Okay, here are the steps for embedding a tweet, in screenshots. Because I’ve seen at least three different directions. If this doesn’t work for you, it may be a bug.
Step ONE:
Choose your tweet. The embed code is in the drop-down menu in the upper right-hand corner.
Step Two
Click on the drop-down menu, choose embed tweet
Step Three
Copy the embed code
Step Four
In the Balloon-Juice comment box, chose TEXT tab
Step Five
Copy PASTE embed code into TEXT box
You can click on the visual tab to see that it embedded correctly and then add your own comment above or below it.
I hope that helps. You can use this thread to practice, report bugs and or Open Thread.
Other notes: There will be no recipe post tonight and also, our beautiful Silver Merle Great Dane has been adopted by a family filled with kids and critters. He should be very happy.
Nice! Just a small nit, Step 5 should probably say Paste rather than Copy. *Ducks*
ETA: good news about the Dane. Any news on Merlin the black cat?
Chris T.
Yay for adoptions!
zhena gogolia
Trying to add a comment.
TaMara (HFG)
@chris: NO! Good catch. Trying to help people not confuse them. Thanks!
zhena gogolia
@Chris T.:
I was thinking about him this morning.
TaMara (HFG)
@zhena gogolia: If this helped you, my work here is done. ?
zhena gogolia
@zhena gogolia:
zhena gogolia
@TaMara (HFG):
You and chris and Watergirl have created a monster.
TaMara, would you mind if I link to this post in Balloon Juice News? (under Calling All Jackals in the sidebar) I have some other site related links in there, and I think this would be a good addition. Let me know?
Comrade Colette Collaboratrice
@TaMara (HFG):
NOOOOOO!!! Shane, come back!
@zhena gogolia: I nearly wrote that in the previous thread: “Have we created a monster?” But I didn’t because I was only kidding and didn’t want to take the chance that I might offend you. But since you joked about it first, I think it’s safe.
I didn’t get any of that. Too busy laughing at Thank you for your cervix.
It looks like your images are from someone who is logged into Twitter. If you are not logged into Twitter you will not see options like “Follow” or “Mute” or “Block” in the drop down menu under the down arrow in the upper right corner.
I just noticed the IED vs. IUD comment in your example. That was funny!
BTW, the box only has text, not a choice.
TaMara (HFG)
@WaterGirl: Please, because I’m sure more people will have questions. (And I worked so hard on those screenshots, LOL). ?
Great news about the Great Dane. That worked out well.
TaMara (HFG)
@ThresherK: I work to entertain.
@Baud: It looks like you are trying to do quotes within quotes. I’m not sure whether this will annoy you or make you ridiculously happy, but I am considering changing the blockquote to the lovely blue outline with a shadow that we use on the front page. I have asked them to change it on the test site so I can make a final decision.
Fine print: If anyone harangues me on the issue, it might influence me in the direction you might not want it to go.
Lemme try this
@TaMara (HFG): May I also share the news about your beautiful great dane from last night in there, too?
test, ty, John.
@zhena gogolia: The good kind of monster. Enjoy
TaMara (HFG)
@WaterGirl: Absolutely. I think it’s good to update people on our adoptions.
zhena gogolia
I’m glad Lindsey Graham is getting the recognition he deserves.
@WaterGirl: I will love whatever you decide.
@zhena gogolia: It’s alive, it’s alive, and I’m sending it back to Earth!
Felanius Kootea
Testing embed with script code left in like the example above. (ETA: nice – it no longer blocks me when the script code is left in).
Felanius Kootea
@Felanius Kootea: How do I delete my comment?
@Baud: Especially later in the summer?
TaMara (HFG)
@WaterGirl: Can i just say, the fact that links open in another tab automatically is a treat. It’s the small things.
The Dangerman
ETA: Uh Oh. Cleanup on Aisle 40.
