The world’s 500 wealthiest people tracked by the Bloomberg Billionaires Index added $1.2 trillion, boosting their collective net worth 25% to $5.9 trillion…stock market bubble.
— Frank Giustra (@Frank_Giustra) December 27, 2019
Two very separate economies, now:
… The emergence of atypical fortunes underscores just how much money the uber-rich accumulated in 2019.
And the richer they were at the start of the year, the richer they got. The world’s 500 wealthiest people tracked by the Bloomberg Billionaires Index added $1.2 trillion, boosting their collective net worth 25% to $5.9 trillion…
Such gains are sure to add fuel to the already heated debate about widening wealth and income inequality. In the U.S., the richest 0.1% control a bigger share of the pie than at any time since 1929, prompting some politicians to call for a radical restructuring of the economy…
Through it all, their bank balances remained robust, as a record bull market got a December kick with an easing of trade tensions between the U.S. and China, a resolution to Britain’s political stalemate and a blowout U.S. jobs report.
For perspective, the entire United States government only takes in about $3.5 trillion a year in revenue.
— The Hoarse Whisperer (@HoarseWisperer) December 27, 2019
Inequality is rising as workers are increasingly cut out of the economic returns to productivity growth.
Productivity per workers is rising six times as fast as employees’ hourly compensation.— Steven Greenhouse (@greenhousenyt) December 27, 2019
The #unemployment rate declined faster during Obama’s last 34 months than it has during Trump’s first 34 months
If Obama’s faster rate had continued, the unemployment rate would be 2.9% right now, rather than 3.5%— I Got The Data ?? (@TrumpZombieCult) December 24, 2019
According to @aimeepicchi, if your income increased 100%, from $1.00 per year to $2.00 per year, but mine increased only 50%, from $10,000,000,000 per year to $15,000,000,000 per year, you got a bigger raise than I did.
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) December 27, 2019
2/x also with income inequality rising (and income upward mobility declining) chances are if you were doing good in the Obama years you’re still doing good — and if you were doing bad, you’re still doing bad. Not much chance you felt a change.
— Roy Edroso (@edroso) December 27, 2019
“Trump’s approval rating is about 15 points lower than we’d predict from the historical relationship between economic evaluations and presidential approval.” Interesting new piece from ?@johnmsides?
— Jim Goldgeier (@JimGoldgeier) December 26, 2019
A few other things that are higher than they used to be
— Chris Lu (@ChrisLu44) December 25, 2019
I feel like at some point we should have a conversation about how Tom Steyer stole Kamala Harris’s donor info and he is still in the race and she had to drop out from lack of money.
— Kaitlin Byrd (@GothamGirlBlue) December 27, 2019
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
The corporate media and gop propaganda organs spent 8 years screaming Obama and Big Gubmint didn’t deserve any credit for the economy. Now they’re shocked that voters have decoupled economics from government.
Steeplejack (phone)
Test comment.
ETA: Gee, it worked. Other than that, I got nothin’.
John Revolta
We are sick and tired of being promised this and that. We work all day, we sweat and slave to keep the wealthy fat.
They fill our heads with promises and bamboozle us with facts,
Then they put on false sincerity and they laugh behind our backs.
Money and Corruption are ruining the land!
Crooked politicians betray the working man
Pocketing the profits and treating us like sheep,
We’re tired of hearing promises we know they’ll never keep!
@John Revolta:
I wish there were evidence that those lyrics were true.
Betty Cracker
Trump’s idiot daughter (the one who compelled minimum wage workers on her family’s gated estate to patronize her lemonade stand when she was a child) has been all over Twitter with economic stats. It’s especially galling to hear that vapid dilettante crowing about low wage worker raises because the gains are mostly the result of groups like Fight for $15 organizing for state and local minimum wage increases. So, Republican greed-heads are taking credit for progress they fought tooth and nail. Again.
Betty Cracker
Have we talked about Joe Biden’s pledge not to comply if subpoenaed in Trump’s Senate impeachment trial? From the Des Moines Register:
The House Benghazi hearings were a fucking joke, but Hillary Clinton showed up and testified under oath for 11 hours.
