President Trump spoke to reporters at the White House before leaving for Dayton and El Paso.
"I think my rhetoric it brings people together," he says, per @justinsink
— Josh Wingrove (@josh_wingrove) August 7, 2019
Dayton residents have lined the streets to protest Trump's visit and call for Congress to act on gun violence.
Trump is making two stops today to visit communities affected by last weekend's mass shootings, and he's going to El Paso later this afternoon
— POLITICO (@politico) August 7, 2019
because when your town is picking up the pieces from a madman with a 100-round assault rifle what you REALLY want to see a guy who thought the MAGAbomber was an underachiever.
— Zeddy (@Zeddary) August 7, 2019
Per the President's press secretary, this is happening.
(Note that press so far have no access to it or ability to verify, witness etc.)— Josh Wingrove (@josh_wingrove) August 7, 2019
“Trump did not speak publicly or allow himself to be photographed. … The visit to Dayton was a marked break with tradition, as presidents visiting grieving communities typically offer public condolences and use the opportunity to try to comfort the nation.”
— George Conway (@gtconway3d) August 7, 2019
Supporters and protesters as the motorcade leaves the hospital. (One sign read: "Not normally a sign person, but yikes")
— Josh Wingrove (@josh_wingrove) August 7, 2019
4 minutes later:
— Let the hogs win (@agraybee) August 7, 2019
What Trump truly cares about.
— George Conway (@gtconway3d) August 7, 2019
“The President was treated like a Rock Star inside the hospital” is a line that will be etched in marble inside the Trump Presidential Library
— Allahpundit (@allahpundit) August 7, 2019
This also pretty much confirms Scavino has ghost written so many Trump tweets he can’t switch out of that voice.
— Schooley (@Rschooley) August 7, 2019
Hello from El Paso.
During the flight, the President's @PressSec spoke to press about the Dayton visit.
"This was about the victims and their families, and thanking medical staff. It wasn't about a photo-op for the President and the First Lady."
And ??
— Josh Wingrove (@josh_wingrove) August 7, 2019
The President’s thoughts between meeting with the victims of a mass shooting in Dayton and a terrorist attack in El Paso.
There is absolutely nothing that could stop this man from thinking only about himself every minute of every day.
— Jon Favreau (@jonfavs) August 7, 2019
Some kerfluffle is going on about whether WH press office is lying its ass off about whether Brown and other Ohio Democrats insulted Trump during the visit, or not?
Truly pathological
What the F is with the thumbs up in the pics, you are meeting with f**king trauma victims you f**king psychopath. How is this even considered normal?
And for contrast, a great American, #greenshirtguy
He approved of their trauma.
A Ghost To Most
If you are looking for normal, you need to look one country north.
Normal doesn’t live here anymore.
randy khan
He apparently doesn’t even know that Brown isn’t running for President.
There is normal, abnormal and Trump.
Great moments in headlines at the FTFNYT.
I am not a believer in the whole End Times thing, but if the Treasonous-Racist-Lying-Stupid-Motherfucker-in-Chief is ever NOT an asshole for a period longer than eight hours, I will know that they are upon us.
ETA: While he’s awake, that is. Sleep time don’t count.
randy khan
It is in the food section, and the article actually is pretty interesting. They pretty much all say they became vegetarians because of concerns about the industrial meat industry, and that they decided a better way to address it was to become an ethical butcher. (I read it in the dead tree edition at lunch.)
Biden gave a speech. anyone know what it was about??
Ah, yes: happy, smilling assault-weapon victims.
The man is a sociopath, surrounded by sociopaths.
I hear you ???
Ella in New Mexico
Ugggg. IT’s here.
85% of the people in El Paso don’t want the man that brought this death on them to come play Two-faced Consoler in Chief. But then Donald has a history of shoving his body into unwanted places so…
It’s now up to106 degrees in some parts of El Paso. Here’s hoping the Presidential limo’s AC tanks while he’s weaving his way around town trying to avoid the protesters.
Ella in New Mexico
That or that were about get full disclosure from the government that the aliens are real and they’re here.
zhena gogolia
Shorter Trump: I don’t care, do u?
@zhena gogolia: Joe, Joe, Joe…. they fooled plenty of people still.
Ben Cisco
@zhena gogolia: Oof! Moar please.
Trump sucks. But Trump really sucks at this part of the job.
