Wait For It… pic.twitter.com/sGs4EZYjDY
— Mr. Meowgi (@Mr_Meowwwgi) January 3, 2020
Trump: We committed an act of war to stop a war.
Pompeo: Americans are safer now, but evacuate Iraq immediately, you're not safe.
Pompeo: We're de-escalating.
Esper: We're sending more troops.— Mieke Eoyang (@MiekeEoyang) January 3, 2020
Look, if the administration thinks that a big ass escalation was necessary to prevent an imminent attack, it should clearly make that case to Congress and the American people.
It should not give sixteen different explanations while telling the libs to eat shit.
— Starfish Who Sold Out Botswana to the French (@IRHotTakes) January 4, 2020
This is what this is honestly about. He didn't get it with Baghdadi and wants it now, without any thought of the long-term consequences https://t.co/1YHdf6ws7r
— veto players stan account (@Convolutedname) January 3, 2020
Listen, I get it. Twitter is a frivolous place where stupid arguments are made. It’s also the primary communications tool for the Commander in Chief of the US Armed Forces.
So, basically, what I’m saying is we’re totally screwed. https://t.co/nY7Py7Se1G
— Dave Sund (@davesund) January 4, 2020
The Bush team’s build up to war was horrible. But this crew is unfathomably worse. Among the ways they’re worse is it’s hard not to wonder if any of this is because of Saudi financial leverage over Trump &/or Kushner.
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) January 4, 2020
I believe him now.
— Walter Shaub (@waltshaub) January 3, 2020
Maybe Trump believes he’ll be loved like Obama by acting like he thought Obama acted.
@Baud: I see. Dump’s been doing a bang up job at that. How many times did Obummer cheat on his third trophy wife with a porn star? I forget.
@Baud: I’m sure he does think that, but hasn’t got a clue about how to act like Obama acted. Entirely beyond his ken.
Good morning!
Edit, I can see Kindle and I are already off to a bad start.
So they’re like totally okay with the Baltimore Plot?
@satby: Good morning! Are you off to the market today?
@mrmoshpotato: hey now, that was before he became president.
@JPL: Good morning ?!
I am, the last day before I take two weeks off to try to catch up on long deferred projects and cleanup around here. Starting with painting a few rooms, I hope.
I have seen that cat video before, and it’s wild.
You mean with grace and dignity? Never happen.
@Baud: Ok ok, sorry. How much sucking of dictators’ asses did Obama do?
@satby: I was waiting for the cat to headbutt the mirror.
TCM alert.
20 minute (not quite PC) short featuring and highlighting the tap dancing acumen of Bill Robinson in a rare top of the credits role at 11:30 a.m. Eastern time today. At the time this was filmed he was in his mid fifties.
Something else to be on the lookout for is Touch of Evil at 4 a.m. mañana. Even casting Charlton Heston in the lead couldn’t pollute Orson Welles’ vision.
@mrmoshpotato: He did an Apology Tour ™. Also he bowed to the Japanese President.
ETA: And don’t forget the time he saluted with a cup of coffee.
The Dangerman
Trump: I want my Nobel Peace Prize now.
@OzarkHillbilly: grace, dignity, careful reasoning, consideration of others and all aspects of a situation, etc. Beyond his ken.
Ken‘ here means the full range of someone’s knowledge or understanding.
Off I go, hoping nothing more blows up while I’m gone. Silly me.
Have a good day all. It’s my oldest son’s 37th birthday today and I can’t honestly fault him or my daughter in law for deciding against having kids of their own. Odd to think that on his birthday.
@OzarkHillbilly: No love for Tan Suitgate, or Spicy Mustardgate? Or is it too early to handle that many horrible scandals?
@satby: Giggle. I know what ken’ means. I’m just pointing out the absurdity of trump, his insecurities when people make the inevitable comparisons, and the unlikelihood of his ever grasping why he can’t measure up.
I commented someplace else that Obama was very secure with himself. He knew his strengths and his weaknesses and never tried to be more than he was. To me, that is the essence of grace and dignity.
@The Dangerman: Stephen Colbert: Nobel Peace Prize please!
@mrmoshpotato: Strictly speaking, those weren’t international embarrassments or national security faux pas, they were just demonstrations of emasculation.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
The copy cats must have been watching “I ❤️ Lucy” on Nick at Night (video)
@OzarkHillbilly: Ah. My brain hasn’t woken up enough to separate “international incident stupid” and “emasculation stupid.”
But certainly the saluting with coffee cup was both international embarrassment and national security faux pas. (Yes yes, we are aboard the stupid express, and we will ride the stupid express as far as it will take us – AND BEYOND!)
Matt McIrvin
@Baud: I don’t get this, though: Obama was not really loved except by Democrats. He was more popular than Trump, certainly, but through most of his two terms it wasn’t by a huge margin; there was heavy polarization. And getting OBL didn’t help his popularity at all– you can’t even see a blip in the numbers there.
Flashbacks to the Iraq war buildup.
@Matt McIrvin: Trump hates his base. He doesn’t respect them. He covets the admiration of people he socializes with. Before becoming president, that included a lot of wealthy liberals and Democrats. He’s not just looking at raw polling numbers.
Raven Onthill
The assassination of Soleimani was Trump taking out a hit on someone who dissed him, and I think pretty much everyone who pays attention knows it.
