MAJOR UPDATE: Demonstrations called for TUESDAY NIGHT! The vote on Articles of Impeachment is imminent. Join one of nearly 500 demonstrations nationwide calling for the removal of Donald J. Trump:
— #MarchForTruth (@MarchForTruth17) December 14, 2019
But also:
Who does she think she is? March 6. #HillaryOnHulu
— hulu (@hulu) December 10, 2019
A message from Al for the launch of his official website!!
— Al Jaffee (@og_aljaffee) December 10, 2019
Dad jokes unleashed: Is that a dressed-up Festivus Pole on the narrator’s right hand?…
I thought it was about time I share my holiday gift list — a few practical items, all $10 or less. The best one? Health care for you or somebody you care about. The deadline to sign up is December 15. Go to and get covered.
— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) December 10, 2019
Turn up the volume on your dreams. #InTheHeightsMovie, only in theaters Summer 2020!
— In The Heights Movie (@intheheights) December 12, 2019
And finally, for the Our Failed Media Experiment list:
1) Record spoof Mike Bloomberg dance
2) Change bio to "Mike Bloomberg communications intern" and tweet it
3) Watch as a billionaire's US Presidential campaign with a massive comms budget spends a day struggling to convince the leading lights of US journalism it isn't real— Jim Waterson (@jimwaterson) December 13, 2019
… from the Upright Citizen Bridgade comedy troupe, apparently.
Whoever recommended that Hillary interview with Howard Stern, thank you. It was fabulous.
David ??Booooooo?? Koch
Have you notice how none of Dump’s supporters have staged any protest in opposition of Impeachment
@Baud: Yes. Yes it is. Great interview. I think I’ll listen to it again in the morning.
@David ??Booooooo?? Koch: Why do you think this is? “Impeachment” is beyond their vocabulary, or they know Putin’s Mitch and the Russthuglicans won’t remove him?
David ??Booooooo?? Koch
@Baud: you’re welcome. I knew you’d guys would like it.
Is it March 6 yet? I want that Hillary documentary.
Amir Khalid
Today I collected my Squier Standard Telecaster in Vintage Blonde. Her name is Queen, after the jackal-recommended Taj Mahal blues song Queen Bee. (No definite article, just Queen.) They wished me a Happy New Guitar Day at the store, and it is.
@Amir Khalid: So how many is that now?
Sm*t Cl*de
@OzarkHillbilly: “Hoarding” is such a hurtful word.
@Amir Khalid: That comment made me laugh. When do you move to a larger home, in order to have room for your hobby.
@Sm*t Cl*de: Hoarding is when you just accumulate things Amir plays his guitars ?
Happy New Guitar Day Amir!
@JPL: He’s gonna add a bedroom so he has someplace to sleep. ;-)
@Amir Khalid: Have you started writing Gigantic Book of Guitar to accompany Geddy Lee’s Big Beautiful Book of Bass?
@Sm*t Cl*de: One cannot hoard guitars, basses or bicycles. It’s not possible.
Amir Khalid
I’m so glad somebody understands.
Five: The Girl, Sister, Lady, Missy, and now Queen.
A cute two-part take on the subject: Page 1 – Page 2.
Amir Khalid
At this point, I make the usual vow: This is the last one, I swear. I can’t imagine wanting another one.
I know what you all are waiting to say. Go right ahead.
Incredible anti-Hillary tweets posted to tweet about Hulu documentary!! The hate isunbelivable!
@Amir Khalid: Early in our relationship Mr WereBear had to explain the Laws of Guitar. As in, just because he already has a guitar of that type, it doesn’t mean needs are all met…
For instance, you might want to string the new one differently or need different tones or ..
And I’m like, “Oh. Like cats.” :)
@JPL: We built our addition so we could have a king and the doggies would fit. Now they have to sleep on the floor because they done got old.
Amir Khalid
As a matter of fact, Queen will be in standard tuning and The Girl will be in Keef tuning. Mr Werebear will be happy to explain Keef tuning, I’m sure.
Amir Khalid
I think they’re hoping to see the Democrats pwned when, in the face of a mountain of damning evidence, Mitch McConnell prevents the removal of the most corrupt POTUS ever.
@Amir Khalid: I’m in Japan and failing at my vow not to buy watches just because I’m in one of theirs homelands. They aren’t cheaper here. And I can get most of them back home. Except for the two that I bought. I know those aren’t retailed in the US.. I don’t know how they fell into my cart, though. But that’s it. No watches in 2020. After January. Or February. Until at least May.
