An Otter with his new Teddy
— 41 Strange (@41Strange) December 25, 2019
A YERESGIFT is a present given at New Year.
— Haggard Hawks ???? (@HaggardHawks) December 31, 2019
Cat with Alien plush toy
(Photo: NocensAstrum)— 41 Strange (@41Strange) December 31, 2019
This made me laugh, remembering. How looong it took for the @nytimes to just call lies, lies. Whew.
— Soledad O'Brien (@soledadobrien) December 27, 2019
Optimism is not exactly something that’s just lying around on the floor, waiting to be picked up. It’s something we have to work for again. It’s a heavy lift, but a necessary one. All we have as we enter 2020 is, well, us.
— Charles P. Pierce (@CharlesPPierce) December 31, 2019
Wishing everyone a Happy New Year — thankful for everyone who has been in the trenches this year, marching, calling, protesting for our democracy.
I believe 2020 is the most important year for our country in decades. We need be active the entire year.— Neera Tanden (@neeratanden) December 31, 2019
Thank God for Speaker Pelosi. #2019in5words
— ???????? Only4RM ???????? (@Only4RM) December 21, 2019
It just dawned on me that I probably won’t find collards and black eyed peas in Schaumburg! I made them in LA 2 years ago and we had them at our little tailgate between the parade and the game!
subcommandante yakbreath
Just a short delurk to express my ongoing gratitude for this blog, and to wish everyone a Happy (and hopeful) New Year.
I’m sitting here eating collard greens and wishing I’d remembered to get some parmesean cheese to go with it.
I think in that top tweet, the teddy bear actually owns the otter.
In honor of my late father, who always watched the Twilight Zone marathon on New Year’s Day, the spouse and I watched several episodes, including the still excellent “It’s a Good Life.” I realized Little Anthony is Trump and all of the adults around him are the GOP. In particular, the guy who plays piano is Lindsey Graham and the guy who, at the climax, tries to get someone to do something about Little Anthony (and gets turned into a jack-in-the-box) is Michael Cohen, and the woman who briefly considers hitting Little Anthony with the andiron but then decides to just look concerned instead is Susan Collins.
(The guy at the very end who’s upset Little Anthony is making it snow on the crops is the Midwest Family Farmer, but he sucks it up and gets back with the program within seconds.)
@Raven: Just got back from taking pics of the Rose Bowl from the hills just west of it. Got some good shots of the B-2 flyby
ETA: Speaking of the B-2 flyby, I never realized until this year that they send 2 B-2’s(makes sense), but I saw both this morning and this afternoon.
Anne Laurie
But the little guy is so happy about it, whichever!
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Have you seen the shot from above it over the stadium? We saw both the parade and the game but I didn’t know there were 2 ships.
Here’s a vid of it and you can see it on the scoreboard too!
@Raven: Yeah, I was looking at that shot and others since I didn’t know which direction the plane would be flying. There are two and we could see both of them flying over the San Gabriels about 20 minutes before the flyover(I have a really poor pic of both of them this morning). Only one lines up for the flyover. This year the pilot was female for the first time.
The afternoon run flew over my place on their way out of town. Kind of hard to miss that sound.
A friend is coming over with those to go with our pork roast and sauerkraut. We figure we need all the good luck traditions we can assemble for 2020. I just wish someone was bringing bacalao.
@Ruckus: yea, they are stealth until they are on your ass!
@PST: rotsa ruk!
@Ruckus: The morning run flew over my place.
Here’s what I got at the parade.
@Raven: All you need is greens and beans. Collards and black eye peas came about because they were plentiful in the south.
@JPL: I’m in a fricking Hyatt.
Does anyone have a good recipe for collard greens? I love them with a little bacon flavor.
