This is like some horrible existential torture — every time I have a few minutes free and could watch uninterrupted, it’s Nunes!
New GOP defense: we can’t get to the heart of this until A$AP Rocky testifies.
zhena gogolia
Side note — it’s back to the thing where my comment doesn’t appear to me unless I close the site, open it again, go to the bottom, and refresh.
@debit: How loudly will Gym Jordan scream his questions?
Sondland after lunch
Like BJ after dark, but with less drinking, funny times, pleasant conversation, and someone invited fucking Republicans, who ate all the shrimp, shat in the plants by the door, and didn’t bother to eat some gum to hide the garlic on their breath.
@Martin: Predicting it now: A$AP Rocky is the whistle blower! I’d laugh at how insane that would be, but we’re in this timeline so…
I swear that guy could show up as an infomercial waterbed salesman and fit right in. “Be one of the first ten callers and we’ll throw in this comforter. Just look at those spangles!”
Republicans all know who the whistleblower is. What’s more, a couple of years ago they had a minor run-in with this person on an unrelated issue. Since then, they’ve compiled a 40-page dossier on the whistleblower and they’re practically bursting with impatience to unload it all over Fox News. As you can imagine, there’s nothing of real substance in this dossier, but they figure there’s enough smoke and smears to distract attention from Donald Trump’s crimes for a while.
What never, ever works is if you follow a few “reply” buttons and try to get back to where you were using the back button.
This is like torture for me too.
I’m a HS teacher and have the kiddos doing independent research so I can look in here when I’m not walking around looking over their shoulders to keep them on task. But I can’t stream the hearing and the school filters block twitter. So I’m only getting 10%. Will have to watch Maddow tonight I guess.
So, is this enough pizzazz?
@trollhattan: A shittier version of Billy Mays (RIP).
Yes, Jim Jordan is YELLING. Really, really yelling. How, unexpected.
I was all excited until I mentioned it to a colleague who said she was just in a doctor’s waiting room (deep-blue CT) yesterday and everyone there was sharing their undying support for Drumpf.
@Kent: Maddow is moderating the debate tonight. She won’t be on.
Bet you’re wishing you taught PE now and could just tell them to run laps for an hour.
@JWR:Yes, Jim Jordan is YELLING. Really, really yelling. How, unexpected.
Is he doing the yelling and ask rapid fire questions thing that he did last week? The way to handle someone like that if you are the witness is to take a breath, pause, and contemplate before answering each question, and then answer s l o w l y. Totally throws them off and makes them look dickish. In my previous life I was a witness in various trials and that’s how you handle asshole lawyers to do the rapid fire questioning.
@debit: Will Gym tear off his shirt as well? “Me! Hulk!”
@Martin: PE is way worse because you are standing all period in a gym with a whistle and no computer. Boring as hell.
Adam L Silverman
@zhena gogolia: They’re still working the bugs out on the commenting issues. I’ve provided several heads up over the past day or so.
@zhena gogolia: Well, we already know T-groupies are sick and it may be a sign of how things are shaping up that they too are being driven to show up in Dr’s offices.
Watch for a soon-forthcoming counter-attack by the Admin/GOP on a different front – Barr’s IG report on alleged FISA abuses and the allegedly corrupt origins of the democratic-initiated Russia probe. They are really left at this point with nothing but throwing up as much confusing, distracting chaff as they can to throw media attention off of the Shiff-led House hearings, centered around selling the notion that the Dems have been trying to falsely frame Trump from the get-go. Of course, their core base will quickly and eagerly buy into this meme, but the other goal is to confuse the rest of the public outside the core D base into at least a state of muddled both-siderism where both sides are seen as too cynically corrupt to believe, so why bother.
My girlfriend believes the yellow tie makes his hair look less gray and more blond. It’s to make him look more virile. Same with the no-jacket look, I think. He believes he looks more macho, ready to throw down and do a little wrasslin’.
He’s a sham. I bet he smells of coffee breath and Axe body wash.
@zhena gogolia: What never, ever works is if you follow a few “reply” buttons and try to get back to where you were using the back button.