@Amir Khalid: That’s not so bad. Yet. ;-)
@WereBear: Kinda like cavers with headlamps, helmets, rappel devices, climbing rigs, handled ascenders, caribiners, ropes, cave packs, pelican containers, knee pads, boots, gloves……
While I wish Mr. Jafee the best, it’s still kind of sad he managed to outlive Mad Magazine.
Good Morning, Everyone ???
I wonder if any of my neighbors might find this study an interesting read.
@Geoduck: I think Al might disagree with that opinion.
Danny Aiello, RIP
@rikyrah: Good morning.
@Citizen_X: Speaking as a carpenter, I have always taken pride in the fact that a lot of the stuff I had a hand in building will still be around long after I am gone.
@Amir Khalid: If you hate re-tuning a guitar, you should try tuning a harp sometime. I spend half my practice time just getting it in tune.
Speaking of prisons and jails, this was a sweet story.
WaPost: They thought their dog was gone forever. Meanwhile, prison inmates were treating him like a king.
Montgomery, Alabama. Soup, a 3-year old English setter, took off after a deer while he was in training. Was missing for days, and his owners despaired. And then…
Soup and the Parkers were happily reunited; Soup slept hard once back home. And he will be returning to the prison for a visit.
Huh, so there is a level of depravity that a police union will not defend after all.
@Sab: Heh, in Leo Kottke’s live album he introduces a song while tuning his guitar and then says, “It begins like all my songs with a lot of tuning.”
Amir Khalid
English Premier League leaders Liverpool are at home to bottom-of-the-table Watford in the early kickoff match. After 16 matches, Liverpool have 46 out of 48 possible points this season. Watford have 9.
@Elizabelle: I saw this yesterday:
@OzarkHillbilly: And we are sure this controls for sending urban residents to jails in rural locations? Would guess this has a lot to do with misguided responses to opioid related crimes.
Amir Khalid
I am truly glad that The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, and Led Zeppelin were not harp bands.
@Barbara: The article discusses this. Urban area courts are reducing the #s going to jail and prison. A fair amount of this increase is due to CPB and ICE overflow as well as Federal prisons needing places to hold prisoners waiting for trial. I’m sure the breakdown is in the report, even if not the article.
There is a way to have sexual contact with human remains WITH authority?
@OzarkHillbilly: Just watched Two Days in the Valley for the first time. He was great in it; fun crime movie, actually. :)
Here’s something I didn’t know:
They used real skeletons in the original Poltergeist movie.
Here’s the scene:
Amir Khalid
Mind you, I am not totally surprised to learn that someone at the LAPD is empowered to authorise the sexual molestation of dead bodies.
@Baud: Yeah, I have to admit that charge gave me a snicker.
It puts me in mind of a soap maker adding scents, molds, oils, etc. to an ever growing inventory of totally necessary stuff.
@OzarkHillbilly: Thank dog that had a happy ending. Keep those doggos on a short leash for safety in elevators (and elsewhere; I often see doggos with the leash so extended they could dash right into the street. Wonder about those owners.)
Good for Mr. Mathis.
@OzarkHillbilly: I read the report. It didn’t really isolate the extent to which local people are being jailed at a greater rate, though it did mention the issue of serving as a contract incarceration facility.
I encourage everyone to read the above article about a woman at the forefront of challenging the overuse of incarceration. She is a true hero.
@Amir Khalid:
I’ve lived with this for years. My son is a professional guitar player/producer and is constantly looking at new guitars, amps, digital whatevers. His acquisitions are only kept in line by his lack of money.
@germy: Are American taxpayers footing the bill for this?
Gin & Tonic
You might like these pictures (you don’t need to read the text) of the Church of the Holy Spirit in Rohatyn, Ukraine. Built in 1598, still standing.
Amir Khalid
In fairness, so are mine.
@Amir Khalid: The new guitar has landed.
If they could play sports, you could field a basketball team.
Amir Khalid
For the second match in a row, Mo Salah scores with his right, weaker foot. Liverpool 1-0 Watford.
Gin & Tonic
@Elizabelle: Well, you can’t expect every one of the five to play all 48 minutes. You’ll need a substitute. Or two. Or three.