Could we spare a moment of silence for Americans grieving for their country?
He was respected though. Catching bin Laden was a big deal and everyone in the world knew it. Especially the way he did it – a covert op conducted right under the nose of a foreign military.
The conservative press worked overtime to try to blunt the credit he deserved for it, and Obama didn’t exactly brag about it. But taking out bin Laden was a major victory. Trump absolutely recognizes that and resents that Obama got the victory points. Most Americans still aren’t sure who Suleimani was or whether it was a good idea to go after him at all.
@NotMax: Whatever you think of Heston, you have to give him props for the scene where he simultaneously acts and sends the car he’s really driving zipping through the narrow back streets of town.
John S.
@Jinchi: I’m not sure there is any evidence that the wingers respected Obama.
They despised him, mocked him, vilified him at every turn, opposed him on everything and openly rooted for failure. And the fact that neither failure nor scandal ever came drove them to further madness.
Dorothy A. Winsor
Exactly. Nobody had to give Americans any explanation for why we took out OBL. They already knew. Crazy Grandpa is playing catchup here.
And speaking of Obama scandals: The Daily Show Presents The Top Ten Obama ‘Scandals’
Dang I need to invest in more Welles. Got two Stanwyk/Sirk movies for the holidays tho!
And Robinson was awesome.
Good Morning, Everyone ? ??
@Geoduck: Heston was awesome at what he was awesome at. Can’t take that away from him.
@OzarkHillbilly: I tried, but I just couldn’t make it thru 13 minutes of RWNJ panty twisting.
Trump does. Sure he despised and mocked him. He despises and mocks Nancy Pelosi, too, but he knows she’s a serious foe.
And his obsession with trying to tear down Obama is legendary
He constantly compares his actions to Obama’s
And complains that Obama gets too much of the credit for bin Laden’s capture. Trump even complains that he doesn’t get credit for catching bin Laden.
Note: these are the things he said, unbidden, during his press conference announcing the killing of al-Baghdadi.
@rikyrah: Good morning.
Since site issues have been imposing radio silence I am sharing my
Cat Matchmaking QUIZ
Which site issues won’t let me make tidy. Sigh.
At least the link works
@OzarkHillbilly: my tolerance keeps decreasing. Didn’t know that was possible
Cheryl Rofer
This is a great deal more plausible than any administration explanations so far, and from a more credible source. Read the whole thread – it’s 17 tweets at this point, so I won’t post it. Here’s the unrolled version.
I thought I could watch it because #1 who doesn’t like pointing and laughing at what gets RWNJs panties in a bunch, #2 Trevor Noah is pretty good at skewering idiocy and #3 NO trump. It appears I can no longer tolerate the sound of any of them.
@OzarkHillbilly: Just realized the way I phrased that seems to say Trevor Noah grates on my ears too. No, in fact as far as I got he never even showed up. He might at the end of it but I just couldn’t tolerate the pain for what could be a very small payoff.
@Raven Onthill: Macron and Trudeau better keep watching the sky.
@OzarkHillbilly: It was great. It’s my desire that high school history classes show that clip. It definitely should be required viewing for journalism majors.
Fox news would try to block it though, since we know they are the real snowflakes.
Matt McIrvin
@John S.: No, but what Baud said makes sense: Obama definitely had (and still has) the respect of cultural and media elites and world leaders, and Trump doesn’t.*
Even the yelling guys in the right-wing media bubble have mostly fallen in line because they’re authoritarians and he’s the current Maximum Leader on their side, not for any inherent qualities he has. The people who genuinely love Trump, as opposed to seeing him as an easy mark, aren’t anyone Trump has historically respected himself.
(*That’s to a large degree what the online radical left dislikes about Obama, and why some of them have a sneaking admiration for Trump; anyone who’s accepted by that elite club is suspicious.)
@Cheryl Rofer: A great reporter and a great thread. I have very very very little knowledge of Iran, but this certainly seems to raise the possibility that it could achieve one of its prime objectives, removal of the US military presence in Iraq, without doing a damn thing itself except threatening dire vengeance that need not take place.
@John S.:
The wingers didn’t respect him, but the independents did.
The fact that they didn’t respect 44 allowed for 8 years of receipts on them that we pull out now when they try the ‘respect the Office of President’ bullshyt ? ?
@Jinchi: I saw a few days ago that a recent Gallup poll had Obama and Trump tied for most admired man. I still cannot believe that the results aren’t a cruel joke. I followed a Twitter thread where Trump supporters tweeted their opinions about how much better Trump has been than Obama. So disheartening to read.
OT, but does anyone know how Quinerly is doing?
I don’t know which better proves Trump is an idiot: That he thinks killing Suleimani will stop whatever was being plotted (as if no one else was involved or there were no back-up plans) or he thinks things like what I saw in a tweet first thing this morning (sadly since deleted): Fox talking head Pete Hegseth reassuringly saying that if we needed help, “We’ve got the Kurds.”
@Cheryl Rofer:
You just had to know it was bullshit when he said during a rally, “I don’t know if you know this, but…” an attack was imminent. Seriously???
@Jinchi: The bin Laden raid also happened the night Obama destroyed Trump to his face at the Washington Correspondents’ Dinner. It isn’t something Trump will ever forget or get over.
