Legal Twitter: I’m dressed in a black suit outside a restaurant waiting for a friend and a curmudgeonly gentleman pulls his sports car into the driveway. While walking past, he dismissively looks at me and barks “Key’s in it.”
The Porsche is now mine, right?
— Josh Campbell (@joshscampbell) November 26, 2019
As long as you itemize its value as a taxable gift
— RicardoSabroso (@ricardo_sabroso) November 26, 2019
Quite. The correct thing is to draw yourself up and say, "Do you know who I am?" When he says, "No", say, "Good" and drive off.
— Zoe Samuel (@zoe_samuel) November 27, 2019
When your friend shows, drive to another restaurant, get out and loudly say "keys are in it" as you walk inside.
— JK (Just Kevin) (@naugykevin) November 26, 2019
Or by an expired parking meter.
— Rachel Quenzer (@rachelquenzer) November 26, 2019
In front of an expired meter…in another state ??????
— Biznatch-A-Tron Backup Server (@jessdollfays) November 27, 2019
Take it for a spin.
When you're done park it so it blocks in a police car at a doughnut shop.— William J. Wylie III (@BillWylie3rd) November 26, 2019
I am desperately waiting on the ‘how many minutes it lasted with keys left in it’ tweet.
— Janet P Lanet (@lonely_janet) November 26, 2019
I clicked over to see what Mrs. Sherrod Brown was up to and came across this tweet. Perfect for the season of giving!
If anyone else here loves old photos, here’s a great link:
Bueller, Bueller? So many possibilities.
I’ve been looking at various polling sites and it really does seem like Warren is in trouble. I think she made a terrible mistake in going in all in n M4A. It is very popular with a portion of the Democratic party, otherwise has at best marginal support. Eventually we’ll have to go there, but as long as the Def printing press is in full gear the budget problems don’t affect the average person at all.
Warren is my favorite candidate, and right now the only one in the top four I really want at all. Biden will not do well in the GE, Buttigieg seems to have a hard time getting POC,a and Bernie is Bernie.
At this point if it isn’t Warren, I want Buttigieg, he’s much sharper than Biden or Bernie, and I think he’ll chew Trump up in a debate.
But I think Warren made an unforced error – she put too many of her eggs in one basket, and the return did not match the risk.
Just One More Canuck
I would drive it to his house and park it there
Jeez, another place to waste hours wandering around. ?
@trollhattan: True. But “You boys like Mex-i-co?!” would also be accepted. (Fake shooting of cops not required.)
Bill Arnold
Trump posted a photo of himself Photoshopped to look like Rocky Balboa, and hoo boy (Michelle Mark, 2019/11/27)
The tweet:
I am amused. At least it’s not Rocky IV[2], which would make it an image of Bizzaro Rocky who helps the Russians fight America. (I’d be irritated for this and other reasons.)
Also, DJT does not know how to make a fist[0], at least in some photos. He knows nothing of combat, physical or otherwise. Soft, slow, cowardly.
[0] Or his thumbs are very short, barely qualifying as opposable. [1]
[1] proper fist
[2] It’s said to be a Photoshopped Rocky III poster image. I have not confirmed this.
@debbie: Enter your home town into their search field.
You might see some interesting stuff!
I entered my town in there, and saw a street my wife and I often walk on. In 1908 it was lined with giant elm trees. All gone now.
Texas republicans are in a giving mood
@Bill Arnold:
I don’t think it’s Photoshopped; I think it’s a painting from that clown who painted Trump as Washington crossing the Delaware and other “Trump works of art.’
@debbie:She’s my idol. What a wonderful person.
Interesting! A couple of shots of long-lost landmarks. Thanks!
Agreed. As much as I like Sherrod, it’s hard not to think she’s the better half.
@Bill Arnold: Would be great if Stallone tweeted “Keep my t*ts outta yo mouth.”
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Christ, is there some prion disease causing Republicans to send sensitive info to Dems going around. First the WH, now the Texas GOP.
But seriously, I’d be leery. As stupid as Republicans are, they can also be crafty and ratfuck. This could be a trick
Mini-shopping for last minute stuff done. Supermarket was a breeze – fast in, fast out, only two people ahead of me at the express lane.
