I get it. I went to summer camp once and the other kids made fun of me, and I called my mom to bring me home early. https://t.co/1wKJVfMWAz
— J.W. Verret (@JWVerret) December 4, 2019
We need a President who isn't a laughing stock to the entire World. We need a truly great leader, a genius at strategy and winning. Respect!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 9, 2014
… And yet, we’re stuck with this putz. You’ve all probably seen the video by now, and what a video it is…
After video surfaced that appeared to show the French, Canadian and British leaders mocking his long q&a sessions yesterday, Trump says his scheduled press conference is off and he’ll go directly to Washington after his meetings instead.
— Kaitlan Collins (@kaitlancollins) December 4, 2019
Justin Trudeau Is ‘Two-Faced,’ Trump Says of Comments Caught on Video https://t.co/90nJIP7qoc
— Heidi Przybyla (@HeidiNBC) December 4, 2019
Even his dedicated NYTimes courtiers couldn’t buff a gloss on this turd:
President Trump arrived in London Monday evening planning to tout a foreign policy accomplishment his presidential campaign wants him to run on: successfully pressuring allies to pay more toward the costs of running NATO.
Less than 48 hours later — after he was put on the defensive in front of the cameras and then was the subject of gossip at a private reception of world leaders, a moment caught in a viral video — Mr. Trump canceled a planned news conference before heading back to Washington earlier than planned.
The timing was not perfect. Mr. Trump had hoped the 70th anniversary celebration of NATO might provide a flattering stage and a triumphant narrative, even as Democrats on Capitol Hill on Wednesday trotted out sober legal scholars to testify at the House Judiciary Committee’s first public impeachment hearing…
Mr. Trump had, in fact, answered hours of scattershot questions from the news media by the time the gathering was over. But his quiet departure from Britain — without a splashy tabloid newspaper interview or a sit-down with a friendly television personality, or the set-piece final news conference he typically conducts when abroad — seemed to show an uncharacteristic admission of defeat…
Although the Canadian prime minister admitted in a news conference that he was talking about Mr. Trump in the video, he said his “jaws drop” comment referred only to the surprise announcement that the upcoming Group of 7 summit would be held at Camp David, rather than as Mr. Trump had originally proposed at the Trump National Doral golf resort in Miami.
Mr. Trudeau added, “I have a very good relationship with President Trump and his team.”…
“His handlers find him exasperating, too.”
To be fair to Trump, he hold three impromptu news conferences Tuesday for a total of two hours and one minute. But his decision to cancel his news conference comes after being publicly mocked by his global peers.
— Ashley Parker (@AshleyRParker) December 4, 2019
To be fair to the truth, those ‘three impromptu press conferences’ seem to have been what the NATO leaders were laughing about.
Trudeau: "He was late because he takes a 40-minute press conference at the top…You just watch his team’s jaws drop to the floor." https://t.co/S9S32OONM0
— Kaitlan Collins (@kaitlancollins) December 4, 2019
I didn’t think I’d ever *literally* see someone laughed off the world’s stage.
— Josh Walker (@JAkinWalker) December 4, 2019
Yesterday's events suggests NATO still has a strong first strike capacity against a hostile aggressor.
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) December 4, 2019
The “fuck your feelings” president is a very sensitive snowflake, and that’s rather representative of the fragility of those who think of themselves as embodying phrases like “fuck your feelings.” https://t.co/SE4qqiGoCi
— Adam Serwer?? (@AdamSerwer) December 4, 2019
As reporters were leaving the room during Trump's lunch with leaders from countries that meet the 2% NATO threshold, the radio pooler caught Trump saying, "That was funny when I said that guy was two-faced."
— Kaitlan Collins (@kaitlancollins) December 4, 2019
(Trump probably hadn’t forgotten Trudeau’s name… again. Already. Had he?)
Look, the important thing is that under President Trump the United States is finally respected in the world again. https://t.co/oP6UMznLNy
— Daniel W. Drezner (@dandrezner) December 4, 2019
I’m surprised Trump didn’t figure it out until now. Not even Jarvanka would counsel him?
America loves a winner! And will not tolerate a loser!
Always be closing! Coffee is for closers!
Wait, I forgot what we were doing here.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Joe Biden has an ad out
of course republicans are fine with a president that stamps his feet and runs away from a nato meeting because someone made fun of him.
Mallard Filmore
Hello Muddah, Hello Faddah
I am laughing because “two-faced” was what my friends and I accused each other of when we were in junior high. And then we grew up and went to high school. A politician who can’t be two-faced should retire immediately.
