Is this a fuck-you clap of a SOTU invitation or what?
JUST IN: Speaker Pelosi invites President Trump to deliver State of the Union address on Feb. 4, 2020.
— NBC News (@NBCNews) December 20, 2019
“Thank you for your attention to this matter” — she makes it sound like an overdue library book reminder, and I’m crying here!
Open thread!
hells littlest angel
In summary, Constitution, Constitution, Constitution.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I love it, he won’t have a clue that he’s being dragged by the mention of separation and balance of powers, but maybe twitter will point it out to him.
I was just wondering if she’ll hold off on sending the formal impeachment papers (which I think is how it works) to trump until like a week before the speech, to send him (further) off the rails as Kelleyanne tries to teach him to use his playing-with-others manners
BC in Illinois
Washington Post Headline explains:
Also amusing is the headline ad for National Review!!
Joe Falco
Is there such a thing as a micro-macro aggression? Because this is it, right there.
something about the Constitution, right? And then more Constitution and separation of powers? Am I getting close?
C-C-C-C-Constitution! Let’s all sing!
Dorothy A. Winsor
Nancy Pelosi is the bomb
Can’t wait to learn more about the state of our dishwashers and toilets. He’s got people looking into that, you know.
One of the greatest American parliamentarians ever.
She really knows how to play Trump like a fiddle.
The move to hold off sending impeachment to the Senate also. It is killing Trump. Now he will be brow beating McConnell to make an agreement with Shumer to move this along!!!1!! until it happens. The Dems are in a good position right now.
Nancy is wicked smaht.
@Martin: I prefer his obsession with the lights that make him look orange. They never did that before we went to LEDs!
@hells littlest angel: Exactly! Well played Madam Speaker, well played! Although I’d be perfectly happy if he skipped it. It’ll be another MAGAt rally. Of course the spectacle of him going full unhinged on the House floor…
maybe she can serve him his impeachment papers just before his speech, along with a set of subpeonas to appear in front of Judiciary, Oversight, Intelligence, Finance and Homeland Security committees.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
As if he had any to start with.
Is KAY HERE? I need to understand something. I may be doing a brief out of Ohio to the US Sup. Ct. The lower opinion in the Ohio Sup. Ct. is written by DeWine, J. Any relation to the Gov.?
@Immanentize: this is kind of an aside, but I helped maintain this suite of equipment in the back of a container on a HMMV and they used LEDs to light the interior. Can’t say that any of us had an orange glow from it. “Brandon, you look like an orange. Do you have scurvy? Go see the doc and eat some fruit! That’s an order!” ?
AWESOME: lower case “best regards” too!!
A few weeks before the 2016 election, trump stayed on script. If he feels threatened he will do so again.
barb 2
Last year didn’t Trump close down the whole damned government which required the Speaker to block Trump from the state of the union address until he decided to end the shut down? Or was that the year before — or 10 years ago? Seems like he been at this for years and years. He has gotten away with so much crap that we are all worn out and fighting with each other.
Trump and his cult are sadists. I forgot who called them that but we need to use the correct word for his behavior.
@Currants: I did not notice that so thanks for mentioning it. yup f.k you
@piratedan: I’ve thought about just that scenario regarding the NY investigations. Either the subpoena serving person is on the inauguration stand and serves him as soon as Pres Dem is sworn in (like literally seated behind him, and as soon as the oath is administer, hand leaves the Bible/whatever, just leans forward and says, “You’ve been served.”), or as the Mango Menace is about to board Marine Loser. C’mon Santa, I’ve been a good boy all year!
Mr. Longform
As a library professional, I can attest to the fact that Nancy Pelosi would be an excellent member of the librarian tribe if she had chosen that path. I for one am glad she chose another profession. She is really good at being a national treasure.
“pray for the president”
She may pray for him every day, but she has pulling his strings down to a fine art.
@JPL: Also too, she is only inviting him in her respect for the constitution (not because she wants to hear what comes from his pie hole.)
James E Powell
The concept of duty – the obligation to act or refrain from acting to serve others or uphold a principle – never occurs to Trump. If he understood it, he’d consider it a weakness. The press/media give it no respect because they are only concerned with who won the day, who is winning the horse race, and what Republicans are angry about now.
Police in the BJP run states are shooting and killing protestors. At least 6 people have been shot dead (4 in Uttar Pradesh in the north and 2 in Karnataka in the south)
Going on in Delhi right now, people outside a police station are protesting those being held without due process and access to lawyers. Police in Delhi is under the jurisdiction of Amit Shah, the Home Minister at the Center.
@Immanentize: The letter was perfect!
Joey Maloney
@Leto: I mean, fuck a subpoena. I want the guy to reach out to Orangeman like he’s shaking hands and then slap the cuffs on him and take him off to his extradition hearing to New York state.
James E Powell
Maybe we need to send in Mr. Bookman.
Eric U.
my local paper seems to have gone full-on republican mouthpiece. They interviewed the two republican congressmen from this area and there was no pushback on the lies at all
I am glad they are protesting even as I fear for them. I read an interesting take on Buzzfeed (which sounds strange) from a woman who has found the awful situation in Kashmir has estranged her from her family. You have mentioned your own issues with extended family disagreements.
I comment so infrequently I am sure I will mess up the link. Scaachi Koul at Buzzfeed. Yeah, I botched the link. Gah!
@BC in Illinois: LOL
“Ladies and gentlemen, the impeached President of the United States.”
All that is missing is a Bless Your Heart.
@BC in Illinois:
Was Clinton’s trial over when he delivered his SOTU?
O. Felix Culpa
Nancy’s letter is a work of art. It deserves to be hung in the Smithsonian.
@piratedan: Hell, I’d watch his Trump trash Nazi ramblings to see that.
“Mr. President, I want to take this moment to present you with your articles of impeachment and a stack of subpoenas. Yes, we did impeach you, you motherfucker.”
@Baud: Seems like Bill was impeached just before it because I remember the reporters covering it going on and on about how he was able to compartmentalize and focus.
@Humdog: I haven’t read it. Thanks I will take a look.
I am reading and retweeting lawyers and journalists who are on the ground in India.
BC in Illinois
Clinton Impeachment Trial: Jan 7 – Feb 9, 1999
Clinton STOTU Address: Jan 19, 1999
I had forgotten this. Awkward.
I don’t think Trump handles awkward well.
Yeah. Something tells me Trump lacks those particular skills.
Bill Arnold
The lower case “best regards” serves that purpose.
I admire this letter.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: They should have gotten rid of her! She’s too old!!
Oh, did I forget to preface that with “Fuck the people who said those things”?
