I was ready to be very irritated after getting a Washington Post news alert about Trump’s proposal for “strong background checks”, since he says something like that after every big shooting, then backs down. But the Post’s piece is pretty good at pointing that out:
Trump promised to be “very strong on background checks” in the days after the February 2018 shooting at a Parkland, Fla., high school that left 17 people dead.
He later retreated, voicing support for relatively modest changes to the federal background check system, as well as for arming teachers.
The problem with the story is that all of this context happens halfway down the page, after readers are done reading (if they bothered to go past the headline of the news alert) and have internalized that Trump is willing to bargain those background checks in exchange for the Democrats dealing on immigration reform.
We all know that Trump isn’t going to do anything meaningful, but it’s always possible that he and his party will give on a small detail. For example, he was able to stop the sale of bump stocks after the Las Vegas massacre, which is a tiny something more than nothing. Maybe this time he’ll close the gun show loophole, if by some miracle the GOP in the Senate passes that bill, but only an idiot would try to make a deal with Trump on gun reform (or any other hot button issue), given his long track record of not delivering after running his big mouth.
So, the Post coverage gets it right in detail, but as always with Trump, they fail at the overall message. Any “Trump Offers a Deal on X” story has to begin with Trump’s track record on deals in general, and X in particular. And, by now the media should know that any Trump deal offer isn’t worth a news alert, or even front-and-center placement. It’s not enough for the context to be in the story, the story has to be placed in the context of Trump’s track record of never delivering on what he’s offering.
Update: I just got an alert from the Guardian, much better than the Post:
The media always does this. In 2016, much of the actual information in stories about Hillary had no relationship to the headlines.
he’s finally gonna pivot, i just know it!
The Dangerman
I haven’t had coffee yet (I always check news first), but CNN is saying Trump will try to connect background checks to immigration (I’ll assume that means a wall)…
…what a piece of shit.
I need caffeine.
Uncle Cosmo
@Baud: For some years now I have been convinced that the Far Wrong has thoroughly infiltrated the MSM at its most sensitive point – the assistant editors who compose the headlines (chyrons on the Bubonic Tube) and edit/write the story ledes (the old who-what-when-where-why). Almost without exception those items – the only bits of information that register in the minds of those who notice the stories – are fashioned to cast Democrats in the worst light possible & the Global Oligarchy Plutocrats in the best.
Not that I would encourage lawless behavior ::rolls eyes:: but it might be a great service to the cause of democracy if someone were to seize the entire editorial staff of the Herrenvölkischer Beobachter, I meant Vichy Times, I meant FTFNYT, string them up on lampposts outside the building, & inform Pinche Sulzberger & the remaining staff that either they start publishing honest headlines & ledes or more lampposts & rope will be found…
Betty Cracker
Trump isn’t capable of presidenting since it requires the ability to at least fake empathy, if not experience it as an actual emotion. But he is an undeniably successful conman, so his first and only instinct is to work the angles. He’ll tie action on gun control to immigration legislation, which will either kill the effort or advance his anti-immigrant agenda — win-win there for him. And rather than addressing the consequences of his own hate speech, he’ll continue to blame the media for the turmoil he’s stirred up (as he’s already done on Twitter this morning), thus avoiding personal responsibility and hardening his cult’s hatred of non-Fox News sources of information.
Roger Moore
@Uncle Cosmo:
I think the problem with our media starts at the top. If you want to make an example for FTFNYT, you’d be better off stringing up Pinche Sulzberger as a warning for the next owner.
@Uncle Cosmo: Fuck that shit in your second paragraph, but I agree with you on the first paragraph. It is just too noticeable, and constant.
Also: the FTFNY Times operates behind a paywall. The headline is the only takeaway for most who scan its website. The headline too frequently misrepresents the reporting and thrust of the actual story.
It is disingenuous and dishonest and dangerous. Does not help that a lot of people cannot see what the NY Times has become. I don’t trust the Sulzbergers one damn bit.
Betty Cracker
Beto is telling the truth.
