This is so pathetic it may even make a few MAGA-heads wonder if maybe he’s not well.
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) December 14, 2019
IMO, there is a non-zero chance that Trump will avoid incarceration because of a major medical event — either a fatal myocardial infarction or an ischemic incident. Remember back in the day, we all made jokes about Nixon’s phlebitis?
At least the CREEPsters, however unfortunate their acronyms, didn’t publicly target teenage girls. Which may only have been because Twitter hadn’t been invented yet…
The president of the United States photoshopped his head onto a teenage girl’s body because he was jealous of her popularity is not a sentence I ever thought I’d type, yet here we are.
— The Volatile Mermaid (@OhNoSheTwitnt) December 12, 2019
People think that tweets like this only show our President to be vile and repugnant and ignorant and mean and petty and juvenile, but that’s not true. They’re also hilariously revealing of his primal fears and insecurities, and show just how much he hates being beaten by a girl
— Ed Solomon (@ed_solomon) December 12, 2019
Greta Thunberg is an international treasure.
— The Hoarse Whisperer (@HoarseWisperer) December 12, 2019
that and a grown man with dozens of sexual misconduct allegations against him, including from underage girls, telling a 16-year old that she should smile more.
— Zeddy (@Zeddary) December 13, 2019
— Daily Trix (@DailyTrix) December 13, 2019
"You do not know anyone as stupid as Donald Trump. You just don’t.”
-Fran Lebowitz
— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) December 13, 2019
Happy Festivus
— Schooley (@Rschooley) December 14, 2019
As much as I love Fran Lebowitz, there were about 63 million people as stupid as dt in 2016.
Daily I am embarrassed to realize this man sits in the White House, angrily and pathetically tweeting his way to his next stroke event.
patrick II
That photoshop of Trump’s head on Greta’s body is a joke, right? I can’t tell anymore.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I just love that. Is Fran Lebowitz writing anywhere these days? As I recall she had a legendary case of writer’s block.
and proving her point, again….
Does anyone here think that trump is capable of running photoshop?
I don’t, someone does that crap for him, someone is getting paid to work in the WH, by us of course, to do stupid shit like the fake time cover. I’d bet that he’s not even capable of putting out 100 tweets in a day, let alone 190+. Is someone in the crapper with him tweeting and…….
Ohio Mom
Seeing the Fran Lebowitz tweet, I was inspired to take a look at her twitter page. I remember enjoying her essays, years and years ago. I thought, I’ll get to enjoy reading her again, this time in little snippets.
There is one tweet on an otherwise empty page: “Thank all you uber sweet people for following me.”
That is so Fran Lebowitz.
“It’s syphilis, not phlebitis. You can’t screw 200 million people and wind up with phlebitis.”
– Jackie Mason (back before he went off the deep end politically)
Reading down the thread, someone posted that it is indeed very real, posted by “Trump War Room”. But it’s funny when you think about the “jokes” Trump was making about Adam Schiff’s neck, because that PS gives Trump a true “pencil neck”. I might even wonder if it was done by a mole inside his camp. Probably an FBI plant. ;)
Mike in NC
@Ruckus: Brad Parscale, his skinhead campaign manager.
@patrick II: It was posted by his campaign. Really.
@WestTexan: Don’t leave out the selfish assholes who didn’t want to vote for “Eww Hillary!” Looking Supreme Court seat theft be damned!
@mrmoshpotato: Looming, fucking autoincorrect!
@WestTexan: Don’t forget the 1,457,216 who voted for Jill Stein
patrick II
@JWR: That is not the work of a sane person. It weirds me out as much as anything I have seen from him. It’s so strange that it is somehow humorously comforting that it’s an inside job by Democrats or F.B.I., but that’s probably a defense mechanism to avoid thinking that these are the people actually running the country.
David ??Booooooo?? Koch
I thought Nixon talking to the walls and crying on the floor with Kissinger was bad, but geez, this takes the cake.
