The GOP today, and Trump himself, make a lot of noise about how much they love Israel. What they really value, of course, is the racist and corrupt current Israeli government–and, some of them, the apocalyptic vision of Israel’s Jews massacred in a final confrontation on the plains of Megiddo, which would thus usher in the arrival of their god: Rambo Jeebus.
Trump is mystified — sincerely, I believe* — that his performative slobbering over Bibi hasn’t translated into support from American Jews, the overwhelming majority of whom interpret the obligation to “Tikkun Olam” (heal the world) rather differently than does our presidential cager of children and patron of war criminals.
Over the weekend, Trump has explored this mystery, and has reminded us what Jews really are to him. Via Vanity Fair, here’s the shitgibbon speaking to the Israeli American Council in Hollywood, Florida:
He started off by once again invoking the age-old cliché about “dual loyalty,” saying there are Jews who “don’t love Israel enough. After that warm-up he dove right into the stereotype about Jews and money, telling the group: “A lot of you are in the real estate business, because I know you very well. You’re brutal killers, not nice people at all,” he said.
“But you have to vote for me—you have no choice. You’re not gonna vote for Pocahontas, I can tell you that. You’re not gonna vote for the wealth tax. Yeah, let’s take 100% of your wealth away!” (It feels beside the point that neither Elizabeth Warren nor any other Democratic candidate has proposed a 100% wealth tax.) He continued: “Some of you don’t like me. Some of you I don’t like at all, actually. And you’re going to be my biggest supporters because you’re going to be out of business in about 15 minutes if they get it. So I don’t have to spend a lot of time on that.”
That’s us. Jews aren’t really Americans, or not American enough — we’ve got Israel to take care of. And Cash Rules Everything Around Us. (Not the best acronym, I know.)
You know, the old, familiar hate: the international conspiracy of world Jews, driven only by money, “not nice people at all.”
The Republican Party in any of its forms has not, as I write this, said anything about the shitgibbon’s remarks.
Silence = acquiescence.
That is: GOP is, until clearly demonstrated otherwise, home to and comfortable with exactly the same kind of anti-Semitism that underpinned persecution from pogroms to the Holocaust. This kind of bigotry doesn’t have to end there, of course, but to avoid an escalation of the same hate that barely a year ago “inspired” the killer in the Tree of Life massacre in Pittsburgh, those closest to the President have to respond forcefully. They haven’t and on the evidence they won’t.
The Republican Party has been playing on white fears of black and brown humanity for a long time, and it has long been a shock to the conscience how readily so many in power have been to do so instrumentally, not because they “in their hearts” hate black people or whoever, but because it works.
Well, it has, too well — and now the next phase is unfolding: when you unleash hate, sooner or later, it always finds the Jews.
And every other vulnerable minority. We really are in this together, and 2020 truly is an existential election.
Other than that, how was your day, all you Mrs. Lincolns?
*I think that Trump is genuinely mystified by a lack of Jewish support. He’d do business with someone he loathes if it made him a couple of bucks. Wouldn’t everyone?
Image: Rembrandt van Rijn, Portrait of a Rabbi, 1635
Aziz, light!
Oy gevalt.
I’m not Jewish and don’t really live in a Jewish area here in the Pacific Northwest. But FFS, is there any chance any of this is going to do anything but backfire on Trump? I mean seriously. Is he just being a clueless asshole? Or is there a certain MAGA strain in the Jewish population just waiting for permission to go all Trump?
That’s fair. I for one am mystified by the amount of Jewish support he does have.
Tom Levenson
@Kent: There is a MAGA train w/in modern Judaism — especially among some of the ultra-Orthodox. But even though the Jewish fundamentalist community is growing, they’re not a majority.
Tom Levenson
@Baud: Indeed.
There is, alas, a subset of the group that really, really, misinterprets the “Chosen People” thing…and that lines them up nicely with Trumpismo.