Mike in NC
Hopefully Fat Bastard will refuse to give the SOTU address and send Jared instead.
BC in Illinois
From Wikipedia (from which all knowledge flows):
Don’t forget that a common translation of “I’ll pray for you” is “Go fuck yourself.”
@BC in Illinois:
Dump seemed to handle having “sex” in common with his own daughter just fine. It was awkward for everyone on The View.
(not taking a lap, not taking a lap, not taking a lap,…………)
Someone who has better google fu than I do needs to check last year’s letter to see if “best regards” was capitalized then.
Bill Arnold
I was also hearing it a lot from wingnuts, that she has dementia, is losing her mind, etc. In person I tell them that underestimating opponents is a serious mistake.
Her mind can see/grasp the weft of US politics quite well.
Chip Daniels
Every sentence is a perfect “Fuck You”;
“three co-equal branches”; Yeah, as Speaker I’m your equal, bitch.
“respecting our Constitution…” Yeah, learn some respect, boy.
In conclusion, do your fucking job.
Bill Arnold
Looks like she used “Sincerely” in early 2019.
BC in Illinois
Agreed — there is a world of difference between what Donald Trump thinks is “just fine” [“perfect”] and what is in fact just fine. He can stand up on February 4th in full campaign rally mode, blather on about toilets and light bulbs, insult deceased members of Congress and their families, and bask in the cheers and salutes of his minions.
But I don’t think it will serve him well.
zhena gogolia
The difference between her clear, legible signature and his is very telling.
We’re having work done in our kitchen. New floor, some new cabinets. I came home and found our gas stove covered in sawdust. The contractor was using it as a cutting board. There’s wood on top of it.
Now I’m not sure if I feel safe using it again. Certainly the vibrations from the power saw must have loosened some vital connections deep in the stove/oven. I’m really worried about it being hooked up again, gas accumulating, and causing an explosion.
Am I a worry wart?
Pelosi has to be up there with Clinton and Obama as one of the 3 best Democratic politicians of the past 50 years. She is just masterful. And her wrist flick stern look silencing of the House members who started to clap at the conclusion of the Impeachment hearing was just perfect.
Trump absolutely cannot deal with strong women. They are like Kryptonite to him for some reason. The only women he has in his cabinet are the nepotism hires and the low level blonde sycophants like Kellyanne. That’s why I think any of the top women candidates are probably the bestie antidote to Trump in 2020. He never really knew how to deal with Clinton and it showed in the debates. The next female candidate is going to have 4 years of microscopic analysis of Trump’s brain available to deploy and push all his buttons. I just don’t think male candidates know exactly how to stand up to him. He wiped the floor with all the other GOP candidates in 2016 in way worse fashion than Hillary who he lost to let’s remember. He is obviously scared of Biden but I think he is probably more scared of Warren or Klobuchar. His dream opponent would probably be Buttigieg.
@Kent: “And her wrist flick stern look silencing of the House members who started to clap at the conclusion of the Impeachment hearing was just perfect.” She’s great but I think they cut the mic.
He mentioned him at his latest rally: “His name is unpronounceable!” he yelled, while the crowd laughed approvingly.
BC in Illinois
From Wikipedia (from which all knowledge flows), The Hitler Oath
(For public servants):
@Chip Daniels: Dear sir, You write an excellent summary!
@Bill Arnold: Interesting. I thought perhaps she always used lower case in closings, but apparently not.
That makes me like “best regards” even better!
@germy: If you are a natural bully and you look at the 2020 Dem primary lineup, which one are you going to pick to bully? The answer seems pretty obvious. And not at all because he’s gay. Optics matter. I just question whether Buttigieg has the gravitas and presence to stand beside Trump and stare him down. Trump has been playing that male dominance game for his entire adult life. It’s pretty much his entire shtick. And he is a master at it. Witness all the GOP politicians he has castrated over the past 4 years. It just doesn’t work on strong women very well.
yes. All the gas connections inside the stove should be locked and sealed from the factory. If using the stove as a worktop loosened stuff and made the stove “dangerous”, so would the self clean cycle.
the biggest issue would be sawdust getting under the top, and not cleaned out. Many people don’t realize that you can and should clean those areas regularly.
that and damage to the enamel.
but it is something to bring up with the Contractor. You don’t use a $500 – $2500 stove as a workbench, that’s what $30 workstands are for.
@zhena gogolia: Silly zhena. Dump doesn’t know how to write. He leaves that to the White House seismograph.
The hand gestures are not associated with ideologies or movements that are contrary to the Army values.
Betty Cracker
I guess substituting “be best” for “best regards” would have been a bridge too far.
Interesting discussion above about Bill Clinton’s impeachment SOTU. I had an infant at the time that was all going down, so I remember even less about Clinton’s impeachment than I do about the Nixon hearings, which occurred when I was a small child.
Anyhoo, from all accounts, Clinton acted like a grown-up and kept doing his job. Trump is incapable of that, so I hope they let the bastard stew.
@germy: No. Get it inspected and cleaned. If you can, get the contractor to pay.
@germy: Gas stoves and cook tops are very very simple machines. There really is nothing deep inside the things. Gas flows into it and finds holes to escape from — which we call burners. Very simple. Not a thing to fret about.
I would give it a good vacuuming, however to get the dust and splinters out of wherever.
But your contractor really should not have done that
@Jay: this is the luck I have with contractors.
This current guy is driving me nuts. My wife is being patient, but I don’t like the mess he leaves. He did some painting upstairs, and it is sloppy as hell. Not professional at all. I try not to be fussy, but this stove thing is bothering me.
Yes to the “worry wart” question. Although I think it prudent for you to insist that the contractor pay to have the gas company inspect and okay or fix.
I’m an Ohioan and a lawyer. Pat DeWine is the son of Gov. DeWine.
@Betty Cracker: The Republicans — and the media — were certain that the Clinton SOTU was going to be a huge moment of failure for him. But it was an utterly normal Clinton speech, except for the context. I think that went a long way to making people feel like they were actually in pretty good hands with William Jefferson Clinton.
@Leto: When the Republican delegation chanted “USA USA” at Trumpov’s SOTU address, I realized they were a fascist white nationalist party. It was chilling, but good to know.
@SuzieC: Thank you. And Damn! What happened to your once reasonable State?
Good points. I have parallel tracks for who my ideal candidate is and who my ideal Trump debate foe is. Harris was my choice for the second; now I dream of Klobuchar wiping the stage with him, while being “Minnesota nice.” Maybe she could retell that golf story.
