Good morning from Winifred, who is seasonally appropriate because she looks like a pumpkin spice latte
— Jess Tholmer (@tholmz) October 6, 2019
Also seasonal:
Fox News does good, nonpartisan, unbiased polling, so there's no reason to expect their numbers on impeachment to be different than the other good polls, but can still imagine this one is going to cause a wee bit of anxiety in the White House.
— Nate Silver (@NateSilver538) October 9, 2019
New Fox News poll: Voters have moved 9 points toward impeach + remove since July
— G. Elliott Morris (@gelliottmorris) October 9, 2019
New Fox News poll: 48% of voters believe Trump is "getting what he deserves" with the impeachment inquiry.
— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) October 9, 2019
Daily reminder that 100% of Vladimir Putins approve of @realDonaldTrump's job performance #DonaldTrump
— Jeff Timmer (@jefftimmer) October 9, 2019
I just want to point out that it will all be blamed on Trump if we stop there.
Anne Laurie
@WereBear: Oh, I doubt Trump will go out without trying to take every other Repub with him… and in that single endeavor, I wish him much success.
@Anne Laurie: It’s like he invented Crabs in a Bucket!
@Anne Laurie: and thousands of people will be dead by the time it happens, not all of them in Syria.
I can’t bear to even look at the news at all.
Good morning all. Baud, if you’re lurking check in. We miss you.
What trump deserves is an eternity of cleaning out cesspools without protective clothing. So no, he;s not getting what he deserves.
@OzarkHillbilly: I’ve moved into the “hanging for treason” category, along with several high profile enablers. Enabling genocide for profit and a hostile foreign adversary while irreparably damaging to our allies and troops in the Midwest should qualify.
Absolutely. Aldrich Ames is serving life for less.
Ah, but are you at “then throw their bodies into a lava lake too” too?
Sorry, but this Autoincorrect messup is priceless.
Bruce K
@Anne Laurie: My worry is that it won’t be just the GOP that he takes down with him, but a whole lot of innocents besides. He strikes me as the sort to go scorched-earth Gotterdammerung. I just hope it doesn’t end up Downfall-bunker bad for the bystanders.
The GOP, the Southern-strategy voters, and their enablers deserve every bit of pain he’ll bring on them on his way down. The rest of America deserves better.
Isn’t it possible that people are out to get Trump AND he is still getting what he deserves? I mean, people should be out to get Trump — he’s a danger to the Republic.
Betty Cracker
Speaking of assholes getting exactly what they deserve:
Here’s hoping the deranged shitgibbon calls McConnell in the middle of the night in a Sudafed-snorting rage, bellowing about Mitt Romney and screeching about his hotel in Istanbul until the Senatortoise retreats completely into his shell.
Because we don’t have TV, I don’t get to watch many Cardinals games. If I want to see one I have to head for the stadium or stop off at the local Applebees. Which is what I did yesterday afternoon. I had planned to get there for the start of the game but ran a little late. I walk in, sit down at the bar, order a Sam Adams, look up at the TV and….
Braves -0
Cardinals -10
WTF? How did I miss half the damn game? Look again…
Flaherty is on the mound and it’s the bottom of the 1st inning.
@OzarkHillbilly: I had a previous obligation and had no idea until after seven. Ever since the Braves moved to Cobb county, I lost interest.
@Betty Cracker: Doesn’t matter since vampires don’t sleep at night anyway.
Amir Khalid
I concur.
NotMax has a problem with that.
@JPL: I watched till the middle of the 5th. Got the Missus some baby back ribs and headed back home, knowing as always that in baseball, it ain’t over till it’s over. I was a little surprised to see the score this morn was the same as when I left. I was expecting the Braves to put up at least a couple more runs but I guess that first inning just ripped their hearts out.
@OzarkHillbilly: It sucked. First time in playoff history a manager made a defensive change in the FIRST fucking inning.
@Amir Khalid: too late to fix now. Oh, well; you all know what I mean.