The parking lot, on the other hand….
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Bill Arnold:
WTF? Echos of Putin
Roger Moore
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
I think this is why the Democrats loudly announced what had happened, rather than trying to keep it a secret so they could benefit from it. It’s very likely to be more valuable as a way of embarrassing the Republicans than as a guide to their plans.
@NotMax: I did a quick Costco and market run last night, went really quick.
PayDrive it forward.Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Roger Moore:
@Roger Moore: I’m pretty sure that was the reason the House Democrats loudly announced the Republicans released their talking points to them accidentally. Strangely enough the Republicans still ran with it.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Joke’s on you libtards! We released our talking points on purpose! We were only pretending to be stupid.
Catherine D.
William Ruckelshaus died today. First EPA director, deputy AG during the Saturday night massacre in 1973 (resigned rather than comply), and EPA head again in 1983 to clean up after one Ann Gorsuch. The last principled Republican?
Amir Khalid
Once I was lunching with friends in a restaurant. As I got up to go to the buffet table, this dude at the next table took one look at my black trousers and white shirt, and asked me to bring him a spoon. I turned to my friends and announced, “Guess what, guys? I’ve just been mistaken for a waiter!”
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Amir Khalid:
There’s a whole trope around that
BTW, thanks for your advice last night about writing.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Word Press sucks
Got the feeling this supermarket may have overestimated the demand for fresh yams, as there was a multitude piled high and wide and the price per pound was unusually, surprisingly low.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): FYWP and inconsistent editing.
All. The. Time.
Ain’t just here, it happens damn near everywhere, which makes me think that the ‘Net is breaking.
Amir Khalid
Not so strange, I think; that really is all they got, and there is nothing for it but to plough ahead regardless of how daft they look. This is why they have been wasting the impeachment enquiry’s time by asking witnesses to confirm their crackpot theories, and getting no joy.
Today’s Republican party is best and most simply explained with Trump’s Razor.
@Catherine D.:
Sad to hear. Ruckelshaus is an American hero. God speed, sir.
I have to give Sondland credit. He’s a versatile sexual predator:
Good job Gordie! You’ve already given Mrs. Sondland a Thanksgiving she’ll never forget.
Turkey is progressing nicely, up to about 165 and smokey brown (mesquite). It’s getting dark and we have Champagne (brut) and zin to accompany it. Kid is going to regret the whole “piscatarian” thing before the night’s done.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Oh yeah? I haven’t noticed. The new BJ site is super nice but it still has some kinks to be worked out. Despite that, it’s still better than the old site, thanks to Watergirl and the others
Raven Onthill
And here we have a David Neiwert Tweetstorm on the Bloody Summer of 1919, our very own racist pogrom. Beware: it is 149 tweets and the collected version is 67 pages, though much of the space is images. I think we had best face up to the possibility that it could happen again, with better weapons, and ourselves as the targets.
If you want to be even more depressed, I’ve updated my “Amazon Warehouses Are Little Hells” post with two new links.
Here’s a question. Has Trump gone golfing today? Because he’s at Mar a Lago, right? If he didn’t go golfing today, I’m going to start believing those rumors that there’s something physically wrong with him. (More so than usual, I mean.)
Got my free money today, a free car wouldn’t go amiss ;-)
Got up this morning and found that my very first Old Age Security payment had landed in the account. Woohoo! Now I can afford the good cat food!
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Happy Thanksgiving eve everyone. I hope everyone has a good day tomorrow, quiet if you want, or social if that’s your choice.
The market was enjoyably busy today, we vendors were treated to a turkey and trimmings lunch by the cafe, and when I got home it was almost 29° colder than when I left and the high winds had flipped over a large wooden bench on my porch. Only damage was to a beautiful Asian flower pot that shattered when the bench landed in it. I was able to secure a dog sitter for the beasties so San Antonio is on! Though I haven’t booked any hotel rooms yet, so I may have to have Qunoot smuggle me into the dorm.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Raven Onthill:
Yeah, but there’s more of us than there are of them. Do you think for a second such a thing were it to happen again today would go unremarked upon? That there wouldn’t be a massive backlash?