Xi won’t return his calls, and Kim Jong Un is about to ride into our living rooms on his white stallion Christmas morning, but never fear, Americans: trumpov has the respect and adoration of
TaMara (HFG)
Biden wasted no time with it. It’s a good ad.
@Jeffro: Yeah, Matt Gaetz asking the professors who among them had actually witnessed the events that were the subject of the hearing was a real winning strategy.
Mary G
I particularly enjoyed seeing Boris Johnson wish he was anywhere but there, because he knew he would be in trouble with Putin.
@Mallard Filmore: OMG I haven’t heard an Allen Sherman song in at least 20 years…my dad had a couple of his records!
I liked the ditty about vaccines =)
You’re not the boss of me! President Ham Head implied as he flounced off the world stage back to the fort he built with couch cushions in the west wing.
In a sane world in a period of crisis an American President would seek the advice and counsel of prior American Presidents -because protecting and defending the Constitution was “A Thing.”
Imagine, if you will, Trump calling Obama or any Bush for guidance on the corner he’s painted himself into on the world’s stage.
@Barbara: “YOU CALL YOURSELVES LAW PROFESSORS, BUT: what ‘IS’ law? Have you ever HELD IT??”
Jesus, they are so f-in stupid it’s amazing.
I have told my RWNJ dad and bro that – referring to trumpov – “even white supremacists deserve better representation”. Might have to extend that to Gaetz and Gohmert constituents too.
Nah, never mind on that.
@laura: PLEASE SNL – do the “couch cushions/pillow fort retreat” skit!
He’ll literally dissolve into a puddle of shame. (Narrator: no, Jeffro, that’s not actually possible with this guy)
Ok, narrator, you’re right…but still SNL, do the skit!
Nice picture, WSJ. Looks like Macron is giving a timeout to an asshole child who’s old enough to be his dad.
Oh wait…
Chetan Murthy
But he might stroke out. Wouldn’t that be nice?
@Jeffro: Kim Jong Un is Santa? Couldn’t have predicted that one.
It always amazes me that the man who publicly mocks everyone, including the handicapped, sick, elderly and the poor, is too thin skinned to tolerate a slight that was uttered in private.
This is only news because we all know that Trump will have a hissy fit. Any other president would have shrugged it off as not worth his notice.
“Law comes in, law goes out. No one can explain it.”
randy khan
Of all the things that Trump is bad at that are important to being President, he’s almost certainly worst at foreign policy. He is friendly with people he should avoid, he knows essentially nothing about the relationships or the things that actually matter, and he’s a bull in a china shop when nuance is required. It’s a total train wreck.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: He’s been making noise about sending the US a ‘Christmas surprise’ and doing photo ops on white horses.
I’m not terribly concerned…but I can’t say it’s completely out of my mind that something extremely stupid might happen.
randy khan
I dunno, it seems pretty typical of that kind of person to me.
Stable geniusing iz hard.
Maybe this is a crazy thought, but what if the early departure had something to do with his health? Wouldn’t Trump come out guns blazing after he heard people were making fun of him? That seems to be his usual reaction. Instead, he tucks tail and runs off instead of running his mouth. Scuttlebutt has it that he hasn’t been himself after his “physical” so…. well, anyway, just sayin’.
@TaMara (HFG): you’ve got a lot of nerve making me fall in love with Joe Biden after my Kamala Harris heart break. \\
Damn Team No Malarkey, that hits home…hard.
@NotMax: Verily, it is a mystery!
I love how we have to nail down every aspect of this, parse every word of trumpov’s obvious QPQ, have eighteen eyewitnesses on both ends of every call, get told he was ‘just kidding’/’fighting corruption’/etc…
…and yet a half dozen key administration witnesses can’t come testify on behalf of Mr. Innocent.
Just come on down to Capitol Hill and lay ’em out, Donnie, you ‘Rocky’ stand-in, you. Raise your hand, take the oath, and tell all these horrible Dems to their faces what you did and how you’d do it again. It WAS ‘perfect’, after all, right? What’s the issue here?
Adam L Silverman
@TaMara (HFG):
The woman directly to Trudeau’s right, who is largely obscured by the guy from Belgium who is standing to Macron’s left, is Princess Anne. She was chided yesterday by the Queen for refusing to greet the President and First Lady. Look at Princess Anne’s response:
@Jeffro: “Community” did Blanketsburg vs Pillowtown.
David ??Booooooo?? Koch
Biden’s attack ads against Dump have consistently been devastating.
Kudos to the ad team.
@Chetan Murthy: I’m totes down with that.
@Barbara: If I didn’t see it, it didn’t happen! Lalalallalallalalala!
