JUST IN: Judge allows PARNAS to begin sharing documents and contents of iPhone — initially seized by law enforcement — with the House. pic.twitter.com/Aoa9r29QGd
— Kyle Cheney (@kyledcheney) January 3, 2020
Back before Trump under-bussed Rudy’s goons, back when Parnas and Fruman were very much on the Trump train, Parnas mused about his son to a New Yorker reporter:
He ended our nearly ninety-minute meeting on a wistful note, saying that he looked forward to returning home to Florida and spending more time with his wife and son. “He’s the real story,” Parnas said, of Aaron. “My son graduated college at sixteen. He’s graduating law school at twenty. He’s about to be a lawyer. He’s doing some fascinating things. He wants to be President one day.”
Maybe his son told Parnas that John Dean’s offspring would have a better shot at the Oval Office than G. Gordon Liddy’s kid.
I think Nancy Smash holding the Articles of Impeachment has been pretty smart. Everyday something is leaking out.
@rikyrah: Let Yertle keep stalling on the parameters of the trial. Nancy is smashing the Senate by dangling the articles just out of reach until the Senate has no choice but to pretty much release everything. I’m all for it.
Eric NNY
I just don’t see anything that will change through Parnas’ information. Even if there’s direct communication with imPOTUS, what will that change? They all know he ordered the hold, they’ll just go back to saying that they eventually got the money and it included lethal weapons unlike Obama’s aid so suck it libtards.
Perhaps I lack imagination. What could I be missing?
Kraux Pas
@rikyrah: Yup, every day it gets worse for Trump with new crimes and details of old crimes emerging.
The one solace I have is that at least he hasn’t arbitrarily started a war with a nation that hasn’t attacked us for no apparent reason…oh, wait, what was that?
ETA: But seriously, can R senators turn on this guy mow before he starts World War 3?
mad citizen
It seems so bad that Trump will have to personally attack the R Senators before they stand up to the guy. Every day I continue to be stunned at the gravity of the situation (Vic Chesnutt reference).
Betty, did you follow down that twitter thread to the part about a Deutschbank whistle blower?
I havent seen that elsewhere.
@mad citizen: That won’t make any difference; those guys have no shame. If he personally attacked them, they’d grovel even more.
@Eric NNY: If you put enough nails in someone, eventually every one will notice he’s bleeding to death.
My suspicion is that this stuff isn’t going to be that major, and that’s why Congress is allowed to see it.
Happy to be proven wrong, though.
Kraux Pas
@mad citizen: You must mean a physical attack because verbally attacking R senators has not swayed one of them against him.
I’ve said before that Trump could shoot McConnell on the floor of the Senate and not lose any support from R Senators. If he survives, McConnell will lead Trump’s defense.
@Eric NNY:
What Donald Rumsfeld called the unknown unknown. It may have nothing to do with any scandal we’ve ever heard of, let alone Ukraine. There is little I’d put past Trump or Giuliani. “Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men.” Maybe Parnas’s phone knows.
Bear in mind that both Trump and Giuliani are totally shameless assholes. Neither will ever back down. Nancy’s doing the right thing here, but the Big Reveal will be those Trump tax filings. Waiting for that will cause significant tightening in the market for hypertension medications— it will take a while.
Betty Cracker
@Eric NNY: The only thing that matters is public opinion. There’s effectively zero chance that elected Republicans will do anything about Trump because they’re craven careerist who fear his base. But if the goal is to extract maximum political pain from Republicans for letting a lawless Trump off the hook, we want Trump’s guilt established as widely and by as many sources as possible. I don’t know that Parnas’s phone has info that can move public opinion, but it might.
@Kraux Pas: “Good morning everyone! Stay out of reach of anything throwable, and swallow that mouthful of coffee, because, we have, you guessed it – MORE CRIMES!”
Betty Cracker
@MagdaInBlack: Saw some talk on Twitter about it but nothing much.
