Just Senator Warren letting the panicky fat cats create her campaign ads for free:
I'm Elizabeth Warren and I approve this message. https://t.co/2Ewkbm0ZwA
— Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) September 10, 2019
Have they ever been this afraid of Senator Shouty McWaggyfinger?
And Betty stomps Cole FTW!!!
They haven’t been afraid of Bernie because the chances of him getting nominated were not good in 2016 and are slimmer now (and even if he was elected, what are the odds of him working well with Congress?) They are afraid of Warren because they know she can win the primary and the election and start reversing 40 years of increasing inequality.
@PJ: Agree. I dislike Bernie, but the banks would not like him either.
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
That’s a brilliant response – a great example of a Democratic campaign playing by the “new rules”, and ignoring to old (MSM-written) rules for Democrats.
Go Warren!
Roll Call (@rollcall) Tweeted:
Ex-Rep. Darrell Issa intends to run for Hunter’s seat to prevent Democrats from picking up another longtime GOP stronghold in California https://t.co/21wePbQhKs https://twitter.com/rollcall/status/1171538850360918017?s=17
Jared Yates Sexton (@JYSexton) Tweeted:
Trump is a prism that reveals the awful truth in Republicans. He exposes the sycophants, shows Fox as baseless propaganda, paints the Romney’s as status quo coasters, the Cruz’s as sniveling cowards, and tough guys like John Bolton as disposable non-entities. https://twitter.com/JYSexton/status/1171539719584247808?s=17
Yes ? ?
Eugene Scott (@Eugene_Scott) Tweeted:
“Biden’s notion that Republicans will have an “epiphany” and work with him, despite obstructing President Obama, is an egotistical fantasy … Republicans will obstruct the next Democratic president regardless of who he or she is,” @AJentleson https://t.co/K2HcPZ6cwn https://twitter.com/Eugene_Scott/status/1171539044154503168?s=17
So from bad to worser.
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
So kinda like the entire rationale of Biden’s campaign. (Bernie’s too)
Dorothy A. Winsor
@rikyrah: That’s a good point. He not only shows you who he is. He also shows you who everyone he touches is.
ETA: By that metric, someone like Sally Yates becomes even more impressive.
I hate these fuckers so much.
If Elizabeth Warren wins in Iowa and New Hampshire, there’ll be a big attack from the 0.1% ndf the bankers. This will ensure her victory in 2020.
She’s like a movie, “The X-Candidate.”
Just a warning: I just had the most hideously inept corporate customer service I have ever experienced. At FedEx. From tag to website to chat to actual person, it was like a Star Trek scenario where the Captain is trapped by a machine that wants the answer to its riddle. But it got hit by a meteorite and the riddles and answers are all mixed up.
I am nice to customer service. But what we have lately isn’t that.
It’s like they automated the people by forcing them into such a strict script, and giving them so little ability to fix anything, that nothing gets done. Over and over and over.
If Dante knew about this, he would make it the first circle of hell.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@TenguPhule: It’s pointlessly destructive.
@WereBear: This is so true. Customers are just a bother to these companies.
Betty Cracker
Via commenter Lamh on Twitter, Nancy Pelosi is tired of the media questioning her as if she runs the entire fucking government:
You tell, ’em, Nancy! Now let’s impeach the motherfucker.
The only point is to anger you. ‘Owning the libs’ is all they do now. It has to increase suffering or it isn’t persued.
Another Scott
In other news, TheHill:
I don’t think I’ve seen a construction like that in political reporting in a while, even though it’s true.
Mary G
All the viabler Democratic presidential candidates – except Wilmer – are such happy warriors:
I have never had so many people running that I’d be happy to vote for.
ETA: Also, too, campaign staffs have never had so many women.
Hate them with a passion ??
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
Government by culture war. Let me off this crazy train
I know I’m going to mess up the saying, but watching Cramer mumble his way through that segment continues to show the power of the unqualified white man. Why the hell is he still on the air? What value does he bring? He just trails off in the middle of his sentences leaving his guests to pick the thread up for him. Wasn’t it after the 2008 melt down that he was exposed as a fraud? FFS, I’m sure that octopus who’s picked the winning Super Bowl team for the past ten years has a better handle of wtf is going on than Jim “Stupid Ass Soundboard” Cramer.