No need. Just move to Bali…
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Saw that earlier today. Wonder how Modi feels about his best buddy Trump, now?
DCL +2.
(Yeah, that’s the whole comment…)
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
anything that keeps Indians home and feeds a persecution complex narrative, is probably fine with Herr Modi.
@Mandalay: Cool idea! But it will have to wait until I’m petless. Which, of course, will probably never happen.
Anne Laurie
‘Woman’s lot’ — once she made the mistake of agreeing with Bernie’s Medicare for everyone, immediately! sloganeering, she was stuck trying to propose some kind of halfway-workable framework. Which is as impossible as A unicorn for every American, by 2021!; there’s no way to change the entire American healthcare system without disrupting a lot of peoples’ lives. This impossibility was never held against Sanders, because he never had to propose an actual implementation — it was just a lovely slogan to mark off him and his supporters as purer and better people than the rest of us muggles.
On the bright side, at least now it’s clear to anyone with a modicum of sense that implementing universal health coverage really will be a heavy lift, because if the best-intentioned candidate with the best track record on financial matters couldn’t find a quick’n’easy plan, it’s not just inertia that keeps the current system limping along. And it’s still relatively early in the campaign, so there’s plenty of time for Warren to recover (and others to stumble).
Conversely, it may have discouraged people from voting (or at least volunteering) because if it’s not easy, it can’t be done, right? (The bots & bankers propping up St. Bernie’s campaign want you to believe that, at least.)
To quote one of my favorite lines from Lord of the Rings: Then we must live without hope — there is always vengeance!
As far as the primary polling goes, I’m really sick of this “flavor of the month” shit.
Adam L Silverman
@Anne Laurie: The unforced area was not being honest with everyone by simply explaining that it is impossible to achieve because of how the Senate functions even with a Democratic majority in the Senate. Most of what needs to be done cannot be done under the reconciliation rules. From there she should have pivoted to “I have a plan to shore up the ACA and add a public option to it for those who want it. And once that is done, I have a plan to begin to do the long, hard, slow, frustrating work that will one day allow us to move to Medicare 4 All.” That’s all she had to do. It’s all any of them had to do.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Adam L Silverman:
But in a campaign, isn’t that exactly what you don’t do? You want to inspire people, not discourage them, even if it’s true. However, you don’t want to promise the moon either. It’s a fine line to walk
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
@different-church-lady: I guess that’s what happens when less than 1/3 of the primary electorate has made up their mind 3 months before the voting starts.
@Anne Laurie: Where is that vengeance line in LOTR? Who said it? I read the books obsessively in adolescence, but never saw the movies.
mad citizen
@Raven Onthill: Assume you are aware of the Indiana Amazon warehouse death cover-up story that’s been breaking this week.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
telling ‘Merkins that the reason they can’t have nice things is threefold,*
1) the Rich and Corporations don’t want it as it loosens their control over the serfs,
2) the Serf’s have no interest in a hamburger today instead of the promise of three hamburgers tomorrow, and don’t understand that tomorrow never comes,
3) the American political system is broken and no longer has any interest in working for Americans.
Adam L Silverman
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Elections where the incumbent is on the ballot are a referendum on the incumbent. Not three dozen other things no matter how important. The upcoming presidential election is about one thing and one thing only: does the President get a second term and what that second term would be and mean for the country. That’s it. And it will be contested not in all fifty states, but in about 12 to 15 states, give or take, that will determine the Electoral College outcome. That’s it. Nothing, not a damn thing, that any of these candidates want to do, let alone what it is actually possible to do given the institutional realities of American politics, will happen if the President is reelected. And if a Democrat is elected absolutely nothing they’d like to do is possible if the Democrats don’t take the majority in the Senate. And even if they do that, what can actually be accomplished is severely limited. If a Democrat manages to win and the Democrats manage to retake the Senate while holding the House, and we need to be honest with ourselves that both of those will be a heavy lift, the next administration is going to have so much triage to do, followed by so much repair work to do, that it will take two full terms just to get things fixed and running properly as well as building institutional and legal safeguards into the repairs so what we’re experiencing now can not happen again. If your basement is flooding, you don’t decide to renovate your kitchen and bathroom and put a pool in the backyard. You stop the flooding, repair the basement, and do so to ensure it doesn’t flood again. The republic is balanced on a knife’s edge right now. Getting it off of the knife’s edge is what the election is about, not a bunch of stuff that we should do if things were normal. Things are not normal.