Democrats in the senate could use the trade deal she passed them as leverage but I don’t have any confidence in Schumer, so, you know, there’s the weak link. You can’t rely on people who know Donald Trump. He does something horrible to them. I personally think he threatens to reveal things about them, or they’re just weak people who get compromised by exposure to him.
15 flush mistermix
I don’t care if they’re big or small, they are more, and they’ll probably sound like something out of Goodfellas, so bring it on.
@Kay: Schumer appears to be overcoming his fear of McConnell. Maybe he’s learning something. Maybe.
Raven Onthill
“Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and I discussed the decisive defensive action @realDonaldTrump employed in Baghdad to protect American lives. I emphasized that de-escalation is the United States’ principal goal.” – Tweet, Secretary of State Pompeo
Was this assassination Putin’s idea?
Kraux Pas
Anything Trump does comes down to “does this benefit Trump and/or Putin politically and/or financially?”
randy khan
@Betty Cracker:
Exactly. While the Senate ought to do its duty, if it won’t the most important thing is to make it impossible for Trump to be re-elected (and, preferably, for it to be a crushing defeat that takes tons of other Republicans with him). If shifts in public opinion bring the Republicans around, all the better; but if not, let’s make the consequences of the decision to play see no evil really painful.
@Eric NNY:
New information will give impeachment, and the underlying Trump crimes, more time in the news.
We still don’t know who is pulling Rudy’s strings, and all the people he’s coordinating with in the White House.
There are a lot more people, who have exposure to wrong doing, with this extortion attempt on Ukraine.
@Raven Onthill:
Or could it have been Khamenei’s? Was Soleimani perhaps getting too popular and too powerful. Could his schedule have been passed on with a wink and a nod? I don’t actually think so, but it would be irresponsible not to speculate. Either Putin or Khamenei would also benefit from a spike in oil prices.
@Eric NNY: I wouldn’t rule out articles of impeachment against various cabinet members. This is escalating from a bad act by Trump to a conspiracy among his administration. The news that they approached Trump to reverse course, but then backed the effort makes them complicit with breaking those laws.
@Kraux Pas: It just comes down to whether it benefits Trump. Putins job is to make sure what benefits Putin will benefit Trump.
IOW, if you see Trump doing something that benefits Putin, you have to ask what did Trump get out of that – because he got something, we just don’t know what it is yet.
Gin & Tonic
[citation needed]
@MattF: It’s not fear. It’s called ‘learned helplessness’ and Democrats are great at it.
zhena gogolia
@Raven Onthill:
I assume so. That must have been the subject of their phone call the other day. It’s how Putin consolidated his power — gin up a war.
@Raven Onthill:
Something will come out, soon, that will make this action by Trump seem even stupider. Not in terms of results, but motivation, like when he did that air strike on a Russian base and it turned out he got Moscow’s permission and the base was empty.
Finding out that Russia told Trump to make this strike would qualify.
@Eric NNY:
Remember that Trump thought that the Ukraine thing was so small potatoes that he was willing to release the summary report of it to try and contradict the whistleblower.
I don’t think that Trump or anyone in his administration is the best judge of what will and won’t be damaging to him.
@Gin & Tonic: @Martin: I know, and agree.
He still seems unable to understand that he released a confession to a crime. He harps on it and wants people to read his ‘perfect’ transcript.
@PST: Khamenei is Supreme Leader. Soleimani would have been little threat to him. The IRCG is fiercely loyal to the Supreme Leader pretty much by default. Now if there were others in the IRCG, military leadership, or the civilian government that wanted him eliminated that’s a whole other kettle of fish.
Ella in New Mexico
@Raven Onthill:
This would make zero sense, given Putin and Assad and Iran have worked arm in arm in Syria for a long time. Suleimani was how they’ve been winning, there and all over the ME. He would be a huge loss for all their interests.
None of this is a straight forward as ANY of us here knows at this point. Now is a good time to be educating ourselves about a world that literally makes no sense to most of us who never lived in it.
Going back and reviewing the history of the region, especially who the major players have been and how they evolved over time to become sometimes enemies, sometimes friends.
https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2013/09/30/the-shadow-commander Here’s a great long read that gets you up to speed on Suleimani, at least until 2013. What’s been going on since then will be important in understanding what happened here.