@Leto: It’s worse than that, Cramer isn’t an Economist, he’s a lawyer(HLS’85).
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@Betty Cracker:
Jesus Christ, she lit into that stupid reporter. Awesome! Why do these morons ask such stupid ass questions? Seriously, what would their responses be if asked? Why don’t they go after McConnell like this? Oh, he’d brush them off? Even after being repeatedly asked the same question at every press conference? Even the Turtle has his limits
Chetan Murthy
@?BillinGlendaleCA: He’s a tout.
First, he’s a man. Second, he would be a lot easier to push around. Third, she has ACTUAL plans and ideas.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
Because they are paid very well to increase net ignorance.
@Betty Cracker: I’m so glad to see that. You tell them, Nancy.
And I am sick of these insipid reporters. I wish we could see who that one was.
@Another Scott:
I’m so old I remember when Pelosi and Schumer signing off on that funding deal with Trump in the belief that we could avoid this.
I have no doubt that, either in one of the Democratic debates or the eventual general election debates, Warren ( when needled about “Pocahontas” ) will tell viewers that every time you hear the word “Pocahontas”, remember that’s all that trumpov has to run on.
Seriously. “Go ahead, Donald, say it if it makes you feel better but you still haven’t done anything for the working families in this country and you never will”
Also per some of the comments above – this is a great field of candidates on our side and I’ve rarely felt so proud to be a Dem. well ok, except for almost every day. But especially now.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@rikyrah: To be cynical about it; Biden is a competent old white guy who pretends to be a buffoon (as opposed to Trump who is incompetent old white guy who tries to pretend he is a competent one). The GOP base is going to love that. That seems to be the problem of the age; white losers who are clinging to their whiteness as the only thing they have of value. They will look at Biden and think “ah, you see, we really don’t suck that much”. Doubtless Turtle will fight Biden just as a hard but Turtle won’t have the same Base Rage to help him like with Warren or Harris who are guilty of being competent and female.
@Another Scott: Hey, while we’re on the subject of raiding money from the military:
Army IG finds widespread concerns with privatized housing and lack of oversight
Did you say mold?
Marine Corps family wins lawsuit against Lincoln Military Housing, after kids sickened by mold
I don’t recommend any of my Airmen live on base. I can’t ask them or their families to be exposed to this shit (because privatized housing is DoD wide). This is something that service members have been dealing with, at least, since 2013. Sen Warren, along with Rep Deb Haaland, introduced a bill to help fix this clusterfuck. Again, she has a plan for that.
My brother is a RWNJ former republican who works in finance and is also a local government council critter in his little city in CA.
I almost dropped my teeth when he told me he likes Warren because of her position on income inequality. And he is high up in a mutual fund.
Seeing rumblings that Biden is going to go after Warren about her early legal work for corporations. (Others suggest he won’t do it, but is ‘leaking’ his ‘strategy’ early so that our less-than-stellar moderators can be primed to ask the question).
I think this one tweet will go a long way towards deflating that dirigible.
If Biden wants to earn some points with me, he’ll go after Bernie.
Adam L Silverman
@Another Scott: I was wondering if anyone was going to finally notice that we only have 20 more shopping days till the end government shutdown!
@Jeffro: I think Elizabeth Warren connects very well with listeners, and has a succinct and easy to follow delivery style. She has walked the walk on her issues, for years and years and years.
Get tired of people (especially men) demeaning her, or the ageism. Some people are ancient at 55, some people have years of productive life ahead of them at 70 and 75.
She is right for the issues we face. I’d be fine with a Warren/Harris ticket, or the reverse if that plays out.
@Adam L Silverman:
That’s a ton of time.
@Leto: Cramer told everyone to sell their stocks after the markets melted down in 2008. I think it was on the Today Show. You know, your classic “Sell low” market advice.
Ian R
Interesting (though sadly unsurprising) that all the negative responses to that tweet are Wilmer fans. They know she’s better on what he claims are his core issues, and it eats at them.