@Immanentize: Hmm. I always assume appliances are more complicated. It’s a mystery to me. I imagine the gas flowing to little igniters, and if the igniters get loosened or disconnected, an explosion.
He did find a loose connection in the gas line itself. Had a plumber come out to replace the switch and flex hose.
zhena gogolia
The funny underlying truth here is that people who actually pay attention to what Jesus said and try to live that way turn out to be pretty lefty by present-day American standards. He said nothing about abortion, homosexuality, or guns. Lots about taking care of the poor and giving up all you have and following Him.
@germy: yes, you are. The pots and pans that people commonly bang down on their stove make more vibration than a circular saw.
Okay, so some here say I don’t have to worry, and some here say I do.
PLZ let him go on twitter and pledge to withhold his precious self from the SOTU unless Nancy sends the impeachment to the Senate. Please let it be so. If he’s starts negotiating to get the Senate hearing started, he will blow it for Mitch and the rest of the lickspittles who have hitched themselves to this train wreck.
Nancy Smash indeed
Depends. Our new range is pretty sophisticated–electric convection oven, gas cooktop, electronic controls on a swing-out panel. I’d club anybody slapping a table saw or chop saw on it, using one of the 20-pound grates. It cost a lot.
@danielx: Indeed.
In other news:
I think she actually delivered a deadline to McConnell to get his trial shit together.
She’s thanking him for his attention, because we are always thankful for what we have, of the things that are in the shortest supply, NEH?
Steeplejack (phone)
@Bill Arnold:
The weft, Bill? The weft?! What about the warp, man?!
@trollhattan: Oh, now you are talking about electronics! not gas stovery. I have a fancy pants dual fuel range — electric oven, six burner gas top. I have replaced igniters and burner heads on it no problem. Also, I have replaced gas oven burners in past ranges. That part of it all is very simple. Pressurized gas flows into your house, through the lines to your appliance burners which are regulated by (usually) mechanical valve controls.
Does your new range have electronic gas burner controls rather than knobs?
Germy, I’ve plumbed gas stoves, I’ve worked in electronics for 30 years, and I fix my own appliances. Make sure he did no cosmetic damage, vacuum it out, and carry on.
@Immanentize: Gerrymandering, for one. But I remain hopeful. Columbus/Central Ohio is a shining blue oasis which every year draws 14 to 15000 formerly rural Ohioans to move to the city in intrastate migration. As they move to the powerhouse Democratic city they start voting like the rest of us. The R party has been utterly wiped out here.
West of the Rockies
“We’re looking into toilets… Not liking what we’re finding, okay?”
Betty Cracker
@artem1s: Just read on the Twitters that Trump promptly accepted the invitation. We should prepare for the Airing of the Grievances. He’ll whine about being the most ill-treated president ever, to include those who were shot dead.
@germy: Now ask us who you should support in the primary.
@trollhattan: I’m coming around to Klobuchar. I’m honestly not at all optimistic that any 2020 Dem president is going to be able to push through any kind of groundbreaking progressive legislation, much less M4A or a massive overhaul of the tax system. So I’m not really caught up in the lefty virtue signaling. And honestly, I think voting rights should be the #1 Dem legislative priority anyway. Nothing else matters if we don’t have that going into the 2020 redistricting. And Klobuchar is as solid as anyone on voting rights.
I think Klobuchar may provide the best contrast to Trump of any of the remaining front line candidates. If anything she represents a greater return to normality and competence than any of the other candidates including Biden. Who frankly isn’t that normal. I went back and looked at all the Senate election results from MN and WI over the past decade and she was absolutely steamrolling over her opponents at the same time that candidates like Franken were just scraping across the finish line and candidates like Feingold were getting beat. So she must know something about campaigning and winning in purple swing states.
Mary G
@germy: My gas stoves have all come through some pretty big earthquakes just fine, but he shouldn’t be doing that.
@Immanentize: ‘zactly!
@SuzieC: I like that news.
I may be helping on a recent (end of October) double jeopardy case which sounds like a Florida Man story. DeWine wrote the opinion.
It’s old, not new. Came with the house. Knobs.
I just got my biopsy results, just a cyst. Damn.
Steeplejack (phone)
“Am I a worry wart?”
I don’t know about that, but your contractor deserves a kick in the nuts.
Maybe noted carpenter OzarkHillbilly will weigh in.
@raven: Good.
The answer is simple: Baud/WaterGirl 2020
Betty Cracker
@raven: Good news, right?
@Baud: I’ll say, the biopsy wasn’t as bad as it seems but I DID not want MOHS surgery on my unit.
@germy: You are totally fine. Do what @brantl: says. You’ll be fine.
@raven: Good on you. Thank you medicals.
@Betty Cracker: I’ve maintained pretty well since I’ve been sick as a dog all week but it’s always disconcerting.
@raven: Hallelujah! Seriously. So happy for you.
@Immanentize: And let me urge people to get stuff checked out no matter WHERE it is.
@raven: That is what was going to be next? Ouch from far away!
@WaterGirl: My mom always said that!
Steeplejack (phone)
Damn in a good way. Cheers!
@germy: I’m on board with that! Do I have to wait for Baud to ask me, or can I ask him? :-)
This is a step up for me, because in 2016 I was his Valerie Jarrett.
Shame the Orange Blob doesn`t give a dump (been flushing 15 times so far) about the situation .
@Immanentize: ,
If it had been cancer the first move would have been surgery and then who knows?
@germy: * slow clap
@raven: Nice!
The fact that you care would serve as a nice contrast to me.
That, and your dedication and work ethic.
Betty Cracker
Our electricity has been out for an hour. Sure hope it comes back soon! We have a electrical co-op now that we live in a sparsely populated swampland, and I worried about the service when we moved here, but honestly they’re a lot better so far than the more citified outfit we had before.
Also, we’ve been invited to a Christmas party by fellow swamp-dwellers down the road, so I’m both dreading and looking forward to that. We’ve exchanged pleasantries with the hosts a few times when we met them while boating, and I’m dying to see their house.
Theirs is one of the few homes that doesn’t sport Confederate flags and/or Trump signs, and a raised eyebrow here and sarcastic tone there during previous small talk makes me suspect it’s possible they’re the other two registered Democrats in the county. We’ll see!
@West of the Rockies: Dump probably recognizes himself in the toilet.
Ohio Mom
Germy, Just call the gas company. They are like the fire department except for possible gas leaks — they will be there before you finish hanging up the phone.
They won’t fix a leak, they will only turn off the gas and put a red tag on your line. You’ll have to get a licensed plumber in to fix the leak.
I know I did this once but I can’t remember where I was living at the time. Someplace with a negligent landlord, I had plenty of those.