@Raven: I shouldn’t be laughing, but I am.
mad citizen
@Nicole: Excellent neo-analysis of this Twilight Zone episode, one of the greatest. I’m pretty sure Rod Serling would approve, based on a recent story I watched on him. I miss the marathon since ditching cable 3 or so years ago. I need to re-watch them. I started watching one on netflix or something one night…
As for the Rose Parade, I missed it and missed having Cord and Tish’s excellent commentaries.
Do pinto beans count?
@Tdjr: Cook a few slices of bacon and use the grease to cook the greens. The older the greens the longer it takes to cook them. If they are young you can add a little vinegar and sugar cover and steam a few minutes. Older greens take longer but I would still steam them but add water. Others will chime in but I have never been a fan favorite of cooking greens for hours.
@MomSense: Yup.. Beans are like coins so a symbol of wealth.
if you mean the ingredients to make, this should not be a problem. Valley Produce on Roselle Rd.
if you mean a restaurant that serves…..Maywood. But you know that, Isnt Villa Park hometown?
@mad citizen:
Check to see if you can get the broadcast channel named Decades. They’ve been running a Twilight Zone since yesterday.
@Raven: some guy is bitching about taking hats off for the canned Anthem, but it’s all woo hoo and boo yah and Ooh Ahh for fireworks and planes.
Was that you about the hats?
God bless America!
I ate lentils last night and collards tonight. If this doesn’t bring me luck, nothing will.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@Nicole: Bravo! Bravo!
What great insight to this allegory.
@debbie: try scratch tickets?
mad citizen
@debbie: Thanks for the suggestion–alas, we don’t have that in our area. My wife is probably thankful–all too often on a Sat. night I get sucked into a Columbo episode (on MEtv).
@Nicole: but that makes Billy Mumy, Donald Trump. He was a good actor. But no.
@mad citizen:
I’m bummed because they moved Heroes & Icons to a station I can’t pick up. It ran an episode from each Star Trek series every week night.
The one by Woodfield?
@debbie: Sorry but there’s a lot of eating to do for real good luck according to google. Noodles, pomegranate, grapes, fish, etc but there is also cake so that’s good.
@Raven: head East
Citizen Alan
@Tdjr: Here’s mine: Step 1. Open the can. Step 2: Drain. Step 3: Drop into frying pan. Step 4: Add enough Lousiana hot sauce so that it doesn’t taste like collard greens anymore.
Too small.
so scratch the cook from scratch. ?
(There’s a Harolds Chicken)
@MomSense: They do in New Mexico. Roasted green chile and/or a fantastic red chile paste are ready to go with the porkloin.
Maybe that’s what I’ll do next year: Twelve Days of Lucky Foods or whatever. As it is, I’ve got leftovers till next week. :(
So on this New Year’s Day I miss Schlemazel and Scotian, for sure.
But I also miss Eric (and thinking about his daughter). And even wonder about Teng Phul (sp) and Corner Stone.
And where is Steve in WTF?
Others too, I am sure….
@debbie: Come here! I’ve got desserts to last past epiphany!
@Immanentize: I remarked last week about Steve’s absence. His wife has had medical issues. I hope she’s ok
Collards with Bacon and Apple Cider Vinegar is really very good. I can’t find the web page I used to go by (some hippie-type place), but this is the exact same recipe.
Jack Sheldon has died.
David Stern has passed. He’s the reason we still have an NBA team (and cannot be blamed for said team’s relative quality) and is held in high esteem in these parts. R.I.P. Commissioner Stern.
Stuff a bra and get branded a commie. Great country, or greatest country?
@Immanentize: Me too.
@Citizen Alan:
A beer and smokehouse joint in town makes greens that I love, but they have so much shredded pork and (I presume) pork fat in them I can’t honestly claim they represent a vegetable by the time I eat them. Guessing they are cooked many hours. I do wish kale could be similarly transformed.
We’re one McCarthy away from resurrecting HUAC investigations. Gym Jordan or Matt Gaetz are my top choices for New Joe.
“Meet the New Joe, same as the old one.