West of the Rockies
You know, I really disliked Reagan, Bush Jr., Cheney, Romney… But they fade to nothing in the glowing hatred I hold for Trump.
Question: if Sarah Palin had not become so popular with her mean-girl dumb assery, would we have Trump? It strikes me tonight that she was a true precursor and made acceptable Trump’s even worse disdain for honesty, honor, hard work, and integrity.
And Dump was mocked by Boris Johnson. Boris! Fucking! Johnson! What’s next, Natasha mocks Dump too?
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I think this, above all else, encapsulates the right’s hypocrisy for me on shit like “fuck your feelings”. I’d hate them marginally less if they’d at least say, “yeah, that’s a fair cop” or “turnabout is fair play”, when insulted like this. But they don’t. Instead, they act scandalized and the “fuck your feelings” goes out the window
@oatler.: I used to think they would have to pull him out of the WH kicking and screaming, holding onto the door frame and what not.
Now I think it’s more likely that they’ll find him babbling to himself about “theserverTheServerTHESERVER” and needing guidance to his waiting ride.
Mar-a-Lago has lots of blankets and sofa cushions, Donnie! Most of them don’t even have bedbugs, maybe.
West of the Rockies
@West of the Rockies:
Of course, no Limbaugh, no Fox News, probably we would not have had a Palin on the national scene.
@laura: “Hey Obummer! You’re a total loser, I’m tremendous bigly.”
“Hi Donald. How’s the impeachment inquiry going for you asking Ukraine to create dirt on Joe Biden? Has Michael Flynn been carted away to prison yet?”
@West of the Rockies: Honestly I still keep ‘W’ in a higher level of loathing for all the damage he did to our country. But just barely.
That picture with Macron in the first tweet – he looks like Alec Baldwin play acting a pouty Trump. Amazing inability to dissemble.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@West of the Rockies:
I’ve never realized until today that Limbaugh’s voice is extremely annoying. Like his broadcasts could be used as a form of torture because of the sound of his voice alone
@?BillinGlendaleCA: To reference Jeff Tiedrich, I have to admit that I did not have “Kim Jong Un is Santa” on my Donald Trump Batshittery Bingo card.
I think Trump and Palin are both symptoms of the same disease that has taken hold of the Republican party. Republicans prize privilege over competence and hold an utter disdain for intelligence and basic morality. Grover Norquist stated it explicitly when he described his ideal president as an idiot who could hold a pen. Dan Quayle and George W were less extreme examples of the same phenomenon.
I don’t think Palin’s popularity with the right actually made things worse, but she was a flashing warning sign of where the party was headed.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Bush killed more people when it came to wars. Trump is destroying our institutions and destabilizing the country (and the post-WW2 global order), helping give rise to far-right extremist movements that produce domestic terrorists.
He also killed thousands in Puerto Rico because of his neglect. At least 3000, as many as those that died during the 9/11 attacks.
Lefties that get all huffy and puffy, insisting that Bush was worse, drive me insane. Trump is the existential threat that the Bush admin, as awful as it could be, never was
@NotMax: But does the moron saying that sexually harass a woman to the tune of 32 million dollars?
West of the Rockies
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
I’ve loathed Limbaugh’s voice since he was a local hack on KFBK out of Sacramento.
@NotMax: Having really good brain just complicates the stable geniusing.
Roger Moore
Of course Trump won’t seek the counsel of previous presidents in our moment of crisis; he’s the cause of the crisis.
West of the Rockies
True. Republicans have become more cruel and disdainful for decades. I doubt Eisenhower would recognize the modern GOP.
Why could that be? ? If I only had more than one chin to stroke while pondering this…
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Honestly, Biden should just buy a block of time around Fox and Friends, broadcast that ad every 10 minutes and let Trump’s meltdown do the rest of the work for him.
Chetan Murthy
@West of the Rockies:
He’d recognize ’em alright. He had their number back in 1954. From Snopes: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/social-insecurity/
@West of the Rockies:
NO! I believe Sarah Palin was a trial balloon for what level of stupid Rethuglican voters would allow.
Cheryl Rofer
@Dmbeaster: Macron regularly mimics Trump’s body language. It’s advice that communications professionals regularly give to promote better communication. But I get a vibe of mocking from Macron too.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Oh no. How much of him did you have to hear to come to this conclusion? Your poor ears.
Roger Moore
@West of the Rockies:
This is a great example of a post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy. It’s not that the rise of Sarah Palin caused Trump or made him possible. Instead, they’re both the result of the same underlying forces. The people who looked at Sarah Palin and saw a much more exciting candidate than John McCain also looked at Donald Trump and saw greatness. Those people were out there, and the Republican party has been actively courting them and changing the party to make it over in their image.
