Everyone else has spoken about Chuck Todd, so let me chime in. It was clear the moment he stepped away from running numbers on precincts after the 2008 election that he was simply another beltway boy ala Cilizza, peddling stale “conventional wisdom” with no real insights, no real experience, or no real understanding of politics or the way Washington and Republicans work. So it is unsurprising and somehow fitting that the last person to figure out how utterly fucking worthless Chuck Todd is is, in fact, Chuck Todd, and it’s fucking perfect that he is now passing on this common knowledge as a revelation.
That’s just how it is in our awesome meritocracy.
Were I only to have the confidence of a Chuck Todd at least once in my life.
A mediocre white man
Really, 5 whole minutes and nobody’s commented on this? I almost never comment here, but I have to say John’s take is absolutely perfect in every possible internet way, and I don’t mean that snarkily.
Stop thinking that marionettes are important – it’s the story and le marionnettiste.
as mentioned previously, I’m not entirely sure that Chuck Todd is to blame, imho, the people to blame are the folks that elevated Chuck Todd to his position and the producers that continue to force feed the same ilk of idiots before us keeping us woefully misinformed (if you were turning in to actually Be Informed).
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
MTP (and it’s employees) are corrupt toadies of the Military Industrial Complex.
A rogues gallery of sponsors who should be facing a war crimes tribunal.
It’s NBC, Jake.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I keep thinking of the spring/summer of 2013, I think it was, when the Beltway decided that the problem in Washington was that Obama didn’t socialize enough, and having Mitch McConnell over for “a drink’ was the obvious solution that Obama wasn’t savvy enough, or whatever enough, to reach out and grasp. Chuck was one of the leaders of that particularly stupid bit of group think.
Also, after one of the debates in ’16, Kellyanne Conway demanded to be brought back on the MSNBC air to re-spin her spin, and while the panel was marveling at her ability to spew bullshit without any detectable intake of oxygen, Chuck brought the discussion to an end by simpering, “She’s not just good at her job, she’s a good person.” I’ve always suspected that behind that simper was some Beltway story about KAC helping Chuck and Mrs Chuck get their kids into a “good” preschool, or some other upper class crisis that Chuck thinks is the kind of stuff all middle-class, working parents have to deal with.
Hubby is watching Kornacki on MSNBC and tells me Bernie seems to have a chance and I told him I will be very reluctant to knock on doors for bernie.
How is it that the powers that be in the dem party can keep out people like Harris and let in bernie WHO IS NOT A DEMOCRAT!!!1111
I am just disgusted.
This sentence is a thing of beauty. Thank you, Cole.
Also, fuck Chuck Todd.
Back when he worked for The Hotline, he was good when it came to crunching numbers.
It was once he made the switch to dealing with words that his inadequacies were thrown into stark relief.
I liked when Colbert put on the Todd goatee for his monologue,
He’s a poor man’s Tim Russert, and that’s the nicest thing you could possibly say about either of them.
@pat: I’m sad Harris is gone, and I detest Bernie, but no powers that be in the Dem party are responsible for those outcomes.
@oatler.: What episode was that?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@wjs: having lunch with a very bright and very liberal cousin in, I think, the height of the 2012 campaign, talking politics and political media, and she said, “I just miss Tim Russert” and I about fell out of my chair. She was surprised at how much I hated him.
Still do.
I’m probably not up on all the details, but who let bernie run as a democrat and who set the requirements for being onstage for the debates?
I’m just getting really scared about what will happen next year.
The link between those two decisions and the actual results we’re seeing is too attenuated to cast blame on the decision makers in the party.
It’s not just next year. Who will be able put the country and the administration back in some sort of working order after the election, if dems win? Bernie?? Somehow I doubt it.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@pat: Tom Perez (and I imagine some other high muckety-mucks at the DNC) set the rules, mostly because Bernie and his cultists settled on “more debates!” as their rallying cry to explain how he was (in their fevered minds) cheated in the ’16 primary. I don’t envy them the job, and I don’t know what inspired so many goofballs and no-hopers (Williamson, Yang, Steyer, Delaney, Bennet, the Montana guy whose name always escapes me) to run and screw up the works, but I don’t blame Perez.