Thankfully, I’ve yet to encounter that behavior. Sounds awful! But truth be told, if you had only one blog to read, it would still be this one, blemishes and all, wouldn’t it? ;)
@MattF: My guess is that the minor run in was in regard to Nunes’ obsession as HPSCI chair during the Obama administration, which was his attempt to relocate our overseas Signals Intel base from England to land owned by his family and his family’s friends in the Azores.
which is hilarious, cause the horse is waaaay out of the barn at this point.
Adam L Silverman
@mrmoshpotato: The dude is about 5’4 and weighs, maybe, 120 lbs soaking wet. He wrestled at THE Ohio State, which is his claim to fame, in either the 98 or 110 lbs weight classes. He’s itty bitty.
Man, this guy has a really repulsive affect.
Chetan Murthy
@zhena gogolia: What never, ever works is if you follow a few “reply” buttons and try to get back to where you were using the back button.
I believe this is connected to the # and/or size of tweets/images in the OP. I believe that the browser’s algorithm for determining how far down to scroll, is based on computing displayed-content-height in a way that doesn’t account for the height of tweets/images (or doesn’t account properly, or at least, not always). So for OPs with very few or no tweets/images (like this one, heh), the “return to where you were last” (or “refresh”) works great. In OPs with massive numbers of ’em, you’re always scrolling down to the last comment you were reading …..
New GOP talking point
observable reality does not exist unless someone else tells you about it
zhena gogolia
Sondland is being a lot slipperier in the questioning now.
Adam L Silverman
@West of the Rockies: The no jacket, top button unbuttoned, and tie not done up all the way with his sleeves rolled up his way of trying to physically communicate that he’s just a regular working class guy forced to work with a bunch of elites and he’s not fully conforming to their elitist dress code.
Haha Schiff: “My colleagues think unless the President said, I’m bribing you…” I’m glad Schiff is calling them out for this stupidity.
They are really left at this point with nothing but throwing up as much confusing, distracting chaff as they can to throw media attention off of the Shiff-led House hearings
It’s not going to work. The thing that makes the hearings so good is that the media just has to be there and repeat stuff, and they’re going on all day, day after day. It’s the easiest reporting they’re ever likely to do: somebody else is doing all the work and they just have to repeat it. Trying to distract the media from that is like parking your food truck outside an all-you-can-eat buffet after the people you’re trying to entice have already paid and gone through the line.
@Kent: The way to handle someone like that if you are the witness is to take a breath, pause, and contemplate before answering each question, and then answer s l o w l y.
I think Sondland has been handling him fairly well, and you’re right about how it throws them off. Liddle’ Jimmy Jordan is left panting as he furiously checks his notes.
@Kent: My theory on the Shiatgibbon and wars is that he’s too much of a craven physical coward to start one. Also, everything revolves getting people to visit his golf courses and hotels, and even he knows that people don’t go to such places in a war zone.
Oh. LOL. Thanks. I completely forgot about that guy. Wasn’t he the one Trump was trying to help to burnish his bonafides with African Americans? And he’s a total scumbag?
@zhena gogolia: Yes, horrible. Terrible luck. How about those Powerball numbers? ?
zhena gogolia
He’s equating the president intimidating witnesses with private citizens boycotting Sondland’s businesses.
Conaway: Wah wah wah, Sondland’s hotels are being picketed.
Right? Especially about politics. Nobody wants to be there and wants to get out as quickly as possible. Like an elevator. I guess I might talk to somebody I know if I saw them in my doctor’s waiting room. But that’s basically it
@Adam L Silverman: The dude is about 5’4 and weighs, maybe, 120 lbs soaking wet.
Wow! No kidding? Not a big deal, but it’s always interesting to envision a person being 6’2″ (not referring to Jordan) only to find they’re itty bitty.
@chopper: Russthuglicans: Horses and barns don’t exist!
Jackie Speirs gets applause when she says “The President of the United States gets five Pinocchios on a daily basis” in response to nonsense from Rep. Conaway of Texas.
Adam L Silverman
@Sab: Wikileaks? See if they have some emails while you’re poking around in there.
Jackie Speier! (Much applause for name-dropping the Liar In Chief.)
Let’s see if I’ve got this defense right. I am not “boycotting” Sondland’s hotels although my not having patronized them might cause you to reach a presumption that I’m boycotting them. No one specifically directed me to boycott them in those precise words, so isn’t it impossible that I even could be boycotting them?