@WereBear: I took the test. As I took it I thought Oops I got the wrong cat. My favorite cat is our super Alpha siamese mix tuxedo, who spends his days and nights herding the other cats when he isn’t busy knocking things off of shelves and counters, interfering with my activities and tormenting the dog he disapproves of. I don’t know how he has time to sleep 20 hours a day.
My second favorite, who I would have picked if I had been allowed to, is a sweet little round faced gamma who sits in the corner window all day, and is very glad to see me when I come by.
Dorothy A. Winsor
OMG, why did you do that to yourself?
@JPL: You have a stronger stomach than I.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: I think @Lapassionara: is into self flagellation too.
@Cheryl Rofer: Good thread, consistent with what we know. My own theory is that it was done to keep Bolton quiet.
@MattF: When it comes to John Bolton, one dead Iranian is never enough. The assassination of Soleimani wouldn’t even be a down payment on his Iran War Lust.
Cheryl Rofer
@MattF: Yeah, no. Bolton is out of government and not that big a factor. The “better than Obama” and animosities within the agencies, along with Trump’s general impulsivity and need for stimulation, make more sense to me.
On a cheerier topic — My grades are in and my curve verified. I am now officially finished with last semester which means I am now officially on sabbatical. Which in my case means more but different work with fewer students. I’ve already picked up an amicus brief in the US Sup. Ct. for this month. It’s a quick project — brief in support of granting cert as opposed to a brief supporting a case the Court has granted. Still, I’m back in the show!
@Immanentize: It’s the ‘Start a war with Iran’ aspect of the policy that would appeal to Bolton. You’ve got to start somewhere, and we don’t have all that many boots on the ground.
@Cheryl Rofer: Someone on the Twitter machine wrote that they didn’t know whether to feel relieved or horrified that Gina Haspel is still an adult in the room.
@Cheryl Rofer: Just a theory. Suppose Bolton unloaded before he left…
Don’t forget that Obama took out Bin Laden only hours after his prolonged skewering of Trump at the White House Correspondents Dinner. Grace, dignity, intelligence, and great comedic delivery, none of which Trump can ever hope to match. And the Nobel.
eta: Or what Shalimar said @53.
zhena gogolia
@Cheryl Rofer:
Thank you. Very scary.
zhena gogolia
He was trying to match that by appearing in his tight tuxedo on NYE, knowing this was going to happen. Melania saying “Peace on the world” was just the icing on the cake.
Maybe trump can put Don Jr and Eddie Gallagher in charge of an American Expeditionary Militia Group, I’m sure the Oath Keepers and the fat bastards in camo toting AR15s would jump at the chance to kick some Iranian ass.
@zhena gogolia: heh – so inferior in every way, including as a power couple.
@sab: I’m glad the Universe intervened and got you the cat you needed :)
Which is why I put the quiz together, lo these many years ago. If anyone knows someone who will let me make it into an app, please let me know?
I’d like that automatic (semi or not I don’t care) rifle carrying Kent State bitch to go first- that is if she is not too busy getting drunk and pooping out of her mini dresses at parties.
Fair Economist
@Cheryl Rofer: Everybody knows (and many others have said) the admin explanation for wagging the dog is nonsense. Suleimaini was the boss, not the hitman. Were an attack imminent killing him would not stop it, because he’s not the guy who would actually do it.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: I didn’t stay long, just long enough to get the gist.
just making a guess but a thong makes it tough to retain your pants load
Loathsome assholes. The segment of Obama biking wearing a helmet compared with creepy shirtless Putin on horseback was particularly odious. The Fox crowd and trumpers seem to have always admired the most despicable.
Cheryl Rofer
@zhena gogolia: The part that makes it less scary is that one reporter is doing her job. And probably more. It’s going to be really hard, maybe impossible, to do a Gulf of Tonkin or WMD thing in today’s information environment.
There are photos, but I must warn you not to go looking for them. I may never regain my appetite.
That’s my girl! :)
On another but related note, if you’re looking for one of the (good) reporters covering the Democrats in their primary, Ella Nilsen is good. I like the people who go to events and cover the actual event. The words, the attendees, that sort of thing.
Osama Bin Laden was the mastermind behind the killing of the most Americans – ON AMERICAN SOIL – since Pearl Harbor.
Pearl Harbor was 1941.
9/11 was 2001.
It took that many years for someone to harm as many Americans – ON AMERICAN SOIL.
Look, I don’t even know the name of the guy we just assassinated.
Was he a bad guy?
Did he kill a lot of people?
But, he didn’t do it ON AMERICAN SOIL.
and, that’s why Dolt45 will NEVER get his Osama Bin Laden moment with this.
His base doesn’t give a shyt that this bad guy killed a lot of people IN OTHER COUNTRIES OUTSIDE OF THE USA.
OUR SIDE is the one that would care about those people in other countries
Column by Friedman— debunking Soleimani’s reputation. I most certainly do not trust Friedman’s judgement on anything whatsoever, but one can at least consider whether his view makes any sense.
@Matt McIrvin:
Republicans hated Obama, and killing OBL did not change that, sure. However, they justified that by trying to deny Obama credit. Damn near everyone, especially on the news shows that are Trump’s perception of America, went “OMG Bin Ladin dead it’s like an action movie.” Trump got “Baghdadi who?” And now “So will this make the US safer or was it a stupid fucking PR move?”
O. Felix Culpa
@Immanentize: Congratulations!