@pat: If he did not run as a Democrat, he would run as a third-party spoiler. What I fear is that he will continue to run as a spoiler if/when he is not winning.
@Starfish: Perhaps naively, I’m not so scared about him running as a spoiler. As much as I dislike it, he’s been able to build a fundraising machine by clinging to the Dem party, and I think he won’t put that at risk for a quixotic independent run.
I am feeling totally burnt out after keeping tabs on the news on what’s happening in India for the last two weeks. Its like the 2016 nightmare of T’s election and I feel so helpless.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Baud: I doubt he would, but my perception in ’16 was that he started as a message candidate, then at some point the crowds and the poll numbers convinced him he could win, and at some point a bit further on he came to believe he deserved to win. And he convinced a good chunk of people of the same thing. Even if he doesn’t run as a spoiler, which I would still bet against, I worry the damage hasn’t already been done by his contagious delusions
I detest Sanders as well, but let’s face it Biden flat out sucks. His Senate record is shit (Iraq war vote, Crime bill vote, treatment of Anita Hill, etc). His advanced age will be a huge liability in a general election, his communication skills are atrocious, and he has less charisma than a glass of warm milk.
Biden will easily lose to Trump and he’ll drag down many other Democratic candidates with him.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I wish I could ask if that was snark, but I can’t. Of course he said that. Ugh.
@Baud: I am not worried about BS either. He is not going to win any primaries. Its not a two person race like it was last time. He is not starting with a clean slate.
@Baud: I think if Bernie was going to take a stab at an Independent run it was in 2016 – when he really didn’t quite understand just how dangerous Trump was(and his supporters definitely didn’t) . I would like to think even Bernie understands that such lunacy this time around would be catastrophic (I would like to think that – just not sure if I should).
patrick II
Two things, I will conjecture. They didn’t see Bernie as a threat to Hillary, and maybe even an interesting debate partner for TV.
The only way (they thought) he could hurt her was as a third party candidate, so they invited him in where they thought they could control him.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Oh absolutely. In another timeline, his 2016 run could have been a positive thing for both Democrats and progressives. But that would have required a Bernie Sanders capable of accepting defeat as a legitimate outcome of the primary and building on his 2016 run in a positive way. Alas, we are in this, the worst of all possible, timelines.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@WaterGirl: I’ve looked for a quote, but can’t find it.
@jk: can’t wait till you bring your passion and persistence to the candidates you actually support, and leave the rotting, flayed corpse of that poor horse to feed to crows and rats in peace, as nature intended
@schrodingers_cat: I’m sorry. It must be tough, especially if your family isn’t with you.
@patrick II: Hard to know what they would have done if an outsider like Bernie were perceived as a real threat. The Dems were under pressure because a lot of people weren’t happy that Hillary was such a dominant candidate.
@jk: One thing I find completely useless in these discussions — regardless of which candidate is being talked about — are the predictions that the candidate will lose if nominated. It’s speculation in an absolute sense, and more so in a relative sense, in comparing the electability of candidates against each other. The only objective evidence we have is current polling, which is meaningless. Everything else is just projection and worthless internet savviness.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I saw a snarky tease on MSNBC about Home Alone 2 and trump, being vaguely aware he’d had a cameo (never saw it, or the first one), but I didn’t stick around for it. Now I know
The reason people like Chuck Todd, Cilizza, Baquet and so on are bad at their jobs isn’t because they’re wedded to a circle-jerk “both sides do it” ideology, even though that doesn’t help. To last this long on the Era of Trump, you have to be WILLFULLY blind.
At some point, Todd and his ilk made a conscious and continuous choice to launder Trump/GOP agitprop through their programs. A “very special” episode on December 29th when literally no one is watching anyways isn’t going to fix what they did, and shouldn’t redeem them.
I appreciate anyone in the MSM moving in a better direction, but short of a detailed retraction of every “Misinformation” they’ve allowed to go unchallenged on air since 2016 (MTP and NBC News has the resources to do this, but they won’t) I’m super dubious about any effect this will have.
@Baud: Its tough for me but I am safe across oceans, I can’t imagine what it must be like to be a Muslim in India right now. I am angry with everyone who voted for BJP knowing fully well what they were capable of.
