The DEA also asked for 4.8 million grams of Cool Ranch Doritos.
— The Hoarse Whisperer (@HoarseWisperer) September 12, 2019
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The DEA also asked for 4.8 million grams of Cool Ranch Doritos.
— The Hoarse Whisperer (@HoarseWisperer) September 12, 2019
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Amir Khalid
Is the DEA going into marijuana farming?
Cool Ranch Doritos? No way, man.
I have been completing research on this topic for about 50 years. The results of my studies are more research is needed.
Amazingly, we will be told the results of that research is that marijuana makes black people violent and it must be declared illegal everywhere and horribly punished, but with police discretion in case the offender is obviously a good person*. Then, because the Trump administration is that incompetent, the actual research of ‘Eh. It’s no big deal.’ will be leaked.
C’mon! We all know weed makes you listen to hot jazz and dance the jitterbug.
I really need to rent Reefer Madness. I haven’t seen it in years.
“No stems, no seeds, things you don’t need. Acapulco Gold is a badass weed”
Another Scott
Good. DEA should be doing science on these drugs, and making them available to sensible researchers. And Congress needs to update the drug laws.
ICMI, Charlie Pierce on the Debate:
They’re actually doing research on weed? I thought that was illegal. Are they going to arrest themselves?
The Dangerman
In related news, Jack in the Box stock went way up.
ETA: At least in SoCal, they proudly talk about their food being the answer for the “late night munchies”
No love for Oreos?
It’s on YouTube, right here.
Major Major Major Major
@Another Scott:
Saved me from typing it.
Double stuff? I suppose so, but Li’l Debbies would be better.
Listened to a stupid CBC segment on CBD oils.
Not once did they mention that the lack of “medical studies”, had anything to do with the Government banning research on pot and hemp, until recently.
Cool. Gay airplanes.
I wish, it would be a major improvement on air travel.
OT so I’m going to pitch a Netflix original short film.
Called Resurface, it is an amazing program about veterans PTSD, and a group that takes vets surfing as part of rehabilitation. It is a break in the way PTSD takes over your mind, something that you have to work at, and think about only what is happening that minute. Most of the vets have been physically injured as well and some of them pretty badly. I was watching another program and there was an Iraq vet with a case of PTSD and that reminded me about this program. I spend a lot of time a the LA VA hospital and I see a lot of vets with permeant injuries. And I spent 2 months in a navy hospital in 73 with a lot of service personal who were massively injured both physical and mentally. It left a lasting impression about what we now call PTSD, because at that time it didn’t have a real name and a methodology of treatment. You were just supposed to get over it. And it doesn’t work that way at all. 22 vets a day, kill themselves. They have been asked to do impossible things time and time again and it takes a toll on a human being.
This half hour program, one of the best things I’ve seen.
Chetan Murthy
@Jay: Jay, can I say, I like how you post these tweets here. It means those of us who don’t use Twitter [and some of us don’t want to & avoid it like the plague] get to ….. ahem … cough cough …. taste those mangoes without getting out of the boat! Thank you!
@Ruckus: Thanks for mentioning. I want to watch it.
Did Sister Rail Gun’s kitten update from this morning turn up?
@jeffreyw: Hydrox, you fucking animals. Or at least Newman-Os.
@Chetan Murthy: Where do you get on this boat everyone keeps mentioning? Do I need a ticket? Is there dinner service or at least a snack bar? What happens to the people who want to get off?
@Chetan Murthy:
One can hunt twitter with out joining.
I joined twitter because a bunch of the Modern Nazi Hunters, I was reading had to go dark, ( followers) to stay safe.
Twitter ain’t just trenders selling used bathwater, there’s a lot of powerful voices out there,
I just try to relay some I find.
But thank you.
Chetan Murthy
I’ve done that before. Twice, actually. Each time, I eventually reactivate my account in order to reply to some tweet. And then, sometime after that, upon being presented with some enormously objectionable tweet, I reply with vitriol. Eventually it grows to consume a lot of time, and all spent getting angry. Sometime after that, I tweet something that some dickweed objects to, they report it, and my account gets blocked. This has happened twice so far. So at this point, I prefer not to tempt fate.
B/c really, it doesn’t seem possible for me to read Twitter without getting enraged. Better not to start.
So again, thank you!
@Martin: Joe-Joes are crap though.
Curtis Adams
@Jay: cites:
I love my state.
@JaySinWA: Candy cane joe-joes aren’t.
@Chetan Murthy:
The trick is to read the tweets, not the replies.
If the tweeter finds a pearl in an oyster, they will retweet it,
Otherwise it’s all sand, detrius and sea foam.
Ignore the comments, too many bot’s, trolls and other ill doers.
I retweet, and once in a blue moon comment with a “preach sister”, or an “are you okay? I love you!”.
I obviously highly recommend it. I’ve been a Netflix subscriber for years. This show is worth every penny I’ve ever spent with them.
A lot of vets have PTSD but it’s not just a vet issue. All humans can experience it, given the right circumstances. A lot of vets just have been placed in situations that are practically tailor made to cause PTSD.
California Dive Boat fire, but with Nazis caus Jack likes his Nazis.
But you don’t need a ticket.
@Martin: I’ll take your word for it. Joe-Joes was one of the few bad experiences from TJ’s. I trusted them enough to foist them off at a meeting without trying them first. Most remained after the meeting. Never again.