Conaway: Wah wah wah, Sondland’s hotels are being picketed.
Worse than that. They are becoming radioactive. We live in the Portland metro area and my wife’s employer is one of the biggest hospital chains in the region. They typically make use of the Heathman and one of the other Sondland hotels to put up out of town visiting guests and also doctors they are recruiting. We actually stayed there a few years back when she is being recruited. But no more. They are deliberately using other hotel chains now just to avoid the political taint of appearing partisan in this liberal town. I expect many other businesses are doing the same. And business travel is their bread and butter. Gotta think it is going to really sap their business, especially as we aren’t in tourist season.
A thing that really irks me is the constant question posed to all the witnesses
Are you aware of the president’s attitude towards foreign aid?
How is that relevant? It is the prerogative of congress to decide who gets foreign aid, how much, and under what circumstances. While the president can veto the appropriations bill, once it is signed and passes into law he can’t rewrite it according to his whims
Chris Stewart from Utah is convinced that the Libs just can’t see the world through his worldly vision. Oh, and words mean different things to different people.
@Kent: I presume you have a cell phone? Mini computer in your hand.
@Adam L Silverman: At OSU he coached wrestling. Did not compete at OSU.
@Adam L Silverman: The last time I wrestled my cousin the retired Green Beret CSM in the yard we were in high school. I had about 30 lbs and 6 inches on him. I ended up with a concussion. Lord only knows what he could do now.
@sukabi: @Kent: I presume you have a cell phone? Mini computer in your hand.
Yes, of course. But the school is on the edge of town behind a hill in kind of a cell phone tower dead zone. So if you want your phone to work you have to connect to the school’s guest WiFi and boom….all the school filters kick in.
Plus, it’s pretty poor form for a teacher to stand around with their nose in their phone when student’s aren’t supposed to have their own phones out. Typing on your computer makes it look like you are actually working.
That’s a really big fella sitting behind Congressman Stewart.
zhena gogolia
Luckily I have to go to class now that my least favorite person is up, Stefanik. She makes me even sicker than the rest because she clearly knows better.
@Roger Moore: That’s a really good point. The media has really exciting stuff being produced directly for them for free. It doesn’t get any better than this, from their perspective. No way you distract them from it without something really, really good (or really, really bad).
Luckily I have to go to class now that my least favorite person is up, Stefanik. She makes me even sicker than the rest because she clearly knows better.
Something about being in the GOP just causes brain bleed. They all get it eventually. Too much cognitive dissonance I guess. The smart ones learn to fake it but eventually the faking it all the time seeps into their brain and eventually they aren’t. Kind of like what watching Fox News 24/7 does to the elderly brain.
@Kent: Bad form for a teacher to walk around with one earphone in? ?
Is he doing the yelling and ask rapid fire questions thing that he did last week? The way to handle someone like that if you are the witness is to take a breath, pause, and contemplate before answering each question, and then answer s l o w l y. Totally throws them off and makes them look dickish. In my previous life I was a witness in various trials and that’s how you handle asshole lawyers to do the rapid fire questioning.
That’s actually great advice for any witness with any lawyer. One lawyer trick for cross examining witnesses is to try to get the witness into a rhythm of answering questions quickly, not necessarily by going rapid fire, but by asking yes-no questions or other questions that need only short answers and not really pausing between questions. The idea is to get the witness not to stop and think about what answer fits best with the narrative the witness wants but to just answer it honestly. Essentially it’s like the lawyer and the witness are having a conversation, and that’s rarely good for the witness if the lawyer is on the other side.
The thing is, this has always been obvious. The people who expected the media to ignore impeachment proceedings because they wanted to protect Trump just don’t understand how this stuff works. The media may love Trump, but they love him because he’s an endless source of easy stories. But impeachment is an even better source of free stories, so they were never going to ignore it.
Every time someone says pizazz I want to say AH CHA CHA CHA for some inexplicable reason.
Yikes, that means you’re coming down with Jimmy Durante Syndrome. Seek help immediately before you go full Calabash!
Rep. Heck (to Sondland): Why are all these others guys too scared to sit before our committee?
@mrmoshpotato: I thought Heck’s comments were excellent. About why the Sondland family emigrated here, how Sondland built a successful business, and about the idea of patriotism.
