This is a public service announcement ? ? ?
— Waterstones (@Waterstones) December 16, 2019
Tomorrow night, America is going to show up for democracy by rallying in 500+ cities and towns across America.
Join us and tell the GOP that they can’t sweep this under the rug without a fight.
RT. Let’s do this. #DemCast
— Nick Knudsen ?? #DemCast (@DemWrite) December 17, 2019
We have flipped 435 state legislative seats and 10 state houses red to blue since 2016 and we are coming for more in 2020.
— Jessica Post (@JessicaPost) December 16, 2019
Good news everyone, we’re at Nixon a week before he resigned!
— Schooley (@Rschooley) December 16, 2019
(That’s Dan Scavino, Trump’s former golf caddy and reputed twitter-ghostwriter.)
David ??Booooooo?? Koch
A day to top off the tank of hope.
We’re going to need every ounce of it.
Echoing the tweet encouraging everyone to get out and march for impeachment this evening. I plan to bring a large sign reading “Impeach and Imprison”. It’s not enough that we throw this criminal deviant out of the White House – he needs to rot in prison. Many men have gone to prison for far less (e.g. a pound of pot).
BTW – I did not know Trump had a ghostwriter for his tweets. He is even more lame than I thought!!
Good morning! Poco and I are getting on the road from Eastern NC back to St. Louis. Hope to make it without a hitch for our overnight stop in Morehead, KY. Poco likes the Motel 6 there. Stay warm. Have a great day.
@Quinerly: safe travels to you and your co-pilot!
Steeplejack (phone)
Happy trails! Looks like an okay day for driving.
@Quinerly: Safe travels.
@satby: thanks!
Good Morning, Everyone ???
Good morning.
Good Morning to Poco and his chauffeur ??
Safe travels?
Patricia Kayden
Safe travels to you both.
Betty Cracker
The New Yorker published a longish piece by Brian Entous on the Ukraine scandal. It’s based on extensive interviews with Yuriy Lutsenko, former prosecutor general in Ukraine, Rudy Colludy and others.
Giuliani’s on-the-record assertion that he “needed Yovanovitch out of the way” is getting some attention in other outlets. But good lord, what a load of crap this whole caper was from beginning to end. An excerpt:
So Biden funneled money to Hillary AND hacked the DNC server for…reasons. They’re not even trying to make sense. Honestly, it makes me wonder if Ukrainians who are tired of being unwilling participants in our sick politics are trolling Giuliani with this nonsense.
@Betty Cracker:
And after Hillary cleared Biden from the 2016 field no less.
@Betty Cracker:
The image of Biden as master hacker is funny.
Steeplejack (phone)
Good morning. ?
This is great news. I had no idea Soul Fire Farm got this recognition:
I always thought of Soul Fire Farm as the best kept secret. They’d gotten some local recognition on our local PBS affiliate, but I was glad to see national media spotlight them.
True. People still trust the NYT’s domestic political coverage.
Betty Cracker
@Baud: Almost as funny as notorious butt-dialer Rudy being paid millions for cybersecurity consulting! They’re all a bunch of grifters. Saw some reporting yesterday about Parnas and Fruman trying to set Rick Perry up in an exclusive contract with the Ukrainian state natural gas company. No doubt Trump and Rudy would get a cut somehow. That whistleblower sure blew up a lot of schemes. No wonder they hate him.
It’s a pity none of these bumbling, crooked schemes are likely to get the airing they deserve in congressional hearings. But with any luck, details will dribble out during the run-up to the election via the Parnas and Fruman indictments, unless Barr manages to sweep it all under a rug, which also wouldn’t surprise me.
Considering his handsiness, it’s certainly feasible. //
The general consensus is the country got more corrupt with conservative’s gutting campaign finance laws because it’s pay to play, but with Trump and the low quality hires I think you have to add a much more direct impact- we catch a lot of criminals for violations of campaign finance rather than their actual crimes. That’s what Guiliani will eventually be charged with.
