Coach of the American sycophancy team arrives at the Olympic Village for the opening games.
— The Hoarse Whisperer (@HoarseWisperer) November 29, 2019
Well, THIS is embarrassing: Nine conservative groups or officials have been accused of inflating sales of Donald Trump Jr.’s new book by purchasing it in bulk.
— Jon Cooper ???? (@joncoopertweets) November 28, 2019
this is doubly hilarious because they’ve got these books that they purchased to butter up to don jr. stacked under a sign that says ‘capitalism not cronyism’
— Alex Thomas (@AlexThomasDC) November 28, 2019
The NRCC is supposed to spend money on house races, so if they want to waste it fluffing book sales for Uday instead, totally fine by me.
— Greg Pinelo (@gregpinelo) November 28, 2019
Speaking of TP-USA, what’s triggering its leader Charlie Kirk, this week?
Chick Fil A betrayed us.
We stood by them for years during every attack and controversy
Despite this they announced they will no longer support Christian organizations
Even worse, it has come out they support the Southern Poverty Law Center!!
No more Chick-Fil-A, ever!
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) November 27, 2019
ah yes, the SPLC, with its craven tactics of *checks notes* tracking and occasionally bankrupting white supremacist terrorist groups.
— Zeddy (@Zeddary) November 28, 2019
You see, when liberals were mad at chik fil a because of their funding of anti-LGBT causes, that was left wing PC totalitarianism. But now that conservatives are mad at chik fil a because they donated to *checks notes* the SPLC, that’s just free speech. Any questions?
— Adam Serwer? (@AdamSerwer) November 28, 2019
Literally all that happened was Chik Fil A realizing that owning the libs was not a sustainable business model.
— Zeddy (@Zeddary) November 28, 2019
What’s sent undulations though the business model?
Amir Khalid
OH NOES !!1! If rightwingers start boycotting Chik Fil-A, whatever are they going to eat?
All the Chik-fil-A’s in my town appear unaffected by this. Maybe it’s the power of Mac-n-cheese.
@Amir Khalid
Deep-fried “Christian” wedding cake?
@NotMax: Good call.
Wait till you see what Trump does to you.
Mike in NC
Fuck Mick Mulvaney and his moronic Space Force hat. Did Fat Bastard have a batch made at taxpayer expense to give out to every spineless cabinet member?
I fully suspect that DJT Jr’s book will be used as filler for “The Wall”…..
Thousands sold, dozens read.
Anne Laurie
TBH, I suspect Charlie ‘Diaper Boy’ Kirk secretly enjoys a little abuse & humiliation…
Why anyone would choose Chik-Fil-A over the numerous competitors is beyond me. Don’t you have a Popeyes?
Anne Laurie
@Mike in NC:
Not gonna link, but they’re on sale (not cheap!) on Trump’s campaign web site. I’m sure Thick Mick Mulvaney paid full retail.
Amir Khalid
These organisations that fritter away donors’ money on bulk purchases of nitwits’ books that no one wants to read, I wonder how they dispose of them books. Do they sell them cheap at rallies? Hand them out as campaign freebies? Secretly bury them in landfills?
Mike G
Every Right Wing Accusation is a Confession, Part MCMLCCXIV
Bulk sales have riddled the publishing industry since back in the 1970s. The fun will be in seeing how many are returned after the book falls off the best seller lists and pop up on remainder tables.
Mulvaney looks like a slob. Administration officials should be dressing up, not down. Was he wearing bunny slippers? //
@Amir Khalid:
what ever they do with them, they claim a tax deduction,….
Interesting, although I hate to see Sanders poll that high.
I still remember a (now former) very religious friend emailing to tell me about she and her parents (with whom she still lived) going to Chik Fil A to show their support for religious freedom. And I remember thinking that was just one of the stupidest things I could think of.
Wonder what she and her parents will do now. Probably nothing. Much like Chik Fil A re: their bottom line, her religious beliefs seemed to be rather flexible when it came to inconveniencing her.