@Betty Cracker:
Yeah, but Hillary lost. And she wasn’t a distraction from the Benghazi hearing but the purpose of it.
Joe speaks much truth here.
@Betty Cracker:
If Joe were capable of it, I’d also say it’s a savvy move, because it dares McConnell to relent on his refusal to call witnesses.
This seems newsworthy:
Betty Cracker
@Baud: If Biden flatly refuses to comply with a congressional subpoena, it kinda gives cover to the Trump admin’s outrageous flouting of oversight. People aren’t going to compare the finer points of the law. They’ll just conclude that “both sides” are unwilling to appear under oath.
I appreciate that Biden is in a tough spot here, but maybe the better path would be to say his lawyers will examine any subpoenas issued plus consider the configuration of the trial (like Pelosi has said) and that he’ll follow his attorneys’ advice. Challenging a subpoena in court would almost certainly achieve the same result as dismissing the whole thing out of hand.
See also:
@Betty Cracker:
There are some interesting posts on Twitter, but I just now kicked the housecat off the notebook keyboard and am still getting up to speed. Sipping coffee and just had what can only be described as an artisanal Pop-Tart, brought home from trendy restaurant Thursday night. Very good. But I digress.
Here are a couple of starting points that I found:
These two tweets seem to indicate a one-sided response, but their respective threads get into all the aspects.
I’m not on Twitter, so posts like this, including the comments, are invaluable to me in separating wheat from chaff and knowing more of what’s going on. Thank you, Anne Laurie and others!
Is the site still screwed up? There’s a suspiciously low number of comments, with big gaps between groups.
You can read Twitter stuff without being “on” Twitter. Just navigate to the page with your browser; that’s what I do. You can’t leave comments, though.
Yeah, that last tweet: never forget that Steyer is a billionaire thief, who robbed a black woman who was busting her ass.
This sea-bear on SpongeBob SquarePants is pretty funny, to be honest.
@Betty Cracker:
It’s pretty obvious Trump doesn’t need cover. Anyway, nothing prevents Joe from changing his mind if McConnell makes Mulvaney and the rest testify.
On a more meta level, it’s become a little difficult to follow when we should fight fire with fire and when we should set an example. The “right” approach seems to change with each situation.
Betty Cracker
@Steeplejack: Klain is a Biden adviser, IIRC. If they’re going with a refusal to comply based on the application of trial rules, it would be a good idea for Klain to drill the succinct points Vance made into the candidate’s head so he doesn’t wander off on how the media would cover it, etc. He’s not wrong about the prospect of shitty media coverage, but it sounds weak.
Since I’m working shopping Biden’s talking points, I’d also suggest he stop saying no one is accusing him of wrongdoing and instead channel the persona he conjured when that farmer confronted him at a town hall and call Trump, Giuliani, et al, “damned liars.” They are liars and crackpots, and they’re accusing Biden of their own crimes on a daily fucking basis.
The fly in the ointment being that a Senate impeachment trial is outside the judicial system and not bound by or to courtroom rules and procedures of evidence unless the Senate votes to be so. The Supreme Court has previously ruled that the methods and conduct abided by during an impeachment trial are entirely the responsibility and purview of the Senate to decide and implement, and I certainly do not see this court accepting any challenge to that.
There was just a big ad at the top of Balloon-Juice targeting Representative Underwood and saying she voted for legislation that would cost 43,000 jobs. I had to click through to see what it was, and here’s the website. It had to do with HR 3, the pharmaceutical bill. I didn’t care when conservatives were wasting their money on ads here, but I don’t like seeing that misleading charge at the top of the page. She is from Illinois but not my district so it was a good guess. I’m pasting the whole link in case that’s useful.
@Baud: @Betty Cracker: “I will answer any subpoena in the same way as Donald trump. If he agrees to appear and submit himself to questions without any preconditions on the matters before the Senate, I will do the same.”
The Steyer ad I’m seeing a lot here in NoVA is him railing about how we need term limits. It’s on brand in a bad way: “Let’s get rid of all these pesky barriers to me
getting what I wantfixing everything!”gene108
Went skiing for the first time in my life yesterday.