ETA: On the positive note BJP lost in the state of Jharkhand. And lost in 10 municipal/local elections in the state of Chattisgarh. When the opposition parties come together BJP can be defeated. If only they had the smarts to do that before the general election in May.
@schrodingers_cat: Lots of countries are experiencing that right now, unfortunately, albeit in different degrees.
I think what makes the citizenship bill so egregious is that it comes on the heels of Modi ending Kashmir’s special status on the grounds that all states should have equal status. Then they turn around and deny equal status to Muslim refugees. Quite a contrast.
@Baud: Indian media, is far worse than ours. Critics call it Modia. These protests which were organic as in not organized by any political party are the first real push back BJP has got in almost 30 years of its divide and rule politics which started in the late 80s.
Their proposed National Register of Citizens is so egregious that it asks for not only your papers but the papers of both your parents.
The MSM owners have Chuck Todds on on purpose. The reason he’s still doing what he’s doing is because they like the investment’s results.
Funny thing too, Idiocracy is on the tube right now. Too many parallels to real life.
Raven Onthill
He has at least finally come around but, as with the New York Times, too little, too late.
I like Jay Rosen’s remarks on this: http://pressthink.org/2019/12/the-christmas-eve-confessions-of-chuck-todd/
I hate to say this but mediocre men and women no matter what race etc make up the super majority of the the world. The number of truly exceptional people is miniscule.
True. We are rare.
Raven Onthill
@schrodingers_cat: Rana Ayyub is covering this on Twitter. It is horrifying. Scenes out of Nazi Germany are being played out on a vast scale.
And then there is China.
The US retreat from an international moral presence has shown us is just how important it was, despite all its flaws. Any previous administration would have spoken out. Instead, crickets.
Never again. Not now.
@schrodingers_cat: Chuck Todd is on this coming right up.
Raven Onthill
@Raven Onthill:
Ooof! I see those were already linked further down on the front page. Sorry for the repetition.
@Raven Onthill: I follow many Indian journalists, lawyers and activists on Twitter.
Raven Onthill
@schrodingers_cat: Batting 0 today, aren’t I? Sorry. I hope at least my links have enlightened a few people.
As a partial amend, here’s an interview of Jay Rosen: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/professional-left-podcast/the-professional-left-podcast-with-driftglass-and-blue-gal/e/65991655
So it is unsurprising and somehow fitting that the last person to figure out how utterly fucking worthless Chuck Todd is is, in fact, Chuck Todd, and it’s fucking perfect that he is now passing on this common knowledge as a revelation.
I was just about to write a similar praise, so let me just say, “Amen.”
@Baud: Sanders could be in a much better position now had he become a Democrat then and fully supported Clinton’s campaign. The guy couldn’t stand success.
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
I strongly disagree. My understanding is that the voters on the margins we need to win, in states like Florida, Pennsylvania, and Arizona, see things rather differently.
I don’t like the negative side of Biden’s record either, and I really wish that being female didn’t seem like such a liability in this election. But if wishes were horses…
Biden will do fine, and we can get back to our in-fighting. This time over his successor for 2024!
My main source for news on this is BBC News. I also look at some English language Indian media sites, but I don’t know which are really reliable.
Would you have any recommendations?
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
Sad and true. Trump’s reign has made me appreciate and respect many aspects of my country all the more.
@raven: Hi raven! I’ve been looking for the poem you’ve posted a few times when someone has experienced the loss of a dog. I had it saved somewhere but can’t find it. Could you possibly repost it if you see this?
@Brachiator: The Wire and Scroll India.
I endorse these statements made by Anand Giridharadas and Jamil Smith after the 3rd Democratic debate in Houston and agree with them that Biden’s disgusting comments about African American parents should disqualify this moron from consideration as the Democratic party Presidential nominee
h/t https://www.businessinsider.com/biden-responds-question-about-slavery-criticizing-black-parents-2019-9
h/t https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/political-commentary/drop-out-joe-biden-democratic-primary-884047/
Another egregious thing about what is happening in India is many Indian American prominent voices (especially the ones who came here as children or were born here) are mum about this, where as they are the first ones to complain about any perceived slight from any white person.