@debbie: What do you have against bunny slippers? My sister was wearing hers today.
@Amir Khalid:
Sometime around 2006 a friend dragged me to a conservative symposium at DC hotel featuring Bernard Goldman (remember him?), ostensibly for LOLZ.
In the hallway outside the conference room the sponsor was encouraging people to take as many copies of Bernie’s newest book that they wanted. By that I mean as many cartons as they wanted. They even offered to transport them out to the parking lot for you.
i guess they were tired of lugging them from place to place.
There were very few takers.
Fuck these people for claiming the SPLC is a hate group! Assholes!
the White Supremacy House Mythology repeated breathlessly by the “Now He is Presidential!!!!” MSM is that it was a surprise trip that none of the principals knew about before hand*,
so in theory, that was Mike dressed for a “regular” day at the orfice.
*in theory, the Taliban would not learn of the trip in advance because of an errant, boastful tweet from “somebody”,…..
Would you wear them traveling on a plane?
@Amir Khalid:
For starters, they’ll be in the goodie bags at the Republican Convention…
I would wear them on a plane.
I would wear them on a train.
I would wear them in a van.
I would wear them in the can.
Not much of a surprise to the reporters who had to accompany him on the 13-hour flight. //
right now, the poll results really don’t mean much of anything,
what was interesting was the “probably” generational differences when the polls were split out,….
Hopefully he will, and very soon!
I’m impressed that people still answer their phones.
@Nicole: Probably nothing. Much like Chik Fil A re: their bottom line, her religious beliefs seemed to be rather flexible when it came to inconveniencing her.
Bingo! I watched the damned fools clog up traffic years ago over this nonsense. It’s not even remotely about religion, it’s about white people period.
in order of whom called the SPLC a “hate group” first:
– Christians,
– Nazis,
– MRA’s, Incels, PUA’s
– TERF’s and Gamergaters,
– now ReThugs,
what’s that they say about “the company you keep”?
Anne Laurie
Proof that even a professional suck-up like Mulvaney can’t withstand being trapped in a plane with the Oval Office Occupant for many hours at a stretch without looking like he’s seen things, maaan….
Mike G
I still remember a (now former) very religious friend emailing to tell me about she and her parents (with whom she still lived) going to Chik Fil A to show their support for religious freedom.
I had a vocally Pro-Trump co-worker who would drive halfway across town on his lunch break to eat there for ideological reasons. He also told me he would say Merry Christmas to his tech support customers because he imagined it would piss them off. His whole political ethos seemed to revolve around doing stuff that he imagined liberals would hate, probably as a way of seeking attention after his second divorce. I was glad when he quit to move back to the monochromatic midwestern red state he came from.
Amir Khalid
I really don’t know about that. By what yardstick is a “book” “by” Donald Trump Jr a goodie?
Amir Khalid
patrick II
Chik-fil-A closes on Sundays, which costs them money. The walk the true-believer walk, for which I have a certain respect, unlike so many, beginning with Falwell Jr and Graham Jr, who are in it strictly for the money.
@debbie: But the SPLC is a proven hater of white supremacists.
This fucking timeline.
@patrick II:
closing on Sunday is a small price to pay for ignoring the rest of the New Testament,…… and yet passing for Christian.
@Amir Khalid:
Contest prizes.
First place: one copy Don Jr. book.
Second: two copies, Don Jr. book.
@debbie: Me personally? I might actually wear them while traveling on a train, but not if I were a cabinet official and I would be seen publicly.
Full disclosure: because I have been traveling I have not really caught the context of the bunny slippers thing.
@Baud: My landline is still on my business cards, and all sorts of accounts still have that contact number, like power, water, pet insurance, whatever.
That said, I still do not answer my landline. If someone wants to reach me on the line, they have to leave a message. Unless I recognize the voice of an old friend.
patrick II
I think you overstate the case. And they seem more persuadable than someone in it just for the money. The last two times I was at a local Chik-fil-A I was served (may the liberal god forgive me for stereotyping people) some pretty obviously gay young men. The fact the rest of the Christian right is upset with them adds a point for me.