And why don’t all these yucks who were born in this country, as citizens — Trump’s cronies — feel the same?
So now they are back to the “there was no crime because it didn’t succeed” defense. Sheesh. That’s like claiming the kidnapping didn’t occur because the ransom didn’t get paid. Or the bank robbery didn’t occur because the criminals got caught before they made it out of the bank. Idiots.
@Steeplejack (phone): A prison camp where sexual assault is ignored, and he’s literally Colonel Klink
I’m a HS teacher and have the kiddos doing independent research so I can look in here when I’m not walking around looking over their shoulders to keep them on task.
I’m in the exact same situation, only it’s middle school.
But impeachment is an even better source of free stories, so they were never going to ignore it.
The media ignores better sources of free stories in favor of whatever their favorite narrative is all the time. Witness the whole 2016 election. Could there be anything more dull than Emails? But they went on and on and on with it, because being catty at Hillary is what they personally cared about.
The media will lose interest in hearings, and lose interest fast. The Democrats are doing damned well packing the period while it’s still fresh and new with exciting stuff. Good for them.
I strongly wonder what will happen with the polls. As much fun as these hearings are for us, as much as they may seem all-powerful to congressmen, I suspect they won’t change public opinion. I’m not at all sure on this one, though. What really hit public opinion was that ‘transcript’, and there’s no taking it back now.
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: He wrestled at Wisconsin. He was an assistant coach at OSU.
mad citizen
@Kent: Like Patty Hearst wasn’t kidnapped because she eventually sided with her captors. If we can somehow get the Dude in to testify about the Lebowski kidnapping, that might add some pizzazz.
Was wondering, when we get to the end of the questioners, why do we run out of Republicans? Do they not have enough to show up, or do they farm it all out to Nunes and Genius Gym Jordan?
@Omnes Omnibus: If Wisconsin wants to claim him, as an Ohioan, I am cheering you guys on.
Sondland says he resents being driven to say that Trump would benefit from an investigation of the Bidens and Mahoney is having none of it — reminds Sondland how many times he revised his testimony before reaching the current state of “candour”.
Way too complex a subject to go into why it is not quite so cut and dry* in this space. If you find time to wade through it, this .pdf file could be helpful (even though it is from 30 years ago) in laying out some of the history of the push-pull regarding classes of foreign aid between the legislative and the executive in a (relatively) modern context.
*Although there is no defense for, as you put it, whim. Nor for using it as a cudgel in contravention of legislative intent.
@NotMax: Yes I thought of that, but at the end it seems like there are 4 to 7 Ds in a row–maybe they’re all sharing the 5 minute increments? Maybe the Rs simply didn’t want to participate so as to be complicit? Just let their Designated A-holes handle it.
How loudly will Gym Jordan scream his questions?
zhena gogolia
This is like some horrible existential torture — every time I have a few minutes free and could watch uninterrupted, it’s Nunes!
New GOP defense: we can’t get to the heart of this until A$AP Rocky testifies.
zhena gogolia
Side note — it’s back to the thing where my comment doesn’t appear to me unless I close the site, open it again, go to the bottom, and refresh.
Like BJ after dark, but with less drinking, funny times, pleasant conversation, and someone invited fucking Republicans, who ate all the shrimp, shat in the plants by the door, and didn’t bother to eat some gum to hide the garlic on their breath.
@Martin: Predicting it now: A$AP Rocky is the whistle blower! I’d laugh at how insane that would be, but we’re in this timeline so…
Same here. I’ve been searching for a pattern that isn’t there.
ETA: and all of a sudden, it’s fixed. Refresh/Posting brought me back to this here comment.
@zhena gogolia:
I swear that guy could show up as an infomercial waterbed salesman and fit right in. “Be one of the first ten callers and we’ll throw in this comforter. Just look at those spangles!”
Kevin Drum explains why Rs are obsessed with the whistleblower:
zhena gogolia
Yes, it works intermittently.
What never, ever works is if you follow a few “reply” buttons and try to get back to where you were using the back button.
This is like torture for me too.
I’m a HS teacher and have the kiddos doing independent research so I can look in here when I’m not walking around looking over their shoulders to keep them on task. But I can’t stream the hearing and the school filters block twitter. So I’m only getting 10%. Will have to watch Maddow tonight I guess.