@mad citizen: Nothing to see there. Indiana is a Right-To-Be-Run-Over-With-A-Forklift state.
@Jay: Are we sure that isn’t “Woco?”
@Anne Laurie: Um, well the first part, yes, but no such line like “there is always vengeance” in LotR. Only mention of vengeance I can think of is in Denethor’s part of Pippin’s swearing service to Gondor (“…oathbreaking with vengeance.”
ETA: I see Sab had the same reaction. I don’t recall a line about vengeance in the movies either, but am less sure of that.
@Senyordave: What about Harris?
1:06:19 in the Lord of the Rings movie, following the loss of Gandalf in the Mines of Moria.
it’s not in the books.
(DCL +2.5…)
Don’t get too cocky, numbnuts is trying to cut the fuck out of SS. And Medicare. And typical, he’d fuck not just the under 30 or 40 crowd, but everyone will get fucked equally. And massively. I expect to find that an ungrilled, grilled cheese sandwich is lunch and dinner real soon. On alternate days.
Hey, so, everyone! Close observers (or people with otherwise mis-wired brains) might remember that two years ago I was saying, “If you had a choice between fixing your car problems, your roof problems, or your dental problems, which would you choose?”
I can now happily report that as of last week I (a) am in a lease for a new economy car, (b) have a brand-spanking new roof over my head, and (c) have had #31 extracted and am healing well.
Anne Laurie
I actually remember it from the Bakshi movie version, but I’m fairly sure it was taken from the first book. Frodo whines at Strider, “Why even bother? We know there’s no hope!”
And Strider (the inimitable John Hurt) replies “Then we must do without hope — there is always vengeance!”
(Suspect Ralph Bakshi may’ve stripped down a much longer J.R.R. speech, though.)
Steve in the ATL
@Martin: I was told when I first visited a manufacturing plant that no human has ever won a forklift/human collision.
In totally unrelated news, they never let me drive around on a forklift.
Sunrise at the beach
Sunset at the beach
I fished all day!
@Anne Laurie: Thank you.I wasn’t challenging. I just didn’t remember.
How’d I do you ask? Caught a red and a blue on a whiting!
@Ruckus: It’s okay, I’m in Canada. Our conservatives who would like to emulate yours keep losing followers when they open their mouths.
@different-church-lady: Glad to hear it. Well done!
Steve in the ATL
@Raven: #Retired
@Steve in the ATL: And tired, my ass is whipped!
@Steve in the ATL: Sorry Steve. Just put you in the pie filter for no reason whatever except that want to see the new pie filter comments. I hear that they are clever. I will unpie you later and read your comments in an untimely fashion.
Adam L Silverman
@Raven: Obligatory!
@Steve in the ATL:
This was wise.
Raven Onthill
@mad citizen: I’d heard about the Indiana one (it’s covered in the Atlantic article) but not the Penn. one. I’ll add it to the links page.
Lexington had really high winds earlier today, resulting in some thousands of people (including us) being without power for a few hours, luckily no longer for anyone afaik. It’s just the two of us for the holiday tomorrow, so no cooking pressure, but I was feeling utterly incapable of packing even an overnight bag to go a hotel, never mind the prospect of emptying the fridge, or at least the important/perishable stuff. So I’m definitely thankful tonight. ;->
@trollhattan: We’re going more Piscatarian, if lobster tails count, but are with you entirely on the fizzy white wine (well Cava, not Champagne, but brut) and Zin for the red. The lobsters were an impulse buy today – we’re practically camping in this house – but we do have a toaster-oven, so we can broil the lobster.
@Jay: PJ strikes again. I actually love the movies too, but there are elements I still really dislike – the vengeance line is minor enough I never noticed it as a spoken line.