No, no, no. Too stingy. Second place: A carton of books!
I haven’t flown in years, but I’ve heard many tales of dressed-down passengers.
They still require clothes though.
OK, Boomer.
Well, the thought that that might change is enough to keep me from flying anywhere ever.
@Jay: Josh doesn’t look like a Boomer.
Amir Khalid
I would consider one copy of a Don Jr book, let alone one carton of such, the opposite of a prize.
@patrick II:
Blink… not that there’s anything wrong with that.
@Amir Khalid:
No, but the thought that having it and being seen with it might get you in good standing with the boss would appeal to any RWNJ.
Totally O/T, but what is the font being used for posts? I love the way the upper case J hugs the upper case N in RWNJ.
@WaterGirl: I just got a phone call from somebody asking for the “head of household”. I told him I was dead. Or maybe I told him my wife is dead. My wife and I argue over who is the head of household. I say it’s her. She says it’s me.
One more thing for us to argue about.
ETA a couple weeks ago somebody from the police benevolence association called. I got to tell him to fuck off. All kinds of perks to answering your phone when you don’t know who is on the other end.
Amir Khalid
As I recall from my flying-for-work days, people are customarily expected to comply with their workplace dress code while travelling on the job. There was a time, so I hear, when even those travelling on holiday would dress up to fly. But these days, alas, we live in degenerate times.
If you’re in the market for food served by racist, misogynistic, homophobic assholes, and Chick-fil-A are now guilty of apostasy, there’s still Bill Miller’s Bar-B-Q.
Were reminisced now lets just go our separate ways again
Go find another ex-sweetheart to hang around instead
Because you’re wanted by the police
And my wife thinks you’re dead
@Raven: How was the fishing today?
Gin & Tonic
@patrick II:
Damn, and I thought they just offered fried chicken sandwiches.
@Gin & Tonic: You need to ask for the special.
Roger Moore
@Amir Khalid:
Thank goodness my work thinks it’s OK to wear a t-shirt and jeans.
Who actually wrote Junior’s book? Does anyone know?
As for me, I just typed The End on book 4 of my Regency Mage series. I need to do a VERY fast edit, since it’s a Christmas book.
Are there organizations that bulk-buy ebooks, i wonder?
@chris: Yeah, there’s a missing preposition. Or maybe not…
The Lodger
@Roger Moore: Surgeons? Hooters waitresses? Firefighters?Defensive tackles? SCUBA divers? Clowns?
Mary G
WaPo: Trump’s talk of Afghanistan cease-fire appears to surprise the Taliban, Afghan government.
Not quoting any of it because nobody will say the president makes shit up out of thin air.
@debbie: Just called my stop on the train! Will answer later, but if i forget, just ask me again. thanks
@Raven: I gotta admit Junior’s good, but where do you find these vignettes?
John Revolta
@Raven: Great song.
Somebody stole Junior’s guit-steel out of his car recently. God knows what they thought they could do with it, there ain’t a huge market for such an item.
Bill Arnold
In the linked spreadsheet, it’s “online” vs “landline”, FWIW.
I.e. “Non-Landline” == “online”
Roger Moore
@The Lodger:
I’m a scientist. We’re supposed to wear comfortable, ideally non-flammable clothing. In my particular case, I need to avoid wearing anything made of wool or any other kind of animal hair, since even a tiny scrap of hair can cause serious sample contamination. We are given lab coats, but we aren’t supposed to wear them outside the lab, so no taking them on a plane.
@John Revolta: Junkies and other opportunistic thieves don’t think ahead.
@Bill Arnold:
Online explains Bernie’s numbers.
@JoyceH: Hurrah! I’ve been waiting for it. Have enjoyed them very much, thanks!
@John Revolta: Yea, lot’s of Athens musicians are trying to help.