So many of the employees associated with Dolt45 have ‘committed suicide’, I didn’t know there was anyone left to be a whistleblower.
@Betty Cracker: Here’s the original tweet:
And here’s Uncle Blazer’s reaction:
I want Reid back. He was a tough individual. Now it’s like Nancy Pelosi is alone out there.
Trump wants the trade deal so he can lie about it. They could hold that up, I would think.
Chip Daniels
@Kraux Pas:
I’m not saying it would, and I’m not saying it wouldn’t.
I’m just saying I would watch it on endless loop and pay good money for the privilege.
@Eric NNY: The juicy details, if there are any.
Bill Arnold
This url (forensicnews.net) is sometimes timing out or giving 500s, but I just go it to work:
Trump Deutsche Bank Loans Underwritten By Russian State-Owned Bank, Whistleblower Told FBI (December 30, 2019, Scott Stedman, Eric Levai and Bobby DeNault)
(E.g. I wonder if N. Pelosi knew.)
@MagdaInBlack: saw that over at Eschaton… here is a twitter link to that
Nothing against the troops, but if they haven’t figured out by now that none of these warmongering chicken hawks give a rat’s ass about them I can’t help them. They’re on their own.
@Emerald: It’s funny the little spaces we all occupy, because I thought the VSB-Deutsche-Trump relationship was known and understood.
@Emerald: Maybe it’s past time for the German government to rein in Deutsche Bank. Michael Lewis reported on how the German government was willing to drive Spain, Portugal and Ireland basically into dust by strong arming them into socializing private debts backed by German banks, and that seems to have created a culture of perceived impunity to legal risks in Deutsche Bank.
Someone posted a poll yesterday that said Trump’s disapproval with the troops was 50 percent, which I assume is high for a republican president.
@Barbara: Germany has as much control over Deutsche Bank as the US govt has over Facebook.
Kraux Pas
@Chip Daniels: When I envision it, Trump comports himself a lot like Jack Nicholson’s Joker shooting his henchman on the parade float.
@Bill Arnold: interesting in light of the story out that had drumpf berating Flynn for not letting drumpf know that Putin called.
By “us” I’m betting he means him and his family businesses, not the US.
Betty Cracker
@Emerald: It sure would explain the Moscow kowtow, no?
@Martin: Oh come on, banks are regulated. I am not saying it has ultimate control but to say it has no control is silly. U.S. made BNP Paribas pay an $8 billion fine associated with extralegal actions with sanctioned countries. France tried to intervene and was told by Obama’s DOJ to go pound sand (as it should have been).
mad citizen
@Kraux Pas: Yes, you are correct, I was thinking trump would have to physically attack a Senator to get them off their delusional, unpatriotic thinking. My two R Senators seem to be zombies.
Look who’s back. One of the lead Iraq invasion liars. Who is married to Right wing activist Campbell Brown, the “news” coordinator on Facebook, a job she was promoted to after failing miserably on CNN.
Getting the band back together to propagandize the public. Now with Facebook!
@Baud: what makes the poll really interesting is the disapproval rating falls squarely toward the strongly disapprove while the approval % is firmly in the somewhat approve realm.
@Kay: Interesting how he left out that the local government does not approve of our actions.
@sukabi: Good. That’s better than the Patriot Farmers.
Kraux Pas
Especially strange considering this Iranian general was purportedly slaughtering Iraqis.
I heard there was a second prominent person killed by the US attack also.
@Barbara: Multinationals are a different animal. What was being described here was almost certainly going through the US subsidiary, which means they’re under US, not German regulations. Multinationals play that shell game all the time.
During the Obama years, Campbell Brown once ran an “expose” on how it was Obama’s fault her neighborhood didn’t have the flu vaccine. Some poor public servant from the CDC had the misfortune to be tapped to appear on this ridiculous show, and she very seriously and earnestly explained to Brown that the federal government isn’t actually responsible for immunization sites in 50 states and every neighborhood. It was a civics lesson. “It starts at the federal level, then to the STATE health authority and then COUNTY and then your fancy neighborhood”. Actually. Campbell.