Always loved that Fran Liebowitz quote, partly because I think that in her various travels and travails she has really had to contend with some stupid. It’s as if you and she were having coffee, and you’re saying, “well what about …” and coming up with names and incidents and she’s giving an authoritative, “no, stupider” to each one.
I’m getting the impression that Trump has never seen one of those windmills in operation.
The Dangerman
Someone’s in the crapper with Donald
Someone’s in the crapper I know – oh – oh – oh
Someone’s in the crapper with Donald…
@patrick II:
I had been thinking that his flag humping was the most indecent thing I’d seen him or about any other public figure strut out and do, but since this one is misusing the image of an actual person, and a young girl at that, it has to take the lead.
@The Dangerman:
I just put 2 points up on the scoreboard for you!
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Actually the ROK government is moving quite a few of it’s ministries to a new city a good deal south of Seoul, but that’s quite different than moving 25 million people.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: How about we just don’t start a war with North Korea? Sheesh. That state will eventually collapse on its own accord.
t***p’s utterances are those of an absolute moron. There’s a thought in there somewhere, dying a painful death. Keeps me up nights knowing that he has the nuclear launch codes.
@Kent: Those who voted Stein are worse than MAGAts who actually voted for t***p, in that they want the country to crash and burn because revolution.
Trump’s tweets are both projection and a window into his fears. “It’s not fair!” he says. He knows he’s going to be impeached and he’s filled with shame and anger because of it. Cry of rage into the void in response. “Do Nothing Democrats have become the Party of Hate,” he says. Pure projection about the party he leads.
He is pathetic.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Ohio Mom
@Ohio Mom:
@Ohio Mom: Metropolitan Life…So you want to be the Pope. I still laugh just thinking of it.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: So why were Jill Stein and Gary Johnson in the race anyway? Who was funding them? They weren’t going to win so who did it benefit for them to be in the race? Stein has clear ties to Russia so them using her as a third party spoiler seems pretty obvious. I know I’ve read something about Gary Johnson’s ties to Russia but couldn’t say what it was now.
@Kent: China is not going to allow that to happen. If the DPRK falls, there will be a flood of refugees crossing the border into China looking for food. They are one more massive famine away from falling apart true, but China will violate every UN order to keep Kim in charge and the country running somehow.
Lefthanded compliment
@The Dangerman: Givin’ truth the old heave-ho
Gil Scott-Heron on Nixon’s Pardon
We beg your pardon America
We beg your pardon because somehow the pardon did not sit correctly
What were – what were the causes for this pardon?
Well now they had “flea bite us”
Rats bite us, no pardon in the ghetto
They had national security, but do you feel secure with the man who tried to steal America back on the streets again?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: From that tweet:
I have a friend who’s a dedicated non-voter. And he’s a very edumacated (eta, politics-wise) sorta guy, but his “I wash my hands of this” attitude toward politics is nearly as hard to deal with, if not harder, as dealing with the Trump voters I know. Especially now, after the debacle that was 2016. T voters are T voters, this friend is all “my hands are clean!” It’s frustrating as Hell.
barb 2
SNL cold opening
And then Greta Thunberg showed up
Go to Raw News — for the whole thing.
Just let me say this — Trump should never pick a fight with a 16 year old girl. Ever. He lost.
You know what I find most enraging about that ‘shopped monstrosity?
Every single Trump spokesperson, if der Führer so demanded, would deny the image was photo-shopped at all. Even under penalty of perjury. They’d deny it with a straight face and an aggrieved air.
And the fucking MSM would print the bogus denial.
Thank god my rage tamps down my terror or I’d be institutionalized.
So where is Melania while her husband attempts to bully a 16yo child? Is she as much a feckless cunt as her step daughter?
Let us go back to those thrilling days of yesteryear and imagine the caterwauling today if someone release an equivalent song about the current occupant’s chief defender:
(Mrs. Nixon Eisenhower was in her mid-20s and married when this came out, and was a public figure by her own choice.)