Sweet Jesus HW Christ! What a wonderful ad for the Democrats. I can’t believe that Cramer could be so stupid. The Democrats could also follow this up with an ad summarizing Wells Fargo’s various tricks to steal from their customers, which kinda explains why they are having CEO problems.
Damned good question. On a past show, he said that investors should “trust Trump over the Chinese.” Now, any financial advisor with a brain would say that you should evaluate and make decisions based on the most accurate information available. Trust has got nothing to do with anything. Cramer’s ass kissing was close to malfeasance. But he’s on the TV, so he can say stupid shit which violate all principles of integrity.
Adam L Silverman
@Another Scott: The House has done all of their appropriations bills. The Senate has only done the Defense Authorization. And they’re not finished. The White House and Pentagon want congress to restore the money they just misappropriated for the wall. That’s DOA in the House. And rightly so. The President has made it clear he’s not signing any more continuing resolutions, but he’s inconsistent to put it mildly. So my money is on a shutdown.
I believe it was on CNBC.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Elizabelle: I hesitated about Warren because of age, but it seems to me that on average, women age more slowly than men. She seems physically strong and energetic (though at 70, anything can happen). But for me, what sets her apart from Biden and Sanders is that she is still learning and changing.
@Ian R:
His core issues are having a dick and hating Dems, so no, she’s not better.
@Baud: I want all the candidates to stay focused and attack trump. Character matters and trump is ruining the heart and sould of our country.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Man, why ya gotta keep bringing me down??? :p
Obviously you haven’t spent 15 minutes observing him.
@Betty: They don’t want to spend the money competence costs.
@Adam L Silverman:
Recession it is then.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
She already knows more than both of them combined!
I believe earlier today rickyrah posted a tweet which included an observation about Warren’s positivity. I think in light of all the current negativity, including Trump’s American Catastrophy crap, that her positivity will be a real selling point for Warren.
@Adam L Silverman:
When I originally read that’s what they wanted lawmakers to do, I just laughed and laughed. Jeebus these people are stooopid.
Reeks of desperation and stupidity. I hope Biden is smarter than that.
@debbie: He may have done it on CNBC too but the one I’m thinking of was on the Today Show, which has a much more average person audience than CNBC does. It was was on October 8, 2008. Link.
Adam L Silverman
@Leto: No, they’re going to campaign on it.
McConnell will give a more in sorrow than in anger speech from his desk about how the Democrats won’t restore the money because they hate the military and patriotic military families. This will both set him up to campaign as trying to do restore the money and being blocked by the Democrats and reporters to ask the gotcha questions throughout the campaign of Democrats asking why they won’t support the troops and restore the funding.
Trump pushing for major crackdown on homeless camps in California, with aides discussing moving residents to government-backed facilities
First they came for the immigrants, then they came for the homeless, next? the Democrats? the unions? This is surreal and awful.
Thank you !
I was watching him thinking exactly the same
(Except the octopus part)
@Adam L Silverman:
McConnell isn’t that stupid. (Trump is.)
Mary G
@Brachiator: Biden’s campaign people don’t seem like the sharpest crayons in the box.
Chetan Murthy
Senator from MBNA sez WHAT? Man, that’s like lying on your back and pulling your shirt to expose your belly. Just beggin’ to be sliced open!
Adam L Silverman
@Baud: McConnell only has so much control. And if he looses control of this, this is going to be how he plays it.
@Leto: It’s not dumb, but it is cynical and DOES rely on a dumb media.
They took a ton of the funding from various military projects. Now they’re going to ask Democrats to add that funding back in. If the Democrats say no, they’ll act like Democrats are the ones “hurting the troops for political gain”. This entire gambit depends on a supine media with absolutely no willingness to face up to common sense, so it’s actually a decent bet.
That’s the big lesson of the Trump presidency: Break the law. Do what you want. As long as you have one veto point in the system and your side votes in a bloc, you’re basically consequence-free. In this case, damage the troops by doing something likely illegal and unconstitutional, and then blame the Democrats for all the damage you caused.
@Adam L Silverman: Yep. I’m hoping that the simple answer from ALL Democrats is “Trump illegally stole the money from the troops. You should ask Donald to return the money. We’re fighting for it right now.”