@Raven: You are having too much fun and I am jealous. Nice fish.
Steve in the ATL
@?BillinGlendaleCA: wow. I never thought you’d stick up for the Man over me. That stings!
@Raven: you’ve turned into quite the night owl as well!
@Sab: I am happy to be of service in any way I can. For the record, I like chocolate cream.
Hahaha! Meanwhile in Montana…
Bill Arnold
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
Don’t forget Giuliani’s butt-dials to reporters. Those were some Grade-A random errors.
(Heavy “entropy debt”, perhaps. :-) A meaning that you’ll not find used many places on the internet.)
Raven Onthill
@mad citizen: That was covered in the Atlantic article, but I went looking and found another report at Vox, of a death in Carlisle Penn.
I’ve added them to the links post.
Hello again, Jackals !
Been going through the pictures on this computer, found a bunch of my friends’ cat, wondering yf there’s a Balloon Juice 2020 Calendar planned ? if it’s happening, what the status of that projetc is ? does Mr. Cole want more cute cat pictures ???
The world wonders…
Irrregardess thereof (and to repeat myself), want to wish all of you a very Happy Thanksgiving, and to thank you for your support – moral and otherwise – thoughts, prayers, etc, this past year.
Raven Onthill
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): if it happens it’s going to spread faster, and involve modern rifles. It doesn’t have to be a majority. We just aren’t set up to handle an internal terrorist uprising.
@Jay: Wouldn’t surprise anyone if Modi and Trumpov agreed on the deportations. Win-win for those two.
@Adam L Silverman: I thought of that a lot!
@Steve in the ATL: Ugh, this central time is killin me.
@JAFD: glad you’re doing so much better JAFD! Happy Thanksgiving to you too!
@Jay: That’s why I hate the movies. Made it through the Council of Elrond movie with my new fiance. Hated the movie. He had been fidgeting, because he hated the movie but didn’t want to upset me. I realized that I hated the movie also. Not reflecting the books that I had read. Decicided that I was not going to fuck up this new relatiomnship for this movie I hated.
That’s just my take. Other loyal readers saw it otherwise. Jackson’s concept just didn’t fit mine at all. It was hugely succesful, so I won’t say he was wrong. He just got diferent things from the books than I did.
Also, Turkey day, I got both my pies baked, also my mushroom wild rice casserole ( wild rice is delicious but takes forever to cook.) Also got the dressing (not stuffing, since not stuffed in the bird.) My grand-daughter thought I was being pedantic about that distinction. Yes, but I have a public health distinction to make.
Tomorrow , spouse does bird and all I do is green bean casserole.
We are SO midwestern. It would be embarrassing if I didn’t actually like the place.
Ok, this was something I didn’t know:
mad citizen
@Raven Onthill: Just in case you didn’t know, the Indiana Amazon case has hit the news again in the last couple of weeks, in that there may have been a reversal/coverup involving the Governor as Indiana was thought it was in play for the Amazon HQ2 (as if!), etc.
@satby: evidently another thing I don’t know is how to copy tweets effectively. Would edit, but no option to, sorry folks.
Edit: ok, some improvement obtained in previous comment ?
Has anyone here worked for the census bureau? I applied just for the hell of it and they have sent me encouraging emails on account of being a veteran.
Lobstah! Lobstah and Cava would make a fine T-giving tradition for any decent folk. We’re on the wrong coast and Dungeness crab season hasn’t started, but soon….
BIL does Christmas paella, which he’s basically tasked with now. Has a pan the size of a snow disc.
@Steve in the ATL: Did it wrong. Pied you but did not get you into the old pie filter. Got you into the new pie picture filter. I love that, but I miss the old witty statements by known trolls.
Great new pie filter. I love it a lot. But do to my error I learned not much, and I don’t like pieing you. You can be interesting if misguided.
Maybe I will try NotMax. His stuff is timeless.
@Sab: Pie me, pie me!!!
@Raven: You should do it. Going to football games and fishing all the time, when you could be confronting angry citizens about their personal life? Now that’s fun!
@Duane: I’ll take that as a don’t ya do it. . .
Patricia Kayden
Flattery will get you … everywhere.