Being that “On The Road” is on hiatus…
I’ve been going though some of my old shots and updating them(some of them look really bad), here’s a Milky Way shot I took last year(I don’t think I ever completely processed it).
Good Morning,Everyone ???
@Raven: One for the record books.
Trump’s tax cuts helped billionaires pay less than the working class for first time
Economists calculate richest 400 families in US paid an average tax rate of 23% while the bottom half of households paid a rate of 24.2%
Amir Khalid
As I remember, quite a few jackals actually went there when the US killed Osama bin Laden and took his body. It had been reported that a Muslim US Navy officer attended to the rites so that OBL got a proper burial at sea; some quite lurid suggestions were made here for something more … retaliatory.
It wasn’t a side of the jackaltariat I enjoyed seeing. Jokes about desecrating the dead are beyond the pale to me. You’ve got a very legitimate beef with Trump and his enablers/sycophants. You don’t have a beef with anyone’s dead body.
I knew Flaherty had been all but unbeatable since the All Star game but damn, 10 runs over 15 games?
john not mccain
Hanging is far too merciful. I recommend looking to the history of England for something more appropriate. There are several methods that do not involve desecrating dead bodies.
@Amir Khalid:
Aamer Rahman on Bin Laden.
Amir Khalid
@john not mccain:
I hope these methods don’t involve torturing live ones either.
Gin & Tonic
@OzarkHillbilly: The later game turned out to have much more suspense. No spoilers just in case.
@Gin & Tonic: I already read about it. More suspense indeed. A good game.
A sternly worded letter.
I don’t want him hanged. I want him tried, convicted, and sentenced to the rest of his life in prison. His assets should be seized as well, but I am unsure how that could be legally achieved in addition to incarceration.
As a republic, we need to have a clear line drawn with an object lesson of those that have crossed it.
@germy: “So he had to get whacked. He sleeps with the fishes, don’t worry about it.”
Good morning, Jackals.
I see my strategy of going to bed at the end of the 8th inning last night WORKED, and the Nats are heading to the NLCS! How ‘bout them apples? =)
They’re rotten.
Another Scott
‘morning all. Fingers crossed for the people in Erdogan’s way. :-(
It’s not over until it’s over, but good, good.
And Donnie thought the Mueller Report was over…
@germy: Who wins the matchup between a sternly worded Joe Biden letter vs a trump tantrum tweet?
Republican tax cuts. No reason any republican senator should skate on this.
I know you only posted the article. I’m just venting.
@Amir Khalid:
I resemble that remark!
Matt McIrvin
@WereBear: I’m sure our progressive betters will find a way to pin it on Trump AND the Democratic National Committee.
What would your suggested action be against a media outlet?
@WereBear: the best crabs. The biggest bucket!
New Zealand hall of residence ‘pursued family for cash for storage of body’
Headline fixed to more accurately reflect reality.
Betty Cracker
@germy: It’s a great letter, and The Times’ mealy-mouthed excuses for publishing a Bannon-funded hack are very on brand. The Times has some truly excellent reporters and coverage, but the good it does is outweighed by the evil. I don’t understand why any Democrat would subscribe to that paper.
Chyron HR
@Matt McIrvin:
You think they’ll blame Trump? 12% of them VOTED for him.
Ohio Mom
I will be happy with life in prison for Trump. I am against the death penalty and I’m not making any exceptions.
Think about it. The first days, he’ll be detoxing from whatever it is he’s on. That won’t be fun.
He won’t be able to attend to his hair, anymore, ever, or keep up with his spray tans, or wear the shoe lifts. That’s going to hurt too, for someone as vain as he is.
No more double desserts, fast food, or the rest of his preferred diet, and the list goes on. He’ll be quite miserable for the rest of his life, and that idea satisfies me.
Though I wouldn’t be surprised if he came to an Epstein-type demise.
@trnc: I vent all the time about that shit, usually it’s some version of “KILL THE RICH!”
Chyron HR
They should be locked up in the secret House gulag by the Marshall of the Supreme Court, obviously.
First Giuliani and then Trump told us this publicly of course, but just imagine what they’re up to in these meetings.