I don’t know how we fix this.
We have a poor track record of having Dem leaders backs. I’m worried our voters will forget impeachment as soon as it’s over.
Anyway. I’m certainly not worried about losing the votes of skittish Dem voters. Onward.
Dorothy A. Winsor
You probably all saw this yesterday, but I just read it. Apparently Trump thinks the president runs the debate process.
Stop believing everything you hear
(ETA: Not you; I meant nervous nellies.)
Other than Drew, they all seem to be going with voting their consciences. And they’re not afraid to say so.
Another poll.
@debbie: American heroes.
Can’t find it now to share, but a constituent said Drew had just lost his chance to be reelected. In fact, the potential GOP candidate in his district called Drew’s party switching a “weasel move.”
They are nervous though. I had someone ask me about Bloomberg. Like “who is this person?” A retired railroad worker. He’s fretting, I can tell. I said “you don’t even know who he is- why do you think he’d be better than Biden?”
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
I rarely agree with a Republican, but there it is.
I think there’s a reason why our last two Presidents have been highly charismatic people. Anything less, and our people get nervous that Dems aren’t going to win over enough white people.
Butter Emails
Ignore it? Not really, but there is also the Fox poll that did not show this drop in support.
I know! I expected him to gloat in a Moscow Mitch kind of way.
My ideal gift for Christmas would be that Drew was the only Dem to vote against impeachment. Please, Santa…
Betty Cracker
@debbie: Heard a brief interview with Rep. Slotkin yesterday on NPR. She’s a first-term Dem narrowly elected in a Trump district but is voting to impeach. Said she hopes her constituents would rather have a rep with integrity than someone who panders, and she said she’s voting her conscience, consequences be damned.
Anyhoo, the interviewer asked her about Drew, and she said his vote is pure political calculation. I hope the Drew story blows up in Trump’s face. Hard to say — the media loves a “my party left me” story. But the people who’ve shown real courage are taking the opposite vote.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Words kept going into the mike from his mouth that caused him to lose the debate. Very unfair. Sad.
@Butter Emails:
Twitter isn’t real life but cable pundits aren’t real life either and so Twitter serves a valuable purpose- at least we have two relatively small and isolated political islands instead of what we had before, which was one.
What are they thinking?
They’re acknowledging the good people on both sides.
@Betty Cracker:
I think he’s revealed by Amash. You don’t have to join the opposite Party to break ranks. You can be an independent. What Drew did was throw every one of his Democratic voters and donors under the Drew bus. Amash’s is the honorable dissent and it’s available to anyone.
It’s amusing because even their dissenters are sleazy. They can’t even do that right.
Betty Cracker
@germy: They’re just following their C-in-C’s lead in admiring fascists. I may do a post on that later if I have time. It’s really alarming — not just the Nazi fanfic that tweet highlights but white supremacist groups in the military and recent polling about perceptions of Russia, which is something like twice as positive among military families as non-military Americans’ attitudes.
Patricia Kayden
Patricia Kayden
The problem with Reed Hastings is much more specific. He’s Netflix and they poured money into the Louisiana governor’s race to defeat the Democrat. That just happened. So on the other side of what Democrats consider a big state race and one that humiliated Trump. I mean, you just have to start parsing this fundraising very fine – he’s going to cross this line a lot. The line is they can’t actively work to defeat Democrats. It’s true for Bloomberg too. He’s funded lots and lots of Republicans against Democrats. Even Democrats who don’t care about pay to play will care about that. They want to win.
David ??Booooooo?? Koch
@germy: That’s Nazi war criminal Joachim Peiper. He killed more Americans than Bin Laden could ever dream of.
I mean, there will BE a time where Bloomberg will have to explain supporting the Michigan GOP governor over the Democrat, particularly because after that happened it came out that the Michigan governor Bloomberg supported literally poisoned the Flint water.
