What Rudy Giuliani’s version of reality looks like from Ukraine https://t.co/brQUhHTSgY
— toomas hendrik ilves (@IlvesToomas) December 27, 2019
Not much joy in sercon dissection of the latest foreign policy revelations at this hour on a holiday weekend, but: This man is still, theoretically, the Oval Office Occupant’s personal lawyer.
Earlier this month, Rudolph W. Giuliani made an unexpected trip to Ukraine, accompanied by a TV crew from One America News Network (OAN), a little-known American channel to the right of Fox News. Giuliani’s mission was to exonerate his client, President Trump, of the charge in the articles of impeachment that he tried to bribe Ukrainian officials into investigating Joe Biden ahead of the 2020 election, and to dig up incriminating information on Biden and his son Hunter.
The documentary of that trip has now been released, and it tells a truly fantastic tale, as presented by OAN correspondent Chanel Rion. As she and Giuliani tried to uncover the truth, Rion claimed, 1,000 Ukrainian troops were deployed in Kyiv as part of an effort to find them. Once they were found, they raced to the airport, where Jewish Ukrainian oligarch Viktor Pinchuk and Jewish businessman and philanthropist George Soros were waiting for them with “human Dobermans in little black Mercedes.”
For journalists like me who have lived and worked in Ukraine for years, these claims were comical. Kyiv’s main international airport is about as much of a hub for intrigue as La Guardia. There is no evidence of a mobilization of Ukrainian troops in Kyiv while Giuliani and Co. were there. Soros does not live in Ukraine and hasn’t visited since 2016, and no one else has reported Pinchuk lurking at the airport. (Rion later tried to hedge her claim about Pinchuk and Soros, if only halfheartedly.)…
On cable news shows and Twitter, Giuliani has been echoing the same outlandish claims made by the documentary. He stated that one former Ukrainian prosecutor they spoke to who had proof of a Biden conspiracy had been poisoned with mercury, died twice and been revived. With Trump putting on pressure, the Senate Judiciary Committee has agreed to hear Giuliani and his evidence. In short, Giuliani’s claims about information coming from Ukraine look like they are going to become ammunition for Trump’s eventual impeachment trial in the Senate…
Man who wrote the tweet at the top is a former president of Estonia, where they don’t have our (literally) insular privilege to treat all this as a wacky TV serial.
perhaps just a bit senile in his dotage
— toomas hendrik ilves (@IlvesToomas) December 27, 2019
“Giuliani offered no proof of his allegations and he’s sought to blame on Soros in previous media appearances.” pic.twitter.com/057z1jbRBs
— Molly Jong-Fast (@MollyJongFast) December 23, 2019
Also, Rudy has a new “communications director”:
Here is Rudy's director of communications and traveling companion. Recalls Maria Butina.
Christianné Allen is the 20-year-old Director of Communications for Rudy Giuliani. She has not yet graduated from college. pic.twitter.com/BgqhLkSWXm— GrassRootsGuy (@GrassRootsGuy) December 21, 2019
Additional nightmare fuel, via Politico: The mystery of Rudy Giuliani’s spokeswoman. Over the river and off the map!
Villago Delenda Est
One can only wildly speculate what qualifications this 20 year old woman has to be a “communications director”.
My Side of Town
So I will post my most recent comment on facebook:
Have Evangelicals become the religion of corruption, indecency, and immorality after iTrump
Their women will be whores, their men will be pimps, their children will be disciples of Lucifer. Their religion will be shunned. Their souls will reside in the same hell as iTrump and his family of thieves.
Edit or delete this
Anne Laurie
@Villago Delenda Est: To be fair(er than she probably deserves), she’s not charging Rudy for her services.
Parse that as you will!
@Villago Delenda Est: According to the Politico article, she lies like she breathes, is relentlessly self-promoting, and constantly showing up at important events whether invited or not.
So, no, Trumpists are not dying off. New ones pop up all the time. If humanity was an Order, in taxonomy terms, then the fastest-growing Family in that Order is parasites.
@Villago Delenda Est: Knowing Rudy, she may be wife number n+1.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
Geaux Tigers
@Villago Delenda Est:
You can’t tell by how she holds that weapon?
Villago Delenda Est
@CaseyL: “Shows up at important events whether she’s invited or not”.
That’s ripped directly from Donald’s playbook!
Roger Moore
@Villago Delenda Est:
It’s natural to suspect her primary qualification is as “traveling companion”, and the communications director job is just an excuse to put her on payroll. It is always possible that she really was hired as communications director, and Giuliani just can’t afford to hire anyone with a more complete resume.