We who choose to surround ourselves
with lives even more temporary than our
own, live within a fragile circle;
easily and often breached.
Unable to accept its awful gaps,
we would still live no other way.
We cherish memory as the only
certain immortality, never fully
understanding the necessary plan.
— Irving Townsend
and you need to see this, I posted its earlier today for Quinerly.
I wish I could talk to you
J R in WV
MSNBC’s Chris Hayes had a good segment on India and their problems.
@Raven Onthill: Don’t worry about it.
TS (the original)
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I often think of this stupidity when you see the amount of socialising trump does not do. Haven’t heard a peep from the press about trump doing better with democrats if he had a beer with them.
@Baud: I Know.
zhena gogolia
Let’s have four more years of Trump because Biden doesn’t pass my purity test!
and bernie won’t?
just checking in after watching Chris Hayes and his report on Modi which was chilling.
Somehow I doubt it.
I don’t. I’m sure.
Yes I know that was snark…..
You mean like the last time he ran as a democrat?
So my step mother Kay died tonight. And it’s the weirdest thing how sad I am. She was the big B when she married my father 35 years ago; 10 years after my mother died. Boy, do I have stories.
She was sick only since October and she went down FAST.
I think maybe I am sad for my Dad. He was not best dad ever. Trust me; more stories. But he had a tough life. His wife (my mom) died at 37 leaving him 4 kids; one of which was my sister Mary (you all know about her) who was developmentally disabled. Then his son, my brother, died 10 years ago at 45 of cancer.
Then his grandson Alex at 19 was shot to death. Yeah you all know about that too.
I loved Ireland but I came back mostly because I knew he needed me. I’m glad I’m back for him.
I can’t stop crying. I’m pretty sure it’s not only about Kay.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
his contagious delusions
Seems like a perfect summary of his entire life.
@Raven Onthill:
I don’t believe it for a second. Neither Chuckles or Morning Joe Blows (I’m an independent!”).
There was a time to call out Dump’s bullshit and corruption. It was 2015/16. Instead, “But her emails!”, “Hillary coughed, is she going to die?!” and Joe and Mika trying to one up each other on the verbal tongue bath they gave Dump over the phone.
To be shocked SHOCKED! now is just playing the idiots for what they are.
Care to take bets on how long it’ll be until they’re giving tongue cbaths to the Rethuglicans again?
ETA – And fuck the fucking New York Times.
@HeleninEire: I’m so sorry. It’s good you are there for your father and family.
@raven: Just seeing the title of your link made me start crying again (like I cried when I first looked at it this morning). I lost 2 cats and a dog last year, all beloved, and it never gets any easier.
Not a bad cry, because I obviously still have a lot of grief to get out.
@Baud: But damn does your ego make up for it! ?
Speaking as a mediocre white man, I’m offended. Chuck Todd could never achieve mediocrity in his wildest dreams.
I’m so sorry. I can understand how you would feel that your emotions are all over the place. You and your dad have been through so much. Sending my most healing thoughts to you both.
@Brachiator: Thanks for acknowledging Cole’s magnificent sentence. :)
@Raven Onthill:
I’m not sure chuckles has come around.
He’s at least recognized that a lot of the shit that he’s been fed has been complete and utter bullshit. If he actually comes around and says something to that effect and that he won’t be doing that any longer, then I might consider that he’s come around. I’ll also consider that to be his 2 week notice because he’ll have a hard time staying where he is without being who he’s been – forever.
@CarolPW: I know, it’s a bitch but that is important to think about. I’m watching my two every day thinking, as my vet once said, “The time will come but it’s not yet”. All that tricky shit about not keeping them alive for YOU.
@Ruckus: Well it’s sure a fuck worth four or five threads!
So very sorry for all of that.
It’s good to cry – years of grieving are coming out. Sending you a big hug and support.
@zhena gogolia:
It’s more than a goddamn purity test. Biden’s comments about African American parents were disgusting, indefensible, and inexcusable. By the way, there are other viable Democratic candidates such as Warren, Klobuchar, Booker, and Mayor Buddha so don’t give me this fucking bullshit that the only choice is Biden or Trump.