I'll be Frank
@germy: Your wife’s approach is understandable, it’s normal to get unhappy with the folks who mess up your house, particularly when you are paying them, so some slack balances that out. That said, there is no excuse for using your stove as a cutting horse, and you need to express your dissatisfaction in a calm professional manner, because it is likely that until you do work standards will slide.
@Immanentize: State v. Soto?
@Betty Cracker:
Are you going to risk giving them the secret Democratic handshake?
Yes. Mr. Soto made some bad decisions in his life.
But the opinion conveniently ignores critical facts. It would undo all of our reliance on plea bargaining.
Another Scott
In other news, Reuters:
Space stuff is hard. But Boeing really needs to get its act together…
@Another Scott:
Big win for Elon Musk and SpaceX
Its pretty fucking sad that this is the sort of things the left has to celebrate.
Ooooh, did you see that spicy letter?????
Steeplejack (phone)
That “game” excuse is lame. As I understand it, if you get someone to look at the gesture, you get to punch them in the arm or some bullshit. Who was this needledick meaning to “beat” by flashing it to the TV audience? Maybe the no doubt comprehensive report explains that.
This is in line with how the fascists cover themselves with “It’s just an OK symbol,” “Can’t you take a joke?,” etc. Meanwhile on 8chan they’re like “LOL, fooled the normies again.”
Whatever the excuse, I hope that guy is on KP or latrine duty for the rest of the year.
Burner knobs, that mysteriously light up when on.
It replaced a range that had a fatal control panel failure–fatal on account of replacement circuit boards were not available. To use the oven we had to first flip the breaker, which would reset the panel for one use. That got old.
Mary G
@raven: Whew! So glad you’ll be around to say “Fuck LBJ” and show us beautiful sunset and fishing photos some more.
Meh. Life can’t be all woeful lamentations about the state of humanity.
Mary G
@Another Scott: Oh, THAT’s reassuring.
Steeplejack (phone)
@Steeplejack (phone):
Stuff is still screwed up (Android phone, Samsung browser): no paragraph breaks, no edit available, generic comment box showing (no V/T tabs).
Steeplejack (phone)
It was ongoing. Senate trial convened early January; Clinton’s SOTU was mid-January; the Senate acquitted him early February.
But Bill Clinton, famously, could compartmentalise. I doubt that Trump can even spell the word, let alone master the art.
@Betty Cracker:
100% agree! The Imposter will alternate between airing petty grievances and proclaiming he’s the best ever.
Here’s what I don’t get: how The Cult equates whining with strength?! WATB’s .
@Steeplejack (phone): That was my reaction as well.
Washington State’s House has some housecleaning on aisle nazi.
@Another Scott: I actually think the company needs to be broken up, the management team fired and new safety rules applied- the fact that there are basically 2 jet providers in the world is not a good thing
Ohio Mom
Raven, Glad for your good news, and glad the agony of waiting for the results is over.
My SO, Pegisue is from New Orleans. When we moved up to Illinois one of my friends asked if she liked to cook cajun food. I said well, she has the blackened part down pat. One evening after we had a rather charcoally dining experience, I made a comment. She turned and gave me the Italian grandmother side-eye, and said,”I’ve never heard those things on top of the stove called anything but burners!” There is a plaque in the kitchen that says, “It”s not burnt, dammit, it’s blackened.” Just say Yes Dear.
zhena gogolia
Colbert did a pretty good impeachment cartoon.
zhena gogolia
Oh, wonderful! I’ve been wondering. So great that you got the news before Xmas.
Steeplejack (phone)
@Betty Cracker:
Heh. That was a total nonna move.
@Another Scott: Yeah, no shit. Fundamentally this is very similar to the 737Max software error.
These guys are profoundly bad at software. This isn’t a one-off problem, its an institutional shortcoming, and it’s not improving.
@raven: whew
As a contractor, sadly, I have very little sympathy. I bust my ass off trying to get the work I do get and a huge part of that work is “educating” customers.
Roughly half of the work I do get, is to fix work the customers ( commercial, residential) gave to other contractors instead, for “reasons”, or because the other “contractor” took their deposit (here it’s 50% of the job, upfront, by law) and ran.
It would have been cheaper to hire me in the first place, and fixing crap work, from sloppy paint jobs to illegal and dangerous wiring, is no fun.
one job I did, for a commercial customer, in a 1920’s building most people don’t want to touch with a 10 foot pole, because of all the layers of stuff done over time, ended with me pulling all the dead, not code wiring, labelling it and marking the dozen now empty breakers in the ( what had been until then) over loaded breaker boxes. There were 4 breaker box sets in total. One set in the main power room, two sets in “next door” commercial spaces that had once been part of the space, or some idiot decided it would be a good place to tap into somebody elses power, and the main breaker sets in the space itself.
When they expanded their showroom a year later, I bid, didn’t get the job. 4 months later, got a frantic call, power was out, a week before their “grand reveal”. Amongst piles of other crap done wrong, the contractor they did hire, fished all the power for the new showroom, from the basement of the building, which was a separate Cabinet Shop business, so of course, when they fired up the table saw in the basement, the showroom went dark. Resetting breakers didn’t help because they were buried in a disused Toolroom in the basement.
barb 2
Klobuchar has been working on passing a voting bill (I think that’s what she called it). Anyway it involves paper ballets and automatic voter registration at 18. Voting is a habit — and it worked in her state. “Helping State and Local Governments Prevent Cyber Attacks Act,” is another bill she introduced.
Washington State has vote by mail — which means paper ballots and more ballot drop off locations are added every year. This system works well. No long lines and slow voting. You can research each ballot issue and candidate in your own time. Add this system to Klobuchar’s ideas and you have a near perfect voting system.
The more I learn about Klobuchar the more I like her. Both Warren and Klobuchar come from working class backgrounds. The GOP’s goal is to make voting more difficult and the Dems want to make voting easier for all.
@zhena gogolia: Yea, as the day wore on I was thinking I wouldn’t hear. The nurse was cute, “I’m calling about the biopsy you had last week”. Me, “yes, I remember”!
@Ksmiami: I’m not sure that’s enough to fix this. This is a corporation whose culture is not in alignment with modern industry needs. That’s why SpaceX has been successful – their culture developed in the modern setting.
What we need is a brand new jet provider startup. And if we don’t encourage it, then Comac is going to fill that gap.
@Jay: My neighbor died last week and his wife is stuck in a house that has been falling apart for a decade. Sashes rotted, soffits with big holes, and a roof that is really bad. They are old, really big, shingles and I keep thinking he didn’t do anything because it would have been so costly. How do I find out
ETA, I messaged the guy who did a roof on just his porch and he just said they were not asbestos.