The thread won’t really get going until the discussion of whether she’s hotter than Bari Weiss.
@Villago Delenda Est: Something about 50 yards of garden hose?
@tomtofa: There is no discussion of that.
Adam L Silverman
@Villago Delenda Est: Is she steaming his pants? Would it be irresponsible to ask? It would be irresponsible not to!
Adam L Silverman
@My Side of Town: While I appreciate the emotion, perhaps you might want to tone it down a notch or twenty.
Omnes Omnibus
@Villago Delenda Est: A strong stomach?
@Omnes Omnibus: A flat head and she can breathe through her ears?
Villago Delenda Est
@My Side of Town: They have made their allegiance to Mammon and Moloch clear. All that remains is for actual Christians to denounce them as apostates.
@Roger Moore:
I’m beginning to understand why Rudy is walking around with his fly open and drooling on his sweater.
My speculation is he likes looking at her. If she let him get any further than that, she would be getting paid.
Roger Moore
@Omnes Omnibus:
An ability to lie convincingly enough to fool other Republicans. That appears to be the primary qualification to advance in the party these days.
The Dangerman
@Roger Moore:
Faint praise.
ETA: I’m sure being “prone” to, um, lie helps her.
@Anne Laurie
As Groucho so pointedly put it, “I’d like to introduce you to my euphemism.”
Adam L Silverman
@Villago Delenda Est: I think the larger issue, and I had this discussion with a friend the other day because he was in the same doctoral cohort as that Christian Post editor who so publicly quit last week (I was two cohorts ahead of them), is that what that guy doesn’t understand, and what he’s doing in so publicly quitting and how he’s gone about doing so, is that Evangelicalism, and specifically white Evangelicalism, across all the sects is religion as performance, not practice. Evangelicals perform their religion, publicly perform piety, as the practice of their religion because they think this is how they witness the gospels to others. And they mistake this very public performance for actual, personal, and private practice of the actual religion and its tenets. Evangelicalism has very little theology compared to other Christian denominations and sects. It is almost completely dogmatic. And what theology they have, such as their bioethics, is borrowed and not clearly understood because the emphasis on scriptural hyper-literalism privileges dogma and dogmatism over the nuance of theology.
When this is combined by the fact that white Evangelicalism has always had a heavy component of its leaders scamming and fleecing and grifting their congregants, the affinity for the President and how he behaves, acts, and conducts business becomes much clearer. From the point of view of the adherents, the connection in in the public performance of his identity. For the leadership it is the scaling, fleecing, and grifting through this public performance.
Villago Delenda Est
@Adam L Silverman: Performance is pretty much totally at odds with Matthew 6:5.
West of the Rockies
God, one hopes. Rudy is a gruesome toad.
@Anne Laurie: Trying to see how many people you can make gag?
Omnes Omnibus
@West of the Rockies: What have gruesome toads ever done to you?
Adam L Silverman
@Villago Delenda Est: I am quite aware. I tried explaining that to the now former editor once in grad school. He didn’t get my point. He grew up in one of the Evangelical sects. If I’m recalling correctly his father is a minister. He’s smart, he means well, I don’t think he has a mean bone in his body, but he’s not very self aware. Nor is he introspective. Also, and I say this as someone who actually respects and appreciates what he has done and was once the strategic communication advisor, among my other duties, for an Army program, he needs serious coaching before going on CNN again. He was terrible.
@Adam L. Silverman
Flash from the past (and a perhaps unexpected side of the fence):
“Our problem is with these neoconservatives, the radical right, the religious extremists whose interpretation is very narrow, and who want to destroy everyone who doesn’t agree with them. I see them as betrayers of the fundamental principles of conservatism. A lot of so-called conservatives don’t know what the word means.”
– Barry Goldwater
@Adam L Silverman: Very well said. I don’t think I’ve seen the connection described quite so concisely before. And, of course the affinity between grifters is obvious.
Roger Moore
@Villago Delenda Est:
Sure, and the Prosperity Gospel is totally at odds with everything that Jesus taught. This ties in to Adam’s point about Evangelicalism going for dogmatism over theology. For all they talk about Biblical literalism and the importance of reading the Bible, they mostly depend on other people to interpret it for them, and those people are free to come up with the most strained interpretations to justify what they already believe.