45 is the wrong age to start.
With the help of a couple of instructors, who were around, I made it down the bunny slope, and only fell twice.
@Steeplejack: I know, but I appreciate the curation because I already spend too much time online!
Betty Cracker
@Baud: Trump’s entire political career is based on creating the perception that his adversaries are as slimy as himself, so yeah, he needs cover.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@Betty Cracker: if Hillary was asked to testify at Dump’s impeachment wouldn’t she be wise to decline and deny them their sad, pathetic attempt at distraction.
@OzarkHillbilly: wow, that’s good!
@Betty Cracker:
No argument here.
Betty Cracker
@OzarkHillbilly: Boom!
Touché. I know the feeling!
Butter Emails
Lawyers are so cute. They’re even slower on the uptake than “journalists”. They still think that things like the laws and and an honest reading of those laws actually matter.
That is ideal. I still think we need to back Biden here though.
ETA: I would add the phrase “chickenshit president” in their somewhere.
@Betty Cracker:
So if Trump says he wants Hillary and Obama to testify, they should say it’s ok so as to not give Trump cover?
Biden could have phrased it like OH did, but I don’t mind his response. It’s not very different in my mind from Pelosi not sending over the impeachment to the Senate right away.
@Baud: Take note:
Any dealings the Bidens have had in Ukraine will not be among the matters before the Senate.
@OzarkHillbilly: You would have made a fine attorney.
Betty Cracker
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: I believe Ozark hit upon the perfect response to any GOP subpoena threat issued to any human being in #23.
@Steeplejack: Term limits are a really bad idea, they give power to lobbyists since legislators don’t have time to gain any experience.
Agreed. It’s a lazy way to change things.
Betty Cracker
@Baud: For me, it doesn’t inspire confidence that Biden is up to the enormous challenge before him if he’s the nominee. It’s not fair that Biden has to go up against a shameless liar who routinely projects his own crimes onto others and has weaponized the presidency and media to slime his opponents, but here we are.
Brighton vs. Bournemouth: battle of the titans. Not. But still better than Watford vs. Aston Villa later.
Newcastle vs. Everton might be the match of the day.
So yesterday at this time I was out the door to head to the Observatory to get pics of the sunrise. Since I’m poor, I parked at the free lot by the Greek and walked up the hill. I got some great pics, my legs are still sore. I’d do it again this morning, but my legs are still sore and I don’t want to venture out in near freezing temps.
In my shitty home town of 40,000, there are 4 guys who are now worth close to a billion dollars, 3 of the 4 inherited successful businesses and expanded them. Only one of the 4 got rich using bootstraps, his old man sold second-hand furniture for a living and he grew up in a boarding house.
@Baud: “chickenshit so-called President who’s been a disloyal shitpile and the Kremlin’s bitch since 1987”
Yesterday morning I took my coffee out on the patio dresse3d in my normal SoCal winter clothes, jeans sweatshirt, and flip flops. I went back in, put on socks and a down jacket. It was 39 degrees.
Good Morning, Everyone ? ??
@gene108: I learned at age 37 but it was years before I felt happy skiing. My spouse is an avid skier and so are my kids. Ergo, I persisted.
@rikyrah: Good morning.
Isn’t that something he could be charged with a violation of the law? Or is he immune?
B C.,
Biden should agree to testify…
Whoever the GOP flunky in the WH that replaced the professional OMB person that told them withholding the funds was wrong.
And, after the Dems get the REAL transcript from the secret server. And all the paperwork that has been subpoenaed.
Then, and only then, should Biden ‘testify’.
@Jager: It was a balmy 40º when I parked the Prius at the Greek.
ETA: Right now it’s 37º outside the cave here in Glendale.
@mrmoshpotato: Too long for a bumper sticker but, otherwise, dead on.
@rikyrah: Greetings.
Good morning. ?
From up top:
Steyer is just another version of Trump. We’d be just as screwed if he were president as we are with Trump.
@Baud: Trump Trash – Russia’s bitches since ’87
Fair Economist
Back before global warming really kicked in, it froze every other year or so in Socal and so temps in the high 30’s weren’t that remarkable. Not anymore.