Mildly surprising. Trump has been spouting the ‘Jews and money’ stereotype for decades, but until now he seemed to think it was a good thing. I always figured Jews were his Model Minority. It appears his Nazi buddies are getting through.
I think you need to be ready for the bigger shock, how many of those people do actually hate black people or whoever. The higher up the economic ladder, the more entrenched the racism.
Also, he hates who they hate. Money and racism. Surely that’s what motivates everyone?
This is a two-fer for trump, 1) he appeals to the nazis and wannabe nazis in his cult following by openly being anti-jewish and 2) he can pretend that he is the best friend of Jews just as he is the “best” for blacks and hispanics. He is also gonna get rid of Obamacare and replace it with something even better! He also has a “secret” plan to wipe out isis in 30 days.
I wonder if there’s a list of all the pearl clutchers who were so adamant in their criticism of Rep. Tlaib. I’d very much like to hear their view on Don Jon’s comments.
There are a bunch that went all in on Islamophobia,
JDL included, but Hate is hate,….
Mike in NC
Jennifer Rubin’s column today in the Post called out Fat Bastard’s twisted views on American Jews not being sufficiently loyal to Bibi’s authoritarian government.
Just before the arrival of Trump, a new theater director at the junior college in our area put on a dramatic production of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby”. That motivated me to go back and read it. Amazingly, that slim book has a lot to say about the rich, including the casual racism. it’s worth checking out if you don’t remember it or have never read it.
Yair Rosenberg in WaPo:
Warren Terra
He has very little Jewish support, and doesn’t particularly seek it. The only Jews who support him are extreme right wingers, who like his support for the Israeli far right. His vocal support of Israel – as distinct from for Jews – is about courting the apocalyptic millennialistic death cult of the American Christian right, an incredibly powerful force in the GOP and in general. They share not only his support for an aggressive right-wing in Israel (that they hope will soon die in a holy war) but also his antisemitism.
So, no, his public displays of antisemitism will not lose him votes among the people his outspoken support for (a version of) Israel is courting. Quite the reverse.
Adam L Silverman
@Tom Levenson:
He has about 17% support right now among Jewish Americans. That’s down from a high of about 30%.
So did Stephen Miller write that segment for trump? Two birds of a feather and all that
Adam L Silverman
From Henry Ford’s The International Jew, volume 3, chapter 43:
The phrasing of Bill O’Reilly’s original claim about the war on Christmas heavily borrowed from Ford’s anti-Semitic lie from the early 20th Century. As did the John Birch Society’s when they resurrected it for their own purposes in the 50s and 60s.
That’s gotta be tag line material.
@HinTN: Where’s the god damn edit button?
Anyway, what I wanted to add was that maybe that didn’t have a noun, a verb, and 9/11 but it still deserves some kind of immortality.
ETA: Of course the edit function is now available for both…
Quack, quack, quack
@Adam L Silverman: Excelllent. Well below the 27%.
@Adam L Silverman: The War on Christmas has been going longer than I realized.
When this nightmare started, I used to be grateful that my step dad and so many of the elder friends and mentors in my life who survived WW II and the Holocaust didn’t have to suffer this. Now I sometimes wish they were here to just tell us to stop complaining and do more fighting.
They were so forking tough, and funny, and they knew how to really enjoy the everyday things of life
so many goopers are waiting for the days when they can go back to saying this shit behind closed doors.
I guess the new ad service is now active.
I’m Jewish, and two of my three brothers voted for that douchebag. I’m sure the two are very busy looking the other way (a la Gym Jordan) like they always do whenever Trump goes anti-Semitic.
Adam L Silverman
@Baud: On behalf of the Elders, and our glorious leader THE Supreme Babka, I can neither confirm nor deny this.
I think the anti-Muslim garbage that comes from Boris Johnson’s mouth is far worse. There is no subterfuge, and the source is the current British Prime Minister (who will surely keep his job and be stronger after the election).
And for those who believe Trump is even worse, I don’t think he has publicly said anything approaching “When is someone going to get 18th century on Islam’s medieval ass?”