Bill Arnold
Copy/paste from a spreadsheet sucks, but this should be clear:
karen marie
@Mike in NC: Interesting question. I would assume the answer is yes. Next question is, which agency’s budget was used to pay for it. And then, of course, who got paid – who got the contract to “design” and manufacture the hats.
Well that’s a bit of a stretch. Even some of Corbyn’s defenders would argue that he could and should have done a lot more to address the issue within the Labour Party.
My schaden is still freuded about BJP suffering a national humiliation and proud that the people of Maharashtra were the ones to do it.
The best Twitter is Marathi sarcastic Twitter.
Modi? More like Less-di, amirite?
karen marie
@Mandalay: Meanwhile, the anti-Muslim rhetoric of Johnson has become so normalized, it’s never even mentioned.
Fifty tears ago I was at the Palm Beach Pop Festival
Here’s the poster.
Bill Arnold
[The details of] Indian politics continues to confuse me (especially with all the propaganda and etc), but I did like this with side-by-side maps from 2018 and 2019. Less saffron now.
The political map of India today (November 28, 2019)
The unexected loss of Maharashtra was a rude shock to the BJP, coming as it did after the loss of Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh to the Congress in December 2018. The party’s hold over Haryana weakened recently and it runs a fragile government in Karnataka. In the coming weeks and months, its popularity will be put to test once again when Jharkhand, Delhi and Bihar go to the polls.
David ??Booooooo?? Koch
@Bill Arnold: you mean Wilmer really isn’t leading by 40 points
Amir Khalid
There’s usually a “co-author”/ghostwriter credit.
based on the idea that you dress for the job you want, not the one you have, i assume mulvaney really wants to be a golf caddy.
@Baud: That is funny!
Devendra Fadnavis the outgoing BJP CM’s first tweet Leader of the Opposition was in full on on concern troll mode and the replies to it were funny. People were congratulating him on being a Leader of the Opposition! Because he was bragging before the election that there won’t be any opposition left after the elections in Maharashtra.
@karen marie:
Hardly – it’s a huge issue in Britain right now. From two days ago:
Of course Johnson is a liar and a racist (sound familiar?), but he’s out there apologizing for past sins while Corbyn is refusing to apologize for anti-Semitism within the Labour Party, with an election just days away.
Corbyn might be a wonderful human being (and I think his heart is in the right place), being but as a politician and a leader he is weak and mediocre.
@Bill Arnold: India Today is no longer the publication it used to be. They are too beholden to the ruling BJP with a few exceptions.
The Indian National Anthem names the following provinces
Punjab, Sindh (no longer in India), Gujarat, Maratha, Dravid (south), Utkal (Orissa), Vanga (Bengal) with the exception of Gujarat none of these states now have a BJP government.
Amir Khalid
The BJP has suffered Schade (damage), which gives you Freude (joy).
This is what I said yesterday
Armed with a massive mandate Sangh thought they could ignore the ground realities of India and foist their pet ideologies on the nation. I am glad that they are getting a spirtied pushback. Not just in Maharashtra but elsewhere too. Kashmir was a wake-up call to everyone.
@Amir Khalid: Thanks for the correction, I was trying to Lolspeak German.
ETA: They also lost 3 assembly elections in West Bengal. Bengali Newspaper Headline was
Mamta 3, Poison 0
Mamta Banerjee is the CM of West Bengal. BJP’s National Register of Citizens is targeting Bengalis in particular in Assam.
Thats quite an impressive line-up !
@MagdaInBlack: It was freezing and muddy as hell. The lasting impression is the Chambers Brothers playing “TIME” in the middle night!
Time has come today
young hearts can got their way. . .
@Amir Khalid: yes there is usually a co-author or “with” credit, but not always. Sometimes a book is ghosted and the ghost writer isn’t credited at all. Junior’s book has no other credit. Some of the reviews are saying it’s badly enough written that he might in fact have written it himself. But I don’t believe it. Even writing poorly is too much work. I think it just means that the Trump family hires ghosts about as competently as they staff a government.