Another one:
I used to think the NYTimes bizarre relationship with and coverage of this administration was perhaps based in their decades-long relationship with Donald Trump, but it’s probably not Trump – it’s Giuliani. How central Giuliani is to all of these makes a lot more sense. He’s the conduit.
@Ohio Mom:
What I want is public humiliation and eternal ignominy.
Ohio Mom
@trnc: As someone, somewhere pointed out, we have achieved the flat tax. By a back door, but we are essentially there.
My newish weekly ritual of a bone-strengthening pill, full glass of water and sit upright for thirty minutes before eating is over. Thank you all for making the wait for my coffee entertaining. I’ll be back later.
Rex Tillerson and Kelly (and everyone else in the room who heard it) did not turn Donald Trump in for trying to rig a criminal case to get Giuliani’s client off.
@Anne Laurie:
He is not Noble. If he’s going down, he’s taking everybody down with him ??
@Betty Cracker:
Promoting a Bannon funded hack who was just this week was outed as pulling whole chunks of his work from Wikipedia.
That’s the quality of the work- stuff that wouldn’t pass muster in a high school assignment.
Donald Trump is a walking quid pro quo.
satby,.I hear you ???
Hi Baud. Miss you ☹️☹️
Enabling genocide for profit….
That’s not a statement you see everyday.
Completely accurate, unfortunately.
@Kay: Sometimes it feels like Trump’s view of the presidency is pretty much the same as when a person with a cop friend asks him to “fix” his parking tickets. Petty and small.
@OzarkHillbilly: . damn ?.
First inning???
Your pictures remind me that there is still beauty out there.
Thanks ?
Yea, I read that response as all those idiots who have been indoctrinated by the GOP to believe that the government is all bad, separate from the people, and every politician is a lying liar. they are both fine with Dump getting ‘what he deserves’ but probably also fine with another round of Benghazi hearings, child prisons and throwing a bunch more people into Gitmo without due process. Everyone else is responsible and should suffer, not me and mine. or shorter GOP, “I got mine, fuck you”.
@Betty Cracker: And yet these same senators extract not a single thing of importance in exchange for their support. They are servile courtiers and the situation has gotten worse over time.
Betty Cracker
@Kay: Yep. The Times not only refuses to engage in any reflection on their catastrophic 2016 coverage, they’re doubling down in the most in-your-face way possible.
Every single person in that room knew Trump had just asked his subordinate, Tillerson, to break the law. None of them revealed it or reported it to law enforcement. Tillerson only told the public now because he was personally humiliated by Donald Trump and wants vengeance.
100% self interest. Everyone just looking out for number one and operating their own side hustle. And the insanely exaggerated self-regard that goes along with their petty and self-serving actions! Tillerson is the one whose wife told him God chose him to be in the Trump Administration. What they believe about themselves has NO connection to the reality. They’re horrible corrupt people who believe they are extremely honorable.
I genuinely have more respect for ordinary criminals. They don’t lie to themselves and pretend it’s anything but self-interest that drives them.
@rikyrah: Thanks, and you’re welcome.
Latest Democratic Party North Carolina polling:
2020 Delegates (@2020Delegates) Tweeted:
Here’s NC by race. Biden with a huge lead among blacks. Warren with 5 point lead with whites.
@Betty Cracker:
If you read the Trump coverage and the pro-Trump planted items and see Giuliani as the source it all makes a lot more sense, going all the way back to the “FBI clears Donald Trump” story they ran immediately prior to the election.
The Secretary of Exxon was chosen by Putin
I’d just like to cut to the chase at this point. Odds are Trump sacrificed those Kurds because of some sleazy Turkey business deals with his criminal co-conspirators. I mean, Jesus Christ. With Manafort and Giuliani what else do you need?
Dorothy A. Winsor
How long will it take Trump to decide the slaughter of the Kurds was Obama’s fault? Maybe HRC’s too. Around the same time, R members of congress will have finished making their shocked statements, send thoughts and prayers, and go back to whatever it is they spend their time on, since it’s clearly not legislating.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: He won’t. They’re not real people to him, and he wouldn’t give it another thought if all these other people didn’t keep annoying him about it.