Cracked that mystery in 5 minutes, she did. Now it would be a decade’s long conspiracy theory.
@Eric NNY: Rachel Maddow occasionally talks about how the House lawyer told the judge in the McGahn-subpoena case that the House may consider more articles of impeachment if McGahn’s testimony warrants it.
Parnas’ phone might also work to that effect. As might the Deutsche Bank news, or anything else that might pop up while McConnell fails to produce impeachment rules that satisfy Pelosi.
@Baud: You don’t say…
@Kraux Pas:
The leader of a militia group so popular and effective in fighting ISIS that the Iraqi government kinda-sorta accepted them as an official part of the military. My best guess is that the Iraqi government will order the US out of their country, which would be the best victory Iran could hope for.
Kraux Pas
@Kay: Explains the time this lady showed up at my pharmacy complaining “Obama didn’t make enough flu shots.”
Once I got my eyebrows off the ceiling I replied “Ma’am, Obama didnt make any flu shots.”
@Baud: Their payoff is better.
@Ella in New Mexico: I found your comment in spam just now. I see no reason why that would have happened, based on the content of what you wrote.
The new site doesn’t throw comments in Spam for no reason, so I am perplexed on this one.
@Martin: Sometimes yes, sometimes no. It’s not all going through a U.S. subsidiary. BNP Paribas tried that argument as well and lost.
Isn’t that a version of the story that Lawrence O’Donnell broke a few months back (Trump in hock to Russian oligarchs, as proved by some documents he was told about but hadn’t seen) but then had to retract?
@FlipYrWhig: think he retracted because at the time there wasn’t a separate confirmation.
karen marie
@Betty Cracker: The deafening silence of the media on Trump’s toxicity just blows my mind. After ACA was passed, they were all “ACA is unpopular so Obama should stay off the campaign trail,” yet here we are with the most unpopular president we’ve ever had – consistently unpopular – and not a word from any “political analyst” that Republicans running for reelection might want to avoid having him campaign for them. How can they be more afraid of Trump than they are of voters?
I mean …
What the everloving fuck?
@Kraux Pas:
Cozy little club, isn’t it?
@Ella in New Mexico: Yeah. If it turned out that the Russians asked Trump to do it. its probably because the Iranians asked him to have Trump do it. If he was a powerful figure in Iran and that doesn’t mean he didn’t have other powerful people in Iran who would benefit without him.
Gin & Tonic
@Kraux Pas: Didn’t make any? Even worse! He wanted us all to die!!
@karen marie:
I have read that a number of times, don’t recall the particulars tho.
And we’re not members.
Kraux Pas
So what you’re saying is that Trump clearly thought this through and it will majorly serve our interests in the middle east.
Betty Cracker
@Kay: Gawd, Campbell Brown! She was horrible. Probably on Twitter right now fomenting conspiracy theories, free of the moderating influence of CDC officials!
karen marie
@Kay: “at the invitation of the local government”
I just cannot even with these people.
@Betty Cracker:
She runs Facebook’s misinformation operation, so essentially a Trump campaign staffer. Dan Senor probably calls it “ops”, fake soldier that he is.
@Frankensteinbeck: It’s possible that Iraq will be leaned on by the Iranians to detain American military or diplomats in Iraq that could be nominally accused of being involved in the assassination. Soleimani’s visit seemed like it was almost carried out in the manner of a diplomatic visit, i.e., he arrived openly at a civilian airport and was greeted by Iraqi quasi-officials at his arrival. It seems to me that he was used to arriving in this manner, which tells me the Iraqis weren’t told anything about this mission because someone would probably have tipped him off given the sectarian divisions in the Iraqi government. If he didn’t want people to know he was in Iraq, he would not have come in this way.
karen marie
@OzarkHillbilly: Read what?
