On the Road is a weekday feature spotlighting reader photo submissions.
From the exotic to the familiar, whether you’re traveling or in your own backyard, we would love to see the world through your eyes.
Good Morning, everyone,
Let’s go off to Newfoundland (if only, it’s gorgeous country I need to re-visit)!
I spent two weeks in Newfoundland in August. It was a wonderful trip and I have many photos to share. These are from a whale-watching excursion we went on in St. Anthony, at the northern tip of the island. The humpbacks there basically herd the fish against the rocky coast and then slurp them up, so we were able to get close to them and see them feeding.
My grandma, what big baleen you have!
Synchronized swimming. I love those teeny humpback fins on those enormous humped backs.
The whale is a little blurry in this one but look at all the fish!
Very nice.
Mary G
I don’t see whose photos these are, but they are amazing.
Wow, that first picture in particular – impressive. Whales are awesome. Thank you for sharing, arrieve!
And now, off to try and snatch a couple of hours of sleep from the jaws of insomnia…
Awesome photos. Thank you!
What a fun and amzing trip. Thank you for sharing the pictures with us.
Steeplejack (phone)
@Mary G:
Commenter’s name is arrieve.
Thank you. So much beauty.
Mike S (Now with a Democratic Congressperson!)
Wonderful, We went whale watching in 3x in Newfoundland when we were there in 2005 and they were the best whale watching we’ve had by far. These pics bring back great memories, thanks for sharing them.
@Mary G: You can always find the name in the title of the post. Guessing you know that already, and just didn’t recognize that as a name!.
J R in WV
Whales are amazing !! Thanks, arrieve, for the great Humpback photos. We saw Humpbacks on our whale watching trip last year to Baja California, but not as up close as these. Our up close whale experience was Gray whales, not as big as Humpbacks,, but friendlier. Impressive, smart looking giants!
@J R in WV: I’d seen humpbacks before but never as close as this. I was thrilled to be able to get pictures of them. They are such amazing creatures.
This would delight my dear old father, he of Norwegian descent and lifetime collector of whaling books and artifacts. He’s had one whale-watching trip in his life, off Nantucket, and there were humpbacks that day, too. May all the whales return to the North Atlantic, and survive and thrive.
Ben Cisco
Great pictures.
Awesome photos. Thanks. I love Newfoundland and I love whales!
These are awesome! I can feel the boat rocking and the spray. :D