Driving up the Avenue of the Saints today (the linkage of St Louis and St Paul, but we took it to Minneapolis, as we’re philistines), I saw just beyond the shoulder in some rural eastern Iowa area (I think perhaps north of Waterloo), a landowner had put up a very tall cross, and on it mounted a sign saying:
I remarked to the BF that I didn’t really think this sign was about their Christian heritage, but rather their white, rural, formerly more blatantly KKK heritage. (OK, I had to look that last part up after arriving home. And ugh, what a drive. 6 hours of fog, followed by 3 hours of rain with temps falling from 39 to 33 deg. No ice, thankfully, and made it home in one piece!)
Somehow I heard that to the tune of the song “Roxanne!”.
Amir Khalid
@Villago Delenda Est:
That job title could be a cover for her actual function: candidate for future wife, which is what the “travelling companion” part suggests to me.
@My Side of Town: Become?
Adam L Silverman
@NotMax: I have a graphic of that quote. Goldwater was not a stupid man. Nor was he an unobservant one.
Omnes Omnibus
@WaterGirl: This version?
Adam L Silverman
@Kent: Have you read Perlstein’s The Long Con?
I like her picture on the left that looks like she has her hands behind her head, as some are told to do when being arrested so they can easily be handcuffed from behind and one can always see the hands.
Roger Moore
I don’t think you can separate the two. Christianity has long been used to justify pre-existing cultural beliefs regardless of whether the correspond to what Jesus said.
@Anne Laurie: It’s almost like they’ve internalized Trump’s cheating of contractors. Why bother charging when you know you’ll never get paid anyway? Save yourself the aggravation and humiliation and just say you’re working for free.
Appreciative you didn’t write “the Roxanne.”
Adam L Silverman
Roger Moore
I think the goal behind that pose is to push her upper arms back and thrust out her chest.
Well let’s see what ya got Justin.
@Adam L. Silverman
Entirely unrelated other than being unexpected, recently came across this from Douglas MacArthur:
“Our country is now geared to an arms economy bred in an artificially induced psychosis of war hysteria and an incessant propaganda of fear.”
@Adam L Silverman: I recall reading it back in the day. But it’s worth another read. After Trump we tend to forget how horrible the other “mainstream” GOPers like Romney, and of course Bush were. But it is one long thread going back to Reagan, or perhaps Goldwater.
In the “New Meritocracy” this is an Internship. Attach yourself like a remora to someone “famous”, feed off the flotsam and “network” your way into the Griftopia.
The money comes later.
Villago Delenda Est
@Raoul:Actually, I think that means “protect our hate” because “heritage, not hate” is on of the slogans of the neo-Confederates who hates them some darkies.
@WaterGirl: I want to share the lyrics that went through my head, but it’ll wreck the song for everyone.
On a related note, Rocky Mountain Mike – Ukraine.
attn adam ….
Adam L Silverman
@NotMax: Also, not a stupid man. Not particular self aware though.
Adam L Silverman
@Jay: I read that this morning. They seem nice.
@2liberal: And that’s illegal because????
Adam L Silverman
@2liberal: It’s a hoax story. I already checked as it would have made a good Floriduh! Man & Woman post.
@Adam L Silverman: I thought it was just old. I remember seeing it before.
@Adam L Silverman: i just spotted, copied and pasted. I should have known better.
Roger Moore
It’s fake news; Snopes has an article showing it was originally from a joke web site.
Adam L Silverman
@mrmoshpotato: @2liberal: It is all too possible in Florida.
@Adam L. Silverman
Filling the void.
Adam L Silverman
@NotMax: The latter happens all the time. Also, the former.
@Adam L Silverman: So true. Any recent running-around-a-store-with-an-alligator stories we haven’t heard of in the other 49? No way that didn’t happen just once. :)
@Adam L Silverman:
bbbbbbbut the FTFNYT with their Cletis Safaris says it’s all about the “economic anxiety”, not the “heritage”,……
@NotMax: “Welcome to Disney World. Please don’t molest the mascots.”
Adam L Silverman
@mrmoshpotato: That’s Wednesday here.
@Jay: Let’s put these together – the economic anxiety of not being able to own black people as property anymore.
@Adam L. Silverman
Not Florida (by chance) – the trouble with Harry.
The video of trumpbot Mona Fishman “singing” her big hit Arresta Podesta at TRUMPFEST is certainly good for a laugh.
No Randy Rainbow is she
Adam L Silverman
@NotMax: In Florida they would have stood their ground and terminated the robot vacuum with extreme prejudice.
