Future loser begins setting stage for starting failed TV network. https://t.co/DcSfZXv6aE
— The Hoarse Whisperer (@HoarseWisperer) August 28, 2019
actual news to many people tbh https://t.co/3yrrVzOm36
— darth™ (@darth) August 28, 2019
Fox News: "We don't work for you Mister President, we volunteer as tribute."
— Schooley (@Rschooley) August 30, 2019
Because he's had Fox News as Trump-state media, Trump hasn't needed his own outlet. If there's ever a hint of daylight between them, he won't be content with only Twitter.
— Mig Greengard (@chessninja) August 28, 2019
It was Plan A in 2016 https://t.co/j71IHf7LVK
— Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) August 30, 2019
Trump is (inadvertently?) lending credence to critics' claims that Fox is akin to state-run TV, saying "we have to start looking for a new News Outlet."https://t.co/BZ6AQh2GYU
— Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) August 28, 2019
Trump admitting that he views Fox News as his propaganda arm is another one of those, "This is actually a big deal, but there's so much" stories that will barely be remembered in a week. Like knowingly manipulating the world markets.
— Schooley (@Rschooley) August 30, 2019
Over at One America News Network https://t.co/UKSxZkYmKY pic.twitter.com/gqbMSgV39j
— Schooley (@Rschooley) August 28, 2019
Mai naem mobile
I know this makes me a bad person but I am rooting for Dorian to take out Mar A Shitlago root and stem. Tear it down to the ground. RIP the rebar out.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
I’ve said it before: this movie sucks ass. If it were anything other than my country, I’d walk out on it.
Ramen, @Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.):
I think FSM went on another bender and will recover any time now.
@Mai naem mobile: Mar-a- Lago only. Everything else untouched. Let the Teavangelicals explain that act of God.
@Mai naem mobile: Please no.
Despite the shittiness of the owner, it’s a wonderful bit of architecture. Built by Marjorie Post and donated to the NPS, but Congress gave it back. It’ll find a good owner after Trump is in prison.
Mike in NC
In a better world, Mar-A-LagoGoFuckYourself would be blasted off the coast of Florida by a benevolent hurricane.
I know I’m like three scandals behind but I’ve been googling and I can’t find the info—does anyone know the identity of the reporter who snitched out Madeleine Westerhout?
If I correctly understand what transpired there’s an MSM “journalist” who is apparently desperate to curry favor with the Trump regime.
Chris Johnson
They don’t work for him.
They work for his boss.
Who is no longer on his side, if he can’t offer up Greenland as tribute.
Betty Cracker
The latest hurricane track looks better for those of us in the central and left side of Florida, bad for coastal Georgia and SC. I’m still going to make another grocery run to an all-night store here shortly.
dorian needs to keep turning right.
@tybee: last year my buddy loaded up his wife, 3 dogs and 2 cats, headed out of Ft Meyers, turned around in Gainesville and went back and then did it again and came up here.
@tybee: You heard about my upcoming tuna trip? Going off the rigs in Louisiana the 24th. 42 ft boat with 4 350 mercs and “seakeeper” ain’t roll technology.
Trump cannot fail. Trump can only be failed. This is ridiculous (from CNBC):
Next, he will be claiming that he stood on the shore and turned the hurricane away from Florida.
wonder if i can wedge that thing on my 20′ CC.
@tybee: Proly sink it
Holy moley, turn around and it’s after midnight? Guess ought to throw together something that will pass for din-din.
@Raven: what kind of tuna do you expect to catch?
Couldn’t hurt to bone up on some research re: tuna/
Sister Golden Bear
@Brachiator: Tell ’em that Obama did precisely that for a mere tropical storm. He’ll be on the beach outside Mar a Lago in no time.
@tybee: Yellowfin is the preference, blackfin is good eating but doesn’t freeze well.
Another Scott
@Mai naem mobile: Oh no! It’s heading for the Dayton Arms Hotel!!”