So, that DEA guy, he looking for skunk bud or will he settle for stems? ’cause I know a somebody who knows somebody…
I had to google the dope slang because I’m a square. I probably typed this before, but around west end of Golden Gate park, back when weed was illegal in CA, guys would walk by me and whisper ‘bud?’. And I would wonder, ‘Who’s Bud? Do I look like some guy named Bud?’ until if figured it out. I’m not the sharpest blade in the drawer.
@jl: Should have said you had better taste in beer. Unless you didn’t.
@jeffreyw: Nutty Bars!
@Ruckus: Added to queue.
@SiubhanDuinne: Sorry. Too drunk to enjoy Reefer Madness now. Maybe tomorrow.
I’m off to bed, but was just looking at a photo essay on Bored Panda in memory of the rescue dogs of 9-11, for all the poochie people here. Very moving. I haven’t been successful at linking in the past but will try it, but otherwise it’s worth a look.
@Jay: Should be noted that the private prison ban also applies to ICE facilities.
Something serious is going down with Schiff.
Why yes, I do realize I’m about 8 hours late with this but my juicing time is limited and all the other threads are dead.
I’d just like to say a few words about weeping anal fissure Julian Castro and his attack on fellow democrat Joe Biden.
This country is teetering on fascism. There is no question in my mind if we lose 2020 democracy is over—any subsequent elections will be Russian-style. Call me a Teng-fool if you will, but my predictions have been on on the money thus far.
Julian Castro is not going to be our nominee; Uncle Joe, god help us, might be. The nominee will be picked by Southern democrats of color; my state’s primary is late so I’ll follow their lead.
Pointing out (truthfully, I might add) that Uncle Joe is slipping will depress turnout and give the Republicans a talking point. “Both sides are senile,” the MSM will crow triumphantly.
Policy disagreements are fine but shitting on any fellow dem at this point is treasonous. Plus, Castro is an idiot. Old people love to vote—it’s their third favorite activity, superseded only by watching Jeopardy and fetching the mail. Let’s not alienate the geezer contingent. “Leftist extremists hate the olds,” the media will tsk-tsk.
So fuck Julian Castro with one of Marianne William’s supersize healing crystals—preferably while Tulsi Gabbard’s “homosexual extremists” rant plays on a scratchy Victrola in the background. The end.
@SWMBO: that thread is truth served COLD.
@Martin: looking more and more that Nancy Pelosi just might get her wish to see drumpf in jail.
Next couple of months are going to be crazy.
@hervevillechaizelounge: So you would prefer that we nominate a candidate that may be not quite all there and then have the Republicans point it out in the general? This blog skews older, reminds me…I’ve not checked the mail today, and the general consensus is that Joe(and Bernie) are too old for the job. I think most older folk are pretty much self aware that a person close to 80 might have problems with the rigors of starting off as President. I think it’s open to discussion on Castro’s tact in pointing out Biden’s error(and his comment was at best muddled), but if he isn’t up to the task, I’d like to know before voting in the primary.
@Martin: Had a friend who swore by Hydrox and applesauce. Without going into tedious detail I will merely note that they were eaten with a spoon.
Of course many of us made do with whatever was at hand —peanut butter from the jar, that old pound of liver from the back of the freezer (doesn’t take long to thaw and cook).
Sister Golden Bear
Home again, home again, jiggety jig. Though leaving Taiwan and midnight at arriving at SFO at 8 p.m. is wreaking havoc on my sleep cycle.
I was almost going to go back to the sleep once I got home, but made the mistake getting something to eat and now I’m been awake for a couple hours, although thankfully getting sleepy again.
@Sister Golden Bear:
Glad that you made it home safely??
Amir Khalid
@Sister Golden Bear:
One time I flew back to KL at the end of the week after 48 hours in Rochester, Minnesota. I was fine on Saturday and Sunday, but on Monday the jet lag finally caught up with me and I didn’t wake up until 4pm.
@Sister Golden Bear: A young lady whom I was close friends with, a couple of decades ago, concluded “You are actually a space alien from a planet where the days are 26 hours long; that’s why your sleep cycle keeps getting out of synch with the rest of us humans…”
It’s gotten worse since I’ve retired
kit kinneson
Instead of a piece of chocolate, trump’s hotels will leave a gram on each special guest’s pillow! Stay another night at half price! Get another gram!
Miss Bianca
@Ruckus: Cool. There’s a similar program here in the central mountains of CO. Only it’s white-water rafting and fly-fishing that are the rehab sports of choice on the Arkansas River. The guy who runs it says that of the 200 vets who have so far gone through the program, not one suicide attempt post-sessions. I think that’s mighty.
They’re buying grams? Isn’t it much cheaper by the kilo?
Okay so the DEA may not be the sharpest these days, but the University of Mississippi has had legal weed for federal research for decades. Maybe they don’t have enough?
@Ruckus: Sounds like a great program. I swear by EMDR. My Dx is c-PTSD (“Complex PTSD is different from PTSD because it often occurs in people who’ve experienced extreme violence and stress over an extended period of time.”). EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is short-term therapy, highly successful, has had numerous studies with both veteran and general population. It reworks how your brain processes (hence how you understand, or feel) traumatic event(s). It’s quite the experience… and it works. At least, it’s been working, for me. There are lists of EMDR certified therapists in different regions of the country. A lot of the training, and the theory of the treatment, originates with Bessel Van der Kolk. He’s Boston-based, but people move around.