Since we heard from fake President Snorty McTeleprompter earlier today about the recent massacres, how about a word from the last actual American president?
The statement was released via President Obama’s Twitter account earlier today. This part:
“We should soundly reject language coming out of the mouths of any of our leaders that feeds a climate of fear and hatred or normalizes racist sentiments; leaders who demonize those who don’t look like us, or suggest that other people, including immigrants, threaten our way of life, or refer to other people as sub-human, or imply that America belongs to just one certain type of people.
I’m pretty sure that’s as angry as we’ve ever heard him.
Open thread.
So whoever said that Trump’s aides were putting him on meds to stop him from ad-libbing were wrong. The drugs didn’t stop him.
Betty, you outdo yourself with every new Trump-directed invective.
Mike in NC
He’s a sick, sick fuck. Fortunately, everybody we’ve met so far in the wonderful UK hates Boris Johnson as much as we despise Fat Bastard.
Cheryl Rofer
He really was doing some big sniffs in this one.
I just saw for the first time a 45-second clip of Trump around the “Toledo” moment. Holy shit, he sounds fucked up and he looks high.
That compassionate, intelligent, and reasonably angry man. He is my president and I miss him so much.
Chip Daniels
Every time I hear one of the Obamas speak, or read their words, I feel a pang of grief for what we have lost, and could have had still.
God I miss him.
I’d have to say the biggest political shock of my 5 plus decades is Americans elected that know nothing racist piece of human garbage.
The most qualified candidate in the history of the United States ran against the least qualified candidate in the history of the United States.
And we picked the least qualified…. … by negative 3 million votes.
History is not going to be kind to any of us.
We need to try harder.
He couldn’t even get the fucking name right. That is how much he cares. Does anyone know when his next rally is? I wonder how long it will take him to go back to “invasions” and “infestations.”
PRC announced they are halting all purchases of US agricultural products and let the yuan slide to an all time low. One non-obvious result is the US is now massively over-priced in the military drone market. Thus the Chinese lead in capturing the market for the next generation weapon systems continues apace.
So much winning.
@Cheryl Rofer: SNORT! Apologies to the power shovel. It’s not a racist, misogynistic, homophobic, xenophobic, Soviet shitpile mobster conman.
If only Obama would come out in support of the right to bear arms and the elimination of all background checks, Trump would have done a 180 and pushed for restrictions on gun sales and universal background checks.
And the futures are already worse than they were this morning. Mr. Genius Tariff Man!
Adam L Silverman
@debbie: In Pennsylvania later this week.
Okay, some comic relief. Boris Johnson on his hobbies:
And some good remixes:
I did not know about this tweet from Tim Ryan.
But I’m glad to see he thanked President Obama.
Nice contrast.
Moderation! Help, please.
@TenguPhule: I don’t think it was an ad lib. I think our near illiterate president ran “Texas” and “Ohio” together and came up with “Toledo”. Drugs plus a barely functional reading ability.
@Adam L Silverman:
Thanks. I’ll have to watch for it.
Adam L Silverman
@Steeplejack: I think I freed it. If it doesn’t show up, please repost.
Great statement from the last legitimate president of this country. I still find myself wanting to hear from Luther, his anger translator, though.
@MJS: that’s…plausible.
God, Tweety is flapping his gums with Kamala Harris about the NRA like they’re still all-powerful. Referenced some senator from his distant past who got nuked by them. I didn’t even remember the guy! I know the NRA is not quite dead yet, but the ground has shifted. Matthews has not.
@Adam L Silverman:
Thanks! It appears to be showing up now. I think it had too many links. I’m always nervous about excising them from embedded tweets.
Miss Bianca
@mrmoshpotato: How did I know, even before clicking on your link: “You are not my mother! You are a SNORT!”
My favorite line ever from a kid’s book.
@Steeplejack: Dr. Ronny Jackson’s duties as
Chief Medical Advisorpusher continue to bear results….Adam L Silverman
@Steeplejack: No worries.
Stuck in moderation.
@debbie: Read those tweets, but also saw one that mentions that Biden referred to El Paso as Houston, and Ohio became Michigan. Supposedly said at a fund raiser in San Diego on the weekend. Did he really?