@NotMax: But not The Trouble with Harry
The Pale Scot
@Adam L Silverman:
That has always offended me, the whole Jack Chick “if a serial murderer declares a certain long-haired Iron Age socialist is his “personal savior” (what ever that means) moments before he’s hung his slate is clean yada yada. The hippy specifically said that public demonstration is hypocrisy. None more illiterate than the Sola Scriptura crowd.
To follow on the Jews don’t proselytize comments in the last thread. It seems to me that most religions don’t. Just the ones that were run by con artists. Paul, Constantine, that other guy were in it for the power and the mulla. The tenacity of the Hebrew faith was twisted into blind obedience useful to TPTB. How else does a power dieting ascetic become a chubby with a gold fetish? Maybe all religions would, they just haven’t found the marketing strategy.
How it was explained to me is that the Druze decided to keep it in the shade to avoid Sunni bigotry. They were handy to have around against the Crusaders, but once the barbarians were gone the Sunnis got down their favorite game “who’s the heretic?”
The opportunity to put the Hitchcockian twist on the link was what prompted me to mention it at all.
Adam L Silverman
@The Pale Scot:
If you’re referring to Ho Ti the laughing Buddha, this is an example of religious syncretism. When Buddhism moved into China it absorbed the local deities as avatars of the historical Buddha. It is why you have the laughing Buddha, the Buddha of Compassion (Kwan Yin), the Buddha of War, etc, etc. These avatars, or boddhisatvas, were a bridge from the older traditions to the new ones.
You see this in other religions, almost all secondary. For instance, the reason we have a dog breed named St. Bernard is because when the Christian missionary named Bernard got to that part of the Alps the locals worship the dog. So he got one. And associated himself and the religion he was teaching with the dog in an ultimately successful attempt to move the locals worship from the dog to Jesus through the Church.
@2liberal: No matter how tangential, it always involve an alligator. Why is that?
@Omnes Omnibus: I had never seen that. Too funny!
Villago Delenda Est
I might that ONAN is a Trump propaganda channel, on the order of Pravda or Deutsche Beobachter.
@Adam L. Silverman
Have far less than a passing familiarity with religious iconography yet am pretty sure have never see a depiction of JC with a keg of brandy hanging from his neck.
@mrmoshpotato: That was a good one!
Chetan Murthy
@Villago Delenda Est:
@Villago Delenda Est
“Single handedly distorting the news since 2013.”
@Villago Delenda Est: “Is that a gun in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?” I just have to say it.
The Pale Scot
@Adam L Silverman:
Meet the new boss.. Same as the old boss
@NotMax: Hehe excellent.
joel hanes
removed; other people already said it better
@HalfAssedHomesteader: re: always an alligator. Maybe its florida signaling?
Anne Laurie
Quoted for truth!
And this clarifies a recent conversation for me, with a long-term acquaintance who grew up religious & working-class in the South. He’s ‘matured’ into prosperous Episcopalianism, but he became extremely agitated during a discussion of religious symbols on public lands… because, he kept insisting, if he couldn’t proclaim his faith even in absentia, his religious freedom had been compromised!!!
If ‘performance’ is the mainstream of one’s religious behavior, it would make more sense than my (unexpressed) religious conviction that public display of one’s faith is like public display of the bodily functions — you can’t always help sneezing (or worse) at a party, but making a point of calling attention to your momentary slip is just rude. We all may have ’em, but not that many people wanna see yours at the bus stop or the drive-thru…
James E Powell
I’m settling in for a good night’s sleep after watching my beloved Buckeyes shoot themselves in the foot enough to lose to Clemson. Victory eluded us, but that’s no matter. Next year we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther. . . . And one fine evening —-
Now the question for tomorrow is, do I start watching The Witcher or 6 Underground?
Mary G
Five people stabbed in apparent anti-Semitic attack at a Hanukkah party tonight in a rabbi’s home in Monsey, NY. Possibly no fatalities. #Gun control now
@Adam L Silverman: I thought it was a very interesting observation that conservatives choose their religion to match their politics, not the other way around, which is why cries of hypocrisy by the left doesn’t land – we have it backward.
So that’s just part of the performance.
@Mary G: News is that gun sales in those communities are rising fast. That’s bad in whole lots of ways, from the usual (kids finding them or angry shooters) to the possibility of right-wing slander about “disloyal Jews preparing for revolution” and massive preemptive strikes that are officially sanctioned or looked the other way from.
To compound the problem, now the Guardian Angels have announced that they’re going to patrol Jewish neighborhoods. Just what we need, is a group that wants to bash heads in an area already seeing too much violence.