To be fair, I can see Trump’s point about LEDs. 20 years ago under incandescent bulbs I looked like a relatively thin man in his 20s. Now I look like a much heavier man in his mid-forties.
Dammed LEDs.
@Llelldorin: Yea, since I retired I’ve let my beard and hair grow but it doesn’t look like it did in the 70’s!
@germy: Go with what makes you comfortable.
Oh, great news just before the holidays!
(Well, actually, great news any time of the year.)
@barb 2: Washington State has really high voter participation rates. Much of this is because of the vote by mail project. I honestly love it. It’s very relaxing to take your time on your ballot then either drop it in the mail or deposit it at a drop off station.
I would like to tick that higher, but it is what it is right now. 80% is still impressive for the US.
Why is your profession filled with so many incompetent and dishonest people? I know incompetent/dishonest people exist everywhere, but does general contracting attract more than it’s share? Or does it just seem that way?
@raven: O frabjous day! Calloo! Callay!!!
@Steeplejack (phone):
yup, it takes months to years of digging through a suspected Nazis social media and real life, to definitively out them as a Nazi. It takes months to years of the same digging to turn a photo of a Nazi at a Nazi gathering, into a real world name and person.
A couple of days “investigation” isn’t an investigation, it’s a white nationalist wash.
@Betty Cracker
How did the Drunken Aunties confab go?
I cannot express my love and admiration for Speaker Pelosi enough. Most brilliant politician of my lifetime. I’m in awe. And laughing my ass off. God, I adore her!
Clinton could point at not just a thriving economy but also an $80 billion surplus.
I want Democrats to start pointing out that what trump has done is borrow a GIANT bunch of money from our kids in order to make it look like everything is great. It’s as if you or I took out a million-dollar loan on someone else’s account and used the money to spruce up the house with no intention of paying it back.
It’s easy to make it look like you’re doing great on somebody else’s credit card.
@raven: Glad you heard and it’s okay .
@hitchhiker: silly Deficits only matter when democrats are in office.
@Betty Cracker:
Betty, do you actually know there are *two* other registered Democrats (which could be possible) or was that just an educated guess?
Crossing my fingers for at least somewhat kindred spirits down the road.
Dorothy A. Winsor
Like his call transcript!
@Steeplejack (phone):
Thanks for the update! Big surprise… I have questions!
That’s what I said yesterday, referencing that it would be what you would say. But I spelled it wrong! I wrote “nana”. Sorry, I had no idea.
Betty Cracker
People on Twitter: have you noticed a huge uptick in MAGAts trying to follow you? One or two every now and then has been normal for me until the last week or so. But recently, there’s been a daily onslaught, and I’m trying to figure out why. I block them on sight. I don’t have all that many followers, so I can’t see why they’d target me for any reason. It’s weird.
Dorothy A. Winsor
Ella in New Mexico
And to think we had so many folks in the party saying she was too old and we needed to dump her brilliance for someone with new and exciting ideas. ;-)
the “system” is rigged to support it.
on the Customer side there are no shortage of people willing to pay under the table, ( tax cheating), pay “extra” for code and permit violations, hire the lowball, ignore advice and rules, too lazy to do due dilligence.
on the Contrator side, you can cheat the labour codes, taxes, customers, suppliers, building codes, evade liability through LLC’s and just skip across the border when things get hot.
And no matter who is doing the Criming, 99.8% of it is Civil not Criminal and the 0.02% that is Criminal, almost never get’s prosecuted because it’s easier to go after a homeless shoplifter.
still, there’s less criming and scamming in the Industry than you would think, it just get’s a lot of biased media coverage* and there is enough that it makes it hard for some good people in the niche areas of the business.
*it’s most peoples largest asset and debt. As an example of biased coverage, in Canada, customer theft from grocery stores, ( not professional thefts), cost the industry $120 million last year. Hundreds of stories covering not just individual cases, but trends. On the other hand, the grocery industry stole $2 billion dollars from employees in wage theft. Half a dozen stories about that.
Gelfling 545
I’m betting that his advisors are urging him to decline this additional opportunity to make an ass of himself on national television.
@Jay: We played the punch-in-the-arm game in junior high. By high school you were a stupid kid for playing it. If the military institutes believe that’s what was happening they’re incompetent, or maybe “OK” with it.
It would be awesome if they could kick off the Senate trial the day of the SOTU. I want them to goad him into completely flipping his shit. Must-see TV.
@raven: Yay! Glad to hear it’s just a cyst.
Getting some weirdness checked out this afternoon. Been losing weight (yay) too quickly (boo!) but I can’t see where. Probably muscle loss (double boo), but I also can’t stand food right now. I feel like I’m starving but I can’t eat much, have a pain in my stomach exactly like when I was being treated for Hep C with Interferon and Ribavirin, but I’m only being treated for pre-diabetes and I’m worrying that it’s no longer pre. Dry mouth, thirsty all the time, and having to pee every 40 minutes. Something is wrong.
Ella in New Mexico
@Betty Cracker:
No, but what’s weird is all the sexy-porn-star types I DO get and I have no idea why, really :-D
@opiejeanne: Yikes! You didn’t have any of that in October, as I recall, so whatever it is came on pretty fast. I hope your doctors figure it out and you can get healthy again!
J R in WV
Probably, but that’s better than being oblivious to danger. If you live in town, your natural gas is odorized, and will smell strongly. You can run a little gas out of a tap on top of the stove without lighting it, to see what it smells like. Then just pay attention to the aroma in your kitchen. If you don’t smell the odor of the gas, you don’t have to worry.
You can also call your gas company and ask for help. They don’t want your house to blow up either, maybe not as hard as you don’t want it, but still. Stove get shipped to rural homes, bouncy trips on dirt roads, up steps into a house, without springing leaks inside.
Don’t you think, if this Rep was planning and participating in raising arms against the federal government, we should have found this out through an FBI investigation instead of a state house investigation? Interstate domestic terrorism should be the FBI’s bailiwick, right?
Good to see the ranking state house Republican wasted no time in putting distance between the party and this miscreant.
@Immanentize: What’s really amazing about those light bulbs though is how they even make him look orange when he’s outside. In the sunlight.
@SiubhanDuinne: Isn’t there a ‘z’ in compartmentalize? Or is that an alternate spelling that I don’t know (there’s so much I don’t know)
Maintanence is always cheaper than replacement with a house.
