A land puppy and a water puppy meet…
Their friendship was sealed.pic.twitter.com/Jh1vUYscgn
— Travis Akers (@travisakers) August 19, 2019
I loved this and wanted to see if there was a youtube version – and found out puppies and seals have been kissing for years. And each one is more adorable than the next.
Here’s a little respite from the crazy today.
Open thread
I’m all smiles now
Sad. Star-crossed lovers ( or friends).
Awwwww. Between this and this morning’s paddle-boarding puppy, it’s a dog’s life after all.
So cute!
Sweet. Many years ago, on a path near Bandelier National Monument, we, my wife and dog, were walking when an elk came crashing out of the forest and followed us for a 100 feet or so. Elks are huge and we were a bit nervous unsure of its intentions, but it wasn’t aggressive or threatening. My dog, a German Shepherd, was off leash which made me even more anxious. He turned back on the path to face the elk, but he wasn’t excited or growling. They approached each other, nearly touched noses, then the elk simply turned off the path and faded back into the trees. Later, my dog found a huge pile of shit and rolled into it like it was the best thing ever. It was a long, smelly ride back to Albuquerque.
Mary G
I’ve never owned a hamster, so I had no idea how much food they can store in their cheeks.
This is a little explainer on how and why.
Amir Khalid
Elk was probably not iterested in messing with a wolf and maybe attracting his whole pack. As for your dog — well, they do loves them some cool new smells, don’t they? Did he sulk when you washed off L’Eau du Elkpoop?
Seals really like my youngest son. Whenever he goes kayaking, they swim very close to him and pop their heads up to check him out. They often follow him. Last week a shark swam very close to his kayak. He was pretty freaked out until he got home and figured out he had seen a basking shark.
Steve in the ATL
@dexwood: ha!
ETA: also condolences.
@Amir Khalid:
Nah, he submitted to the hosing down we gave him happily enough because he was an attention hound, but thereafter, I kept him leashed on our mountain hikes.
That’s very cute, glad it went well. Having seen a seal’s teeth and heard some stories I’ve never let a dog get too close. Bert’s a sensible fellow, he keeps his distance from all animals that are bigger than he is but he does like to bark at the seals from the beach. Heh, he’s also wary of chickens and ducks in groups.
We went for a walk on this cool grey day and when we were headed home I was struck by the light on the ferns under the trees so I put my stuff down and grabbed the phone. Bert turned immediately to see what I was doing and ended up right under foot. So green but today was the first taste of fall, barely touching 68F.
Edit typos
Nice picture. Love the green contrast against Bert’s fur.
Thanks, pure luck of course. Reading your story I realise how lucky I am. Bert is the first dog I’ve had who has never in 8.5 years rolled in anything disgusting. Touch wood.
ETA: Reply to dexwood
So the Dayton Shine event went off wonderfully last night. Hosted by Dave Chappelle, who comes from nearby Yellow Springs, the event was set up in the Oregon District in Downtown Dayton where the mass shooting took place three weeks ago. Other notable celebrities included Kanye West and Kim Kardashian and family, who hosted a Sunday sermon early in the day. Others showed up throughout the evening, including Jon Stewart, Chance the Rapper, and Chris Rock. And Stevie Wonder sang, too!
The crowd estimate was over twenty thousand people, and there was no violence, no disturbances, just heartfelt tributes and a massive environment of resolution, respect for those who died, and a sense of empowerment, taking back the District in a positive way. And they raised a lot of money for the families of the shooting victims.
I’m proud of our city. We’ve been walloped by tornadoes and bloodied by shootings, but we have not given up. It says a lot about a city who can be resilient and strong. Dayton Strong.
@donnah: Good on ya! That’s a fast turnaround time to schedule a community healing event and it sounds like it was deeply felt and comforting in many ways.
sm*t cl*de
Do you want to catch distemper, water puppy? Because that’s how you catch distemper.
the only thing a dog can roll in that’s worse than dead seagull is dead raccoon. trust me on this.
Another Scott
@donnah: Excellent. Thanks for the report.