Do. Not. Like. (fsvo of that =”oy, sheeeeeit!”)
@James E Powell
Caveat observator that the latter is directed by Michael “Whaddaya mean there’s nothing left to blow up” Bay.
Adam L Silverman
@Mary G: It could have been much, much worse. If this happened anywhere but New York, which has pretty strong firearms laws and regulations, the attacker would have more likely used a gun, even a handgun, not a knife. The fact that the attacker used a knife and not a gun is likely to make this, while bad, a less than lethal attack.
Adam L Silverman
Gun sales are up across all ethnic and religious minorities, as well as the LGBTQ community. Given the amount of white supremacy, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, xenophobia, and nativism that has been mainstreamed over the past three years and given official top cover by the President and some of his most senior and notable aides and surrogates, I’m not sure anyone can tell a member of one or more of these groups that they shouldn’t consider arming themselves however they see fit for self defense purposes. I’d argue this includes appropriate training and storage. The one truth amid all the lies and spin and barbered history that the 2nd Amendment absolutists regularly tell is that gun control in the US has historically been done by the white Christian majority to disarm non-white and non-Christian minorities in order to make it easier to oppress them.
@James E Powell
If violence is not offputting to you, you might check out the Sundance TV series Hap and Leonard, available on Netflix (and also. IIRC, Prime).
Although increasingly heavy-handed as the seasons progress, quite well cast and fetchingly enough filmed to stick with.
@Adam L Silverman: Yes, all of what you say is true, including that members of minorities have reason to arm. Doesn’t make it less sad, especially as most won’t get the training and many won’t use proper storage, continuing to prove that shootings are directly proportional to the number of guns available.
I’m just glad this isn’t happening during the hot, long, summer of a Presidential campaign that includes the wannabe-Fuhrer.
Adam L Silverman
@Bruuuuce: No arguments here.
Amir Khalid
I hadn’t seen your nym for a while, and I was wondering if all was well. Glad to see you here.
Late night EST used to be crickets. Now it is 502 error.
Yeah, that was a particularly bad one.
funny thing is, when I went back to the front page and reloaded, it was fine, but when I was staying in the thread, nothing but 502’s in the 604.
@Jay: 604 is Vancouver?
Amir Khalid
This is the new Balloon Juice, alas.
@Amir Khalid
Maybe if in unison we click our heels together three times…
Wide awake at 4 am in my time zone. I would love to go downstairs and do something/anything, but I do not want to wake up any of our five cats. Sigh.
yup, on the Coast for the Holidays.
don’t they wake you up when they want?
isn’t turnabout fair play?
@Amir Khalid: Thanks. Mostly okay, though I could use three months off of work and $25K to handle various non-life-threatening but problematic body parts (eyes, teeth, feet). I do read here, but have recently gotten to the point where I’m on the phone more than the desktop (especially at work), which dissuades me from commenting unless it’s really important.
Amir Khalid
I just took a moment to put The Girl in Keef tuning: removed the 6th string and saddle, and retuned to 5-string open G. Surprisingly quick job. I look forward to many happy hours of Stones riffs.
@Amir Khalid: I expect you’ll find the shuffle rhythm in Keef tuning is so easy you won’t want to go back. I never mastered playing the 6th with my pinky while barring an E fingering. It’s been open tunings (and slide) for me for a long time now.
Amir Khalid
This Christianné L Allen person also bleeds white and blue? Has she spoken to her doctor about this?
Also, too: Christianné?
Interesting thread on writers:
@Adam L Silverman: this is an incredibly well-stated summary of the American Evangelical movement.
Richard Guhl
@Adam L Silverman: It’s critical to always keep in mind that white evangelicalism is descended from the sects that vociferously defended both slavery and secession. Their hyperliteralism and dogmatic approach to scripture was born out of their need to explain why the worst institution ever created by human imagination was actually morally good.
One need only google Waco lynching to understand what they really stand for.
A first century Jew put it succinctly when he declared that a bad tree cannot bear good fruit.
Amir Khalid
@Adam L Silverman:
I have always liked this succinct illustration of Evangelical Christians’ idea of virtue:
I was drivin’ home early one morning through Bakersfield,
Listenin’ to gospel music on the colored radio station
I was so pleased to be informed of this that I ran twenty red lights in His honor
Thank you Jesus, thank you Lord
— The Rolling Stones
Is this why he’s getting divorced again?
