I’m just going to sum up this entire debate long before it ends:
The format is awful and the byproduct is candidates talking at a rate so fast, this is all just white noise.
The more words-per-minute, the less useful.
This is useless.
— The Hoarse Whisperer (@HoarseWisperer) October 16, 2019
The real winner of that debate was shorter debates with fewer people.
— The Hoarse Whisperer (@HoarseWisperer) October 16, 2019
Dumbest Moderation Decision of the Evening:
— Ragnarok Lobster (@eclecticbrotha) October 16, 2019
Wow, CNN really stuck the landing, didn't they? pic.twitter.com/kaIy7U421a
— Kevin M. Kruse (@KevinMKruse) October 16, 2019
Last question. On the #MeToo Anniversary. Is about whether or not the candidates are friends with conservatives.
— Fatima Goss Graves (@FGossGraves) October 16, 2019
Ask Trump the friend question. pic.twitter.com/qbPDc3Izdt
— Schooley (@Rschooley) October 16, 2019
if you take seriously Warren's claim that she personally read a 442 page report, rather than have staff summarize it, that would seem to imply she'd be a very bad executive with bad time use skills
— Matt Bruenig (@MattBruenig) October 16, 2019
(Bruenig deleted this tweet, but not quite soon enough… )
And a smart one at that!
— John Tehan (@johntehan) October 16, 2019
This is foolish. A report of this importance absolutely should be read by members of congress.
— Jacob (@JHead1984) October 16, 2019
— Zeddy (@Zeddary) October 16, 2019
"We can't have smart people actually reading important documents so they can be understood in their proper context so let's have four more years of Trump."
Bruenig, you've jumped the goddamned shark.
— An American Life (@anamericanlion) October 16, 2019
Let us take a moment to remember the California governor who signed abortion legalization, in the pre-Roe days, and also passed a far-reaching law to end the public carrying of guns: Ronald Reagan. #DemDebate
— Eric Kleefeld (@EricKleefeld) October 16, 2019
Jerzy Russian
Can someone kindly kick Mr. Matt Bruenig in the nuts? The only way we can make any progress is if stupidity like that is painful.
Glad I spent the night doing housework and shopping.
Awaiting the director’s cut, with the scene of the moderators having an oversized anvil dropped on them.
Major Major Major Major
The Bruenigs are both hectoring bores.
Joe Falco
All I want for Christmas is no more than 4 or 5 Democratic candidates left. And I guess Bernie can still be in it if his health will allow it.
@Joe Falco: So you want 4 or 5 Democratic candidates and Bernie? *scratches head*
Mary G
It was terrible. DNC needs to hire moderators whose living doesn’t depend on getting meaningless sound bites.
I think the futurist semi-fascist hugely over sized sets they build for these things are amusing, just to say something positive about the debate.
I also take grim satisfaction that I, and everyone else here, are right when we predict that 90 percent of the questions will be the same at every debate, some almost verbatim.
I’m still smiling about the big picture takeaway from the final question: for the two front runners, the only good Republican is a dead Republican.
Joe Falco
@mrmoshpotato: I just want fewer candidates. I don’t count Bernie among them because he’s not a Democrat. If he were to become the nominee tomorrow, fine, I’ll support him. As far as my preferences go at the moment, I’m still rooting for Warren. I’d really like to see a much more narrowed field at another debate so we can have an actual debate.
Sister Golden Bear
Watching my rights being taken away in real-time, yet again.
Judge Strikes Down Obamacare Protections For Trans Patients
It’s the same wingnut federal district judge in Texas who declared Obamacare unconstitutional last December, and I’m sure they’re trying to tee up this case as well for a Supreme Court ruling. Given the current justices — and given the tone of the arguments in the LGBT anti-job discrimination rights last week, , I’m nervous to say the least.
@jl: Lady Cracker noted that the set made Uncle Joe’s hair turn blue.
Sister Golden Bear
Note to Kleefeld: Reagan passed the “far-reaching law to end the public carrying of guns” because it was the Black Panthers carrying guns in public.
@Mary G: completely agree, maybe find some real fucking reporters asking real questions that aren’t being fed thru a goddamn network news director. I don’t mind tough honest questions that need more than a soundbite to answer.
RobertDSC-Mac Mini
Harris is still my favorite. Warren is after her and no one else.
@Joe Falco: But what if they wanted to play basketball with one sub per team?! :)
I agree. It’s a ridiculous shit show.
@piratedan: Fucking reporters would improve the ratings.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: OK, thanks. I though maybe Uncle Joe Biden was trying to appeal to blue haired little old lady vote.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: ” Fucking reporters would improve the ratings. ”
The candidates might show more respect for, and interest in them, as well. I sense a win-win idea here.
The way he was shouting at the end was blatant pandering to the hard of hearing vote.
@Mary G: Would be good to require certain topics be covered.
Need questions regularly on about climate change, pollution and environmental policy, housing shortage, role of money in politics and elections, transportation policy, influence of Wall Street on US economic policy (just as important as technology in recent job losses).
I think only one question on those over all the debates so far, and on others, none.
@Sister Golden Bear:
This was why I found Biden’s answer, when asked if he would support expanding the SC, so disheartening. “Look, everything’s fine the way it is, so no court-packing, you guys”.
@JWR: Sooooo the Russthuglicans stealing a Supreme Court seat is totally cool with Biden?
@Mandalay: Yeah, here’s a clip.
For the late night/west coast folk, here’s a preview of my Patreon(it’s actually live at https://www.patreon.com/BillinGlendaleCA) content:
John Revolta
@mrmoshpotato: I’m sure when McConnell rams through another SC judge next
year (an Election Year!) Joe will say it’s all just because of Trump.