Dorothy A. Winsor
Congrats! I hope you can tell us more about your Supreme Court gig too.
@WereBear: Random question for you: you wouldn’t happen to be on AO3, would you?
My son desperately wants a Siamese, but his SO is convinced her piano would become a scratching post. I just sent him the quiz.
@Cheryl Rofer: thanks for this.
@Shalimar: @stinger: I believe that we have Trump as President because of the WH Correspondent’s Dinner. The writers and Obama did what they were supposed to do, but the blowback has been horrific. One more reason why that “Nerd Prom” wankfest deserved to die. I hope it never comes back.
@Lapassionara: hi!
Doing pretty good. Mostly lurking. Trying to get caught up from the hellacious NC trip. Leave at the end of January for New Mexico. Keeping Poco comfortable. He doesn’t seem to be in any pain. Sleeps a lot. He’s such a sweet boy. Time is short. Within a few days. Thanks for asking about me.
@MattF: Friedman gets into the weeds of Middle Eastern politics in a way I’m not qualified to critique, but his first argument, that Trump tore up the Iran deal because of Suleimani-led expansion in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Yemen, is laughably ignorant. It was Obama’s deal. There are zero possible timelines where Trump doesn’t renege on it, regardless of what Iran does or doesn’t do.
@Luthe: No, first I heard of it. Now I see it is a fan site?
@MomSense: There are ways of training that leave our furniture untouched, and I teach how :)
So glad they are never considering declawing! No on should.
@Immanentize: ?
@Quinerly: Hang in there.
@Quinerly: Ah, that is so hard, the knowing that the time is coming. Peace to both of you. Wish I could offer more.
Been thinking about you.
sending hugs…lots of hugs….
zhena gogolia
I’ll be thinking of you and Poco. You love each other so much.
@OzarkHillbilly: thanks. Our friend, Red, coming by tomorrow to hang with us a bit. Poco loves him some Auntie Red.
@Quinerly: I’m so sorry to hear about Poco. It will be a different trip for you without him, I’m sure. Like OH said, hang in there.
@WereBear: It is. There is someone there with the same nym who records podfic and I thought there was an outside chance it might be you .
If I may join the Yeah, No chorus. Trump did this for Trump, only Trump, because he believes his (yeah, he’s convinced himself it was he alone who accomplished it) assassination of Suleimani will ensure his reelection. Nothing more than that.
Very glad Poco’s comfortable, but it’s no surprise you’d make sure he is.
@zhena gogolia: thanks. We have been spending so much time together in the third floor bedroom (my hideaway) that I think he thinks I’m the one who is sick. The getting dark so early can depress me even under normal circumstances. We have been eating early and going up there by 7. Great stereo speakers and books. Plus, my atlases of New Mexico’s back roads. Going to be an odd trip with no dog. But also using it as an opportunity to do some stuff that I don’t normally do. I’m a bit of Harvey Hotel buff and am spending the night at the beginning of the trip in The Castenada Hotel in Las Vegas. NEW MEXICO. It has just reopened after years of neglect. Taking the SW Chief from there to Winslow’s La Posada for a couple of nights and then back to pick up car and go on to my month rental in Santa Fe. I’m curious about train travel and perhaps trying it out in the future. Figure this will be a good introduction. Thanks for all your kind words.
@rikyrah: ??❤️??
@frosty: thank you.
@Quinerly: regards to him and much respect.
@debbie: he has had a very good life. Done more than a lot of people I know. He came in my life 3/2014. Now that we realize he is a lot older than we thought (certainly not 3 yrs old back then, more like 6 yrs old). I really wonder what he was up to all those years before. Stray Rescue said he had been on the streets for about 2 years when they finally caught him. But then there’s “Poco, the missing years.”
@Aleta: ❤️????
@Baud: Tail wags back!
@Spanky: ❤️????
@Quinerly: trailblazing blog mascot
@Quinerly: I think of you and Poco daily. I hope those good thoughts are reaching you both. I just picture Raven’s cartoon…. Hang in there friend.
ETA. Trains are cool. I once stayed in the El Tovar at the Grand Canyon. What a beautiful hotel.
Guess what happened this morning, husband kitteh got a Whatsapp forward with the video of someone claiming to be a KGB officer pontificating on how liberals and intellectuals are the real enemy destroying the country from within.
Accompanied with eliminationist rhetoric about Muslims and the aforementioned liberals.
ETA: It was from a cousins in India in his family group.
It’s tough to say goodbye to a beloved pet which we have experienced many times, so many good memories we revisit often. If there’s an afterlife for pets, I’d like to think that our former furry family are happily hanging out together.
Citizen Alan
I will go further than that . I genuinely believe that most republicans were and are actually angry with Obama over the death of OBL because they cared more about having their favorite boogie man hiding under the bed to keep the rubes frightened then they do about protecting American lives.
Another Scott
@Matt McIrvin: twitter.com/barackobama – 111.3M followers
twitter.com/realdonaldtrump – 68.7M followers
That grates on him every . single . day
Are you talking about site issues here on BJ or site issues on your site?
@Kay: In other Warren news, just read she raised 21.2 million last quarter. Not too shabby. If she also took secret PAC money, she certainly could have hit Sander’s haul. But she seems to be running a cheaper, leaner, more contact/ less TV dominated campaign. Iowa is in a month. We shall see.