Miss Bianca
@Adam L Silverman: So, hypothetical question…particularly since Trump has a habit of stiffing the cities who host these events for their security costs…can’t a municipality just tell the POSUS and the Secret Service, “forget it, pal, if you want to spread your shit in our town, you’re on your own”?
@Jharp: What the fuck is this “we” shit? It was Russian interference, top to bottom. And in the end I’m pretty sure we’ll find at least three states with changed vote tallies.
@Adam L Silverman:
In my back yard, so to speak. He’ll be about a mile from my campus and about two miles from my house. Coming to the new Shell cracker plant to try to take credit for it. Which is, of course, a lie. This was in the works for the last seven or eight years. But the goobers around here are beside themselves for joy that that piece of shit will be polluting my county. I’m just ill at the thought he will be in my proximity.
Check for an onion in his belt.
@Steeplejack: omg. His spare time is spent on the unspeakable? Or he simply drinks himself to oblivion every night when the door closes.
Donald the Dove!
@Aleta: My guess is Sundown Syndrome.
ETA: On the rocks.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Harris Wofford? IIRC he was appointed to replace John Heinz.
I don’t know why any Dems go on that show
ETA: If it was Wofford, he wasn’t exactly nuked, from Wiki
Wofford narrowly lost his 1994 bid for a full term to Republican Rep. Rick Santorum, thirty-two years his junior, who defeated Wofford 49%–47%.[24] The election was part of that year’s Republican Revolution, in which many Democrats were ousted from both houses of the United States Congress.[24]
And Obama said “57 states”! I’m seeing that one a lot. ?
@Miss Bianca:
Or I was thinking: “Give us a certified check for a deposit equal to the expected expenses and you’re good to go.”
@Miss Bianca: We’ve called all orange heavy equipment “snorts” in my family since about 1975. 3 generations now inculcated.
TS (the original)
@Chip Daniels:
Not to mention what he could have achieved – except for #MoscowMitch and the deplorables who voted against their own health care
Jim, Foolish Literalist
So… I saw Feral Hogs trending on twitter, and I thought it might be a light-hearted diversion
One does wonder, just how often Farmer McNabb has to gun down the hordes of hogs?
@Miss Bianca: Do you know Go Dog Go? The dogs coming out of the maze look haunted. What horrible thing did they see in that maze?
Miss Bianca
@mrmoshpotato: Man, somehow that one was not the classic in my household that “Are You My Mother?” was. But now…now I can see I will have to revisit “Go Dog Go.” For research purposes.
@Steeplejack Tweety referenced Joe Clark who I believe was defeated by Scweiker either in 1968 or 1972. I live in Pennsylvania and haven’t heard his name in years. Tweety needs to retire.
@Steeplejack: Californian politicians lost their fear of the NRA a while ago. And the anti abortion morality cosplayers.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
My President is trending on twitter, so The Beast will be in a foul mood even before he sits down to his nightly diet of, I imagine, four to six hours of Tivo’d Fox spew
@Miss Bianca: Bears In The Night :) Up Spook Hill!
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
we need to investigate the oranges of the Toledo and Bowling Green massacres.
Now, watch this drive…
joel hanes
My family too.
“You are not my mother! You are a SNORT!”
joel hanes
@Miss Bianca:
I will have to revisit “Go Dog Go.”
Do you like my hat?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
It wasn’t Wofford. I remember him. It was someone from even farther back. Matthews might even have said “when I was a kid,” but I was too busy doing a spit-take to hear it exactly. It was some bland name like Stevens.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
See below.
Yes! Joe Clark. Thank you.
ETA: That was 50 fucking years ago! Just retire, Tweety.
It’s been reported that he did. Two grumpy old white men.
From my visit to the cemetery yesterday…and your little dog Toto too!
@Steeplejack: Like so many second and third raters, two or three steps behind the times, regurgitating old wisdom that’s beyond it’s expiration date.
Another Scott
@Cheryl Rofer: Forbes (from 2016):
Could be!
Miss Bianca
@?BillinGlendaleCA: You should forward that on to Loomis at LGM for his “Eric Visits An American Grave” series. //
@Miss Bianca: Heh, it’s probably hard to read the text, but that’s not where Toto(real name Terry) is buried. When she died in 1945, her trainer buried her at his place in Studio City, in 1958 the Ventura Freeway went though the trainer’s place. I’ve driven over Toto’s final resting place many times(mostly without knowing it).