Jayzuz, what was his door prize? Somebody named Olga? STFU Pompeo, you traitor.
Kiddo and I got a kick out of watching a pair of central casting Russian Mafia types poring over their black Mercedes S-class sedan today, and poking at something in the trunk. Checking for a pulse? If only I could have translated….
@trollhattan: neither are war heroes or drunks enough to fill Tail Gunner Joe’s shoes.
mad citizen
@germy: I watched quite a bit of Merv Griffin in my youth/formative years in the 1970s. I remember Jack Sheldon. If I recall correctly, they were quick to make band/pot/drug jokes, same as Carson sometimes did with Doc.
Coincidentally I just looked at a School House Rock DVD sitting on my desk I picked up at a library sale recently. “I’m Just a Bill”
Seem to remember a Colbert show parody of that one
Via the wonderful WFMU blog, 2010 entry, a link to an album about the history of jazz from Jack Sheldon:
@mad citizen: Yes, I remember him on the old Merv show as well. He was weird and funny.
Back in the ’70s I read the Albert Goldman book on Lenny Bruce, and apparently Jack was friends with Lenny and Honey. Lenny blamed Jack for getting Honey back on heroin after she’d successfully kicked it.
@trollhattan: My vote is for Gaetz, he’s a drunk just like ol’ Joe.
@mad citizen:
I think you’re right; he was pretty progressive for his era, and it certainly showed in the stories, Maybe not in terms of what women got to do on the show (lotta passive characters), but a lot of the themes are still timely.
Slate had a piece on how one of the episodes, “Long Live Walter Jameson” holds up pretty well in the #metoo era, and I was curious (and missing my dad today, who adored the show) so it started off the mini-marathon (my husband, bless him, owns the entire series on DVD so we could skip around). And it does hold up well- also, Kevin McCarthy is fantastic in it. I really only ever knew him from the original Invasion of the Body Snatchers (another of my dad’s favorites) and it was great fun to see him playing the gaslighter this time around.
@Immanentize: Matt Gaetz says hold my beer. That’s a lie, he won’t let anyone hold his beer.
@germy: Merv’s headstone says: “I will NOT be right back after this message.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I thought you were joking at first but… it does!
Mike in NC
@Jay: Putin has many Useful Idiots in the Trump Administration. “Collect the entire set”.
Little Anthony hates dogs, takes children away from their parents, and turns adults, who should know better, into sniveling sycophants who praise his every cruel move. And you don’t think it’s a fit?
I agree Billy Mumy was wonderful playing him. What a gifted actor he was (still is), and at such a young age. We sat our 9-year-old down to watch the episode with us and he loved it. I was today years old when I learned Mumy was the original first choice to play Eddie Munster!
@germy: I’ve been to his grave site, Rodney Dangerfield’s is right by Merv’s, his headstone says: “There Goes the Neighborhood”.
mad citizen
OK, the parody “I’m Just a Bill” was a Stewart Daily Show thing, 23 seconds long. Interesting web articles comparing Jack Sheldon and Chet Baker. I had no idea Jack Sheldon was such a great jazzman, I haven’t listened to many of the L.A. artists.
@Immanentize: I was wondering about CornerStone when I was pulling together the info on General Stuck. Man, could those two get into it.
There was no GBCW with CornerStone, it’s like he faded away.
@Mike in NC:
it’s a natural progression down the path once the CIA embraced torture, to torturer in charge of CIA to Russian asset in charge of the CIA.
He was not always a nice person. But who is? Struck me as one with his own off line demons. Still, he could make with the banter when not fuming….
Dan B
@trollhattan: Pompeo has established a Natural Law Council (commission?). The members are extreme anti-LGBT and anti-abortion. That and pulling out of the UN’s Declaration on Human Rights would make HUAC 2.0 unnecessary, except for show.