ETA. Why isn’t the press pointing out that collectively the Dem candidates outraised Trump by over 2 to 1. Not really wondering….
@OzarkHillbilly: Well done, but points off for no picture during Lattegate of George W Bush saluting while holding a fucking dog.
@Immanentize: Congratulations! Do you have a full year of sabbatical?
@Another Scott: I don’t follow many on Twitter, but you just inspired me to follow Barak and Hillary. Just to pwn the fascists.
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
@Shalimar: The question I have in response is: If there was a rational strategic reason to withdraw from the Iran N Agreement, why didn’t any of our allies see it that way too and withdraw with us? Why didn’t the Trump administration publicize that reason?
@bemused: That is the best reason I’ve heard for believing in an afterlife.
That and the thought of my enemies tormented for eternity in H-E double hockey sticks!
zhena gogolia
@Another Scott:
This almost makes me want to get a twitter account so I can follow Obama. Almost.
So trump has effectively declared war on Iran.
I bet Iran wishes it had nukes. Then they could be exchanging love letters rather than drones and threats.
trump is never gonna have an OBL moment by droning motherfuckers. you just know that at night his dad’s ghost comes to him saying “hey, shithead! they don’t make oscar-nominated movies about a drone strike, donnie. you’re a failure!”
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
Sure. And I’m a Minuteman. For realz.
zhena gogolia
The NYT had a headline, something like “Flush with Cash, Dems Get Ready to Tear Each Other Apart.” I’m paraphrasing, but the positive first phrase had to be offset.
OTOH, this morning’s front-page headlines are certainly not cheerleading for Drumpf, I’m pleased to see.
Another Scott
@MattF: I liked that Bolton’s tweet about it mentioned Regime Change (so at least he’s consistent about that) while Donnie claimed that this has nothing to do with Regime Change.
Another illustration that Donnie lies about everything. As if one were needed. :-/
@Another Scott:
She has fewer followers, but Greta Thurnberg’s tweets get many more likes than Trump’s. Imagine. //
Jay C
@MattF: I read Friedman’s column, and I’d say he’s about half right: OK, make it 40%, which is still above-the-average for him. For one thing, I think he overstates Iranian involvement in Yemen (while ignoring the fact that it has been our “allies” the Saudis who have been bombing the hell out of the place), and (to a lesser extent) Lebanon; where the intractable problem is Hezbollah – regardless of who finances them. Yet, of course, being Tom Friedman, whatever analysis he might offer is vitiated by the lack of any intelligent alternative offered up (though this isn’t unique to Friedman by any means).
@Spanky: I had that for about 40 days with my kitty soulmate, So very hard. But every day was a gift, and I swear that every day I loved him more, which hardly seemed possible. I believe it was the same for him, with me.
@Quinerly: I hope that can be true for you and Poco.
@Another Scott: And a good percentage of Trump’s followers are Russian bots.
@Quinerly: I am sorry. You certainly gave him a life filled to the brim!
@WaterGirl: Just one semester. We do have a choice — one semester at full pay or one year at half. After the naqba in my house, coupled with imminent college cash payments, I can’t afford the loss of income right now. Next time, though, if I make it that far.
Sabbaticals are supposed to be every seven years, but because of intervening crap, my last was in the Fall of 2010. At my school, we don’t get paid like royalty like some places (cough Harvard cough). So the research break is part of the compensation package. Timing could not be better.
I look a little burned out, my friend….
@Immanentize: Yeah. It might arouse Bolton’s war boner a bit, but one dead Iranian isn’t the Iran war orgy that he really wants.
@zhena gogolia: that’s funny. And regarding Warren, the headline is “Warren Says She Raised 21.2 Million….”. Not “reported,” “says.” If I cared more, I would look up what the headline for Biden and Sanders were. I guess I’m just techie.
Amir Khalid
Wait, I’m not quite clear on this one. Was W holding one dog, or two?
@Immanentize: OK, here’s my El Tovar story. Didn’t stay there because “no Pocos” so on that 7 week 7500 driving trip for the Grand Canyon leg we stayed in Cameron. I made a dinner reservation 6 months out for El Tovar. We were spending the day at the Grand Canyon and it started snowing. Talked to a park ranger who said they would probably close the Desert View entrance by 4. That’s on the east side and where we came and went to Cameron. So, I decided to do lunch at El Tovar and cancel my dinner reservation. As I was explaining to the hostess (older lady, with an eye patch) what I was doing and could she get me in for lunch, I said, “let me run to the car and check on Poco before you seat me.” She got the oddest look and asked me to repeat what I said. The second time, I included, “my dog.” She started laughing and then introduced herself as Richie Furay’s wife! Then she left her hostess station to go meet my Poco.
What are the odds?
@Immanentize: That makes sense. Do you get another sabbatical in another 4 years, since you were 3 years late with this one?
In 4 years, the Immp will be done with college and maybe you can take a gap year together! Travel the world, or whatever floats your collective boat?
@Citizen Alan:
Not a bad take, but they still thought it was cool. Nobody thinks Trump’s assassinations are cool, and it’s killing him. I bet that will become very obvious over the next few days.
@Quinerly: Finch and I think about both of you. Finch was six when I adopted him and my neighbor decided that he had escaped from the circus. Poco only remembers his life with you and lets the past stay in the past.