Trump never realized a President actually is supposed to work.
@rikyrah: From Kyle Griffin.. Joe Biden: “This president has fanned the flames of white supremacy in this nation. His low-energy, vacant-eyed mouthing of the words written for him condemning white supremacists this week, I don’t believe fooled anyone.”
OR what Zhena said
Ben Cisco
@different-church-lady: Nah, everyone on board with him now isn’t fooled, isn’t compromised, but COMPLICIT.
It wouldn’t matter even if Sleep Time did count. Trump is an asshole even while sleeping – his assholery never rests.
The Dangerman
Translation, one or more of the patients/doctors/nurses/staff told him to get bent.
@The Dangerman: Trump team made a video thanking Dayton. I expect it to be used for fundraising.
FYI It’s disgusting
I can’t take any more Trump today, so I am instead going to stick with #GreenShirtGuy and 30-50 #FeralHogs. I need to smile.
Ella in New Mexico
Oh, so Scavino says the trip was “Not about a photo op for Trump”?
No, just about making a fricking campaign video. No wonder “Trump was treated like a rock star”–they were all hand screened for roles in his MAGAT 2020 commercial.
@zhena gogolia:
Good for Joe–tell it like it is. Tell it loud, tell it often.
I don’t gamble but I’d put money on they were lying liars.
I haven’t seen any reporting about what it is that Brown and Whaley said that set Trump off, unless he’s referring to statements from the weekend?
Anyway, I think he’s just digging his grave deeper every time he lies about his racism. He may be abetted by Fox and RWNJs, but they are far from the majority of voters. He is well on his way to an early exit.
A Ghost To Most
Rick Wilson. “The Real Trump is a Bad Man” – Beast Inside article
@Ella in New Mexico: Charles Blow has it up also. It is so disgusting and he needs to get called out on it. No wonder he didn’t want press to witness his crash behavior.
@zhena gogolia:
The only solution is to impeach Stephen Miller.
@Litlebritdifrnt: I want everyone connected to the Administration jailed, impoverished and deported. They are all miserable scumbags
And of course:
The ReThug mindset, it’s all about them and them only.
@Jay: Whatever it takes.
The POTUS and the press should stay away from the inpatient areas of the hospital. That creates a terrible environment for healing.
Look, at least the plane didn’t fly to Toledo by mistake. That’s something, right?
Mike in NC
Fat Bastard doesn’t know where they roll him off the goddamn plane pumped up with drugs. Could be Peoria, could be Miami. Just have the golf clubs ready to go.
Also, why is he referring to Sherrod Brown as “failed Presidential Candidate (0%)”? Brown isn’t running for President.
Deluded and hateful is no way to go through life, son.
Faithful Lurker
@Jay: I’m confused (0bviously nothing new). Is the website run by Gebert the site whose servers are based in Russia? How does McConnell,et al, fit in? If the Russians are operating a server farm used by high level US officials, that would explain a lot. Compromat (sp?) Wonder if Lindsy Graham is involved? I went to the Vickery tweet chain yesterday and still was confused. What is the site they’re talking about? Help.
From National Review/Koch-funded website Ricochet:
“The Dayton shooter was a very left-wing supporter of Elizabeth Warren and hated Donald Trump. He was also a Satanist. ”
Not The Onion.
TS (the original)
And the media just has to print about trump. Let him starve from lack of coverage. Let the WHPC become unemployed.
Jesus, his face in that photo where they’re surrounding the man in an arm sling holding another person’s hand! If that were flashed at me, my relapse might be fatal. //
Except for being a Satanist, my local Fox station reported this information Monday night. They also said the same things about the El Paso shooter.
If there’s any justice in this world, Trump will be the one to garner 0% in 2020.
@Faithful Lurker:
Prominent ReThugs are using a ReThug Digital Consultant and “Digital Trainer” who relies on unsecured servers in Russia for service hosting.
Gaslighting ‘Murikkka
People who know the family say that his sister was trans.
@Jay: And major donor to the University of Michigan. He bought the name of the Business School.
Stuck in moderation again.
Sooo, looking at these photos from the hospital visit I know for sure who are the enthusiastic Trump supporters at work. I will also note that the units he visited are a lot more diverse than those pictures indicate.
@randy khan:
There’s so much he doesn’t know, have the ability to learn, or give a fuck about, that you are never going to be wrong saying he doesn’t know something.