I think that, technically, he (or his account) retweeted a tweet that outed the whistleblower. He’s not immune, but I don’t know what his exposure is. More to the point, has Trump been called on any of his illegal/uneethical shit?! Rhetorical question.
I slipped and didn’t fall on the ice yesterday morning and I think it would have been better to have just let myself fall down. It’s feels like my body did a neo stunt except I’m definitely not the one.
Today is going to be a very quiet one for me. I’m thinking movies, knitting, and cocoa.
NotMax – East Side Sushi is free on Roku and Vudu but seems to no longer be available as a prime offering except to rent. If you have roku or vudu- watch it!! It’s so good.
Gin & Tonic
@gene108: My theory is that skiing is only fun if you’re good at it (I am.) But getting to be good at it unfortunately takes some time. Luckily I began at a very young age.
I think that, technically, he (or his account) retweeted a tweet that outed the whistleblower. He’s not immune, but I don’t know what his exposure is. More to the point, has Trump been called on any of his illegal/uneethical shit?! Rhetorical question.
ETA: Error 524 on previous attempt of this.
Steeplejack (phone)
Getting repeated 524 errors on Win10 and Firefox. Will this go through? (Android and Samsung browser.)
Steeplejack (phone)
Getting repeated 524 errors on Win10 and Firefox. Will this go through? (Android and Samsung browser.)
@mrmoshpotato: That is *perfect*! It describes a set that includes all Trumpettes, from blood kin to supporters and hangers-on. Please allow me to
stealuse it.Yarrow
@Betty Cracker: Well, I was glad to see him point out how the press chooses to look at Trump’s “Squirrel!” instead of keeping focus on the actual subject.
Don Imus is dead. At least there is that.
@MomSense: I did the same thing — except mine was more of an arms out ice capades twister. Neck and side now ouchy
Dorothy A. Winsor
I’ve gotten that ad for my rep, Sean Casten, too. I assumed it was lying without looking.
OT: As I was getting dressed to go out for bagels this morning, Mr DAW came into the bedroom with his coat already on. I suggested it would be most helpful if he would go sit in the car and honk the horn.
zhena gogolia
@Betty Cracker:
She was Secretary of State. Her testimony was relevant.
zhena gogolia
Ooh, that’s a good one!
@debbie: In no way do I want Steyer but he’s no Trump
mad citizen
Eat the Rich with homemade moonshine, not some billionaire’s hard seltzer water.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: we just moved in August to an “active senior” place and Casten is our new representative too! He came and held a town hall here that was very well attended. I was impressed.
Dorothy A. Winsor
You must be not too far from us then. We’re in Barrington. Casten flipped a formerly R seat in 2018.
Submarine to explore why Antarctic glacier is melting so quickly
Clever, them Chinese.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Shades of the OHB household. I really think that when I die I should get stoppage time like they do in soccer for all the time I have spent waiting on other people.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Thank you. I think I will try that line on my antsy spouse.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@OzarkHillbilly: It’s an opportunity to read a good book.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Betty Cracker: that made me cringe, but maybe Joe has White Guy Teflon. My instincts are so out of whack with the lumpenmittel that decides elections I don’t know what to think anymore
Think I’m just gonna send Lauren Underwood $25 to spite the algorithm that put that ad mentioned above and go fold laundry and throw away last Sunday’s unread paper.
That chart at the Economic Policy Institute is damning. The disconnect between productivity and wages is profound. But what ticked off the tread in the late 1970s? Easy to blame Reagan, but the break was earlier.
Another Scott
Looking at the Bloomberg list, and filtering it by country, I was surprised to see how many Russians and Chinese and Hong Kongers (why are they listed separately??) were there. Yes, there are a lot of US billionaires. And the continued shoveling of the US economy’s output to the top 0.01% is a lingering (and dangerous) problem. But it’s not just a US problem.
Also, it’s not surprising to me that the overall GDP numbers aren’t translating into credit to Donnie and the GOP. People aren’t stupid when it comes to their personal economic well-being. Too many people are simply running in place – even with the recent improvements, and have been for 20 years or more. Corporate profits being shoveled into stock-buybacks rather than increasing wages doesn’t help normal people. It would be nice if more economics reporters would get out of their bubbles.