@karen marie: Several pundits speaking of GOPers staying away from trump or that they should stay away from trump. I said “a number” and as best I can recall it’s like 4, might be 5, might be 3, and I don’t recall who they were or what publications they were writing for. The observation seemed so obvious I didn’t take much note of it.
ETA: To me it’s kind of like retiring GOP members of Congress. I just read about a TN GOPer retiring and didn’t even look to see what kind of district he was in, just another day ending in “Y”. Of course they are retiring, it sucks being in the minority. Of course some GOPs are avoiding trump, his shtick don’t fly everywhere.
Keith P.
@Kay: Wasnt she dating Rush Limbaugh at some point?
@Kay: Brown was with MSNBC before she was at CNN.
Endless and relentless investigations is the correct playbook here. The GOP knows this and won the 2016 election as a result of the endless Benghazi investigation which shook out Hillary’s emails and then the rest was history. You never know what is going to shake out. Arguably the House Benghazi investigation was the single most important factor in Trump’s 2016 win. Without that no emails and no Comey.
Isn’t Trump supposed to be having a rally at an Hispanic Church in Miami soon? Maybe even today?
expect more flag hugging.
Rand Careaga
@Kraux Pas:
“I think I won!”
Gin & Tonic
Since this is an open thread, shout-out to Zeiss Sports Optics. About three years ago I bought a pretty expensive pair of compact binoculars. Over the Christmas holidays I noticed they weren’t focusing on one side (don’t know if the grandkids playing with them caused this.) I called their Customer Service a week ago, on Friday. They said “send them in.” I said I didn’t have a sales receipt handy, they said “doesn’t matter.” I mailed them to their service center in Kentucky on Saturday. Priority Mail said they were received Tuesday. I got an e-mail from them yesterday saying “we have completed the inspection and determined that a replacement will be issued.” FedEx delivered a brand-new replacement pair today. No charge. W00t!
Another Scott
Reuters (from 2017):
I can’t find the link, but I read recently that many think that Soleimani was being groomed to be Supreme Leader to succeed Ali Khamenei (even though Soleimani wasn’t a cleric).
Given the power of the Guards, and the support of the Supreme Leader, it’s nonsensical to think that they had him killed by the US.
My $0.02.
I generally like the “flight status” graphic on the Southwest TV app but, when you circle for over an hour because of rain, it sucks! On the other hand I just awoke from a 2 hr nap so all is well!
Betty Cracker
@Kay: Ewww, right, I think I heard about that and then expunged it from my memory because it’s so disturbing.
@Keith P.:
I think they were feuding at one point. She challenged him to a debate, and they were trashing each other in the media.
@Another Scott:
I just finished reading some Iran “expert” who said the Supreme Leader has to be a cleric. (I can’t for the life of me remember who and I just read it) Larison said,
Make what you will of this.
I think you mean flag humping.
That finish about the Dean v. Liddy offspring is why I keep reading Balloon Juice in general and Betty in particular. Thanks.
Also, am I the only person to feel that Parnas’ words about his son sound sincere?
@OzarkHillbilly: Meanwhile Pompeo made the claim that people were dancing in the streets in celebration.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Eww. Can we not relive that please?
@Yutsano: Just don’t watch Trump and a flag.
Eric U.
@Kay: now someone needs to crack the mystery of why CVS was bugging me to get the flu shot at every opportunity, and when I finally signed up, it turns out they hadn’t had any shots for a month.
@Eric U.: I blame Obama.
joel hanes
Please to be remembering that
joel hanes
I travelled today.
Airports were full of short-haired guys carrying camo backpacks with “US”, big camo duffel bags, and a covered frame backpack.
Also, two mil-geared security guards with prominently displayed assault rifles at the entrance to the tticketing/baggage area
karen marie
@OzarkHillbilly: It’s definitely a very quiet minority then, because I’ve seen nothing like that – it’s certainly not the “conventional wisdom.”
@joel hanes:
Oh, that’s sad.
@Eric U.: That one’s easy! The advertising people were not talking to the inventory people. :-)
@Kay: I need to send some pings. I might know a person or two who might be heading that way.
