I honestly hope there’s no cover-up of Trump health issue, and ordinarily that would be my default assumption. But when @PressSec claims he is up and working every day at 6 AM it reminds me that she has zero credibility about, well, anything. https://t.co/1Uies2XTom
— Daniel W. Drezner (@dandrezner) November 17, 2019
“Oh, like sitting on the can for an hour or so furiously texting isn’t work?”
I personally subscribe to the theory that, after a bad news week, the Oval Office Occupant had a massive panic attack, complete with chest pain and shortness of breath. But since he’s a uniquely powerful fat old man — and since another 20202 candidate recently suffered ‘chest discomfort’ that turned out to be an actual myocardial infarction — he got hauled off to Walter Reed ASAP, just in case. Didn’t wanna gloat too soon last night, but since there’s no been no honest updates…
I’m sure this is nothing. I mean, all of the concerned people who were carefully investigating Hillary Clinton’s health are such honest brokers, so genuinely dedicated to the welfare of the Republic, that they’d be all over it if the President had a health problem. https://t.co/4YA4gfl3LO
— SecretMissionHat (@Popehat) November 17, 2019
Wait, she’s citing his dissociative rally rambling as evidence of *good* health? https://t.co/C0DcN2CH1g
— Schooley (@Rschooley) November 16, 2019
EVEN MORE: The President wouldn’t have to go to Walter Reed for “a few tests” unless it was significant — the White House Medical Unit is very well equipped and is located — wait for it — in the White House.
— Andrew Feinberg (@AndrewFeinberg) November 17, 2019
It may be a career suicide mission, but you really have no choice.
— Schooley (@Rschooley) November 16, 2019
Trump physicals are the only ones where the doctor ends up with a bad prognosis.
— Schooley (@Rschooley) November 17, 2019
Since-deleted tweet, which I found too good not to share:
Trump's at Walter Reed being seen by a proctologist even though Schiff said he could keep the boot.
That Grisham statement is straight-up North Korea. “The doctors asked Dear Leader to visit the hospital to impress them with his fulminous virility!! Evacuate all beta males – there’s a vigor outbreak at Walter Reed!”
— Anna Sproul-Latimer (@annasproul) November 17, 2019
if they start talking about his rigid throbbing health pounding the american economy into a state of euphoria you know he’s in bad shape
— kilgore trout has pringles turducken (@KT_So_It_Goes) November 17, 2019
Though I do not support him I do not wish the President ill health. I wish him good health and a long life until he passes in the distant future, at a ripe old age, surrounded by his family in prison.
— SecretMissionHat (@Popehat) November 17, 2019
The White House should release a picture of Trump holding up a printout of Sean Hannity's latest tweet to prove that he's still alive.
— Daily Trix (@DailyTrix) November 18, 2019
If Trump dies do we get Merrick Garland as his replacement?
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) November 17, 2019
Mass shooting in Fresno.
Oh, for fuck’s sake! If a 73-year-old overweight manchild who stuffs McDonald’s cheeseburgers into his face and couldn’t even be bothered to walk with other heads of state at the G7 is “almost superhuman,” what the fuck qualifies as “human” in Speedy Jeanine’s eyes?
Was she drunk when she said this? (It would be irresponsible not to speculate.)
Oh crap. Not again. Not so soon.
@SiubhanDuinne: Yeah. San Diego had one yesterday, with 5 dead.
I missed that one completely.
Ann Marie
Any possibility he is angling for a “resign due to illness, from working SO hard for this country” with an agreement not to prosecute? I hope not. Whether he’s removed from office by impeachment or election, I want him prospected–and ideally, I want him to spend what’s left of his useless life in prison, having to obey orders and with no access to Twitter.
Omnes Omnibus
@Ann Marie: With whom would such an agreement be negotiated?
@Omnes Omnibus: With the new Democratic president’s DOJ – duh. Dump will even throw in a bribe to sweeten the deal.
Mallard Filmore
@SiubhanDuinne: It was a suicide-murder, inside a house. Not a public spectacle like a at a school or store.
By this time next week the story will be that he not only performed surgery on himself but also that the doctors present are unanimous in saying they learned more from watching than in their entire med school years. And they are immediately nominating him for the Nobel prize in medicine.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Pompeo, maybe? Nixon sent his letter of resignation to Kissinger. Don’t know how the SoS would figure into any negotiating, but I’m sure the Dealmaker-in-Chief could come up with something.
I subscribe to the panic attack theory but I am wondering what exactly triggered it.
The ONLY thing that really gets him is any attack on his “wealth”. I think we are about to see something happen in that regard very soon.
@NotMax: Oh, no no no. He developed the surgery while he was performing it on himself.
And it was surgery on one of his shoulder blades. “He has superhuman flexibility!” cried Drunkass Jeanine.
@Mallard Filmore:
A suicide-murder that took out five people? Whatever the motive, it’s horrible and tragic.
Chetan Murthy
@Omnes Omnibus: One trust that Tish James knows where her bread is buttered.
@SiubhanDuinne: Doesn’t have to be only one murder to qualify as a murder-suicide.