What counts as a mass shooting? The dangerous effects of varying definitions
It always struck me as utter idiocy to limit the definition to people killed, as tho those people who just lost a leg or a spleen didn’t count. Of course the NRA are going to lobby for strict definitions of what constitutes a mass shooting in order to keep the # As low as possible. Won’t matter to them in the least if researchers reach wrong conclusions due to inadequate data.
Feature, not a bug.
Amir Khalid
Watford keep missing their chances. Their dreadful finishing helps explain why they are propping up the league table. I think Sadio Mané alone has scored more goals this season than Watford.
@Gin & Tonic: Timber frames are cool. I wish I could have done some when I was younger. I rescued a timber framed barn a couple years ago, tho I used modern techniques and materials. The owners couldn’t afford to do it in the old ways. At least it will stand for another 150 years or so, dawg willing and the tornadoes keep missing.
Gin & Tonic
@Amir Khalid: Well, you can’t have a top of the league without a bottom. Explains my Knickerbockers.
I don’t know for sure, but.. probably.
Betty Cracker
@Raven: Do you have room to build a ramp for them? We’ve considered one for our old Daisy. She can still make the jump when she really wants to, but it’s increasingly difficult for her.
Betty Cracker
@OzarkHillbilly: My mother LOVED Leo Kottke and played his albums all the time when I was growing up. I always think of her when I hear him.
Seconded, even though I’m only through the first two parts.
Amir Khalid
@Gin & Tonic:
Even if I wanted to go there, I would need to prioritise a tech purchase: my current laptop, purchased early in Obama’s second term, is now showing its age.
@Gin & Tonic:
Beautiful, and all built on faith that a higher purpose was being served.
@Betty Cracker: I got some carpeted steps from some pet catalog. The dogs can use them to get onto the bed, but they mostly don’t. The cats, on the other hand, love to lounge on the steps.
Amir Khalid
@Gin & Tonic:
An American diplomat — the late Richard Holbrooke, I think — once said that blaming the UN for the international community’s failures was like blaming Madison Square Garden when the Knicks lose.
Betty Cracker
@debbie: To quote Mr. Emerson from “Room with a View,” “‘Built on faith’ just means the workers weren’t paid properly.” :)
I took my cocker spaniel to the groomer yesterday for a bath but not a furcut. It’s winter. He was whiffy because he drags his ears through his food. Told them to only trim his feet and his head.
So now his little stubby docked tail looks like a pom-pom. It’s ridiculous.
@Betty Cracker:
No argument from me, though I doubt back then that anyone thought that would ever be possible.
@Betty Cracker: I must have seen him in concert at least a dozen times, from church basements to college amphitheaters to high dollar rotating stage venues. He had his guitars stolen in STL but didn’t hold it against us and came back many times anyway. One thing I always appreciated about him was that he was never afraid of being upstaged by his opening acts (once he got big enough to warrant one). One of the last times I saw him he introduced me to Lyle Lovett when LL was still a one album nobody.
LL put on one hell of a show and Leo had to work his ass off to match it.
ETA 6 and 12 String Guitar is still an album without match (otherwise known as the Armadillo album).
Amir Khalid
Mané has a goal disallowed, for being offside by a hair. VAR disallowed a Liverpool goal against Tottenham Hotspur earlier this season because Bobby Firmino’s armpit was offside. (Yes, really.) I can’t complain, though: rules is rules.
So we already know (some of) Bernie’s supporters will try to torpedo any other nominee who wins, will the billionaires do the same thing? I think if it’s Warren they will. Just not as nastily as BernieBros do. But the MSM will magnify that out of proportion of course, because their owners want mushy that doesn’t change things much. MSM owners are mostly Republican Lite after all.
Amir Khalid
Gini Wijnaldum injures his knee and Andy Robertson is on for him. A very attacking option, Robbo is.
Gin & Tonic
@Amir Khalid: Which they do an awful lot. Sports Center last night was remarking on their two-game winning streak. Truly damning with faint praise.
Amir Khalid
@Gin & Tonic:
True of both the Knicks and, alas, the international community.
Amir Khalid
I’m not too worried about the score as long as this home team win.
Another Scott
An old high school friend collected Honda 500 cc motorcycles. He started with a GL500 Silver Wing Interstate and ended up with several CX500s including a CX500 Turbo.
Interesting bikes. The Turbo was loud! I think he had a total of 6 of various kinds at one point. :-/
Kottke was one of the first albums I bought when I went away to college (Harvard Coop!), along with Suni McGrath. Lo, these many years later when I’ve forgotten most of what I’ve heard, I can still recognize a Kottke piece almost immediately.
