Just a reminder for anyone who hasn’t already sent in their pet photos for the calendar:
Please send your photos by midnight on Friday. You can find all the details in the upper right hand corner under the button that’s called PET PHOTOS BY 12/13. On phones and on tablets, you will find the same information with the same title under the three bars at the upper right (aka the hamburger).
Fine print: If it’s past midnight and you’re still getting your pictures together, I’m pretty sure that Beth will do everything to fit yours photos in. But if you send your photos after 6am on Saturday, there’s no guarantee that your pictures will make it into the calendar. After that, you can send your pictures and ask Beth if there’s a chance, but if the design is completely done, the answer might be ‘no’.
We would still love to have you guys share favorite comments from efgoldman, Schlemazel, greennotGreen, General Stuck and Scotian, so if you have any stories or comments to share, please share them on this thread or send email to WaterGirl at balloon-juice.com by end of day Saturday.
Patricia Kayden
@Patricia Kayden: And if Clinton had had the brains to say “Yep, I had sex with that woman and it isn’t a crime, what do you intend to do about it?” That stain would’ve enjoyed about 3 days of notariety, and been OVER. Bill Clinton, pretty good president, dumb as a box of rocks in a pinch. ETA: I’m not saying he was anywhere near in Stump’s league for bad, I’m just saying if he’d taken the small ding, he could have avoided so much of what happened.
I couldn’t edit. Clinton isn’t in Stump’s league for bad, in any way, but if he had just come clean, it would have been snuffed out IMMEDIATELY.
@brantl: I think it’s wishful thinking to believe that the GOP was ever going to let that go after 3 days, or even 3 months.
@Baud: They would have looked like Gladys Kravitz doing it, though.
@brantl: That would have helped in in the late 1990s. It was a different culture back then.
They still would have impeached him. For something.
I think they were trying to make impeachment a nothing, a broken tool. They may not have known exactly what would happen in the future but they knew that it was going to get worse, because they were trying to make it worse for everyone but them.
They have no clue, no concept of better for all, only better for them and them alone. They don’t give a rats ass about democracy, they only care about power. Hell 3/4 of them are just stumps with mouths and do as they are told. It’s a gigantic circle of being owned by he with the most. They are resigned to being the scraps and they don’t care because otherwise they’d be living in the garbage dump. Without sparrow, rod or match.
Just posting to say that I emailed pet pics today! I rarely post anything, but I am an avid reader of BJ and admire the spirit of the jackals.
Hey, if y’all ever want to meetup in Arizona, lemme know! Back to grading….
ok… say Bill comes forward and admits that he got a hummer, with the way that it unfolded in the national media, does Hillary still give him a pass? Horndog that he is? I have no way of knowing if his crucifixion in the world of politics courtesy of the GOP played into it or not; maybe (possible, but who is to say) that skewers GOP talking points about his lying but those guys have been known to pivot on vaporware before and with Newt in charge, I’m not sure we can say that he would have deflated the GOP with his honesty.
Hi, Watergirl,
I sent in my two pictures and didn’t get a confirmation–should I resend?
BTW, site remembers who I am! Thanks for fixing that!
I have two photos ready to send unless Oscar and Jeannie present me with better photo ops today :)
Mary G
OCTOBER 22, 2018 AT 6:53 PM
I guess I am now undead forever
Mary G
OCTOBER 11, 2018 AT 8:34 AM
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
I am sure Dump will demand a full investigation, just so long as they do not interview anyone not on the list approved by the Sauds or ask any questions that might seem unkind
@lahke: When did you send those? I see 14 unread messages in the inbox from today, was it today?
@Mary G: That’s a good one.
Mary G
ETA: Twofer!
@WaterGirl: nope, on Sunday, Dec.8th.
@lahke: Looking…
@lahke: 7 attachments? someone sent on the 8th but i don’t see the BJ nym. are your initials BL?
@Mary G: That’s a keeper! At least I think so. John gets to be the decider, along with Beth who will determine what there’s room for. I’m just a worker bee on this. :-)
Mary G
@Mary G:
SEPTEMBER 21, 2015 AT 9:05 PM
@greennotGreen: speed! Needs to be sharp so we can move the line along at a good clip.
I have some design improvements in mind, need to figure out how much seed money is needed. Maybe we could parto,I’ll play Jobs to your Woz if you like – I already had cancer so we got that out of the wa
ETA: This whole thread was gold:
SEPTEMBER 21, 2015 AT 9:24 PM
Yeah, that second paragraph is the rub. I don’t begrudge anyone their hard earned wealth but the crooks,liars,thieves and heirs pretending that they not only deserve wealth but deserve to grind you into the dirt while waving their undeserved excess in everyone’s face is too much to bear.
Sorry, sent my initials twice. I didn’t zip the files, they were each 4000kb. Too big?
@WaterGirl: no, MP
@lahke: checking for those initials on 12/7 and 12/9 also. yes, if they were too big, they may not have made it to the email address. be right back.
@lahke: 2 photos, you are good! no need to re-send unless you hear otherwise from beth.
Miss Bianca
@WaterGirl: I too sent photos over last weekend and didn’t get a confirmation email. Didn’t get a bounce-back saying it was an invalid email address, so am wondering if they were ever received. No biggie either way, just curious.
@Miss Bianca: Yours are there! I spotted them when I was looking for lake’s pictures.
Beth was working on a big project this week, in addition to this one! So it’s catchup time on the calendar.
Miss Bianca
@WaterGirl: Thx for the update! Of course, I found some of the photos I really wanted on another chip that I hadn’t been able to locate till I sent the others off, but there’s always next year! : )
@Miss Bianca: You could write to Beth and ask if you could trade out a photo you sent for something else. The worst she could do is say no. :-)
Or, as my mom used to say, they can’t say ‘yes’ unless you ask!
Just sent in mine! I didn’t get a confirmation yet, but it might take a while as the photos are rather large, about 3 mg each.
@CaseyL: I can see that yours are in the pet-calendar mailbox, so unless you hear otherwise from Beth, you are good.
Thanks, WaterGirl!