I love at the end when he says the media ask him if Trump is a racist, and he says, “Jesus Christ! Of course he’s a racist!”
Dark day in India too. Article 370 that enshrined the special status of Jammu and Kashmir has been suspended. Wasn’t someone saying just last week that on Balloon Juice how Modi was different than T, Erdogan etc. He is a better and a more effective politician than T, and hence more dangerous.
“Trump dangles American lives to try to get his racist campaign promise” is the real headline.
Also, media portray pointing out that Trump is responsible as partisan. Well, since Republicans won’t say it– maybe it is partisan in the sense that a Mobius strip is one-sided. But by default, i.e., there really is only one side here, rather than because of differences in political opinions.
James E Powell
@Uncle Cosmo:
Although I share your rage at известия, but I oppose capital punishment. I’d have them cleaning the porta-johns in the FEMA camps.
What we really need to do is the name & battle cry of one who comments here: Villago delenda est. And we really need to end the NYT’s “paper of record” status and the notion that it is the pole star in our press/media. It is, at times, no better than the National Enquirer.
The Moar You Know
I think Trump is counting “shooting all the immigrants” as immigration reform, and so are almost all of his voters.
I am grateful that Pelosi at least understands the nature of the asshole she’s dealing with. I don’t think Schumer does, but it doesn’t matter as he is utterly powerless.
MSNBC is on in the room where I’m having breakfast and they’re talking about how 8chan and other websites radicalize young white men into murderous white supremacists, so that narrative definitely seems to have taken hold this time.
Trump is blaming the “Fake News” media for the hate and rage and says they must be more honest and fair. In a way, he is correct. The media has bent over backwards to be fair to this President and has avoided telling the real truth since he announced for the Presidency. They have refused to call out his racism or the GOP’s complicity in the racism and hatred. Is had both sided things to the nth degree.
As a result, white supremacists (and why not use the word nationalists) have felt a degree of immunity.
So yes, the media has contributed but not the way Trump believes.
They also showed the clip of people in Ohio drowning out Gov. DeWine by chanting, “Do something!”
@MattF: This is the thing that bothers me the most. The media automatically expects a democratic response to Trump, not a non-partisan response. The immigration issue is portrayed as a president vs democrat problem. Ditto gun control. Why isn’t it a republican problem too? Why isn’t the failure of Congressional republicans to push back a problem too? It completely re-enforces and deepens the partisanship
@Uncle Cosmo:
@Roger Moore:
Jesus Christ. After only six comments we already have two morons calling for violence against the NYT on BJ. Get a fucking grip you idiots.
My daughter works for a news transcription service, and notes that the media consistently cleans up the stuff Trump says at rallies to make it appear less nuts. She also says that transcribing Trump is really difficult because he has no logical sentence structure so it is impossible to anticipate what the next word might be.
Joe Falco
@Betty Cracker:
That and calling out the media with “Where the hell have you been? Are you not paying attention?” attitude. If national media can’t do its job connecting the dots, it falls on Democrats every time they’re on TV to do it for them and the American people.
May have been noted before, but I found The New Yorker book review of the P.T. Barnum and his corruption to be particularly relevant to the WWW Don the Con.
P.T. Barnum
There are 3 small children in Texas who are orphans today because their parents sacrificed their lives to save them IN A MOTHERFUCKING SHOPPING MALL.
I’m feeling a little murderous towards the people who enabled this, myself.
Betty Cracker
Spanky is at the podium snorting and puffing and fake-emoting. Gross.
@Uncle Cosmo:
Does my heart good to see him referred to this way
@Mandalay: Hyperbolic language is just a way to blow off steam. We all know they aren’t serious.
@Betty Cracker:
I fled the breakfast room at the prospect of having to look at his fat orange face. I don’t need that shit while I’m on vacation.
@Mnemosyne: You couldn’t pay me to watch that lying motherfucker either. Someone else will have to tell us what he said. And maybe we will pay attention, and maybe not.
Happy vacation!!
