguPhule: I feel the hot breath of a Recession on the back of our necks.
Because someone will always complain about the links.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Mrs. D. Ranged in AZ: something called the yield curve is inverted, and this makes people on NPR nervous. My sister was house hunting last fall and houses that I thought were overpriced were getting their asking prices before she could make an offer. I was expecting a correction in the stock market even before the sugar high of the tax cuts hit. And I am not, as is probably clear, a wonk, but I don’t get how, when the Brexit shit hits the fan, that doesn’t blow the mess all over the world.
I don’t know if we’re headed for another crash like 2007-08, but it sure feels like there’s some bad shit out there on the horizon.
And the thieving SOB is going back there. The mayor and police should give the Secret Service the bill and explain that no further assistance will be provided unless all bills are paid, cash in hand before he arrives. Trump’s free security blanket needs to end.
When I was with SHARP in the late ‘70’s and early ‘80’s, the Nazis recruited and organized in private and rented drinking clubs. When we crashed the doors and burned their playhouses down, 8 or 10 would try to fight, the other 40 would run.
They had not tactical awareness, no tactics, no strategy, no security.
And their “clubs” never ran past 50, because of constant infighting over who got to be leader or fighting over “doctrine” and rules.
SHARP could put 250+ on the streets with as little notice as 4 hours.
@Edmund dantes:
Until the Imperial Japanese Navy attacked Pearl Harbor, the NYT strongly supported and boosted American Nazis and German Nazis alike.
Just Google New Your Times + “American Bund” or + “American Nazis” or + “Mr Hitler”. Your eyes will bug out, they loved the Nazis so hard, until we were attacked by the Axis.
@Jay: they have pretty big guts from what I’ve seen but they don’t have “guts” or brains. In fact most Trump supporters are effing losers and marks for the con.
J R in WV
Leftists and progressives don’t have murder lists and rape lists. There you go.
When 8 Nazis attacked an unarmed reporter in a parking garage in Portland, with weapons, it took only 3 unarmed antifacists to run them off, and one antifacist caught 3 of them on the street 2 blocks away and delivered a serious beating on all three.
yeah, back then ‘hey man we’re kicking the shit out of some nazis’ was all it took.