This is not abstract. It’s not 30,000 feet notions of bipartisan or “campaign finance”. These people have done things and the things they have done directly contradict what Bloomberg (now) says he supports.
The Michigan governor wasn’t even anti-gun and pro-environment, so what was that about?
Betty Cracker
@Kay: Wow, that is pretty inexcusable, especially given the recency of the campaign to defeat the Louisiana governor. It’s such a conundrum, money’s corrupting and insidious influence. I understand the arguments against unilateral disarmament. But accepting wads of cash from fat cats undermines the argument we make to unaffiliated or loosely attached voters (which is most gettable voters these days!) that Democrats are for the people instead of rich donors.
— Refers to himself as having “always voted Democrat”
So, I see the new servers have not cured the “post not posted until you hit refresh three times” problem,
plus now WYSIWYG editing is gone.Ain’t complainig, just reporting.ETA: and now it’s back THE MOMENT after I hit post.
It’s on Twitter. It has to be true.
Another Scott
@Dorothy A. Winsor: I predicted many, many months ago that Donnie wouldn’t debate the Democratic nominee. He’s a coward and won’t have the questions funneled to him beforehand as he was in the past, so he’ll find an excuse.
I could be wrong, but so far it doesn’t look like it.
@PPCLI: Yes, our president retweets bots and fake accounts.
And then calls us “fake news”
@Another Scott:
Didn’t W wear some sort of listening device during one of his debates? Or is that just a legend…
Trying to predict what Trump will do eight months from now is a fool’s errand.
Relying on Trump’s words to inform your prediction is even more foolhardy.
Another Scott
@germy: There was a “rectangular bump” on W’s back in one of the debates. I have always thought that it was nothing (a trick of the light, a lumpy clothing, etc.), but who knows.
(I have trouble listening to more than one conversation at a time, myself. Someone yammering in my ear under a highly stressful situation like that would be over-the-top distracting.)
Twitter is a ridiculous place, and it’s all anyone cares about now.
@Betty Cracker:
So here’s my question. Why is it not okay for liberals to go against Democrats but is okay for centrists to go against Democrats?
It’s a double standard.
@Another Scott: He failed miserably against Hillary but it apparently didn’t matter to his base.
@Kay: Everyone should go against Democrats.
zhena gogolia
Ice storm here. No marching for me. (Not that I was planning to, anyway. Not a marcher, I’m afraid. More of a donater.)
zhena gogolia
This whole thing of not having one’s comment appear is far more annoying than entering the nym and address every time. I hate to say it.
@zhena gogolia:
I agree. I hope it’s fixed soon.
@Betty Cracker:
It’s always been a problem with supporting “issues” instead of candidates, which is kind of the post-political Party theory. The theory goes that you can pick and choose, no party or tribe, just pick a set of issues and support those, so Mayor Pete said at that forum, “I have 700,000 donors and I don’t agree with all of them on everything”. Fair enough. That’s the “issues” argument. But that doesn’t really align with Party politics or..reality when it comes to supporting “an issue” which leads directly to opposing the Democrat, as in Hasting’s case. That’s where the theory falls apart, because then you’re really horsetrading- “I will trade MEDICAID for this money”. D’s need a majority. Numerical. It’s nice that Bloomberg wants gun regs but to get them we need two Michigan Senators and those Senators come with issues Bloomberg doesn’t support. He’s not just picking “issues”. He’s setting priorities. Gun regs go up, health care goes down.
A candidate we don’t talk about much.
My daughter is expecting in January. The health care company she works for was sold to another health care company so she gets a new health insurance policy January 1, and the new policy treats the hospital she’s using as “out of network” so she has a choice- switch hospitals and pick one without a NICU, or pay 6k out of pocket with insurance.
Okay, so both she and her husband are health care people so they’re going with “NICU” in case it goes south, but jesus christ. Insurance companies should spend less time and money lobbying and buying lawmakers and more time simplifying their product. How much time do people spend on this shit over the course of a year, do you think? We’re all unpaid health insurance workers. They even called the health insurance portal “navigator”- we all just accept that we have to spend X number of unpaid hours “navigating” this wildly expensive service.