My theory is that there was a flare-up severe enough to warrant going in for a full body hemorrhoidectomy.
@NotMax: Makes sense. We are talking about a giant ass after all.
Mallard Filmore
@SiubhanDuinne: The soon-to-be exwife, 3 kids, and the shooter man.
What if she’s not lying?
If so, just imagine how pathetically low-energy the rest of them must be! Sad!
@Repatriated: Sloths, slugs and snails. (Oh my!)
@mrmoshpotato: But sloths can be cute.
My Side of Town
I don’t know if anyone else is having to deal with this outfit called traindemocrats. they are making me start to think about supporting republicans. I gave some money to a candidate and they want half. Fuck them. Why are there leaches?
They are lying, because they are always lying.
Chetan Murthy
@My Side of Town: Hm. I don’t know anything about them, but if they’ve made enemies like this jamoke, they can’t be all bad:
It goes on from there being just as moronic.
I found nothing about them taking half the $$ of donations or whatever, but then, I always donate directly to candidates, so I wouldn’t know.
Dorothy A. Winsor
It’s possible this wasn’t a panic attack but a build up to a heart attack. People I knew in cardiac rehab had chest pains and tightness that faded when they went to have it checked out. But then at some point within the next few weeks, they had a heart attack. That wasn’t what mine was like, but symptoms vary.
We’re at sea, heading for Dakar.
My Side of Town
@Chetan Murthy: I was shocked when my actblue receipt showed they got half of what I thought was a direct donation. Then after a series of donates, tonight, I get 15 emails from them asking me to donate. Who are these people anyway? They are driving me away.
My Side of Town
@My Side of Town: This outfit, traindemocrats, whoever they are seem more interested in alienating me than anything else. Well they have succeeded, so I suspect it is Russian’s bots.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Senegal? Wow! What is the cruise’s itinerary?
My Side of Town
@My Side of Town: I am not donating any more money until actblue issues a statement or reply to me about why some of my money went to traindemocrats without my authorization.
@SiubhanDuinne: Nasty divorce, restraining order against the ex-husband issued yesterday. He shot his wife, all four of their kids, and himself. Last I heard the oldest boy was still alive but undergoing surgery.
@My Side of Town: Don’t give money to organizations, give it directly to your candidates of choice and ignore the others with their hands out.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@My Side of Town: Looks like the org itself trains candidates and campaign staff. They use consultants for fundraising, at least one of which has been coming under fire for their methods.
Might want to check with the candidate about the funds split.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@opiejeanne: I might be reading this wrong, but I think they tried to donate directly to the candidate via ActBlue, and that donation ended up split between the candidate and the org.
@Omnes Omnibus: President Pence, just like the deal Nixon made with Ford.
Shall we laugh a good bwhahhahahah?
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism: Oh. I didn’t catch that. I donate straight to the candidate and bypass groups like that.
@opiejeanne: When I heard about it I suspected such a scenario. One holiday season on Long Island we had THREE in two weeks, though those were just the husband killing the ex-wife and then himself. The kids make it a whole new dimension of horrible.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@eclare: From Senegal, we set out across the Atlantic to Brazil, Uraguay, and Argentina. I fly home from Buenos Aires on December 5, I think. Maybe Dec 4.
@Ann Marie:
people worry that he’ll duck out and the GOP will rally around some ‘the witch hunt got to him’ talking point, but that will never happen. trump will never leave office willingly and he’d never admit to any sort of physical or mental fault. in his mind he’s as superhuman as these schmucks say he is.
this big, burly doctor, real tough guy, walks up. tears rolling down his face. he says sir, sir, they won’t let us perform that kind of surgery cause it’s too tough, nobody could do it!
@NotMax: No no no. The Commander-in-Chief is too busy running the Best Economy In History™ and making it possible for us all to have a nice weekend (h/t Lou Dobbs) to do anything as mundane as surgery, much less take the time to recover from it.
What happened was much simpler: Jesus appeared and miraculously healed him. (Trump has him on speed dial.)
But seriously folks (and don’t forget to tip your server), why has this story suddenly sunk out of sight … everywhere? There was an initial spate of stories, a few follow-up details, and then … crickets. Where are the stories about similar incidents in the past? About the Still Unanswered Questions and the Cloud That Hangs Over The White House? About them stonewalling inquiries?
I don’t wanna get all conspiracy theory here, but there certainly does seem to be a dog not barking.
J R in WV
deleted. Don’t know how to delete a comment yet.
J R in WV
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism:
I find that ActBlue is very responsive, and if your donation didn’t go as you desired, they will fix that if you contact them. Try that, and let us know how it went. We’ve donated to a lot of candidates via ActBue and never had an issue like that.
I too would be upset if half of my donation went to some outfit not clearly identified as “going to receive part of this money” UP FRONT at the time of donation. I would be inclined to contact my credit card outfit to stop payment first, if ActBlue was not responsive.
I would think that ActBlue would protect their integrity rather than endanger their ability to coordinate contributions among progressives. We DO NOT contribute to committees, because when you do that you completely lose control of where you money goes.
ETA fix typos.