@Gin & Tonic:. Ukrainian Orthodox Church made all of wood in my home town area, Johnson City, New York
@OzarkHillbilly: Especially because one of the issues with the weapons used is the grotesque injuries their bullets can cause.
This is not getting anywhere near the publicity and attention it deserves.
Senators have to swear to do “impartial justice” before impeachment trial begins. You can’t be “impartial” when you have announced outcome.
McConnell must recuse.
“With all the shit that has been released recently, it was a distinct pleasure to come across this album… Kottke isn’t a new addition to the Page-Beck school of grating, hypertensive guitarists, as if you were expecting that. He’s an acoustic guitarist from Minneapolis whose music can invoke your most subliminal reflections or transmit you to the highest reaches of joy… anything in addition to his guitar would be superfluous.”
– Rolling Stone.
I agree, but he won’t though.
Amir Khalid
Mohamed Salah seals the win for Liverpool with his second goal. The video assistant referee, who occupies a bunker in London, apparently decided his
armpitheel was onside.Kay
The representatives from other countries are being interviewed by real journalists. The United States, on the other hand, is issuing carefully scripted state-mandated propaganda.
Other than Roger McGuinn, I hadn’t heard 12-string guitar until Kottke. Quite a high bar to set!
Add his ass to next on the impeachment list!
O. Felix Culpa
@OzarkHillbilly: I remember that album. One of my freshman-year roommates played it. A lot. She also played Pure Prairie League. A lot. I preferred Kottke.
@Immanentize: I always wanted to work on one like that. Sadly, the closest I came was an evangelical mega church where the focus was on how many people they could cram into one space.
Amir Khalid
Liverpool now have 49 points out of a possible 51, but given that second-placed Leicester City play at home today to 19th place Norwich City, I expect Leicester will easily stay just eight points behind.
@OzarkHillbilly: megachurch — did they have seats with cup holders? Most of the new ones do. Must stay hydrated when worshipping. It’s right there in the uh, Book of Coke?
As the cases on whether he can continue to hide his financial records go to the Supreme Court.
The corruption and self-dealing is just right out in the open now, every day.
Gross, sleazy people.
Amir Khalid
I’m kind of dreading to read what our 93-year-old PM Dr Mahathir said to the international media.
It’s not “ICE overflow”. Many of the urban ICE facilities sit almost empty because McKinsey, ( theres that name again), recommended that ICE could cut costs, family visits and acess to lawyers, for the refugees, by moving them hundreds of miles away from their support systems and communities to rural jails, For Profit Prisons, and by setting up Concentration Camps in the desert.
@Immanentize: I was there to hang drywall, gone when it was finished. The amphitheatre ceiling was a good 50-60 feet in height over the stage (the scaffolding for hanging the lid took over a week just to assemble). I forget how many tiers there were in the floor but the highest was within 12 feet of the ceiling. I estimated at the time that it would easily hold 5,000 people. I suspect I was being way too conservative.
@OzarkHillbilly: Trump should use mega churches for his hate-a-thons.
Gin & Tonic
@OzarkHillbilly: A nice one near Hunter, NY. Real Hutsul (Ukrainian hillbilly) style. No pews – the faithful will stand.
@OzarkHillbilly: ADDING — oh yeah scaffolding. At least they didn’t make you just use some wicked stilts to drywall that ceiling!
@Another Scott:
CX 500’s were an interesting bike. A “practical” and rugged road bike at the time of Sport Bikes and rockets. There was one that made a trip around the world, sailing disassembled from continent to continent in the bilge of a small sailboat, onlybto be derusted and rebuilt in every port before hitting the road.
So does Matt Bevin!
The Book of Coke is only for the pastor, the congregation is expected to use opiods.
Cold and flu season so fish antibiotics are trending again.
Love Thy Coke®
So the place where we buy our Christmas trees is also a working commercial farm (three greenhouses full of poinsettas yesterday) and fancy food grocery emporium. Overcome with the wastrel spirit of the season, I bought two duck breasts, which I have never cooked before. Google search of recipes resulted in two sets of them with directly contradictory advice in step one. So do you cook the breast starting in a hot skillet or a cold one? First hand advice much welcomed.
@Immanentize: Believe it or not, tapers actually do use stilts, hangers always use step ups or scaffolding, depending on ceiling ht. In this case of course, they left the scaffolding up for the tapers.