So, is this enough pizzazz?
@trollhattan: A shittier version of Billy Mays (RIP).
Yes, Jim Jordan is YELLING. Really, really yelling. How, unexpected.
zhena gogolia
I was all excited until I mentioned it to a colleague who said she was just in a doctor’s waiting room (deep-blue CT) yesterday and everyone there was sharing their undying support for Drumpf.
@Kent: Maddow is moderating the debate tonight. She won’t be on.
Bet you’re wishing you taught PE now and could just tell them to run laps for an hour.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I haven’t been following the hearings because of classes, but who’s ASAP Rocky? The whistleblower? Trump?
@zhena gogolia: You’re too affected by anecdotes.
Is he doing the yelling and ask rapid fire questions thing that he did last week? The way to handle someone like that if you are the witness is to take a breath, pause, and contemplate before answering each question, and then answer s l o w l y. Totally throws them off and makes them look dickish. In my previous life I was a witness in various trials and that’s how you handle asshole lawyers to do the rapid fire questioning.
Adam L Silverman
zhena gogolia
haha, true.
Adam L Silverman
@zhena gogolia: You know what you did!
@debit: Will Gym tear off his shirt as well? “Me! Hulk!”
@Martin: PE is way worse because you are standing all period in a gym with a whistle and no computer. Boring as hell.
Adam L Silverman
@zhena gogolia: They’re still working the bugs out on the commenting issues. I’ve provided several heads up over the past day or so.
@zhena gogolia: Well, we already know T-groupies are sick and it may be a sign of how things are shaping up that they too are being driven to show up in Dr’s offices.
Watch for a soon-forthcoming counter-attack by the Admin/GOP on a different front – Barr’s IG report on alleged FISA abuses and the allegedly corrupt origins of the democratic-initiated Russia probe. They are really left at this point with nothing but throwing up as much confusing, distracting chaff as they can to throw media attention off of the Shiff-led House hearings, centered around selling the notion that the Dems have been trying to falsely frame Trump from the get-go. Of course, their core base will quickly and eagerly buy into this meme, but the other goal is to confuse the rest of the public outside the core D base into at least a state of muddled both-siderism where both sides are seen as too cynically corrupt to believe, so why bother.
@zhena gogolia: Not sure if you saw this downstairs.
They are probably there for the first half of their physical.
@Martin: I think eventually they’ll just start screaming, “FUCK YOU! HE’S PRESIDENT! FUCK YOU!!!!”
West of the Rockies
My girlfriend believes the yellow tie makes his hair look less gray and more blond. It’s to make him look more virile. Same with the no-jacket look, I think. He believes he looks more macho, ready to throw down and do a little wrasslin’.
He’s a sham. I bet he smells of coffee breath and Axe body wash.
My fear is that Trump is going to start a wag-the-dog style war just as a distraction. Seriously.
@Leto: Sorry. Too crazy. Back to the writers’ room with you.
zhena gogolia
A cardiologist, no less.
There shouldn’t even be a debate.
Should be all about Dolt45 and his criminality
@zhena gogolia: What never, ever works is if you follow a few “reply” buttons and try to get back to where you were using the back button.
Thankfully, I’ve yet to encounter that behavior. Sounds awful! But truth be told, if you had only one blog to read, it would still be this one, blemishes and all, wouldn’t it? ;)
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
ASAP is a rapper who was jailed in Norway
zhena gogolia
I didn’t. It’s horrible, isn’t it?
Adam L Silverman
@MattF: My guess is that the minor run in was in regard to Nunes’ obsession as HPSCI chair during the Obama administration, which was his attempt to relocate our overseas Signals Intel base from England to land owned by his family and his family’s friends in the Azores.
the volume control is in the jacket pocket! FUUUUCK
@Leto: For only a dollar a day, you can help a jacketless Jim Jordan in need.
which is hilarious, cause the horse is waaaay out of the barn at this point.
Adam L Silverman
@mrmoshpotato: The dude is about 5’4 and weighs, maybe, 120 lbs soaking wet. He wrestled at THE Ohio State, which is his claim to fame, in either the 98 or 110 lbs weight classes. He’s itty bitty.
