One of the lasting legacies of the Republicans turning into Trump’s party is that formerly mild-mannered middle-of-the-road Republicans feel they can just let loose with whatever bullshit and lies they feel like excreting. Here’s an example from Rochester, where Republican State Senator Joe Robach, who kept getting elected in a Democrat-majority district, has decided to retire:
“There’s a fight going on even inside the Democratic Party, between the radical far left and mainstream Democrats, that’s not news to anybody, that’s being played out in Washington and New York and California are leading that movement,” Robach said. “That’s also permeated the New York Senate, we have people openly espousing for Communism, something I don’t favor.”
This is from a guy who was part of a legislative body that couldn’t even get marijuana legalization done. But I’m guessing a diet of Fox News and white resentment (is that redundant?), plus the prospect of losing his seat, has soured Robach, so he just lashes out.
There’s a huge dose of IOKIYAR involved here, too. Since the tone and tenor of Trump and Fox News has been adopted wholesale by the Republican Party, and Trump in particular is flooding the zone with just horrible, hateful rhetoric, the media tends to give these kinds of outbursts a pass. They are, after all, dog bites man. If we call a particular Republican initiative “fascist” or “racist”, then the perfumed hankies come out in the press, so none of them will have to inhale the putrid stench of partisanship.
Do you think it’ll happen in 2020 in New York? What’s your prediction?
For example, Elise Stephanik, whose tweets now sound like Trump’s, complete with nicknames (“Taxin’ Tedra”) for her opponent.
The Moar You Know
And it’s working like a charm. Abusers never start by beating the shit out of their women. They escalate slowly until it just seems normal.
By this time next year when they’re starting the programs to put all non-Republicans in camps the media will simply say “well, they’re not death camps, and the gruel is at least served warm. I think these folks are the true lucky duckies!”
15 flush mistermix
@germy: I hope so but I have no idea. I’m disgusted that it hasn’t happened already and blame Cuomo, who promised it just to fight off Cynthia Nixon.
I love these douche canoes using terms like “Communist” and “socialist”, when it’s clear that they don’t have the foggiest idea what they mean.
So, they’re opening each legislative session with mandatory singing of “The Internationale”? Who knew?
Another Scott
TheHill says Donnie will sign the FY20 budget to be voted on in the House on Tuesday.
Details to follow.
@Another Scott: Wait, you mean the House was able to do something besides impeachment? Are you saying those nice Republicans were lying?
The trump war room actually sent out a tweet of the Time Person of the Year cover with Trump’s head photoshopped on it.
Once upon a time, there were actual liberal Republicans. My MD district elected Connie Morella several times, she was to the left of most Democrats. Morella was finally beaten when Democrats got serious and Republicans got purity tests.
By analogy, one imagines that, once, there were also moderate Republicans— the evidence is that they are now entirely gone as well, despite the continuing efforts of major media to find that so-elusive bipartisan paradise.
I agree with the general point of this post, but calling liberals Communists predates Trump by many, many years.
@germy: Stefanik has had to turn the volume of her bullshit way way up. Her district is very swing (It formerly was held by the mighty Al Franken slayer, Kirsten Gillibrand). I live in the district adjoining Stefanik’s and I think she’s running scared.
That’s pretty pathetic. Sad, even.
@khead: I assume Trump considers himself permanent Person Of The Year. Doesn’t his bathroom mirror have the TIME logo across the top?
To be honest, I’m not even that confident about what a socialist is anymore.
Honestly it’s like we aren’t even speaking the same language anymore (if we ever were).
I have a MAGA cousin who’s married to a dairy farmer in PA. Your basic conservative Christian Trump supporting farm family. The husband had a MAJOR farming accident, had a tractor roll over on him and suffered sustained internal injuries and bleeding to the spleen, left kidney, punctured right lung and 12 broken ribs, and was life flighted to a regional trauma center where he spent 3-4 weeks. So her facebook feed has been an explosion of gofundme stuff and endless thoughts and prayers because they were in some kind of alternative conservative Christian insurance co-op rather than holding down actual legitimate insurance and didn’t have nearly adequate coverage to cover the 6-figure bills.