Betty Cracker
Raven Onthill
My initial notes on the assassination of Qassem Suleimani:
Fkity fkity fk fk fk.
@joel hanes: That is sad. Some of those people may lose their lives or their limbs because we have a petty, childish, spiteful, vindictive, drug-addled, dumb fuck for a president.
@OzarkHillbilly: the Tennessee district contains Dollywood, voted 77-20 republican in the last presidential election, and last elected a Democrat to the House in 1878, so chances of Democrats taking the seat aren’t great
zhena gogolia
Hey, you discovered some new colors of the rainbow!
Bill Arnold
Live updates: Trump says Iranian military leader was killed by drone strike ‘to stop a war,’ warns Iran not to retaliate (Louisa Loveluck, Adam Taylor, Jan. 3, 2020)
DJT has just stated that it is now the position of the executive branch of the US government that this was a preemptive political assassination to prevent war. I will safely assume that they are lying though, until believable evidence is presented. (Sadly for them, because they are lying liars, the standard of evidence is rather high.)
The bit in question in the video at the link of DTJ reading a teleprompter is at 2:18: roughly, “We took action last night to stop a war. We did not take action to start a war.”
The script sounds like it might have been written or edited by Stephen Miller. Ghoulish enough that Trump delivered it straight without serious mistakes.
@JoeyJoeJoe: Eh. Let’s make them fight for it anyway. In this environment you never know what could happen.
Betty Cracker
@Raven Onthill: Trump, Pompeo and one of the joint chiefs say they had intel that Suleimani was planning an attack on US interests. I’ll believe that if/when people who were not hired or appointed by a pathological liar review the intelligence data and confirm it.
It’s understandable that people are freaking out about the possibility of a full-blown war. I’m worried about it too; we have a nephew in Afghanistan, and this isn’t going to make him any safer.
But is there any reason to think Iran is going to escalate? They might, but it would not be in their interests. So, basically, I’m hoping the Iranian leader is smarter and less impulsive than Trump. We’ll see!
joel hanes
Felt like 2003 all over again.
I’ve got a very bad feeling about this.
@JoeyJoeJoe: There seem to be two dominant strands among Republicans retiring, those from swing districts who are afraid of losing and those from non-swing districts who don’t like being in the minority. In both cases, it is a signal of pessimism on Republicans being in a position to retake the majority, but only in the case of the former is it (possibly) as sign of not being willing to stand with Trump.
James E Powell
Trump is covering-up his financial obligations to Russia and the Supreme Court is helping him cover up by preventing disclosure of this tax returns.
People need to start saying this all over and all the time.
joel hanes
@Betty Cracker:
Trump, Pompeo and one of the joint chiefs say
Well, I’m definitely trusting their statement. Trump and Pompeo wouldn’t lie to us about something important, would they?
Bill Arnold
I’d be proud of a son like that too (assuming he wasn’t stealth evil).
@Raven Onthill: I don’t know about any of the others, but I would have been with you on #2 for sure until I saw the tweet Betty posted just above your comment.
Trump may well know how Soleimani is, or his name at least, because it appears he had previously mocked Trump on Twitter.
So I’ll bet Trump knew the name, but still did not understand the implications of what he did. Just like a 4-year-old boy playing with a guy doesn’t really understand that he may be about to kill the brother that he adores.
I can wholeheartedly agree with fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.
joel hanes
@Eric NNY:
What could I be missing?
@Betty Cracker: The claim about preventing war is laughable on its face. If the Iranians had plans to start a war, that would not have been contingent on the health of one general. Moreover, we have plenty of information that the Iranians are very careful to engage in mischief without risking a provocation that would put them in a position to be blamed for a war. More likely, this preventing war nonsense is just a stupid ex post facto excuse for an impulsive action by a president in political trouble and, in that sense, is of a piece with the Ukrainian shakedown, i.e., another dumbass move by a guy who has made a series of similar dumbass moves, such as announcing removal of US troops from Syria on a whim. If you wanted to prevent attacks on US assets in Iraq, you would attack the forces actually carrying out the attacks to degrade their ability to conduct the attacks, not kill some Iranian general who probably is not necessary for executing the operational details. Trump has shown that he simply does not understand and/or care about the powers and responsibilities of being president, which is why he needs to be removed from office before he gets a bunch of people killed. I hate to have to rely on Iran acting to prevent a disaster.
