At a Pizza Hut.
— Malarksist Revolutionary (@agraybee) December 5, 2019
The multinational big-box kleptocrats, with the Oval Office Occupant as their spokesthing, are making it impossible for the traditional regional hatemongers to get the earned media (free publicity) they rely upon to survive!
Take, for instance, newly-minted reparative-justice advocate and unindicted insurance-fraud Republican Darrel Issa:
"Are we better off spending $60,000 a year to put him behind bars or are we better off with him doing community service and going on with his life with the likelihood of him committing a crime in the future being pretty low?” via @TPM
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) December 6, 2019
“If the soulless legislative middle managers are gonna keep a stand-up guy like Duncan Hunter from voting with us, just because he’s pled guilty to robbing wounded veterans to pay for his golf fees, cigar bars, and at least five extramarital liaisons with lobbyists and staffers… who’s gonna be left to accuse the Democrats of immorality and lawlessness? (ME!, that’s who)”
… In August, Issa announced that he had launched an exploratory committee to consider a potential bid for Hunter’s seat, which prompted him to withdraw his nomination by Trump for a trade post.
The Union-Tribune noted that unlike other challengers running for Hunter’s seat, Issa has not criticized the embattled Republican congressman.
On Thursday, the House Ethics Committee urged Hunter to “refrain from voting on any question at a meeting of the House or of the Committee of the Whole House,” citing a House rule regarding convicted lawmakers…
Not to mention the sad status of favorite blog chewtoy Little Prince Rand, who can’t get any front-page MSM attention for the kind of puke-funnel performance that used to be worth thousands from his donors / voters…
I know we're all used to it by now but it's still pretty crazy there's no political penalty to be paid for just pretending the facts are completely different from what they are anymore.
— Andrew Egger (@EggerDC) December 4, 2019
How rad is it that a GOP that's spent weeks going absolutely ballistic about the fact that the whistleblower was seemingly in brief contact with Schiff is going to care not one bit that Nunes was in contact with one of Giuliani's hilariously shady goons
— Andrew Egger (@EggerDC) December 4, 2019
— Robert Rikard (@rgrikard) December 4, 2019
Are we going to just gloss over Trump tasking the EPA with figuring out why his KFC poopies don’t go down the gold potty on the first flush?
Mary G
I don’t want to think about zombie Issa, who is laying ground to lobby for Twitler not going to jail. So here’s a lovely short animated film by Matthew Cherry about a man learning to do his daughter’s hair. Some funny, some sad, and a sweet tear jerking ending, with an excellent cat.
Well worth spending 6:48 minutes of your life on.
Mary G
Well. I just finished bragging on the site rebuild thread that I had not been in moderation since the changeover and now I am. Too many links and hashtags. Trying another way:
It’s a lovely short animated film by Matthew Cherry about a man learning to do his daughter’s hair. Some funny, some sad, and a sweet tear jerking ending, with an excellent cat for comic relief.
ETA: Sorry for the duplication, and thanks whoever let the original out of BJ jail so quickly.
@Martin: I think it’s the hambenders.
Mike in NC
Funny how both Kentucky senators are deeply compromised by and indebted to the Russians.
@Mary G:
I think Issa’s laying the groundwork for himself for when his time comes.
I vote for glossing.
David ??Booooooo?? Koch
No wonder Baby Doc’s neighbors kicked his ass.
@Mary G: That was so touching.
Bill Arnold
Trump apparently does not believe in American ingenuity, but these Penn State researchers might deliver anyway: New, slippery toilet coating provides cleaner flushing, saves water (November 18, 2019)
Amir Khalid
What leads Darrell Issa to conclude that Duncan Hunter is unlikely to commit any more crimes?
@aAmir Khalid
His trusty Magic 8-ball. Can’t argue with science.
David ??Booooooo?? Koch
Dump has always been a four flusher.
David ??Booooooo?? Koch
On a related note, the ? Ducks are just crapping on Utah
James E Powell
I’d bet a Go Fund Me would raise ten years expenses in less than ten hours time. Who’s with me!
@David ??Booooooo?? Koch: Yea, I’ll watch the second half in the morning. It’s going to be a long day at the Benz!
James E Powell
@David ??Booooooo?? Koch:
Pac 12 is a joke. Really want to see UGA beat LSU tomorrow.
And of course, Go Buckeyes!
UCLA improbably up 1-0 against Stanford.
@Mary G:
6:48 minutes well spent. Thank you
Aaand, Stanford equalizes.