Dorothy A. Winsor
Neil Gorsuch is on Fox and Friends this morning.
Just say no to Democrats who help GOPers with money ???
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
@Quinerly: Be sure to say hi to Kim Davis if you see her!! (She’s from Morehead)
I feel like Biden is an olde-timey pol who would know better than that. I feel like that’s what he would be good at- things like how the Louisiana governor’s race fits into the broader scheme, because he’s a “relationship” pol which it’s fashionable to dismiss but there are actually a ton of them and they’re successful.
My favorite Ann Laurie post of all time was her “defense of machine politics” post. Now that’s a mavericky position.
I’m glad. Democrats can’t cross a picket line. This was funny because I think there are only 150 workers. They were briefly in charge of all decision making :)
zhena gogolia
I have this funny theory, and I don’t have time to track it down and see if I’m right. But the Russian word for ICU is “reanimatsiia,” which sounds to the English ear like “reanimation.” It always gives me pause when I hear it, and it feels as if the person is being “brought back to life.” I wonder if this is the origin of this story that Shokin was “brought back to life” three times. Did he just say he was in ICU three times? (I don’t believe the whole story, so it’s moot, but just kind of curious.)
Gin & Tonic
@zhena gogolia: Same word in Ukrainian.
Gin & Tonic
Obscure bleg here. On Sunday afternoon, around 1:30 EDT, the Sirius ‘Real Jazz’ channel was playing a version of Take the ‘A’ Train that I’m not familiar with. Duke Ellington Orchestra, but a female vocalist that wasn’t Ella, and a long tenor sax solo. Their info extends only to the name of the piece and the artist, but not the album. This was recorded live, but I’ve been unable to track down when/where, i.e. which recording. I’d like to find it.
@Gin & Tonic: Live in Berlin?
@Gin & Tonic: SoundHound is your… well, not exactly your friend, because anything that gathers data on you isn’t your friend, but it is rather useful in situations like that. (Too late now, but I keep the button on the first page of my phone, and it’s helped me go less insane the past few years.)
Safe travels, and try to steer clear of Missouri and especially that Ozark Hickbilly guy, I hear he belches (sp?) a lot.
@Kay: They don’t want the product to be simple. They want the product to be as complicated as possible, so that people just throw up their hands in confusion and then just pay whatever they’re charging.
tell it, Kay.
@Baud: Is that liberal-speak for “We shouldn’t kill bunnies in laboratories”?
Gin & Tonic
@Jay: This one ain’t it.
Betty Cracker
@Kay: Someday I’ll get around to writing my “The Tent Is Too Damn Big” post. It’s a real problem, how factionalized we are. IMO, it’s an outgrowth of the Republican Party’s descent into madness. There’s tons of analysis on how that affects the GOP, but it affects us too. Maybe the “issues” voting thing is a response to that, but like you said, it doesn’t work. There’s no à la carte in a two-party system.
Balloon Juice elders and fellow jackals, I just figured out that the troll in the comments on my guest post yesterday is the same exact one who showed up in the comments on my post in Kashmir. And he posted almost identical comments in that thread as well. Do I engage or ignore?
@schrodingers_cat: Tell him what you told us, and ignore him.
Unless he’s made a point you want to refute, specifically.
@different-church-lady: If by anyone, you mean the media, then you are right. For media workers, whatever the Twitter consensus is, is “reality”, just like Facebook messaging represents “reality” to a lot of older members of the lumpenproletariat. This disconnect with actual reality is why twitterers are still consistently shocked and outraged that Biden leads in the polls, because no one whose tweets they follow is supporting him. Unfortunately, because these people are also the people who write and edit the news, the twitter “common knowledge” affects how everyone perceives réal reality because the writers and editors implicitly or explicitly incorporate it into their reporting or opinion pieces. It doesn’t help that the nature of twitter means that what people express is often their unfiltered and unconsidered thoughts, which means that it is hot garbage.