Another Scott
Donnie’s yammering on the TV, I have it muted.
He looks so pained, like a 2nd grader who has to stand up in front of class and apologize for throwing a tantrum. He’s clearly just mouthing words on a teleprompter.
ddale8 is fact-checking him, it seems to be pablum out of his mouth so far. As expected.
I kinda expect Donnie to flash some OK signs when he’s done.
Betty Cracker
Okay, so Trump is saying he’ll go after the internet and video games. Fucksake.
@Betty Cracker:
Contrast that with this (somewhat surprising) tweet from Senator Rick Scott (FL):
Scott sees the problem, and explicitly states it. But he dare not tell us the cause, because if he did his political career would be over the moment his Senate term expired.
@Betty Cracker:
I hope you’re kidding, but I expect you aren’t. JHC.
@OzarkHillbilly: Of course, but it seems out of place and tone deaf as a response to the incitement to violence by Trump and the failure of the press to report it accurately.
@Betty Cracker:
And death penalty for mass shootings. He could have saved a lot of time just saying useless “thoughts and prayers”.
Joe Falco
I find this line especially relevant:
The prophesied King has come. And all he needed was to do what Barnum passed on: running for president.
Betty Cracker
Wow, that was an epic fuckup of a speech-snort. He gave a shout-out to Toledo? Did I hear that right?
Explain to me what this means in practical terms in India.
I know….I know…. :( :( :(
BC in Illinois
Trump is saying maybe we should have background checks for gun purchases, “marrying” it to something he wants on immigration. He wants to get credit for saying that he will do something popular and needed, if he can be given something, unpopular, unneeded, and racist.
He should be greeted with scorn and resistance. Background checks are not “leverage” for a Trump/Stephen Miller idea of immigration reform.
Keep it in context, indeed.
Rep. Don Beyer included in his tweet (noted in a preceding thread), Trump’s statement [no doubt written by someone who could compose a two-page statement] on his opposition to Background Checks
Here was his tweet.
Another Scott
@rikyrah: A short BBC story gives some details.
It’s an (apparently) illegal act that risks war with Pakistan. It’s very bad news.
@BC in Illinois:
The domestic terrorists were NOT immigrants. They were home grown.
@Another Scott:
like we needed to be worried about this right now.
The Moar You Know
@Mandalay: I fail to see the problem with this.
@Betty Cracker: no way…seriously? Toledo?
Joe Falco
Nurtured and fed with the best horseshit from politicians and media around with all resources available from gun stores and lax regulations. A hothouse of hate, rage and easily accessible tools of destruction.
tokyocali (formerly tokyo expat)
@Mandalay: Someone should explain that standing up to this evil just means making a wall of targets because they clearly don’t have any practical legislation in mind to fix things.
Every time I see a headline of a mass shooting, I think is this the one that will change things. This time around I wonder. The heckling of DeWine, the silence of the GOP, the retirements, and so on, seem to be building towards something. People are coming together to say enough is enough and they aren’t buying the wishy washy GOP “thoughts and prayers” crap any longer. We’ll have to see where it leads.
randy khan
@Betty Cracker:
I’m beginning to think Beto has figured out that he’s not going get the Presidential nomination and has decided he might as well use whatever attention he has from the media for good.
Beto O’Rourke answer to “Is the president a white nationalist?” was Yes,
It’s the same as Pat Robertson saying in 2001 that if we had obeyed Al Qaeda’s moral laws, they wouldn’t have attacked us.
Trump’s theory is that if we get rid of all immigrants, then white supremacists won’t be angry and want to kill immigrants anymore, so problem solved!
Yeah, it’s stupid as hell, but think about who we’re discussing. ?
@tokyocali (formerly tokyo expat): Yeah. I think we have reached the tipping point.
I really do. As people have said, gradual, gradual, gradual, and then rapid.
@Betty Cracker:
Maybe the Racist-in-Chief has a thing for the Mud Hens?