For my exam, I am using a death by anti-vaxxer for one of my hypos. I’ll share it after I give the exam this week.
@Baud: The 11th comkmandment: Honor thy Cocaine, Keep it Holy.
The answer is “guilty”.
@Immanentize: Oooh Ooooh, I know i know iknow, pick me pick me pick mememememeeeeeeeee!!!
@JMG: hot skillet locks in more fat. Cold skillet allows more fat to escape when cooking. I have used both methods, but now I sear just the skin side in a hot skillet then turn it down low to medium, flip it over, and cook for 4 minutes a side ( or until you get the rareness you want). I should add — I have a gas cooktop.
@Baud: Shhh! My students might be reading!?
@OzarkHillbilly: I believe it because I have seen them in action. It’s cool.
Interesting. Not mentioned in the article is that after leaving Fatah and Palestine, Dahlan became a “fixer” and “bagman” for the UAE. Money and arms to all the ususal suspects like Eric Prince, Nader, Donald Trump, Jared Kushner, Haftar, etc. From Mercs, to PMC’s through “investment” Corporations to high end Real Estate and political campaigns.
Dahlan has mostly been seen jetting to Lybia to back Haftar and the LNA with UAE cash, “technical support” and purchased weapons, including drones and MRAPs, while Turkey provides the GNA with the same.
Lately, the two, ( UAE and Turkey) have been directly targetting each other’s “technical support” with drone strikes, so the GNA has had a bunch of Turkish technicians and advisors killed, and the LNA, a bunch of Russians.*
* Russia is “bothsiding” this one, with mercs and support tor both camps for now, but they seem to be souring on Haftar.
Kid sent me a screen shot of the silver plan he signed up for and paid. He’d been trying to log in to for a few days and couldn’t get in. Peace of mind.
@Immanentize: You’d be surprised how many people think I’m just f’n with them when the subject comes up. Than again, maybe not.
Dry, you are supposed to keep your cocaine dry. It’s one of those old Southern Civil War rules, thus the use of the book.
@Kamala.Harris.2020: No it isn’t, but as you know there’s no law to make him recuse so he won’t. Val Demmings, who’s been great at the hearings, has complained publicly about it but I’ve seen little else. Maybe we’ll hear more about it from the Democrats next week.
It’s incredibly frustrating to see what they’re getting away with.
@Jay: I thought that’s what they meant by “Keep it Holy”.
Miss Bianca
@Sab: You play the harp?
zhena gogolia
New York Times: “Impeach.”
@debbie: Judy Collins played one in her folk years. Judy Collins #3 is still one of my favorite albums. Bells of Rhymney is a masterpiece.
Thanks. I loved her voice, but did not know that.
there is an authoritative way, yes. a ‘for dummies’ book and everything.
Omnes Omnibus
@Miss Bianca: Who has the time to actually play the harp? Most people just tune them.
The airing of grievances by the true left in that Obama tweet is pathetic.
That Bloomberg thing was elaborate and weird. There was the guy who did it and claimed be an intern. Then there was the other guy who said he was also quitting the Bloomberg campaign for how the “intern” was “fired.” Was it all fake?
other than the Bloomberg Campaign’s reaction and some people who were sucked in, yes, it was all fake, sort of.
In the finest of Hedge Fund traditions, the Bloomburg Campaign uses a lot of unpaid “Interns”, ( yup, not called “volenteers”, interns).
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Amir Khalid: So the guitarists can sneer at me for this comment, but why do you need more than one? Ok, two say, one acoustic and one electric.
I’m a pianist. I get one instrument, and it is whatever it is at the site. Sometimes it’s awful, sometimes it’s great, but whatever it is I’m going to have to make it work with all styles. And if it’s a Steinway grand, it does.
You may now point and laugh.
Gin & Tonic
Not hypothetical in Samoa, unfortunately.
Cheryl Rofer
@zhena gogolia: I don’t see that the Times actually, straight out, says to ITMF. They do their best to both-sides it, although they do seem to imply that perhaps some of the things that Trump has done might go over a line, in some people’s opinion.
I’m sure Dean Baquet contributed his wisdom to this.//
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Jay: I read a little of the bio of Chris Gardner, the guy who inspired the film “Pursuit of Happyness”. In the film a bunch of guys (all guys IIRC) work for free for a year making millions for some stock brokerage firm, and at the end of the year one of them gets a job.