All of that said, I don’t think we’re in a bubble. I was recently in central Mississippi and North Carolina. The NC stores were packed, traffic was horrible, and there was lots of construction going on. In MS, there was a lot of construction as well.
The economy is behind where it would be if the Great Recession hadn’t happened (last I looked). And that doesn’t include the huge gap between GDP Trend and actual GDP that formed at that time. While it’s normal for the economy and stock market to bounce back quickly after a recession, it didn’t happen that quickly under Obama. But even given that, Donnie’s S&P500 performance is worse than Obama’s. I don’t see a bubble, yet.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: I usually carry a book with me every where I go for that exact reason. Last week with the snow and ice I was taking my wife to and from work for a few days and one day realized I was running 45 mins ahead of schedule with no book or mag. Bought Stephen King’s “Finders Keepers”. It’s good of course, tho I don’t think his typical brand of supernatural horror. If it goes like I expect it will be more like the day to day horror that too many people are subjected to.
Another Scott
@Betty Cracker: Benghazi happened on Hillary’s watch when she was SoS.
Biden wasn’t in office when Donnie called and asked for a favor and withheld duly-appropriated funds until he got the personal political quid-pro-quo that he wanted from Zelenskyy.
That’s a big difference. Whether it outweighs the importance of complying with lawful subpoenas, well, …
@planetjanet: I think it started with stagflation then got reinforced with GOP trickle down economics and the anti union push.
Ohio Mom
I got one of those Host Server Big Red X error messages about half an hour ago. A big red X over a box labeled “host server” speaks directly to my level of technical expertise. Obviously it’s working now.
Its not cold enough here for ice (yet, the winter is young), but every time I’ve done those back and neck wrenching almost-falls I’m left with amazement that my very unathletic body knows automatically exactly what to do.
A sore neck or back is better than a broken bone, and Mother Nature is taking care of me.
J R in WV
Past and beyond “Disturbing stuff.”
It should be a separate Article of Impeachment, actually. I think it deserves that, as Trump breaks the law once more out in the open. He needs to learn the hard way that that shit won’t work for him any more, ever…
Dorothy A. Winsor
Being stuck somewhere without a book is a horrifying thought.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: If I hadn’t already been at walmart I would have made a stop just for that. I was really looking for a mag to read but outside of guns guns, glamour glamour, and celebrities doing stupid stuff… Well, I’m just glad I wasn’t stuck with a Patterson novel.
2010-2019: a decade in pictures
I know we’re only in the first 20 years but this has to be one of the pictures of the century. The image of Iesha L Evans’ grace under pressure became an iconic symbol of the Black Lives Matter movement.
Dorothy A. Winsor
I refuse to read Patterson on principle. The guy runs a factory and sticks his name on the product.
Ohio Mom
Scott @84: there’s lots of construction going on here in southwest Ohio, has been for a number of years now.
For one example, my suburban neighborhood has been seeing a flurry of 1960’s houses torn down and replaced by McMansions. The back street I take to the dry cleaner’s is now majority tear downs.
It doesn’t seem like good economic sense to me, I don’t see what real, lasting value is being created. But interest rates are still on the low side, and people must see a big house as a good investment.
Meanwhile, the infrastructure is rotting away — we won’t fund that, it’s another example that the economy is skewered and broken.
Saw a clip of Sen. Blumenthal saying at 5-10 Republican Senators have expressed deep misgivings about how McConnell is talking about the Senate trial. Finding it interesting that this sort of thing is being said and wonder what internal polling is showing for Senate Republicans.
Ah the salchow – it’s the most difficult but it’s really good for your technical score. Santa brought me some cbd ointment and I’ll try anything at this point even if it may be a bit woo woo.
Dorothy A. Winsor
I’ve given up paying attention to Rs’ privately expressed concern because I don’t know if it matters. I think Susan Collins has trained me to ignore it.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: I think I have read 2by “him”, both in exactly the same circumstances I found myself in above. The first was so bad I swore never again. The 2nd was when I asked myself “Isn’t he the guy who is so bad you wouldn’t leave it in an outhouse?” I couldn’t remember and seeing as there were no apparently better options….