Mike G
Trump lecturing anyone on anger management is like Charlie Sheen telling you to get sober.
@terben: yes. Her statement was along the lines of “she’s fair game, she’s an activist.”
Those who read the thread earlier tonight about Merlin’s travels will want to check back. TomatoQueen has an update about Merlin settling in to his new home.
Interesting; I don’t have the Visual tab at the moment. Only the buttons labeled with text.
@terben: Is this a serious question? (I know it’s not.)
Problem is , the Screamin` Baby won`t stay still long enough for JIvanka to put a clean diaper on him .
He already proved he can get a doctor to say anything about his health. He even dictates while the doctor transcribes what he wants the doc to say.
And this goes back fifty years. A doctor gave him the bone-spurs excuse, at the same time he was the self-proclaimed “best baseball player in the world”
So I doubt he’ll suffer anything other than a loss of some of his $. If there were a threat of incarceration (and I don’t believe any Democratic president would have the stomach to suggest it) he’d get a quick doctor’s note.
Joe Falco
@Mike G: Or Matt Gaetz feigning outrage over Hunter Biden’s supposed drug use.
@Joe Falco: Or my cat saying “Leave the Christmas tree alone.”
Enhanced Voting Techniques
What’s amazing about that fundraiser quote isn’t so much that Trump was babbling it out, it was the crowd doubtlessly was eating it up and telling themselves “ya’ man, windmills can break, tell it as it is Donald!”. It’s a singularity of stupidity were no fact can penetrate.
I really don’t see how people get in this mind state outside being over medicated on prescription drugs. How else does one get emotional about windmills? This really reminds me way to much of talking to stoners back in high school with that whole “yu’r the stupid one with all your’ facts, har, har”.It’s way to easy to picture Bevis and Butthead saying the same lines Trump was saying at that fundraiser.
low-tech cyclist
The great thing about that photoshopped Time cover is that it makes Trump look like some old-person variant of the 6 year old wearing his dad’s suit. The head and body are just…off from one another.
It also gives him extremely small hands, but even that almost seems beside the point.
Dr. Ronnie James, D.O.
The 70-something “Billionaire” POUTUS is bullying a teenage girl because he’s jealous of the attention she’s getting.
This is Exhibit A for Trump is a Narcissist. And the right move with narcissists is to steadfastly ignore them – I know it’s hard when they’re the most powerful person in the world. What you do is focus all your attention on the effects their actions have on others.
a) drives them absolutely crazy because *you’re not talking about them*.
b) denies them (and in this case, their followers) the satisfaction of saying “Trump Derangement Syndrome” or “oooh he triggered”
Every time we’ve done this: focusing on American Muslims harmed by the travel ban, kids in cages, the real people on the caravans, Ukrainian soldiers denied a9de bc of The Bribe, civil servants affected by The Bribe itself – it’s a win politically, in parts bc it drives him batty and ties him up in knots.Every time.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
His base gets emotional about whatever he gets emotional about. And he’s emotional about windmills because he lost a lawsuit trying to block their construction near one of his overseas properties.
They hate whatever he hates; whatever he tells them to hate.
“Once all the boomers die out, we won’t have racism anymore”
@Dr. Ronnie James, D.O.:
Unfortunately, Trump is worse than simply being a Narcissist. And, since he has got himself elected POTUS, it is impossible to ignore him. He has injected himself into a position in which he is, by definition, almost always the center of attention by nature of his job. And of course, whenever he is checked, he can run to his staff, to the GOP leadership, and to his abysmal rallies to get juiced up again.
God, this dope is vengeful and petty. But he knows who kisses up to him. Fox News shines his ass until it gleams.
@Brachiator: Nice touch, referring to Chris Cuomo as “Fredo
In the depths of his dementia, he still knows how to twist the knife.
Mo MacArbie
@Dr. Ronnie James, D.O.: I don’t quibble with your point, but I’ve been staring at too many unicode encoding errors lately, and your “a9de bc” typo made me shake a fist at Microsoft.