@John Revolta: Like it couldn’t be possible that the Republicans don’t give a damn about the Constitution anymore?
@jl: Do little old ladies still have blue hair? Asking for a friend.
@mrmoshpotato: Yeah, pretty much. And as I’ve said before, I’m not up on all the plans for expanding the court, but as things stand, I see no other way out. (It’s been at 9 justices since like forever, right? Googling… since 1869? Damn!)
Anne Laurie
@Major Major Major Major:
But they make a very nice living off their particular ‘brand’!
(which AFAICT is ‘hectoring tradlife bores with a lot of hipster friends from their private-school youths.’)
@Sab: around where I’m at there are little old ladies sporting hair in colors that would make crayola happy.
@JWR: Yeah, it’s not like the country has grown since 1869.
Anne Laurie
@Sister Golden Bear:
Also, he was pro-choice because, in those days, it was assumed that it would be women of color & filthy hippy liberals getting those abortions. But I’m 90% sure Kleefeld *intended* his tweet as irony.
@Major Major Major Major: I understand that, from time to time, we must grapple with the void, in the cold brutality of nature and in the fathomless darkness of our own hearts, but I don’t understand why the powers that be grant newspaper inches to the vapid “hot takes” of people like the Bruenigs, for whom critical thinking is anathema and an idiotic contrarian zinger is gold.
@PJ: Because a lot of these editors who ostensibly have training are still dumb as hell, and those with a right-leaning axe to grind can use that to say “Well the media is liberal by default, so have all of your opinion makers be ‘conservative’. You know, for balance.”
And then there is also the case that some of these editors have axes to grind themselves.
Why should a multi-corporate organization that’s biased toward making profits and that profits in several ways from elections — selling campaign ads, news show ratings, talk show and comedy show ratings, election night ratings — be running the debates, picking the questions and questioners, setting the rhythm, and dividing that power up among themselves. It makes no sense, except in a bad way.
@Aleta: And then the organization will try to step back and lets the candidates and the electoral process take the blame for an inadequate debate.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
Breuning’s candidate (wilmer) doesn’t read at all.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
I told you Bernie wouldn’t let a little thing like a myocardial infarction keep him from the nearest camera.
Exactly. And I just read this on NBC, which is where I got the year:
Which is exactly what McConnell did with Gorsuch and Kavanaugh, and if those selections weren’t partisan political power grabs, if they’re not “politicians in robes”, then WTF does he think they are? And now that the Republicans have, for all intents “packed” the court, then somehow that’s where it should all end? Somehow, I don’t think so.
Chetan Murthy
@sukabi: I was going to get my hair dyed weirdly, but my hairdresser rolled his eyes. He is in his mid-sixties, and we are afraid of his eventual inevitable retirement. My husband gets angry every time I have a stupid hair idea:”You are going to make him retire in exasperation!” I hate my bangs, so I am going for E Warren haircut. That should be safe, sensible, and easily maintained.
@Chetan Murthy: Thank You. ;-)
I think the last question should have been, if you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be?
@Juju: Would you care to reconsider that? How about “If the moon were made of cheese, would you eat it?”
Amir Khalid
If I were a candidate, I’d answer with, “A rambutan tree. I like rambutans.” (American candidates can replace rambutan with their own favourite fruit.)
Omnes Omnibus
I don’t recall a single candidate with a law degree being in favor of expanding the Supreme Court.
Chyron HR
Why doesn’t the next Democratic president just mint a giant trillion-dollar novelty penny and appoint it to the Supreme Court?
@Chyron HR: Sheeeit, I’ll do the job for half the usual pay.
I was only able to watch about 15 minutes of it before my rising blood pressure made me turn it off. These debates are not helpful at all, in my opinion. Short, canned answers to unthoughtful questions. No one is really thinking on their feet, other than Warren and Castro, and are just mindlessly regurgitating rehearsed sound snippets. Pathetic.
Bobby Thomson
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
Truth. That’s one of the reasons he responded to Biden’s reasonable question about where you gonna come up with $30 trillion with bumper sticker platitudes.
Bobby Thomson
@Omnes Omnibus: I’m not running, but I am.
@Amir Khalid: I’ve often seen them but not sure what to do with them. Any suggestions?
On expanding the Court, my answer would be “I think it would be appropriate. Consider some of their recent decisions [here, name a couple]. It’s obvious that they’re badly overworked and making errors. Spreading out the load a bit would relieve the pressure.”
Of course I have the luxury of not actually being a candidate.
@Sab: Earl Warren? That seems odd.
She was, if anything, too prepared.
Amir Khalid
I’ve never had rambutans as anything but fresh fruit. But The Google tells me you can make jam out of them which goes well with meats, smoothies, and such. I suppose anything you can do with lychees you can also do with rambutans, whose flesh is very similar.
Another thing some like to do with rambutans is pose two of them together with a banana to make a very rude, NSFW still life. You probably won’t want to do that.
J R in WV
@RobertDSC-Mac Mini:
Me too. Or Warren, and Harris after her and no one else.
ETA remove not so smart quip about rambutan fruits.
@Amir Khalid: thanks! I’ll pick some up and see how I like them next time I’m at the right market. They’ve always looked a little intimidating so I never investigated, but knowing someone who loves them makes me curious.
Amir Khalid
@Chyron HR:
My guess: there’s always a chance, however unlikely, that the trillion-dollar coin might not do well at its Senate confirmation hearing.
Citizen Alan
How about a compromise? In lieu of increasing the size of the Court, we just send the Rape Justice to jail for all that perjury he committed over the years.