Amir Khalid
The idea that either Donald Trump is considered a trendy intellectual, by any group, fills me with serious, not-kidding dismay.
once again, youve got me headed off to YouTube to have a listen. I’d forgotten that one.?
Roger Moore
If you’re supposed to dress for the job you want, it’s amazing the entire Republican party isn’t taking wardrobe tips from Stormy Daniels.
@MagdaInBlack: The make sure you listen to Johnny Winter do “Highway 61”. I had no idea who he was and he was stunning.
Amir Khalid
By that measure, I conclude that President Trump’s real ambition in life is to be a whale.
@schrodingers_cat: Have you heard anything about the BJP meeting with the Conservatives in the UK to push UK Hindu voters to support the Tories? I saw it mentioned somewhere today.
Roger Moore
@Amir Khalid:
And Devin Nunes wants to be a mobster, and Roger Stone wants to be a cartoon villain.
@schrodingers_cat: We all know maps that show political affiliation by area don’t necessarily correspond to populations here in the US. Are there any maps for India showing affiliation by population?
@Amir Khalid:
Ghostwriters almost by definition do not get a credit, at least in U.S. publishing.
@Jay: Yes, I was outraged by Theresa May and the, as someone who lived in the UK for several years I sighed and said to myself this is always where the Tories are. Just read the Telegraph or the Daily Mail.
Well, when Brexit inevitably comes about, ordinary racist Brits will be really surprised and the Scots will go independent.
I can never remember if Uday or Qusay is the dumb one.
@BeautifulPlumage: Here are the states according to population density
@Yarrow: I saw that on Twitter. BJP is an oligarchic party. Before they achieved their present stature they were known as the party of Brahmins and Baniyas (Traders). So not surprised at all. BJP trolls and bots routinely amplify white nationalist voices like Katie Hopkins. They are awful all round.
Chyron HR
Figure out which one is the ugly one and then you can identify the dumb one by process of elimination.
@Amir Khalid: My flying for work days (still) are all international Africa, Asia and, back in the day, Eastern Europe and Russia. Never “dressed” formal for travel because that would be insane. I think that’s only done by businessmen flying on short-haul business meetings.
Bill Arnold
Link was to “The Hindu Business Line” which isn’t obviously ownership-affiliated with India Today.
Mainly happy to see nationalists (with large in-country out-groups to oppress) losing elections, in a major country. Also I dislike Narendra Damodardas Modi and his allies.
And I say, “Hey, Lama, hey, how about a little something, you know, for the effort, you know.” And he says, “Oh, uh, there won’t be any money, but when you die, on your deathbed, you will receive total consciousness.” So I got that goin’ for me, which is nice.
Bill Arnold
Or use the dust-jacket to disguise a book of similar size but more substance. (I’m too prideful to do it even as a joke among friendlies, but RWNJs might consider it.)
@raven: Loved that song.
What’s amazing to me is that anyone cares enough about being in Don Jr.’s good graces that they’d even bother with all this.
@Bill Arnold: Actually they didn’t exactly lose the election BJP won the most seats in the assembly elections (105) but well short of achieving a majority on their own. Their alliance partner of 35 years walked out on them after BJP decided not honor their side of the bargain. Two other parties (Congress and NCP) came together to form an alliance. Altogether the 3 parties have 162 MLAs (members of the legislative assembly). Basically BJP’s high handedness cost them Maharashtra.
Sharad Pawar now almost 80 a three time Chief Minister of Maharashtra took BJP on and won. BJP was trying to use some politically motivated investigation by something called the Enforcement Directorate against Pawar.
ETA: Oh! When the comment said India today, I read it as the publication India Today. My bad.
@Yarrow: Why would they do that? To prevent any further immigration? Seems weird.
@Mainmata: Because they are drunk on their own Kool-Aid. Their intellectual forefathers were fans of Hitler and Mussolini.
@jimmiraybob: Por que, no los dos?