In real life, those “interns” paid thousands for the privilege. $10K as I recall.
zhena gogolia
@Cheryl Rofer:
I guess we didn’t read the same editorial. For one thing, the headline is “Impeach.”
zhena gogolia
@Cheryl Rofer:
I don’t see too many ways of interpreting that.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Sab: What kind of harp?
On the subject of owning more than one instrument: we know an Irish harp performer. She plays the Celtic harp, a biggish one but not like an orchestra harp. She keeps one in Ireland and one in the US, mainly because of the pain and cost and risk of flying them.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: Oy. Brain disconnect. Owning more than one instrument. You probably only need to own one harpist.
Cheryl Rofer
@zhena gogolia: Ah, okay. I lost that in the morass of tergiversations. The recommendation is hidden at the end of the fifth paragraph.
Yes, I saw the title, but the one word is not entirely unambiguous in the Times context. The piece starts out well, but then they let Dean Baquet take over the editing.
But I guess we can be grateful that the Gray Lady has come out for “a vote to impeach,” even as they have not recommended removal of Trump or his toadies Maggie Haberman and Peter Baker.
zhena gogolia
@Cheryl Rofer:
I don’t think the major newspapers have yet called for removal, have they?
zhena gogolia
@Cheryl Rofer:
WaPo, for example:
Steeplejack (phone)
I feel ya! I love watches. One of the few ways a gentleman can accessorize. Some of those new Seikos are mouth-watering. But expensive!
One of my favorites is my modest SRK005.
Cheryl Rofer
@zhena gogolia: I’m not tracking that carefully. It seems pusillanimous to me for them to call for “a vote to impeach”, which is less than impeachment, which is less than removal.
To be clear, calling for impeachment would be calling for a majority of the House to vote for impeachment. What would be even stronger would be challenging Republicans, as Republicans, to vote otherwise than the lockstep they have jammed themselves into.
I think there are about five major and slightly below newspapers that have taken some sort of stand: NYT, WaPo, LA Times, Orlando Sentinel, and maybe one or two others I’m not recalling.
Since the Times is so nitpicky, I’m turning that around on them. But they would have chosen their words carefully.
Miss Bianca
@Omnes Omnibus: LOL!
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
“Unpaid” internships, like Legacy Enrollments and Rowing Club Scholarships are another marker of The New Meritocracy.
Only the supported children of the rich and well off can afford to spend a year working for free, and yet, doing so is used as a “gateway” into no shortage of “important to society” positions from Law to Journalism.
In many ways, the failures of many of out Institutions, can be attributed to The New Meritocracy and the resultant “inbreeding”. Hapsburg Disease.
zhena gogolia
@Cheryl Rofer:
Okay, I give up.
@Steeplejack (phone):
After going through a period in my early 30’s, where watches were a “thing”, a status mark, a “hobby” mark, I switched to a Timex. Still have it, still wear it, still ticking, 30 years on, 10th watch band.
watches will be gone soon, other than as a status symbol or an Ok Boomer marker.
zhena gogolia
I do not understand the distinction between “vote to impeach” and “impeach.”
J R in WV
@Betty Cracker:
I bought a new mattress a couple of weeks ago, after shopping around, that’s a surprisingly hard task to do right. Anyway, a few days later on they delivered it, and it was 8 inches thicker than the previous high-end really thick mattress. So high that even I couldn’t sit on the edge to put on shoes.
Alice, the part-Lab sweetheart could barely make it up with her most ferocious leap, and I could tell that if her hind end fell short, she was gonna fall and hurt herself. We had put a hassock at the foot of the bed to aid the cats in climbing up some time back with the lower mattress.
So we took the “innerspring” box out, and laid plywood on the slats and put the mattress on the plywood, some 8 or 10 inches lower. Now we can sit on the edge for socks and shoes, and the dogs, all of them, can get up pretty easily.
Raven, I see a ramp in your immediate future. Wife got a chest intended for the foot of the bed, long and low, which enables even older dogs and cats to make two easy jumps up to the bed height. But a ramp would be better.
Happy Festivus, everyone!!!
Steeplejack (phone)
Amen on Kottke.
Cheryl Rofer
@zhena gogolia: “vote to impeach” is an exhortation to (unnamed, unidentified) members of Congress. “Impeach” is a demand on all of them.
I agree it’s a small distinction, but, as I said above, presumably the Times Editoral Board has put some thought into the words they have used. And into how many they have used.