@Sab: you can get the sayings by choosing that instead of the pictures of pie tab in the filter.
Cranberry sauce made. 2 lb bag of cranberries which had been lolling about in the freezer for months. Just have to let the mixture cool and then find someplace in the fridge to stow it.
Lurve that the stuff takes all of maybe 20 minutes tops to prepare.
New pie filter with random quotes is a bit weird. Whole new typeface. And different comments/quotes. Not so funny.
I think I would only use this for particularly fierce or offensive trolls. Not suitable for being annoyed this particular hour.
I will try it for tonight, but it is different, and not in a good way. Kind of emphasizes that I am blocking someone. Okay for trolls, but weird for a regular commenter.
I do think this unpleasant aspect to pieing is agood 5hing.
The pie picture is easier. Good object lesson for me. Censorship is censorship. Take note.
Also, I don’t pie people much at all. What is the point of being here at all otherwise. Which makes this experiment even more unpleasant.
But useful.
Worked for the Census in 2009, checking if buildings and addresses were still there, whether anyone was living in ‘garden sheds’ (“Sir, half the world would think that was better than their current dwelling.”) or garage lofts, etc (Had actual job in ’10). Was pretty good job, tho ‘wrist computer’ we carried then was cumbersome.
Have applied for job there again, get chance to get outside, walk around, get exercise – m’aswell get paid for it.
Another Scott
@JAFD: Before the Great Rebooting, there was a front-page link to submit pictures for the next calendar, so I assume JC is doing it again this year.
According to there is an e-mail address for calendar questions.
@trollhattan: We live near the same coast as you, but we’re back in the midwest making a major push to sell the house we still own in LEX, so the lobster tails were a real eye-catcher, and they were really cheap. It seems the local Krogers (that’s Ralphs to you) get Lobster tails fairly often, and srsly try to sell them quickly. So they regularly go on sale after a few hours of being put out.
I love my adopted state, city, neighborhood, but I still don’t get Dungeness crab. It’s Blue Crabs with Old Bay all the way, Hon.
General comment: There’s no internet in this house, so we’re rationing ourselves on a mobile hotspot device. It works fine but AT&T is fucking with us bigtime now, changed our plan without permission, and it gets more complicated, so for now I’ll see what we’ve used and maybe check back later tonight.
Happy Thanksgiving all of y’all!
Raven, pied you also as an experiment. It was weird and unpleasant. Sorry.
Unpied you. It was weird and unpleasant.
I think that is a very good thing.
@Patricia Kayden: That’s cute. Are they also tired of being called Trump trash?
Said it before that I find it somewhat bizarre that the very first thing one encounters on a comment page is a way to block comments.
Steve in the ATL
Just updated my LinkedIn page!
@NotMax: I’m sure that bag of cranberries was laughing out loud on the freezer for months.
Another Scott
You’re living
in your own private Idahowith your own private satellite…Interesting.
Steve in the ATL
On your next visit to Joplin, MO, check out the one Bonnie and Clyde stayed in. It’s the biggest tourist draw in the quad-state/tornado alley area!
@Patricia Kayden:
You know what we’re tired of? NEEDING TO CALL YOU RACIST!
Steve in the ATL
@Sab: I have a wife and two daughters and I deal with labor unions all day. There’s nothing you can say that will hurt me!
Another Scott
Good for MOM!
(This, and the previous one, from nycsouthpaw)
@Steve in the ATL: So sorry. I married into a union family. ( We are right.) We are.
@SectionH: I don’t know if it still holds but a few years ago the biggest lobster pound in the world was in Louisville. Think gigantic pool full of icy salt water and live lobsters. And the tails were cheap because the Chinese put a big retaliatory tariff on American lobster. Mainers have to sell them however they can.
Steve in the ATL
@Sab: I’m pro-union. I’ve said here before that the pendulum has swung too far in favor of management and labor should have more rights.
Now if you’ll excuse me I have to tell
these Pinkerton guards which union thugs to beat up first. Where did I leave my axe handle?