Man, this guy has a really repulsive affect.
Chetan Murthy
I believe this is connected to the # and/or size of tweets/images in the OP. I believe that the browser’s algorithm for determining how far down to scroll, is based on computing displayed-content-height in a way that doesn’t account for the height of tweets/images (or doesn’t account properly, or at least, not always). So for OPs with very few or no tweets/images (like this one, heh), the “return to where you were last” (or “refresh”) works great. In OPs with massive numbers of ’em, you’re always scrolling down to the last comment you were reading …..
New GOP talking point
observable reality does not exist unless someone else tells you about it
zhena gogolia
Sondland is being a lot slipperier in the questioning now.
Adam L Silverman
@West of the Rockies: The no jacket, top button unbuttoned, and tie not done up all the way with his sleeves rolled up his way of trying to physically communicate that he’s just a regular working class guy forced to work with a bunch of elites and he’s not fully conforming to their elitist dress code.
Haha Schiff: “My colleagues think unless the President said, I’m bribing you…” I’m glad Schiff is calling them out for this stupidity.
West of the Rockies
Cut to a barefoot Jordan standing in the dirt, a dazed look on his face, flies buzzing around his crotch.
Roger Moore
It’s not going to work. The thing that makes the hearings so good is that the media just has to be there and repeat stuff, and they’re going on all day, day after day. It’s the easiest reporting they’re ever likely to do: somebody else is doing all the work and they just have to repeat it. Trying to distract the media from that is like parking your food truck outside an all-you-can-eat buffet after the people you’re trying to entice have already paid and gone through the line.
I think Sondland has been handling him fairly well, and you’re right about how it throws them off. Liddle’ Jimmy Jordan is left panting as he furiously checks his notes.
@zhena gogolia:
Who talks to other patients in a doctor’s waiting room? ?
West of the Rockies
Standard yard talk… “What are you in for?”
@Kent: My theory on the Shiatgibbon and wars is that he’s too much of a craven physical coward to start one. Also, everything revolves getting people to visit his golf courses and hotels, and even he knows that people don’t go to such places in a war zone.
I thought that other people telling you about stuff was “hearsay.” That’s what the Russian troll lawyers on Twitter keep saying. ?
Oh, Republicans are now claiming the whistle blower isn’t guaranteed anonymity? Cool, cool, cool cool cool.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Oh. LOL. Thanks. I completely forgot about that guy. Wasn’t he the one Trump was trying to help to burnish his bonafides with African Americans? And he’s a total scumbag?
@zhena gogolia: Yes, horrible. Terrible luck. How about those Powerball numbers? ?
zhena gogolia
He’s equating the president intimidating witnesses with private citizens boycotting Sondland’s businesses.
Conaway: Wah wah wah, Sondland’s hotels are being picketed.
Mary G
Letters to the editor?
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Right? Especially about politics. Nobody wants to be there and wants to get out as quickly as possible. Like an elevator. I guess I might talk to somebody I know if I saw them in my doctor’s waiting room. But that’s basically it
Wow! No kidding? Not a big deal, but it’s always interesting to envision a person being 6’2″ (not referring to Jordan) only to find they’re itty bitty.
@chopper: Russthuglicans: Horses and barns don’t exist!
@Adam L Silverman: Wikileaks says 134 lb weight class.
zhena gogolia
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
You don’t know swamp yankees.
Adam L Silverman
Cheryl Rofer
Jackie Speirs gets applause when she says “The President of the United States gets five Pinocchios on a daily basis” in response to nonsense from Rep. Conaway of Texas.
Adam L Silverman
@Sab: Wikileaks? See if they have some emails while you’re poking around in there.
Jackie Speier! (Much applause for name-dropping the Liar In Chief.)
Let’s see if I’ve got this defense right. I am not “boycotting” Sondland’s hotels although my not having patronized them might cause you to reach a presumption that I’m boycotting them. No one specifically directed me to boycott them in those precise words, so isn’t it impossible that I even could be boycotting them?
@zhena gogolia: Get a new Doctor. Pronto!
Watching Gym Jordan reminded me of this guy.
Also – not working as intended.
Gin & Tonic
@zhena gogolia: Ooh, boy, is that right.
