To: Balloon Juice Testers and anyone else who is interested:
We are getting closer to “Go” time for testing the new site – which I think will surely begin by sometime next week – and we still have a bit more to do before we will be ready to go when the developers say that the site is all set.
I am so grateful to all of you for volunteering to help test the new site! If you have volunteered, I am asking you to do a few things:
First, please send an email as soon as you can to my nym at
If you are one of the 10 or so people who volunteered in the threads but never sent a confirming email, I have had no way to contact you. If you still wish to participate in testing, it’s not too late to jump in.
Second, please put your BJ nym in the subject line of your message. That’s how I will know you are receiving my communications and how I will match up nyms with email addresses. If you are one of the lurkers who were awesome enough to volunteer to test the new site, you’ll need a nym anyway to access BJ to create comments as part of the testing process.
Third, if you have not returned a filled out testing form, please do so and send it to me so we can confirm the form is working for you. If you need another sample form, please let me know that in your email.
Fourth, if you haven’t identified the testing groups you want to be in, please include that information in your email message. If you have already supplied that info, there is no need to do so again.
Within 3 days of receiving your email, I will reply and will include the actual forms that will be used for testing. (There will be no math!) If you volunteered for multiple test groups, you will receive a form for each group.
Then, as soon as the developers say “Go”, I will send you all the URL by email, and we will be off to the races!
Is it infrastructure week now?
@oatler.: I thought it was always infrastructure week.
Heart palpitations.
Yes, for Balloon Juice.
Email sent.
@Baud: If you want to test the site, your period of wondering and palpitations would be much shorter. :-). My heart is aflutter thinking about the prestige it would bring to have Baud 2020 among the testers.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I guess you’re right!
If we’ve already sent you emails, do you need another? Happy to do so, just don’t want to unnecessarily clutter your inbox.
@dmsilev: Yes, please! I will reply to that message today to acknowledge it and then will reply again with the full testing sheet in the next couple of days. That will really simplify things for me. thanks.
@WaterGirl: OK, email sent.
I would if I had the time to do the job as well as you deserve.
Ok, I’m a lurker trying to give myself a nym
Gin & Tonic
@WaterGirl: Moi aussi.
Patricia Kayden
Sent an email.
J R in WV
Email sent. Will update if needed, may add systems to test…
10 emails so far. Thanks to everyone who has sent theirs already.
@Limits: It must have worked because I can see your comment!
Julie Browning
I’ll test anything! But what is a Nym?
Where do I find the survey?
I am stuck at O’Hare for the next 2 hours….I have time!
Halfway to a full fledged Democratic primary.
Julie Browning
I’ll test anything! what is a Nym?
Where do I find the survey?
I am stuck at O’Hare for the next 2 hours.
Sent. And if there’s a special testing group that tries to figure out why the pie filter isn’t working in Fireyfox, and doesn’t appear at all in IE/govt/vpn/Win10, I’m in it.
@Baud: laughing.
@TomatoQueen:We have a completely different pie filter. But you’ll want to be sure to test it in all your browsers, anyway!
@Baud: Uh oh. I may have to go back and revise the testing form to delete all the questions that start with “Raise your hand if you…” And we’ll surely have to give people more than 60 seconds fill out the form.
@WaterGirl: This is the best news yet.
A Ghost To Most
I’m not a front end guy, but am still available for database consultation if it should be needed. Otherwise, good luck!
@A Ghost To Most: Thank you!
One of the web developers is a total database geek. He doubles as the owner of the company, in fact. So we’ve got that covered.
@TomatoQueen: Glad you are pleased!
Just a reminder that we will have a totally rebuilt pretty-much-everything. The developers started from scratch and now we are about to the point of combining the newly rebuilt site with the front pager logins and the posts and the categories and all the things from the current site that have to be pieced into the new system so we will have all the content going back to the beginning of Balloon Juice.
We are at 18 email messages with BJ nyms in the title. I thought surely we would be up to the # of democratic candidates by now! Keep those
cards and letters comingemail messages coming.Natalia
I’m in!
I appreciate you guys sounding off in this thread as well as sending the email messages.
@oatler.: Hopefully ours actually addresses infrastructure!
something fabulous
Lordy, I don’t know WHAT happened. Was seeing them, and then… not. Tricksy gmail: I hope it hasn’t been hiding any job emails as well! (did what I thought would be helpful folder-or-whatever-they’re-calling-them-now creating recently and I think stashed things in an unread state!). Anyhoo, I am in.