Or maybe he was thinking of El Greco, and did the stream-of-unconsciousness thing? [Just kidding, if I found out that fuckhead knew who El Greco was, or that he knew there’s a Toledo in Spain, I’d probably have a stroke.]
OT If you have any thoughts and prayers left…
Do not let Trump twin gun safety legislation with immigration. They do not belong together.
Hand him his balls on that one.
Shame on him, for needing the added inducement to even make a speech that he’s doing something. And hearing him say “strong.” It’s one of his few adjectives.
What a dipshit.
@Betty Cracker: I caught t hat too. Jesus, even reading off a teleprompter.
Chump dumb mofo said “God bless the people of Toledo” in his “speech” just now.
Muthaplucka it was DAYTON!
I’ve seen lists of mass shootings worldwide published this weekend. The usual headline is that we have many more than any other country. We not only have more than any other country I’m pretty sure we have more than all other countries combined, excepting war zones. American Exceptionalism!
Trump’s staff is deleting his tweets that used words like “ invaders” and “infested.” They are trying to hide Trump’s words and actions.
You can find all of his deleted tweets here:https://t.co/ey62TMWZGL
h/t @ResistanceWorks & @dvillella
— LiA (@LibsInAmerica) August 4, 2019
Remarkable: asked for examples of bills they passed this year, Senate Republicans can’t come up with a single one, or mention ones from last year. https://t.co/kxHWAYVwmT
— Alec MacGillis (@AlecMacGillis) August 5, 2019
A devastating update
Liz Terry, aunt of Jordan Anchondo, has confirmed to CNN that, Jordan’s husband, Andre Anchondo, has also been confirmed dead in the El Paso shooting.
Their three children—ages 5, 2 & 2 months old—lost both of their parents…
— Dianne Gallagher (@DianneG) August 4, 2019
Joe Falco
They would have been the Nazi sympathizers in the US pre-Pearl Harbor, arguing against war with Hitler and rationalizing his warmongering. They want to emulate the worst ideologies and have us driven by fear and hate. It’s all they know.
Roger Moore
Nope. I used them all up on victims of mass shootings several slaughters ago.
He has gold plated insurance, while he’d be more than willing to take it away from the rest of the country.
@rikyrah: In practical terms the state of Jammu and Kashmir is under siege. 35000 soldiers have been deployed there. There is a communications blackout. Kashmiri leaders are being imprisoned.
With its brute majority in the Parliament, Modi’s government is changing the Indian constitution. And ruling Kashmir against the will of the governed. One can argue that others ruling parties at the center did the same but now BJP has gotten rid of the fig leaf of article 370.
Decoding article 370
Betty Cracker
@chris: [Checks bag for storing thoughts and prayers…] Nope, sorry — fresh out!
Told you…I never believed it….
I’ll say it again..
He was messing with either the WIFE or the DAUGHTER..
That ass-whoopin’ was entirely TOO PERSONAL to be over LAWNCARE
Makes my sensors nervous to see the GOP sliding the words evil and mentally ill closer together, and now here’s Trumputin coming out with mentally ill monsters. Just too close to darker times.
@chris: Wouldn’t it be interesting if he had to retire?
YES Kamala!!!
Watch what he does not what he says!!!
@rikyrah: Mutability of the past. Deleted. Didn’t happen.
@rikyrah: You wouldn’t believe how passionate wypipo get about their lawns!/s
@chris: LOL. Both of Kentucky’s dastardly U.S. senators out with injuries this weekend. More of this, please.
@Betty Cracker:
He can’t help it. He could care less and resents being told he has to do stuff like this.
@rikyrah: Yup. And I would bet more than a few of his constituents in Kentucky are thinking about that, too.
Insurance for me, but not for thee.
Jerzy Russian
@rikyrah: I seem to recall that these tweets were deemed to be official presidential communications (Jesus wept). If so, wouldn’t they be violating the Presidential Records Act (or whatever it is called)? Also too, do they think they can just delete tweets from such a high profile account without anyone noticing?