These are people who actively voted for and cheerleaded every attempt to repeal and undermine the evil Obamacare and ACA and managed to get shittier than normal coverage through some sort of deference to Evangelical Christians and their non-compliant co-op plans. But there is just zero fucking self-awareness of their own self-inflicted financial misery. It’s all about how “God is providing in their moment of need” because people in their extended circle are chipping in here and there. But the will be digging out of this hole for a long time.
At an earlier point in my life I would have had some sympathy. At this point I just no longer have any fucks to give. And I really despise that we have reached this point in our society. These people voted for and campaigned for psychopaths who actively tried to kill and bankrupt millions of people through denial of healthcare. Don’t ask me for my sympathy now.
@Baud: A socialist is anyone a conservative doesn’t like.
Republican Stupidity? Taking advantage of conditions.
The effect of the hack gap. When a Democrat spews shit, other Democrats will not back them. Or say, in the case of the witness who mentioned ( horror of horrors) the NAME of the Trump’s son. Democrats did not uniformly say that was fine, if not great. The Republicans would have. The hack gap.
In an alternative timeline, Pete Buttigieg would probably have been a moderate Republican. He talks like one.
But what do we think a socialist is?
Except for the gay thing.
It’s not the partisanship that’s causing the putrid stench.
Also, fuck Chuck Todd, his bothsiderist bullshit and his perfumed hanky.
@khead: plus THANOS!
Did anyone ask him for an example of someone actually saying “I espouse Communism”?
Among the many things Republicans get away with is getting to pull little rhetorical stunts like this but then saying* “Did Trump SAY ‘I am extorting you’? HUH?”
*(Of course our “liberal media” are guilty of this too)
BTW, the era of the moderate Republican was so long ago, we should relegate it to the dustbin of history.
I think I’m going to go all “Ok Boomer” on the next person who brings them up.
J R in WV
Someone who speaks Swedish as their first language?
Central Planning
Ok Boomer.
@Baud: That’s what I mean by alternative timeline. Without the gay thing he is basically a young Lincoln Chafee. Liberal on social issues, moderately schoolmarmish on fiscal issues.
@Kent: Let us know if God helps them find a good Bankruptcy lawyer.
@Central Planning:
Get off my lawn.
@waspuppet: I’m watching ‘The Irishman’ on Netflix— Scorsese plays a Mafia hitman. Funny how the mob boss never has to say ‘go shoot so-and-so’. But the hitman can figure it out.
@Lapassionara: Which they may need due to Trump’s tariffs. Sigh. In the long run they’d probably be better off moving to town and getting normal jobs with benefits. But then they wouldn’t be able to glory over the rest of us about the superior wholesomeness of raising your kids in the country on a farm
Gomert ,Collins and Gaetz make it clear the confederacy causes brain damage. Those dipshits sound like televangelists hollering for money.
Citizen Alan
I’m pretty sure “socialist” is code for “n****r-lover” as far as most Republicans are concerned.
@Another Scott: I assume that doesn’t go through the Senate. Otherwise I could see Moscow Mitch letting it die.
Central Planning
@Baud: Lol. Sure, I’ll go stand on the socialist street and shout that.
My kids say that to me now, and I’m only 49. It probably doesn’t help that I laugh at them when they do that.
@khead: Photoshopped onto a 16-year-old girl’s body? Please let it be so.
Steeplejack (phone)
Peak Florida man?
@oatler.: The people of Georgia, Texas and Floriduh obviously don’t send their best people.
@Baud: Yeah, basically back pre-civil rights era when all the arch-segregationists across the south were Democrats. That’s the “pro quo” to the “quid” of having liberal Northern Republicans. You get a bunch of racist white-supremacist southern Democrats. Or you basically don’t have enough Dems to make any kind of majority. Yep, those were some better times.