I hadn’t looked closely. My gods, that is a terrifying grimace. A rictus.
Roger Moore
And nothing whatsoever will happen to the plant owners. Until we punish employers for hiring undocumented immigrants, the whole thing is a sham.
The difference between them is that sometimes abnormal is funny or interesting but trump never is.
Not to worry, he is always and forever an asshole, awake or asleep. Or in a coma.
TS (the original)
@The Dangerman:
I think it was the woman (medic) in pink shirt in one of the photos. Can’t link because disgusting trump is in the photo.
Van Buren
If anyone else even thought about making a campaign video out of a visit to shooting victims, the MSM would shit kittens.
I am finding it harder and harder not to be a raging ahole.
@Roger Moore:
You need to thank Jeasus at every meal and snack for the food you eat.
Not the Godbother’s one, the undocumented immigrant one.
TS (the original)
Very white peoples in those photos – Must have searched the hospital to find some willing to be there.
@Litlebritdifrnt: It’s not. He’s a sociopathic pile of shit who’s probably just thinking, “I won Ohio and Texas.”
Cheryl Rofer
I am seeing very little on Twitter about Trump’s day today. Looks like his handlers kept him away from the press, lest he go off like he did this morning before he left.
Mary G
@Buckeye: Cause almost all the black and brown people called in sick or found another chore somewhere else in the hospital.
Why he’s pissed at Sherrod Brown and Mayor Whaley had a press conference where they said Twitler and Melania were fine shaking hands and wishing the patients well, but he should do something about gun control.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
Stoopid is as stoopid does:
Cutting issue.
Mike in NC
We are in Scotland, but both the BBC and MSNBC are showing Fat Bastard doubling down on his sick racist remarks about non-white people. We hid our passports days ago.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
It’s RT, so it’s Propaganda.
Roger Moore
@Faithful Lurker:
Yes. He’s advertising it as being subpoena-proof and holding up a bunch of Republican office holders as satisfied users.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
For a long time, I’ve been outspoken that I want this guy to walk out of the White House on his own two feet. No longer. This guy can’t stroke out and die soon enough for me.
DEMONS ? ?? ?
@Suzanne: I saw a tweet earlier today from someone asking for 29-49 friends to join him/her for a halloween costume. I laughed out loud and the people around me were very concerned.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: So glad Wilmer has become a two trick pony.
“The only problems we have in this country are income inequality and the people not knowing about possible space aliens!” *wags finger so much in your face, he pokes your nose a few times*
Keith P.
Glad other people notice it (and point it out).
@Mike in NC: Well there go your plans to be loud Americans shouting about how great this country is. ?
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@Jay: he said it on youtube. First reported by NYMag. I used the RT tweet because it included the ridiculous quote involving his wife.
Ella in New Mexico
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
Likely the only thing that could eclipse the damage Our Great Orange Menace has unleashed, though, so keep an open mind ;-)
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
True or not, if RT is “reporting” it, they are doing it for a reason.
And which ever wedge they are targetting it at, it’s not healthy for US Democracy.
@Faithful Lurker: I’m with you. I read many tweets and now my head aches. I still don’t understand and this Chris Vickery guy doesn’t seem like he wants to explain, just gloat. But…THIS IS BIG…appears to be the message. I’m skeptical…until I understand better.
There is a report on Twitter, not yet verified, that the Dayton shooter’s sister was transexual. Had assumed his true identity. And was the first person shot.
Here is a picture
There are many tweests from his friends upset he is being misgendered.
Miss Bianca
@Mike in NC: Don’t worry, no one will want to steal them.//
@Shana: That’s either going to be feral hogs or a human centipede. Either way, Not Good.
Mike G
Trump’s “I don’t give a crap, but they tell me I have to look like I do” tour.
Roger Moore
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.):
Hell no. I want him dragged out in chains.
@Mary G:
Or they decided to actually do their jobs and not slobber all over a fascist.. I notice that the head of Trauma, who is from Nigeria, is trying to not actually be anywhere near him.
Also, the thumbs up thing from Trump has always annoyed me, but I really find it offensive in this case.
@Miss Bianca: I’d imagine feral hog-costumed people would be safe if they don’t roam into an ammosexual’s yard when there are children present.
(Oh God, why am I taking this shit seriously?)