Roger Moore
When the revolution finally comes and we’re sentencing the class enemies, Grover Norquist should escape the firing squad and instead be drowned in a bathtub. Poetic justice demands it.
@West of the Rockies: Oh Ike wouldn’t. Especially with all the sucking of the Kremlin’s ass.
@TaMara (HFG): I know Biden gets crapped on by the online left for being too moderate, too old, too unlikely to pursue big necessary changes — and there’s truth to this!
But honestly, Biden is my strongest choice in terms of repairing the damage Trump has done to our allies and international relations. I don’t think that Warren or anyone else has the same kind of chacet that Biden has on the world stage. And, for me, that’s a compelling reason to vote for him, even if he’s not my top choice.
@Roger Moore: LOL Well said, sir.
Roger Moore
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
I disagree. W was a very great threat; he was just quieter about it. Almost every kind of corruption people are complaining about with Trump is just a more in your face version of something W and company tried.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Is it irresponsible to speculate…?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@laura: If Ron Klein and the others around Biden can figure out the modern version of a front porch campaign and do more ads like that….
Roger Moore
@West of the Rockies:
I think he would recognize more of it than you think. There was a big, ugly nativist wing of the party in Eisenhower’s time, the same wing of the party that liked Hitler and fought tooth and nail against every aspect of the New Deal. Eisenhower only ran in 1952 to keep Robert Taft from getting the nomination precisely because he knew how toxic that wing of the party was. He’d be terribly disappointed that the far right wing of the party had completely taken it over, but he wouldn’t be surprised at the existence of that school of thought in the party.
@Quiltingfool: Trump is a coward. He’s the worst manifestation of punching down. That’s why he ran away – it’s what he does, so he can complain on Twitter away from where anyone can rebut him or squeeze his hand too hard or scare him with a set of stairs.
@Adam L Silverman:
An appealing idea from an armchair pundit, but almost certainly fake news. This explanation is far more plausible:
West of the Rockies
@Roger Moore:
Ike certainly saw the junior senator of Wisconsin as a troublesome force.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
another story he’s not going to like seeing floating around his twitter feeds
In my experience, although not all cowards are bullies … All bullies are cowards. The Toxic Toddler is no exception.
Amir Khalid
Then put Biden’s avuncular charm to use in an ambassador-at-large position or something similar. My main concern with him is that he doesn’t seem to have quite the political or executive chops for the presidency itself.
@Amir Khalid: That’s sort of my problem with Uncle Joe, he still seems stuck in the Senate in another time.
ETA: There are no “honorable colleagues across the aisle” anymore.
@Cheryl Rofer: Could be, but I was so dumbstruck by the blaringly obvious butt-hurt expression on Trump’s face that I did not focus on Macrin.
Comrade Colette Collaboratrice
@Amir Khalid:
That’s a legitimate but secondary concern for me. My main concerns are that he is nearly 80 fuckin’ years old, and that he is hopelessly stuck in the past in a bubble of sexist, “aren’t you cute!” old-white-dude privilege.
Comrade Colette Collaboratrice
@Comrade Colette Collaboratrice: And that said, I will still crawl over broken glass, etc., etc.
I don’t know about that.
Sure gwb got us into a lot of wars that should never have been and a lot of people killed and all, but numb nuts is killing children that he’s imprisoned. gwb not pardoning Libby was the least thing he did, but he did it. trump pardoned Libby last year and has so fucked up the middle east – along with every other single thing he’s touched.
I’m thinking that in the long run more people will needlessly die than under gwb. Our country is screwed up financially now, racists are energized and the republican party has gone all in on on full throttle stupid in the name of trump. And it sure feels and looks like another recession coming on because of shit for brains. Of course gwb gave us one of those and not an insignificant one either.
I’m going draw between them as far as presidents, with trump getting the nod for worst human.
@Roger Moore:
Exactly right on Ike.
@Amir Khalid:
He didn’t have them the last 2 times he ran for the presidency and he’s also 77 yrs old this time around. If he hasn’t found them by now he’s either not looking or is mistaken that he has them.
I’ll ask the class, what did he do during the run up to getting the ACA passed?
OTOH he has seen that Harris would be a good VP and said he’s not actually sure of 2 terms.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: You mean ‘orange shitgibbon’ isn’t a natural human skin tone?!
David ??Booooooo?? Koch
If Biden is the nominee, he should select Harris as his running mate early and let her go around dismantling Dump and company. Start the destruction as soon as possible. Don’t wait until mid July.