Betty Cracker
@schrodingers_cat: I’d be interested in reading your rebuttal, and I’m confident anyone who reads it would be more informed on the issue. But it’s got to be worthwhile for you too, since it’s your time and effort.
@Kay: because Centrists are obviously operating out of principle, and are therefore noble, while Liberals just operate from knee-jerk sentimentality and liberal bias and should not be taken seriously.
@Betty Cracker: @Elizabelle: Thanks for your input. The gish gallop of half truths and out right lies does need a rebuttal. But this is a tried and a tested Sangh debating and derailing technique to lump all the atrocities real and imagined perpetrated by Muslims to justify the anti-Muslim bigotry in general and anti-Muslim actions taken by the BJP-Sangh government in power in New Delhi.
ETA: The Sangh wants Indian citizens of Muslim heritage to pay for the actions of the Muslims who voted for a separate homeland for Muslims in 1947. Unfortunately this has a resonance among many Indians.
Ignore. Trolls feed on engagement and work on exhausting the truth with lies and fake news.
Even bad ( poor quality) trolls,
like ones who blame Kashmir Terrorism on “Muslims” and the resultant refugees on Muslim Indians,and the Indian State of Kashmir, which anybody with half a brain can see is bullshit and a bullshit argument,
”win” by drawing out the arguments and “flooding the field” with bullshit. Their goal is to twist evetything up to the point that “facts” and “truth” are subjective and sell their arguments to people with little knowlege on the basis of sterotyping, confirmation bias and shared resentments.
just call them what they are, an underpaid Russian trained, Sangh Modi fluffer, too dumb to get a job in a call center who’s last job was phone banking for IRS Fraud scams.
Smart trolls come at you sideways, building a common rapport over time, with you and the readers, using smart and clever engagement, good questions,…….
then sandbag you.
I’d recommend posting something like what you commented here in that thread. “This is a troll who posted almost exactly the same thing in X thread. It’s using Y technique to derail the thread and discussion. I will post more about this tactic used by this group in a separate thread.” And then do a post on the trolling/disinformation technique and what it’s hoping to accomplish. Only if you want to do that, of course.
I’d definitely be interested in reading about it. Calling out the disinformation strategy and its implementation rather than focusing on specific points is possibly more useful than refuting point by point. Once you get into refuting their stated “facts” you’re playing on their turf.
@Kay: PBS and Politico. Match made in both sider hell
I saw the name elsewhere on the internet, saying similar things. If your sense is to distance yourself instead of respond, imo following that feeling is a good call. (The information you contribute is always valuable. Your (what word to use ? peace of mind …well-being… ) comes before responsibility to engage imo.)
Jim, Foolish Literalist
the “even” here is such a tell
Walter and her fellow travelers are so warped by the Morning Joseph “socially liberal but fiscally conservative” worldview that they can’t see that trump won both the primary and the general in no small part because he rejected the Gingrich-Bush-Ryan stance on “entitlements”– also vowed to raise taxes on himself and his “rich friends”, who he told us during the campaign were “really mad at me” for saying that. Right after his reelection, Dumbya tried to spend his political capital on Social Security privatization and it blew up in his face.
Of course, the other side of that coin is Dems who bought into the idea that because “Medicare For All” was a popular slogan, people were cool with eliminating their existing insurance.
There are good places on Twitter.
Journalists and Citizen Journalists on the ground in places like Lybia, Palistine, Ukraine, Venezuela, Hong Kong, places the media forgot, or like Ukraine, buried under Doltus bullshit to the point that Ukrainian issues no longer exist in the coverage, just Rudy Colludy Nutti Tutti Fruitti bullshit and Im Peach Mint,
And they are covering “important” stories, not published in the MSM. As an example, what little coverage the MSM has of Lybia, suggests that once again, Haftar and the LNA are about to take Tripoli and defeat the GNA. They are not.