I’m so sad we have to leave Maui tomorrow. I can see why people want to live here, even though it’s terribly expensive! It’s nice to be in a place where taking care of the planet is assumed to be a good thing rather than controversial. Going from daily temps in the low 80’s back to highs in the 40’s is going to be a bitch.
@Cheryl Rofer:
It’s been so long since they’ve done it that you don’t recognize the NYT and their lofty pronouncements. //
Steeplejack (phone)
They are already mostly jewelry, now that everybody has a cell phone with a clock in it. That’s why Seiko is abandoning the low end and going heavy into the market for watches in the mid four figures. I will never have one of those. I’m not that crazy.
@OzarkHillbilly: My neighbor, a blues bassist, has So. Many. Guitars. My neighbors own two houses, and the one over in Ocean Shores has an entire room full of guitars-in-cases; PLUS the ones in the living room waiting to be played. Their house here in the city has guitars all along the living room walls. Plus I think he has some in storage. Must have a couple of hundred of them.
@OzarkHillbilly: All that white-on-white crime. Must be something to do with the decline in family values.
Miss Bianca
OK, bakers – this recipe for Normandy rye-cider bread calls for a mixer with a dough hook. I do not have such a fancy-ass contraption on hand. Do I need one, or will hand-kneading do?
(note: I am not the bread baker in this household – this will be my first attempt in many moons – D fancies a non-knead, slow-rise method that takes no hands on at all)
ETA: the link doesn’t seem to want to link. : (
Here it is nekkid:
Original Lee
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: Sorry I’m late to this thread! Trumpet players are notorious for owning more than one instrument. My daughter isn’t a professional, only minored in music, and has three (we gave one away a couple of years ago, otherwise, it would be four). One of her teachers owns 15, IIRC.
Cheryl Rofer
@Miss Bianca: Hand-kneading is fine. I have a dough hook and never use it.
Amir Khalid
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
A Stratocaster is not like a Telecaster is not like a Les Paul is not like an acoustic, and so on. And a Tele in Keef tuning is not like a Tele in standard tuning. With amplfiers, a very big part of an electric guitarist’s sound, one could get into how a Marshall is not like a Fender is not like a Vox is not like a Mesa/Boogie, and so on, and that’s before you get into specific models from each maker. And then there’s the pedalboard: which effects pedals, and in what order? Gear can be very complicated.
Because the real crime is that he didn’t ask for permission?
I know it’s probably just the way the statute is written, but…
@Another Scott:
Have an old buddy, known him for decades, longer than his wife of 41 yrs, who has 5 motorcycles. And only rides occasionally any more, but has to have well over half a million miles under his belt, because I have over that and he’s ridden a bit longer than me. He’s finally talking of selling a couple of them. I wonder if he ever will.
@Jay: Apple watches are the new status symbol.
J R in WV
Neighbor is old-timey musician, plays fiddle, banjo, guitar in that style, has won several blue-ribbons in contests. Self-taught instrument rebuilder, mostly fiddles and guitars, so always has antique broken instruments, also several he plays for gigs. Pro career as copy-editor nearing retirement, looks to do more old instrument rebuilds after he takes social security and retires.
Lots of instruments, one spare bedroom is a shop. His wife quit fussing about them when she realized he was making money on every transaction — not a lot, but some…
Apple Watches are just cool and trendy until the hackable brain chip implant with retinal interface comes out. That will only be trendy until Cyberdyne Systems perfects the meatspace/terminator interface.
@CaseyL: Whew! I feel better. Two electrics, three resonators, and a bass. I’m even considering downsizing.
@Amir Khalid: ,
If you can get this, I’d bet you’ll enjoy it Norman’s Rare Guitars Pt 1
@Amir Khalid:
to add to your library, if interested,
Sm*t Cl*de
My friend Mike had 27 stringed instruments, last time anyone bothered to count.
Not all guitars, of course.
Jay Noble
@Baud: That kinda jumps out doesn’t it?
@Raven: There are many versions of dog stairs available.
@Miss Bianca: Of course hand kneading will work. How do you think bread was made for 2000 years before mixers with bread hooks?
I don’t care about status; people just look stupid walking down the street talking to their wrist.
miles to go
I was a rocker for 29 years and used stilts and a panel lift. I
worked with a partner most of the time, and one of us would
put on stilts, call out the numbers. The other would cut and
use the panel lift. While one of us nailed the lid the, other would
cut the top sheet and push it up the wall to be tacked.