@Adam L Silverman: Then him ripping off his shirt and shouting “Me! Hulk!” would be even more ridiculous. (It’s going to happen.)
And, yes, THE Ohio State University. Can’t mix it up with Ohio State University then.
zhena gogolia
Not my doctor, my friend’s husband’s doctor!
@Cheryl Rofer: that was such a good retort.
@Adam L Silverman: That picture says,
“One too many blows to the mellon.”
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Very good reference.
@mrmoshpotato: yes, wouldn’t want to mix up THE Ohio State University, and The Ohio State University. Or Ohio State University. Yes yes!
Worse than that. They are becoming radioactive. We live in the Portland metro area and my wife’s employer is one of the biggest hospital chains in the region. They typically make use of the Heathman and one of the other Sondland hotels to put up out of town visiting guests and also doctors they are recruiting. We actually stayed there a few years back when she is being recruited. But no more. They are deliberately using other hotel chains now just to avoid the political taint of appearing partisan in this liberal town. I expect many other businesses are doing the same. And business travel is their bread and butter. Gotta think it is going to really sap their business, especially as we aren’t in tourist season.
@Adam L Silverman: Urk. Wikipedia.
Holy fuck Chris Stewart! You’re blaming the Democrats for trying to find something to impeach Dump on?
Someone beat this man with a hardcover copy of the Starr Report!
Mary G
It’s kind of obscene how much fun Sondland seems to be having.
@zhena gogolia: Get a new friend?
A thing that really irks me is the constant question posed to all the witnesses
Are you aware of the president’s attitude towards foreign aid?
How is that relevant? It is the prerogative of congress to decide who gets foreign aid, how much, and under what circumstances. While the president can veto the appropriations bill, once it is signed and passes into law he can’t rewrite it according to his whims
Chris Stewart from Utah is convinced that the Libs just can’t see the world through his worldly vision. Oh, and words mean different things to different people.
@Kent: I presume you have a cell phone? Mini computer in your hand.
@Adam L Silverman: So you think it might be brain damage? /s
@Adam L Silverman: At OSU he coached wrestling. Did not compete at OSU.
@Adam L Silverman: The last time I wrestled my cousin the retired Green Beret CSM in the yard we were in high school. I had about 30 lbs and 6 inches on him. I ended up with a concussion. Lord only knows what he could do now.
Yes, of course. But the school is on the edge of town behind a hill in kind of a cell phone tower dead zone. So if you want your phone to work you have to connect to the school’s guest WiFi and boom….all the school filters kick in.
Plus, it’s pretty poor form for a teacher to stand around with their nose in their phone when student’s aren’t supposed to have their own phones out. Typing on your computer makes it look like you are actually working.
Adam L Silverman
@Sab: Likely story…
That’s a really big fella sitting behind Congressman Stewart.
zhena gogolia
Luckily I have to go to class now that my least favorite person is up, Stefanik. She makes me even sicker than the rest because she clearly knows better.
@Roger Moore: That’s a really good point. The media has really exciting stuff being produced directly for them for free. It doesn’t get any better than this, from their perspective. No way you distract them from it without something really, really good (or really, really bad).
@zhena gogolia:
Something about being in the GOP just causes brain bleed. They all get it eventually. Too much cognitive dissonance I guess. The smart ones learn to fake it but eventually the faking it all the time seeps into their brain and eventually they aren’t. Kind of like what watching Fox News 24/7 does to the elderly brain.
@Kent: Bad form for a teacher to walk around with one earphone in? ?
zhena gogolia
Really sick of this guy’s smirking.
@Mary G: Right? All that giggling and smirking…
randy khan
That’s actually great advice for any witness with any lawyer. One lawyer trick for cross examining witnesses is to try to get the witness into a rhythm of answering questions quickly, not necessarily by going rapid fire, but by asking yes-no questions or other questions that need only short answers and not really pausing between questions. The idea is to get the witness not to stop and think about what answer fits best with the narrative the witness wants but to just answer it honestly. Essentially it’s like the lawyer and the witness are having a conversation, and that’s rarely good for the witness if the lawyer is on the other side.
@sigyn: eta: I see I’m not alone.