Ella in New Mexico
First frigging words out of his mouth on camera after touring University Medical Center was what an incredible day it has been and how much “love and respect” was showered on him for being the President. “They’ve never seen anything like it” and the rest of his time in a diatribe against Sherrod Brown and the mayor of Dayton.
“They shouldn’t be politicking on a day like today. They’re very dishonest people”.
Chris is a data nerd. Many of them only speak tech, and don’t communicate well with others.
A top ReThug “IT guy” is using unsecured servers in Russia to provide a variety of IT services to major ReThug House members, Senators and Campaigns.
It may be illegal, ( FOIA, FEC), it may not be illegal.
It could be used for illegal activities, ( can’t be subpena’d), it might not be being used for illegal activities,
but it gives Russia a full view of everything that happens, in real time,…
and the only way for US Authorities to gain access would be through a major hack.
It’s way worse than Butter Emailz.
@Roger Moore: And then charged and tried with the other criminals in his Soviet shitpile mobster conman crime family. Hopefully found guilty, and hopefully hanged in NYC’s Central Park.
And then, of course, remains thrown into one of Kīlauea’s lava lakes.
I hear you. Thankfully we have a 5 month old kitten who has turned out to be a purr machine and cuddler who makes us laugh every day. He has been the best distraction to cope with the daily insanity.
I’d like to point out…that the majority of the victims in Dayton were Black…and yet the only victim Chump was able to photo-op with was a white guy.
I work in a hospital. Even in the teaching public hospitals, patients are allowed to say NO they don’t want to be photographed or NO they don’t want to have residents crowd round them…or NO I don’t want to be the token photo-op for this racist fuq.
As for the hospital staff…I am disgusted by the giddy smiles and cheesing and grinning. As a hospitial employee myself, I also know they cannot make you be a prop for anyone without your consent or permission. The fact that the hospital ok’ed the used of their employees for this makes me sick
@Jay: thanks for putting this in terms non-techies like myself can understand.
@randy khan: He probably has Sherrod confused with Messam
What da fuq does this even mean?
FYI…this is what likely set off Chump
@lamh36: It means that Trump is starting the credible-only-on-FoxNews distancing from a mass murderer who is about to say things about motivations, influences, and goals that will be awkward for Trump’s PR team.
@lamh36: I think he means that a real man would have kept shooting Mexicans until the cops gunned him down. #racistmissedconnections
It’s an example of how deep Dolt45 is immersed in White Supremacy and American Facism.
The guy was supposed to go out in a hail of gunfire and provide the Reich with another martyr to the cause to inspire others and be ‘chan-ed on the inter tubes.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@lamh36: Trump attacks McCain: “I like people who weren’t captured”
Bill Arnold
@Faithful Lurker:
Likewise. I poked lightly at a few of the sites and at least one appeared to be in .ru but need more info. Betcha their getting hit with a lot of probes now. Physical servers in Russia seems pretty big, given that it’s ostensibly about Republican pols hiding their emails/etc from US law enforcement and discovery.
@TenguPhule: Sorry. Any Aleutian Islands volcanoes as active?
@lamh36: Nice way for Senator Brown to call the Republicans and the NRA a bunch of suckers of Putin’s ass. Too nice actually.
I was pointing out to a friend on FB about the same time that Adam was pointing it out here last night, the majority of dead are Black, we don’t know that majority of injured were. As far as I know, we have no breakdown of gender/race for the survivors.
I’m going to presume that our Admin asked our trauma/er/icu staff if they wanted to do this, and obviously some of them did. The thumbs up is not a good look. I’ll be interested if they get any negative feedback on this.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: Who’s this McCain fella? That’s not Meghan’s dad, is it?
James E Powell
Have to be honest, all this time I had no idea who Meghan’s father was.
@mrmoshpotato: There’s some chatter on the intertubes that the fella was a prisoner of war or somesuch. WWII or Korea or something.
Probably Fake News.
Well, at least you know who to avoid at work from now on. ?♀️
@James E Powell: Not surprising. Meghan doesn’t incessantly yell, “John McCain is my father!”
I’m sorry but they’re dopes. Trump absolutely screwed them and, apart from some pockets of them who have figured it out, they’re apparently going to stick with him until they’re bankrupt.
The farms should change hands. The next owners maybe won’t be so gullible. Let markets take care of it. The land value will drop and maybe some new people can buy it up. Obama was just much, much better for them.
He’s miliatry, so I assume he was maybe obligated or felt obligated to go?
