you can do it, we believe in you
— Abraham Lincoln (@abradamlinkoln) October 6, 2019
“Marry for money, you’ll work for it later,” my Nana always said…
Trump: I am totally going to poop my pants
Everyone: He is going to poop his pants
Republicans: He’s just joking
Trump: <poops his pants>
Everyone: Yup, he pooped his pants
Republicans: People who hate pants-pooping are the real problem.
— The Hoarse Whisperer (@HoarseWisperer) October 7, 2019
Um, I dislike the Orange Turd as much as anyone around here but the post HW put up has been debunked…like a while ago. So let’s concentrate on all the shitty things he is really doing.
Here is the Snopes post on it.
Sister Golden Bear
Tomorrow the SCOTUS hears arguments in three LGBTQ job discrimination cases that could have a devastating impact and overturn decades of precedent — and potentially undermine much broader anti-sex discrimination protections for straight cisgender people as well. This is a BF-fucking-D.
Given the current court, things are looking ominous. If you know someone who’s LGBTQ, show them some extra support tomorrow, we could use it.
A quick summary of what’s at stake and the hate groups behind these cases who want to erase trans people. Teen Vogue focuses on the broader implications for anyone who does not conform to outdated gender stereotypes.
This is fucking nonsense. Why post this?
@Sister Golden Bear: I am open to being surprised but, alas, I think the SC is going to be putting out an awful lot of decisions in 2020 that will upset me and make the lives of folks I know more difficult & less safe. In preparation for those disappointments I will be doing my damnedest each and every day to help elect folks at all levels of government who can lessen or negate the short, medium, and long term impact of those crappy decisions.
Also, too, good night sleep tight everyone.
@HumboldtBlue: Agreed. And I’m all for calling Dump a shitpile.
Anne Laurie
@Marcopolo: I think the Hoarse is using pants-pooping as a rhetorical device [people predict Trump will do something stupid/antisocial; Trump commits that particular stupid/antisocial act; Repubs defend act as ‘a joke / why do you hate Our Preznit?] . The final pic is just the social-media equivalent of a bronx cheer: He *will* commit the dumbest possible act, and the GOP *will* defend it.
Given the debunking that Marcopolo points to, I think this post should be taken back.
Anne Laurie
Because it’s after 1AM EDT, and I thought we needed a cheap laugh?
The first tweet also comes across as in pretty poor taste, in my opinion. It’s clearly a joke, but I feel it inches up to a certain line that doesn’t really seem on-brand for this blog.
I figured we did better when scat meant jazz.
My bad.
Yep – the Melania one is way past poor taste for me – just vile and wrong. Take it down.
Unfortunately, according to Merriam-Webster the other meaning of “scat” has been around almost as long as jazz itself. Language is ruled by the pigeon-hole principle.
Dan B
@Sister Golden Bear: The justices questions tomorrow may say much about the type of ruling they release next June.
But the laws may mean little by themselves. It’s incredibly difficult to prove anti LGBT discrimination. What it may accomplish is unleashing discrimination and emboldening attacks. Will it be a reign of terror, probably not, but increased attacks in places like Seattle that have a large LGBT population. What were havens may be less so. Youth in rural areas will suffer psychologically as well.
Amir Khalid
I have to agree, this post does come across as kind of below-the-belt.
Well, I must be the outlier then, the Melania post made me laugh out loud. Loosen your garters, people! It’s goofy humor, late at night.
Thanks for the laugh, AL :)
@SoupCatcher: How’d the Loch Ness monster get into a Chicago church?
For the tender feelings crowd:
Just go to bed.
To crimes, or to massively crimes? That’s not even a question. Of course we crimes! How many nations can we ask to do the crimes? For more on this, it’s time for A Closer Look.
Mary G
More on the migrants who were with Julian Castro:
This shit just keeps going on and on.
@Mary G: Yup. Glad a bunch of white people got all those fieldworker jobs they so desperately wanted. Bastards.
@Sister Golden Bear: USSC might take those rights away, but states like CA will hold firm and keep fighting. You’ve got at least 40 million supporters.