Amongst the Twitteratti, there are voices that you will rarely hear elsewhere. LGTBQ, Protest leaders, anti-facists, digital security researchers, human rights people, voices from communities in crisis, prison reform,…… the voices are endless.
There are scientists, entertainers, the obscure, idea people, eg.
The #1 Twitter rule is stay out of the responses. There be trolls.
I believe you lost your brother this week? Think I saw that in last night’s posts.
Am very sorry to hear that, and I wish you only the best. My condolences.
Patricia Kayden
James E Powell
It seems like no matter how outrageous or beyond all prior experience Trump’s actions are, they are absorbed into the New Normal within three to seven days.
A major factor in this is that the Republicans don’t just support Trump 100%, they combine passionate defense with aggressive attacks on Democrats and any persons who criticize Trump. [Somewhere Al Gore, John Kerry, and Hillary Clinton are all thinking how much they could have used some of that.]
Another factor is that the press/media more or less loves Trump and will not allow him to fall too far.
My little friend K turned eight in September. When she was born she went straight into the NICU and stayed for thirteen months. Three surgical teams, two from Toronto and one from the US, were flown to Halifax to work on her. Today she’s a very bright and active child.
Her parents went through hell of course and there were costs and fundraisers and all that. But no medical bills and no insurance middlemen.. Every Canadian chipped in a little and K is alive today because of that.
I wonder how many American children don’t make it because people “love their private health insurance,” are afraid their taxes will go up, or, gawd forbid, some people might lose their jobs in the for-profit end of healthcare.
Just a thought.
James E Powell
I don’t think issues in the sense of policy proposals move voters anymore. There are no doubt some exceptions, social security being the first that comes to mind. But “issues” as a marker for identity do count.
Voters aren’t moved by issues because they don’t believe anything that politicians promise them. Or they don’t care. In general people aren’t interested in whether other people’s children get a good education. People who already have health care coverage are not moved by candidates who promise to extend health care coverage to other people. They may in fact oppose them because of the tendency to view others’ gains as their losses. This is, of course, especially so when the others are The Others.
Bloomberg is not going to have to defend his prior positions because the press/media are not going to make him. They will protect him and characterize anyone who criticizes him as an out of touch far left anti American. Or they will just ignore them.
zhena gogolia
Everyone should watch that! Very inspiring.
Another Scott
ICYMI, Kevin Drum lays out an excellent manifesto for a War on Climate Change starting NOW.
Fair Economist
@Betty Cracker: Unfortunately factionalism is a chronic problem on the left. It’s not just the recent result of Republican insanity.
@James E Powell
There have always been “facts, issues and policy” voters, “narrative” voters, and “personality voters”,
While these days, “facts, issues and policies” are for the most part, ignored by the media,
“Narratives” and “personalities” are widely covered, moreso when it’s 6 “independent” white male voters, (5 Trumpistas and one local RNC chair) at a diner at 10am in Anus, Idaho. That kinda skews perceptions of “what matters” and that’s the point.
Your propaganda sausage with extra Pravda is being made in real time, and is effective.
BTW, the people protesting Schiff,….
In depth investigation you won’t find on NBC, CNN etc because it ruins the “narrative”.
For those who caught the “penis fish” comment and front page post and remain “obsessed”,
Safe for work, unlike a google search, for your pleasure,
Probably the only safe for work penis+live cam video stream out there.
@rikyrah: I did write a comment about what that person was doing as a warning to the readers of the blogpost.
Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman)
Tweet from the Evansville rally.
Steeplejack (phone)
@Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman):
Cool. Thanks for sharing the pictures.
@germy: That was GW Douche. The NYT had a picture of the big freaking bulge of the device on his back, and didn’t print it. Then he started arguing with the voice in his ear, before the debate crowd. In light of his stupidity/insanity, nobody reacted.