@different-church-lady: They wouldn’t be racist if we didn’t call them racist! /S
@Steve in the ATL: I know you are. I was born into two management family and most of us were also. The only ones who weren’t were lower management and just doing their techniccal jobs and not following the politics. My grandfather was thrilled to be management, but that was just a label. My other grandfather was one of the incorporaters sons. Whole diferent world.
Mary G
I am very depressed tonight. Kavanaugh wrote something that is very bad; I haven’t been able to concentrate enough to watch any news, binge watch something, listen to music or read. It’s cold as fuck for here (47 degrees) and my joints hurt. Guess I’ll make dinner and get in bed with the cats.
Another Scott
@Mary G: It’s a tough time of year, and the horrible politics doesn’t help. Be good to yourself.
Hang in there.
@Steve in the ATL: I have a niece who is pro-labor and a labor lawyer. When I read you online, you could be her. But you are older and more experienced. You aren’t a traitor. You are just trying to get the system to fucking work again.
For those interested, in the Peter Jackson Lord of the Rings, version, he basically paraphrases and sums up 20+ lines of dialogue from Tolkien, you know, to try to keep the series down to being under 19 days, 14 hours and 37 minutes long.
I thought the movies were fine, but then I never expected them to be the books.
Back online because Mr S had problems with his chosen internet machine…
@chris: Wow, I had no idea. But I haven’t lived in LEX for over 12 years, so missed that
. When I still lived in Lexington, we had a go-to fish seller who had amazingly fresh fish, and he told us the fish was flash-frozen on the boats, and then put on a plane, so makes sense. UPS hubs in Louisville*, so not perfect just off the boat, but damn good seafood.
*I could have said at SDF, but that’s one of those airports that I almost always translate ;-p
@Mary G:
self care, get some heat in you, ( bath, wood fire, gas fireplace, electric blanket, extra cats)
The Lodger
@Raven: I was an enumerator in 2010 and I have some stories… veterans have a better chance of being field supervisors than non-vets, that is how my boss got his position. Field sups made marginally more than enumerators. Also 98% of the people in my field office were temps. We could get all the hours we wanted, plus mileage. I heard more than my share of anti-government shit from the people I visited, one of my co-workers had a guy come to his front door dangling a handgun.
If you have other questions, I can probably answer them.
@Mary G: I know, I do. But I’ve mostly been out of my little condo in Hillcrest for almost 2 months now. Have driven SAN-LEX once and LEX-SAN twice, well twice since July. Changing the routes, and I see a LOT (that’s emphasis, not a damn airport code) of hope. In Odessa, TX, I mean the heart of evil oil – and the air stank – waiting for a table, we got to talking to the couple near us, and they are certainly gonna vote against Trump, she just I’m gonna vote for the Democrat. And he was weaseling about being Independent but I could see her making sure…
In Springfield MO (Gateway to *gag me* Branson), our hotel had 3 electric charging stations. Well, 2 were Tesla’s but there was one we could use. And we’ve stayed in Springfield before, and the real modern American civilization is getting a hold there.
This is getting long, but I see a very different picture in some very conservative places than y’know, media poseurs from the east coast. I’m actually a lot more optimistic about Democratic chances now than I was before.
Yes, I know the Courts. But it almost felt like the Soviet Union in the years before the Wall came down – there was so much leakage – and here I hope I mean around the fucking Media bubble – that, well, I’m a true-born pessimist, but right now, I don’t care. There is still hope. (Ok, sue me, that was a Rings line… )
@Raven: my parents did it for the 1990 census and really enjoyed it.
@Raven: I know someone who has done the census thing multiple times over the years. She seems happy enough with it. Drop me a line if you want to know something specific.
Richard Guhl
@Adam L Silverman: You may have just made the best argument for Joe Biden. If job one for the Democratic President will be repairing the damage which Trump has done to our institutions and relationships with our allies, wouldn’t that suggest we elect the person with the most experience and political capital, both at home and abroad?
And wouldn’t that also suggest that that President should appoint non-politicians to the key Cabinet positions of State, Defense, Treasury, and Attorney General, since Trump has politicized them as personal instruments?
Perhaps Fiona Hill for State, Ben Rhodes for Defense, Sally Yates for AG, and Paul Krugman for Treasury?