The “finding out” part, if you don’t have the knowlege, ( assuming you meant more than just the roof shingles, which you answered) consists of finding a bunch of different contractors, with good reps, have them inspect, recommend and quote, (quote, not estimate).
The job priority should go in reverse of the disrepair. So roof first, because the bad roof probably sped up the sills and window sill rot.
Bill Arnold
@Steeplejack (phone):
The warp is a given. Can’t see that, the weft is not an option.
I’m playing on Nancy Pelosi’s description of herself in 2017:
“I consider myself a weaver, like I have a loom. And I bring all these different threads together.”
But yes, describe it however you’d describe the loom of the Fates, except less divine.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Is the Nancy Pelosi version of Bless your heart?
@zhena gogolia:
IIRC, the one “culture wars” issue that Jesus addressed was saying that divorce is bad, which the evangelicals seem to like to pretend never happened.
Cheryl Rofer
@Betty Cracker: I have been getting a steady trickle of new followers on Twitter for the past several days. Tweetdeck doesn’t show me all of them – or maybe I just don’t watch carefully enough. Practically none are MAGAts, which I block when I see them.
@Betty Cracker:
a bunch of antifacist researchers released tools/instructionables on how to use lists, other Twitter features and apps to find, track, block, follow Nazis online, ( eg. The Report cheat to find and kick off Accelerationist death threater’s post Impeachment), by using hashtags, likes, loves, follows, comments as both aggregators and filters, to allow a mass “action” like following, rather than by one twitter account at a time.
the tools and tricks work both ways, so as a result, using some of the “tips and tricks” a MAGAt can “follow” an entire network of people who interact via twitter in a couple of clicks, rather one by one.
@opiejeanne: I’m glad to hear you are getting it checked out.
I boggles my mind how much leeway has been given this bunch, going back to the first Bundy standoff with folks aiming their weapons at federal officers. Then the Malheur acquittals. Bundy cattle still graze on federal land, our land, for free.
I don’t understand how they get away with it all.
It also makes me ponder the whereabouts of Matt Shea when they found the Spokane MLK Day bomb.
Until the Nazis started doing mass murder campaigns in Synagogs and Churches, the FBI was too busy investigating BLM terrorism, Ecoterrorism and Hillary’s Emails to bother with non-events like Nazi terrorism.
Dorothy A. Winsor
It’s good you’re getting that checked out. It’s not necessarily serious but it doesn’t sound normal either
The good news is that his gives him plenty of time to turn the corner.
Is this the ranty guy you saw them carting off a week or so ago? In any case, sorry to hear it.
@schrodingers_cat: Have you seen this from a Canadian woman of Kashmiri parents?
The Crisis In Kashmir Has Started A Conversation I Don’t Know How To Hav
ETA Humdog beat me to it.
LOL. Thank you, reverse Dorian Gray!
For a real creepy thought, try to imagine the violence that is going through Trump’s deviant mind when he thinks about Nancy Pelosi! I’m sure your most warped conception of what sexual assault looks like is a pale approximation of the imagery in Trump’s sick mind!
@Betty Cracker
Don’t know nothin’ about Twitter, so purely guesswork. Is it possible someone(s) might be using a bot to sniff out and follow people en masse by ZIP code?
Thought crossed what’s left of the mind because of your past mention of the scarlet complexion of your area.
Subaru Diane habitually does the “Anglo” spelling. Probably from working for the Canadians so many years.
@raven: Good to hear that it’s nothing serious.
Fair Economist
@Another Scott:
Knowing how lazy the showrunners have been lately, it will probably turn out they used a timer from the 737.
Bullet ducked.
J R in WV
Glad you got a non-emergency hysteria result on your bump. Our family doc takes cysts out in his office, he enjoys getting a chance to do very minor surgery.
J R in WV
@Another Scott:
Sounds like the software guys who finished off (heh) the Boeing 737 Max control package were on this project as well…!
@Cheryl Rofer: I’ve been getting followed by furry pr0n accounts lately…
Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony
I’m a Klobuchar fan girl.
@Yutsano: Is that good or bad?
You know what you did…
@J R in WV: Yea, my GP is a woman and I just decided to go on to the dermatologist and skip the referral. I’m sure it makes me a sexist pig but I felt a little better with a male. . .until the cute nurse came in and put the needle to me!
Note: I was reading/commenting (with great effort) from my Android phone (Samsung S10e) using the Samsung browser.
Since the new site version came in, it appears that the comment editor wants to handle paragraph breaks itself. (I don’t remember seeing any instructions about this, but lately I’ve been cutting class more than usual.) In Visual mode, you press Return at the end of a paragraph and start the next paragraph on the next line, and the editor puts in some (possibly inadequate) paragraph space. In Text mode, if I pressed Return twice at the end of a paragraph before the next one, the editor would remove one of them upon posting the comment. Sometimes I would get paragraph space, sometimes not.
In my comment at #132, “This is in line” is supposed to be the start of a second paragraph. No paragraph space. “Whatever the excuse” starts the third paragraph. Paragraph space inserted.
Is it now the state that in Text mode we are supposed to manually put in our own paragraph spacing (two Returns) but not do that in Visual?
I didn’t do that because it is new and I had not read down far enough to be aware of it.
It is available sometimes. I can’t detect a pattern.
Note: All of this is roughly similar to my experience with Win10/Firefox (which I am using now), although I have not been on it most of today.
Okay, I’m going to post this in Text mode with manually embedded HTML.
Citizen Alan
I didn’t encounter it until college. It was a crazy fad for most of my freshman year and then disappeared. This was in 1987.
Okay, that comment came out perfectly after being composed in old-school text mode.
That sounds ominous! I hope they can get it figured out pronto.
It’s only “nothing serious” when it’s on someone else’s ass!
@Ella in New Mexico:
It took them a while, but they were eventually able to distill their attitude down to “OK Boomer”, by which time it was too late to use it on Pelosi.
CC Barr on that letter. Though it won’t change his tyrant-serving claim that (if I understand correctly) separation of powers means weakening the Constitutional checks on presidential power.
@Steeplejack: I would have felt a lot better if it was there!
Uh-oh. I interpreted “junk” too liberally. And I thought you mentioned your ass last week. My bad.
@Baud: They usually drop me after a couple days after I don’t follow back. So I’m in the benign neglect category with them.
@NotMax: Have several friends who are out and out furry trash? :P
@raven: Excellent news. Glad all was clear.
@Steeplejack: Not at all, remember my main goal is to get people to get treatment no matter how uncomfortable.
@Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony: I thought Klobuchar did great last night. She knows how to fight. Liked watching her in action.