@WereBear: and he was hugged by Ali Macgraw at a flea market in Santa Fe. (She’s really big in the pet rescue community there. Just a regular chick shopping for cheap/fun stuff)
@WaterGirl: ❤️
@Quinerly: Wow. That was a great story Without the eye patch! You really ought to write a memoir.
@Immanentize: They all get separate articles, I assume because the papers publish when the individual candidates release their fundraising reports.
A sampling of headlines for Q4:
Note: they change the headlines over time, so they don’t always match the link titles.
Another Scott
@Quinerly: Thanks for all the great stories! It’s one of the things that makes life, and pets, worthwhile.
Hang in there.
Best wishes,
@WaterGirl: No, it sadly doesn’t work like that. One must wait until the sixth year after returning before applying again. I have no one to blame but myself about that +- literally! I wrote that rule when I was Vice Provost…
@Immanentize: I have had some odd little adventures/meetings. Mostly, I think it has to do with truly enjoying traveling alone. It makes you talk to strangers… engage. The more I do it, the more it has become a passion. Lots of little interactions along the way. You don’t get all caught up in your own problems/baggage and other people’s problems/baggage. The older I get I subscribe to the old adage of “familiarity breeds contempt.” OK, that’s a bit extreme…. But….
@WaterGirl: The Gap Year by Imm and Immp, tales by by traveling duo.
I endorse both of those comments.
@Amir Khalid: Here you go.
@Another Scott: ?
@JPL: ❤️
Amir Khalid
Ah, I understand now: fucking was merely an expletive, not a description of what the dog was doing … Thanks for clearing that up for me. I am so relieved.
Amir Khalid
Sweet story. Another memory of good times with Poco for you to cherish.
Betty Cracker
@Quinerly: I enjoy traveling alone, though I rarely get to do it, except for two-hour or so trips here and there, which hardly count. Not sure why I like it so much. Because I can read at the dinner table? Stop to pee or have lunch without consulting with companions? I don’t know.
This summer, I’ll be driving my mother-in-law to Buffalo, then returning to Florida alone, and I’m already looking forward to it! I may stop at Dollywood! :)
So sorry to hear about Poco. Y’all are both in my thoughts.
@Amir Khalid: ❤️
@Amir Khalid: LOL Yes. Otherwise the whole world would remember it like it happened 5 minutes ago.
@Quinerly: Not to make you teary eyed, but when you are ready to write your memoir, Following in Poco foot steps is a great title. Paw prints would work too.
A local paper had an editorial on climate change and a deplorable commented on Greta Thunberg complaining about “being scolded by a truant 16 year old girl who bears a remarkable resemblance to a 1930’s Hitler youth poster”. Other commenters chided him for that and he then said it was not his intention to offend anyone or disparage her. Yeah, right. These are the people who will stick with trump forever. Trump is them.
So…he’s besting Obama by assassinating this guy before he nine-elevens us? Maybe he can also “save” GM by suggesting they make SUVs and pickups.
What a great story! I LOL’d. You two have been places and done things.
Pretty much the definition of the purest Orwellian Newspeak.
ETA: It is good, at least, to wake up this morning in Southern California, and find that the world is still here and more or less intact.
Let me guess, “I apologize if I offended anybody too thick to understand my clever historical simile.”
@Betty Cracker:
Buffalo. So, technically you’ll be doing a multi-state shuffle off?
@Betty Cracker: thanks, Betty. One of my favorite parts about bumming around alone is eating or grabbing a beer without a lot of back and forth discussion of “what do you feel like? are you hungry? do you think this place looks interesting?”
I mostly do my big meal of the day in the middle of the day, sometimes pretty high end places. Mostly same food as dinner menus but smaller and cheaper… And, of course, people aren’t coupled up. Love eating at the bar. Met some great people that way. Some I make a point of seeing every year when I’m out there. I also am a docent groupie. They know stuff. ?
I like how dogs and people (as species) are good at this, and also enjoy recognizing individuals, and maybe these common interests are part of our bond with each other. Well that and enthusiastic omnivorousness. : )
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Cheryl Rofer: I was a little confused by this one
Is she saying that trump et al are claiming Iran will respond this way and no one else is saying it, or that this is a new threat that she hadn’t heard of before?
@Betty Cracker: If you decide to travel through Western Mass you should stop by. We have red room for guests
@frosty: the look on her face when I said, “Poco is in my car.”
Always wanted to get the full story about how she was working at El Tovar but it was next to our last day in the area (we were doing a day trip to Sedona the next day) and the snow with all the park rangers in the lobby waa causing confusion. She rushed out to the car to meet Poco and back in. I never got a chance to really chat her up. Rusty Young lives in Missouri (I guess he’s still in the state, this was 4 years ago) and Poco and I have met him.
@Immanentize: Good for you. Like Dorothy Windsor, I hope you can share at least some of the case here.
Would you mind sharing your Twitter handle? I would enjoy following you.
@JPL: OK, you did make me tear up.
Right. None of the other commenters bought his innocent mistake act. This creep doubled down and thought he was clever asking “explain the choice of a 16 year old caucasian girl as spokesperson”. Looks to me he wanted to say “white racism” or a similar nutty belief but not quite brave enough to say what was really in his head.
@Quinerly: Love to you and your beloved Poco ❤❤❤❤?. Sending vibes your way.