I’m sorry but if you’re still considering this newspaper credible you’re crazy. It’s a racket. They’re writing books, selling books, promoting books- it’s all they do.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: It’s the Europeans fault, but Obama did the same thing
@Spanky: Trump doesn’t care about the Kurds, but I’m hoping he’ll notice Turkey’s (utter lack of) reaction to his macho posturing yesterday. Of course he won’t be able to admit that they have absolutely no respect for him, and that’s undoubtedly when we’ll find out that this is all Obama’s fault.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
That is some TV I’d enthusiastically watch. Some of those necks are so large as compared to the heads upon them, though, that I wonder if that sort of punishment is physically possible…
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
@Bruce K:
I’m a little concerned over the damage a lame-duck Trump (presuming he’s not removed by the senate but loses the election) could do by way of executive orders, treaty destruction, pardons, etc.
@Amir Khalid:
Thank you.
Betty Cracker
@Kay: It really does make a lot of sense.
He was the Secretary of Exxon. Chosen by Putin. Oversaw the dismantling of a functioning State Department. IN WHAT WORLD is he considered a GOOD GUY???
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: The three months between early November 2020 and late January 2021 would be horrifying. It’s hard to know whether there’d be more time spent on payback or grifting on an epic scale.
J R in WV
Confiscation of racketeering connected assets is pretty easy once all the illegal money laundering and tax dodges are recorded and out in public. From Wikipedia, “They have done this by enacting various anti-money laundering and forfeiture laws such as the RICO Act of 1970 and the US Patriot Act of 2001.” Would be so great to use the Patriot Act to strip Don Trump of every penny.
I would like to see Ivanka working at the jewelry counter at a J C Penney store in Hoboken, Eric working as a stocker at Aldi in downtown Newark, and Don Jr in the cell next to his dad.
@john not mccain:
Some truly horrific, eg, drawing and quartering
zhena gogolia
What do you want him to do, throw a Molotov cocktail through the office window?
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
@Amir Khalid:
Does providing calorie-limited, low sodium vegan meals to them through their detention count as torture?
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
The Boston Globe treatment from Handmaid’s Tale (only this time, for the purpose of good) comes to mind.
Can someone explain to this Mariners’ fan why people are talking about baseball when the season ended a week ago? It’s like there’s a “postseason” or something.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
@Chyron HR:
“After Trump, US!”
J R in WV
That one is pretty good. Is that a meteor in the lower left hand side?
I have an appointment to take at least one of the new puppies to the Vet this afternoon. The Appt is for both of them, but they aren’t really leash trained at all, so I’m seriously considering taking just the little girl, who is the most skittish of the two, but hwo needs spayed asap.
This morning I did manage to slip a harness on her, I got one in the little boy the other day. She kind of freezes up when I connect a leash to her collar, I’m hoping the harness doesn’t affect her the same way.
They’re still both skin and bones, after their week long foray into the deep woods. I saw them outside the front door, standing there as silent as could be, and wonder if they came around from time to time, but weren’t aware that they could bark or make any noise to get in.
They seem quite healthy, were farm yard puppies at a goat dairy and were served with their 7 siblings several gallons of milk and all the kibble they could eat, and were still growing up to be pretty rangy dogs. They’ve had vaccinations for distemper and parvo so far.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: Given the way they handled the first transition, one should be terrified by the prospect of them handling the 2nd.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Payback. It’s his sole motivator.
That would be Dante’s Third Circle, for the gluttonous. Obviously Trump is a candidate, but would surely be assigned to a lower circle for worse sins. Should he somehow not reach the Ninth (traitors), there are at least four of the bolgias of the Eighth (fraud) for which he qualifies.
Another Scott
@Kay: They’re trying to prepare everyone for the inevitable Throwing-Of-Rudy-Under-The-Bus to save Donnie’s skin. That’s all.