<blockquote class=”twitter-tweet”><p lang=”en” dir=”ltr”>Cop pulls Trump over for running red light.<br><br>?♀️: You know why I’m stopping you?<br>?: Sad!<br>?♀️: You ran a light.<br>?: No ran light! No light ran. Ranning.<br>?♀️: I have video. Here.<br>?: Ok. He ran it. But no one stops for those things anymore.<br>?: No light! You’re a light! Lock her up!</p>— pc (@Patrick_Himself) <a href=”https://twitter.com/Patrick_Himself/status/1197994490213961728?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw”>November 22, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src=”https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js” charset=”utf-8″></script>
ETA Last: Fuck it. I’m going for dinner.
@TaMara (HFG): I had been meaning to say that so many times. To me, that is actually a big thing, not a small one.
Mary G
@Baud: The pressure is off! That makes my day. :-)
BJP won the most seats in the Maharashtra legislative assembly elections held last October but was still almost 50 short of an absolute majority. Their coalition partner who they had treated like dirt for the last 5 years walked out of the coalition both at the state and the national level. So it looks like a coalition sans BJP will take office in Maharashtra. They also lost Mumbai’s Municipal corporation because of this highhandedness. Schadenfreude I has it.
@TaMara (HFG): Yay!
TaMara (HFG)
Okay, I have to feed the critters and make sure the ducks aren’t frozen.
यह तो बहुत अच्छी खबर है।
In case you guys haven’t noticed the links in the sidebar, if you go to Balloon Juice News under Calling All Jackals, you might find some things that are useful and fun.
@TaMara (HFG): Your good news and the link to your PSA are now in Balloon Juice News.
The replies are precious.
@The Dangerman: I will hazard a guess that you were in the Visual tab instead of the Text tab when you pasted that in and posted your comment.
Amir Khalid
I realise that tweet is not the subject of the post, but by gum that’s the funniest correction I’ve ever seen.
TS (the original)
@The Dangerman:
That was my result when I forgot to swap to the test box. Hope this works
Amir Khalid
@Felanius Kootea:
Tell Hillary that I think Republicans in Congress intend to affirm that Republican presidents are above the law, but Democratic presidents are not.
<blockquote class=”twitter-tweet”><p lang=”en” dir=”ltr”>CNN BREAKING —><br><br>Giuliani associate PARNAS willing to tell Congress that Rep NUNES met with ex-Ukrainian official to get dirt on BIDEN<a href=”https://twitter.com/ChrisCuomo?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw”>@ChrisCuomo</a> and <a href=”https://twitter.com/VickyPJWard?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw”>@VickyPJWard</a> will break it down shortly on CNN – <a href=”https://twitter.com/CuomoPrimeTime?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw”>@CuomoPrimeTime</a> <a href=”https://t.co/9dYN8JTPak”>https://t.co/9dYN8JTPak</a></p>— Vaughn Sterling (@vplus) <a href=”https://twitter.com/vplus/status/1198059361400184832?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw”>November 23, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src=”https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js” charset=”utf-8″></script>
eta that’s a fail
@LAO: Paste it in a new comment AFTER you click on the Text tab for the comment box.
@TS (the original): PSA for anyone wondering why your embedded tweet is all one paragraph instead of in separate lines like it looks in the actual tweet. You have to go in and manually hit Enter at the end of lines. I find the br code in the brackets and hit Enter after that. Twice if there are two br codes. Here’s what it looks like with that done:
@WaterGirl: got it. Thanks. Love the new site.
@Baud: I want to see Nunes in prison.
@LAO: I love hearing that! thanks.
@Yarrow: That is better!
@WaterGirl: I’ve been doing it for years. Find the br code in brackets and hit Enter after that. Two Enters if there are two br codes. By br code I mean this thing: <br>.
Mary G
I’m always forgetting that Twitter embed eats line returns. Thank Dog for the edit function.
Oh, please, if there is any justice in the universe, let this happen…
felonious ferb
Edit: Hmmm, the associated picture didn’t come with it….