@HeleninEire: I’m sorry about that Helen. Glad you’re there to be with your dad.
I never said I support Sanders. Biden and Sanders are my 2 least favorite candidates. I’d be fine with Warren, Booker, Klobuchar, or Mayor Buddha as the nominee.
@jk: Lighten up Francis.
@Ruckus: How about Chuckles admits he’s complete and utter bullshit?
I’m sorry. We have to go to commercial, so you can’t respond. We’ll have to leave it right there.
A break in the onslaught! The enemy is thinking about being on the run…..
Or not.
OK maybe not a break as much as a minor awakening, a shit bird has at least started to sing a slightly better tune.
Had to go to work and missed your comment about Poco that you reshared here. Very good.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
He made those comments months ago. You’ve been railing at Biden for a few weeks now, but I’ve never seen you mention them. When did you figure out you were outraged?
Wanna bet I can’t?
I’m not holding my breath.
@Ruckus: Man it crushed us when I first saw it.
I let Ralphie go too long and I swore I’d never do that again.
@schrodingers_cat: you have our sympathy.
@Ruckus: haha
Dan B
@schrodingers_cat: One of my concerns is that in the big cities, at least, Hindus and Muslims are neighbors. They don’t live in enclaves so the violence could involve everyone.
The Seattle Art Museum has had several exhibitions from the collection of the Maharaja of Jodhpur. The local supporters were mostly Hindu. It was a great source of pride. These troubles will have long ripples. Microsoft, for one, has had Hindus and Muslims in powerful positions for decades. Will rifts emerge?
it’s worth remembering that the Nazis asked to see one’s grandparents’ baptismal certificates before one could obtain state jobs.
My husband and I watched several episodes of a program on Netflix called “World War II In Color” this afternoon. One episode was about the concentration/death camps in Nazi Germany. The show lined out how Hitler – and Himmler were able to convince German citizens that disenfranchising and punishing Jews (and anyone else who they considered “untermenschen”) was the right thing to do, in order to protect the nation. The citizens were bombarded with covert and then overt messages about how horrible and evil Jewish were. So, when Jews were rounded up, no one seemed to be alarmed or openly upset. As I watched, all I could think was that this is going on now – the Trump administration is doing all sorts of things to convince our citizens that the concentration camps for asylum seekers is the right thing to do, to “protect” us. The parallels of then to now are horrifying. I also noticed a few of the historians on the show were insinuating that what happened in Nazi Germany (demonizing “others”) is happening in many parts of the world. They didn’t call out the US specifically, but it was there. I know there are discussions here about which Democratic candidate could win, but Jesus, Joseph and Mary, we have got to get that asshole Trump OUT.
There was a survivor of a camp on the show – he was at Buchenwald, I think. Anyway, this was the first camp the Allied soldiers came upon – and they were horrified, rightly so. Eisenhower and Patton were two of a bunch of high ranking officers to walk through the camps (one historian on the show said Patton threw up during the tour). They made the local town folk walk through the camp, by all the dead, and all these folk expressed their shock that this had been going on, they didn’t know. The survivor made it clear that he thought they were full of shit, they did know; the disgust on his face was very clear.
@Dan B: BJP has given the anti-CAA protests a communal tinge. In the non-BJP ruled states the protests have been peaceful. Protesters have used the Constitution, the flag and heroes of the Freedom movement to rally around. Let’s not fall for the Modia propaganda that Muslims are attacking Hindus etc. Most of the violence has been police in BJP ruled states attacking the protesters.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I expressed those sentiments before. If you didn’t see them, that’s not my problem. There are also plenty of valid reasons to oppose Biden’s candidacy.
It works with people too.
My sister had cancer, 2 rounds of chemo, that almost did her in, then they opened her up to see if they could find where the cancer had metastasized and the answer was everywhere. They closed her up and told her, hospice for 10-14 days or another round of far stronger chemo than she’d already done and she’d get maybe 90 days. She said hospice. She’d given it everything and it took more. I stood in the hall of the hospital she was in, listening to people say we needed to commit her and insist she get the chemo. I was so pissed off that people could not see that she’d had more than enough and knew it was the end, that making her extremely weak and sick for 60-90 days was not in any way a good thing, nor would it change anything other than more suffering.