I almost burned my eyeballs out to remove the stench of such dreadful drivel.
J R in WV
I now have a Samsung tablet, years old now, which can download a book in 30 seconds. IF I have network access, like a cell connection, or plain old WiFi at home. Or I can just surf the webs. I take it everywhere.
I hate being stuck waiting without something to read… even back in the USN I kept a paperback in a hop pocket, now the hi-tech version is my tablet.
Betty Cracker
@Another Scott: I get that, but you’re either representing the rule of law party or you aren’t. IMO, a better answer would have been of course I’ll comply with a lawfully issued subpoena approved by GOP-appointed Chief Justice Roberts, but this is about articles of impeachment on Trump’s extortion and obstruction, and I have nothing to add to the massive evidence of his guilt that is already in the public record, much of it thanks to his big fat mouth. And oh, by the way, why doesn’t Trump allow the clearly relevant parties in his own admin testify?
Hoarse Whisperer on Twitter is saying Biden’s answer was either accidentally or on-purpose genius because it will goad Trump into allowing witnesses to draw a contrast with Biden. He says it’s a mistake to allow a narcissist to set the terms of a showdown and best to refuse to play their game. I hope he’s right, but this isn’t just about Biden and Trump. It’s about the media, public perception, etc.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: I find him incredibly misogynistic. I stopped midway through the second book in the spider series.
Another Scott
@OzarkHillbilly: I’ve got a few Kindle books on my phone, along with several free ones from Project Gutenberg. It gives me something to read when I’m stuck waiting somewhere.
Can’t beat the price and convenience!
@Another Scott: I don’t read phones.
Nothing like your muscles and tendons trying to save you, is there? I’ve taken a number of almost-tumbles over the years, but have never been able to overcome that clinch reflex.
Another Scott
@Betty Cracker: +1
With any luck, it – calling Biden – will be moot because Senators will not go along with turning the trial into a circus.
We’ll see.
@MomSense: The Immp is taking CBD oil now. It is helping his hunger and upset, but he is no more limber. But, then again, he is not rubbing it on anything.
Good luck!
@debbie: And almost getting you killed in the process. I remember knocking a glass off a bathroom sink and my body instinctively trying to catch it, while my brain is screaming, “NONONONONONONONONONONONO….” right up until I impaled my hand on the broken shards tumbling to the floor.
@Ohio Mom:
Same here. Even worse is when they tear down large, old houses for large, new houses. I apologize to Suzanne in advance, but proportions, busy-ness, etc. of modern design sucks when compared to late 19th–early 20th century design. More is not always bettr.
If it’s one achy spot, I can’t recommend lidocaine patches strongly enough.
In other dead people news, I just read that Sue Lyon, who played Lolita in the film version, died. That one I will mourn.
I wonder if such a film — or even Taxi Driver — could be made today.
@Betty Cracker: Trump drives the media, so if Biden is goading Trump like Nancy Pelosi has been doing by not sending over the articles then it’s genius.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: When Susan Collins herself expresses concern I ignore it. She’s an attention-seeker and rarely steps out of line with her actual votes. Murkowski is different and it was interesting to see her go first with her misgivings.
For two weeks we’ve had no hint of Republican Senators doing anything but staying in line. First Murkowski, then Blumenthal saying he’s talked to 5-10 R Senators who have misgivings. Polling has been moving in the direction of removal and away from support for Trump. My sense from all of that is that Republican internal polling for Senate seats up in 2020 is going in the wrong direction for Republicans and the right direction for Democrats.
@Ohio Mom:
It’s definitely not funny that the site was down, but that sentence made me laugh.
Thanks to all who made a note here or who sent me email to let me know the site is down.
@OzarkHillbilly: My grandfather was a butcher. “Never try to catch a falling knife.”. Great advice, needs only be tested once.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Wondering if you are saying that he literally has other people write his books and then puts his own name on it or if you’re just saying he churns out lowish quality stuff now and gets away with it because of his name?
Or maybe you’re saying something else entirely!