You realize of course his son-in-law fits in that group of “not nice people at all”?
I’m going back to my toddler rearing days with the swear substitutions.
Almost from the beginning.
Dan B
The anti-Semitism is disturbing but not surprising. Does it penetrate Stephen Miller’s mind or Sheldon Adelson’s? The silence from Reform and Conseevative Jewish leaders is also disturbing.
And what about liberal Christian leaders? Is there a belief that right wing extremism is just a temporary thing? The courts are being stacked with conservatives who do not favor minorities. The Supremes ruling on the Kentucky ultrasound bill is just a preview.
Adam L Silverman
@debbie: He doesn’t really like his son in law. He tolerates him, he ridicules him (the oft stated remarks about how he wanted Ivanka to marry Tom Brady and comparing Brady’s physique to Jared’s), and he relies on him because he’s now part of the family. But he doesn’t like him.
Adam L Silverman
@HinTN: very funny
Keith P.
Has Trump claimed to be King of the Jews yet?
@dnfree: I reread The Great Gatsby several years ago when my kids were reading it in high school. It had been about 15+ years since I’d read it in college. Well worth a reread as an adult, as is most great literature.
I am from a long time midwestern family, but I grew up in northern Florida in the 1960s. My Ohio public high school was probably about 1/4 or 1/3 Jewish, as was my first husband. I thought I was aware of prejudice.
I have really had a shock watching my black grandchildren grow up.
The oldest is the sweetest, kindest, prettiest, most gentle girl imaginable. Right now she is basically a fulltime nanny for her autistic little half-sister. Everyone who works professionally with the little sister loves the big sister.
She is confronted almost every day. Incredibly slow service in suburban restaurants (first group seated in waitress’s section, last group with orders taken, and only served when my husband finally complained to the waitresss. Yes we did tip her normally afterwards.) Rude grocery store cashiers (not always, but surprisingly often.) Some of them accusing her of having stolen our bank card ( even when I am standing beside her.) She lives around the block, and a neighbor called the police when she borrowed ( “stole” ?) our lawnmower.
I don’t know how much of this she notices. She never says anything. But it happens all the time. I never had anything like this happen to me.
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: To be fair, does anyone admit to liking Jared? I mean he might be better than the one from the Subway ads, but even that isn’t certain.
One of my many second fathers died last week at 91. The last of my parents’ good friends. You’re right; they would have been appalled. This second father endowed a foundation that supports sending students to D.C. to lobby for causes important to Reform Jews (un-Jewish stuff like the environment, civil rights, etc.). He was too frail to get into politics, but I know he’d have had a bunch of choice words about Trump and the GOP.
Roger Moore
I think you’re misreading this. Trump sees calling them brutal killers as a compliment. Like any Fascist, he sees the world as a struggle, and nice people who try to help others are a bunch of suckers who deserve all the awful things selfish assholes like Trump do to them. It’s one of the ways he justifies his awfulness to himself; that’s just the way the world works.
@Adam L Silverman:
And yet, he puts him in charge of so much!
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: I would guess Ivanka or else she wouldn’t have married him.
@Adam L Silverman:
I had a sigint fail with my neighbors who had a baby who was just a few months older than mine. Somehow our baby monitors synced. Mom came over one day red faced and wanting to know if I had heard anything. She heard me talking on the phone with my sister and panicked thinking I had heard their sexy time the night before. Thankfully I hadn’t, but I did wonder what they had been listening to from my monitor.
Adam L Silverman
@debbie: He dislikes him less than Jr. and Eric.
certain rich people, in certain minority communities, went all in on the Islamophobia, from millions of dollars in ads to funding and promoting hate sites.
funny thing is, history has shown, over and over, that when you enable, promote and foster hate, try to whip up riots, “cleansing” and let slip the rabid dogs,
you don’t get to control whom they bite, because the haters hate many many more than you have promoted, and once set free, the haters have their own “lists”.
some people think that their money, their status, their infamy will protect them, but it won’t. At best, it will allow them when the time comes, to beg for a place in the Camps as a Kapo or Bitch.