Mary Ellen Sandahl
I’m snickering so hard over “spokesthing” I can’t read the rest of the post properly…
Wasn’t Issa the one who came out with that remark about weird amoral liberals and intimate relations with snapping turtles or somethinag, back in Bush 2’s time? Or was it somebody else?
@Mary G: That was me, and you are most welcome!
David ??Booooooo?? Koch
@trollhattan: College game hasn’t been the same since Sonnett left Virginia.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
King such a dumb ass he things Western Society happened in isolation and not part of the greater culture of EuroAsia? More specifically, is Steven King so stupid he can’t read a map?
The Dangerman
I’m calling schenanigans; Trump likely thinks his poopies are potpourri (with emphasis on the pot in this case, I suppose) and he only flushes after Melania makes him.
If I’m reading things right, the Supreme Court has made Friday the 13th as the day that they may decide to make Trump cough up his taxes. If the USSC says turn them over, I wonder if he just says, fuck it, I’m outta here, I resign as long as Pence pardons me for everything (so unlikely, I know, but better to call it a day than to end up in jail, and his taxes must be radioactive).
@Martin: We can talk about that, but let’s remember that Dump is a Soviet shitpile mobster conman. Because how he poopoos isn’t impeachable.
Heh. 91-year-old Mom is one with it hepcat. The entirety of the response which showed up in my inbox to a historical photo of something in her town which I had sent by e-mail:
“Very cool!”
@The Dangerman: I’m thinking if the USSC says to turn over his taxes, he’ll say fuck it, make me.
Mary G
@The Dangerman: He and Melania have always had separate bathrooms, and I doubt he ever flushes himself. Probably rings for the $10/hour undocumented maid to do it.
@Mike in NC: Sounds like a reason to kick both to the curb.
Anne Laurie
It takes a far more skilled scammer than Nepotism Hire Duncan Hunter Jr to convince people to vote for him *after* he’s pled guilty to stealing from both his donors and his ‘charities’.
If he’s not an elected official any more, he can’t skim campaign funds to support the lifestyle to which he believes he’s accustomed.
And his wife is divorcing him, so he can’t even be accused of adultery!
@Amir Khalid: Because wealthy white boyz. Of course. That’s why we never need to lock any of them up.
Anne Laurie
@Martin: I spend quite enough time writing about that turd Trump; I am NOT going to waste any on Trump’s turds.
Heading to the ACC championship game tomorrow with the family, very exciting stuff!
We’ve been practicing our cheers:
@James E Powell: Mushroom, mushroom
@The Dangerman: If I’m reading things right, the Supreme Court has made Friday the 13th as the day that they may decide to make Trump cough up his taxes. If the USSC says turn them over, I wonder if he just says, fuck it, I’m outta here, I resign as long as Pence pardons me for everything
I doubt that his taxes show more (on the surface, at least) than he ain’t worth a dime. Now he can try to play that off to his base…”I only make it LOOK like I’m poor, ’cause that’s how I defraud the government and convince them that I owe no taxes!”…but (obviously) that’s not the greatest argument to be making publicly.
The Dangerman
A definite possibility, but the taxes are coming from the accountants, not Donald himself, and I don’t think the accountants are paid enough to risk doing the hokey POKEY (put your left foot in … put your right foot in … hear the jail door slam behind you … that’s what it’s all about) for Donald.
hells littlest angel
@Amir Khalid: He was charged with 60 felony counts, and pled guilty to only one count. With that kind of ROI, I’d be out committing crimes every day.
@The Dangerman: “…and his taxes must be radioactive”
Chernobyl-grade would probably be about right.
@The Dangerman: ?Throw the Trump trash, never let the Trump trash out, throw the Trump trash in, and punch them all about, Lady Justice’s pissed at all these criminals, and that’s what it’s all about! You stupid Trump trash!?
@Kattails: The Kremlin stink can probably strip the paint off a car.
@mrmoshpotato: $1000 car? $10,000 car? I’m getting my threads mixed up.
Mary G
When he was in high school, “Peter Buttigieg” won a JFK Profiles in Courage Essay award for a piece about how great Bernie Sanders is because he brings the two parties together. Not worth quoting any of it, but the picture of him with Caroline is pretty funny. He’s evidently had this play to both sides strategy since he was a baby.
Y’ll might remember Miss Bree Newsome Bass as the woman of power, who climbed the flagpole at the NC Legislature and ignobly dragged that relic of slavery down,….
@The Dangerman:
I wonder if his accountants are the only thing besides his lawyers that he actually pays for. In his case they are the two groups that can do him the most damage.