Betty Cracker
Biden just clarified on Twitter with a much better answer, IMO. Open thread added with that topic upstairs.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Yarrow: one of the things the trump era has revealed, IMHO, is that Collins has successfully played the not-very-bright, weak-but-sincere moderate for years, when in fact she is every bit as cynical and partisan as McConnell. I’m not saying she’s a genius, but she knows her image and her voters, cultivates both, and doesn’t strike me as nearly nervous enough about next November. I’ll defer to MomSense and other locals, but if I’m the Maine Dem party, I’m showing Stephen King some internet ads he can fund reminding voters that over twenty years ago, she vowed to serve only two terms, and now she’s running for her fifth. I think it’s the kind of seed that could be planted to undermine her image as a straight-shooter without even getting to trump.
Dorothy A. Winsor
He hires a bunch of writers, gives them outlines, has them write a story, edits it, and slaps his name on it. He may write an occasional one of his own, but that’s his MO
Oh, man. There’s really a lot of interesting topics bubbling in this thread!
And absence of term limits give plenty of time and opportunity for lobbyists and politicians to cultivate lasting relationships.
I am pretty much against term limits, but I note that California has experimented with term limits and open primaries in attempts to get new blood into politics.
But what has happened is that the parties in power decide what office a termed out politician will aim for, or select a loyal staffer or ally to run for a vacated seat, or other games to ensure that the status quo is maintained. You do get some new faces, but not as many as people might have hoped for.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: we’re in Elgin, nearly to South Elgin. My husband grew up here, and he frequently marvels, “We used to drag race on Randall Road.”
We figured our senior community probably has a lot of Trump supporters, so the enthusiasm for Carsten at the town hall was encouraging.
Witty Kitty
Biden is not that bad.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Ah, like a Renaissance Master, then. //
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Ugh.
Dorothy A. Winsor
Patterson isn’t the only one to do this, but he’s the biggest name. The practice is called “book packaging.” A distressingly high percentage of series and MG/YA books are produced this way.
ETA: It’s one of the things about publishing I was happier when I didn’t know.
Dorothy A. Winsor
LOL. Yeah, exactly! Except it’s James Patterson.
Dorothy A. Winsor
Same with where we live. I’m cautious when raising the topic of politics.
@J R in WV:
This is disgusting and I have read something since that suggested that the whistleblower now needs protection to get to work safely. Nutjobs want to harass him.
But even though the whistleblower is not legally relevant to evaluating the charges in question, Trump always needs a specific individual that he can attack, especially when he needs to provide distraction and deflection of attention away from his own misdeeds.
@Immanentize: I learned the stock market meaning of that in I think 2000. I had a small amount of money from a previous employer, and the guy investing it for me kept wanting to put some in tech stocks. I thought they were overvalued and resisted. Then they started dropping. I think they’d dropped about a third when I thought they’d reached a reasonable value and bought some. Then they kept dropping.
Now I just have Vanguard funds.
Yep. Yesterday in socal I walked to work, 39 degrees. Not the regular shorts/tee shirt. I’m beginning to think I’m not that much of a fan of winter
The mountains did look gorgeous with their snow cover though…..
@Dorothy A. Winsor: my husband has been playing tennis with a group, and they carpool. After a couple of months, apparently last week they found out they are all more or less on the same page. So now they can speak freely.
Few are actual trumps – in that they are extreme narcissistic assholes, but he is trumpian in that he sees things from a rather different perspective than the vast majority of citizens, he sees things from a monied perspective. It may not be his only perspective but it is a position not of the many but of the few. And he doesn’t seem like a person who can make that a non entity in his views
I’m saying that while he may be better than, say Bloomberg, as far as financial considerations are concerned, can he separate those concerns from his perspective? And I think the answer is no.
West of the Rockies
Who is the vapid wombat shrouded in purple in the first photo? We talk about the confidence of mediocre white men, but sometimes the sheen of vanity flowing from empty-headed engenues is striking, too.
@Another Scott:
What Biden is saying is that subpoena wouldn’t be lawful exactly because he wasn’t in any office, had any control while HRC was. IOW if his son/possibly himself had any illegal exposure, it would have been as a private citizen, not as a political figure. Is it relevant to the impeachment in any way, other than as a political distraction?