Amir Khalid
@Omnes Omnibus:
Now that you mention it, has Ivanka said she likes Jared?
@Frankensteinbeck: Trump, being a monumental narcissist, chooses to believe that no one acts or behaves in good faith, that everyone is corruptible and therefore he can manipulate anyone to follow him. He is a very nasty person and incapable of telling the truth. I think he will be surprised at how many people he motivates to vote against him next November.
in North America, the First War on Christmas was lead by the Puritans.
Sorry to hear about your second father. It’s hard to lose them – they were always larger than life. I’m thinking of V and I who shared such a wicked sense of humor. The best times were when they forgot I was there and they would reminisce.
@Amir Khalid: She did marry him, and have his children, and convert to marry him.
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: It might just have seemed like a good merger at the time.
Warren Terra
@Sab: Sure, but those are all standard in dynastic marriages. They don’t prove the existence of acquaintance, let alone affection.
Yes! My mom’s last lucid moments were spent with her two oldest, closest girlfriends. I slowly backed out of the room so as not to intrude, but I always loved their conversations, spoken or not.
@Adam L Silverman: Excellent. I knew Ford was an anti-Semite but didn’t know about the Birchers adopting it (but totally unsurprised).
So it’s not that he doesn’t like him. He’s just jealous!
@MomSense: We went to a family picnic on my sister-in-law’s deck one time. She had her inside stereo transmitting outside to the speakers on the deck. Instead, the speakers picked up sexy time from the neighbors’ baby monitor.
After the initial shock, we all decided it was hilarious. We never told the neighbors.
Amir Khalid
True, but that’san answer to a quite separate question.
@debbie: That’s what I think.
I can just imagine the scene. So funny.
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: It was certainly approved by the PRC’s Intelligence Services given that the matchmaker wad Wendy Deng.
Citizen Alan
@Dan B:
Kapos gotta come from somewhere, I suppose
Chris T.
@Baud: Holy mother forking shirtballs!
I may have to go hide in my bud-hole.
Roger Moore
@Warren Terra:
The presence of children- not to mention plenty of photographs of the two together- proves acquaintance. I agree that there’s no proof of love.
@MomSense: It was hilarious. We are obviously not good people, but we all were parents with kids and knew how this stuff happens.
@Baud: John would know for sure, but I think it may be the old ad service, and they don’t give a fuck what we say.
@HinTN: Use the form in the sidebar to nominate that as a rotating tag!
Warren Terra
@Roger Moore:
The question was about the conditions that were met for the marriage to occur. And even before modern technology existed, the presence of a dynastic heir didn’t necessarily prove the nominal parents had ever met.
@WaterGirl: I hope so. Losing the f-bomb. Unthinkable!
@Baud: The War on Christmas dates to the 1650s when Christmas was outlawed by the Puritans who couldn’t stomach all the pagan celebrating. Boston actually imposed a 5 shilling fine on celebrating Christmas:
So the war on Christmas is actually a fundamentalist Christian plot.
BTDubs, after spending tens of millions of dollars to stoke Islamophobia and aid Nazi Groups and sites of assorted flavours,
now Ron Lauder is going to spend tens of millions of dollars “fighting” antisemitism.
@Elizabelle: Let Balloon Juice be Balloon Juice!
(I miss the West Wing.)
Isn’t everything?
Bill Arnold
@Keith P.:
Not quite, but he did tweet quote this, likening him to the King of Israel
So yeah, Rambo Jebus, at least in the minds of many American evangelical voters, including those who are theologically committed to the destruction of Israel.
Israeli support for DJT is a very big mistake.
That’s solid analysis and ties in with his admiration for murdering war criminals, he thinks they’re tough guys doing what tough guys do.
Jesus God. I am going to go on a news diet. I can’t take much more of this.
@Roger Moore: He’s using killers in a strictly business sense there. And you’re right, it is “complimentary”.
Catcake rules!