@Quinerly: This sounds like a pretty good way to deal with your loss, as well as interesting in itself. You have given Poco such a great life, so your regrets should be few and your happy memories abundant.
@Betty Cracker: If you’re route is 75S you’d be welcome in Cincinnati.
I saw this yesterday. I had forgot the degree to which “real” reporters knocked Obama for stupid and trivial nonsense. It was not just Fox News, although Fox always went overboard on the bullshit.
I never read the comments she gets; they’re full of those fat fucks.
Bill Arnold
Got through that at 1.5X video speed. It is very well done. I might use it as an ultimatum to RWNJs to watch before they get to talk about politics.
@Kathleen: I don’t twit. I have an account so I can read stuff. But thanks for the kind thought!
ETA I’ll write something about the case — out of Ohio — later this week? It is a criminal law nerd’s dream….
@Betty Cracker: Buffalo has cool things (as you prob. know). The Pride Center, the Community Music School. Strong communities around both. To me, a place where transformation happened from commitment and activism.
I can only imagine…
Very nasty, damaged people. Irredeemable.
@stinger: thanks. The trip out there has been planned for months. A yearly selfish Feb thing for my birthday month. Started in 2011 with Taos and another dog named Leo. We went looking for the commune where “Easy Rider” was filmed (and found it when I learned the young chick who was cleaning our BnB lived on the grounds, her older boyfriend had been borned there. Leo and I got a tour, another odd story in and of itself). Anyway, when Poco was diagnosed Christmas Eve and I had to make some hard decisions, I couldn’t put us in the situation I was in a few years back with Leo. He, too, was older… Started the trip healthy but a week into our rental casita, he collapsed in the night. Diagnosis at the pet emergency clinic revealed a tumor on his spleen had ruptured and he was hemorrhaging. I had had absolutely no idea he had that ticking time bomb in him when we left. I had 3 weeks left on that trip with no doggie. Did a lot of wandering around the smaller pueblos and Northern NM villages with no dog. And it seemed almost everywhere I went I would run into children with puppies to give away. It was surreal… At gas stations, little parks, the plaza areas on the pueblos. I escaped the state without a puppy. (Facebook friends couldn’t believe I got out without a traveling puppy b/c I literally posted these daily puppy interactions with these children, plus so odd that there seemed like puppies everywhere in February) Unknown at the time, Poco was waiting at Stray Rescue in St. Louis for me….
@Kathleen: ?
Tears. Please give Poco some good skritches from me.
Bill Arnold
@Cheryl Rofer:
What are the speculations (or the more solid information) about the source(s) of this information?:
E.g. was it US intelligence or a … partner?
Bill Arnold
@zhena gogolia:
If she knew, then I’ve lost the remaining shreds of sympathy for her excepting being a shield for Barron.
Cheryl Rofer
@Bill Arnold: At this point, I’m not trying to evaluate something like this. I’m going with the last part there – could be anything.
Cheryl Rofer
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Hard to be sure. Condensing things down for Twitter can lead to a lack of clarity. I think I’ve seen that claim from the administration, which may be what she’s referring to.
@MomSense: ?❤️???
No One You Know
@Quinerly: Grace and peace in this time of pawprints carried in the heart.
@No One You Know: beautiful. ?
Bill Arnold
One amusing bit is that Greta Thunberg has actually read climate change academic papers and the IPCC reports and etc. She’s not ignorant about global heating, unlike nearly 100 percent of her asshole critics regurgitating US RW talking points/memes. And she finds the ignorance of her critics amusing (if sad), which is a good sign.
patrick II
I don’t think the Iraqi government will be too anxious to have U.S. troops leave the country entirely. The last time they did — ISIS. And, while ISIS is theoretically dead, organized Sunni resentment will still find its only challenger an Iraq army that hasn’t found it can win on its own. And I doubt if the Kurds will help, except to defend their own border. Iran’s aid will be even more necessary in Iraq.
Betty Cracker
@schrodingers_cat: & @Kathleen: Thanks!
zhena gogolia
@Bill Arnold:
I’m sure she knew. If Eric did, and he did (witness his NYE tweet “We’re about to open a can of whupass,” later deleted), then she did. I interpret it more as anxiety and fear on her part, because Drumpf tried to shut her up, but I still am saving my sympathy for the innocent people who are going to suffer.
@patrick II:
ISIL is not “theoretically dead”. They aren’t a Caliphinate with an Army in Iraq and Syria anymore, but ISIL cells in Iraq conduct attacks weekly, and in Syria, there are also lots of small towns and villages in Ildib Province, still controlled by ISIL.
ISIL has also “franchised” their operations to offshoots in Afghanistan, Yemen, Nigeria, Mali, CAR, Tunisia and Algeria.
Then there’s the 1500 + “suspected” ISIL members barely jailed in Royjova, guarded by Kurds that the US abandoned, with the Turks pushing hard on their heels.
And to top it all off, a “swackload” of ISIL members took their fighting groups, weapons and tactics, changed their names and “proxied” themselves to the Turks, Sawdis, UAE, Hadi, who can provide top cover from Coelition airstrikes.
It is. It’s being comfortable with who and what you are and to do that you have to know who and what you are.
trump knows what he is though but what he is will never give him, or anyone else peace and comfort because he has no grace and no dignity, only the exact opposites. And he thinks he can buy respect, which is one of the few things money can not buy but has to be earned, something else he has no idea how to do, earn.