That is an amazing picture. Encapsulates so much of our modern world in one shot. One person, dressed normally, standing still while being rushed by two full “grown” policemen, out of an overwhelming force behind them, who are dressed like they are in a bizarre future world movie of the police against the tide of overwhelming population and crime.
Seconded. In fact, it’s a pretty good metaphor for the state of our country.
@Betty Cracker:
It really is about our country and it’s governmental design as well. That we all have a say, not just the wealthy who think they should and do control things.
I’m imagining a political situation where we have a rule that no one worth more than say 50 or 100 million can run for president. Even if it’s only a BS claim about their wealth. Hard to be a government of, by and for the people if your overwhelming monetary wealth is the major controlling factor in your thinking, when survival is the major controlling factor of most of the electorate.
Thanks for bringing this chart and the article to my attention. The break happened in 1972/1973. I also wonder what happened.
Another Scott
@dnfree: I remember toying with the idea of buying AMD a few years ago when it was at $14. I didn’t, but still kept thinking it was a good buy.
Then it kept dropping below $10 and even lower. :-/
It’s around $45 now.
The problem with picking individual stocks, playing with commodities, etc., is that you have to get the direction right, but you also have to get the timing right.
“Dollar cost averaging, baby!”
Yeah, low cost mutual funds are the way to go. And starting 30 years ago, also too. ;-)
Another Scott
@Ruckus: Yes, of course it would just be a political distraction for the Senate to call either of the Bidens.
But who decides whether a subpoena is a political distraction or not? Traditionally, only the leadership of the relevant committee that issues the subpoena. If we have RWNJs running the committees, then all bets are off. That’s the obvious problem with people who don’t respect rules and norms having power.
And the courts would traditionally not want to get involved. If they were involved now, it would take months and would end up being moot as far as a trial goes.
I think Moscow Mitch and the rest of them realize that Biden could very well turn any forced appearance at a Senate trial to his advantage (he knows how the place works as well as they do), so they probably aren’t going to risk it.
But, as always, we’ll have to wait and see what happens.
@Another Scott:
It’s odd. Trump is dishonest and a crook. But he is adamant about pushing the the idea that Joe Biden is dishonest. He wants to destroy Biden’s “Good ol’ Joe” image. And so, Trump may overrule Moscow Mitch’s ideas about how this should go.
Consider: this whole Ukraine nonsense is about the transitive property of a smear. It goes from Hunter Biden did something illegal to Joe Biden is corrupt. Even though this is obviously a lie, and Biden was not involved in anything.
So people can choose whatever aspect of this they want, nepotism, kids of the famous using their parents’ names to their own advantage, conflict of interest, influence peddling. It is all vague and amorphous, but designed to always lead to the conclusion that “Joe Biden himself is corrupt and did something (we don’t know what) wrong.”
@Another Scott:
Not saying he wouldn’t have to or just wouldn’t answer a subpoena, Biden is just playing the political game, just like all the RWNJs who are talking about subpoenaing him.
For there to even be a subpoena there are steps that have to happen first, and as you well know a number of these might not happen at all.
Is Nancy going to send the impeachment to the senate? Not until a few things are straightened out, possibly not at all.
Is moscow mitch going to actually do his real job, not the bullshit one he’s got going? I’d say not bloody likely but stranger things have happened in life.
Will the election make all of this moot? I think that is exactly the way it will work out, but possibly Nancy will send the impeachment to the senate in July or Aug, just in time for the election. numbnuts is going to get a minimum of votes no matter how this works out, unless he is removed from office and at this moment that seem unlikely. Waiting till he’s the only candidate for them is trump is a bold move but politically might make the most sense.
Another way of looking at it: if each of those 500 people had taken 2.5% of that growth and directed it towards solving world hunger it would be solved. If they were willing to settle for a measly $1.2billion apiece instead of $2.4billion, they could have put nearly the US defense budget to work on projects like decarbonization.
But they didn’t. Fuck every one of those people.
Vapid wombat is one of C. Jenner’s younger daughters.