Adam L Silverman
@MisterForkbeard: At least one of our commenters gets it.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@Adam L Silverman:
The question is, will it work? I don’t have any special insights or anything, but the national political environment right now is very Democratic-leaning. They can try, but I don’t think the “The Dims hate the Troops! Rally round the flag!” approach will work as well as it may have in the past. Too many people have woken up and seen the GOP for what it is and that “Moscow Mitch” moniker is not going away anytime soon
Okay, thanks. (Haven’t heard the word “dough” in quite a while.)
@Adam L Silverman:
And Warren will roar back, “He wants the money he stole restored to cover his crime!”
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: The media loves controversy and Republican framing. It CAN work. If Democrats just stick to loudly and pointedly repeating that Trump stole the money from the troops to help his own election (yet another in a long line of Trump screwing voters for his own good ) then they can probably beat it back.
Even if it doesn’t “work”, you can still count on horribly debate questions about this and 24×7 repeats on Fox News. The fever swamps will eat it up and it will encourage Trump’s base even if it falls flat everywhere else.
It won’t work.
@Adam L Silverman: The Pentagon looks more and more like they’ve decided that Fascism is the new F-35.
@Baud: I certainly hope not. Dumber things have succeeded.
@Leto: Would a picture of a choo-choo train help?
My regime of tyranny will be enjoyable and brutal.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
I definitely agree the Dems need to be unified in their massaging and pushback vigorously on that strategy. If they do that, combined with everything else I said, it’s odds of succeeding will be much lower
@Percysowner: Manzanar is tanned and rested. //
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
There can never be too many. Only not enough.
Trump is too discredited and Dems are too fired up right now.
I’ve heard this before. Gonna need to see some proof first.
@Adam L Silverman: I figured he would do something like that (Why do Democrats hate the military???) and the media would go along with that narrative.
@MisterForkbeard: Correct. We do have an extremely dumb media who will take this narrative and run with it. Because dog forbid that Republicans aren’t really the champions of the military, that it’s been Democrats trying to not only uphold the rule of law, but also help the military achieve its objectives…. no no, can’t have that story.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Much better! Anger levels falling… rage subsiding… need for chocolate increasing… ?
Omnes Omnibus
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I fail to see your point.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
That unified messaging needs to frame everything done by Trump et al. as crimes. Everything.
Why exactly do we always tell the Dems to fight when we think they’ll always fail?
@Omnes Omnibus: Stay in your lane.
Yep. Nice and simple. Doesn’t require long explanation or clarification. Puts Trump and the GOP on the spot.
@Elizabelle: she’s awesome and I totally agree on Warren/Harris. If Harris is at the top, I’di like Warren to stay in the Senate, keep the seat D, be the majority leader, and be a major factor in getting President Harris’ agenda passed.
I guess that Trump is trying to embarrass California and hurt Democrats, but this will backfire big-time.
Shameful. Also, we have seen this before.
Is this what Trump wants? It ain’t making America great again.
I’m ageist then. I don’t think having a president in their 70s or 80s is a good idea, even if they are in good health. Campaigning is not the same level of stress as being president. Senate, House, Cabinet – yes.
Mary G
Twitler’s act will succeed until it doesn’t:
Only one point off crazification!
Uncle Cosmo
Does Jim Cramer count as an “own ghoul” for the Thugs?
Also, loved the Nancy SMASH! clip. MoscowMitch/Putin’sBitch is not gonna like messing with Tommy D’Alesandro’s little girl when she’s got her fed-up nonna on…
No, they want to round up the homeless and ship them into “government sponsored facilities”.
We’ve seen this story before and it didn’t end any better last time either.
@MomSense: I am making an exception for Warren.
Uncle Cosmo
Or she could say something like
Of course she wouldn’t – but I’d love to see someone in the campaign say it.
@Baud: THANK YOU. I get so tired of the people whose sole purpose in life is to exhibit their “worldly cynicism.”
@TenguPhule: my guess is they want to strip citizenship and deport the homeless.
@Uncle Cosmo:
Or she could call Trump a pussyassbitch, but she probably won’t do that either.