@Jay: NH is a rural state with a lot of hills and valleys, which the phone/internet people have not deemed worthy to spend lots of $$ improving service in. There are still many many landlines around here. My cell phone service sucks, so I still just use a flip phone for emergencies. Also, my friends are not the type to spend their days texting each other. So the demographics may not be quite what you are analyzing from where you sit.
And while I’m at it, fuck Bernie. (we can use the f-word without alteration now?)
The Dangerman
Junior is “in line” to be President after Ivanka serves her two terms (after being Vice President in 2020 after Pence is jettisoned).
Sorry Nikki.
Modi and Shah made the same mistake that Nehru made, they chose to forget that the regional linguistic identities (thousands of years old) are stronger than the Indian national identity which 70 plus years old.
Three ideologically divergent parties came together to keep BJP out of power.
@Roger Moore: Roger Stone is a cartoon villain in human form.
Anne Laurie
If you want to write up a post about this, I’d be happy to front-page it!
Anne Laurie
No lie: Trump’s personal aide (& main tweet-sender) is Dan Scavino, whose talents (for sycophancy) Trump discovered while Scavino was caddying for him.
So, maybe Mulvaney was just trying (or had been told) to make Donny ‘comfortable’ by dressing like… The Help.
Murphy the Trickster God knows Thick Mick isn’t too proud to comply.
@Anne Laurie: Thanks! I am working on it.
Anne Laurie
IIRC, Junior’s girlfriend / handler Kimberly Guilfoyle is a *lot* smarter & better educated than you’d expect. Not gonna read the thing, but it wouldn’t surprise me if Kim took Young Donny’s semi-coherent ramblings and edited them into something that could be passed off as a book, for purposes of suck-up bulk sales. And if she read it back to him, he’d absolutely believe he was the “real” author.
(Of course, this is one more weapon in KG’s arsenal once she jumps ship & is marketing her own tell-all book… )
Back in ye recession, I was enrolled in a ‘jobseeker assistance’/’back-to-work’ program. Guy running the office had been the ‘as told to’ for memoirs of local celebrity. Found copy of that book, couple of years later, thought of looking up ‘ghost’ and having him autograph it…
Anyway, ‘ghost’s’ name is on dustjacket and title page.
Villago Delenda Est
Mick Mulvaney and Charlie Kirk are such useless sacks of protoplasm.
Villago Delenda Est
@Geoduck: No Trump at all has grace of any kind.
@Amir Khalid:
Secretly bury them in landfills?
They would have to do it secretly because that crap is toxic waste. Cost more to dispose of it than print it in the first place.
Anne Laurie
@schrodingers_cat: I figured you might have heard about it. They seem pretty awful. No surprise they’re pushing the Tories. Are there known Russian connections and involvement with Modi and/or the BJP?
Authoritarians and nationalists of a feather flock together…
They (correctly) see him as a placeholder for his father.
@Amir Khalid:
I flew more than 7 months a year for my job. I was going comfortable, not the dress code for the office. Most everyone else dressed similar. One big unhappy family.
@Roger Moore:
When I did all my business flying I could wear the office clothing, unless you consider the events I was flying to, to be my office. I did spend more time at events than at the office so I’d guess maybe that might count, but the uniforms we wore, I wasn’t wearing that on the plane – I didn’t want to be the complaint department when flying.
I can never remember if Uday or Qusay is the dumb one.
Yes they are.
@Walker: I’ll bite since I live in the state where the franchise was founded. Whatever one thinks of their food, Chick-fil-a’s customer service and attention to detail in their restaurants is unmatched by the other franchisee’s. While there is a Popeye’s locally, there are only a couple of them in this small city and largely, they are not accessible for most residents.
LOL (literally, Steve in Not-BWI) I didn’t see that one coming although I should have, since it was from you.
Junior Brown! One of my all-time faves, I even learned to play it and (sort of) sing it.
@Amir Khalid:
see, i think we’re on to something here.
cleos mom
What will be even more interesting is what percentage of each group will actually vote.
Color me shocked, shocked, I tell you.