Had a job interview today, studied up on “situational” questions, the most common one being how to deal with someone angry,
didn’t get any questions, mostly it seemed that the interview was set up just to see if I was a real person and not an online figment.
Anyway, overheard a conversation between a Mom and her daughter about a conflict her daughter was having with someone, and the Mom said:
” sometimes you just have to hug people you don’t like, so that you will know how deep and wide you have to dig the grave”.
@Jay: LMAO!
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
@AxelFoley: Yes, although Ronald and GWB were very much a prelude to Trump. He has the all the signs of leaving a disaster in his wake that makes the GWB financial crisis look like a minor blip. Clean up after Trump will have to be massive and painful. It may even be impossible. And lives are being and will continue to be lost, mostly in the shadows.
@randy khan:
He’s the worst at everything because he’s always out only for himself, never doing anything for the country and willing to sell it out of that’s better for his bank account and ego.
He’s possibly worst at foreign policy (and tarriffs) is because there is so much more he can do on his own, without any process or approval to slow him down.
Mike G
@Roger Moore:
Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes you can do these things. Among them are H. L. Hunt (you possibly know his background), a few other Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or business man from other areas.4 Their number is negligible and they are stupid.
— Dwight Eisenhower letter to Edgar Eisenhower, November 1954
@Jay: That’s awesome!
David ??Booooooo?? Koch
Anne Laurie
Hillary gave a fascinating interview today on the Howard Stern show.
I think you’ll like it.
Here’s a clip of her and Howard discussing Obama (link)
Here are more clips from Stern’s Youtube page (link)
@West of the Rockies: palin wouldn’t have even been a blip on the public consciousness if she hadn’t been dragged into the spotlight by Steve Schmidt and John Fucking McCain. Without the republican party propping her up she’s faded back into obscurity.
Shorter: it’s the republican leadership and their “win at any cost” mentality that was responsible for palin and drumpf.
@sukabi: Amen. Fuck John “Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran” McCain for introducing the other 49 states to the Wasilla Wingnut Wonder.
And she wouldn’t have faded back to obscurity. Who the hell knew of her out of Alaska?
@David ??Booooooo?? Koch:
Even in that clip about Obama she casually dropped a sore-loser-ism that I can’t believe she’s still hanging onto (and is factually wrong) — that she got more votes than Obama in the ’08 primaries. She only did if you count primaries that the DNC invalidated before they happened and that Obama didn’t contest (but she did).
I’m of two minds about this. Much as I enjoy Trump getting pantsed on the world stage, the Guardian did report that the source of the video was Sputnik, and Putin is determined to break up NATO.
But, screw it, I want Trump off-balance from now to November, so I’ll take it. I wonder when Trump and the GOP will realize that Putin really doesn’t love them after all.
Amir Khalid
The primaries may have been invalidated by the national party, but as I recall Hillary did indeed win those votes even if they didn’t count.
Recordings of phone calls, with Trump trying to shake him down for something. Ideally Kim played along and offered Trump a real estate deal, or even better outright cash payments, in exchange for reducing US presence in South Korea, and Trump agrees.
(I figure if you’re asking Santa for something, you might as well aim high. Besides, mine is more realistic than getting a pony.)
@Amir Khalid: No, the invalidated primaries went to Obama, that is why it sore loserism that she brings it up now.
Is he also planning to ask Alito and Gorsuch that question?
@randy khan:
Yup. What surprises me more is the relatively large number of voters who support the whiniest guy in America when they would call someone else a candyass for making even one of the crybaby comments he makes every day.
@BR:It was unnecessary point to make. But it didn’t bother me.
same here. Largely because IMO the Bush Crime family is the architect of the GOP strategy of stealing elections. And somewhere JEB! is cheering on this awful train wreck because he believes it makes his family look less criminal and inept.
Mary Ellen Sandahl
@West of the Rockies: For some of us it goes back at least to the Bush Sr. vs Dukakis campaign under the vile leadership of professional racist rapist of rats Lee Atwater. The main difference being that Bush himself kept a patrician distance.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@chopper: It’s not just the Republicans, it’s his base that seems to think it’s awesome that Trump is such a total wuss. That’s some really addled thinking they got there. And it wasn’t like Trudeau was really tearing into Trump ether. “Easily hurt delicate and most likely paraniod snowflake” really sums Trump up.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@BR: here’s another fun fact. It was her people to started questioning Obama’s birth certificate too.
Thank god being the original Brither didn’t turn off any Democratic voters in 2016, eh?
Richard Guhl
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): They’re dish it out, take it ratio approaches infinity.
Bill Arnold
That resembles psychopath talk. I’d be cautious, personally. (If it’s related to the interview.)