Apparently then chump told him something bout him being able to go on to do movies after this…and Mr Oakley was not amused by that.
The new owners will be Big Ag and Foreign Corporations.
Thread from Maya Rupert, Julian Castro’s campaign manager. Do yourselves a favor and read the ENTIRE thing!
Gin & Tonic
@Jay: I have approximately zero empathy for people who pay that kind of money to ride a bicycle to nowhere.
The Moar You Know
They will. They know it, too. Trump has been a bonanza for them. I’d say this is a fairly polite way of threatening them.
Many thumbs will be on the scale in 2020. Work hard.
@Gin & Tonic: And get yelled at while doing it.
I can put my bike in my trainer and pedal away while watching TV in peace.
In Seattle they attacked soccer fans just going to a game.
Faithful Lurker
Thank you, Jay and the others who cleared up much of the mysterious site mystery and thanks to those who are as confused as I am. I can’t stay on the BJ and read the comments as they come in, so I come and go in the thread. That means that I miss some relevant comments and can’t thank those who do answer my questions as promptly as I’d like. But I’m glad to have this as cleared up as it is..I hope the notion that the R powers that be are using an unsafe web server becomes more widely known.
@Faithful Lurker:
We try to be a top 10,000 full service blog
@The Moar You Know:
Exactly. Right now on CNN the cute and adorable Anderson Cooper has skillfully manipulated a bunch of pundits into screaming at each other over Trump’s behavior this week.
Mi$$ion accompli$hed.
@Gin & Tonic:
There’s lots of people who go to the gym to ride bikes, for the exercise, because the streets arn’t a safe place to ride a bike.
Gin & Tonic
@Jay: There’s a difference between going to a $10/mo Planet Fitness to ride a stationary bike and going to a $35/hour Soul Cycle “studio” to ride a stationary bike while somebody screams at you.
That said, riding a bike to nowhere is stupid.
Interview with Green Shirt Guy.
@Gin & Tonic: If we could hook up all those stationary bikes to create and store energy, we could wean ourselves from fossil fuels.
@Gin & Tonic:
There’s also a big difference between going to Paulie’s Gym to lift weights and going to Golds Gym to lift weights. One is clean, brightly lit, has a locker room, has trainers and showers, the other doesn’t.
One you go to in part for the scene and to be seen, the other you just go to to lift weights.
Some people rely on instructors, coaches and “motivators” to exercise at their “peak”, some don’t.
Having worked as a bike messenger for a while and having spent a lot of time commuting to work on a bike, year round, I fully understand the fear of riding on the streets in a lot of places. I wen’t through 12 bikes and was very lucky not to be killed or crippled many times.
@Jay: Who is Paulie?
Omnes Omnibus
@lamh36: That man would rather be just about any place other than there.
@Kay: China is having a terrible epidemic of African Swine Fever.. Something like 200,000,000 pigs are sick, dead, or dying. If not for the trade war, pork producers would be in hog heaven.
@Downpuppy: Will those sick pigs be turned into bacon for American consumers?
And the very first comment confirms that!
Local guy, runs a local weightlifting gym in what used to be a garage in the old industrial area.
Omnes Omnibus
@germy: Odd, that sentence did not go where i expected it to. I saw the term “sick pigs” and assumed that you were referencing the Trump family.
@Gin & Tonic:
So you don’t believe in bikes for Alabama, Georgia or Utah? //
ola azul
Gotta friend, lives in Orlando. Mid-sixties now, used to bike every day. Better shape than most younglings. Often pedaled from O-town to Titusville, catch a red or two, bike back. Not sure how far that is, but a purty good poke.
Here coupla years ago, early morn, Jack was mowed down, hit-and-run driver. Nearly died, in coma for 3 weeks, hospital even longer. Surgeries. Lotta hardware holding him together now. Gets around, poorly, with a cane these days.
While Jack was inna coma, the driver was found, and then … nothing happened to her. Apparently if you didn’t mean to mow somebody down onna bike with your 5k-pound death and dismemberment machine, *and* flee the scene, but yer really, *really* sorry after caught, that makes it A-OK.
Because, Florida.
Keep in mind that somebody with the twitter handle “factsTrumpfeelings” is probably not gaslight, but is engaged in gaslighting.
@Gin & Tonic:
@Jay: We’re not dragging stationary bike riders at the gym.