Speaking as someone who has done contracting work…you need a new contractor. The stove and other appliances should be covered by drop cloths or something during working hours, and using your stove as a work stand is wrong on SO many levels. Your guy is a careless dipshit.
Chris T.
@opiejeanne: Yeah, that’s a pretty strong indicator that your blood sugar has gone out of control. It gets high enough, your kidneys start removing it wholesale. That produces the thirst and dry mouth and peeing and, ironically, helps you burn fat and drop weight which might help you get back out of the out-of-control blood sugar mode.
(Unfortunately it does other damage in the meantime.)
Bill Arnold
Poking a little more,
Here an informal letter to all members of Congress, where NP signs it
@danielx: I agree. And I think it was the last straw with my wife. She’s been patient up to now, but she’s actually irritated, too.
Okay, I am not logged in and am copying your text from 132. into a comment in text mode. I added an extra return between your paragraphs.
That “game” excuse is lame. As I understand it, if you get someone to look at the gesture, you get to punch them in the arm or some bullshit. Who was this needledick meaning to “beat” by flashing it to the TV audience? Maybe the no doubt comprehensive report explains that.
This is in line with how the fascists cover themselves with “It’s just an OK symbol,” “Can’t you take a joke?,” etc. Meanwhile on 8chan they’re like “LOL, fooled the normies again.”
Whatever the excuse, I hope that guy is on KP or latrine duty for the rest of the year.
Now posting it again, logged in, in visual mode. Will it look any different?
That “game” excuse is lame. As I understand it, if you get someone to look at the gesture, you get to punch them in the arm or some bullshit. Who was this needledick meaning to “beat” by flashing it to the TV audience? Maybe the no doubt comprehensive report explains that.
This is in line with how the fascists cover themselves with “It’s just an OK symbol,” “Can’t you take a joke?,” etc. Meanwhile on 8chan they’re like “LOL, fooled the normies again.”
Whatever the excuse, I hope that guy is on KP or latrine duty for the rest of the year.
edit: No, it looks identical to the same text in visual mode! Only difference is 2 RETURNS to get the same space in Text mode that you get with a single space in Visual mode.
@raven: (happy dance emoji!) Glad to hear!
@Steeplejack: Thanks for the info. See my replies at #236 and #237.
Note that was from a man who never married….
Bill Arnold
@Betty Cracker:
Idly wondering if they’re grooming their twitter account to make it look less MAGA-like by following subsets of lists of known progressives. That might suck for the accuracy of automation used to identify influence-op accounts. (And for human identification as well.)
If you figure it out please let us know.
This morning I took the doughty Kia in for an oil change and state inspection, and things escalated. I drive only about 3,000-4,000 miles a year now, so the “oil change every 7,500 miles” or whatever doesn’t really work for me. I get it changed every year with the inspection (and check it during the year).
Today the rep reminded me that the car has almost 61,000 miles on it and is due for the 60,000-mile “major maintenance.” I let her upsell me on that, and then later in the day she called to tell me about some “wear and tear” items that need to be fixed as well. All legit. I said okay, but then it turned out they didn’t have a couple of parts, so they’re keeping the car until Monday or Tuesday. I went back to the dealership and was given a new Forte as a loaner. So now I’m driving around in this fancy sled until the old K-Whip is ready. Weird.
It will be spendy, but it’s better than buying a new car. I’m holding out for my next car to be all electric.
@Steeplejack: When in doubt, blame Canada! ?
@Yutsano: ?
@Betty Cracker:
Do not succumb! They’re readying their attacks! Block, Block, Block!
Great news!
As has been pointed out, his son. You couldn’t find a better example of unearned nepotism if you tried. But IANAL.
ETA: Never mind. Asked and answered.
J R in WV
We’re thinking about hitting Klobuchar up with a monthly donation going forward. I already contributed to Harris and Warren.
Chris T.
@Steeplejack: All-electric is great. Wish the Leaf had better battery thermal management, and/or that the Bolt had nicer seats, but the Kia all-electrics look interesting and apparently the Hyundai Kona is nice.
Yes, that is true. Text mode is just that, very basic, and we don’t have the control over the formatting we have in Visual mode. So yes, basic WordPress editing requires you to hit RETURN twice. I think that’s how it was on the old site, too, but I wouldn’t swear to it.
TS (the original)
Looking at the linked letter for 2019, the final sentence was
I look forward to welcoming you to the congress. Quite the change.
Miss Bianca
@Ella in New Mexico: I gotta gloat to my one sister who shocked me by trotting out the “Nancy’s too old, we need fresh blood” crap. Read her the Riot Act and told her, “just wait.”
To my sister’s credit, she saw the error of her ways pretty quickly and said as much. So the gloating will be mutual, I’m sure. : )
@opiejeanne: my best wishes for the best
Were you living in Columbus when a foolish few tried to force restructuring of the city council? Instead of electing members at large, they wanted elections by district. To start, there would only be a handful of districts, all of which “just happened” to cover the few very conservative areas, such as Hilliard. It sank like a lead Trump Baby balloon.
@Chris T.:
I’d like for them to get a little more range. Most of my driving is in a very small area around NoVA, but occasionally I drive as far as Philadelphia (160 miles) or Rehoboth Beach (135 miles). It would be nice to hit those with some juice to spare.
And, since I live in an apartment, I’m waiting for charging stations to proliferate.
I haven’t done much research, though. It’s just an idea at this point. The K-Whip (’09 Rondo) is great and should be fit as a fiddle after this rehab work. I hope it’s good for many more miles.
That’s how it was at the old site.
FYI, my only issue now is not being returned to either my comment or the comment I was replying to. I haven’t had to refresh once to see my comment or to see an edit.
@TS (the original): A well-deserved change, I would add.
Do you mean that after posting a comment, you are left at the top of the post rather than at the bottom where the comment box is?
If so, it sounds like you still get the edit window on the comment you just posted, correct?
Never mind.
@debbie: You’re getting repetitive! :-) What were you testing?
@raven:Good news! Also, ouch.
Mary G
@Betty Cracker: I’ve been getting new accounts that look like bots (new account, no profile, few followers) but claim to be resisters. I ignore them and after a few days to a week they unfollow. Weird.
Those are classic diabetes signs. There are the “3 P’s”; Polyuria (peeing all the time), polydypsia (thirsty), and polyphagia (hungry;’ the only one that doesn’t fit is the latter but the weight loss is what finally made my dad get checked and he’s now a diagnosed Type 2 diabetic but well controlled. It’s definitely time to see your doctor. Don’t wait, high blood sugar damages so many things.
As the skin cancer poster boy, I’m in total agreement on that.