@Elizabelle: Be patient, these insipid reporters will become strong and aggressive, as soon as Democrats win.
Deporting takes too long. And Republicans don’t want them coming back.
I’ll let you draw your own picture from there.
Mary G
With 1% of the votes in, NC-9:
Dan McCready (D) 54.2%
Dan Bishop (R) 45.4%
@Sally: You made me laugh. You are correctomundo.
Mary G
@TenguPhule: They want to pay the private prisons $775/day each for when they run out of immigrants.
@TenguPhule: since they can’t legally strip citizenship they’ll go for midnight flights out of the country and drop them somewhere remote.
Another Scott
@Mary G: I’m doing deep breathing. how bout you
@sukabi: No, probably just put them in internment camps. Maybe in the Owens Valley.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
From the Charlotte Observer:
Fingers crossed
Mary G
@JPL: I’ve had the tab open for a ridiculous amount of time. And with 16% of the vote in, McCready is up to 56.1%
More good news: A new Emerson College poll in New Hampshire finds Joe Biden at 24 percent, Elizabeth Warren at 21 percent, and Bernie Sanders slipping to 13 percent.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: 12% reporting up by 8% points. McCready.
Another Scott
@Adam L Silverman: But Acting Secretary for Senate Relations Moscow Mitch McConnell assured everyone that once Donnie and the House agreed on a budget number then everything would be smooth sailing in the Senate. How could an honorable Southern Gentleman be so misinformed??!?!?
I assume they’ll put a CR together and Donnie will sign it. But he’s going to keep throwing fits about his Precious Wall and will keep trying to steal money elsewhere. Maybe have Mnuchin make one of those $1T Platinum Coins that we heard so much about a few years ago…
Major Major Major Major
@?BillinGlendaleCA: And you win the prize.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I’ve always found this guy to be a good follow on election nights https://twitter.com/Taniel, Daniel Nichanian. I can’t imagine how somebody gets into the weeds like that, but he’s good
ETA: for example
As a Mass. voter, I am committed to Warren. One thing in her favor is that I think she can brush Joe aside without seeming to be mean in the minds of all those “we’re for Biden because we haven’t thought about it yet.” PS: Not knocking those voters. That’s a good default setting.
Ohio Mom
@Uncle Cosmo: You really captured the way Warren talks. I could hear her in my mind’s ear as I read, “Donald Trump’s grandfather…”
I could see an approach like this working for her.
I watched it. That wasn’t easy for me, because everything about Jim Cramer makes me wince and cringe and run away. But because SPW endorsed the message, I stayed with it.
Holy shit, the quality are terrified, aren’t they? LOL.
@Betty Cracker:
Nancy smashes.
Liberal brainwashing in full effect and done without shame on national TV!
@Major Major Major Major: I don’t understand any of that tweet other than yelling “neoliberal!” while sticking fingers in their ears.
Did I read that accurately?
It would cool if Warren brought Chrissy Teigen as her Anger Translator.
Uncle Cosmo
I’m very sorry, but that makes no sense. You may be perfectly happy with her as your Senator, but why on earth should you be “committed to her” just because of that? You’re not voting for someone to represent MA in the Senate, you’re voting for someone to be President of the United States, an utterly different (& far more consequential) job.
I sincerely hope you have better-thought-out reasons to be for Warren (as opposed to anyone else running) than “she lives in my state.” /grouch
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Those on the ground have a grasp on the votes and it appears that Bishop counties turned out today. Hopefully not enough to overturn the lead the dem has.
@TenguPhule: And you get a picture.
@Mary G:
Truth. My great fear these days is that when the GA primaries roll around, I’ll be obliged to make a choice between, say, Warren and Harris, and my brain will be paralysed and I won’t know how to choose. But I’m thrilled that we have such an abundance of good people. Any of them would be a thousand-fold improvement over the current situation.*
*Of course, in fairness, the dying Christmas cactus on my windowsill would also be an orders-of-magnitude improvement.