Talk about triggered…
zhena gogolia
Don’t forget about the wild misrepresentations of media outlets like NYT and NPR, who amplified just as much right wing propaganda as facebook.
Matt McIrvin
Trump will avoid incarceration by becoming Dictator for Life. I don’t think there’s anything we can do about that at this point. Our society as we know it is over, and a time of blood is coming.
I think a lot about how, sooner or later, I’m going to be offered a choice: support genocide or be killed along with my family. And I don’t know what I’m going to do.
I’m worried I’m going to choose living.
That’s his war room at work. They’ve turned it into a campaign ad. Imagine setting up a 16-year-old as Enemy of the People!
@Matt McIrvin: Don’t start freaking out just yet. I understand that there is a much better chance for DT to be reinstalled than there should be, but I also think it’s entirely possible he gets voted out.
@Dr. Ronnie James, D.O.:
And his frickin’ wife with the anti-bullying campaign says she should have expected this!!!!
By the way, can anyone with dem senators like Ben Cardin write or call their offices to inform them that, no, republican senators will NOT keep an open mind during the senate trial.
re: Chuck Woolery’s question, I don’t believe Trump thought he needed dirt on Biden to win. Trump thinks he is invincible. But he also doesn’t just want to win. He wants to win with dictator-level support.
Despite the way he always acts to produce maximum conflict and play to the base, he still wants everyone else to love him too. Because that is what he is used to in private and public life.
Trump has always gotten the Ted Cruz treatment. No matter how horribly he has treated someone, they still pretend to be friends/political allies because they know how easy he is to manipulate for good deals.
@hervevillechaizelounge: What gets me is the laziness of it. Why photoshop his head on the body of a teenage girl? It only takes a little more effort to photoshop his whole body into the cover. Though I suppose there are no images of Trump where he isn’t wearing a suit, so he would look ridiculous on that rock surrounded by surf no matter what.
I wish that somebody with photoshop skills would take that fake TIME cover above and change it to “TINE” magazine. “Person of the year” would be “Forker of the Year”. It would look like the one above, but the figure would be holding a very large sack of burgers in one hand and a sack of loot in the other. It would say “The Power Of” followed by a list of the seven deadly sins. I have on photoshop skills, so I can only imagine it.
Matt McIrvin
@trnc: I just have a hard time believing that how anyone votes is going to matter this time. As Mao said, power comes out of the barrel of a gun.
Paul Campos just posted a long article about how unreal the whole political situation seems. The Democrats are acting like policies and opinions count for something, and the Republicans are outright saying they feel entitled to rig everything and rule forever, and any opposition to themselves is illegitimate. This isn’t going to be resolved with some kind of vote.
When I first saw the Time cover paste job, my reaction — particularly full view with running shoes — was that Trump looks like a mall walking granny.
And when I so opined, a fellow twitt remarked ‘after gastric bypass!’
CBS Sunday Morning has “point – counterpoint” with Tom Friedman v. someone from the Washington Free Beacon.
CBS has been playing NPR’s favorite game, “Find the liberal!”
@Ruckus: Does anyone here think that trump is capable of running photoshop?
My thoughts exactly. No way he could do this.
@Origuy: Thanks for the pointer to the update – it’s a happy-making thing to see how well Merlin is settling in.
FYI, the Trump “War Room” Team surfs the web, looking for Trump images, memes, articles, twits, reddits, instagrams and 4 chans in “support” of Trump or his world view, not just for reposting to Trumps twitter accounts, but also for Trump to read and as “counterpoints” to long standing US Policy and Nat Sec and other official briefings.
So, because of the web and confirmation bias, the people who make up the Trump War Room, spend a lot of time on the web consuming the contents of Nazi sites and domestic and foreign disinfo sites,
which they then feed Trump, which winds up being “reposted” on his social media and influences official policy and resistance or corruption of longstanding US Policy.
Basically, 4Chan has taken on the role of Rasputin in the White Supremacy Kremlin.