No. I’m taken to a random place. I can start keeping track, but I’m pretty sure that once I’m returned to, say , post #117, that’s where I’ll be returned to every time I post again.
Just the spacing between paragraphs.
ETA: I was just returned to #262. (Mary G’s post)
Results, damnit
@opiejeanne: My sympathies, but yes, it sounds more serious. Glad you are seeing a doctor because those are classic symptoms, even the weight loss.
The Nevada trial fell apart when it was found that the BLM official in charge (who was by trial time an ex-BLM official after he was caught shaking down Burning Man) had had snipers aimed at the Bundys and withheld that and more from the defense.
What is this supposed to prove?! The whole theme of the problems that everyone is having is that the results are inconsistent.
Whichever way I posted #132 (and I don’t remember now), I did the same number of returns at the end of each paragraph. I got bad spacing between 1 and 2 and good spacing between 2 and 3.
Yes, that’s how it was on the old site—and on damn near every site on the Internet. The fancy Visual “one Return between paragraphs” is the outlier.
I haven’t checked, but I wonder if this affects multi-paragraph blockquotes imported from other sites.
Chris T.
@Steeplejack: The Kona’s nominal range (~260 miles) should usually be enough. Kelley Blue Book’s long term test shows that you can get 150 miles even in bad weather – see
The apartment thing is the biggest problem here, unless you can get the apartment complex / owner to install a charging station. We have one EV and leaving the house with the “tank” full every morning is really nice. We have one gasmobile as well though, for longer trips (eg driving north to Oregon – there are enough chargers in the Bay Area, but north of Sacramento they really thin out until Portland) and because of the usual “two adults two cars” thing. It’s true that as nice as EVs are, they require more changes to the national highway infrastructure…
@SuzieC: Hamilton County is another blue oasis. We may have the first (for us) all women County Commission, two of whom would be African American. We were blue in 08, 12 and 16, and voted Democratic down ticket in 2018. I keep seeing stats which report every election more Democrats cast votes than Republicans but gerrymandering results in Rethug dominance.
@Chris T.:
Thanks for the info. I didn’t know about the Kona. I did know about people having bad experiences with cold weather cutting the range. (Teslas, maybe?)
@raven: I hope that’s good news for you?
Jay C
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
The N-bomb, to be sure.
I can’t think of too many politicians in this day and age who have that marvelous ability to deliver such a sick burn in such bland and formalistic language. With that last (stilletto-heel) kicker.
Chris T.
@Steeplejack: Pretty much any/all EVs lose a lot of range in extreme cold. That’s the nature of batteries. (Future / hypothetical batteries, with different chemistries, might not suffer so much from this, but all existing Li-ion ones do.) Some EVs (including ours) can “pre-condition” the batteries if you’re plugged in and use your phone app to tell it to do so, but once you’re on the road and stop for lunch / pee / whatever, well, unless you stop at a charging station and pre-condition again…
(In theory, ours should be able to get us to the ski areas around Tahoe—it’s under 200 miles, even if it is uphill, so preconditioning should take care of cold battery range loss. Once there, we should be able to plug in, and hence go home on one charge as well—plus it’s downhill, so maybe no need to precondition. But neither me nor spouse ski in the first place…)
Omnes Omnibus
@Immanentize: In case no one has answered, Pat DeWine is Mike’s son.
@debbie: Hmm. That’s not what should be happening. We’ll have to take a look at that after holidays.
I was testing out what I was telling you. I confirmed that if you are in text mode, you can get spacing between paragraphs by hitting RETURN twice.
And I verified that the spacing in the end result is the same as the spacing would be if you had used Visual mode instead of Text mode.
Maybe it’s just the holiday spirit getting to me, but I am pleased to see that results appear to be a lot more consistent today, after the successful move to the server with significantly more space.
As I’m sure you know, cache issues are tricky, and we are trying to get them resolved. I realize that not everyone sees things in the same way, but to me today feels like a big step in the right direction.
The site does seem to be working since the change this morning.
The Lodger
@opiejeanne: Get your blood sugar and A1C checked now. Also, have you noticed any changes in your vision? Leg cramps? Pester your doctor.
Dan B
@Steeplejack: The Kia electric has a cold weather package and a range of 240 (??) miles. Saw a test of one driving from Denver to Longmont(??) Pass in March. The tester liked everything but a tendency to oversteer because the motor is so powerful. My gearhead partner says that’s no big deal.
@Dan B:
Good to know. Like I said, I haven’t done any research, just picked up odds and ends of information.
@zhena gogolia:
To me it seemed he just didn’t appreciate those people who learned to think with the wrong organ.
Using the colon as a brain and the brain as a colon just seems to be getting it wrong.
Mai naem mobile
@Kent: I am not a Buttigieg supporter in any way but he’s got the presence to stand up against Orange Lump. I am of two ways with Buttigieg. I think being a Mayor of a non major city is too bug a jump to POTUS. I also think the gay thing would end up being a bigger deal than people are willing to admit at this point(I am talking about people >60 yrs old.) On the other hand I think Trumpov is such a total disaster and will be more so next year because i think the economy is going to slow down by election day, that a gay person can get elected. I am not sure a black man even Obama would have been elected if Bush hadn’t been such a total disaster.
@Raven: Good to hear you’re fine.
This sounds far better than it could have been.
Even if it’s probably not the most fun sounding concept. Personally I know that it’s difficult to find the better picture some days, boy do I know that, but when it walks up and hits you upside the head………
@The Lodger: I saw her today. She ordered blood tests for blood sugar, cholesterol (I don’t have a problem, but she’s being thorough), thyroid, and checking to see if my Hep C has come back. It hadn’t last year, it’s been negative since 2005, but again she’s being thorough. Got it done just before they closed, will hear the bad news next week.
I’m afraid my Type II pre-diabetes may have suddenly jumped to type II diabetes. I can’t think what would have changed, but it’s only been about 2 weeks
The last time my A1C was tested the numbers came back really good, and that was in May.
@debbie: Yes! My deeply blue neighborhood (Clintonville, N of OSU campus) led the charge against it and it sank like a stone. Even the formerly conservative suburbs, like Hilliard, turned blue in the last election and elected D state legislators. All the suburbs of Columbus are now blue with the sole exception of Grove City (affectionately called Grovetucky.)
@Kathleen: Yes. As our blue cities continue to attract intrastate migration I expect voting results will change over time.
Well, that is good news! I didn’t listen for their results based on past history, but now I can stop hating on Hilliard.
It’s a biblical inconsisntency. Luke says that divorce is wrong, but Matthew says that divorce is wrong unless the woman commits adultery. No word on the husband’s adultery.