Personally I prefer today when the terrible people all tend to collect in the same party.
John Revolta
@Kent: “Ned (Flanders) doesn’t believe in insurance. He considers it a form of gambling.”
Citizen Alan
We are literate enough to know that Wikipedia lists 16 major variants on what socialism is and that only a Republican moron thinks it refers to anyone who wants the government to do anything at all to help the bottom 99%.
@Baud: Anyone who’s not a dyed in the wool Russthuglican, duh! ?
Agreed. While things are bad, I can’t stand false nostalgia for the past, whether it comes from the right or the left.
Speaking of schocializm,……
Missouri recently made improvements to its Capltol building. The statue of the Roman goddess Ceres, which has stood on top of the building for 95 years was refurbished. State Rep. Mike Moon (R-Ash Grove) doesn’t want the statue returned to the Capitol Building because Missouri shouldn’t worship a false god.
@Citizen Alan:
My Lord. Who has time to read that many manifestos?
Roger Moore
I don’t know about that. The problem with having all the terrible people in one party is that when that party takes over they’re eager to trash democracy so they can stay in charge. Proof is left as an exercise for the reader.
@Baud: Thank you. I’ve been saying for years that “MODERN Republican Party” and “MODERN conservatism” are fig leaves. They’ve been like this for 50 years at least. That’s too long to call “modern.”
I agree. It’s time to put the Flying Spaghetti Monster up there, Blessed be his noodleage.
@oatler.: They basically are.
@MattF: That’s (literally) why we have RICO laws.
There is a far too sensible idea at WAMonthly – that Michael Bloomberg should run in the GOP primary and drive Trump crazy – plus outspend him.
If Bloomberg were not far too egotistical, he would go for it.
John Revolta
@Steeplejack (phone): Great. Now there’s an 11-foot gator out there that’s a cracker addict.
@John Revolta:
Should we warn Betty?
I can’t speak for Georgia and Florida, but I would appreciate it if you didn’t assume that Gohmert is a spokesman for all Texas representatives. I’ll admit that our senators are assholes, but we have some really fine representatives.
@waspuppet: The one caveat to that is that moderation at the state level party in some states did last at least into the late 90’s and early 2000’s. It’s mostly been stomped out by now, though.
@catclub: He’ll probably end up running in both.
Citizen Alan
I think a lot of the manifestos consists of loudly yelling “Splitters!” at other groups.
@Josie: Point taken, he is a representative of a majority of the Texas delegation.
I see you point. But the flip side is that we go 50 years protecting segregation and the apartheid south to keep southern Dems in the party.
We just can’t be naive about facilitating their bad acts as illustrated by this thread about Patrick Leahy:
@Baud: Yeah, tell her Fred is on a bender again. She’ll know what you’re talking about.
So the UK election exit poll is out and it’s looking pretty bleak.
Conservative 368
Labour 191
Liberal Democrats 13
SNP 55
Green 1
evidently Boris won bigly in the GB election today, per exit polls
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Gohmert is very representative of the white majority population in that corner of northeast Texas, that’s for sure.
That sucks if it holds, but it least they’ll be going into Brexit having made an electoral choice.
@mdblanche: I knew someone would have the grim details. Thanks
Yeah it is pretty dire. There are going to be some serious consequences going forward. I wonder if Putin has started to interfere with the election. The turmoil that is going to come from this is going to be large.
@Baud: That’s ‘noodly appendage’, you stinking apostate!
Cheryl Rofer
Bye bye, United Kingdom.
(Refresh 5 times to bring up comment, 3 more to get edit. Fun times!)
Interesting info and perspective on the Space force issue.
Someone please shut that Collins clown up. But first teach him how to pronounce “solemnity.” Fucker.
Comrade Colette Collaboratrice
I want to ask this numbnut if a weathervane on a roof means the people inside the building worship chickens.