I don’t think it will work – Donnie won’t escape unscathed. They’re all up to the neck in the mess they’ve made.
My niece at end of 1st semester at prestige school missed a test. School at once notified her family and searched everywhere. There was special concern because a very popular student has just previously committed suicide and many students were extremely upset.
She was found quickly, and it apparently had little or no effect on her.
A text-book case of how to handle a missing student event.
20 questions from Hillary, September 14, 2016. Gonna go hit some stuff with an axe now.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
Bernie looks like shit.
Good. I want him out of this soon before he does any more damage. I don’t wish him a speedy recovery or recovery at all.
J R in WV
@Betty Cracker:
Oh, Betty, we’ve been over that. There are recipes you CANNOT get anywhere else. I’m particularly remembering that famous one for Guacamole with peas in!! Plus the BEST crosswords by Wil Short!!!
Who could give those up at this stage in the end of the world??
@ByRookorbyCrook: As the Lawyers Guns & Money blog periodically reminds us, many great people lie in rest on the confiscated lands of the traitor Robert E. Lee.
@J R in WV: What about Jared?
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: The horror…
@Zzyzx: There is a special place in heaven for Mariners and Cleveland Browns fans.
@Another Scott:
So… Mukasey didn’t know that his co-counsel was pressuring the President of the United States to drop a criminal prosecution to benefit their client? My goodness. One would think he would be furious that Guiliani went behind his back like that, given that he’s such an incredibly powerful and well-connected lawyer.
Trump’s crew is very NY-centric, too. All these fucking crooks come out of NYC.
man, biden’s response to all of this shit is the biggest political fumble job i’ve seen in years.
J R in WV
How about under a bridge with a curtain rod, a cardboard box, no sparrow…
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
Jared is selling vacation timeshares out of a boiler room in Orlando, and whining to the guy in the next cubicle about Ivanka hounding him for $400 a month in child support.
Uncle Cosmo
@john not mccain: A Dr. Guillotin for you on the bleu-blanc-rouge courtesy phone…
@Ladyraxterinok: When I was still in school, I went missing on innumerable occasions. Nobody noticed.
snif snif…
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
Trump and Barr being forced to eat nothing but that makes me giddy inside.
It’s just not a good campaign and it has to be. They won’t beat him like this. It’s not good enough. It actually worries me how they keep pointing to how he polls better than Trump. That’s not permission to do a lousy job. It’s a gift. They came in with it. They have to ADD to it.
Dorothy A. Winsor
Let me first stipulate that obviously sliming Biden is a bad thing. Asking foreign governments to help you do that so you can get re-elected is a bad thing. And it’s going to hurt Biden, even though there’s no substance to claims that the VP was dishonest. That’s also a bad thing.
But if Trump’s attempt to do that is what brings him and his crew down, I personally find it a fair trade. We have a lot of good candidates.
Uncle Cosmo
(cue Barry Manilow voice)
Uncle Cosmo
@Jeffro: Go Gnats! Reminiscent of 2018 Stanley Cup playoffs, when the Crapitals finally dropped the “r”…
@J R in WV: There’s a Whole Foods and a ShopRite* in downtown Newark, but the nearest Aldi’s I know of is in Bloomfield, about four blocks flom the end of the Newark City Subway.
Hoboken I’m really not familiar with.
*IMHO, if they really wanted to have a Rite of Shoppyng, they’d have Gregorian chants playing over the sound system and incense burning by the checkout counters…
And it’s fine to say Biden’s voters are older and not extremely online so that sort of campaign isn’t his thing, but there’s a whole huge chunk of the D Party that are not 65+ and I don’t really understand not even attempting to reach them. It’s just a weird thing to seem to say “well, we have OUR voters”. For now! This would be the time you would be broadening that. That is what this is about. Adding. Not holding.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
I’ll add – Trump, Miller, Bannon and Barr should be cellmates, all the way up to the final day. Unlimited alcohol, too, and the conversations and interactions streamed for an all-access pass, proceeds to pay down the deficit.
