Warm profile in the Times. Get her on the Emmys. Maybe she can guest on Sesame Street. We cannot rest until all of the people who lied to us, daily, in the name of advancing the agenda of a lunatic racist bonehead have been fully rehabilitated! https://t.co/NawCZSXDzK
— Ken Tremendous (@KenTremendous) November 25, 2019
This is probably true. https://t.co/MCPr2azL32
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) November 25, 2019
Sarah Sanders must not know many people then https://t.co/g4fS2LS4VZ
— Catherine Rampell (@crampell) November 25, 2019
The people she knows best are Republicans. Even the ones who can read would rather not risk muddying their propaganda skillsets. Fox News and the Oval Office Occcupant’s twitter feed tell them all they need to know to succeed in grinding through their daily routines.
This is real. Americans love to laugh at idiots. They worship fame. And to elevate dumbasses because it makes them feel superior, or at least equal. This is a dangerous combination. Trump wasn't quite the first, but he's opened the floodgates.
— Mig Greengard (@chessninja) November 25, 2019
Every so often, the Republican Party reaches a new nadir, where they can’t even scrape up a conventionally good-looking figurehead to spin the propaganda on television. Now it’s Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who looks entirely too much like her old man (nepotism, of course, being her only qualification). Last time the GOP was about to get stomped, it was the Albino Amphibian who led the charge:
Also likely devastated: the dozens of creditors to whom @newtgingrich’s 2012 presidential campaign still owes a collective $4.63 million. pic.twitter.com/qGDJ6lYVQH
— Dave Levinthal (@davelevinthal) November 25, 2019
Gotta hand it to Newt: He’s an inspiration to every soulless grifter in American politics.
On that last tweet, any idea how Scalise will get that 500% match?
FTFNYT for the tongue-bath.
We are, as Neil Postman aptly put it, ‘Amusing Ourselves To Death’
kill your tv, and Facebook too while you’re at it
Mike in NC
Gingrich apparently still has several post office boxes in a building on Massachusetts Avenue, from which his scam operations fleece the rubes.
If men as individuals surrender to the call of their elementary instincts, avoiding pain and seeking satisfaction only for their own selves, the result for them all taken together must be a state of insecurity, of fear, and of promiscuous misery.”
– Albert Einstein
@Jay: Is that a Daily Caller offshoot?
(I ask because I’m not clicking on them or searching them.)
Dude did a fabulous job making no sense whatsoever there. I hope “Daily Wire” are getting their money’s worth.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
President Trump “reads more than anybody I know,”
I half suspect she was trying to bait twitter into making a lot of jokes about literacy levels in Arkansas to send out a fund-raising email
@ThresherK: Ahh, it’s Ben Shapiro’s place.
Six of one, etc…
Tunch Tunch I miss that attitudinal kitteh
Chyron HR
If you need the money so bad, why doesn’t Scalise just give it to you without any conditions?
A fair amount of people will vote for someone like Sanders because they want chaos. They like a liar. If things go to hell it makes them feel better about their shabby existence.
From Dave Levinthal’s screen capture:
Newt was really, really, really trolling his marks.
@Jeffro: Kill Fox News and the rightwing wurlitzer.
But yes, amusing ourselves to death, for sure. Reading a bio of Edward R. Murrow, and he was deeply concerned about that. In the 1950s. He could see the misuse of television and its profit-driven decisions.
James E Powell
This campaign cycle is going to be characterized by the most aggressive and poisonous attacks on truth of all time. Everything we’ve seen to date has been but a prelude. The press/media, led by CNN and the NYT, put Trump in the White House. They intend to keep him there.
zhena gogolia
zhena gogolia
If Sarah is serious about her media career she needs to do a stint on Dancing with the Stars to establish her credentials.
It’s already been said above, but I figure it can’t hurt to repeat it: Fuck the fucking New York Times.
Ceterum censeo factionem Republicanam esse delendam.
Comrade Scrutinizer
@Elizabelle: Newton Minnow, 1961:
zhena gogolia
I guess nobody’s interested in the outcome of the McGahn lawsuit???
@NotMax: true dat
but yeah…we’re sliding into Idiocracy here
@debbie: Most likely by using other donors’ contributions. Everyone’s matching everyone else.
@Comrade Scrutinizer: Good quote. I don’t know how Minow had escaped my notice before, particularly since I’m almost certain I was already familiar with the Television and the Public Interest speech. I think Fred Rogers’ testimony before Congress may have overshadowed Minow’s speech in my memory (though Rogers’ testimony came several years later).
In any case, half the reason I’m posting is because Minow also has the following quote:
I lol’d.
Too late. You had every chance to. Stop. Lying.
You chose not to. Now you get to live with that choice, just like the rest of us.
Villago Delenda Est
@Jay: John Wayne avoided service in WWII.
@zhena gogolia: It’s really important! But there’s two big caveats:
@Villago Delenda Est
And he refused every opportunity to appear at war bond drives.
@Villago Delenda Est:
yup, which is why he is a Reich Wing Hero, and Jimmy Stewart isn’t.
@Villago Delenda Est: Really, for some reason I thought John Wayne was part of Reagan’s propaganda brigade. I guess I’ll have to look it up.
Washington Post continues its drive to obsolete The Onion:
What could possibly go right?
Whole lotta free time now that the whole Middle East thing has been satisfactorily resolved…
@NotMax: Maybe his plan is to hire a bunch of Israeli settlers to come and Build The Wall(tm).
@MisterForkbeard: Good to see Judge Jackson call absolute immunity fiction. Hiding behind the Presidency needs to end. Too easily abused by scoundrels and crooks as Trumpov has shown us.
the trademarked ( Jarvanka Holdings LLC) brand name is just Wall,
@JaySinWA: Okay, true, although there are some caveats, Wikipedia asserts he applied and was accepted to OSS, but the acceptance was sent to the wrong place. Was originally classified as 3-A exempt for family later reclassified as 1-A, but his studio intervened with the Selective Service process. Not quite a draft dodger, but not willing to break his contract. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Wayne
James E Powell
@zhena gogolia:
I’m probably interested as you, but the district court orders are meaningless. I fully expect the supreme court to take the cases up and hold them till they no longer matter.
What do you think will happen?
@JaySinWA: Reagan’s military service was slightly more than I remembered hearing about. https://www.reaganlibrary.gov/sreference/military-service-of-ronald-reagan
Poor eyesight apparently kept him out of the worst of it.
zhena gogolia
@James E Powell:
Nothing good, I’m sure. I was trying to enjoy a little bit of good news. Sorry.
@zhena gogolia: This doesn’t strike me as the kind of thing the Supremes will sit on. If they do, then we are worse shape than I thought, but saying that there is absolute immunity from even showing up for a subpoena would blow a hole in court powers that I can’t see them do.
Is that the book written by A.M. Sperber?
One of my favorite Murrow quotes:
Splitting Image
To be fair, Fox News does have a chryon running across the screen, and there’s no way to prove that Trump isn’t reading it as he watches for hours at a time.
Jay Noble
Whenever the right trots out John Wayne, I always like to point out “never served”, bigot toward blacks, sympathetic to Native Americans and would be on the Mexican side of the Wall.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Splitting Image:
Let’s not forget reading rage tweets. Trump could easily read more on line rants than any human alive.
“I dont like being called a liar” Try this LYING SCUM.