The only thing that bothers me about the Velveetamort pants-crapping picture is the fact that it’s not real. I really, really, really hoped it was real.
Sister Golden Bear
@Martin: I’m privileged because I live in California, so I’ll continued to be protected. Unfortunately, half my sisters, brothers and siblings live in places where they won’t be.
As Dan B points out the more immediate upshot will likely be “unleashing discrimination and emboldening attacks.”
Longer-term, if the SCOTUS buys into the social conservatives “biological sex” argument (i.e. your sex is determined at birth and can never be changed), that has scary implications for the gender marker on my passport and my Social Security info — trans people in the past have been outed when the Social Security Administration contacted their employers about “mismatches.” There’s a reason why the fundies are pushing is this, and it’s to out trans people, so that they can be identified and targeted for all the other legalized forms of discrimination. It’s quite literally part of their five-point plan to eradicate trans people from public life.
@Sister Golden Bear: One of the people on the Kitchen Table Cult podcast is a transperson still recovering from Quiverful. They moved to California partly because of the better atmosphere.
Even if we build a rural teen relocation program (and maybe we should) there are going to be people who need this kind of protection, everywhere.
TS (the original)
@Jesse: Nothing that humiliates trump is out of line – nothing that proves the 3rd wife wanted him for a green card is out of line. The GOP thinks anything they do is A OK – so why not have a late late post that highlights that.
I am so sick of democrats having to be the adults in the adulterated mess of this administration. I like to see them ridiculed because that is what is needed.
We tried dignified for years. It did not save us. I hate to be the wimp in the action movie who agrees it’s time for blowing things up real good… but I gotta be that wimp.
@Mary G:
Phucking Demons ? ?
@HumboldtBlue: Anne, unfortunately, no longer feels obligated to care about the truth on here.
@cokane: metaphor: a thing regarded as representative or symbolic of something else, especially something abstract.
Last tweet is a metaphor, and sadly a very accurate one as far as the GOP denying what we all see Drumpf doing in so many ways.
Good morning, everyone !
As I mentioned downstairs, essay perhaps of interest:
Have great day.
@satby: unfortunately Anne has made a habit of posting misleading tweets or other things on this blog. It’d be fine if there was just some quick line that it’s intended to be satirical or some such. Otherwise, you’re using the blog to mislead folks. As HW is also using his twitter account to do.
And “it’s not literally true but it’s funny” was a pretty common defense of saying Obama was born in Kenya by right wing idiots, for one example. Moreover, the metaphor doesn’t work. Trump hasn’t shit himself. He’s enriched himself and his family. And shit on the country.
@cokane: ok, so you don’t get it. Fine, but most of us aren’t at all misled. Drumpf does something, the GOP excuse it, the rest of us go WTF. Rinse, repeat. Fairly obvious metaphorical
picture to illustrate point.
I laughed, I cringed.
Fuck ’em.
@cokane: Yeah, and that Mike Luckovich cartoon in the post after this one shows Trump standing in the window of the White House waving a list of all his evil acts. Total fabrication and lie, he never did such a thing.
@satby: man people who say Drumpf over and over are as tedious as right wingers that said Obozo. You can check the replies on HW’s own tweet to understand that plenty of people believed it was a real image, even people that follow him.
and hilariously, just now checking his twitter account, HW is tweeting an easily debunked post about Ivanka Trump.
Again, you guys are tearing up the truth here.
Dude, you REALLY want to die on that hill? Defending Trump and his cabal?
Fuck them. Fuck them all to hell. They deserve to be ridiculed and worse.
@AxelFoley: I’m not defending trump. I’m defending the truth. It’s on you if you want to sacrifice your own integrity for the sake of a brief and meaningless “own” of trump
also “die on that hill”? lol, i’m just pointing out what’s factually accurate here. I’m sorry your desire for some ephemeral social media “victory” overrides your common sense.
multiple folks have responded to HW pointing out that Ivanka never deleted the tweet he alleges she deleted. He’s issued no correction to that fact. Brazenly lying about easily checkable facts isn’t a character trait of Trump we want to emulate. And we’re certainly not fucking him to hell by doing so.