Gin & Tonic
@OzarkHillbilly: Maybe they can scoot over and leave a seat for this Knicks fan.
Uncle Cosmo
@Zzyzx: You’re late to the party. Orioles fans were asking the same thing by the All-Star break. :^(
Fair Economist
@satby: Trump is now giving aid and comfort to ISIS, so even if you are being a stickler about the definition of treason, he now qualifies.
Steeplejack (phone)
Not a prestige school, I guess.
Another Scott
@Uncle Cosmo: But, but, Popehat assures us that it’s (almost) never RICO. Especially not civil RICO.
Uncle Cosmo
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
A diet heavy in beans. A cell with poor ventilation.
@mrmoshpotato: Good morning from a Midwest ally (and former troop)!
zhena gogolia
Open thread, so
RIP, Mouseketeer Karen. (NYT link, so sue me)
MoCA Ace
@Amir Khalid:
What’s your stance on pissing on his grave?
Assuming I outlive the bastard and the fine is less than a couple grand I’m there.
Dorothy A. Winsor
A way to punish Trump’s goons for contempt of Congress?
The quote is from a post on KOS.
Gin & Tonic
WSJ alert on my phone tells me that Rudy’s Florida/Ukraine buddies Parnas and Fruman have been arrested.
Boy, I hope Rudy goes on TV to rant about this.
These are the two who assisted Giuliani in the election interference re: Biden! I think they are ON the Democrats witness list!
It’s just unbelievable how corrupt they are. Take what you know and multiply by 1000. This is ONE tiny corner of an extremely lumpy rug.
@Gin & Tonic:
I really wonder about Mueller. Did he just throw up his hands? “Too many crimes- must focus on this one”
They’ve arrested Parnas and Fruman (Giuliani’s buds in Ukraine caper), for campaign finance violations; illegal donors to Trump super PAC.
So does Tengu. So find me an active volcano in the Aleutian Islands I say.
And the crime spree continues. They have to hire prosecutors and investigators. That’s four countries – 5 if you add Italy, and you should.
Trump asked Tillerson to help Giuliani client with DOJ: Bloomberg
Nick Wadhams, national security reporter for Bloomberg, talks with Rachel Maddow about new reporting that Donald Trump asked his then-Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, to help a client of Rudy Giuliani, a Turkish national named Reza Zarrab, who was facing federal charges with the DOJ.
Cheryl Rofer
@Aleta: Parnas and Fruman seem to be connected with the Ukrainian Mob as well. Or maybe Russian. Hard to keep track.
@Kay: I think the Turks offered that the Khashoggi torture-murder tapes might never be seen or heard again, but they’d like a little favor in return…
@Aleta: correction: not definite what they’re charged with; they were supposedly donors to a Trump super PAC. Foreign nationals aren’t allowed to contribute. The press is just saying they were ‘foreign-born.’
Betty Cracker
Hahaha! Truth!
Charged w/ campaign finance violation.
Trump abandons U.S. counterterror partners to Turkish aggression
Rachel Maddow reports on the vital, central role Syrian Kurds played in the U.S. war against ISIS, and the shock and distress being expressed by U.S. military leaders as Donald Trump has revoked support from those allies ahead of an invasion by Turkey.
Trump Syria flip greenlights Turkey, Russia on Kurdish slaughter
Wendy Sherman, former U.S. undersecretary of state, talks with Rachel Maddow about expectations that Donald Trump’s change in Syria policy
Stay on this, Rachel.
Ill immigrant kids still in limbo despite Trump admin promises
Rachel Maddow relays reports that despite the Trump administration’s under-pressure reversal of its change in the medical deferred action program for seriously ill immigrant children, the families of those children have yet to hear that their cases are being processed.
Gin & Tonic
@Aleta: Hope they sing like canaries.
@Kay: To be fair to Mueller Fat Body in the DOJ is still sitting on the counter-intelligence report that Mueller’s team produced.
Perhaps Mueller could publicly advocate for its release to the Intelligence committees.