Uncle Cosmo
@Ohio Mom: I am by no means “committed to Warren,” but I absolutely adore how she can unpack complex issues & put forth her positions on them in a simple, straightforward way without sounding like she’s talking down to anyone. By the time she finishes her explanations, I’ll wager that more than half her audience remembers her starting off with “It only stands to reason that…” because by that time they agree that, in fact, “it only stands to reason that…”
Major Major Major Major
@MisterForkbeard: No, you need to also express fealty to St Bernard
@MisterForkbeard: You interpretation is as good as anybody else’s. I had no idea what that tweet meant.
That would be epic.
Chetan Murthy
Lately I’ve tried to watch female stand-up comedians. They’re pretty damn good, and some can be brutal, I mean *brutal*. I suspect there’d be a lot of competition for that job. The first name that came to mind was Michelle Wolf.
But yes, it’d be epic to get a really cutting female comedian to play her anger translator.
Chetan Murthy
@Chetan Murthy: And and and and and …. *Kate MacKinnon!* Imagine all the sketches we’re gong get from her, if SPW becomes PPW? Oh man oh man oh man ….
Adam L Silverman
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: It has worked far beyond McConnell’s wildest dreams over the past 10 years and 8 months.
Adam L Silverman
@TenguPhule: No it doesn’t. Stop talking out of your ass.
@Brachiator: Biden was known as the Senator from Connecticut meaning the credit card industry. He’d have to be awfully stupid to attack Warren on anything to do with working for the money industry.
@Gvg: Connecticut is insurance, Biden was the Senator from MBNA(they were bought by Bank of America).
@Adam L Silverman: Refusing to provide information to the House isn’t a sign of a functional institution.
J R in WV
My well-to-do cousin sold low after the Doc.Com crash in, what, 2000? Sold Corning for peanuts. Her financial “advisor” didn’t know any better. When the 2008 crash happened, I was ready to retire, and didn’t hesitate. Also didn’t sell anything.
After two or three years of careful attention from President Obama, I was even, and not long after that, I was way ahead. Never sell low! If you can, when you think shit has hit the floor, BUY some more of whatever you already have some of.
Anyway, we’re doing OK still. Pension, Social Security, savings in investments. Also land, home, etc.
Adam L Silverman
@TenguPhule: There’s a difference between dysfunction caused by the political appointees and a an institution embracing fascism.
J R in WV
A great pic of a ChooChoo train! Is it actually functional? Can it make steam and turn the wheels?
Sad if not so…
@J R in WV: Nope, just museum pieces. That’s from Traveltown in Griffith Park.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
In the NC-09 special election, the repukes are leading by 2%
This is a district Mittens won by 12 points, that Dump won by 12 points and which the repukes have held for 57 years, since 1962.
moving up 10 points in a deep red southern district is a hellva showing and marker of Blue enthusiasm.
@Mary G:
Finding out who that 28% are is a telemarketer’s *dream*…
J R in WV
Biden is the Senator from Delaware, in other words, Senator from large corporations resident in Delaware. Where corporations ARE PEOPLE, my friend! The most important people!!
@Gvg: I think you mean Delaware, where most major US corporations are incorporated due to the state’s favorable legal environment for corporate entities.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: Doesn’t matter. All the media will point to it as a big GOP win.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
Yes. That’s true. Dog bless Dan McCready and his family, campaign, volunteers, and all his voters.
I wonder who will run in 2020. Is he up to a rematch? This would be his third battle in three years.
Fantastic response from Warren.
In local news, here’s the first national piece I’ve seen on why Matt Jones (radio host and author of Mitch Please!) is vastly more likely to topple McConnell than Amy McGrath.
It quotes McGrath’s barf-inducing pandering to Trump voters:
“Kentuckians voted for Trump, they wanted to drain the swamp,” McGrath said. “And Trump said he was going to do that. Trump promised to bring back jobs, he promised to lower drug prices for so many Kentuckians. And that is very important. And who stops them along the way, who stops the president from doing these things? Well, Mitch McConnell.”
@Uncle Cosmo: I am a minion of the Essex County New Jersey Democratic Organization, and if they call me in January and ask if I can go to New Hampshire and ring doorbells for Sen. Booker before the primary, I’ll quite likely say…
“I _hate_ cold weather. Couldn’t you send me to South Carolina instead ?”
Cramer is missing his red nose and silly hat. You can’t be a real clown without those.