Lindsey Graham’s Democratic Challenger Nearly Tied in Heavily-Republican South Carolina.
@Matt McIrvin: We can’t fix the republicans’ lust for power and support of criminality with one vote (or maybe even a few), but we can at least slow the downward spiral.
I started thinking earlier this week about the adage “You can’t just be against something; you have to be for something.” But, of course, that apparently was only to be applied to dems because DT got enough votes to be installed by only being against things – Hillary, democrats, legitimate govt processes, etc.
I prefer my candidates to be for the things I’m for, but I’d be willing to vote for someone who ran strictly on a platform of “DT Sucks.”
James E Powell
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
I don’t get it either. These are the same people who proudly wore purple band-aids at the 2004 RNC. The same ones who were running around with tire pressure gauges in 2008. They are ignorant, hateful people. They were here before Trump and they will be here after him.
I have no idea what to do about it.
@James E Powell:
This is, of course, sadly, the key to Trump’s strength. He is exactly as ignorant and hateful as his base. Maybe even more stupid. And he will never pivot toward a more moderate position; and his supporters love this about him.
For years, these people complained that politicians never listened to them, or insisted on taking a nuanced support on policies, or seeking bipartisan support. But Trump supporters are not having any of this. They want what they want. And they want their Dear Leader to get it for them.
The problem is, of course, that in the end, Trump doesn’t give a crap about these people. They are only the vehicle by which he works his grift. And his plutocrat masters are happy to turn Trump loose because it helps them achieve their goals. By the time all the suckers wise up, there won’t be anything left but bones.
Unless, of course, the Democrats can win and put a stop to all this.
Another Scott
@James E Powell: Personally, I think that most people are afraid of change. And indeed change can be scary. If things are going sorta OK in their lives – they can pay their rent, their kids aren’t sick, their car isn’t broken all the time, they can pay their cell phone and cable bills, etc., then they just live their lives and don’t pay much attention to politics. They especially don’t think about changing political parties.
But there’s another dynamic going on now. People who do pay attention to politics are often hugely pissed off by what Moscow Mitch, Donnie, and all their minions have done in the last 5+ years. It has shown up in the 10+% swing in many/most elections since January 2017. And those people aren’t getting less pissed off as time goes on.
So, there’s effectively going to be a battle between the camps that don’t pay attention to politics and those who do. Let’s hope that the people paying attention are able to carry the day in November and going forward.
Boris, Rasputin's Evil Twin
@Jay: My brother Grigori and I would like to take this opportunity to state that we hate Trump with every fiber of our bodies, and would never work on his behalf.
May the scumbag rot in hell, right next to Stalin
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
Ask Matt Bevin how that works. Even in Kentucky. Hopefully Trump can expect the same treatment next year.
But please spare us with the “civil war’s a-coming” nonsense. That shit really isn’t helpful – it’s what they want, and gives Trump more power than he really has.
James E Powell
@Another Scott:
I’ve read this in many places and I get that people say they don’t like change. But the Republicans policies, rhetoric, and methods have all changed radically in the last thirty years. They are trying to repeal the 20th century.
And we always have to hear how we have to have empathy with ignorant white bigots who don’t like change while completely ignoring the fact that everybody else doesn’t like the changes they are imposing on the rest of us.
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
Thanks to Nancy Pelosi and the House Democrats, the US Military is now mandated to actively monitor for Nazis and White Supremacists.
Some other good stuff in the Defense bill, too, thanks to our Dems. The People’s View: Don’t Be Too Despondent About The Space Force
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
Comment eaten – don’t know why. FYFWP no like link?
Fleeting Expletive
When I was four, sitting in my little inflatable kiddie pool in my yard, I felt something on my arm and looked over at it. It was a praying mantis, big ol’ guy, with those pincers just so and creepy eyes going side to side about three inches from my nose. I was properly terrified and have been properly terrified of them ever since. Maybe they are great bugs, but they give me the heebie jeebie palpitations,