I mean why would they want him in El Paso…so he can bring his white supremacist friends with him? The shooter ejected the attention of this racist in chief…what is Chumo gonna do…console the same people who he called criminals and rapists? The people he demonized & our targets on their back?
A Ghost To Most
People who have been trained to believe lies are inclined to believe more lies.
It’s why christians are T’s base.
Trump’s speech came on the news radio as I was parking for work. Listened to it for a few minutes, thought, well, I guess this is the best he can do. Cynical side of my said that, with GOP politicians offering desultory appeals to thoughts and prayers getting roundly booed and heckled, the political consultants were in a panic and told Trump he had to do this. The Miller faction was sidelined or limited to putting in a few ceremonial red herrings. I thought, well, at least he hasn’t gone to video games.
Then… Trump went to video games, so I turned it off. I’ll read it later and see if any of the promises come to anything.
Fair Economist
@randy khan: Beto has been delivering good and pithy rhetoric, pushing good policy, and doing good actions (like the counter-rally in El Paso) all along but getting ignored by the media (The same problem almost all the Democrats have.) He’s just getting noticed for it now.
I’m sure a lot of pain is involved. Let’s provide him a bucket of Oxy and some nice bourbon to wash it down.
low-tech cyclist
@Betty Cracker:
Per The Hill, he said “May God bless the memory of those who perished in Toledo.”
I thought he might have been referring to the victims of the Bowling Green Massacre, but then I remembered Bowling Green is in Kentucky.
@Jerzy Russian:
Yup. The tweets and the crumpled, discarded papers he flings to the floor all necessarily are preserved as presidential records. Presidentin’ while Trump.
Sky News has the Beto video!
@lamh36: He still owes the city a half a million from his last ‘visit’ there.
If it was the ’90’s they’d blame rap music; if it was the late 1950s they’d blame that jungle-music, rock and roll!
@trollhattan: Twitter sez it’s lines of A**erall. Sniff.
Amir Khalid
@Betty Cracker:
Go after them how? This doesn’t sound like something Trump has thought through, not that I’m suggesting he ever does think anything through before opening his pie-hole.
@trollhattan: The ones he eats…can’t do much about those.
zhena gogolia
I just listened to that. Aside from her powerful words, I was just thinking — My God, every “back-bencher” in the Democratic Party can speak with so much eloquence and grace. WHY IS THIS MORON PRESIDENT?????
Theyll push that monster theme so it makes him look more of an anomaly, a one-off, and not part of a vaster white supremacy movement.
zhena gogolia
But they leave out their own reporter’s dumb question that prompted his rant.
zhena gogolia
@Fair Economist:
He hasn’t come off that well in the debates, but he’s doing himself proud right now.
@SFAW: Fox immediately started dredging up the video games angle to try and distract their knuckle dragging viewers. Viewer Numbah One is just taking the bait.
@Jeffro: well at least he’s on the right side of the state, if not the proper end of it.
@chris: Doesn’t make much difference whether they are erased or not. See on Josh Marshall’s twitter he is churning them out this morning, and one that undercut the speech he read.
And… Toledo? Complete disengaged… though due to what problem hard to say. As others noted, he sniffed a lot through the speech.
Uncle Cosmo
@Elizabelle: Point taken. Consider my second paragraph a venting of frustration. The media types who consistently distort & misrepresent the information fed to the public are kept fat & happy & protected by the oligarchs who benefit from the distortions, & who devoutly hope (consciously or un-) to conclude this tragicomic interregnum with all wealth & power in their few feckless hands & the rest of us groveling for scraps from their tables. What sort of consequences would persuade the mediots to cease acting as traitors to the majority of humanity? Sweet reason doesn’t seem to work, duzzit?
@Gravenstone: Someone wrote it for him. ‘Toledo’ suggests Trump is an autopilot wrt the speech. Maybe last person he talked to said ‘Just read it, please’.