When it’s time, it’s time. You fight it while and how you can, for as long as you can and then accept what is.
@raven: the pet cemetery people called me today about picking up the pawprint they made from Rosie before cremation. I was doing ok until I saw that cartoon. She shared it on FB too.
humans should be more like dogs so we can deserve them.
@HeleninEire: Condolences to you and your dad Helen.
@jk: and who wins the nomination isn’t going to be determined on this blog. If Biden gets it, there’s a huge reason to support him squatting in the Oval Office right now. So give it a fucking rest.
@HeleninEire: Very sorry, Helen. Grief upon grief takes a toll. Be kind to yourself.
I kinda get how it took Cruz for him to realize he was being played. Still, didn’t a senator actually write an op-ed about how it would be a *fine* idea to buy Greenland?
And dear lord, do you know how horrifying it will be for you young ‘uns, when you try to explain to your great grandchildren “yes, his son-in-law wanted a secret back channel to the Russians, with no US oversight; and, yes, this moron was stupid enough to talk about buying Greenland (which wasn’t for sale), but because enough Very Serious People insisted that this was all normal, most people took it as normal.”
Maybe that’s the real lesson the rightwing learned from the Nazis. Keep the actual *physical* atrocities small – commit all your atrocities out of sight, against people no one cares enough about; but dial up the atrocities against truth and justice all the way to 11″.
Oh, I’m of the mind that we shouldn’t teach this until they’re 21.
We’ll buy the first round. Here’re the beers we suggest. We need to fill you in on 2015-2020.”
That’s when I started crying. I am pretty sure you are right, grief is like an onion, with a bunch of layers inside layers. Big hugs, and I’m glad you are here with your dad.
Thank you all for your kind words. This is a great community and I feel privileged to be a part of it.
Matt McIrvin
This is exactly what Republicans want for the United States. The 14th Amendment says they can’t have it, but with enough judges on your side, the Constitution means whatever you say it means, so they could get it anyway.
@Gaardian: those programs have been pushing the gop bullshit for the last 40+ years, and apparently they don’t care how extreme the gop has become.
@raven: Thank you for the link. I have lost two dogs I really loved in the last 5 years. I inherited my uncle’s sweet old cocker afterwards, and I have been sort of ignoring him ever since. He gets fed and his walks and that’s about it. Didn’t want to get to close to the old guy.
I think I ‘ll start to give the sweet old guy the hugs he deserves tomorrow morning. Dogs with good owners are the lucky ones: usually their owner oulasts them.
Raven Onthill
@mrmoshpotato: See the Professional Left Podcast, parts 1-100. It’s one of the things Driftglass keeps coming back to: these late converts are mostly trying to save their careers. And he says, “Burn the lifeboats.” Still, Todd has put something on the line in speaking out here. It is possible this is a genuine change.
Rev. Niemoeller, whose words were made into the “First they came…” chant did not recant or recognize his guilt until after the Nazis had been defeated.
Marcuse’s FAQ and full article on this is worth reading.
@Raven Onthill: Yup.
The Left
Taking Shit For Being Right Since Before You Were Born
Raven Onthill
@mrmoshpotato: LOL!
@Raven Onthill: I think I have a new cross-stich project
@raven: Oh thank you so much, for both! I’m not expecting to lose our pup any time soon, but one of my friends may, so I really wanted to share the poem with her. And the cartoon now; it’s just perfect.
@HeleninEire: My condolences – best wishes to you and your dad
@sab: I know how you feel, or at least I think I do.
I had never been a cat person before Quiver, and he was my kitty soulmate.
A month after losing my sweet Quiver, I was walking out the door of the Human Society with my two new kitties, and my last words to the woman at the desk were: ” But what if I can’t LOVE them?”
We do love them, of course, but not always with the same abandon.
Uncle Cosmo
@jk: You’re out of your fucking mind – assuming you actually have a mind, of which I have seen zero evidence in any of your shrieking imbecile posts.
How about, give me the strength of a small giant. Or give me the intelligence of a low grade genius.