From commenter TomatoQueen:
Edith’s black kitty, Merlin, is ready to come live with me. Travel will be from Minnesota to Virginia in December. The flight parent is Schlemazel’s niece LauraToo, who is presently visiting Australia but will be home in time to bring me Merlin on December 11th. Here is the PayPal link to help defray the cost, so if you all can help, it would be greatly appreciated.
You all know what to do!
Open thread!
TomatoQueen is the post that has his pictures.
@TomatoQueen: Congratulations on your soon-to-be new family member.
@WaterGirl: Thank you. I’m looking forward to a good cuddle with my boy, tho’ he’ll probably want to inspect first.
Just kicked in a bit. So happy that Merlin will have a home with Tomato Queen.
@TomatoQueen: There’s just no predicting. My boy kitty looks very much like your soon-to-be companion, and he is my snuggle bug.
@WaterGirl: A good omen, I think!
@TomatoQueen: Donated. By the way, I believe we share an alma mater (St. John’s College). My best Seminar was Junior year with Messrs. Lenkowski and Maistrellis. I bumped into both of them at my 35th reunion this past September.
I hope the kitty settles in well.
Mary G
Put in what I could.
Will kick in when I get to work. Don’t have my card here as I left it in my desk at work. Stupid, but I was doing some clandestine Christmas shopping at work yesterday. Oh well, at least my office is locked!
zhena gogolia
Is there a way to send you a check?
Kicked in what I could for now.
Kicked in a bit.
Kicked in
Hi everyone,
Just woke up to find out there is enough in the account to cover the costs. No need to donate if you haven’t already. We’ll donate the excess to the Balloon Juice pet calendar. Thank you so much. Tomato Queen, we’ll expect pics in his new home. ?
@rekoob: I had Maistrellis for seminar sophomore year & can’t remember now who was in the other chair–my eyes were on Nick. Thanks for good wishes for the kitty.
@Edith: Wow. Just wow. What a lovely snarly jackaltariat! Thank you so very very much. Will oblige with pics as soon as we can. Thank you.