Roger Moore
The thing is, this has always been obvious. The people who expected the media to ignore impeachment proceedings because they wanted to protect Trump just don’t understand how this stuff works. The media may love Trump, but they love him because he’s an endless source of easy stories. But impeachment is an even better source of free stories, so they were never going to ignore it.
“I don’t recall.”. DRINK!
They wanted more pizazz? Be careful what you wish for…
@WereBear: Every time someone says pizazz I want to say AH CHA CHA CHA for some inexplicable reason.
@Avalune: Every time someone says pizzazz I want to say it back, but with jazz hands.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@zhena gogolia:
I don’t and I don’t think I’d want to either. Do you live in Connecticut?
Steeplejack (phone)
@West of the Rockies:
Gym Jordan looks like a slightly crazy high school shop teacher, the one who rules over study hall like a prison camp.
Yikes, that means you’re coming down with Jimmy Durante Syndrome. Seek help immediately before you go full Calabash!
Rep. Heck (to Sondland): Why are all these others guys too scared to sit before our committee?
@mrmoshpotato: I thought Heck’s comments were excellent. About why the Sondland family emigrated here, how Sondland built a successful business, and about the idea of patriotism.
And why don’t all these yucks who were born in this country, as citizens — Trump’s cronies — feel the same?
West of the Rockies
Goodnight, Mrs. Calabash, wherever you are…
So now they are back to the “there was no crime because it didn’t succeed” defense. Sheesh. That’s like claiming the kidnapping didn’t occur because the ransom didn’t get paid. Or the bank robbery didn’t occur because the criminals got caught before they made it out of the bank. Idiots.
@Steeplejack (phone): A prison camp where sexual assault is ignored, and he’s literally Colonel Klink
James E Powell
I’m in the exact same situation, only it’s middle school.
@Roger Moore:
The media ignores better sources of free stories in favor of whatever their favorite narrative is all the time. Witness the whole 2016 election. Could there be anything more dull than Emails? But they went on and on and on with it, because being catty at Hillary is what they personally cared about.
The media will lose interest in hearings, and lose interest fast. The Democrats are doing damned well packing the period while it’s still fresh and new with exciting stuff. Good for them.
I strongly wonder what will happen with the polls. As much fun as these hearings are for us, as much as they may seem all-powerful to congressmen, I suspect they won’t change public opinion. I’m not at all sure on this one, though. What really hit public opinion was that ‘transcript’, and there’s no taking it back now.
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: He wrestled at Wisconsin. He was an assistant coach at OSU.
mad citizen
@Kent: Like Patty Hearst wasn’t kidnapped because she eventually sided with her captors. If we can somehow get the Dude in to testify about the Lebowski kidnapping, that might add some pizzazz.
Was wondering, when we get to the end of the questioners, why do we run out of Republicans? Do they not have enough to show up, or do they farm it all out to Nunes and Genius Gym Jordan?
@Omnes Omnibus: If Wisconsin wants to claim him, as an Ohioan, I am cheering you guys on.
Sondland says he resents being driven to say that Trump would benefit from an investigation of the Bidens and Mahoney is having none of it — reminds Sondland how many times he revised his testimony before reaching the current state of “candour”.
Way too complex a subject to go into why it is not quite so cut and dry* in this space. If you find time to wade through it, this .pdf file could be helpful (even though it is from 30 years ago) in laying out some of the history of the push-pull regarding classes of foreign aid between the legislative and the executive in a (relatively) modern context.
*Although there is no defense for, as you put it, whim. Nor for using it as a cudgel in contravention of legislative intent.
@mad citizen
Numerical imperative. The majority party holds the majority of seats on the committee.
Omnes Omnibus
@Sab: Nice try.
mad citizen
@NotMax: Yes I thought of that, but at the end it seems like there are 4 to 7 Ds in a row–maybe they’re all sharing the 5 minute increments? Maybe the Rs simply didn’t want to participate so as to be complicit? Just let their Designated A-holes handle it.
@mad citizen:
“That rug, really tied the cell together.”
mad citizen
OK, so it’s 13 to 9, so 4 D’s at the end every time, unless some of the Rs simply don’t show up, which according to a politco article happened for some of the closed door meetings:
@mad citizen: most of the Republicans left the hearing after the break for lunch
A bunch of the Republican’s bailed after the reveal about Pence. fled might be a better word.