I also think that 2019 was remarkable for the following, which I nominate as greatestt comment contributions:
“BLECH!” — Ozark Hillbilly
“what’s your problem, got crabs?” — Raven
“Just stop! It’s ‘Ukraine,’ no ‘the!'” — Gin&Tonic
“The New York Times is garbage.” — Baud
“Low quality hires…” — Kay.
“It’s virtually literally.” — Stevein….
Omnes Omnibus
@Dan B: HUAC and its Senate counterpart were official legislative committees. Pompeo’s thing is not. That makes a difference.
@Immanentize: Laughing. I missed Raven’s!
Gin & Tonic
@Immanentize: I could be wrong, but I don’t think I said it in those words.
Barely related, but I’m seeing that Pompeo has postponed his planned trip to Ukraine. Now that he’s already ruined people’s New Year’s-Christmas vacation, he pulls out, and everyone who was to support that meeting is stuck in Kyiv.
@Immanentize: Yeah, definitely more confrontational than I would be personally comfortable with, but I did hate to see him go.
Gin & Tonic
@Immanentize: Totally OT, but The Economist has a long piece about a guy you might know from a previous life, Richard Reyna
ETA: Sorry, appears it may be paywalled on-line. I’m a dead-tree-format subscriber.
@Gin & Tonic: I do know him. Gonna read the whole article … Tomorrow.
(and sometimes the gestalt of a thing is more true than the fact.)
Mo MacArbie
I seem to recall CornerStone returning for the span of one college football season after a previous absence. I guess that scene has dried up here. Hell, I remember NASCAR posts here. Not my idea of entertainment, but there I was, lurking liveblogged races. Don’t why I got so sucked in. Y’all are like my Real Housewives of Blogistan, or something.
@Mo MacArbie:
Ha! But I don’t do tight sweaters….
Omnes Omnibus
@Immanentize: Baud does.
@Omnes Omnibus: Is this “do” as in wear, like, or “do”?
Omnes Omnibus
@WaterGirl: Some questions are better unasked and, if asked, unanswered.
@Omnes Omnibus: Discretion is the better part of valor?
I am not a fan of Christmas or other holidays on Wednesdays. Earlier today I thought it was Tuesday, and moved my car so I could take my garbage and recycling down to the street. Then I realized it was Thursday and they pick up my stuff on Wednesday, so I said “oh, well” and moved the car back.
As I made the comment about Wednesdays I looked at the calendar on my laptop and realized this is Wednesday, not Thursday, but garbage pickup is always a day late after a holiday, so I can put my garbage out after all.
Why does everything seem so complicated when you are a bit under the weather?
@Immanentize: Finding nominations by Siubhan Duinne is like feeding fish in a barrel:
LO to the fuckin’ L! —-SiubhanDuinne
Coup d’état, d’état,
Whatever will be, will be,
With Times anonymity,
Coup d’état, d’état.
Chris Cillizza can GFH and then FOAD and the GFH again and then DIAF and then GFH one more time. —SiubhanDuinne
Attention all rats: please don your life jackets. — danielx
If you brought along Siubhan Duinne in her Mob Enforcer aspect, at least the blood wouldn’t be yours. — SFAW
Moving to Fox & Fiends in order to exert more influence —NotMax (out of context)
@Aleta: We should have had nominations for best comments of the year, like we used to have.
Laura Too
@WaterGirl: Still feeling crummy? Hoping you are well soon. You still are so quick & funny even sick.
@Laura Too: Not downright sick anymore, but definitely puny and low energy. I’ve been getting up around 9 – really late for me – then ready for a nap at 11. :-)
One more day of antibiotics left!
Laura Too
@WaterGirl: Ug, yeah I picked up a bug on a plane and was out of it for over a week, still have the cough. Winter doesn’t help.
@JPL: Thank you!
@debbie: This sounds perfect! The first time I had greens was in a restaurant on Amsterdam in NYC which I’m sure Is defunct. They were crisp and not too moist and had that bacony flavor! I will try this.