Betty Cracker
@Aleta: This could get really interesting. Those two clowns are represented by Giuliani (who has a novel strategy to drum up business — commit crimes with clients!), have hobnobbed with the Trump-spawn and have not only handed bags of cash to Trump-supporting PACs but also propped up FL Republicans, including Gov. DeSantis and Sen. Scott, according to The Miami Herald.
@oldgold: Yes he should do that.
Him and his clan deserve to be so shunned that only Ellen DeGeneres will go to baseball games with them.
@MoCA Ace: I’m totally with you on this. Never thought about just paying the fine and doing it in broad daylight but it does have a certain appeal.
@Betty Cracker: The roll-up has begun! Rudy’s gonna make one heck of an interesting fella in custody, methinks. I wonder if he’ll ‘sing’? (Magic 8-ball: “most definitely”)
Cole’s boycotting Wimbledon – again!
I wonder if Tulsi and Wilmer like fishing. They should give it a try for the next 13 months.
@Amir Khalid:
I agree. Bin Laden may have been a twisted individual (and someone we created) but when we talk about what desecration, I think we’re harming ourselves. Not that I care particularly about the mortal husk that is the individual.
OK, fuck this ad that appears at the bottom of my screen that takes 1/8 of the page. Seriously..
I’m guessing it was more explicit. Something along the lines of:
Get out of northern Syria, or we let the world know that you and your son in law are accessories to murder. And punctuated it with: and we can do it any time we want if you test us.
Gelfling 545
@satby: Apparently I make the same typos so often that autocorrect is now offering to make them for me.??♀️
@Amir Khalid: Fair point.
Another possibility is that he knew that if he told it back when it would be demagogued and he would be attacked and nothing would happen. But now.. in the middle of impeachment. It can be added to the articles of impeachment that can be followed up. If Tillerson did leak it, he would be able to show up and talk to Congress.
Gelfling 545
@Amir Khalid: I don’t want them dead. Just elsewhere. Actually I’d prefer to see them forced to live with their infamy.
Gin & Tonic
@mrmoshpotato: Hey, Wilmer can doing it from the fucking porch of the lakefront vacation house he bought after his last campaign.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
They can, but their allies won’t forget. When they get back into power, they will be hitting a shit show. They’ll end up making bonds with Russia as the only actor that will probably accept them – we will be their client state under these assholes.
Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony
@OzarkHillbilly: I was working from home, turned on the radio to listen to the game, and then the magic happened! What a first inning!
Anyone else thinking that Rudy’s “associates” were arrested so they could be Epstein-ed?
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
I’m not sure this is a healthy position to take at all. Perhaps you should take a break and reconsider this position.
Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony
After everything Trump has said and done, 37% think people are out to get Trump? Is the crazification factor increasing??
@cain: Did you do anything special for Vijayadashmi/ Dussra?
@Gelfling 545: All crammed into a nice 3b, 1bath condo in Norilsk. The twitter would be epic!
@Gin & Tonic: That’s some extreme lakefront.
@Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony:
I’m thinking it’s hard to admit you voted for a mobster, even with a mountain of evidence staring you in the face.
Gelfling 545
@chris: ?
@ByRookorbyCrook: At least, seizure of assets accrued from illegal actions, like taking emoluments for 3 years.
Amir Khalid
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
As long as the diet was nutritious and had enough calories, I’d be okay with that.
Chyron HR
As opposed to “Bernie is the Chosen One! America must die for denying Him!!”
Amir Khalid
@MoCA Ace:
Joke about it if you must. But resist the temptation to actually do it: it’s unhygienic.
@OzarkHillbilly: Yep, I know the feeling. I had to run a couple of errands after work, so at around 4:15 I checked my phone to see what the score was. I saw Cardinals 9 Braves 0 in the top of the 1st and said to myself “What the hell?” I tuned in just in time to hear Edman score the 10th run (he was down here in Double AA at the beginning of the season!). When I heard they took Carp out for defensive purposes in the bottom of the 1st I was surprised. That’s indeed one for the record books. I think the ending of the Sunday night game hurt Atlanta psychologically, and they just didn’t recover from it.