Cheryl Rofer
@Bill Arnold: Looks like that will be the administration’s Orwellian line.
What’s ironic here is that a big justification for new nuclear weapons has been that Russia has a doctrine of “escalate to de-escalate,” using a small nuke to warn the US off. But now we have a senior US official saying that escalating to killing Suleimani is actually a de-escalation.
It’s always projection.
ETA: Most Russia experts say Russia has no such doctrine.
@Bill Arnold:
Ah, good, they’re already improvising. So, the way this one falls apart in terms of Trump getting any credit for it will be that he’ll change his story a dozen times and nobody will be able to push a narrative. I knew something would happen swiftly. Everything Trump touches turns to shit.
Wag the
dogmouse.Kraux Pas
Those emails were probably corporate. They had no clue probably your local store was out
Even criminals can love their children and want them to have better lives than they did. That’s the big reason why prisoners who victimized children are at such huge risk behind bars: even murderers and hit men have children that they love.
@Cheryl Rofer: That’s kind of consistent with Trump’s past behavior and his NPD. He does something monumentally stupid that ends up in disaster and then acts like he really was executing some super clever strategy that us normal humans are too dumb to understand. He did than when he abruptly announced withdrawal of troops from Syria to give a green light to the Turks. He got away with that because the troops didn’t actually leave, but now we have to hope the Iranians don’t come up with some nasty way to pay us back for this. I’m not optimistic.
@Betty Cracker: ohhh… so now we believe what our Intelligence Agencies are telling us again? Really? They expect us to buy that?
Bill Arnold
@Cheryl Rofer:
I’d forgotten about that. Interesting spot.
Mo MacArbie
They say they have evidence; let’s see it. So what if it’s classified. Trump has no qualms about burning Israeli assets with the Russians. He can burn more with us.
What’s up with the pet calendars? I have checked the online store every day for weeks now and still haven’t seen the 2020 calendar.
Has anyone else gotten one yet? Am I clicking the wrong link?
John Revolta
As much as I’d like to believe that this goon Parnas is going to turn over a bunch of dirt that’ll cook Trump’s goose and maybe Rudy’s in the bargain, I still find it hard to believe that they would’ve thrown him under the bus in the first place if he knew so much. Can they be that stupid? Or is there something else going on?
Bill Arnold
@Mo MacArbie:
Has any evidence surfaced that Israeli intelligence ((dis?)info) was used to target Suleimani? There’s this, which is not causaly-inconsistent with that theory.
Israel had advance notice of U.S. plan to kill Iranian general Suleimani, report says (Noga Tarnopolsky, Jan. 3, 2020)
And more.
@SixStringFanatic: The pet calendar isn’t available yet, but it will be coming soon.
John will surely make an announcement when it’s ready.
In the meantime, updated the information on the Pet Calendar – the title now says:
Pet Calendars Soon
Once calendars are available, it will say something like ” Calendars for Sale”.
Suggest changing the little box from reading “Pet Photos Closed” to “Pet Calendar 2020,” with it leading to a temporary page with information on the status of the calendar.
Mo MacArbie
@Bill Arnold: I wasn’t trying to be that specific but noting that Trump doesn’t give a shit about classified info. So let’s see it.
He threw Cohen under the bus. And Rudy Giuliani seems to think it’s important to remind Trump that he knows where all the bodies are buried.
@Kay: I’m old enough to remember when people were saying Reid was a wimp.
I think that’s what has everyone worried.
@NotMax: I updated the document and the title.
Maybe Lev has Trump’s Moscow piss party video on his iPhone! I’m guessing he was the videographer!
@Raven Onthill: Yes. Absolutely and Vlad gave Donnie the marching orders just a week or so ago during their intimate one-on-one.