David ??Booooooo?? Koch
All decent people do.
@debbie: I know, I’m dying.
As an aside, I personally can’t stand Bondy but if he can deliver, I’ll get over it.
@Mary G: Yeah. It’s a pain and I don’t know why it does it for embeds.
Typos aside, someone’s giddy:
Finally! Thanks, TaMara!
@Aleta: I deleted that in edit box and replaced w/ one word but … ack
@Baud: nice.
I guess one has to believe it can happen?
#QuidProQuOklahoma is the best hashtag ever!
Someone stop me from embedding tweets. It’s like a new toy.
@Baud: मी खूप खूष आहे
… customization fail.
Wish we could see Nunes’ face when he sees this! How many shades of purple can one face bear?
That is very good news! Pretty stupid of BJP for taking them for granted. Can’t they count?!?
Nunes was always a traitor. Tick tock, Devin. Traitors gonna pay.
Dan B
I did manage to copy a twitter link and I’m in the text box tab. Where is Paste?
Samsung’s Galaxy 7
I see: b, i, link, b-quote, ins, ul, ol, li, code, more, close tags
That’s it.
@Aleta: Do you want #76 and #78 to go away?
Shut up, debbie. You don’t know Samsung.
Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman)
Huh, it works.
TaMara (HFG)
Just a reminder, only FP have tweets that show up with actual tweet, photos and videos
@debbie: oh yeah
@TaMara (HFG): Elitist.
@Dan B: On an iPad you just hold your finger down in the box and it will ask if you want to paste what you copied. I have no idea if the android devices work the same way, but maybe that will give you a jump start?
@Baud: hmm. Pretty big contingency there.
@debbie: okay, you pressured me into it.
but only until everybody knows how to do everything.
Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman)
This works too
The whole thread! ????
zhena gogolia
@TaMara (HFG):
I love that! He uses the footage from the hearings really well. I love the split screen, with George Kent nodding along.
Dan B
@schrodingers_cat: Great news!! Mumbai, by itself, used to be 10 percent of the economy. That they lost the entirety of Maharashtra is frosting on the cake. Pune must be a player now that Mumbai is bursting at the seams, not that crowding is a new thing.
Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman)
Last one.
Mike J
@Dan B: Long press usually makes it pop up.
@Mike J: Maybe I wasn’t that far off then, when I described how it works on my iPad.
Dan B
THANKS! It throws up paste and other options and they vanish, but on the fourth try I got it before it could hide.
@Dan B: Like Mike J said, it might have to be a long press before you get the paste option.
Probably my favorite new Twitter follow. She’s the woman who climbed up the flagpole and got down the Confederate flag.
Dan B
@Mike J: You got it – long hold. I was used to using a mouse right click to bring up menus. Or I’m dense…
Yay! ????
(There will always be someone somewhere who won’t know how…)
(Was it the thread insult?)
And where’s that soggy plain?
In Spain !
In Spain !
Stupid question. I don’t get an “embed tweet” menu item in that drop down menu. I just get “Show less often”, “follow”, “mute” etc. What am I doing wrong?
Dan B
@AJ: Much truth that straight white well off men view impeachment as a sporting event. Schiff as a Jewish man, and me as a gay man, might feel existential threats. He would likely have heard many people who survived the holocaust and experienced anti-srmitism for years. I was around for memes like pervertd, pedophlies, preying on young boys – tough when you are a 14 y.o., electroshock therapy, diseased, and much more. It’s not It Can’t Happen Here it’s it Happened Here in my lifetime.
It’s emotional when kids are in cages, young black men and trans women are being killed because if Pence gets installed it will get much worse. It probably won’t directly affect me, unless Social Security is cut, but it’s not necessary to suffer trauma if you survivrd but witnessed the suffering of your community and were frequently powerless to prevent it.
How is it that our journalists seem so oblivious? How is it that younger LGB’s remain so quiet?