The Dangerman
True enough. I’d add Dr. Feelgood to the “paid well” list.
zhena gogolia
I’ve been pushing this story all day, but nobody’s bitten.
It’s the only video snippet of Trump that is truly funny. Horrifying, of course, but also funny. “as opposed to once” is my favorite phrase in the video.
@Kattails: Both. And a Rolls Royce, tank, battleship, zebra.
The Dangerman
@zhena gogolia:
Hold on. I had to go look it up. He was really complaining about low flush toilets (I had to go look it up)? He must have help to make himself that big of an asshole.
zhena gogolia
@The Dangerman:
For him, the EPA exists to undo all regulations and to make sure we take no measures to safeguard our air, water, or environment in general.
@Mary G: Oh c’mon! I rolled my eyes out of my head this morning already!
@The Dangerman: Actually,I have been kind of surprised the accountants haven’t already complied with the court order…and then I realized that the tax returns probably reveal they are in on illegal acts too and their other clients probably don’t want the attention. It won’t be the taxes alone that show lawbreaking, it will be the taxes combined with other documents to show fraud or lies. The taxes are just the real beginning of following the money. Trump wouldn’t choose a law abiding accounting firm.
Omnes Omnibus
@Martin: Please.
@mrmoshpotato: “I hate when that happens”.
Mary G
Adam Florida Man alert!
Mary G
Not a lot of detail, but per WaPo PG&E has agreed to cough up $13.5 billion in a wildfire settlement:
I’m guessing this is from the Paradise fires, not this year’s?
@The Dangerman: I take this as episode a zillion of Trump wanting to tear down anything and everything about California. He basically went down the list of the 2016 water reduction standards:
What’ll blow his mind is that most of the urinals where I am use no water at all.
@Mary G: This is from Camp, Tubbs, Ghost Ship, and Wine Country fires, so a few years worth.
There’s been no action on Kinkade and others from this year. There are some legal provisions they’re trying to navigate around where suits brought when a company is in bankruptcy need to be paid out before suits prior to bankruptcy. They didn’t want Kinkade victims paid out before Camp victims.
The most ironic element of Issa’s comment is how does that not apply to just about every convicted criminal having the same sentence. Imprisoning people is expensive! Most do not re-offend. What a jerk.
Sigh. Tumbleweed City hereabouts. Balloon Juice After Dark ain’t what it used to be.
@NotMax: Can I interest you in some volcano insurance?
The Dangerman
Obviously, you don’t work at the Madonna Inn (San Luis Obispo).
For those that don’t know, there (or, at least, was, it’s been a while) is a urinal there that is kind of a jungle waterfall and women go in all the time to take a picture while men are, um, taking care of their natural needs (I know as I have been there when it has happened).
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Any thoughts on why it’s been so slow?
Plebeian in comparison to some other policies.
@The Dangerman: I just found a video of that, and it’s weird. Too easy to pee on your shoes.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
You go first.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Everyone’s busy flushing their toilets.
“Alexa, flush!”
Doug R
How does that saying go?
“We must all hang together or we shall all hang separately”>
@NotMax: Finding the Loch Ness Monster insurance
@NotMax: Gene Finds The Mysterious Friendly Toilet
Culled from questions which pass through the gray matter during insomniac hours:
Why don’t liquor bottles have child-poof caps?
@The Dangerman: Madonna Inn is still in business? Man, they’ve run that gimmick for a long fucking time.
Surely people who can master a long press for electronics can figure out how to hold down a toilet lever for solid waste. Is this not commonly understood?
@NotMax: Oh those would be fun to deal with while getting sloshed.
@mrmoshpotato: A true hold my beer moment. Finding new ways to open a container while impaired.
@Mary G: I’d be surprised if he’s even able to wipe himself anymore.
And now, excuse me, please–I need the brain bleach like you wouldn’t believe.
@JaySinWA: Red arrow to red dot, or red dot to red arrow? Hmmm…..
deleted as duplicate–I still haven’t gotten the hang of the new site yet
@Martin: When I was a kid in the 70s we’d always stop at the Madonna Inn to have a sundae and pee in the waterfall. I stayed there once in about 2000, my wife and I were having breakfast in the cafe and the owner stopped by and chatted with us for a bit. Nice guy, I felt like I was meeting a legend.
@mrmoshpotato: More like break the neck off the bottle, I would guess.
The food in the cafe is good and it’s a perfect stopping place, midway on the long drive from LA to Frisco.*
*Those offended by my calling that freezing Rustbeltish blob on the face of California by its nickname can, um, be offended.