Sloane Ranger
So, the Racist in Chief is apparently visiting El Paso later this week, presumably landing them with a new bill for his security, with the previous one still unpaid.
CNN reports that people there are angry and don’t want him there. The Mayor sounded very dismissive of people’s objections, talking about emails and messages from people with to much time on their hands. Not particularly impressed by him, is he a Republican?
Doug R
Just for you:
zhena gogolia
Just saw the dog the other night in Bright Eyes, in which she’s called Rags.
@zhena gogolia: Yup, just checked out Bright Eyes over at IMDB, it was her first film. Looks like Terry only made it to 11 years, that’s pretty young for a small dog.
@Doug R:
Oh, great! I hadn’t seen that one.
zhena gogolia
Too bad. She was very talented.
This post seems like a good place to put this.
Weird and cool.
Ella in New Mexico
@Cheryl Rofer:
He also had a REALLY dry mouth today. After a weekend of relaxing and golfing he looked tired and out of it, not refreshed.
Dry mouth/mucous membranes, fuzzy thinking and fatigue. I think he’s on dementia meds–they cause those kinds of side effects.
Ella in New Mexico
@Sloane Ranger:
I’d wager 75% of El Pasoens didn’t want him there BEFORE the shooting, now they want him even less.
Dee Margo is a Republican but coming from El Paso, he’s been a pretty moderate one. Sounds like his version of “Cumbaya” to keep everyone happy.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I want to like Joe Biden. Sometimes I think he doesn’t want me to like him
ETA: Apparent correction, other people are tweeting that this was taken out of context and Biden was saying that games are a bullshit excuse offered by other people. He “rolled his eyes” while quoting trump
The Lodger
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I’m getting a Tipper Gore vibe from this.
@dww44: He did, but corrected himself shortly thereafter.
J R in WV
Yes, he said that, and was referring to the 50 states and 7 territories, as in American Samoa, Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, etc, etc.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: There is SO much inside baseball in that one sentence. Well done. :)
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Jeffro: one might almost say it requires being aware of all internet traditions
@J R in WV:
He made a mistake! Both sides!
@J R in WV: That’s what I thought at first, but there are 14 American territories. 5 of them are inhabited, so 57 just doesn’t work unless there are 2 other entities that would fit the general theme.
Regardless, the Bodines of the world earnestly claiming that Obama actually didn’t know how many states are in the US is only done entirely in bad faith, so fuck them.
@trnc: Primaries. The 50 states, 5 territories, DC and Americans abroad.
Bill Arnold
@Ella in New Mexico:
I’m failure sure as well that he’s medicated to compensate for cognitive decline, but it may be crude self-medication. Hard to tell. Watched the full address, and it could be something basic like (snorted) Add er all plus a beta blocker.
(Which would mentally burn him out quicker at his age if it was a habit.)
Who the F wrote this speech? KAC? Weird gaslighting shit. Don’t let up; he and other Republicans are in part responsible for the recent US mass murders by racists.
President Trump Address on Mass Shootings – President Trump addressed the nation following two mass shootings in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio. (August 5, 2019)
No, he just misspoke because he was tired. I found the quote, and it pretty clearly is not meant to include territories:
“… it is just wonderful to be back in Oregon, and over the last 15 months we’ve traveled to every corner of the United States. I’ve now been in fifty …. seven states? I think one left to go.”
He also acknowledged the mistake later on, rather than try to shoehorn in some bullshit excuse. Once again, my respect for the last real president ticks up another notch.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
One would think once would be enough, since he wouldn’t need to protect his children after hosing down the yard with automatic weapons fire.
@Another Scott: I thought the theory was the head trauma was from a beating administered by the Russian Mafia for non-payment of debts?
I always liked angry President Obama. His anger wasn’t stupid and blithering, just concise and necessary.
The SNL skit ” Rockbama” where he threw congessmen out the window was great. IRL would have been better.
Omnes Omnibus
@?BillinGlendaleCA: @zhena gogolia: She was no Skippy (Asta in the Thin Man films).