Oh my Gaia, you just made me sit through an explainer Powerpoint. I’m ruined for the night.
I hate this blog.
@FelonyGovt: I had to switch from the app to twitter.com because the app doesn’t offer embedding as an option.
@FelonyGovt: Check out the image i posted on the previous thread:
Do you see something that looks like that?
step six: there is NOOOOOO…step six
More practicing.
Now if only the left flyout tab wasn’t RIGHT where I’m trying to type!
Trying again:
There we go.
ETA: Welp, sorry for the double post. It didn’t show fast enough for me!
@stinger: do you want me to delete one of them?
Dan B
@AJ: OMG I just went to Bree’s twitter and the comments read like what I just wrote!
At least there are a lot of us who recognize how dangerous the GOP and the far right could become. And how the outcome of the election could unleash mob violence. And the poor disturbed residents of Iowa and the suburbs would give into the mob in the belief the violence will stop. But they would most likely give into a strongman.
@debbie: Yeah, comparing that with threaded comments was a low blow. :-)
Dan B
@stinger: Worth a double post! Dropped my blood pressure 20 points after reading the Bree Newsome tweet.
OK Rover
A dog drove doughnuts alone in a car for half an hour. There’s video.
Heads up!
Whatever it takes!
@chris: I’m watching Ali Velshi (filling in for Lawrence O’Donnell) interviewing Austin Evers from American Oversight right now. Does this mean the end of Pompeo’s dreams of becoming a senator, or nah?
@Eljai: Don’t know yet but the documents are here.
@Chris T.:
Awe…that is wonderful???
Woo hoo??
J R in WV
The problem there is expecting an honest conversation from a Russian stooge [Senator Graham!] being blackmailed over something we won’t ever know about unless they throw over their Russian master, as in “Never”!
Thanks for the instructions
Testing. The MERL is a fun account to follow.
Is anyone else getting ads embedded throughout? I’ve seen a half-dozen or so?
Just realized that this new site hasn’t once told me my comment was marked as spam, making me guess and try over and over to change it enough to be accepted. It also seems like requests from people asking someone to free their comment are greatly reduced or almost down to 0 ? I don’t miss the wasted time.
Also, it seems like when I want to copy some info or tip from a commenter, copying that text to save is easier and cleaner. Whatever you professionals did to streamline it… thanks!
@chris: thanks for the link.
@Origuy: I like that Ram A lamb A ding dong too.
Mary G
@Aleta: Agree
Also WaterGirl, as long as I’m praising, love that links open in a new tab and that the site doesn’t jump around as I’m clicking, making me open an ad I have no interest in.
Mary G
Mary G
Eerie. JFK was on the way to give a speech urging Democratic Party unity when he passed the grassy knoll.
@Dan B:
I’ve been posting the “heads up, Nazi’s are coming!” Stuff for a while now, because I know what is coming if the “conservatives” get their way.
I’m an old white guy, so I could in theory sit it out, but I didn’t when I was a young skin head, and I am not going to now either.
Back then the fight was for a world safe for friends and family, and it’s the same fight now.
Proud to be an old race/gender/orientation/identity traitor.
@LAO: Thanks to you and Chris. Using the .com worked for me.
@Dan B: I hear you.
It’s appalling what people without the well straight white male shield have had visited on them. I’m sorry for the trauma and violation on you and your community.
The main thing that gives me what little hope I have is the accomplishments of WOC organizers as in Alabama, Virginia, and South Carolina.
I somehow duplicated my comment and have not yet the skill to delete :o
@Dan B: awesome!
As much as people like to complain about Twitter I take great solace in the sense of being part of a larger group fighting for what’s right and sharing some good jokes along the way.
Glad you found some of the good energy there =)
@Jay: loved your comment! ??
Cheap Jim
What if I don’t want to quote Jessica Roy?
Pfft, like I’m gonna do that. What’s “Twitter” anyway?