Today’s Doonesbury was poignant:
Miss Bianca
@kindness: it’s so weird, since the decline of actual newsprint newspapers and therefore of the funny pages, I keep forgetting that comic strips I’ve loved all my life, like “Doonesbury”, still publish – online.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Villago Delenda Est: Yes, the granddaughter he doesn’t have. Sounds like senility to me.
@kindness: Wow.
The Onan network is to the right of Fox News? I don’t think they’re to the “right” — the reason they appeal to Trump is because they’re even more willing to say whatever will benefit Trump, and thereby themselves, or give them political advantage. Just like Trump. It isn’t about where they sit on the political spectrum, they’re just shameless opportunists who will cheat however is necessary in order to “win.” Just like Trump.
@Anne Laurie: I’m not even going to write the first thing that popped in my mind when I saw her picture and “bio”. And it has nothing to do with a relationship with Rudy.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Adam L Silverman: The narrative I was told about modern American Evangelicalism; American society goes threw these cycles of belief and skepticism, WW2 happened during a belief cycle. This got unnaturally extended by the Cold War, the Soviets were atheists so we Americans were Christians. End result in the ’50s preachers were making fat bank then because everyone went to church. Then came the 70s, the Cold War eased up and the cycle started moving again and that meant skepticism is on the rise, church attendance plummeted.
Naturally this was a horror story to all these preachers who were seeing their business decline, a group of preachers like Bill Graham came up with Charismatic Christianity, which is basically using sales and marketing methods bring people back to church. That’s why they all sound like door to do door salesmen, because they are. It’s not about did the person embrace the belief, it’s was the pitch enough to make the sale. This is also why Evangelicalism is so white male, that’s the target demographic and it’s commandments are “Don’t be poor”, “Don’t be a homosexual”, all easy stuff for a middle class, heterosexual white male.
Even then, from 2000 on, religious belief in the US has been imploding and heading towards European lines of 33% believer 33% agnostic and 33% unbeliever. This will not do for this big business Mega Churches, the pastor has his vacation home and Mercedes to pay for. So now they’ve up the game to outright mind control cult were the believers entire social life are in the church, so if they say something their pastor doesn’t approve of they get shunned by their friends and family. In other words lots of Evangelicals don’t believe this nonsense, but they have to say it publicly. Jones Town, here we come on a nation wide scale.
Also, let us not forget the children, who are overwhelmingly unbelievers because having hypocrites scream in their face for years about how these kids are worthless sinners and they needed to grow up and be like the hypocrite. Lot’s of broken families because of Evangelicalism.
I suspect that bit about the mind control cult aspect is something you would have a lot to say about Adam with your background if you looked into it.
In Giuliani’s case it comes now. He gets it by selling access to American power.
It’s a sign of how corrupted our politics have become that Giuliani could publicly declare he was working pro-bono for a billionaire American president and it took years before the press thought to ask “Why?”
Bill Arnold
The cries of hypocrisy, and Matthew 6:5-6 do land, because they are saying that evangelicals are engaged in unconvincing bad acting, and many rank-and-file evangelicals are quite sincere believers.
Critics need to make it more explicit though, and much more theologically informed and pointed. Adam mentioned religious syncretism above; the mixing of Republican political dogma and evangelical Christian dogma[1] is a toxic form of religious syncretism.
[1] both are cobbled-together and deliberately simplified, so the mixing is possible, albeit with additional inconsistencies in the resulting dogma.
@Amir Khalid:
these days it would be more like “so i figured i’d get to take the carpool lane”
J R in WV
@Adam L Silverman:
And they are very picky about their chosen bit and pieces of their scripture, which excludes all the parts of the Bible about helping others, all the parables of Christ, suffer the little children, etc, etc.
My understand of Christianity would make anyone participating in caging little kids at the southern border liable for shunning and jail time. But that’s just me, and I’m not a Christian… closer to pagan.
NOTE to Watergirl: I didn’t get both tabs for this comment post. just the text tool bar, although it isn’t displaying all the code as I type, as I would expect the Text tab to display it. Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS and Firefox 71.0
J R in WV
It goes way back before that… remember that FDR, fabulously wealthy scion of ancient heritage, was called a commie for not wanting people to starve during the Hoover Depression.
And of course, the very idea that the Federal Government might interfere with the Free Market to keep people from starving was out of the question to those “conservatives” !!
Anti-Trust work by the government was also a communist plot! Trying to keep poison out of the food supply was also un-American! They’ve been feudal lord worshippers and wannabees for at least a century and a half.
@Jay: EXACTLY. No free lunches-see also: Manafort and, of course, Giuliani himself.