@wvng: The Daily Show did a piece on translating Trump into other languages. The translators clean up his speech too, making it sound more coherent. Desi Lydic pushed some translators to do it word for word so the rest of the world could understand what we are getting – include every “bing bing bong bong”, every “lawmarkers”, etc…
zhena gogolia
Here’s one with the question:
@randy khan: I’m wondering if he’ll also take the momentum this stance will bring to pivot to the Senate race. An ideal opportunity to clearly contrast himself with Cornyn on the issue.
Jay C
George Conway (yeah, I’m considering the source, but IMO he’s spot-on here) laid out a six-step analysis of Trump’s speech, and the likely reaction, on Twitter today: Paraphrasing it:
1. Trump makes speech (may be good, bad or indifferent)
2. It being Trump, speech will come across as flat and insincere. And stress BS or irrelevant points while ignoring the core matter.
3. Trump will collect criticism for point 2.
4. Trump will see/hear said criticism and get angry/resentful about having to give the speech in any case.
5. He will go only about 24-48 hours before getting hugely pissed, and move on to:
6. Tweeting or saying something dumb that will completely undo any positive effect from his speech.
Rinse and repeat…..
@low-tech cyclist: Bowling Green is also right down I-75 from Toledo.
O. Felix Culpa
@A Ghost To Most: Not Christians. Evangelicals and fundamentalists. Just like not all Muslims are terrorists.
@Jay C: That’s been his cycle all throughout this travesty of an administration. No sense changing now.
@BC in Illinois:
He likely sees them as the answers to what the “good people on both sides” consider to be the problem. Sane people think it’s kind of a bad thing for dozens of people to be massacred. Deranged people think that if there weren’t any immigrants, nobody would feel incited to shoot them.
See? Both sides!
@O. Felix Culpa: Thank you, My answer to him was going to be an uncivil one.
@Jay C: Trumpov’s rambling disconnected stupidity today has no good or positive aspects. A rendition of “Itsy Bitsy Spider” would be better.
Jackass was so sincere he didn’t know it was Dayton. To hell with him and the rest of the republicans who are responsible for these deaths.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@lamh36: I realized I was shocked when Beto spoke the truth so bluntly. I’m not used to it.
smh…Beto was right to say WTF media
@Jay C: Trump jumped to stage 6 on twitter already this morning.
glory b
@jl: I read that they deleted 2200 Facebook ads that use the word invasion. I can’t remember where I saw it, unfortunately.
I am very glad some of the regular BJs addressed my nudge at #46 and gave a great voice to it. That is exactly what my purpose was in doing it.
@Another Scott: @rikyrah: I am more worried about what this means for India’s internal cohesion than how it affects Indo-Pak relations.
J R in WV
Come on, guys! Give him credit, Toledo is close to Dayton, compared to El Paso… //s
Cretin. Stupid AND Evil…
So Now I wonder whether it is El Paso and Toledo that are incredible places? or is it Dayton?
Trump’s use of ‘incredible’ as a placeholder for any actual thought drives me crazy.
I really want a journalist to ask him why he does not believe in them.
Don’t people who encourage Al Quaida and such like groups in the US get arrested and sent to prison? Sounds right for Republicans supporting Trump to me. He’s the head white terrorist right now!
@Anonymous: I think I heard on radio this morning, if 8chan was advocating Islamic Jihad the way it now advocates for domestic terrorism, it would have been shut down long ago.
Villago Delenda Est
@Mandalay: Find a fire, asshole.
joel hanes
O’Rourke told the Texas Democrats that he would run for President, and would not run for Senate.
The Texas Democrats found themselves an excellent candidate, MJ Hegar.
If Beto reneges now, effectively cutting Hegar off at the knees after she’s reorganized her life to run for Senate, he will not be making friends in the Texas Democratic Party, and he knows it.
IMHO, he will not run for Senate this cycle, and is right not to do so.
You can contribute to Hegar’s campaign here:
joel hanes
@O. Felix Culpa:
Not black evangelicals either.
But definitely including some white conservative Roman Catholics.
Villago Delenda Est
@joel hanes: What Beto should do is drop out of the Presidential race and campaign full time for Hegar.
Then plan for future campaigns against Abbott or Rafael.