@patrick II
Other than SOF, I don’t think, given their track record in Iraq or elsewhere, that the Iraqi Government has much “faith” or interest in the US lead “training mission”. Other than SOF training, and FO/GAC, it seems to be more of an “embed” operation to get Coelition Airpower, artillary and QRF support.
Canada’s coelition mission doesn’t even train the Iraqi Military, like the Germans, Dutch and Norway, we only train the Peshmurga for combat. The Iraqi Military get medical, logistical and policing training, what they call non-lethal aid.
@Matt McIrvin:
A way too large percentage of people want what looks like power and bullshit. Because it seems strong, like a bully seems strong. But it isn’t. They want to project anything but cooperation and a willingness to compromise, they like power and the abuse of same. They actually respect this, think this is normal, like going out and killing animals and taking a partner, rather than being one. The concept of peaceful coexistence doesn’t compute for them. Dominance computes for them. Bullshit computes for them. Actual politics – the governing of a society they don’t understand. The give part of give and take is not an understandable concept. They don’t care about a better life for all, only a better life for who can grab everything. trump is their role model, while we think of him as a lunatic and fool. They have been waiting their whole lives for someone to show up who is all bluster, bullshit and impulsive. Who doesn’t give a damn about civility and betterment for all, one who cheats to get ahead, because whatever it takes is their motto. In other words, republicans.
I didn’t make 30 seconds.
@Immanentize: Ohio! Cool!
BTW, since I obsessively watch L&O reruns I am qualified to evaluate complex legal issues and prosecute or defend depending on my whim. Just sayin’.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@OzarkHillbilly: @Ruckus: me too– too much Hannity and absurdity
@Ruckus: He possesses self awareness and emotional intelligence. The best manager/mentor I ever had (40+ years of Corp Amurika) said you can teach a manager anything except self awareness, which she deemed the most important trait.
I’ve never understood why so many people don’t see the value in actual work that makes people’s lives better, even if that is a minimal value like sweeping up and worship the effort to take advantage of others by cheating and stealing from them.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
i know this has been referenced a couple of times in the last eighteen or so hours, including by me, but the way Griffin phrases it struck me
Receiving classified briefings from the President of the United States in lounge is a perk of membership at Mar-A-Lago, at I believe $200K per year. I’m one who generally believes we shouldn’t second-guess Nancy D’Alessandro Pelosi, but… how the hell is there no emoluments article?
Scamp Dog
@WereBear: I could help with an iOS app; TaMara has my email and other contact information.
@Quinerly: You were so kind to me in the comments a few years back when my big Lily got some sort of digestive disorder that turned out to be cancer that we couldn’t treat. We were only able to give her two years of stability after her long hard life.
I am so sorry for you and Poco. I am glad he is comfortable. He really has had an amazing second half of his life.
Wasn’t he a posterchild for separation anxiety when you started out together? Now look at you two.
We have a human condition that few rise to, called a natural leader. President Obama is one. I think Michelle Obama is one as well and that her husband knows it. But it isn’t something one can learn, it’s something that is, a trait that is basically undefinable but is real. I don’t think that Hillary Clinton is one but she is as close as one gets without being there. Natural leaders are not always in positions of leading, sometimes they just are there, in life, living. I met 3 natural leaders in the military, only one was an officer. A natural leader is one you’d follow at any cost because you know they would not want to see you hurt, even in war. One of those I met was an E5 marine, a sergeant. One was one of 6 ships captains that I served under. They had a grace, a presence about them, they weren’t trying to bully you or lead by force, they didn’t have to. They didn’t command, they only needed to ask. They weren’t looking for respect, they earned it by being themselves.
That concept of self awareness is one trait, actually understanding your limitations and skills, both as just a human and as a person of power. You have to know the limits and not the desires.
Sorry about Poco. Always tough getting there. Sounds like you are making it the best as it can get. I’d bet he’s extremely grateful that he got you in his life.
Trains are fun. Slower than flying for sure, somewhat slower than driving can be but it can be fun sitting on one and watching the world go by at less than the fastest possible speed. And far less stressful. Only bad part is that they will leave without you.
@Ruckus: Back in my younger days when motion sickness was the bane of my existence, trains were the only thing I could travel comfortably on. Planes, boats, cars were torture. Couldn’t read on them at all, and if I wasn’t reading I was worying about being sick, and that’s when I wasn’t being actually sick. Which made me not so popular with my travel ready siblings.
On trains I was a normal person. I could read, I could look out the window, I could chat.
I couldn’t sit on swings in the parks. But trains were okay
I once barfed at the top of a double ferris wheel at a county fair in Michigan. Three cupolas below me.
@Ruckus: ” A way too large percentage of people want what looks like power and bullshit. Because it seems strong, like a bully seems strong. But it isn’t. They want to project anything but cooperation and a willingness to compromise, they like power and the abuse of same. ” This describes the Trump Cult in a nutshell.
Thanks for your comments at #201, #203, 208, and the above #212. These thoughts on leadership and the value of work are why I thanked you the other day in another thread for sharing your wisdom with the rest of us here in this community.
@Quinerly: A book! A book!
@Quinerly I am so sad to hear about Poco. You guys are a great team.
Ha! I’ve cited Law and Order a couple of times at work and have pretended not to notice the rolling eyes. Fools.