@debbie: It’s hard to pronounce each word properly when you’re talking so fast, he’s talking faster than Gym Jordan.
zhena gogolia
Of all the depressing things going on right now, for some reason the fact (I just learned from Seth Meyers) that that orange lying sack of excrement called President Zelenskyy a “corrupt bastard” at his Nazi rally in Hershey, PA, has me more depressed than anything else. WHEN WILL IT END?
I bet every educator I know agree with Rep Wilson about DeVos
@zhena gogolia:
January 2021.
@Cheryl Rofer: This is not going to end well.
Oh, yet another amendment. Joy, joy.
Cheryl Rofer
Vote on the amendment to strike Article I of the Articles of Impeachment along party lines. Amendment fails.
On to amendment to strike Article II.
@mdblanche: That’s what Labour gets for having that idiot Corbyn in charge. I bet he won’t even have the good sense to step down, either.
So Trump isn’t obstructing Congress, it’s the congressional Democrats.
@Lapassionara: It sounds like there was a swing to the Conservatives after the last regular polls, especially in swing areas.
I suppose there will be an argument that this helps Biden.
@zhena gogolia:
And yet, at the same time, his puppets are accusing the Dems of calling Zelensky a corrupt bastard. ?
Election thread up.
How presidential. The president as a little girl. //
In California the far left was mainstream after the great depression in the 1930’s. Both parties had a giant lurch to the right after Saint Ronald Raygun was Governor and then Preznit. Conservative Democrats would have been Moderate Republicans in bygone years. Heck, President Eisenhower was to the left of Joe Biden on more than a few issues
@Citizen Alan:I’m pretty sure “socialist” is code for “n****r-lover” as far as most Republicans are concerned.
You got that right!
They keep on talking about due process, now Sensenbrenner says this isn’t a court of law. MAKE UP YOUR FUCKING MIND, REPUBLICANS.
Omnes Omnibus
@Kent: We really need to stop this kind of shit. The both parties used to have liberal and conservative elements. The party one chose was due more to regional and ethnic reasons than ideology. That is no longer so.
yep, that’s what they did. they photoshopped trump’s head on to the body of a 16 year old girl. the mind boggles.
I somehow always come back to the coverage when the dipshits are talking. Not sure how I’m doing that, but it’s making for a mostly quiet coverage for me.
You know, if Trump had a war room of any quality, they would have Photoshopped all of Trump onto the cover so it would really look like he was the person of the year. I think the subliminal message they’ve sent with just pasting in his head is that Trump deep down is a pussy.
zhena gogolia
That’s what happens to me too. I’m not even trying now. I get the highlights from Aaron Rupar.
@zhena gogolia:
Just as well. I listened all day on headphones, and I’m pretty ticked off.
Bill Arnold
Since you asked, here’s a direct image link:
A old man’s head with an old, parasite-ridden brain, on top of a thin 16 year old female’s body.
I could be more blunt, but that will suffice.
Or maybe this:
Get Out (2017) – Get Out of Here Scene (4/10)
Sloane Ranger
Ye Gods, Blyth Valley, which was hoping to be the first constituency to declare, is doing a bundle recount. We are doomed!
All signs are that the Tories will get a more than comfortable majority and the SNP will pick up seats in Scotland. 3 seats have just declared. Labour have held 2 but with a significantly reduced majority and the Tories have taken Blyth Valley The election is lost.
The SNP is expected to increase their representation in Scotland so the future of the Union is in danger.
Looking like the Brexiteers will get their wish but at the expense of the Union itself.
I blame Corbyn. People are looking for decisive leadership on Brexit and he didn’t offer it.
Sorry if this is a bit incomprehensible. Am drinking heavily.
J R in WV
@Sloane Ranger:
No one could blame you for drinking in response to this news. I still hope that actual voting will differ from the exit polls… you never know.
Best of luck in any case!!
@Baud: he just wouldn’t have been overtly out.